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植物水的稳定同位素分馏过程是水在土壤-植物-大气连续体中循环的重要环节。以往研究由于叶片水18O同位素比值(δ18O l,b)和氘(D)同位素比值(δDl,b)(合称δl,b)实测数量少只能作为模型验证数据, 导致δl,b富集机制研究多集中于模型研究, 缺乏基于野外试验条件的δl,b富集的控制机制研究。叶片水δDl,bδ18O l,b的富集程度(ΔDl,bΔ18O l,b, 合称Δl,b)通常表示为δl,b与茎秆水D同位素比值(δDx)和18O同位素比值(δ18Ox) (合称δx)之差, 即Δl,b = δl,b - δx。该研究以黑河中游沙漠绿洲春玉米(Zea mays)生态系统为研究对象, 重点采集和分析了季节和日尺度δl,bδx数据, 配套开展了大气水汽δ18O和δD (合称δv)等辅助变量的原位连续观测, 探讨了季节和日尺度上的δl,b富集特征及其影响因素。结果表明: 叶片水δl,bΔl,b的季节变化趋势不明显, 而受蒸腾作用影响表现出白天富集夜间贫化的单峰日变化特征。对于D来说, 无论季节尺度上还是日尺度上, 大气水汽δv和相对湿度是δDl,bΔDl,b的主要环境控制因素; 而对于18O来说, 无论季节尺度上还是日尺度上, 相对湿度是δ18O l,bΔ18O l,b的主要环境控制因素。由于D和18O在热力学平衡分馏上有约8倍差异, 直接分析叶片水ΔDl,bΔ18Ol,b与影响因素的差异性, 有助于理解叶片水δD和δ18O富集过程以及对模型发展有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses of fossil teeth and other authigenic minerals have been used to reconstruct the paleoenvironment and paleoelevation of the Tibetan Plateau. The accuracy of such reconstructions is limited by the lack of a comprehensive modern comparative database from the region. We analyzed the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions (δ13C and δ18O values) of tooth enamel from modern herbivores, the δ13C values of grasses and the δ18O values of water samples collected from various elevations within the Tibetan Plateau to examine their relationships with modern environment/elevation. The δ13C values of enamel samples from horses, yaks and goats display a narrow range of variation, with a mean of − 10.7 ± 1.4‰ (n = 301), indicating that these modern herbivores were feeding predominantly on C3 plants, consistent with the current dominance of C3 vegetation in the region. Some of the samples have δ13C values between − 7.3 and − 10‰. Although these higher δ13C values could suggest consumption of some C4 plants by the animals, the lack of significant seasonal δ13C variations within individual teeth indicates that these higher enamel δ13C values are due to consumption of C3 plants experiencing water stress and/or some CAM plants rather than C4 plants. Our data show that the conservative “cut-off” δ13C value for a pure C3 diet within the Tibetan Plateau should be − 8‰ for modern herbivores and − 7‰ (or even − 6.5‰) for fossils if the region was as arid in the past as today. In contrast to the small intra-tooth δ13C variations within individual teeth, serial enamel samples display large intra-tooth δ18O variations, reflecting seasonal variations in the δ18O of meteoric water. The mean δ18O values of tooth enamel from yaks and horses show a strong correlation with water δ18O values, confirming that the δ18O of tooth enamel from obligate drinker generally tracks the δ18O of meteoric water. Unfortunately, elevation alone cannot explain most of the variance in the δ18O of precipitation and tooth enamel, suggesting that quantitative reconstruction of the paleoelevation of the Tibetan Plateau using re-constructed δ18O values of paleo-meteoric water from fossil enamel or other oxygen-bearing minerals is not warranted. For a given environment, horses have the lowest enamel–δ18O values while goats display the highest enamel–δ18O values among the species studied. The large inter-species δ18O variations are likely due to differences in physiology and diet/drinking behavior of the animals. This underscores the importance of species-specific studies when interpreting δ18O data of fossil mammalian teeth in a stratigraphic sequence as a record of paleoclimate changes.  相似文献   

Aims Phragmites australis marshes in Tianjin play an important role in ecosystem functioning. Wetlands of Tianjin municipality have been suffering from serious nitrogen loading, salinization and water shortage. The foliar stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) is a good parameter which records environmental change information associated with the plant growth process, and reflects physiological and ecological responses of plants to environment changes. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of environment stress on the leaf δ13C of P. australis in marsh wetlands in Tianjin municipality.Methods This study was conducted in Qilihai, Beidagang, and Dahuangpu marsh wetlands. We investigated the foliar δ13C of P. australis and sediment properties, and evaluated the relationships between the foliar δ13C and sediment environmental factors. Important findings 1) Foliar δ13C ranged from -26.3‰ to -23.6‰, with an average value of -25.8‰. 2) Sediment water and nitrogen status were the important factors affecting reed foliar δ13C. Foliar δ13C was negatively correlated to sediment relative water content, and positively correlated to sediment total nitrogen and available nitrogen content. In contrast, foliar δ13C was not significantly correlated to sediment salinity and phosphorus content. 3) Leaf δ13C were significantly positively correlated with leaf nitrogen content, and negatively correlated with leaf carbon and nitrogen ratio across all site. However, these relationships were not detected due to the wetland drainage at Qilihai site in August. Wetland drainage changed the plant water and nitrogen balance, and further affected water and nitrogen utilization strategies of P. australis. Moreover, wetland drainage had stronger effects on these processes than nitrogen loading and salinization.  相似文献   

天津芦苇(Phragmites australis)沼泽具有重要的生态功能。目前天津地区水体咸化、氮污染和水资源短缺问题严重, 显著影响了芦苇湿地的植物生理生态过程。植物稳定碳同位素组成(碳稳定同位素比值(δ13C))能够记录与植物生长过程相关联的环境变化信息, 反映植物对环境变化的生理生态适应特性。该研究调查了天津七里海、北大港和大黄堡湿地芦苇叶片的δ13C分布特征, 探讨了影响该地区叶片δ13C值变化的主要因素。研究表明: 1)天津芦苇湿地植物叶片δ13C的变化范围在-26.3‰ - -23.6 ‰之间, 平均值为-25.8‰; 2)芦苇叶片δ13C与底泥相对含水量呈显著负相关关系, 与底泥有效氮和全氮含量呈显著正相关关系, 而与底泥盐度和磷含量没有显著相关关系; 水分条件和底泥氮营养状况是影响叶片的δ13C值变化的主要因素; 3)淹水条件下, 芦苇叶片δ13C与叶片质量氮含量呈显著正相关关系, 与叶碳氮比呈显著负相关关系, 8月份七里海湿地干涸打破了此相关关系。当前环境压力下, 天津沼泽湿地干涸极大地改变了芦苇的氮、水平衡和植物对水、氮资源的利用策略, 而湿地干涸对该过程的影响要高于盐度和氮负荷增加。  相似文献   

Coral colonies of Porites lutea and P. lobata were collected from areas to the east and south offshore of Hainan Island, South China Sea. Oxygen isotope ratios, 18O/16O, were analyzed along the major axis of growth at a resolution of 25–28 samples within an annual band from three colonies, giving data series lengths of 15, 20 and 30 years. Coral δ18O correlates well with sea surface temperature (SST) throughout most years, particularly when the Asian winter monsoon prevails over the region. Due to the same seasonal phases of SST and sea surface salinity (SSS), it is estimated that most of the seasonal features of coral δ18O are controlled by changes in SST with a significant contribution of SSS. This indicates the importance of temperature, as determined by the Asian winter monsoon, as a control on seasonal coral δ18O variations in the South China Sea. Given the fact that annual SSS maxima show minor inter-annual changes, the inter-annual change of annual coral δ18O maximum mainly reflects the SST induced by the winter monsoon. While the coral δ18O is mainly controlled by SST, deviations of the δ18O from SST correlate statistically with sea surface salinity, particularly for summer extreme events when SST reaches its annual maximum with minor inter-annual change. Therefore, we suggest that the inter-annual variation of the annual coral δ18O minima is mainly controlled by seawater composition. Seawater composition analysis indicates that its δ18O and salinity are simultaneously affected by freshwater inputs primarily from precipitation, which is mainly supplied by the Asian summer monsoon. Thus seasonal alternations of the winter and summer monsoon mainly control the coral δ18O, thereby allowing reconstruction of these monsoonal variables. The three coral records consistently reveal clear inter-decadal trends in δ18O — a gradual increase from 1968 to 1987, and a subsequent decrease from 1987 to 2003. These inter-decadal trends are roughly consistent with salinity changes — but not with temperature and precipitation, suggesting that seawater composition controlled by freshwater inputs from distant source areas, rather than from local precipitation, is responsible for the trends in seawater composition and coral δ18O over the last 30 years. Comparison of the three coral records indicates that spatial variations in coral δ18O coincide with variations in seawater salinity and local precipitation, but not with temperature. This confirms the dominant role of seawater composition, mainly controlled by monsoonal precipitation, on the spatial variability of coral δ18O in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Aims The optimal patterns of plant community for water use and nutrient utilization, the responses of soil carbon and nitrogen turnover processes to forest succession, and the mechanisms of soil organic carbon accumulation, are three critical issues in forest ecosystem study. It is difficult to accurately detect these ecological processes with conventional methodologies in the short term, yet the application of 13C and 15N natural abundance technique may yield important information about these processes.Methods This study was conducted in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve. We investigated the natural isotopic abundance of both 13C and 15N of plant-soil continuum along a successional gradient from Pinus massoniana forest (PF) to coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest (MF), and monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest (BF). We also analyzed the correlations of foliar stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) and stable nitrogen isotope ratio (δ15N) with foliar elemental contents and the variations of soil δ13C and δ15N along soil profiles at different successional stages.Important findings A significant positive correlation between foliar δ13C and foliar C:N was observed. In both litter and soil, the δ13C values tended to decrease along the forest succession, with the order as PF > MF > BF. Foliar δ15N was positively correlated with foliar N content. The δ15N values of litter and upper soil (0-10 cm) increased with successional status. Both soil δ13C and δ15N values increased with increasing soil depth at all three forests. Our results imply that 1) trade-off between water use efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency did not necessarily exist in subtropical forests of China; 2) the application of isotopic technique could assist understanding of the mechanisms of soil carbon accumulation in subtropical forests, especially in old-grow forests; 3) the 15N natural abundance of plant-soil continuum could be a potential indicator of soil nitrogen availability and ecosystem nitrogen saturation status.  相似文献   

鼎湖山森林演替序列植物-土壤碳氮同位素特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
植物群落对水分利用和养分利用的优化策略, 土壤碳周转和氮循环过程对演替变化如何响应, 森林土壤有机碳积累机制等都是森林生态学需要解决的关键问题。然而, 这些生态学过程的变化在短时间内通过传统的研究手段难以被精确观测, 碳氮同位素(13C、15N)技术的应用或许能提供更多有价值的信息。该文通过对鼎湖山森林演替序列代表性群落——马尾松(Pinus massoniana)针叶林(PF)、针阔叶混交林(MF)和季风常绿阔叶林(BF)植物-土壤碳氮同位素自然丰度的测定, 分析了叶片稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C)和稳定氮同位素比率(δ15N)与其叶片元素含量的关系, 以及叶片-凋落物-土壤δ13C、δ15N在演替水平和垂直方向上的变化特征。结果显示: 1)主要优势树种叶片δ13C与其C:N极显著正相关(p < 0.01), 凋落物和各层土壤δ13C均表现为PF > MF > BF, 沿演替方向逐渐降低; 2)叶片δ15N与叶片N含量正相关(p = 0.05), 凋落物和表层土壤(0-10 cm) δ15N沿演替方向逐渐增大; 3)不同演替阶段土壤δ13C、δ15N均沿垂直剖面呈现增大的趋势。结果表明: 南亚热带地区植物群落的发展并不一定受水分利用和氮素利用的补偿制约; δ13C自然丰度法的应用有助于森林土壤有机碳积累机制, 尤其有助于成熟森林土壤“碳汇”机制的阐释; 植物-土壤δ15N值可作为评估土壤氮素有效性和生态系统“氮饱和”状态的潜在指标。  相似文献   

A study of the stable isotope composition (δ18O, δ13C) of biogenic (ostracod, mollusc) and authigenic carbonates in the Ballagan Formation, Lower Carboniferous of Scotland, coupled with evidence from sedimentology and associated fossil fauna and flora, supports the argument that this formation was deposited in a coastal flood plain setting, in brackish (0.5 < 30‰ NaCl) and hypersaline (> 40‰ NaCl) waters, but in the absence of persistent normal marine conditions. The oxygen isotope data from the Ballagan Formation divide into three clusters: a diagenetic field defined by low δ18O (< − 11‰ VPDB); an intermediary field (δ18O − 11‰ to − 9‰) composed of a mixture of known primary and secondary (diagenetic) carbonates; and samples within the range of − 9‰ to − 4‰ which, as far as we can ascertain, are largely unaltered. No samples give typical Early Carboniferous δ18O marine values. Average marine carbonates from Europe have δ18O between − 4‰ to − 3‰. The Ballagan Formation carbonates were probably deposited in evaporated freshwater and/or brackish water. This conclusion is supported by the presence of evaporites (gypsum, anhydrite, halite pseudomorphs) and common desiccation-cracked mudstone surfaces throughout the Ballagan Formation, suggesting conditions of fluctuating salinity in ephemeral bodies of water. The stable isotope data support the notion that the ostracod assemblages of the Ballagan Formation were colonising brackish water and hypersaline ecologies on a coastal flood plain during the Early Carboniferous, a stage of development that may have encouraged their colonisation of fully non-marine (limnetic) environments during the later Carboniferous. The ostracods include cytherellacean and kloedenellacean species known from marginal marine sites elsewhere, but probably tolerant of brackish water, podocopid species such as ‘Bythocyprisaequalis that may have been adapted for brackish water settings on coastal flood plains (ephemeral lakes and lagoons), and paraparchitacean-dominated assemblages that may signal harsh (hypersaline or desiccating) environments.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate early Aptian marine paleotemperature evolution across the period of enhanced organic carbon (Corg)-burial [Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1a], stable isotope analyses were performed on pelagic limestones at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463, central Pacific Ocean. The δ18O data exhibit a distinct anomaly by ~ − 2‰ spanning the OAE 1a interval (i.e., a ~ 6 m-thick, phytoplanktonic Corg-rich unit constrained by magneto-, bio- and δ13C stratigraphy). Elucidation of paleotemperature significance of the δ18O shift is made by taking account of recent Sr/Ca evidence at the same section, which revealed that geochemical signals in carbonate-poor lithologies are relatively unaltered against burial diagenesis. By discriminating δ18O values from carbonate-poor samples (CaCO3 contents = 5–30 wt.%), it appears that an abrupt rise in sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) by 8 °C (= − 1.7‰ shift in δ18O) occurred immediately before OAE 1a, whereas a cooling mode likely prevailed during the peak Corg-burial. In terms of its stratigraphic relationship as to the Corg-rich interval and to a pronounced negative δ13C excursion, as well as its timescale, the observed SST rise resembles those associated with the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum and, more strikingly, Jurassic Toarcian OAE. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that these paleoenvironmental events were driven by a common causal mechanism, which was likely initiated by the greenhouse effect via massive release of CH4 or CO2 from the isotopically-light carbon reservoir and terminated by a negative productivity feedback.  相似文献   

Aims Ecosystem light use efficiency (LUE) reflects the ability of CO2 uptake and light utilization via photosynthesis, which is a key parameter in ecosystem models to evaluate ecosystem productivity. The objectives of this study were to: (1) compare the differences of LUE derived from different methods; (2) elucidate the seasonal dynamics of LUE and its regulatory factors; and (3) evaluate the maximum LUE (LUEmax) and its variability based on eddy-covariance (EC) flux.Methods Using the flux data from an EC tower during 2003-2005 at a broad-leaved Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest, Changbai Mountain, two types of LUE indicators were generated from: 1) the apparent quantum yield (ε) estimated with rectangular hyperbolic curve, and 2) the ecological light use efficiency (LUEeco) calculated as the ratio between gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and photosynthetically-active radiation (Q).Important findings The seasonal variation of ε and LUEeco appeared a unimodal pattern within a year, with the variations significantly dominated by soil surface temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). A positive correlation between GEP and LUE was found for both ε and LUEeco, with the effect of Q on LUE relatively weak. The increase in diffusion radiation appeared favorable for enhanced LUE. Generally, there was a significant positive relationship between ε and LUEeco, while ε was higher than LUEeco, especially during the mid-season. The annual maximum value of ε and LUEeco was (0.087 ± 0.003) and (0.040 ± 0.002) μmol CO2·μmol photon-1 over the three years, respectively. The interannual variability of LUEmax for ε and LUEeco was 4.17% and 4.25%, respectively, with a maximum difference of >8%, likely resulted from considerable uncertainty in model simulations. Our results indicated that the inversion and optimization of maximum LUE should be taken seriously in the application of LUE models.  相似文献   

The bis(oxazoline) ligand, 2,2-bis[4(R)-phenyl-1,3-oxazolon-2-yl]propane (bpop), was introduced to the η6-benzenemthenium(II) moiety on treatment with [Ru(η6-C6H6)Cl2]2 to give [Ru(η6-C6H6)(bpop)Cl]+. Aquo and amine complexes [Ru(η6-C6H6)(bpop)(L)]2+ (L = H2O (1), NH2R; R = H (2) , Me (3) , and n-Bu (4) ) were prepared by treating the chloride complex with AgBF4 in the presence of L. X-ray structure determinations of 1 and 3 were carried out. Both complexes possessed a three-leg piano stool structure with the N or O donors located at the three comers of a pseudo octahedron. The aquo complex 1 exhibited a dynamic NMR feature in which two magnetically nonequivalent oxazoline parts observed at lower temperatures were interchanged with each other at higher temperatures. This observation was ascribed to the formation of a C2-symmetric 16-electron intermediate via Ru-OH2 cleavage, which is slower in acetone than in dichloromethane owing to more effective solvation by acetone around hydrogens of the coordinated water molecule. The two diastereotopic N-hydrogens of 4 underwent deuterium exchange with CD3OD with greatly different rates from each other owing to different energy of NHO (D) (CD3) interaction. Carboxylate and sulfonate ions (A) formed second sphere complexes with 4 by means of NHA hydrogen bonding, as evidenced by continuous shift of NH2 resonances with increasing amounts of the anions added.  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses on bulk carbonates are considered a useful tool for palaeoclimatic reconstruction assuming calcite precipitation occurring at oxygen isotope equilibrium with local water and detrital carbonate input being absent or insignificant. We present results from Lake Neuchâtel (western Switzerland) that demonstrate equilibrium precipitation of calcite, except during high productivity periods, and the presence of detrital and resuspended calcite. Mineralogy, geochemistry and stable isotope values of Lake Neuchâtel trap sediments and adjacent rivers suspension were studied. Mineralogy of suspended matter in the major inflowing rivers documents an important contribution of detrital carbonates, predominantly calcite with minor amounts of dolomite and ankerite. Using mineralogical data, the quantity of allochthonous calcite can be estimated by comparing the ratio ankerite + dolomite/calcite + ankerite + dolomite in the inflowing rivers and in the traps. Material taken from sediment traps shows an evolution from practically pure endogenic calcite in summer (10–20% detrital material) to higher percentages of detrital material in winter (up to 20–40%). Reflecting these mineralogical variations, δ13C and δ18O values of calcite from sediment traps are more negative in summer than in winter times. Since no significant variations in isotopic composition of lake water were detected over one year, factors controlling oxygen isotopic composition of calcite in sediment traps are the precipitation temperature, and the percentage of resuspended and detrital calcite. Samples taken close to the river inflow generally have higher δ values than the others, confirming detrital influence. SEM and isotopic studies on different size fractions (<2, 2–6, 6–20, 20–60, >60 μm) of winter and summer samples allowed the recognition of resuspension and to separate new endogenic calcite from detrital calcite. Fractions>60 and <2 μm have the highest percentage of detritus. Fractions 2–6 and 6–20 μm are typical for the new endogenic calcite in summer, as given by calculations assuming isotopic equilibrium with local water. In winter such fractions show similar values than in summer, indicating resuspension. Using the isotopic composition of sediment traps material and of different size fractions, as well as the isotopic composition of lake water, the water temperature measurements and mineralogy, we re-evaluated the bulk carbonate potential for palaeoclimatic reconstruction in the presence of detrital and re-suspended calcite. This re-evaluation leads to the following conclusion: (1) the endogenic signal can be amplified by applying a particle-size separation, once the size of endogenic calcite is known from SEM study; (2) resuspended calcite does not alter the endogenic signal, but it lowers the time resolution; (3) detrital input decreases at increasing distances from the source, and it modifies the isotopic signal only when very abundant; (4) influence of detrital calcite on bulk sediment isotopic composition can be calculated.  相似文献   

(η3-Cyclooctenyl)Co(bisphosphine) compounds react with HBF4 in the presence of alkenes with oxidation of the metal to give the novel, paramagnetic organocobalt(II) species [(η3-cyclooctenyl)Co(bisphosphine)]+BF4, (η3-2-RC3H4)Co(bisphosphine) complexes react similarly. The Co(II) compounds form adducts with CO and NO (the latter being diamagnetic) and undergo facile chemical and electrochemical reduction.  相似文献   

The thermal and photochemical reactions of CpRe(PPh3)2H4 and CpRe(PPh3)H4 (Cp = η5-C5H5) with PMe3, P(p-tolyl)3, PMe2Ph, DMPE, DPPE, DPPM, CO, 2,6-xylylisocyanide and ethylene have been examined. While CpRe(PPh3)2H2 is thermally inert, it will undergo photochemical substitution of one or two PPh3 ligands. With ethylene, substitution is followed by insertion of the olefin into the C-H bond of benzene, giving ethylbenzene. CpRe(PPh3)H4 undergoes thermal loss of PPh3, which leads to substituted products of the type CpRe(L) H4. Photochemically, reductive elimination of dihydrogen occurs preferentially. The complex trans-CpRe(DMPE)H2 was structurally characterized, crystallizing in the monoclinic space group P21/n (No. 14) with a = 6.249(6), b = 16.671(8), c = 13.867(7) Å, β = 92.11(6)°, V = 1443.7(2.9) Å and Z = 4. The complex trans-CpRe(PMe2Ph)2H2 was structurally characterized, crystallizing in the monoclinic space group P21/n (No. 14) with a = 7.467(3), b = 23.874(14), c = 11.798(6) Å, β = 100.16(4)°, V = 2070.2(3.4) Å3 and Z = 4.  相似文献   

为了探明典型荒漠灌木优势物种黑沙蒿(俗名油蒿, Artemisia ordosica)光合过程能量中分配对环境波动的相对变化及其长期调节机制, 该研究于2018年4-10月在宁夏盐池毛乌素沙地, 同时使用MONITORING-PAM多通道荧光监测仪和LI-6400XT便携式光合测量仪对黑沙蒿叶片的最小荧光产量(Fo)、最大荧光产量(Fm)、稳态荧光产量(Fs)、光下最大荧光产量(Fm′)、净光合速率(Pn)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)、蒸腾速率(E)和叶片气孔导度(gs)进行现场测定, 在实验室内计算比叶面积(SLA)、单位面积氮含量(Narea)、叶绿素含量(CChl)和叶绿素a/b (Chl a/b), 分析黑沙蒿光合过程能量分配中固碳耗能占比(ΦA)、光呼吸耗能占比(ΦPR)、调节性热耗散耗能占比(ΦNPQ)和非调节性热耗散耗能占比(ΦNO)与环境参数和叶性状参数之间的关系以及能量分配各组分之间的相对变化。结果表明, 光化学反应组分(ΦAΦPR)和热耗散组分(ΦNPQΦNO)之间呈负相关竞争关系, 两组分内部呈正相关协同关系, EΦAΦPR正相关, 和ΦNPQΦNO负相关。在低土壤含水量(SWC)和高饱和水汽压差(VPD)环境条件下, 黑沙蒿ΦAΦPRSLA显著降低, ΦNPQΦNO显著增加。研究认为, 在长期干旱或高蒸散条件下, 黑沙蒿通过降低SLA等途径避免水分的过度流失, 同时将部分过剩光能由光呼吸代谢途径转移到热耗散组分进行耗散。波动环境下黑沙蒿形态性状的变异和光合过程能量分配的长期调节机制, 反映了其利用形态与生理的协同可塑性对逆境的适应。  相似文献   

The Late Oligocene (25.8 Ma) Enspel Fossillagerstätte in Westerwald, Germany, contains a comprehensive fossil ecosystem preserved with specimens retaining morphological detail and a concentration of organic material. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were used to examine the lacustrine ecosystem preserved in one stratigraphic horizon. These data suggest the presence of several trophic levels, including primary producers (diatoms and higher plants), primary consumers (e.g., tadpoles and insects), and secondary consumers (e.g., the fish species Paleorutilus enspelensis). Terrigenous and aquatic plants were associated with the lowest δ13C and δ15N values (mean plant = − 26.28‰ ± 0.45, 3.18‰ ± 1.04), primary consumers such as flies are one trophic level higher, and carnivores such as fish are yet another level higher. The δ15N values for P. enspelensis also showed enrichment in 15N with increasing body length, implying a shift in diet or feeding strategy with size. P. enspelensis and tadpole (Pelobates decheni) samples showed intraorganism fractionation between ‘muscle’ and ‘bone’ tissues. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data from the measurement of components (shale, leaves and seeds) common to a number of different stratigraphic horizons showed significant variation between horizons. A number of the features of the stable isotopic data are similar to those relationships seen in modern ecosystems and therefore suggest that stable isotope analyses can contribute to understanding ancient ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aims Artemisia gmelinii is a dominant specie naturally established after abandonment of cultivated lands in the Loess Plateau, and Caragana korshinskii is one of the main planted shrub species to control soil erosion. Improved understanding of water use strategies of these two species is of great significance to evaluate the sustainable development of the Loess Plateau under the trend of climate warming and increasing drought events.
Methods Stable oxygen-18 isotope was used to determine seasonal variations in the water sources of native A. gmelinii communities established after abandonment of cultivated lands for 7 and 30 years and planted C. korshinskii after 30 years. The contributions of soil water from different depths to water uptake were estimated by the MixSIR Bayesian mixing model. The geometric mean regression method was used to fit the line of precipitation to get the local meteoric water line (LWML).
Important findings The stable hydrogen isotope rate (δD) and stable oxygen isotope rate (δ18O) of soil water and xylem water plotted to the right side of the LWML, indicating that the isotopic compositions of soil water were enriched due to evaporation. The native A. gmelinii communities established after abandonment of cultivated lands for 7 years and planted C. korshinskii after 30 years showed plasticity in switching water sources from different soil layers, extracting water from shallow soil (0-40 cm) when soil water was available, but deeper soil (40-80 cm) when shallow soil water was dry. In contrast, A. gmelinii growing in site after cultivation abandonment for 30 years mainly relied on water from the surface soil (0-10 cm) throughout the growing season. Our results suggest that the ability of A. gmelinii to compete for soil water reduces with aging of the community while the planted C. korshinskii will have competitive advantage under the condition of increasing frequency of drought events in the future.  相似文献   

The energy dissipation/circulation function (EDCF) is the product of the specific energy dissipation rate in the impeller swept volume (P/kD3) and the frequency of particle circulation (1/tc) through that volume. A direct relationship between mycelial fragmentation and EDCF has been reported. However, and although hyphal fragmentation is assumed to occur by hyphae-eddy interaction, Kolmogorov microscale (λ) has not been shown to determine, at least directly, fungal morphology. In this work we studied the influence of λ and EDCF evolution, as well as the individual effects of P/kD3 and 1/tc, on Trichoderma harzianum cultures in an attempt to elucidate the mechanistic interactions between parameters. T. harzianum cultures, conducted at equivalent yielding P/kD3 conditions, were developed using two different Rushton turbines diameter sets. For the studied conditions, 1/tc had a greater effect over mycelial clump size and growth rate than P/kD3. Consequently, broth viscosity, and hence Kolmogorov microscale, was a function of impeller diameter, even among cultures operated at equivalent specific energy dissipation rates. The latter could partially explain why Kolmogorv's theory has not been able to fully correlate morphological data, and highlights the importance of 1/tc on fungal bioprocesses. A theoretical approach to monitor λ in large-scale bioreactors is proposed.  相似文献   

Axial variation of latewood-widths and -stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O) of a single sessile oak tree (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) was analyzed. The influence of sampling height was found to be weak for both, latewood-widths and -stable isotopes in the latewood. The observed trends with stem-height show clearly that possible effects due to cambial aging are overrated by annual effects. In addition, relations between samples from different stem-heights are strong for identical calendar years while they are poor for identical cambial age. This indicates that samples from both, living trees and historical wood can be taken from any height position of a trunk or beam as long they are free from anatomical abnormities. Simple correlation and Gleichläufigkeit were used for validation.  相似文献   

Two Bacillus strains were isolated from the foregut of the water beetle Agabus affinis (Payk.) and tested for their steroid transforming ability. After incubation with androst-4-en-3,17-dione (AD), 13 different transformation products were detected. AD was hydroxylated at C6, C7, C11 and C14, resulting in formation of 6β-, 7-, 11- and 14-hydroxy-AD. One strain also produced small amounts of 6β,14-dihydroxy-AD. Partly, the 6β-hydroxy group was further oxidized to the corresponding 6-oxo steroids. In addition, a specific reduction of the Δ4-double bond was observed, leading to the formation of 5-androstane derivatives. In minor yields the carbonyl functions at C3 and C17 were reduced leading to the formation of 3ξ-OH or 17β-OH steroids. EI mass spectra of the trimethylsilyl and O-methyloxime trimethylsilyl ether derivatives of some transformation products are presented for the first time.  相似文献   

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