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以去除果皮后阴干的珍稀濒危植物蒜头果种子为材料,在温室大棚沙池内进行层积处理,从层积处理开始至子叶出土的不同萌发阶段,考察蒜头果种子发育形态、贮藏物质积累、酶活性以及幼苗类型等变化特征,初步探讨其种子休眠形成原因。结果显示:(1)蒜头果种子从解除休眠开始至萌发形成幼苗的过程约需195 d,其中幼胚的形态发育后熟约需75 d,随后30 d内是种子集中萌发的时期,其发芽率达到最高(53.33%);依据种胚发育形态的标志特征将此过程划分为7个阶段(S1~S7阶段):S1阶段种子未萌发,S2阶段种胚“露白”,S3阶段胚根突破种皮长超过1 cm, S4阶段下胚轴与胚根连接处形成弯钩结构,S5阶段“S”型胚形成及胚根前端膨大,S6阶段种子不仅具有膨大的胚根且已有侧根的分化,S7阶段子叶脱落,胚芽出土,真叶出现。(2)蒜头果种子在湿沙层积过程中,种胚胚长和胚率从S1阶段的(5.49±1.57)mm和(19.48±5.72)%分别增加至S6阶段的(67.92±2.94)mm和(240.75±15.29)%,胚率平均增加了12.4倍,显示蒜头果种子的胚需要经历后熟过程才能萌发,属于胚后熟型种子。(3)从...  相似文献   

为探究低温层积过程中桃儿七种子胚形态及生理生化变化与休眠解除的内在联系,该研究通过低温层积处理(90 d)解除桃儿七种子休眠,观测不同层积时间种子胚形态、胚率、发芽率、营养物质(淀粉、可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖)含量、内源激素[赤霉素(GA)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)]水平及呼吸途径关键限速酶[丙酮酸激酶(PK)、琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)、6 磷酸 葡萄糖脱氢酶(G 6 PDH)]的活性变化。结果显示:(1)在低温层积过程中,桃儿七种子胚形态为鱼雷或子叶型胚;种子发芽率在层积后期(60~75 d)显著提高(P<0.05)。(2)层积后,种子内淀粉含量及PK活性、SDH活性显著降低(P<0.05),其可溶性蛋白含量和IAA含量显著升高(P<0.05),萌发促进物和抑制物比例(GA/ABA、IAA/ABA、GA+IAA/ABA)也呈升高趋势。(3)种子胚率与其可溶性糖含量呈显著负相关关系,种子发芽率与其可溶性蛋白呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05)。研究发现,桃儿七种子无形态休眠;种子内营养物质的分解转化为种子休眠解除过程中各种代谢活动提供能量,且淀粉可能是此过程中最主要的供能物质;磷酸戊糖途径(PPP)的活化、萌发促进物和抑制物比例的升高及IAA含量的显著上升是桃儿七解除休眠的关键。  相似文献   

为提高姜花属种间杂交胚挽救中幼胚萌发率,以白姜花×金姜花的胚珠为试材,研究不同胚珠发育时期、不同培养基及低温处理果实对幼胚萌发率的影响.结果表明,白姜花×金姜花胚挽救的适宜培养基是MS+0.1 mg/L BA十0.1 mg/L NAA;接种时期以60 d的幼胚培养效果最佳;低温处理果实3~6 d能有效提高幼胚的萌发率.  相似文献   

以花后82~87 d的石硖龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.‘Shixia’)未成熟果实在4℃贮藏24 h,研究种子与种胚的萌发与成苗情况。结果表明:河沙直播未成熟胚的最终成苗率达到80%,远高于离体培养未成熟种子的最终成苗率(12.63%~44.03%);虽然4℃的低温贮藏略为推迟了河沙直播未成熟胚的萌发时间,但对最终成苗率及幼苗生长的影响不大,这对龙眼杂交育种中未成熟种子种胚的挽救具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

建兰与纹瓣兰种间杂种胚培养研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用人工授粉的方法,以‘小桃红’建兰为母本、纹瓣兰为父本进行杂交,获得了种间远缘杂交后代植株。杂交果苹与母本自交果荚的大小差异大小,但鲜重明显大于母本,果荚内的种子量却少于母本。杂种胚离体培养90d出现绿色原球胚,210d可萌发出大量植株;而‘小桃红’自交种子培养210d只形成少量绿色根状茎。杂种胚的萌发具有杂种优势,不仅萌发快,而且出苗率高,萌发时先形成原球胚,原球胚上长出大量小根毛,继而形成大量假鳞茎,假鳞茎经转瓶培养后,分化形成大量健壮植株,分化率高。  相似文献   

通过云南红豆杉新采收种子形态观察、透水性测定、种子大小以及所带胚乳多少对离体胚萌发率的影响等试验,探讨云南红豆杉种子的休眠与萌发机理。结果表明,云南红豆杉种子呈倒卵形和三棱形;胚酒瓶形,白色;胚乳淡黄色,油质。种子千粒重为72.934g;种皮、种仁和种胚分别占种子鲜重的50.56%、40.45%和8.99%;胚与种子的体积比(E∶S)为0.074。胚的体积为0.156—1.012mm~3,种子为51.658—109.649mm~3,两者呈显著正相关(P0.05,r=0.810)。完整种子的吸水率明显低于破裂种皮、酸蚀40min和酸蚀20min的种子,但差异随着浸泡时间延长而缩小;种子含水量饱和时,完整种子、破皮种子与酸蚀种子的吸水率无显著差异(前者为23.7%,后两者约28.0%)。不同大小种子离体胚的萌发率差异显著(P0.05),特大、大、中、小和特小种子的离体胚的萌发率为80%、77.8%、67.5%、62.0%和44.0%。胚乳抑制离体胚的萌发,不带胚乳离体胚的萌发率为41.3%,显著高于带胚乳的萌发率(P0.05),带部分胚乳的胚为9.7%—13.3%,带全胚乳的胚为0。同时离体胚培养过程中所用种胚的新鲜程度也严重影响胚的萌发率。云南红豆杉种子休眠属于中度生理休眠类型,种子中的抑制物质含量随时间的动态变化和胚乳中抑制物质含量的多少对胚萌发率的影响是以后云南红豆杉休眠研究的重点。  相似文献   

巴山冷杉的种实特性及其种子萌发力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国特有树种巴山冷杉(Abies fargesi)的球果长、球果宽、球果重量、单果出种量等球果特征和种子长、种子宽、种子厚和种子重等种子特性进行了分析,通过发芽实验测定了种子萌发能力.结果表明,巴山冷杉球果平均长5.37±0.75cm,球果宽3.01±0.32cm,球果重量18.93±6.06g,单果出种量59-567粒,种子长1.08-8.68mm,种子宽1.16-6.42mm,种子厚0.6-3.48mm,千粒重7.30g.各项球果特征指标和种子特征指标在种群内和种群间均存在显著差异,单果出种量在不同种群的频数分布格局不同.不同母树的种子发芽率和发芽势不等,且萌发速率也不相同.巴山冷杉种子败育率高,参试种子的空粒率75.79%.  相似文献   

大花蕙兰与墨兰种间远缘杂交是培育具香味、易开花、早开花、抗性强的大花蕙兰品种的有效途径之一。本研究以大花蕙兰为母本,墨兰为父本进行种间杂交,共设计三个杂交组合。结果显示,同一组合子房不同离体时间培养萌发率差异明显,且不同组合间最适宜子房培养的离体时间有所差异。三个杂交组合最适宜的子房离体时间分别为授粉后90 d、120 d及100 d,萌发率分别为80.0%、80.0%及60.0%。  相似文献   

研究了东方百合系内杂交授粉技术及胚抢救技术。结果表明:(1)在组合‘Justina’בShela’中,采用柱头直接授粉,花粉管在花柱中向下定向生长,在子房中向胚珠定向生长;采用切花柱授粉,花粉管在花柱切口及子房中发生不同程度无向性生长;残留花柱越长,进行胚珠定向的花粉管数量越多,获得的饱满种子越少,采用柱头直接授粉获得的饱满种子最多。(2)采用柱头直接授粉对东方百合系内56个组合进行杂交实验,仅1个组合未获得饱满胚珠、3个组合获得胚珠少于10个,其余52个组合获得大量饱满胚珠,初步表明此法可作为东方百合系内杂交通用授粉技术。不同胚抢救技术试验结果显示,授粉约70d后采用切胚珠接种比胚珠直接接种的杂种胚萌动快、萌发率高,而且前者的胚抢救效率也明显高于授粉40d后的"剥胚式接种"。研究认为,授粉约70d后采用"切胚珠接种"可作为东方百合系内杂交通用胚抢救技术。  相似文献   

该研究以果实大小有明显差异的26个白及果序共87枚果实为材料,分析了果实形态(包括果实重量、长度及直径)与种子结实率的相关性。结果表明:果实重量与结实率的相关性最为密切,相关系数为0.786,达到中等正相关;其次是果实直径,相关系数为0.634;最后是果实长度,相关系数为0.553。对10枚果实及种胚大小测量结果显示,果实形态与种胚大小相关性为弱相关,不同果实种胚大小相差较大,种胚直径和种胚长度平均分别为177.9μm和359.0μm,最大分别为241.9μm和528.6μm,最小分别为64.5μm和114.3μm;单粒白及种子平均重3.90μg,87枚果实中,单枚果实平均种子数量为10 436粒,最大为39 488粒。该研究结果表明果实重量及饱满程度(直径),可以作为评价白及果实质量(种子结实率)的参考指标。  相似文献   

Aristolochiaceae have been described as having seeds with underdeveloped embryos and morphological or morphophysiological dormancy. Aristolochia galeata is a native climber found in the Cerrado biome, associated with road and gallery forest edges. The aims of this study were to investigate: embryo growth rate, morphology and seed germination parameters under different treatments. Embryos were excised to obtain embryo length at four stages: initial, seeds after coat rupture, radicle tip protrusion and cotyledon emergence from the seed coat. Germination tests were conducted at 30 °C under three nitrate concentrations (1, 10 and 20 mM), fluctuating temperature (27/20 °C) and light and dark conditions. We found that seeds have underdeveloped embryos, which take about 301 ± 178 h (±SD) to achieve seed coat rupture, another 205 ± 126 h to reach radicle protrusion and 176 ± 76 h more to the final stage of cotyledon emergence. Germinability was above 52% in all treatments, except in the dark (15%). For all treatments, average germination time was above 290 ± 123 h. Potassium nitrate increased germinability to >87%. No particular treatment was required for embryo development, but seeds in the population that continued to germinate after 1 month were probably in various states of non-deep, simple morphophysiological dormancy. Increased germinability in nitrate treatments and light requirement for germination could prevent germination under unsuitable environmental conditions and be a strategy to increase seedling establishment in the cerrado.  相似文献   

对野生秀丽四照花(Cornus hongkongensis subsp. elegans)种子的生物学特性进行观察测定,比较变温、低温层积、化学处理对种子萌发的影响。结果表明,秀丽四照花种子千粒重76.91 g,长5.81 mm、宽5.10 mm、厚3.99 mm。种子在整个试验过程中吸水率低于8%,说明有吸水性障碍的坚硬种皮抑制了种子萌发。变温条件下,温差较大的30 ℃/15 ℃处理对秀丽四照花种子萌发有较好的促进作用,萌发时滞短,萌发率和发芽势较高。秀丽四照花种子经30% NaOH浸泡10 min,可明显缩短萌发时间,但4 ℃低温层积处理对种子萌发没有显著效果。  相似文献   

对采自贵州毕节地区的11种植物的种子萌发特性进行了初步研究,结果表明:①盐肤木、火棘、化香、云贵金丝桃与白栎种子在4周之内能够萌发;除云贵鹅耳枥胚坏死之外(萌发实验前后对种子进行解剖),其他5种植物的种子都未萌发,处于不同的休眠状态。②盐肤木、化香、云贵金丝桃的种子光照时的萌发率远高于黑暗时的萌发率,具有显著差异,尤其是云贵金丝桃,因此3种植物种子均属于喜光性种子;而火棘与白栎种子有无光照都可以萌发,而且萌发率没显著差异,因此属于光不敏感或光中性种子。③盐肤木、云贵金丝桃的种子在30℃较高温条件下萌发最好;白栎、火棘种子在15℃、20℃低温条件下萌发更好;化香种子萌发温度既不能低于20℃也不能高于25℃。④刺异叶花椒种子吸水率高达85%,胚包埋在胚乳之中非常微小、未分化,因此可以初步判定属于形态休眠或者形态生理休眠;而平枝荀子、西域旌节花、云南旌节花种子吸水率都在20%以上,胚长/种子长都超多1/2,并且胚已发育完全,应属于生理休眠;小果蔷薇种子吸水率约27%,胚长/种子长都达2/3,并且通过对种子的解剖发现胚还未发育,应属于形态生理休眠。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that seeds of the monocarpic perennial Ferula gummosa from the Mediterranean area and central Asia have deep complex morphophysiological dormancy. We determined the water permeability of seeds, embryo morphology, temperature requirements for embryo growth and seed germination and responses of seeds to warm and cold stratification and to different concentrations of GA3. The embryo has differentiated organs, but it is small (underdeveloped) and must grow inside the seed, reaching a critical embryo length, seed length ratio of 0.65–0.7, before the seed can germinate. Seeds required 9 weeks of cold stratification at <10°C for embryo growth, dormancy break and germination to occur. Thus, seeds have morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). Furthermore, GA3 improved the germination percentage and rate at 5°C and promoted 20 and 5% germination of seeds incubated at 15 and 20°C, respectively. Thus, about 20% of the seeds had intermediate complex MPD. For the other seeds in the seed lot, cold stratification (5°C) was the only requirement for dormancy break and germination and GA3 could not substitute for cold stratification. Thus, about 80% of the seeds had deep complex MPD.  相似文献   

The in vitro germination of excised embryos can break dormancy rapidly and shorten the time required to produce seedlings, speeding up olive breeding programmes as well as rootstock production. In this study, the in vitro germination potential of four Sicilian olive cultivars was evaluated during two years of experiments, using explants with three different morphological configurations that represent three different degrees of embryo exposure: (1) intact stoneless seeds containing the embryo, the endosperm and the seed coat (Emb+En+SC), (2) seeds without the seed coat (Emb+En) and (3) naked, isolated embryos (seed coat and endosperm both removed: Emb). Differences were found in the germination percentages and timing due to both genotype and explant type. The root and shoot meristems, the radicle-hypocotyl axis, the provascular tissues and embryo storage reserves were identified as embryo anatomical structures which could influence germination capacity. Observation of these structures, however, indicated similar germination potential among cultivars, suggesting possible differences in other dormancy factors. In spite of variation in cultivar performance, after 60 days of in vitro culture all cultivars demonstrated the highest germination of naked embryos (explant type 3) and lowest for stoneless seeds (explant type 1); stoneless seeds without the seedcoat (explant type 2) showed intermediate germination percentages.  相似文献   

以青藏高原东缘高寒草甸383种常见植物种子为材料,分析种子萌发特性与种子形状(长、宽、高的三维方差)、体积及相对表面积之间的相关性,研究高寒草甸地区植物种子性状对其萌发特性的影响。结果显示:(1)种子萌发率和萌发速率与种子三维方差、相对表面积呈极显著正相关,与体积呈显著负相关;(2)种子平均萌发时间与种子体积呈显著正相关、与种子相对表面积呈显著负相关、与种子三维方差无显著相关性。表明体积较小而形状细长的种子具有较高的萌发率及萌发速率,体积大而圆的种子需要更长的萌发时间;小种子具有较大的相对表面积可能是其具有较高萌发率和萌发速率的原因之一。研究结果为土壤种子库形成机制的研究提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

  • The dormancy of seeds of upland cotton can be broken during dry after‐ripening, but the mechanism of its dormancy release remains unclear.
  • Freshly harvested cotton seeds were subjected to after‐ripening for 180 days. Cotton seeds from different days of after‐ripening (DAR) were sampled for dynamic physiological determination and germination tests. The intact seeds and isolated embryos were germinated to assess effects of the seed coat on embryo germination. Content of H2O2 and phytohormones and activities of antioxidant enzymes and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase were measured during after‐ripening and germination.
  • Germination of intact seeds increased from 7% upon harvest to 96% at 30 DAR, while embryo germination improved from an initial rate of 82% to 100% after 14 DAR. Based on T50 (time when 50% of seeds germinate) and germination index, the intact seed and isolated embryo needed 30 and 21 DAR, respectively, to acquire relatively stable germination. The content of H2O2 increased during after‐ripening and continued to increase within the first few hours of imbibition, along with a decrease in abscisic acid (ABA) content. A noticeable increase was observed in gibberellic acid content during germination when ABA content decreased to a lower level. Coat removal treatment accelerated embryo absorption of water, which further improved the accumulation of H2O2 and changed peroxidase content during germination.
  • For cotton seed, the alleviation of coat‐imposed dormancy required 30 days of after‐ripening, accompanied by rapid dormancy release (within 21 DAR) in naked embryos. H2O2 acted as a core link between the response to environmental changes and induction of other physiological changes for breaking seed dormancy.

Seeds of Delphinium fissum subsp. sordidum are physiologically dormant at maturity, with underdeveloped embryos; thus they have morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). The aims of this study were to determine the requirements for embryo growth, dormancy break and germination, to characterise the type of seed dormancy and to evaluate the effects of light, seed age, pollination mechanism, and inter-annual and inter-population variability on germinative ability. After 3 months of incubation at 5°C (cold stratification) in darkness conditions, the mean embryo length increased from 5.6 to 2.07 mm, with 76% of seeds germinating. Conversely, embryos of seeds incubated during 3 months at 20/7 or 28/14°C hardly grew and no germination was recorded. Since cold stratification was the only requirement for the loss of MPD, and both dry storage in laboratory conditions and warm stratification prior to cold stratification shortened the cold stratification period required for germination, it could be concluded that D. fissum subsp. sordidum seeds have intermediate complex MPD. Cold stratification and incubation in darkness conditions promoted higher germination percentages than those in light. In addition, germinative ability increased with seed age up to 8 months (reaching 96% at 5°C in darkness), showed a pronounced inter-annual and inter-population variability, as well as a significant decrease in seeds coming from pollination by geitonogamy. High temperatures (25/10 or 28/14°C) induced seeds to secondary dormancy, so seedling emergence in the greenhouse was restricted to February–March. The requirements for dormancy break and germination reflect an adaptation to trigger germination in late winter. This study is the first one to document a gradual increase in germination percentage with seed age for plant species with intermediate complex MPD.  相似文献   

An embryo culture protocol using immature cassava seeds has been developed to enhance successful seed germination and reduce time for population establishment. Embryonic axes were excised from seeds 40 days after pollination and placed on 1/3 MS medium supplemented with growth factors. Fruits were either air-dried at 20 °C to aid dehiscence, or dissected immediately after harvest. Culture of embryonic axes from seeds obtained from mature fruits (90 days after pollination) served as control. Average percent germination and plantlet recovery rate were higher for embryos cultured from non air-dried immature seeds than from air-dried immature seeds. Immature seeds that were air-dried before germination had ≥50% reduction in germination rate and ≥75% reduction in plantlet recovery rate, indicating that cassava immature zygotic embryos are susceptible to osmotic pressure changes. Genotypic effects were observed in shoot elongation, formation of internodes, and vigor of cultures from both mature and immature seeds. The high percentage of plants recovered from immature seeds through embryo culture opens up opportunities for genetic stock development in cassava that has been previously unexplored. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mature seeds of Monotropa uniflora L., an achlorophyllous mycotrophic perennial, underwent imbibition and were processed for study using modern histological and histochemical techniques. The seeds ranged from 0.6-0.8 mm in length and 0.12-0.15 mm in width and exhibited integumentary winglike structures at either end. As in other members of the Ericaceae, seeds are unitegmic, tenuinucellate, albuminous, and form both micropylar and chalazal endosperm haustoria. A two-celled reduced embryo was observed in all seeds, except one where the embryo was three-celled. Protein granules in the thick walled endosperm were found to contain an aniline blue-fluorescent material that may be a calloselike carbohydrate. The limited amount of seed food reserves and the retardation of embryo differentiation may reflect specialized germination requirements.  相似文献   

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