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农田生态系统碳汇研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵明月  刘源鑫  张雪艳 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9405-9416
农田生态系统碳汇包括农作物生物量碳汇和农田土壤碳汇两个方面,中国农田生态系统面积大,碳储量高,是全球生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分。厘清中国农作物生物量和土壤有机碳含量、变化率和影响因素对于解析全球碳循环和维系粮食安全具有重要意义。梳理农田生态系统碳汇相关概念的基础上,比较农田生态系统碳汇研究方法的适用性及存在问题,通过以往研究和SoilGrids250数据研究中国农田生态系统碳库时空分布,并分析农田生态系统碳汇的影响因素及固碳方法。结果表明,中国近30年来农作物生物量呈现增加趋势,农田土壤有机碳含量普遍较低且空间分布不均,0-5cm土壤有机碳含量平均值在16.7 g/kg到86.5 g/kg之间,增加农田土壤有机碳含量是未来中国农田生态系统碳汇的重要方向。肥料和有机残留管理、保护性耕作、种植模式、灌溉等管理措施是增加土壤有机碳汇的主要措施,但农田生态系统碳汇潜力估算仍存在不确定性。最后,从农田生态系统碳汇潜力估算、影响因素厘定和增汇技术研发3个方面提出未来研究方向。研究结果有助于推动农田生态系统碳汇科学研究和技术推广,为实现农田生态系统助力"碳中和"寻求重要路径。  相似文献   

林火干扰对森林生态系统土壤有机碳的影响研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林火干扰是森林生态系统特殊而重要的生态因子,可改变生态系统的养分循环与能量传递。研究林火干扰对森林生态系统土壤有机碳的影响,有助于理解森林生态系统中土壤碳固持和碳循环过程,为制定科学合理的旨在减缓全球变化的林火管理策略具有重要意义。从4个方面阐述了林火干扰对森林生态系统土壤有机碳的影响及内在机制:分别从大尺度和小尺度两个方面阐述了林火干扰对土壤有机碳的影响及对森林生态系统碳循环与碳平衡的作用机制;探讨了不同林火干扰类型和林火干扰强度下,土壤活性有机碳对林火干扰的响应机制;阐明了林火干扰对土壤惰性有机碳的影响及作用机制;论述了林火干扰主要通过改变土壤有机碳的输入和输出过程进而影响土壤有机碳的稳定性及内在机制。最后提出了提高林火干扰对森林生态系统土壤有机碳影响定量化研究的4种路径选择:(1)全面比较研究不同林火干扰类型对土壤有机碳循环及其碳素再分配过程的功能特征;(2)进一步阐明林火干扰通过改变植被结构进而影响土壤生物群落结构,剖析土壤碳库循环的内在机制;(3)完善不同时空尺度下林火干扰对森林生态系统土壤碳库周转过程的定量化研究;(4)加强不同林火干扰类型土壤碳库稳定性差异的研究。  相似文献   

农田土壤有机碳库是全球碳循环的重要组成部分.随着秸秆还田技术的广泛应用,作物秸秆成为土壤外源碳的主要来源.秸秆碳在土壤中的转化与分配直接影响土壤有机碳组成与含量,进而改变土壤养分循环.基于近年来的相关研究,本文探讨了还田秸秆碳转化与分配过程的影响因子,详细介绍了参与秸秆碳同化过程的土壤微生物组成,归纳与阐述了秸秆碳对土壤有机碳组成、含量及其周转的影响.同时,就非生物因子对秸秆碳的生物转化效应的影响、秸秆碳转化过程中的生物和非生物因子的互作、秸秆碳氮和土壤碳氮循环的耦合作用、秸秆碳向土壤活性有机碳库或稳定性有机碳库转化的有效调控技术等主要研究方向进行了展望,以期为准确揭示秸秆还田条件下各类土壤有机碳的变化特征,进而为实现秸秆还田的高效培肥与固碳效应提供理论依据和技术支撑.  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式对潮棕壤有机碳含量的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对潮棕壤不同土地利用方式下0~100 cm土体中土壤有机碳含量的剖面分布、有机碳储量及C/N进行了研究.结果表明:不同土地利用方式下土壤有机碳含量的剖面分布差异明显,林地、割草地、荒地及裸地各土层有机碳含量高于农田生态系统;不同土地利用方式下的土壤有机碳与全氮呈极显著的正相关;土壤C/N随剖面土层深度的增加呈下降趋势,林地土壤的C/N相对较高,割草地、荒地和裸地次之,农田生态系统的土壤C/N较低.在0~100cm深度土壤,荒地每年截获的土壤有机碳分别比农田不施肥、农田循环猪圈肥处理、农田化肥NPK处理、农田化肥NPK 循环猪圈肥处理高4.52、4.25、4.46和3.58 t.hm-2.说明荒地在增加土壤有机碳储量方面有很大潜力.  相似文献   

土壤是陆地生态系统最大的有机碳库,比植被碳库或大气碳库的两倍还多。准确评估土壤有机碳库是预测全球变化与土壤有机碳之间反馈关系的关键。但目前对土壤有机碳库的估算还存在很大不确定性。该文综述了土壤有机碳库估算及其影响因素和土壤有机碳库估算不确定性的来源和常用的采样方法,以及计算土壤碳汇的最新研究进展。未来技术进步以及模型的不断完善可能会降低土壤有机碳库估算的不确定性,提高其估算的精度  相似文献   

农田生态系统耕作方式显著影响土壤微生物群落结构和功能,进而影响土壤微生物介导的土壤碳循环过程。以免耕结合作物秸秆还田为核心的保护性耕作是提升土壤碳汇功能和肥力的重要措施,其中土壤微生物发挥了关键作用。尽管有较多关于保护性耕作下微生物群落结构与功能的研究,但由于土壤系统的复杂性、环境因素以及微生物群落评价方法的差异性,尚未形成对保护性耕作下土壤微生物群落响应规律的系统认知。此外,研究多关注土壤微生物作为分解者的作用以及植物源碳对土壤碳库形成的贡献,而忽略了微生物源碳对土壤碳库形成和稳定的贡献。本文在归纳土壤有机质形成和稳定理论体系演变的基础上,梳理了土壤微生物研究方法的进展,重点阐述了保护性耕作对土壤微生物生物量、群落多样性和组成、碳代谢活性以及微生物源有机碳截获的影响,并对未来该领域的研究方向进行展望,以期为探索农田生态系统土壤微生物群落响应规律及其介导的土壤碳循环功能提供参考。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对陆地生态系统碳贮量的影响   总被引:49,自引:8,他引:41  
陆地生态系统是重要的碳库之一,在碳素生物地球化学循环中起着重要作用.本文就森林、农田生态系统,综述了土地利用变化对陆地生态系统碳贮量的影响及其可能的作用机制.土地利用变化显著地影响陆地生态系统的结构和功能,造成系统碳贮量的变化,这很大程度取决于生态系统类型和土地利用方式的改变.森林砍伐后变为农田和草地,使生态系统中植被和土壤碳贮量大大降低.土壤碳含量的降低主要是由于凋落物输入的减少,有机质分解速度的提高,以及耕种措施对有机质物理保护的破坏造成的.土壤碳损失主要发生在森林砍伐后较短的时期内,而其降低速率取决于诸多因素以及土壤理化和生物过程.农田和草地弃耕恢复为森林,以及农田保护性管理措施的利用.能够使大气中的碳在植被和土壤中得到汇集.森林恢复过程中植被可以大量汇集大气中的碳,而由于农田耕种历史不同以及土壤空间异质性。导致土壤碳汇集速率差异极大.保护性农田管理措施(诸如免耕、合理的种植制度、化肥的施用等)可以影响土壤理化特性、作物根系生长以及残茬数量和质量、土壤微生物数量和活性,维持和提高土壤碳含量水平.  相似文献   

黄土高原地区生态系统碳储量空间分布及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李妙宇  上官周平  邓蕾 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6786-6799
准确估算生态系统碳储量,探明其空间分布及其影响因素对区域生态管理具有重要意义,但黄土高原地区碳储量现状、空间格局及其驱动因素尚不清楚。选择黄土高原地区森林(包括乔木林和灌木林),草地和农田生态系统为对象,基于大量实测样点通过克里金插值和地统计方法,评估了三种生态系统地上生物量碳密度、地下生物量碳密度和0-100 cm土壤有机碳密度空间分布,并通过路径分析探讨了各碳库的主要影响因素。结果表明:黄土高原地区约占全国总面积的6.7%,其生态系统总碳储量约为2.29 Pg,仅占我国生态系统碳储量的2.3%。生态系统各碳库中,地上生物量碳储量、地下生物量碳储量、土壤有机碳储量分别为0.44、0.32和1.52 Pg;森林、草地、农田(仅指土壤)生态系统碳储量分别为0.98、1.09和0.21 Pg。气候(年均温度、年均降水)、海拔、坡度、土壤质地(砂粒、粉粒、粘粒含量)、植被覆盖状况(用NDVI表示)等因子可解释地上生物量碳密度、地下生物量碳密度、农田土壤有机碳密度空间变异的12%、8%和32%,其中,年均降水、海拔、粘粒含量是黄土高原地区生态系统碳储量空间格局的主要影响因素。本研究表明,由于黄土高原地区独特的气候、地形和土壤条件,其生态系统虽然具有较大的碳储量,但是低于我国生态系统碳储量的平均水平。  相似文献   

蚂蚁作为生态系统的消费者和分解者,其对土壤有机碳库的影响一直是学术界研究的热点。目前研究主要从蚂蚁对土壤宏量元素储量、理化性质、微生物群落活动等方面探究蚂蚁对土壤有机碳库的影响。本文综述了蚂蚁扰动对土壤有机碳循环过程特征的影响。蚂蚁筑巢改变了蚁穴土壤的微生境、微气候与土壤理化性质,并通过重构土壤微生物群落结构特征、调控地表植被演替过程与格局等方式,直接或间接的影响蚁巢中土壤有机碳来源、碳库分配过程、有机碳库稳定性、有机质微观分子特征等,在微域、局地乃至景观尺度上影响土壤有机碳的循环过程。未来研究应着重从量化蚂蚁扰动及其导致的环境因子波动对土壤碳通量变化的贡献、建立定量模型联系并统一蚂蚁影响下土壤碳循环过程、厘清蚂蚁影响土壤有机碳库稳定性的机制等方面开展深入研究,揭示蚂蚁作为“生态工程师”在调控土壤碳循环过程中的作用机制。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对陆地生态系统地下碳循环及碳库的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫宗平  仝川 《生态学报》2008,28(9):4440-4450
生物入侵是当今全球性重大环境问题之一, 是全球变化的主要研究内容.评价外来植物入侵对于生态系统影响的研究多集中在地上部分,对于生态系统地下部分影响的研究相对较少.陆地生态系统地下部分对于生态系统过程的重要性之一体现在它处于生态系统碳分配过程的核心环节.入侵种通过影响群落凋落物的输入数量、质量以及输入时间,影响到对于土壤的碳输入,而入侵种与土著种根系的差异以及入侵种对微生物群落的影响是造成土壤呼吸强度发生变化的主要因素,前者土壤呼吸强度一般比后者高.多数研究表明外来植物入侵对生态系统地下碳循环和碳库产生影响,但由于入侵植物种类较多以及研究地点环境条件的不同,关于外来植物入侵对于土壤碳库和土壤有机碳矿化影响的研究结论并不统一.最后,提出了今后该研究领域应加强的一些建议和方向.  相似文献   

土地利用变化对土壤有机碳的影响研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
陈朝  吕昌河  范兰  武红 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5358-5371
土壤有机碳是陆地碳库的重要组成部分,也是当前全球碳循环和全球变化研究的热点。土地利用/覆被变化及土地管理变化通过影响土壤有机碳的储量和分布,进而影响温室气体排放和陆地生态系统的碳通量。研究土地利用变化影响下的土壤有机碳储量及其动态变化规律,有助于加深理解全球气候变化与土地利用变化之间的关系。在阅读国内外有关文献的基础上,分别从土地利用及其管理方式变化的角度,概括了土地利用变化对土壤有机碳的影响过程与机理;针对当前研究的两大类方法,即实验方法和模型方法,分类详细介绍了它们各自的特点以及存在的一些问题。在此基础上,提出今后土地利用变化对土壤有机碳影响研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Tallgrass prairie restorations can quickly accrue organic C in soil and biomass, but the rate of C accumulation diminishes through time and is highly variable among more mature prairies. Long‐term soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation in prairies has been linked to edaphic factors such as soil texture, soil moisture, and SOC content, but it is unclear how these factors affect the ecosystem processes that are responsible for observed differences in C accumulation rates in older prairies. We measured belowground plant and SOC pools and fluxes within 27–36‐year‐old restored tallgrass prairies in order to quantify total C storage, determine the net ecosystem production of C (NEP‐C), and explore which edaphic factors influence the ecosystem processes responsible for divergent NEP‐C. We found that 11% of organic C was stored in biomass, and we estimate that one‐third of post‐restoration C sequestration has occurred in biomass, thereby highlighting biomass as a large but often overlooked C pool. Belowground biomass and soil C pools were notably smaller than those reported for remnant prairie, suggesting that future belowground C accumulation could still occur. During this study, the prairies appeared to be a net source of C, although the range of NEP‐C values encompassed zero. Sand content positively affected NEP‐C via increased belowground biomass production‐C inputs, and SOC negatively affected NEP‐C due to increased soil respiration C outputs. However, soil moisture had a smaller negative effect on soil respiration, indicating that both SOC and soil moisture play important roles in determining prairie C balance.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) storage and sequestration in agricultural soils is considered to be an important issue in the study of terrestrial C cycling and global climatic change. The baseline C stock and the C sequestration potential are among the criteria for a region or a state to adopt strategies or policies in response to commitment to the Kyoto Protocol. Paddy soils represent a large portion of global cropland. However, little information on the potential of C sequestration and storage is available for such soils. In this paper, an estimation of the topsoil soil organic carbon (SOC) pool and the sequestration potential of paddy soils in China was made by using the data from the 2nd State Soil Survey carried out during 1979–1982 and from the nationwide arable soil monitoring system established since then. Results showed that the SOC density ranged from 12 to 226 t C ha?1 with an area‐weighted mean density of 44 t C ha?1, which is comparable to that of the US grasslands and is higher than that of the cultivated dryland soils in China and the US. The estimated total topsoil SOC pool is 1.3 Pg, with 0.85 Pg from the upper plow layer and 0.45 Pg from the plowpan layer. This pool size is ~2% of China's total storage in the top 1 m of the soil profiles and ~4% of the total topsoil pool, while the area percentage of paddy soil is 3.4% of the total land. The C pool in paddy soils was found predominantly in southeast China geographically and in the subgroups of Fe‐accumulating and Fe‐leaching paddy soils pedogenetically. In comparison with dryland cultivation, irrigation‐based rice cultivation in China has induced significant enrichment of SOC storage (0.3 Pg) in paddy soils. The induced total C sequestration equals half of China's total annual CO2 emission in the 1990s. Estimates using different SOC sequestration scenarios show that the paddy soils of China have an easily attainable SOC sequestration potential of 0.7 Pg under present conditions and may ultimately sequester 3.0 Pg. Soil monitoring data showed that the current C sequestration rate is 12 Tg yr?1. The total C sequestration potential and the current sequestration rate of the paddy soils are over 30%, while the area of the paddy soils is 26% that of China's total croplands. Therefore, practicing sustainable agriculture is urgently needed for enhancing SOC storage to realize the ultimate SOC sequestration of rice‐based agriculture of China, as the current C sequestration rate is significantly lower than the potential rate.  相似文献   

农业活动是温室气体重要的排放源,土壤碳库[土壤有机碳(SOC)和无机碳(SIC)]稍微变化会对大气CO_2产生很大影响。汉中盆地是南水北调的重要水源涵养地,在该区域秸秆还田、农田撂荒和林地是目前常见土地利用方式,但缺乏不同利用方式对SIC和SOC影响的研究。该研究采集该区域典型样地土壤,用滴定法和有机碳分析仪分别测定其SIC和SOC含量,研究3种土地利用方式对土壤碳库的影响。结果表明:SOC随土层深度最为敏感的是农田,其次是撂荒地,林地最不敏感。0~140 cm土层SOC碳密度,林地最大,是撂荒田的2.26倍,农田是撂荒田的1.37倍。深土层SOC碳密度,林地是撂荒田的2.44倍,农田是撂荒田的1.07倍。撂荒田的SIC密度最大,其次是农田,林地的SIC碳密度最低。在0~140 cm土层中,SIC密度依次为12.37、11.68和9.77 kg·m~2,撂荒田的SIC碳密度是林地的1.27倍。随着我国农村发展,土地利用管理出现新的方式,今后在估算土地利用管理方式对土壤碳影响时还需要综合考虑SOC和SIC。  相似文献   

为探究黑土团聚体内土壤有机碳(SOC)的“分馏”特征, 揭示不同植被覆盖下土壤团聚体的固碳机制, 该文以中国科学院海伦农业生态系统国家野外综合研究站内不同植被覆盖(草地、农田和裸地)长期定位实验的土样为研究对象, 利用团聚体湿筛分组、有机碳物理和化学分组相结合的方法, 研究了黑土团聚体及其内部的碳密度和腐殖质组分的碳分配特征。研究发现, 黑土经过不同植被覆盖31年后, 长期草地覆盖使土壤表层SOC、全氮(TN)含量显著增加, 农田和无植被覆盖的裸地SOC含量减少, 且在裸地显著降低。3种处理中, 2-0.25 mm (含2 mm, 下同)粒级团聚体均为优粒级。土壤团聚体的稳定性顺序为草地>农田>裸地。草地覆盖使土壤大团聚体的比例和有机碳库增加, 微团聚体和粉黏粒所占比例和碳库均减少, 说明草地覆盖促进了土壤大团聚体形成, 土壤固碳能力显著增强。而农田和裸地因外源碳投入少, 有机碳含量均是微团聚体>大团聚体>粉黏粒, SOC主要分布在微团聚体中。不同植被覆盖处理对土壤团聚体内密度组分和腐殖质各组分碳的富集“分馏”作用很明显, 与农田和裸地相比, 长期草地植被覆盖处理>2 mm和2-0.25 mm粒级团聚体中轻组碳含量富集的较多, 2-0.25 mm粒级团聚体中富里酸、胡敏酸和胡敏素的碳富集均最高, 而农田和裸地促进了微团聚体内腐殖质碳的富集。草地覆盖显著增加了大团聚体内活性有机碳组分, 来源于植物的碳首先进入到大粒径的团聚体中, 使土壤团聚结构显著改善, 农田和无植被覆盖的裸地土壤中轻组碳含量显著降低, 团聚体内有机碳以重组碳和胡敏素为主, 稳定化程度更高。  相似文献   

黄土塬区苹果园土壤有机碳分布特征   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
以黄土塬区塬面和梁坡梯田5、10、15a和20a苹果园为对象,在行间距果树1.0、1.5m和2.0m处用土钻法分层采集0-100cm土样,LiquiTOCⅡ测定样品土壤有机碳(Soil Organic Carbon,SOC)含量,分析两种地形条件下各龄果园SOC的分布特征。结果表明:塬面5、10、15a和20a果园SOC分别为6.39、6.46、6.66g/kg和6.47g/kg,梁坡分别为5.83、6.05、6.54g/kg和6.09g/kg,两种地形条件下同龄果园SOC差异显著(P0.05),但龄间SOC消长趋势相似,均有15a的20a的10a的5a的;水平方向上,5a果园SOC沿树干向外增大,10a果园减小,15a和20a果园变化较小,塬面和梁坡同龄果园间SOC水平分布格局较一致;垂直方向上,同梁坡相比,塬面果园4个层次(0-10cm、10-20cm、20-50cm和50-100cm)的平均SOC较高;梁坡果园50-100cm土层的SOC龄间差异较大,20-50cm土层龄间差异较小,塬面果园50-100cm土层的SOC龄间变化较小;在"纯果园"利用阶段,果园利用方式并未引起SOC下降,深层SOC有明显的积累效应。  相似文献   

Carbon (C) sequestration, defined as the process whereby atmospheric CO2 is transferred into a long-lived C pool, is an important issue not only in the scientific community but also in the society at large because of its potential role in off-setting fossil fuel emissions. Through photosynthesis this C is stored in plants and through decomposition, trunks, branches, leaves and roots are incorporated in the soil via the action of different soil organisms, i.e., bacteria, fungi and invertebrates. This, together with the C exudates from roots that are utilized by microbial populations, constitutes the natural pathways of incorporating biomass-C into the soil. The amount of C stored in terrestrial ecosystems is the third largest among the global C pools. Soil organic carbon (SOC) up to 3 m is 2,344 Pg C (1 Petagram = 1015 g), and the SOC pool in tropical soils is approximately 30% of the global pool. Abiotic factors, which moderate C sequestration in soils are clay content, mineralogy, structural stability, landscape position, and soil moisture and temperature regimes. On the other hand, biotic factors involved in soil C sequestration are determined by the activities of soil organisms. However, models do not include the formation, stabilization and lifespan of the aggregates that have been biologically produced, including roots. This is not only due to the lack of studies on this subject, but also to overlooking the role of soil organisms in soil aggregation. Furthermore, there is a lack of comprehensive knowledge regarding the processes that control dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fluxes in soils and its role in the global budget of C sequestration. The boundaries of ecosystems are not considered in the studies of the subject, as it may be the case for terrestrial C sequestration, since the borders around the sites under study constitute pathways for the flow of C between sites and through the landscape. The concentrations of DOC in deep soil horizons and the contribution to DOC fluxes (exports) are relatively small, from 4 to 37 g DOC m?2 yr?1 retained in the mineral subsoil. In South America, although substantial research has been done under different ecosystems and land use systems in some countries, like Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, there is a need to conduct more studies with agreed standard methodologies in natural ecosystems and agricultural systems, and in other areas of Central America few studies have been undertaken to date. The principal objective of this review was to address the main mechanisms that determine SOC and SIC sequestration in soils of Latin America, and include: physical aggregate protection, SOC-clay interaction, DOC transport, bioturbation by soil organisms, and the formation of secondary carbonates. All of these mechanisms are generally explained by physical and chemical processes. In contrast, this review takes a soil ecological approach to describe the mechanisms listed above.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of Carbon Sequestration in Soil Aggregates   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Soil and crop management practices have a profound impact on carbon (C) sequestration, but the mechanisms of interaction between soil structure and soil organic C (SOC) dynamics are not well understood. Understanding how an aggregate stores and protects SOC is essential to developing proper management practices to enhance SOC sequestration. The objectives of this article are to: (1) describe the importance of plants and soil functions on SOC sequestration, (2) review the mechanisms of SOC sequestration within aggregates under different vegetation and soil management practices, (3) explain methods of assessing distribution of SOC within aggregates, and (4) identify knowledge gaps with regards to SOC and soil structural dynamics. The quality and quantity of plant residues define the amount of organic matter and thus the SOC pool in aggregates. The nature of plant debris (C:N ratio, lignin content, and phenolic compound content) affects the rate of SOC sequestration. Mechanisms of interaction of aggregate dynamics with SOC are complex and embrace a range of spatial and temporal processes within macro- ( > 250 μ m e.c.d.) and microaggregates ( < 250 μ m e.c.d.). A relevant mechanism for SOC sequestration within aggregates is the confinement of plant debris in the core of the microaggregates. The C-rich young plant residues form and stabilize macroaggregates, whereas the old organic C is occluded in the microaggregates. Interactions of clay minerals with C rich humic compounds in correlation with clay mineralogy determine the protection and storage of SOC. Principal techniques used to assess the C distribution in aggregates include the determination of total organic C in different aggregate size fractions, isotopic methods to assess the turnover and storage of organic C in aggregates, and computed tomography and X-ray scattering to determine the internal porosity and inter-aggregate attributes. The literature is replete with studies on soil and crop management influences on total organic C and soil aggregation. However, research reports on the interactions of SOC within aggregates for C sequestration are scanty. Questions still remain on how SOC interacts physically and chemically with aggregates, and research is needed to understand the mechanisms responsible for the dynamics of aggregate formation and stability in relation to C sequestration.  相似文献   

Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks is increasingly targeted as a key strategy in climate change mitigation and improved ecosystem resiliency. Agricultural land, a dominant global land use, provides substantial challenges and opportunities for global carbon sequestration. Despite this, global estimates of soil carbon sequestration potential often exclude agricultural land and estimates are coarse for regions in the Global South. To address these discrepancies and improve estimates, we develop a hybrid, data-augmented database approach to better estimate the magnitude of SOC sequestration potential of agricultural soils. With high-resolution (30 m) soil maps of Africa developed by the International Soils Database (iSDA) and Malawi as a case study, we create a national adjustment using site-specific soil data retrieved from 1160 agricultural fields. We use a benchmark approach to estimate the amount of SOC Malawian agricultural soils can sequester, accounting for edaphic and climatic conditions, and calculate the resulting carbon gap. Field measurements of SOC stocks and sequestration potentials were consistently larger than iSDA predictions, with an average carbon gap of 4.42 ± 0.23 Mg C ha−1 to a depth of 20 cm, with some areas exceeding 10 Mg C ha−1. Augmenting iSDA predictions with field data also improved sensitivity to identify areas with high SOC sequestration potential by 6%—areas that may benefit from improved management practices. Overall, we estimate that 6.8 million ha of surface soil suitable for agriculture in Malawi has the potential to store 274 ± 14 Tg SOC. Our approach illustrates how ground truthing efforts remain essential to reduce errors in continent-wide soil carbon predictions for local and regional use. This work begins efforts needed across regions to develop soil carbon benchmarks that inform policies and identify high-impact areas in the effort to increase SOC globally.  相似文献   

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