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新疆草地甲螨分布规律研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
于1983—1989年,先后在新疆17个自然区进行草地甲螨的系统考察。通过对987个样点的甲螨种群和数量的分布资料,本研究进行了系统分析比较,从而揭示了新疆草地甲螨分布规律,主要表现为:甲螨分布的不均衡性、地域性、集聚性、季节性及其与自然环境的统一性等。  相似文献   

泰山地区土壤甲螨的群落组成和季节变动   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
泰山地区土壤甲螨群落由 81种组成 ,其中包括新种 2种 (山东三盲甲螨Trimalaconothrusshandongen sis、大隙钉棱甲螨Passalozetesmacrofissure)国内新记录种 5种和未定名种 18种、优势种 4种 (细条木单翼甲螨Xylobatestenuis、丽扇珠甲螨Licnodamaeuspulcherrimus、大洋上罗甲螨Epilohmanniapallidapacifica和姬三皱甲螨Rhysotritiaardua)。甲螨群落数量的季节变化明显 ,春、冬季数量最高 ,秋季次之 ,夏季最低。 5个优势属季节变化与整个群落基本一致 ,均是夏季密度最低 ,但高峰季节不完全一致。  相似文献   

通过在福建农林大学园艺学院教学实习茶园的系统调查表明:共查得节肢动物2纲、18目、90科、152属、169种.其中:害虫(包括螨类)2纲、9目、40科、74属、77种;中性昆虫3目、7属、8~10种;天敌(不包括肉食性益螨在内)2纲、11目、47科、73属、83种.茶园节肢动物的群落由于生态环境较好,较少使用化学农药,虽然各类节肢动物的种类较多,可是种群数量较少,年中多数时间均处于较好的平衡状态,它们的多样性指数、均匀度指数波动不大.茶园节肢动物群落的种群数量可受季节、气候、茶树生长和采摘等因素影响,冬季11月至早春3月节肢动物越冬期间,它们的种群数量较少;随着春季气温回升,茶园节肢动物群落的种群数量也逐渐增加;5~10月茶树生长旺季,节肢动物的种群数量也处于繁衍活跃时期;10月以后因气温下降,茶园节肢动物的生长活动也相应减缓,直至越冬阶段种群数量日渐减少.茶园天敌与害虫的种群数量消长趋势基本相似,天敌的数量消长呈现一定的跟随现象.  相似文献   

1987年7月15—25日,新疆农垦科学院寄生虫病研究室在新疆东部——巴里坤草原进行甲螨垂直分布规律的重点调查,采得一批甲螨,经鉴定发现二新种和一新纪录,记述如下。文内所用量度单位均为微米,所有标本保存于新疆农垦科学院寄生虫病研究室。  相似文献   

鹤伴山国家森林公园土壤甲螨群落结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许士国  付荣恕 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6654-6660
2001年5月、8月、11月对鹤伴山国家森林公园土壤甲螨群落结构进行定量研究,结果表明:该地区土壤甲螨群落由41属组成,其中优势属及亚优势属5个:木单翼甲螨、合若甲螨及菌甲螨、小奥甲螨、礼服甲螨。各样点土壤甲螨群落的组成和数量分布均有明显不同,样点Ⅰ有31属,样点Ⅱ23属;密度最高的样点Ⅲ达8450头/m2,为平均密度的1.3倍,样点Ⅳ密度最低,虫口密度仅有4583头/m2,为平均密度的0.7倍。甲螨群落数量的季节变化明显,春季数量最高,秋季次之,夏季最低。MGP分析结果表明,该区土壤甲螨群落属于O型和P型,P群的种类和数量均明显多于M群和G群。甲螨群落的异质性高,多样性指数较高,可达最大多样性指数的4/5,各样点之间的多样性指数有一定的差异。各样点之间的群落相似性较高,少数样点之间为中等不相似,大多数样点间为中度相似,两种聚类方法结果明显不同,说明植被类型及海拔高度对土壤甲螨群落种类组成具有一定的影响,对其数量分布的影响更加明显。  相似文献   

长春净月潭地区土壤螨类的调查研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
在长春净月潭地区,通过三年的调查,共获土壤螨类134种或属、4396只,分隶于2目4亚目74科。其中30种为中国新纪录。按个体数多寡,甲螨类>革螨类>辐螨类>粉螨类。四亚目在不同生境中的数量构成,甲螨类、革螨类、粉螨类皆以杂木林和落叶松林为最多,辐螨类在杂木林中大大减少。不同季节四亚目皆以夏季为最多,春秋次之,冬季最少。在六种生境中统计到甲螨类和辐螨类共90种属、3114只,其中优势种2种,常见种25种。土壤螨类在各生境中的种属、数量构成,杂木林>落叶松林>樟子松林>黑松林>草甸>农田。各土壤层中种属、数量构成A_0>A>B层。种属、数量的季节变化夏季>春季>秋季>冬季。各土壤层螨类的数量夏春季A、A_0层多,秋冬季A、B层多。  相似文献   

【目的】Bt棉已在我国种植广泛。而温室气体(CO2和O3)浓度升高会进一步改变植物的化学成分,从而通过凋落物可能会引起土壤动物(甲螨)种群数量的变化。【方法】本文应用开顶式气室(OTC),研究了CO2和O3浓度升高下转Bt棉花凋落物对土壤甲螨种群数量的影响。【结果】研究结果发现,不同取样时间对甲螨种群数量有显著影响,甲螨种群数量的最高值出现在7月份的采样中。CO2浓度升高通过棉花凋落物显著降低了甲螨的种群数量。O3浓度升高通过棉花凋落物降低了常规棉凋落物中的甲螨种群数量,对转Bt作物凋落物中甲螨种群数量无显著影响。【结论】不同温室气体(CO2和O3)浓度升高对土壤甲螨作用不同,其中CO2浓度升高通过棉花凋落物可以显著降低土壤动物的种群数量,而O3浓度升高作用较小。转Bt作物可以缓冲温室气体(CO2和O3)浓度升高通过作物凋落物对土壤动物(甲螨)的影响。  相似文献   

陈浒  金道超  张燕 《应用生态学报》2018,29(5):1667-1676
为比较石漠化环境与喀斯特森林土壤螨类的群落结构差异,对贵州喀斯特地区朝营小流域栓皮栎林的土壤螨类群落结构本底进行了研究,经2014年各季节的4次调查,共发现土壤螨类3目54科83属.对螨类属数、个体数量、个体密度、Shannon多样性指数(H)、Margalef丰富度指数(SR)、Pielou均匀性指数(J)、捕食性螨类成熟度指数(MI)、甲螨MGP类群和甲螨营养结构等进行了分析.结果表明:土壤螨类在类群属数和个体数量上均以甲螨亚目的属占优势,夏季和秋季具有丰富的属数、较高的个体密度与多样性,春季和秋季具有丰富的个体数量,群落分布具有明显的表聚性.捕食性螨类夏季生态类群以K选择型为主,其他季节以r选择型为主;甲螨生态类群主要为P型和O型,缝甲螨属、异珠足甲螨属和合若甲螨属等属构成了栓皮栎林土壤螨类的营养功能集团.研究表明,该区山毛榉林与其他地区山毛榉林、其他不同类型森林的土壤螨类主要类群存在差异,其中含丰富属组成的派伦螨科、厉螨科、奥甲螨科和单翼甲螨科以及多奥甲螨属、派伦满属、菌甲螨属和单翼甲螨属等数量上占优势的类群属可作为山毛榉林土壤环境的生物指示.  相似文献   

为了解施秉喀斯特地区林地土壤甲螨的分布和群落组成特点,明确中国西南喀斯特地区林地类型对土壤甲螨群落密度、组成和物种多样性的影响,对该区林地土壤甲螨的群落结构及多样性进行了的调查和分析。【方法】2012年8月选取了中国西南施秉喀斯特地区典型生境中的8个样地,每个样地9个取样点,用Berlese-Tullgren装置分离土样24 h。多样性分析采用常见的多样性指数;群落相似性分析采用Jaccard相似性系数(CJ);群落聚类分析分别采用Marczewski-Steinhaus距离(Cms)和Bray-Curtis距离,应用R 2.11程序进行类平均法聚类。【结果】结果显示,中国西南喀斯特8个样地中土壤甲螨由少数的优势属和数量众多的稀有属组成。其中全菌甲螨属Perscheloribates(22.48%)和长单翼甲螨属Protoribates(11.45%)个体数量最为丰富。长单翼甲螨属Protoribate,、上罗甲螨属Epilohmannia、小奥甲螨属Oppiella、小盾珠甲螨属Suctobelbella和盖头甲螨属Tectocepheus分布广泛。本区的甲螨组成(属级水平)表现出明显热带和亚热带地区特点。在天然常绿落叶阔叶林中,甲螨的个体数量和种类数较多,但多样性不高,而在人工针叶林中甲螨多样性最高。甲螨群落组成和分布特征多样,异质性高,特别是在天然常绿落叶阔叶林中突出。【结论】研究表明,施秉喀斯特生态系统的不同林分影响甲螨的物种多样性和群落稳定性,天然常绿落叶阔叶混交林是甲螨的"避难所"。  相似文献   

本文记述中国珠足甲螨属的一新种角珠足甲螨,珠足甲螨属和孔珠足甲螨属中国6个新纪录种:南方珠足甲螨、俄罗斯珠足甲螨,疣珠足甲螨,塞氏珠足甲螨,棒珠足甲螨和刺孔珠足甲螨,并对上部分种类作了补充描述。  相似文献   

Soil-dwelling mites of four plots under organic management were investigated in April and December 1998 and in December 1999. Their populations were compared with mite populations in a pasture and forest in the vicinity. It was observed that there was always an initial reduction in the populations of soil mites and in the activity of the epigeic forms whenever a plot was opened up and disturbed mechanically in preparation for cultivation, irrespective of previous organic inputs. With time, the densities and activities of mites recovered under organic management. The uropodine and oribatid mites in particular benefited more from organic management than gamasine and actinedid mites. Uropodine mites increased tremendously under banana where there was fresh cow dung manure. Oribatid mite species Nothrus seropedicalensis and Archegozetes magnus were dominant in organic plots where the soil was moist and temperatures were lower than the ambient. Protoribates rioensis was dominant in organic plots where the soil was drier and temperatures were higher than the ambient. Galumna was the most active oribatid taxon on the floor of all plots, with the highest activity recorded under maracuja and in pasture plots. The results suggest that while densities and activities of soil mites increased in the organic plots, the community structure and recruitment period of oribatid mites were altered. Oribatid mite diversity was higher in the organic plots than in the pasture but lower than in the forest, where Belba sp. and many Eremobelboid brachypiline genera were present, but absent in the organic plots and pasture.  相似文献   

陈燕南  梁铖  陈军 《生物多样性》2022,30(12):22334-593
在全球环境变化的大背景下, 生物多样性丧失日益加剧。土壤动物作为生物多样性重要组成之一, 受到广泛的关注。位于我国江西省新岗山的亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能实验样地(BEF-China)是全世界25个森林生物多样性控制实验样地之一。本研究自2019年9月至2022年4月在BEF-China两个不同树种组成的样地(A样地和B样地)内采样, 共获得甲螨23,704头, 隶属于34科50属61种。本文分析和对比了两个样地内甲螨群落结构的差异, 及其多度、物种丰富度、Shannon多样性指数的季节性差异; 通过Pearson检验探讨了甲螨多度与环境因子的关系。结果表明: 在A、B两个不同树种组成的森林生态系统内, 土壤甲螨群落结构及其季节动态具有显著差异。具体表现在: A样地奥甲螨科、罗甲螨科、若甲螨科和尖棱甲螨科的相对多度高于B样地; B样地菌甲螨科、盖头甲螨科和礼服甲螨科的相对多度高于A样地。A样地中夏季和秋季甲螨多度、物种丰富度和Shannon多样性指数显著低于春季和冬季; 而B样地中秋季甲螨多度和物种丰富度与春季差异不显著。Pearson检验结果显示, 凋落物木质素含量与单翼甲螨科和菌甲螨科多度呈负相关关系, 而与奥甲螨科多度呈正相关关系。菌甲螨科多度与土壤和凋落物同一理化因子的相关性基本相同(碳氮比除外), 但与凋落物碳氮比呈正相关关系而与土壤碳氮比呈负相关关系。  相似文献   


Oribatid mites are tiny arthropods that are common in all soils of the world; however, they also occur in microhabitats above the soil such as lichens, mosses, on the bark of trees and in suspended soils. For understanding oribatid mite community structure, it is important to know whether they are dispersal limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of oribatid mite dispersal using Malaise traps to exclude sole passive wind-dispersal. Oribatid mite communities were collected over a 3-year period from five habitat types (coniferous forests, deciduous forests, mixed forests, meadows, bog/heathlands sites) and three seasons (spring, summer, autumn) in Sweden. Mites entered traps either by walking or by phoresy, i.e., by being attached to flying insects. We hypothesized (1) that oribatid mite communities in the traps differ between habitats, indicating habitat-limited dispersal, and (2) that oribatid mite communities differ among seasons suggesting that dispersal varies due to changing environmental conditions such as moisture or resource availability. The majority of the collected species were not typically soil-living species but rather from habitats such as trees, lichens and mosses (e.g., Carabodes labyrinthicus, Cymbaeremaeus cymba, Diapterobates humeralis and Phauloppia lucorum) indicating that walking into the traps or entering them via phoresy are of greater importance for aboveground than for soil-living species. Overall, oribatid mite communities collected in the traps likely originated from the surrounding local habitat suggesting that long distance dispersal of oribatid mites is scarce. Significant differences among seasons indicate higher dispersal during warm and dry periods of the year. Notably, 16 species of oribatid mites collected in our study were sampled for the first time in Sweden. This study also demonstrates that Malaise traps are a meaningful tool to investigate spatial and temporal patterns of oribatid mite communities.


Nucleotide sequences of the D3 expansion segment and its flanking regions of the 28S rDNA gene were used to evaluate phylogenetic relationships among representative sexual and asexual oribatid mites (Oribatida, Acariformes). The aim of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that oribatid mites consist of species-rich clusters of asexual species that may have radiated while being parthenogenetic. Furthermore, the systematic position of the astigmate mites (Astigmata, Acariformes) which have been hypothesised to represent a paedomorphic lineage within the oribatid mites, is investigated. This is the first phylogenetic tree for oribatid mites s.l. (incl. Astigmata) based on nucleotide sequences. Intraspecific genetic variation in the D3 region was very low, confirming the hypothesis that this region is a good species marker. Results from neighbour joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) algorithms indicate that several species-rich parthenogenetic groups like Camisiidae, Nanhermanniidae and Malaconothridae are monophyletic, consistent with the hypothesis that some oribatid mite groups diversified despite being parthenogenetic. The MP and maximum likelihood (ML) method indicated that the D3 region is a good tool for elucidating the relationship of oribatid mite species on a small scale(genera, families) but is not reliable for large-scale taxonomy, because branches from the NJ algorithm collapsed in the MP and ML tree. In all trees calculated by different algorithms the Astigmata clustered within the oribatid mites, as proposed earlier.  相似文献   

I studied the myrmicine ant Myrmecina sp. A in West Java, Indonesia, which had the obligately myrmecophilous oribatid mite Aribates javensis in its nests. The oribatid mites cannot survive without ant attendance. The ants rarely eat living mites, but they feed on the mites in case of food shortage and after death of the mites. I examined the effects of the oribatid mites as food on the host ants. Egg production by ergatoid (i.e. permanently wingless) queens and larval survival of ant colonies, as well as survival and egg laying of isolated ant workers were investigated. The presence of oribatid mites had no effects on egg production by ergatoid queens and survival of the ant larvae neither in the presence of abundant food nor under starvation conditions. Survival of adult workers was not affected by the presence of oribatid mites, but egg production by workers was significantly enhanced by feeding on mites. The present results indicate that the oribatid mites had slight but significant nutritional effects on the host ants.  相似文献   

The high incidence of asexuality in oribatid mites presents an unusual opportunity for examining hypotheses for the maintenance of sex. There is a presumed range in age of asexual species: many oribatid species are phylogenetically clustered, occurring in speciose early-derivative families or genera without sexual species, while others are phylogenetically isolated from other asexual species, occurring in later derivative taxa with sexual congeners. We examined the distribution of oribatid mite reproductive mode in soil of corn fields, grassy and shrub fields, and forests in central New York State (three replicate plots of each type, with 25 samples per plot), to test three ecological predictions from current theory. (1) If overall biotic uncertainty, as generated by competitors and predators, mediates the ecological distribution of oribatid mites, then the proportion of asexual oribatid mites should be negatively correlated with biological diversity; we examine this prediction using literature data as well. (2) If Muller’s Ratchet (the stochastic loss of best genotypes, which is independent of environment), mediates the success of asexuality, then no ecological pattern should exist. (3) If general purpose genotypes are characteristic of asexual oribatid mites, their habitat distribution should be broader than that of sexual species. For each plot the level of asexuality was compared to indices of overall biotic diversity, as calculated from the pooled oribatid mite (competitors) and mesostigmatid mite (predator) communities. We found no negative correlation in this relationship in our own data or in the literature analysis of 290 faunal surveys from 50 literature sources, so we reject biotic uncertainty as an important determinant of reproductive mode distribution. When only data on phylogenetically clustered asexuals are considered, there is instead a positive correlation between asexuality and diversity that is not explained. Because of the latter pattern we tentatively reject Muller’s Ratchet as the primary factor maintaining reproductive mode in these mites, but cannot reject it for isolated asexual species. Niche breadth in sexual and asexual oribatid mites provides no support for widespread general purpose genotypes but broad patterns in the literature suggest that the idea needs further investigation. Possible complicating or unknown factors that are discussed include historical disturbance in the study area, the relationship between parasitism and general biotic diversity, and the level and source of genetic diversity in asexual oribatid mites.  相似文献   

Most European forests are managed by humans. However, the manner and intensity of management vary. While the effect of forest management on above-ground communities has been investigated in detail, effects on the below-ground fauna remain poorly understood. Oribatid mites are abundant microarthropods in forest soil and important decomposers in terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we investigated the effect of four forest types (i.e., managed coniferous forests; 30 and 70 years old managed beech forests; natural beech forests) on the density, diversity and community structure of oribatid mites (Acari). The study was replicated at three regions in Germany: the Swabian Alb, the Hainich and the Schorfheide. To relate changes in oribatid mite community structure to environmental factors, litter mass, pH, C and N content of litter, fine roots and C content of soil were measured. Density of oribatid mites was highest in the coniferous forests and decreased in the order 30 years old, 70 years old, and natural beech forests. Mass of the litter layer and density of oribatid mites were strongly correlated indicating that the litter layer is an important factor regulating oribatid mite densities. Diversity of oribatid mites was little affected by forest type indicating that they harbor similar numbers of niches. Species composition differed between the forest types, suggesting different types of niches. The community structure of oribatid mites differed more strongly between the three regions than between the forest types indicating that regional factors are more important than effects associated with forest type.  相似文献   

In naturally fragmented, isolated, or patchily distributed habitats that contain non‐vagile organisms, we expect dispersal to be limited, and patterns of diversity to differ from similar, yet continuous habitats. We explored the alpha‐beta‐gamma relationship and community composition of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) inhabiting spatially discrete canopy suspended soils, and compared the patterns of diversity with the continuous forest floor soils over two years. We explored dispersal limitation for oribatid mites in the canopy by using additive partitioning of species richness at multiple spatial scales. ANOSIM was used to demonstrate differences in oribatid mite community composition between the canopy and forest floor habitats over different sampling periods. Community composition of oribatid mites differed significantly between canopy and forest floor habitats, by season and yearly sampling period. Oribatid mite richness and abundance were positively correlated with substrate moisture content, particularly in the canopy. Richness and abundance of ground oribatid mites was greater in September than in June, a trend that is reversed in the canopy, suggesting canopy oribatid mite species may have altered life histories to take advantage of earlier moisture conditions. Alpha diversity of oribatid mites in the canopy was lower than the ground at all sampling levels, and not significantly different from a random distribution in either habitat. Beta diversity was greater than expected from a random distribution at the patch‐ and tree‐level in the canopy suggesting dispersal limitation associated with physical tree‐to‐tree dispersal barriers, and limited dispersal among patches within a tree. Beta diversity at the tree‐level was the largest contribution to overall species richness in both canopy and ground habitats, and was also greater than expected on the ground. These results suggest that factors other than physical dispersal barriers, such as aggregation, habitat availability, and environmental factors (moisture), may limit the distribution of species in both habitats.  相似文献   

以农田土壤动物长期监测样地为平台, 阐明土壤动物物种和功能多样性空间分布格局, 是揭示农田土壤动物多样性维持机制、提高农田土壤质量的重要基础。本试验于2020年10月, 对河南商丘农田土壤动物大型固定样地(9 ha)的210个采样点进行土壤样品野外采集和室内分离, 将土壤螨样品鉴定到种并测量其体长体宽数据, 以说明小麦-玉米轮作农田土壤螨多样性及其体长体宽的空间分布格局。结果表明: (1)共捕获成螨个体17,256头, 其中甲螨亚目为优势类群, 其个体数占总捕获量的94.67%; MGP分析表明样地甲螨群落属于P型, 说明受人为因素影响强烈; 生态位宽度和重叠度分析表明, 进化程度越高甲螨的生态位宽度越宽, 进化程度越相近甲螨之间的竞争越激烈。(2) Moran’s I分析显示, 在20-100 m的空间尺度上, 土壤螨群落、优势种的个体数和体长体宽多为显著正相关; 在220-300 m的空间尺度上, 部分为显著负的空间自相关。半方差函数结果表明, 甲螨群落物种数、个体数和体长体宽的空间变异主要受确定性过程影响, 中气门螨群落的空间变异由确定性和随机性过程共同影响。(3)土壤螨个体数与体长体宽存在显著弱的负相关关系, 这种关系普遍存在于土壤螨各群落与优势种中。本研究建议同时开展物种多样性和以体长体宽为代表的功能多样性空间格局研究, 对揭示土壤螨群落维持机制、保护土壤螨多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Entomological Review - The oribatid mite population was studied in the zonal permafrost pale yellow taiga soil of Central Yakutia, East Siberia. In general, the population of oribatid mites in the...  相似文献   

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