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近年来,随着分子系统学的发展以及荒漠地区物种多样性和分类学研究的深入,新的隐存种不断被发现,一些类群的分类地位也发生了变动。中国是世界上跳鼠总科(Dipodoidea)物种多样性最高的国家,通过对中国跳鼠总科物种的分类系统进行重新梳理和研究,确认跳鼠总科在中国有3科6亚科12属22种。证实中国分布有第五种蹶鼠——灰蹶鼠(Sicista pseudonapaea)。五趾跳鼠亚科原属Allactaga是一个并系群,应拆分为AllactagaOrientallactagaScarturus三个属;原五趾跳鼠、巨泡五趾跳鼠、巴里坤跳鼠归于Orientallactaga属,小五趾跳鼠移入Scarturus属,且是一个包含隐存种的种团。大五趾跳鼠在我国仅有文献记载,其分布存疑。跳鼠亚科原三趾跳鼠努日亚种提升为种——塔里木跳鼠(Dipus deasyi);而准噶尔羽尾跳鼠(Stylodipus sungorus)在我国有分布。奇美跳鼠(Chimaerodipus auritus)是近年来在我国发现并命名的新属新种。  相似文献   

毛茛科分子系统发育研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘慧杰  谢磊 《西北植物学报》2016,36(9):1916-1924
毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)在被子植物的系统演化中占有十分重要的地位,其系统位置和科下演化关系一直备受争议。近20多年的分子系统学研究表明,以往基于形态学的分类系统与分子系统学研究结果存在巨大差异。通过形态学性状界定的绝大多数亚科都没有得到分子系统学支持。此外,通过形态学确定的一些属如升麻属(Cimicifuga)、黄三七属(Souliea)、獐耳细辛属(Hepatica)、白头翁属(Pulsatilla)和水毛茛属(Batrachium)等,根据分子系统学研究均应予以归并。而分子系统学研究也确立了一些类群的属级地位,如露蕊乌头属(Gymnaconitum)等。以中国分布的毛茛科植物为例,通过以往分子系统学研究,共有10个属被归并,2个属新被确立。然而,毛茛科分子系统学研究对于科下许多类群之间的关系目前仍然没有得到很好的解决,如毛茛亚科和翠雀族等类群的系统发育关系仍需要进行深入研究后方能确定。该文对近年来国内外有关毛茛科的分子系统学研究进展进行了综述,并对该科尚存的一些问题和未来的研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

记陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组4种跳鼠(Dipodidae,Rodentia)化石   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
描述了陕西蓝田晚中新世早期灞河组的4属4种跳鼠:蓝田原跳鼠(新种)(Protalacta- ga lantianensis sp.nov.)、副跳鼠(未定种)(Paralactaga sp.)、原始三趾心颅跳鼠(新种)(Sal- pingotus primitivus sp.nov.)和小五趾心颅跳鼠(新种)(Cardiocranius pusillus sp.nov.)。蓝田原跳鼠兼有原跳鼠和副跳鼠的特征,可能是原跳鼠向副跳鼠进化过程中产生的一种过渡类型。副跳鼠和原始三趾心颅跳鼠及小五趾心颅跳鼠分别代表了副跳鼠属在中国的最早记录和心颅跳鼠亚科(Cardiocraniinae)在地史上的首次出现。4种跳鼠指示了蓝田地区当时的自然环境可能比现代更加干旱。  相似文献   

内蒙古阿左旗乌兰塔塔尔地区中渐新世的林跳鼠科化石   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文记述的乌兰塔塔尔地区林跳鼠科化石计有中亚副蹶鼠(Parasminthus asiae-entralis)、党河副蹶鼠(P. tangingoli)、小副蹶鼠(P. parvulus)、邱氏戈壁蹶鼠(Gobiosminthus qiui gen. et sp. nov.)、?戈壁蹶鼠未定种(Gobiosminthus sp.)和童氏沙漠蹶鼠(Shamosminthus tongi gen. et sp. nov.)3属6种.对副蹶鼠属各种的种内变异和种间差异、我国早第三纪林跳鼠类的系统关系以及早期林跳鼠与仓鼠间的一些形态差别做了概要的阐述和讨论.  相似文献   

蹄盖蕨科的亚科划分的修订   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蹄盖蕨科Athyriaceae是蕨类植物中复杂的大科,分子系统学的研究证据表明它是一个自然类群。前人根据染色体的基数,将蹄盖蕨科划分为3个亚科,但没有得到分子证据的支持;本文依据分子系统学的研究结果,再结合形态特征,将该科重新划分为5个亚科:冷蕨亚科、蹄盖蕨亚科、对囊蕨亚科、双盖蕨亚科和轴果蕨亚科。  相似文献   

张勇  杨星科 《昆虫知识》2004,41(4):308-317
跳甲作为叶甲科Chrysomelidae中最大的一个类群具有重要的经济意义。该文简述了跳甲亚科Alticinae的分类研究历史 ,回顾了世界及中国的研究概况 ,从分类地位、族级阶元的划分、支序系统学及分子系统学等方面综述了跳甲亚科的最新研究进展 ,并简要讨论了存在的问题及研究前景  相似文献   

分子系统学研究将传统梧桐科与锦葵科、木棉科和椴树科合并为广义锦葵科,并进一步分为9个亚科.然而,9个亚科之间的关系尚未完全明确,且梧桐亚科内的属间关系也未得到解决.为了明确梧桐亚科在锦葵科中的系统发育位置,厘清梧桐亚科内部属间系统发育关系,该研究对锦葵科8个亚科进行取样,共选取55个样本,基于叶绿体基因组数据,采用最大...  相似文献   

鲴类寄生六鞭毛虫系统发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用分支系统学(Cladistics)的原理和方法,选取光镜下的24个性状,对鲴亚科17种寄生六鞭毛虫进行了系统发育分析,初步阐明了这17种六鞭毛虫相互间的亲缘关系。结果还表明,鲴亚科寄生六鞭毛虫的分化较晚;一些明显特征:如杆状条纹,是进化适应的结果,具有系统学意义。还通过对寄生六鞭毛虫在鲴亚科鱼类中的区系分布特点分析,探讨了宿主相互间的亲缘关系。结果表明:寄生六鞭毛虫的区系分布能够反映宿主相互间  相似文献   

在最新分类系统框架下对长蒴苣苔亚科(Didymocarpoideae)的染色体资料进行了详细的整理和分析,结果表明,长蒴苣苔亚科的细胞学研究仍存在不足,尤其在种级水平上的研究不足25%,且存在一些属的染色体数据空白的现象。在新的分类系统下,一些修订后的属染色体数目表现出一致性或更加具有合理性,但也存在一些属的染色体数目变异仍十分复杂,如汉克苣苔属(Henckelia)和长蒴苣苔属(Didymocarpus)。基于已有的染色体数据,对长蒴苣苔亚科内一些重要属的染色体进化模式及其对物种分化的影响进行了探讨,推测染色体数目的多倍化及非整倍化进化可能对各类群的物种分化具有重要作用,但需要今后利用基于DNA探针的荧光原位杂交技术并结合分子系统学和基因组学研究才能深入地解析染色体的进化模式及其对物种分化的影响。  相似文献   

以雅罗鱼亚科为外群,采用分支系统学的原理和方法对鲌亚科17个属(须鳊属除外)进行了系统发育和动物地理学的分析.结果表明,(1)鲌亚科这17个属为一个单系群,并由4个较小的单系群组成;(2)鲌亚科现在的地理分布格局除源自离散事件外,主要源于扩散事件.鲌亚科的特征演化还表明,东亚地区地质历史的反转演化和平行演化可能在鲌亚科系统发育过程中起了重要的作用.  相似文献   

Although the subfamily Zapodinae (Rodentia, Dipodidae) contains only five species, the phylogeny and taxonomy of these species are still being disputed. First, whether Eozapus and Napaeozapus should be treated as independent genera or subgenera of Zapus has been argued for a long period. Second, the subspecific genetic differentiation of Chinese jumping mouse (Eozapus setchuanus) has not been studied in detail, neither from morphological nor molecular aspects. In this study, the phylogenetic relationship among all the five species of Zapodinae was reconstructed using DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the nuclear interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein gene. Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses were conducted. The results showed that two major clades could be recognized within Zapodinae. Eozapus setchuanus, is the species endemic to China, strongly formed a monophyletic clade. In the other clade, genus Zapus received significant support in all analyses to be the sister group of the genus Napaeozapus. By comparing genetic distances among these three genera, we conclude that both Eozapus and Napaeozapus should be considered as valid genera rather than subgenera of Zapus. Furthermore, we observed that the two subspecies of E. setchuanus did not form reciprocally monophyletic groups, thus the traditional taxonomy which divided E. setchuanus into two subspecies based on only one morphological character was questionable.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were determined for 76 partial P-element sequences from 14 species of the melanogaster species group within the Drosophila subgenus Sophophora. These results are examined in the context of the phylogeny of the species from which the sequences were isolated. Sequences from the P-element family fall into distinct subfamilies, or clades, which are often characteristic for particular species subgroups. When examined locally among closely related species, the evolution of P elements is characterized by vertical transmission, whereby the P-element phylogeny traces the species phylogeny. On a broader scale, however, the P-element phylogeny is not congruent with the species phylogeny. One feature of P-element evolution in the melanogaster group is the presence of more than one P-element subfamily, differing by as much as 36%, in the genomes of some species. Thus, P elements from several individual species are not monophyletic, and a likely explanation for the incongruence between P-element and species phylogenies is provided by the comparison of paralogous sequences. In certain instances, horizontal transfer seems to be a valid alternative explanation for lack of congruence between species and P-element phylogenies. The canonical P-element subfamily, which represents the active, autonomous transposable element, is restricted to D. melanogaster. Thus, its origin clearly lies outside of the melanogaster species group, consistent with the earlier conclusion of recent horizontal transfer.   相似文献   

The basal rates of metabolism (BMR) of bats belonging to the family Phyllostomidae are re-examined after an earlier correlation with food habits was rejected because it did not take phylogeny into consideration. This rejection was based on an erroneous attribution of food habits and on an analytical method, phylogenetic contrasts, that ignores interactions that occur among character states and preferentially attributes responsibility for character states to phylogeny. The re-examination made here was based on analysis of covariance, which makes no a priori assumptions on the relative impact of factors that influence character states and permits factor interactions to be identified. A resulting model, based on variation in body mass, food habits, occurrence with respect to elevation, and residence on islands or continents, accounts for 99.4% of the variation in the BMR of 30 species of phyllostomids. Basal rate is also correlated with subfamily, but only if food habits are excluded because they are correlated with subfamily affiliation, as is residence on islands and continents, two examples of factor interaction. The preference to assign the effects of food habits and island residence on basal rate to subfamily affiliation (and phylogeny) is not justified. The concept that quantitative physiological characters can be transmitted via phylogeny without regard to the habits of animals and the characteristics of their environments cannot be defended. Phylogeny is the historical context in which the evolution of character states occurs, not the 'cause' of their evolution.  相似文献   

Lebedev, V.S., Bannikova, A.A., Pagès, M., Pisano, J., Michaux, J.R. & Shenbrot, G.I. (2012). Molecular phylogeny and systematics of Dipodoidea: a test of morphology‐based hypotheses. —Zoologica Scripta, 42, 231–249. The superfamily Dipodoidea (Rodentia, Myomorpha) in its current interpretation contains a single family subdivided into six subfamilies. Four of them include morphologically specialized bipedal arid‐dwelling jerboas (Dipodinae – three‐toed jerboas, Allactaginae – five‐toed jerboas, Cardiocraniinae – pygmy jerboas and Euchoreutinae – long‐eared jerboas), the other two are represented by more generalized quadrupedal taxa (Zapodinae – jumping mice and Sminthinae – birch mice). Despite considerable effort from morphologists, the taxonomy as well as the phylogeny of the Dipodoidea remains controversial. Strikingly, molecular approach has never been envisaged to investigate these questions. In this study, the phylogenetic relationships among the main dipodoid lineages were reconstructed for the first time using DNA sequence data from four nuclear genes (IRBP, GHR, BRCA1, RAG1). No evidence of conflict among genes was revealed. The same robustly supported tree topology was inferred from the concatenated alignment whatever the phylogenetic methods used (maximum parsimony, maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic methods). Sminthinae branches basally within the dipodoids followed by Zapodinae. Monophyletic Cardiocraniinae is sister to all other jerboas. Within the latter, the monophyly of both Dipodinae and Allactaginae is highly supported. The relationships between Dipodinae, Allactaginae and Euchoreutinae should be regarded as unresolved trichotomy. Morphological hypotheses were confronted to findings based on the presented molecular data. As a result, previously proposed sister group relationships between Euchoreutes and Sicista, Paradipus and Cardiocraniinae as well as the monophyly of Cardiocaniinae + Dipodinae were rejected. However, the latter association is consistently supported by most morphological analyses. The basis of the obvious conflict between genes and morphology remains unclear. Suggested modifications to the taxonomy of Dipodoidea imply recognition of three families: Sminthidae, Zapodidae and Dipodidae, the latter including Cardiocraniinae, Euchoreutinae, Allactaginae and Dipodinae as subfamilies.  相似文献   

The carabid subfamily Harpalinae contains most of the species of carabid beetles. This subfamily, with over 19,000 species, radiated in the Cretaceous to yield a large clade that is diverse in morphological form and ecological habit. While there are several morphological, cytological, and chemical characters that unite most harpalines, the placement of some tribes within the subfamily remains controversial, as does the sister group relationships to this large group. In this study, DNA sequences from the 28S rDNA gene and the wingless nuclear protein-coding gene were collected from 52 carabid genera representing 31 harpaline tribes in addition to more than 21 carabid outgroup taxa to reconstruct the phylogeny of this group. Molecular sequence data from these genes, along with additional data from the 18S rDNA gene, were analyzed with a variety of phylogenetic analysis methods, separately for each gene and in a combined data approach. Results indicated that the subfamily Harpalinae is monophyletic with the enigmatic tribes of Morionini, Peleciini, and Pseudomorphini included within it. Brachinine bombardier beetles are closely related to Harpalinae as they form the sister group to harpalines or, in some analyses, are included within it or with austral psydrines. The austral psydrines are the sister group to Harpalinae+Brachinini clade in most analyses and austral psydrines+Brachinini+Harpalinae clade is strongly supported.  相似文献   

Lianas are common in the Apocynaceae s.l. and are predominant in the subfamily Secamonoideae. Shrub-like taxa are rare within this subfamily but occur in Malagasy genera such as Secamone, Secamonopsis, and Pervillaea. We explored the evolutionary appearance of shrub-like growth forms in Malagasy Secamonoideae through a molecular phylogeny using chloroplastic sequences. The phylogeny revealed several independent appearances of shrub-like growth forms within the Secamonoideae. Biomechanics and development of the shrub-like growth form were detailed in one species, Secamone sparsiflora, which has upright and self-supporting young stems that become procumbent in older stages of development. Biomechanical investigations revealed characteristics atypical of both lianas and self-supporting shrubs. Anatomical development in S. sparsiflora is initially similar to lianas in the same clade but shows potentially neotenic retention of juvenile wood development for most of the growth trajectory. The results suggest that evolution of lianescence can carry a high degree of specialization and developmental burden that might limit evolution back to self-supporting growth forms. Under certain geographic and ecological conditions, such as geographic isolation, xeric conditions and/or reduced biotic competition, escapes from lianescence to other growth forms can occur in some angiosperm groups via relatively simple heterochronic shifts of mechanically significant growth processes.  相似文献   

Locust phase polyphenism is an extreme form of density-dependent phenotypic plasticity in which solitary and cryptic grasshoppers can transform into gregarious and conspicuous locusts in response to an increase in local population density. We investigated the evolution of this complex phenotypic plasticity in a phylogenetic framework using a morphological phylogeny of Cyrtacanthacridinae, which contains some of the most important locust species, and a comprehensive literature review on the biology and ecology of all known members of the subfamily. A phylogenetic analysis based on 71 morphological characters yielded a well-resolved tree and found that locust phase polyphenism evolved multiple times within the subfamily. The literature review demonstrated that many cyrtacanthacridine species, both locust and sedentary, are capable of expressing density-dependent color plasticity. When this color plasticity was divided into two smaller components, background coloration and development of black pigmentation, and when these plastic traits were optimized on to the phylogeny, we found that the physiological mechanisms underlying this plasticity were plesiomorphic for the subfamily. We also found that different locust species in Cyrtacanthacridinae express both similarities and differences in their locust phase polyphenism. Because locust phase polyphenism is a complex syndrome consisting of numerous plastic traits, we treat it as a composite character and dissected it into smaller components. The similarities among locust species could be attributed to shared ancestry and the differences could be attributed to the certain components of locust phase polyphenism evolving at different rates.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

DEFICIENS (DEF) and GLOBOSA (GLO) function in petal and stamen organ identity in Antirrhinum and are orthologs of APETALA3 and PISTILLATA in Arabidopsis. These genes are known as B-function genes for their role in the ABC genetic model of floral organ identity. Phylogenetic analyses show that DEF and GLO are closely related paralogs, having originated from a gene duplication event after the separation of the lineages leading to the extant gymnosperms and the extant angiosperms. Several additional gene duplications followed, providing multiple potential opportunities for functional divergence. In most angiosperms studied to date, genes in the DEF/GLO MADS-box subfamily are expressed in the petals and stamens during flower development. However, in some angiosperms, the expression of DEF and GLO orthologs are occasionally observed in the first and fourth whorls of flowers or in nonfloral organs, where their function is unknown. In this article we review what is known about function, phylogeny, and expression in the DEF/GLO subfamily to examine their evolution in the angiosperms. Our analyses demonstrate that although the primary role of the DEF/GLO subfamily appears to be in specifying the stamens and inner perianth, several examples of potential sub- and neofunctionalization are observed.  相似文献   

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