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甘肃省莲花山鬼鹗繁殖巢址记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鬼鸮在世界上呈环北极分布,其甘肃亚种自1928年在甘肃西北部的天堂寺首次发现后,80多年来在甘肃一直未见报道,其它分布点亦非常零散。1999.2003年,作者在甘肃省莲花山区发现鬼鸮分布,并记录鬼鸮繁殖巢址3个。鬼鸮营巢于针叶树的树洞中,雌雄共同育雏。  相似文献   

甘肃省莲花山鬼鸮繁殖巢址记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鬼鸮在世界上呈环北极分布,其甘肃亚种自1928年在甘肃西北部的天堂寺首次发现后,80多年来在甘肃一直未见报道,其它分布点亦非常零散。1999~2003年,作者在甘肃省莲花山区发现鬼分布,并记录鬼鸮繁殖巢址3个。鬼鸮营巢于针叶树的树洞中,雌雄共同育雏。  相似文献   

方昀  孙悦华 《动物学杂志》2007,42(2):147,146
四川林鸮(Strix davidi)是中国特产鸟类,目前已知仅分布于四川西部、甘肃南部的高山针叶林中,其生态学资料极为缺乏,尚无其巢址的报道。1866年法国博物学家Armand David首次在四川的森林中猎获了这种鸮类;1875年,Sharpe将它命名为长尾林鸮的一个亚种S.uralensis davidi。四川林  相似文献   

<正>这个暑假,我和妈妈一起参加了国家动物博物馆举办的甘肃莲花山观鸟科学探索营。甘肃莲花山特殊的地理环境、气候条件使这里成为了最有价值的野生生物栖息地。这里有着国家一级保护动物斑尾榛鸡和中国特有鸟类四川林鸮、血雉、鬼鸮,是鸟类自由驰骋的家园。这次夏令营让我更加亲近了鸟类,我们通过录音笔更加清晰地听到了鸟类的鸣叫,  相似文献   

<正>东方草鸮(Tyto longimembris)隶属于鸮形目草鸮科,共有6个亚种的分化,我国分布的2个亚种为T.l.chinensis和T.l.pithecops。东方草鸮在我国主要分布于西南和华南(chinensis)以及台湾(pithecops),国外分布于印度次大陆、东南亚、菲律宾、新几内亚岛和澳大利亚(del Hoyo et al.1999,郑光美2011)。在《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(第二版)中,东方草鸮的分布区并不包括四川省。实际上,早在2000年时就曾有报道称在四川省南充市高坪区发现草鸮的分布(胡锦矗2000),一直未能引起关注。有关东方草鸮繁殖生物学的资料,大多来自国外的  相似文献   

中国鸮形目鸟类分类现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱磊  孙悦华  胡锦矗 《四川动物》2012,31(1):170-175
鸮形目Strigiformes鸟类是一类适应夜行性生活的猛禽,主要于夜间活动,体色暗而斑驳,难于直接观察。我国关于鸮类分类的研究报道并不多见,长期沿用的一些种属名和目前国际上通用的相比已显陈旧。通过参阅相关文献,对我国现生鸮形目鸟类的分类系统进行了整理,计有2科12属33种。并指出需要迫切关注的物种和研究内容,其中毛脚渔鸮Bubo blakistoni为濒危种,四川林鸮Strixdavidi为易危种且是我国特有种,这两种鸮类国内相关报道罕见,亟待开展进一步研究工作以加强对这两个物种的保护管理。鬼鸮甘肃亚种Aegolius funereus beickianus的分类地位仍存在争议。鸮类的声学研究在我国几乎一片空白,鸮类的繁殖生物学研究也需要引起我国鸟类学工作者的足够重视。  相似文献   

长江以北鸟类新纪录——草鸮(Tytu captnsis)1984年11月在山东日照市陈疃乡发现。草鸮,又名猴面鹰,属鸮形目、草鸮科、草鸮属,是一种罕见的夜行性猛禽。资料记载,它分布于非洲、印度、菲律宾、澳大利亚、日本以及我国长江以南的福建、安徽、广东、湖南、云南、浙江和台湾等地。这次在日照发现的六只草鸮,是正在育雏的一窝鸟。除两只亲鸟飞走外,其余  相似文献   

正鸮属(Strigea Abildgaard,1790)在吸虫分类学上隶属于鸮形科(Strigeidae Railliet,1919)鸮形亚科(Strigeinae Railliet,1919)的鸮形族(Strigeini Dubois,1936)。在本族中已有6个属,包括了在我国发现的侧鸮属(Laterostrigea Yang,1962)。就中以正鸮属发现较早,发现的虫种也较多。据Yamaguti(1958)整理,正鸮属列有32种(包括亚种在内);另加Bisseru(1956)报告的四个新种:S.neotides,S.lilensis,S.cuncumae,S.rhodesiensis;Bezubik(1958)报告的S.raabei新种;又在Skrjabin(1960)专著中,增添了二种:S.gracilicollis Dubois et Fain,1956和S.plogadis Dubinin,1938;此外,在我国也发现过一个新种S.egretta Yang,1962,合计起来,约有39种。本文报告在我国广州鸟体内检出的五新种正鸮属吸虫,拟定的学名如下:  相似文献   

王宁  郭冬生 《动物学杂志》2015,50(6):838-838
<正>灰林鸮(Strix aluco)是广泛分布于欧亚大陆及非洲西北部温暖森林地带的鸮形目(Strigiformes)鸱鸮科(Strigidae)猛禽(del Hoyo et al.1999)。2008年出版的鸮形目鸟类专著Owls of the World将分布于南亚、东亚、东南亚的原属Strix aluco的种群划分出来作为一个独立的种Strix nivicola(K?nig et al.2008),其英文名为  相似文献   

<正>黄腿渔鸮(Ketupa flavipes)隶属于鸮形目鸱鸮科,1836年由英国博物学家Brian Houghton Hodgson在尼泊尔发现并命名。为单型种,无亚种分化。分布范围从喜马拉雅山脉延伸至中南半岛东部、中国大陆中南部及台湾,我国主要见于东部、中部和南部。在云南、贵州、四川、重庆、湖北、湖南、安徽、江西、江苏、上海、浙江、福建、广东、广西和台湾等地有记录(郑光美2011),均为留鸟。黄腿渔鸮为我国国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物;在IUCN  相似文献   

Aim To project the distribution of three major forest types in the northeastern USA in response to expected climate change. Location The New England region of the United States. Methods We modelled the potential distribution of boreal conifer, northern deciduous hardwood and mixed oak–hickory forests using the process‐based BIOME4 vegetation model parameterized for regional forests under historic and projected future climate conditions. Projections of future climate were derived from three general circulation models forced by three global warming scenarios that span the range of likely anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Results Annual temperature in New England is projected to increase by 2.2–3.3 °C by 2041–70 and by 3.0–5.2 °C by 2071–99 with corresponding increases in precipitation of 4.7–9.5% and 6.4–11.4%, respectively. We project that regional warming will result in the loss of 71–100% of boreal conifer forest in New England by the late 21st century. The range of mixed oak–hickory forests will shift northward by 1.0–2.1 latitudinal degrees (c. 100–200 km) and will increase in area by 149–431% by the end of the 21st century. Northern deciduous hardwoods are expected to decrease in area by 26% and move upslope by 76 m on average. The upslope movement of the northern deciduous hardwoods and the increase in oak–hickory forests coincide with an approximate 556 m upslope retreat of the boreal conifer forest by 2071–99. In our simulations, rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations reduce the losses of boreal conifer forest in New England from expected losses based on climatic change alone. Main conclusion Projected climate warming in the 21st century is likely to cause the extensive loss of boreal conifer forests, reduce the extent of northern hardwood deciduous forests, and result in large increases of mixed oak–hickory forest in New England.  相似文献   

The boreal forest is one of the North America’s most important breeding areas for ducks, but information about the nesting ecology of ducks in the region is limited. We collected microhabitat data related to vegetation structure and composition at 157 duck nests and paired random locations in Alberta’s boreal forest region from 2016 to 2018. We identified fine‐scale vegetation features selected by ducks for all nests, between nesting guilds, and among five species using conditional logistic regression. Ducks in the boreal forest selected nest sites with greater overhead and graminoid cover, but less forb cover than random sites. Characteristics of the nest sites of upland‐ and overwater‐nesting guilds differed, with species nesting in upland habitat selecting nests that provided greater shrub cover and less lateral concealment and species nesting over water selecting nests with less shrub cover. We examined the characteristics of nest sites of American Wigeon (Mareca americana), Blue‐winged Teal (Spatula discors), Green‐winged Teal (Anas crecca), Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), and Ring‐necked Ducks (Aythya collaris), and found differences among species that may facilitate species coexistence at a regional scale. Our results suggest that females of species nesting in upland habitat selected nest sites that optimized concealment from aerial predators while also allowing detection of and escape from terrestrial predators. Consequently, alteration in the composition and heterogeneity of vegetation and predator communities caused by climate change and industrial development in the boreal forest of Canada may affect the nest‐site selection strategies of boreal ducks.  相似文献   

Summary We studied resource partitioning among the forest owls in the River of No Return Wilderness, Idaho, during the winter and spring of 1980 and 1981. The owl assemblage consisted of five abundant species: pygmy (Glaucidium gnoma), saw-whet (Aegolius acadicus), boreal (A. funereus), western screech (Otus kennicottii), and great-horned (Bubo virginianus). Long-eared (Asio otus) and flammulated (O. flammeolus) owls were rarely observed. Information from the literature supplemented our data to describe the pattern of resource partitioning. Stepwise discriminant function analysis and multivariate analysis of variance revealed differences in macrohabitat and microhabitat. The saw-whet, boreal, western screech, and great-horned owls all preferred mammalian prey but exhibited habitat differences. They also differed in activity periods and food habits. The pygmy owl, a food and habitat generalist, foraged diurnally more than the other species and took a higher proportion of brids. The flammulated owl used areas within the territories of other owl species but specialized on forest insects. The observed pattern of resource use was interpreted to result from environmental factors, morphological limitations and interspecific competition. Differences in food and activity time, we suggest, result from environmental factors and differences in owl morphology, while present-day interspecific competition may be important in shaping habitat use. Experiments will be necessary to determine the causal factors responsible for segregation among the forest owls.  相似文献   

黑龙江省大兴安岭林区火烧迹地森林更新及其影响因子   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
林火干扰是大兴安岭森林更新的影响因子之一,研究火烧迹地森林更新的影响因子(立地条件、火前植被、火干扰特征)对理解生态系统的结构、功能和火后演替轨迹具有重要意义。选取呼中及新林林业局55个代表性火烧样地,利用增强回归树分析法分析了火烧迹地森林更新的影响因素。结果表明:(1)立地条件是影响针、阔叶树更新苗密度的主要因素;海拔对针叶树更新苗密度的影响最大;坡度对阔叶树更新苗密度影响最大;(2)距上次火烧时间对针叶树更新苗比重影响最大,其次是林型;(3)中度林火干扰后森林更新状况好于轻度和重度火烧迹地。根据火烧迹地森林更新调查分析可知:林型影响火后演替模式,火前为针叶树或阔叶树纯林,火后易发生自我更新(火后树种更新组成与火前林型相同),而针阔混交林在火干扰影响下易于发生序列演替(火后初期以早期演替树种更新为主)。  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions are crucial in determining species occurrence and community assembly. Understanding these interactions is thus essential for correctly predicting species' responses to climate change. We focussed on an avian forest guild of four hole‐nesting species with differing sensitivities to climate that show a range of well‐understood reciprocal interactions, including facilitation, competition and predation. We modelled the potential distributions of black woodpecker and boreal, tawny and Ural owl, and tested whether the spatial patterns of the more widespread species (excluding Ural owl) were shaped by interspecific interactions. We then modelled the potential future distributions of all four species, evaluating how the predicted changes will alter the overlap between the species' ranges, and hence the spatial outcomes of interactions. Forest cover/type and climate were important determinants of habitat suitability for all species. Field data analysed with N‐mixture models revealed effects of interspecific interactions on current species abundance, especially in boreal owl (positive effects of black woodpecker, negative effects of tawny owl). Climate change will impact the assemblage both at species and guild levels, as the potential area of range overlap, relevant for species interactions, will change in both proportion and extent in the future. Boreal owl, the most climate‐sensitive species in the guild, will retreat, and the range overlap with its main predator, tawny owl, will increase in the remaining suitable area: climate change will thus impact on boreal owl both directly and indirectly. Climate change will cause the geographical alteration or disruption of species interaction networks, with different consequences for the species belonging to the guild and a likely spatial increase of competition and/or intraguild predation. Our work shows significant interactions and important potential changes in the overlap of areas suitable for the interacting species, which reinforce the importance of including relevant biotic interactions in predictive climate change models for increasing forecast accuracy.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in spatial distribution of search effort of birds that prey on small mammals were studied in two structurally different coniferous forest habitats in the northern boreal zone in SE Norway. During the season with snow cover both the proportion of Microtus relative to that of Clethrionomys in the predators' diet, and their use of a clear-cut relative to that of older forest were lower than during the snow-free season. This was related to a lower relative availability of prey ( Microtus agrestis and M. oeconomus ) in the clear-cut when the ground was snow-covered than when it was snow-free. Based on this local pattern I suggest the following explanation for differences in migratory strategy between raptors that prey on small mammals in Fennoscandian boreal zones: species that migrate to snow-free areas in winter are either adapted to hunt by the energetically expensive method of quartering in open grassland habitats, where prey ( Microtus ) availability is relatively low during periods with snow cover (hen harrier Circus cyaneus , short-eared owl Asio flammeus , and longeared owl A. otus ), or by sit-and-wait in open grassland and forest habitats, the latter with relatively high prey availability during periods with snow cover, but unable to locate concealed prey (kestrel Falco tinnuculus , common buzzard Buteo huteo , and roughlegged buzzard B. lagopus ). In contrast, species that remain in areas with permanent snow cover during winter use the energetically cheap sit-and-wait tactic, and are able to hunt in closed forest habitat and localize concealed prey (the remaining owl species). Interspecific differences in prey availability as determined by hunting habitat and hunting mode is probably more important in shaping the migration patterns of Fennoscandian owls than is nest site availability.  相似文献   

The common dormouse is a European protected species that is considered at risk during forest management operations in the UK. Historically, they were believed to exist principally in scrub and broadleaved woodlands, especially hazel coppice, but recent evidence has shown that they are present in some conifer sites at low density. Operations to restore conifer plantations on ancient woodland sites (PAWS) with native broadleaves may be especially hazardous to dormice populations, since dormouse densities are generally lower here so sudden perturbations may cause local extinction. Recent policy for restoring PAWS to broadleaved and the need to comply with European legislation has emphasised the need to devise appropriate but pragmatic forest management protocols involving the phased removal of conifers over time. Dormice were handled and individually marked on a single 12?ha conifer PAWS site from 2000 and a density index calculated from 2002 to 2007. In four adjacent study areas, a different form of PAWS restoration was carried out in 2003 to remove c. 33% of conifers. The effects on dormouse numbers, damage to artificial hibernation nests, and regeneration of suitable habitat were recorded. Monitoring indicated that dormouse populations were sustained in each study area after management, suggesting that at this site, conifer removal operations did not have a significant detrimental effect on the dormouse population. Damage to artificial hibernation nests was significantly different between the four study areas. The least damage occurred in the study area containing large group fells due to potential refuge areas, and worst in the traditional standard overall thinning. Measured differences in shrub vegetation throughout each study area showed that numerous small group fells or a few larger group fells subsequently regenerated to form a better vegetation structure for dormice than the traditional standard overall thinning. The implications for forest managers of the results from this single site are discussed.  相似文献   

The northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis atricapillus) is a woodland raptor that uses a variety of forest types for nesting across its breeding range, but strongly depends on older forests with large trees and open understories. Goshawks may select nesting locations by maximizing the convergence of nesting and foraging habitats. Insights into goshawk responses to heterogeneous landscapes can be gained by examining the location of active nest sites through time and at multiple spatial scales. We examined the landscape-scale forest conditions that influenced the probability of active goshawk nests in the United States Forest Service, Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (CNNF) in northern Wisconsin. We used goshawk nest survey and monitoring data from 1997 to 2006 to determine the probability of an active nest site over time in relation to forest composition and road density at 3 scales (200-m, 500-m, and 1,000-m radii). Goshawk nests were located primarily in upland hardwood (64%), conifer (23%), and older aspen–birch (≥26 yrs old; 11%) habitat cover types. We used Bayesian temporal autoregressive models of nest locations across multiple spatial scales to analyze these data. The probability of active goshawk nest occurrence increased with increasing conifer cover (1,000 m) and decreased with increasing cover of older aspen–birch and density of primary roads (500 m). In addition, lesser proportions of older aspen–birch at intermediate scales around goshawk nests had a stronger effect on the probability of a nest being active than conifer and primary roads. Thus, the ratio of conifer cover (within 1,000 m) to older aspen–birch cover (within 500 m) in landscapes surrounding nest sites was the key driver in predicting the probability of an active nest site. This finding can be used by forest managers to help sustain the active status of a goshawk nesting area through time (i.e., annually), and foster goshawk nesting activity in areas where active nesting is not currently occurring. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Abstract. Surface fuels were examined in 48 stands of the Canadian mixed‐wood boreal forest. Tree canopy was characterized with the point‐centred quadrant method and stands were characterized as deciduous, mixed‐deciduous, mixed‐coniferous or coniferous according to the percentage of conifer basal area. Woody debris loadings were measured with the line intersect method and the litter, duff, shrub loads and depths or heights were sampled with various quadrats. No significant difference was found among stand types for total woody debris load, large basal diameter shrub loads and load or depth of litter and duff. However, conifer stands had significantly heavier loads of small diameter elements (twigs and shrubs) and conifer pieces were more numerous within these stands than in deciduous stands. The BEHAVE prediction system was used to evaluate the impact of these differences on the potential of fire ignition in situations where topography and weather were constant. The qualitative and quantitative changes in fuels, resulting from species replacement and fast decay rates, influence fire hazard. Simulations of fire behaviour showed that in the mixed‐wood boreal forest fires were less intense and spread more slowly in deciduous stands than in mixed or coniferous stands. Moreover, spring fires were more intense than summer fires, and differences between seasons increased with the increase of deciduous basal area.  相似文献   

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