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远缘鲫(白鲫♀×兴国红鲤(↑))与其亲本若干遗传性状比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为种质鉴定及杂交育种等方面提供理论依据.方法:通过试验,从形态、生长、发育、生化方面比较了远缘鲫(白鲫♀×兴国红鲤(↑))与其亲本的若干遗传性状.结果:远缘鲫主要形态特征如体色、鳍条数、腹膜颜色、脊椎骨数目、体长/体高、体长/尾柄高等接近于母本,侧线鳞数、口须、体长/头长、体长/尾柄长等形态特征接近于父本;肌肉必需氨基酸含量9.21%,高于双亲;可食部分大,经济性状优,空壳重/体重平均85.8%,高于双亲;个体增重比白鲫平均快61.5%;远缘鲫雌雄均不育.结论:远缘鲫具有一定的杂合性,是真正的杂种,获得了杂交优势.  相似文献   

采用形态学和多变量形态度量方法, 对西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii)、施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)及其杂交种(西伯利亚鲟♀×施氏鲟♂)的形态异同进行了分析, 以鉴别区分三者的形态特征。结果发现, 西伯利亚鲟、施氏鲟及其杂交种的可数性状中鳃耙数和背鳍数均具有显著差异; 可量性状的多重比较分析显示杂交种的眼间距/全长显著小于西伯利亚鲟和施氏鲟, 三者的吻长/全长均具有显著差异; 主成分分析提取的前三个主成分对变异的累积贡献率为65.68%; 判别分析构建了西伯利亚鲟、施氏鲟及其杂交种的判别公式, 判别公式预测分类总体准确率为85.6%。分析结果表明, 西伯利亚鲟、施氏鲟及其杂交种间的形态差异主要体现在头部及尾柄。  相似文献   

本文对短盖巨脂鲤的鳞片作了扫描电镜观察,研究结果表明:短盖巨脂鲤具圆鳞、基区、侧区和顶区的鳞纹上皆具片状突起,辐射沟分为初级、次级和三级三种形态、鳞焦中央的鳞纹呈网状。  相似文献   

对采自额尔齐斯河的银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch)、东方欧鳊(Abramis brama orientalis Berg)、黏鲈(Gymnocephalus cernua Linnaeus)、金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)感染的三代虫(Gyrodactylus sp.)进行了研究, 通过几丁质结构的形态测量与比较, 初步鉴定寄生于银鲫的为细锚三代(G. sprostonae), 寄生东方欧鳊的为秀丽三代虫(G. elegans), 寄生黏鲈的为普氏三代虫(G. prostate), 寄生金鳟的为细鳞鲑三代虫(G. brachymystacis)。同时将测定的三代虫的ITS序列, 与GenBank上三代虫序列进行比对分析, 发现上述4种三代虫分别与细锚三代虫、秀丽三代虫、细鳞鲑三代虫、普氏三代虫的ITS同源性都在99.3%以上, 进一步验证了形态学的鉴定结果。系统发育分析显示细鳞鲑三代虫和细锚三代虫位于G. (Limnonephrotus)亚属的一枝, 秀丽三代虫和普氏三代虫位于G. (Gyrodactylus)亚属的一枝, 而此两亚属亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

人工复合三倍体鲤与亲本相对DNA含量及倍性分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文通过显微荧光光度术测量了人工复合三倍体鲤的红细胞及亲本红鲤、红鲫与散鳞镜鲤个体的红细胞和精子的相对DNA含量。结果表明:每一种亲本的精子DNA含量是其红细胞DNA含量的二分之一,人工复合三倍体鲤DNA含量等于三个亲本精子DNA含量之和,为三个亲本血液红细胞DNA含量之和的二分之一。以外周血淋巴细胞制备染色体标本,人工复合三倍体鲤染色体数为150,其亲本红鲤、红鲫和散鳞镜鲤的二倍体染色体数均为100。研究进一步证明人工复合三倍体鲤与二倍体亲本的染色体倍性和相对DNA含量存在着明显的相关性。  相似文献   

哈姆林甜橙与粗柠檬体细胞杂种的育性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对异源四倍体柑桔体细胞杂种“哈姆林甜橙+粗柠檬”及其亲本的花粉活力、花器官发育、花器官形态发生与花粉母细胞减数分裂四分体阶段进行了观测和统计.结果发现“哈姆林甜橙+粗柠檬”的花粉染色活力、萌发率、每花药中花粉粒数均居于其双亲之间,花器官发育及其形态发生具有双亲的特点.但小花粉及花粉母细胞减数分裂过程中形成的不正常四分体比率远远高于其双亲.以体细胞杂种“哈姆林甜橙+粗柠檬”为花粉亲本,与二倍体单胚类型宜昌橙与华农本地早的有性后代杂交,获得了110棵有性后代植株,其中三倍体82棵,二倍体和其它倍性的植株28棵.  相似文献   

为了解岷江、大渡河、雅砻江和金沙江水系松潘裸鲤Gymnocypris potanini的形态差异,采用常规形态学和多变量形态度量学方法比较分析了采自这4个水系206尾样本的形态特征。结果显示,各水系间松潘裸鲤的第一鳃弓外侧鳃耙数和背鳍、胸鳍、腹鳍及臀鳍鳍条数之间的差异无统计学意义;主成分分析显示,头部(吻端至胸鳍起点/体长、吻端至头背部末端/体长、头长/体长)和尾部特征值(尾鳍背部起点至臀鳍起点/体长、臀鳍起点至尾鳍腹部起点/体长)对形态影响最大;判别分析发现,岷江和雅砻江安宁河种群与其他种群明显分开;聚类分析显示,岷江水系种群聚为一支,金沙江、大渡河、雅砻江水系种群聚为另一支,金沙江水系种群聚在一起,大渡河和雅砻江水系种群未按水系聚在一起,而其聚类关系与种群间的地理距离基本一致;形态差异系数分析显示,可根据臀鳞行列长进行亚种的区分。大渡河和雅砻江水系的松潘裸鲤为硬刺松潘裸鲤亚种。  相似文献   

几种鲤科鱼类及杂种的乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法,分析了14种鲤科鱼类和4个杂交种的肌肉、心脏、晶状体、脑和肾脏的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶。根据LDH酶谱的异同可将雅罗鱼亚科的5种鱼分成两组:草鱼、鳡和鳤;青鱼和赤眼鳟。鳊亚科中青梢红鲌的LDH谱形与长春鳊、团头鲂和红鳍鲌相似,而与(歺又鱼)条有明显的区别。鲢亚科中的鳙与鲢的谱形相似。密鲴亚科中的细鳞斜颌鲴与黄尾密鲴的谱形也非常相似。将谱形相似的鱼类进行杂交,如细鳞斜颌鲴♀×黄尾密鲴♂、鳙♀×鲢♂,不仅杂种的成活率高而且可繁殖后代。谱形相差很大的鱼类进行杂交,如草鱼♀×团头鲂♂及草鱼♀×鳙♂,杂种的成活率都很低。这些结果和酶谱所显示的关系是一致的。    相似文献   

通过柏氏鲤和镜鲤、红鲤的种间杂交,比较了它们之间3个杂交组合F_1和亲本的形态学性状,观察到在鳞被、体色、头长、体高、鳃耙数等性状上,亲本与杂种F_1之间有较大的遗传差异。3个杂交组F_1的杂种指数虽都间于双亲的中间值,但各自偏向母本,且有些性状表现出超亲趋向。同时,观察到由于杂交的互补作用,杂种F_1不仅组合了某些有利的形态学性状,而且提高了杂种的有关经济性能。如红柏F_1生长快于双亲;镜柏F_1和柏镜F_1的头变小,3个杂种F_1的鳃耙数增加,摄食范围扩大和起捕率明显提高等。在此基础上,如进一步用回交等选育方法,可望育成一个以浮游生物为食,起捕率高和生长快的鲤鱼新品种。  相似文献   

在甜高粱上利用杂种优势的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从1978年起,配制了甜×甜、甜×不甜、不甜×甜的三种类型百余个杂交组合,观察高粱杂交种糖分含量的变化,以了解杂种优势在该性状上的表现。试验表明应用三系培育甜高粱杂交种,同粒用高梁一样具有明显的杂种优势,主要表现在生活力及生产力的提高。在与糖产量有关的三因素中,以单(株)秆重的优势最为显著;杂交种的含糖量,一般表现为介于双亲之间;茎秆汁液的多少,关键是选择实心、多汁、高糖的亲本及其组配方式。提高单位面积产糖量,主要是通过增加茎秆总收获量来实现。  相似文献   

Andreeva AM 《Ontogenez》2007,38(1):44-51
Temporal parameters of expression of the aspartate aminotransferase gene Aat-1 parental alleles were studied in early development of intergeneric reciprocal F1 hybrids of the bream, roach, and blue bream. When the first AaT-1 expression was timed to the early stages (late blastula-gastrula), the gene parental alleles were activated asynchronously according to the maternal types (blue bream x roach hybrids). When the first Aat-1 expression was timed to later stages (yolk sac resorption), the parental alleles were activated synchronously (bream x roach, roach x bream, and roach x blue bream hybrids). The pattern of activation of embryonic genes is determined by the maternal environment and the influence of allele interactions is not excluded: Aat-f/Aat-sl (bream x roach, roach x bream, and roach x blue bream) and Aat-sl/Aat-med (blue bream x roach).  相似文献   

Niche variation between hybrid taxa and their parental species has been deemed imperative to the persistence of hybrid populations in nature. However, the ecological factors promoting hybrid establishment remain poorly understood. Through the application of a multidisciplinary approach integrating genetics, morphometry, life‐history, and trophic ecology, we studied the hybrids of roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and bream (Abramis brama L.), and their parental species inhabiting an Irish lake. The roach × bream hybrid exhibited a body shape intermediate of that of the parental species. Diet analyses depicted the hybrid as a generalist, feeding on all prey items consumed by either parental species. Stable isotope data confirm the trophic niche breadth of hybrids. A significant correlation between body shape and diet was detected, suggesting that the intermediate phenotype of hybrids might play a role in their feeding abilities, resulting in the utilization of a broader trophic spectrum than the parental species. Growth and age class structure analyses also yielded a scenario that is consistent with the ecological success of hybrids. Genetic analyses suggest that the majority of hybrids result from first‐generation crosses between the parental species; however, a potentially significant proportion of back‐crosses with bream were also detected. The recent introduction of roach and bream into Irish waters, as well as the climatic and ecological features of the colonized habitats, can explain the remarkable success of the roach × bream hybrid in Ireland. The adaptive significance of hybridization and its demographic consequences for the parental species are discussed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 768–783.  相似文献   

Roach, rudd, bream and their natural hybrids of 2 cm standard length or larger can be definitively identified by their enzyme electrophoretic patterns. Zymograms of lactate dehydrogenase and esterases as produced by vertical starch gel electrophoretic analysis of whole fry or adult eye extracts are the most useful in this respect. The lactate dehydrogenase isozymes, containing B sub-units, migrate more anodally in rudd and bream than in roach. Due to the tetrameric structure of lactate dehydrogenase, in hybrid rudd x roach and roach x bream, eleven isozymes can be observed as compared with six in the parental patterns. Esterases show unique patterns for all species and hybrids. With the exception of one fraction in rudd x bream, the esterase patterns of hybrids show summations of the parental phenotypes.  相似文献   

Temporal parameters of expression of the aspartate aminotransferase gene Aat-1 parental alleles were studied in early development of intergeneric reciprocal F1 hybrids of the bream, roach, and blue bream. When the first Aat-1 expression was timed to the early stages (late blastula-gastrula), the gene parental alleles were activated asynchronously according to the maternal types (blue bream × roach hybrids). When the first Aat-1 expression was timed to later stages (yolk sac resorption), the parental alleles were activated synchronously (bream × roach, roach × bream, and roach × blue bream hybrids). The pattern of activation of embryonic genes is determined by the maternal environment and the influence of allele interactions is not excluded: Aatf/Aat-sl (bream × roach, roach × bream, and roach × blue bream) and Aat-sl/Aat-med (blue bream × roach).  相似文献   

Fertility in first‐generation hybrids of roach, Rutilus rutilus, and silver bream, Blicca bjoerkna, was investigated. Sperm and egg production of hybrids at first sexual maturity were examined. Eggs from female hybrids were artificially fertilized with the sperm of a corresponding hybrid male; a hybrid male from the reciprocal crossbreeding; a parental species male R. rutilus; and a parental species male B. bjoerkna. The results revealed that gametogenesis was normal in female hybrids. However, in male hybrids, a low efficiency of gametogenesis was observed. The semen of male hybrids was extremely dilute, with spermatozoa concentration lower than that in parental species. Nevertheless, these F1 hybrids (males and females) from reciprocal crossbreeding were fertile. F2 and backcross generations were produced, but F2 crosses from the female hybrid and corresponding hybrid male displayed a drastically slower hatching rate. Also higher proportions of deformed embryos were hatched than in other post‐F1‐generation crosses.  相似文献   

Hybridization between roach Rutilus rutilus , bream Abramis brama and rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus was investigated using morphological and genetic analysis employing both nuclear (ITS1) and mitochondrial (cytochrome b ) markers. Allele-specific amplification (ASA) reactions for both markers were developed and ITS1 sequence data for all three species are presented. Sequencing detected two ITS1 haplotypes within both roach and bream which most likely evolved in isolation and were subsequently brought together as a result of restocking by anglers. Analysis of cloned hybrid nuclear ribosomal DNA revealed evidence of recombination between parental ITS1 sequences. ASA proved to be an effective method for identifying hybrids and detected multiple ITS1 copies in fishes identified as purebred by morphological analysis. In addition this suggests post-F1 hybridization and introgression may be occurring between roach and bream, and rudd and bream, although some barriers appear to be suppressing backcrosses within the hybrid population. Analysis of the hybrid population demonstrated that hybridization has occurred in both directions.  相似文献   

Adult roach, bream and their presumed F1 hybrid from an Anglian Water reservoir were identified on the basis of morphological and meristic characteristics. The hybrid was clearly intermediate. Four hybrid breeding crosses were induced to spawn by hypophysis. A bream × roach cross (female named first) failed to produce fertile eggs, whereas F1 hybrid × roach, roach × F1 hybrid and F1 hybrid × F1 hybrid all produced fry. Fertility (defined as survival of eggs to hatching) was high for the F1 hybrid × roach back-cross (56%) but low for the others (<2%), in comparison to the pure species controls (roach 69%, bream 76%). Progeny from these crosses were reared until anal fin rays could be counted. These counts indicated intermediacy between the parents and back-crossed individuals, and similarity between F1 hybrids and their F2 progeny.  相似文献   

In 24 fish species of the Cyprinidae family, belonging to 21 genera, isoenzyme patterns of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were determined, which could be classified in the majority of cases into 3 main groups. Isoenzyme patterns in natural hybrids of roach and rudd, roach and bream, roach and bleak were also analysed. In bitterling, polymorphism was observed in B locus of LDH. In white bream polymorphism exists in the A locus. In bream, rudd, silver carp and barbel polymorphism was found in C loci. Isoenzyme patterns indicate that in each case the polymorphism is genetically controlled by two alleles at a single locus. The populations investigated were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No significant differences were found in the activity of liver LDH in various polymorphic types of C loci of bream and rudd.  相似文献   

This paper describes specimens of naturally occurring hybrids of silver bream x bronze bream and silver bream x roach from Lincolnshire and South Humberside waters.  相似文献   

Hybrids between bream, Abramis brama , and roach, Rutilus rutilus , occur in the lower reaches of the River Exe and were positively identified by their meristic features and shape of the pharyngeal bone. The growth of bream and hybrids was determined by back-calculation from scales. Annual checks were laid down in early June. The mean length for age of female bream was significantly larger than that of males for fish 6 years of age and older. This divergence in growth rate was associated with the sexual maturation of the fish. Data for the sexes were combined and compared with the growth rate of hybrids and roach from the same region. Hybrid growth was similar to that of bream for the first 6 years of life but was intermediate between that of the two parent species in the older age groups. Some hybrids with developing gonads were found. A change in the diet of bream from planktonic feeding to a benthophagic habit with age was noted. Detritus, substrate and chironomid larvae formed the bulk of the diet of hybrids.  相似文献   

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