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中国西北地区萱草属花粉形态研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孔红  王庆瑞 《植物研究》1991,11(1):85-90
本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对我国西北地区萱草属6种1变种的花粉形态进行了比较研究,不同的种类,其花粉形态或多或少有所不同,说明花粉形态在种间具有分类意义,而且6种、1变种可自然地分为两大类群,第一类群包括小黄花菜、北萱草、黄花菜,第二类群包括北黄花菜、折叶萱草、萱草、重瓣萱草。 北黄花菜、小黄花菜的花粉形态差别较大,证明把小黄花菜做为北黄花菜的变种是不妥当的。  相似文献   

甘肃萱草属植物的核型研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
孔红  王庆瑞   《广西植物》1993,13(3):247-251
本文研究了甘肃萱草属6种、1变种的染色体核型;黄花菜K(2n)=22=12m+10sm(2SAT);小黄花菜K(2n)=22=10m+12sm;北萱草K(2n)=22=8m+14sm;北黄花菜K(2n)=22=14m+6sm+2st;萱草K(2n)=22=12m+8sm+2st;重瓣萱草K(2n)=33=18m+12sm+3st:折叶萱草K(2n)=22=10m+10sm+2st。以上核型可自然地分成两大类群,第一类群包括小黄花菜、北萱草、黄花菜;第二类群包括折叶萱草、萱草、重瓣萱草、北黄花菜。  相似文献   

在《中国植物志》第14卷中,萱草属Hemerocallis夜间开花类群被处理为3个独立的物种,北黄花菜、黄花菜和小黄花菜。但是,它们之间因严重的性状重叠和交叉,用单个性状如花数、花被管长度、根的直径等区分它们极为困难。本文根据国产干标本和栽培材料,对9个常用检索性状以及核型做了定量分析。另外,这3个类群的地理分布式样表明,它们似乎是不同的地理宗,因为三者替代性分布在由暖湿到旱冷的气候梯度中。本文结论是,将三者处理为同一物种北黄花菜的3个亚种也许更令人信服,即原亚种北黄花菜,亚种黄花菜和亚种小黄花菜。  相似文献   

国产萱草属夜间开花类群的分类研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
在《中国植物志》第14卷中,萱草属Hemerocallis夜间开花类群被处理为3个独立的物种,北黄花菜、黄花菜和小黄花菜。但是,它们之间因严重的性状重叠和交叉,用单个性状如花数、花被管长度、根的直径等区分它们极为困难。本文根据国产干标本和栽培材料,对9个常用检索性状以及核型做了定量分析。另外,这3个类群的地理分布式样表明,它们似乎是不同的地理宗,因为三者替代性分布在由暖湿到旱冷的气候梯度中。本文结论是,将三者处理为同一物种北黄花菜的3个亚种也许更令人信服,即原亚种北黄花菜,亚种黄花菜和亚种小黄花菜。  相似文献   

萱草属有毒植物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萱草属中某些种的根含神经性毒物,家畜采食或饲喂实验动物能引起中毒病的发生。在鉴于此对北萱草,黄花菜,北黄花菜,小黄花菜进行了植物调查鉴定及有毒成分—萱草根素的提取分离与毒性和结构再鉴定的研究,确认除黄花菜根外其它3种均含有萱草根素。讨论了黄花菜种鉴定中存在的问题。  相似文献   

黄花菜是我们日常生活中一种很普通的蔬菜,但是它历史悠久,内涵丰寓……名称之谜提起黄花菜,人们总会联想到萱草,二者在现代植物学上的区别其实不大,最显著的不同在于花色,黄花菜的花为纯淡黄色,而萱草的花则为桔红或者桔黄色。黄花菜的花蕾可以入蔬,但萱草的花蕾却不能。可是在古人那里,二者常被混为一谈。据《本草纲  相似文献   

北萱草与大苞萱草区分为不同物种的核型证据   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
在文献中,小萱草Hemerocallis dumortierii Morr、北萱草H.esculenta Koidz.和大苞萱草H.mid- dendorfii Trautv et Mey被认为属于同一生物学复合体,并被处理为同一物种的不同变种。本文比较分 析了北萱草及大苞萱草的核型。北萱草和大苞萱草的核型分别为:2n=2x=22=12m+8sm+2T和2n =2x=22=10m+6sm+4st+2T。两个类群的核型差异水平已超出种内变异水。另外,大苞萱草以其 具有宽大苞片包裹的类头状花序,并且产黑龙江和吉林东部,南达辽宁干山地区,但绝不分布到大陆40° N以南地区而显著不同于分布华中、华北的北萱草。根据核型、外部形态及地理分布资料的综合分析,北萱草与大苞萱草应区分为不同物种,而不是同一物种的不同变种;同时,在系统发育上大苞萱草比北萱草进化。  相似文献   

目的:为了对秦岭南麓野生萱草资源进行保护和开发利用。方法:从已收集的野生萱草属植物中选取具有代表性的种质材料,以黄花菜栽培种‘沙苑花’为对照,利用高效液相色谱法和紫外分光光度计对萱草属植物花蕾中酚酸类和黄酮类化合物进行检测和分析。结果:对7种酚酸类物质检测表明,野生材料的绿原酸、丁香酸、香草酸、对香豆酸、阿魏酸含量较栽培种低;但没食子酸和香豆酸的含量较栽培种高,其中野生‘萱草’的没食子酸和香豆酸含量分别是栽培种的1.57倍和1.59倍。在黄酮类物质中,野生材料的儿茶素含量低于栽培种;野生‘大苞萱草’的总黄酮和芦丁含量较栽培种低;但野生材料的槲皮素含量均高于栽培种,其中野生‘萱草’和‘大苞萱草’的平均含量分别是栽培种的1.99倍和2.56倍。结论:在秦岭南麓萱草属植物中,野生材料的没食子酸、香豆酸、总黄酮、槲皮素含量高于栽培种,且绿原酸、总黄酮和儿茶素含量明显高于其他地区的萱草材料,故应加强对该地区野生萱草属植物资源的调查收集和开发利用,这将对丰富萱草资源多样性和营养品质改良具有重要意义。  相似文献   

33个黄花菜品种及3种野生黄花菜的过氧化物酶同工酶分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1984-1987年先后全国16个省区收集了33个黄花菜(HemerocalliscitrinaBarani)品种和3个野生黄花菜品种。87-94年连续7年观察了各品种的主要形态特征,农艺性状。利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术分析比较了各品种的过氧化物酶同工酶谱。结果表明,凡形态上差异较大者,过氧化物酶谱同工酶谱差异也大;形态上无明显差异者,过氧化物酶同工酶谱也基本相同,表现了很强的对应性。各地栽培的黄花菜中普遍存在着同物异名或同名异物现象。收集的33个黄花菜品种整理归并为25个不同的品种;17号早黄花(野生)、19号四月花(栽培)均为北萱草(Hemerocallisesculents),18号野黄花为折叶萱草(Hemerocallisplicata)。为研究黄花菜品种的亲缘起源关系及进行杂交育种工作提供了一些理论依据。  相似文献   

萱草属中国特有种的细胞分类研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对萱草属3个中国特有种,折叶萱草、西南萱草和多花萱草间的亲缘关系,不同学者有不同观点。本文试图从核型特征阐明三者的亲缘关系。折叶萱草、西南萱草和多花萱草的核型公式分别为:2n=12m+8sm+2T;2n=8m+12sm+2T和2n=12m+4sm+4st+2T。核型不对称性依次加大;三者均在T型(第11号)染色体着丝点端具有微小随体。三者染色体组分之间的欧氏距离:折叶萱草与西南萱草为0.2728;折叶萱草与多花萱草为0.4501;西南萱草与多花萱草为0.5741。以上资料表明,折叶萱草与西南萱草更为近缘,而多花萱草比前二者进化。  相似文献   


Eight taxa of the Dipsacaceae family were examined for their fatty acid and sterol composition. Separation and identification of the lipid fraction was achieved by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The phenotypic differences among taxa were established by cluster analysis. Correlation coefficients were obtained to investigate numerical relationships among constituents of the fatty acids. The results showed many significant correlations between different constituents, as well as four clusters of taxa using two linkage types of clustering.  相似文献   

A cluster analysis and a principal components analysis were performed to examine the degree to which the diatom flora of Yaquina estuary can be partitioned into discrete associations and to relate the composition of the flora to selected physical properties of the estuary. The species composition of the diatom flora during the winter was more closely associated with salinity and intertidal exposure them in the summer. A cluster of freshwater taxa obtained for the winter data was the most conspicuous diatom association defined by the cluster analysis. Although taxa within a cluster had more similar distributions than taxa from different clusters, there was considerable variation in the distributions of marine and brackish water taxa within a multispecies cluster.  相似文献   

A numerical taxonomic analysis was performed on 79 phenotypic characters of 147 imperfect yeast species currently assigned to the genus Candida. The characters used were drawn from two monographs on yeast taxonomy. The analysis revealed 10 clusters of three or more species that were similar at the level of 75% or more, and seven clusters containing only one or two species. None of the 10 major clusters contained exclusively species that were traditionally assigned to the genus Torulopsis, while the 12 Candida species of basidiomycetous affinity fell into three clusters with only one species of ascomycetous affinity included. Statistical determination of the five most important differential characters for each cluster failed to show the property of pseudomycelium/mycelium formation as significant for any cluster. The study provides no evidence to support a distinction between taxa that were formerly divided between the genera Candida and Torulopsis and supports previous proposals that these genera should be fused.  相似文献   

Plants colonize post-mining areas such as spoil heaps even without human interference, by spontaneous succession. Knowledge of this process, its direction and role in shaping the vegetation is desirable not only from an ecological point of view but also in the application of remediation techniques of such environmental burdens. The aim of our study was to analyse plant species composition and to describe a succession pattern at two mineralogically different spoil heaps near the city of Banská Bystrica (central Slovakia). Hierarchical cluster analysis was used in PC-ORD software to classify physiognomic vegetation types (PVT) at heaps and synoptic tables were generated in Juice software according to species percentage of frequency and their median cover. At the Hg-heap Ve?ká studňa we recorded a total of 335 taxa of vascular plants and 83 taxa of bryophytes within 21 identified PVT, which were grouped into 4 clusters (forest, wetland, grassland and ruderal cluster). A total of 111 taxa of vascular plants and 76 taxa of bryophytes were recorded at the Cu-heap Podlipa and here 9 PVT formed 3 clusters (initial, non-forest and forest cluster). At both heaps PVT, represented as individual successional stages, formed a distinct continuum along the moisture gradient (in dry and wet areas). We can consider both heaps as species-rich with different diagnostic and constant species and a development of various microhabitats. In addition, bryophytes greatly contribute to species composition and richness and their assamblages in initial stages of succession can be important towards the higher ones.  相似文献   

The rare and endangered Hieracium wiesbaurianum species group shows a scattered relictual distribution in Bavaria. Recently, a couple of populations were discovered which clearly differ from all other populations. If these must be considered as taxonomically independent units, they would be of crucial conservation interest, because of the sole responsibility that Bavaria has for these worldwide endemics. We therefore analysed the genetic structure of H. wiesbaurianum in a comparative approach. Our analysis comprised 37 populations of 13 taxa of H. wiesbaurianum, H. bifidum and H. laevigatum, including three potentially new taxa. We applied amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis and observed only limited genetic variation within populations and taxa. Nevertheless, each studied individual exhibited a unique genotype. An analysis of molecular variance revealed high levels of genetic variation between taxa, but populations were genetically less different. The clear genetic differentiation between the studied taxa was supported by neighbor‐joining cluster analyses and principal coordinate analyses in which every individual was clearly assigned to its respective taxon. The three potentially new taxa were genetically as well differentiated as the other taxa included in our study. This supports the assumption that they should be treated as taxonomically independent units of high conservation interest. Therefore, the genetic analysis confirmed the morphologically based classification of the studied Hieracium taxa. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 112–123.  相似文献   



Genes responsible for biosynthesis of fungal secondary metabolites are usually tightly clustered in the genome and co-regulated with metabolite production. Epipolythiodioxopiperazines (ETPs) are a class of secondary metabolite toxins produced by disparate ascomycete fungi and implicated in several animal and plant diseases. Gene clusters responsible for their production have previously been defined in only two fungi. Fungal genome sequence data have been surveyed for the presence of putative ETP clusters and cluster data have been generated from several fungal taxa where genome sequences are not available. Phylogenetic analysis of cluster genes has been used to investigate the assembly and heredity of these gene clusters.  相似文献   

Whole nerve, as well as single fiber, responses in the chorda tympani proper (CT) and glossopharyngeal (NG) nerves of 1- to 7-week-old pigs were recorded during taste stimulation. In the CT acids and in the NG bitter compounds gave the largest responses. Both nerves exhibited large responses to monosodium glutamate (MSG), MSG with guanosine 5'-monophosphate (GMP) and MSG with inositine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) as well as to glycine, xylitol, sucrose, fructose and glucose. Alitame, aspartame, betaine, neohesperedin dihydrochalcone (NHDHC), super-aspartame, saccharin and thaumatin elicited no or little response. Hierarchical cluster analysis of 49 CT fibers separated four major clusters. The M cluster, comprising 28.5% of all fibers, is characterized by strong responses to MSG, KCl, LiCl and NaCl. The responses to NaCl and LiCl were unaffected by amiloride. The H cluster (24.5%) includes units responding principally to acids. The Q cluster (18.5%) responds to quinine hydrochloride (QHCl), sucrose octaacetate (SOA) and salts with amiloride. The S cluster (28.5%) exhibits strong responses to xylitol, glycine and the carbohydrates as well as to MSG alone and to MSG with GMP or IMP. In 31 NG fibers, hierarchical cluster analysis revealed four clusters: the M cluster (10%), responding to MSG and MSG with GMP or IMP; the H cluster (13%), responding to acids; the Q cluster (29%), responding strongly to QHCl, SOA and tilmicosinR; and the S cluster (48%), responding best to xylitol, carbohydrates and glycine but also to the umami compounds. Multidimensional scaling analysis across fiber responses to all stimuli showed the best separation between compounds with different taste qualities when information from both nerves was utilized.  相似文献   

Phenetic analyses of 218 OTUs belonging toVaccinium sectionMyrtillus and scored for 13 characters generated five robust clusters.Vaccinium parvifolium is the most distinct cluster, followed by the “myrtillus-scoparium” complex, thenV. membranaceum, V. caespitosum, and the “ovalifolium-deliciosum” complex. Biosystematic studies suggest that the five clusters comprise seven taxa that possess many of the properties that define biological species. Indeed, the recognition of the seven taxa as species is supported by cytological, phenological, biogeographical and ecological as well as chemical data. A detailed taxonomic treatment for all these taxa is presented.  相似文献   

Karyotypic differences have been used for delimiting populations or species, although whether these mutations provide strong barriers to gene flow between populations and promote speciation remains contentious. In this study, we assessed whether 11 chromosomal races of Australian morabine grasshoppers ( Vandiemenella viatica species group) represent genetically distinct populations by analyses of cytological and allozyme (35 loci) data and DNA sequences of the elongation factor-1 alpha ( EF -1α), anonymous Mvia11 , and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I ( COI ) loci. While the Vandiemenella chromosomal taxa generally represent genetically distinct units, a substantial portion of the total genetic variation in our samples was not explained by the chromosomal variation. Mantel tests indicated that Vandiemenella populations were spatially structured and have maintained gene flow at a local scale within each of the taxa. The group was subdivided into 13 genetic clusters; four chromosomal taxa comprised single exclusive clusters, while others comprised more than one cluster or clusters shared with other taxa. Boundaries of these cryptic population subdivisions correspond with several biogeographical barriers, such as straits, gulfs, the Murray River, and an ancient mega-lake, Lake Bungunnia. The viatica species group was previously proposed to have diversified without major geographical separation based on the stasipatric speciation model; however, the present study suggests the involvement of allopatric fragmentation. Given extensive nonmonophyly of chromosomal taxa and incomplete barriers to gene flow among taxa, all Vandiemenella chromosomal taxa and genetically distinct populations within chromosomal taxa, except Vandiemenella pichirichi , should be regarded as populations of one species: Vandiemenella viatica .  相似文献   

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