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光声光谱检测可很好地应用在植物光合作用的研究领域,可更有效于传统检测方法并已在大量检测研究中得以证明。在一套光声光谱仪检测装置中,光声池是其核心部件,其设计好坏直接影响着实验的结果。文章阐述了适用于植物光合作用的光声池的设计方法及其需要关注的关键问题;展望了植物光合作用的光声光谱检测与其他检测方法联用的重点及其研究方向;提出了光声池设计中应着重关注其活体实时在线检测及其相关技术问题。  相似文献   

光声光谱技术在生物医学领域的发展与应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
光声光谱(特别是激光光声光谱)技术已成为分子光谱学的一个重要分支,其技术特点为生物医学材料的研究提供了一种灵敏而又无损材料的有效办法,是研究复杂生物体所不缺少的分析工具,本文简述了光声光谱的基本理论及特点,介绍了光声光谱在生物学,医学领域的发展和应用情况。  相似文献   

植物叶片的光声光谱   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文应用光声光谱在可见光范围内,对未损伤的完整青菜叶片进行初步研究,获得了在体情况下叶肉组织和表皮组织的光学资料。表明光声技术在研究生物样品中所显示的潜力。  相似文献   

提出一种反演生物组织粘弹信息的新型无损光声粘弹显微成像方法,它是以强度调制激光作为激发源,通过检测光声(Photoacoustic,PA)信号的相位重建组织粘弹特性分布的成像方法.实验利用不同浓度的琼脂样品来验证光声粘弹显微测量中相位随浓度变化的依赖关系.利用埋有头发丝的琼脂样品来测试这种显微方法的成像分辨率.利用具有不同粘弹性的离体生物组织来验证系统的成像能力.实验结果表明,这种新方法能够高分辨率和高对比度地重建出具有不同粘弹性的生物组织的光声粘弹显微图像,有望实现组织结晶类病变水平的显微在体检测.  相似文献   

组织氧合作用和光敏剂应用在疾病诊治中都有着重要的作用,因此其实时在体无损检测很有意义。光动力疗法涉及光敏剂、光和氧分子三大要素,其疗效受组织氧合作用影响。本文对光声成像(PAI)、光声寿命成像(PALI)和多光谱光声层析成像(MSOT)等光声成像技术在光动力疗法的研究和应用中的使用现状进行了综述。对相关设备系统在检测光敏剂、组织氧分压和微血管损伤等方面的应用原理和技术分别进行了介绍,并总结了这些技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于样品及点源光声信号逆卷积的光声成像方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光声成像是一种新的生物组织成像方法,在目前的光声成像中,都是通过样品光声信号和超声探测器的脉冲响应来计算样品光吸收的投影,但是由于无法获得超声探测器较准确的脉冲响应,影响重建图像质量。提出一种新的计算样品光吸收投影的方法,从理论上给出了样品光吸收投影和样品及点源光声信号的关系,由样品及点源光声信号的逆卷积可直接计算样品光吸收的投影,点源光声信号通过聚焦入射激光直接测得。试验结果显示,重建图像和样品的相对位置、形状及尺寸完全吻合,成像系统空间分辨率达到0.3mm,证明这是一种有效的光声成像方法。  相似文献   

用光声光谱技术测量鼻咽癌细胞的光谱吸收特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了解人鼻咽癌细胞的光谱吸收特性,用双光束归一化光声光谱技术测量三株人鼻咽癌细胞(SUNE-1,CNE-2,CNE-1)的归一化吸收光谱和光谱吸收系数.结果表明(1)在波长4000~6000A范围内,这三株人鼻咽癌细胞的光谱吸收系数大小为SUNE-1>CNE-2>CNE-1;(2)在波长4200A处平均相对光声信号值为SUNE-11.36,CNE-21.20,CNE-11.10,三者之间的差异具有显著性(P值=0.012).人鼻咽癌细胞株SUNE-1,CNE-2和CNE-1具有不同的光声光谱特性.  相似文献   

无损光声成像技术结合了纯光学成像高选择特性和纯超声成像中深穿透特性的优点,克服了光散射限制,实现了对活体深层组织的高分辨、高对比度成像。该成像技术对内源物质例如脱氧血红蛋白、含氧血红蛋白、黑色素、脂质等进行成像,提供了活体生物组织结构和功能信息,已经在生物医学领域表现出巨大的应用前景。然而,很多与病理过程相关的特征分子的光吸收能力较弱,在活体环境中难以被光声成像系统所识别,从而限制了光声成像技术的应用范围。基于功能纳米探针的光声成像-光声分子成像极大拓展光声成像的应用范围,可以在活体层面对病理过程进行分子水平的定性和定量研究,将为实现目标疾病的早期诊断提供强大的技术支持。本文发展在近红外具有窄吸收线宽(半高宽仅为60 nm)的纳米金锥作为新型的光声探针。通过选择不同径长比的纳米金锥,可以任意调节纳米金锥的吸收峰。通过调谐激光器的波长,可实现对不同吸收峰纳米金锥的选择性激发。纳米金锥将有可能用于多光谱光声成像,实现对不同靶标的目标分子探测。  相似文献   

杨思华  邢达 《激光生物学报》2009,18(4):539-543,434
利用旋转扫描光声成像采集系统对脑损伤动物进行在体成像检测研究.对由金属物刺伤的脑内组织损伤和出血现象进行高分辨成像;光声成像成功定位小鼠颅骨内针刺损伤的位置和清晰展现组织损伤引致的颅内瘀血;成功利用光声成像观测到外损伤金属异物在颅内的形态结构及位置信息,分析了光声成像对金属异物定位检测和组织损伤出血分布的检测可行性,为提出新型的脑外伤检测技术作应用基础的研究.  相似文献   

光声成像突破了传统的光学成像和超声成像在生物组织成像领域的困境,该技术基于光声(Photoacoustic,PA)效应,脉冲激光激励下的生物组织产生超声信号,超声信号被接收后,通过反投影算法将其携带的时间信息和强度信息转化为能够反映生物组织吸收结构和分布的可视化图像。基于不同生物组织的光吸收差异,当激发光强度均匀且稳定时,光声成像反映的就是该物质对于该波长光的吸收特性。本文中,我们基于导管式的血管内光声断层扫描平台结合多波长激发的光声成像算法开发了基于光谱编码的血管内光声组分成像系统,实现了在离体血管斑块中脂质组分的定量成像,高分辨获得了脂质核心的大小形态和边界信息,表征了斑块内的脂质相对含量。  相似文献   

Monitoring the optical absorption or emission spectrum of a condensed phase sample offers information about the supramolecular assembly, packing effects and other features characteristic of the phase that would be missed when one studies solution-state spectra. We have used the technique of photoacoustic spectroscopy to study intact biological specimens, such as algae, parasite cells and the eye lens. Such a study has offered information about the status of endogenous hemin inPlasmodium cells and the mode of interaction of antimalarial drugs of the chloroquine class therein. We have also attempted to doin situ fluorescence spectroscopy on isolated intact eye lenses, which has enabled us to follow the photochemistry and the status of the photoproduct of the oxidation of the trp residues of the crystallins of the lens.  相似文献   

A computer-assisted method for analyzing photoacoustic spectra has been developed. Using this analysis, the relative absorption spectrum and either the chromophore concentration or thermal diffusivity characteristic of a sample can be derived from its photoacoustic spectrum. We have demonstrated the accuracy of the method by analyzing photoacoustic spectra of solution and crystalline-phase bovine cyanide methemoglobin. BASIC and FORTRAN routines used to collect and to analyze photoacoustic spectra are described. Photoacoustic spectroscopy can be used in conjunction with the analytical method presented here to obtain accurate absorption spectra from a variety of solid, opaque, and/or turbid samples.  相似文献   

A major problem encountered with the use of electronic spectroscopy in the analysis of biological materials in the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared region involves the limited range of the physical state of samples that can be examined. In an attempt to expand this range, photoacoustic spectra of both solid- and solution-state proteins have been obtained in the near-infrared region. Solid proteins generate detailed spectra in the region 1.0–2.6 μm, resulting primarily from hydrogenic overtone and combinational modes. Harmonics and combinations of amide group frequencies which display significant spectral complexity are observed between 1.4 and 1.7 μm, although they appear to manifest only limited conformational sensitivity. Solution spectra in D2O are of much lower resolution. Assignments of peaks for both solution- and solid-state proteins are presented and the advantages and disadvantages of the use of near-infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy with proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

The principles of photoacoustic spectroscopy are outlined. This new and still developing technique enables one to detect non-radiative de-excitation processes. It is possible to distinguish between signals emenating from different depths of the sample. In plant science photoacoustic spectroscopy has mainly been applied in photosynthesis research. Here it allows the detection of gross oxygen evolution and gives information about the energy balance of the primary photosynthetic reaction.  相似文献   

Heat emitted during non-radiative de-excitation was determined in vivo by the photoacoustic method. The dependence of the photoacoustic signal on the length of the pulses (modulation frequency) of the excitation light and the effect of continuous light, which saturates photosynthesis but does not directly contribute to the signal, are described. The induction kinetic of heat emission measured with intact leaves differed only slightly from the induction kinetic of fluorescence (Kautsky effect) detected in parallel. The photoacoustic signal at high modulation frequencies (279 Hz), which represents the signal of heat emission, and the photoacoustic signal at low modulation frequencies (17 Hz), interpreted as a signal of pulsed oxygen evolution superimposed on the heat emission, were measured with leaves before and after photoinhibition. It was demonstrated that after photoinhibition the decrease in fluorescence yield and in photosynthetic activity (here detected as photoacoustic signal at 17 Hz) are paralleled by an increase in the yield of non-radiative deexcitation (photoacoustic signal at 279 Hz). The increase of heat emission, which has been hypothized for photoinhibited leaves, could now be proved by measuring the induction kinetics of the photoacoustic signal.  相似文献   

Sulfite treatment of pea leaf disks in light caused a significant decrease in the relative quantum yield of photosynthetic oxygen evolution and energy storage (ES) as measured by photoacoustic (PA) spectroscopy. The inhibition was concentration dependent and was less in darkness than in light, indicating light-dependent inhibitory site(s) on the photosynthetic electron transport chain. Further, in darksulfite-treated leaves, the energy storage was more affected than the relative quantum yield of oxygen evolution, suggesting that photophosphorylation and/or cyclic electron transport around PS I are sites of sulfite action in darkness. The Rfd values, the ratio of fluorescence decrease (fd) to the steady-state fluorescence (fs), decreased significantly in leaves treated with sulfite in light but were not affected in dark-treated ones, confirming the photoacoustic observations. Similarly, the ratio of variable fluorescence (Fv) to maximum fluorescence (Fm), a measure of PS II photochemical efficiency, was affected by sulfite treatment in light and not changed by treatment in darkness. An attempt was made to explain the mechanism of sulfite action on photosynthetic electron transport in light and in darkness.Abbreviations APT amplitude of photothermal signal - Aox amplitude of oxygen signal - ES energy storage - fd fluorescence decrease - fs steady-state fluorescence - Fm maximum fluorescence - Fv variable fluorescence - PA photoacoustic(s)  相似文献   

A new approach is presented for the study of the variability of Portuguese reproduction cork using solid-state (13)C-NMR spectroscopy and photoacoustic (PAS) FTIR (FTIR-PAS) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics. Cork samples were collected from 12 different geographical sites, and their (13)C-cross-polarization with magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) and FTIR spectra were registered. A large spectral variability among the cork samples was detected by principal component analysis and found to relate to the suberin and carbohydrate contents. This variability was independent of the sample geographical origin but significantly dependent on the cork quality, thus enabling the distinction of cork samples according to the latter property. The suberin content of the cork samples was predicted using multivariate regression models based on the (13)C-NMR and FTIR spectra of the samples as reported previously. Finally, the relationship between the variability of the (13)C-CP/MAS spectra with that of the FTIR-PAS spectra was studied by outer product analysis. This type of multivariate analysis enabled a clear correlation to be established between the peaks assigned to suberin and carbohydrate in the FTIR spectrum and those appearing in the (13)C-CP/MAS spectra.  相似文献   

光声成像技术是近年来发展的一种新型的无损医学成像技术,它是以脉冲激光作为激发源,以检测的声信号为信息载体,通过相应的图像重建算法重建组织内部结构和功能信息的成像方法。该方法结合了光学成像和声学成像的特点,可提供深层组织高分辨率和高对比度的组织层析图像,在生物医学临床诊断以及在体成像领域具有广泛的应用前景。目前光声成像的扫描方式主要有基于步进电机扫描方式和基于振镜的扫描方式,本文针对目前步进电机扫描速度慢(10 mm×10 mm;0.001帧/s),振镜扫描范围小(1 mm2)的不足,发展了基于直线电机扫描的大视场快速光声显微成像系统。同一条扫描线过程中直线电机速度最高可达200 mm/s。该技术采用逐线采集光声信号的方式,比逐点采集光声信号的步进电机快800倍。该系统对10 mm×10 mm全场扫描的扫描速度为0.8帧/s。最大可扫描视场范围可以达到50 mm×50 mm。大视场快速光声显微成像系统的发展将为生物医学提供新的成像工具。  相似文献   

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