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研究了热作用下的肾组织对532 nm和1064 nm波长的光学特性的影响。实验利用带积分球附件的分光光度计和采用反向倍增法获取组织的光学特性,结果表明热作用下的肾组织对532 nm和1 064 nm的吸收系数和约化散射系数都是随着加热温度的变化而变化的。在25℃到80℃的温度范围内,肾组织对532 nm的吸收系数和约化散射系数都分别显著地较其对1064 nm的吸收系数和约化散射系数要大。其对532 nm和1 064 nm的吸收系数的最大值都在80℃,其值分别为1.121 mm-1和0.269 mm-1,最小值都在25℃,其值分别为0.131 mm-1和0.019 mm-1。其对532 nm和1 064 nm的约化散射系数的最大值分别在80℃和70℃,其值分别为2.905 mm-1和0.705 mm-1,最小值都在25℃,其值分别为0.391 mm-1和0.184 mm-1。研究结果提示,热作用的温度是影响肾组织的吸收和散射特性的重要因素。  相似文献   

研究了热作用下的良性前列腺增生(BPH)组织对532 nm的KTP和1064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的吸收和散射特性的变化及其差异,实验采用双积分球测量系统以及反向倍增法获取BPH组织的吸收和散射特性。结果表明:热作用下的BPH组织对532 nm和1064 nm的吸收系数和约化散射系数都是随着加热温度的变化而变化的,在20℃到80℃的温度范围内,BPH组织对532 nm的吸收系数和约化散射系数都分别显著地较其对1064 nm的吸收系数和约化散射系数要大,其对532 nm和1064 nm的吸收系数的最大值都在20℃,其值分别为1.663 mm-1和0.127 mm-1,最小值分别在50℃和70℃,其值分别为0.864 mm-1和0.034 mm-1,其对532 nm和1064 nm的吸收系数的最大差异在70℃,其值为2647%,其对532 nm和1064 nm的约化散射系数的最大值都在80℃,其值分别为2.036 mm-1和1.421 mm-1,最小值分别在50℃和70℃,其值分别为1.499 mm-1和0.246 mm-1,其对532 nm和1064 nm的约化散射系数的最大差异在70℃,其值为555%,在70℃的热作用下BPH组织达到完全热凝固,其对532 nm和1064 nm的吸收和散射特性的差异达到最大值。  相似文献   

研究正常人膀胱和膀胱癌组织在Kube lka-Munk二流模型下对476.5 nm,514.5 nm和808 nm波长的激光的光学特性的差异。采用双积分球系统和Kube lka-Munk二流模型进行测量研究。实验结果表明,正常膀胱和膀胱癌组织在Kube lka-Munk二流模型下对476.5 nm,514.5 nm和808 nm波长的每一个波长的激光的吸收、散射、总衰减、有效衰减系数都有非常显著性的差异(P<0.01)。膀胱癌组织对476.5 nm,514.5 nm和808nm波长的激光的吸收系数明显地较正常膀胱组织对相应波长的激光的吸收系数要大(P<0.01),膀胱癌组织对476.5 nm和514.5 nm波长的激光的散射系数明显地较正常膀胱组织对相应波长的激光的散射系数要小(P<0.01),而膀胱癌组织对808 nm波长的激光的散射系数明显地较正常膀胱组织对同一波长的激光的散射系数要大(P<0.01)。膀胱癌组织对476.5 nm,514.5 nm和808 nm波长的激光的总衰减系数明显地较正常膀胱组织对相应波长的激光的总衰减系数要大(P<0.01),膀胱癌组织对476.5 nm,514.5 nm和808 nm波长的激光的有效衰减系数明显地较正常膀胱组织对相应波长的激光的有效衰减系数要大(P<0.01)。提示使用双积分球系统和Kube lka-Munk二流模型来确定离体的正常膀胱组织和膀胱癌组织对476.5 nm,514.5 nm和808nm波长的激光的光学特性的差异鉴别诊断病变的膀胱组织是一个有效的方法。  相似文献   

测定和比较研究了离体的正常的和腺癌的人结肠粘膜/粘膜下层以及正常的和腺癌的人结肠肌层/浆膜组织对630 nm,680 nm,720 nm,780 nm,810 nm,850 nm和890 nm波长的钛宝石激光的散射和吸收系数。采用双积分球测量系统测量组织样品对七个不同波长的激光的准直透射、漫反射和漫透射,从实验所测结果以及分别采用反向倍增法和反演蒙特卡罗技术这两个光学模型计算出组织的散射和吸收系数。研究结果表明,无论是用反向倍增法还是用反演蒙特卡罗法,每一种类型的正常的和腺癌的人结肠组织对同一波长的激光的吸收系数和散射系数有显著性的差异(P<0.01),正常的和腺癌的结肠组织的散射和吸收系数有大的差异,这些结果提示每种类型的正常和腺癌的结肠组织的组份和结构之间有大的差异。四种类型的结肠组织对七个不同波长的激光的散射系数较其吸收系数至少要大三个数量级,而四种类型的结肠组织对七个不同波长的激光的散射系数有相同的数量级。  相似文献   

采用双积分球系统和光辐射测量技术的基本原理 ,以及运用生物组织的光学模型 ,研究了 5 32nm和80 8nm激光及其线偏振激光辐照人正常膀胱和膀胱癌组织的光学特性 .结果表明 :膀胱癌组织对同一波长的激光或其线偏振激光的衰减明显较正常膀胱组织的要大 ,膀胱癌组织对 5 32nm和 80 8nm激光的衰减均较其线偏振激光的要略大一些 .膀胱癌组织对 5 32nm和 80 8nm激光及其线偏振激光的衰减明显较正常膀胱组织的要大 .正常膀胱或膀胱癌组织对同一波长的激光及其线偏振激光的折射率均没有明显的差异 ,膀胱癌组织对 5 32nm和80 8nm激光的折射率比正常膀胱的明显要大 .Kubelka Munk二流模型下 ,两种组织对同一波长的激光或其线偏振激光的光学特性均有显著性差异 (P <0 0 1) .同一组织对不同波长的激光及其线偏振激光的光学特性也有显著性差异 (P <0 0 1) ,正常膀胱组织对同一波长的激光及其线偏振激光的光学性有明显差异 ,而膀胱癌组织对同一波长的激光及其线偏振激光的光学特性则没有明显差异 .膀胱癌组织对 5 32nm和 80 8nm激光及其线偏振激光的前向散射通量i (x)、后向散射通量 j (x)、总散射通量I (x)的衰减均较正常膀胱组织的明显要大得多 ,且其i (x)均明显较j (x)要强  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾沿岸带水体生物学与光学特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于 1998~ 1999年周年 4季原位水下光场观测资料及中国科学院太湖湖泊生态系统研究站 1992~ 2 0 0 1年悬浮物、叶绿素 a、透明度长期历史观测资料分析了太湖梅梁湾沿岸带第 2号站点水体的生物学与光学特性 ,探讨了水下光合有效辐射(PAR)总量的日变化、垂直分布 ;光衰减系数的季节变化及光谱分布 ;影响光衰减系数的主要水色因子。结果表明 ,无论是 PAR还是光谱衰减系数其值都很高 ,其中 PAR衰减系数在 1.4 0~ 5 .30 / m间变化 ,均值为 2 .4 3± 0 .5 5 / m,秋季最大、夏季最小 ,真光层深度在 0 .87~ 3.2 9m间变化 ,均值为 1.98± 0 .4 1m;水下光谱在蓝光波段衰减最强烈 ,其次是红光、绿光 ,随着深度增加光谱成分出现绿移和红移现象 ,绿红光占得比例越来越大 ;光谱衰减系数随着波长的增加大致呈下降趋势 ,但在 6 70 nm附近有个峰值 ;基于线性相关分析发现在混浊的沿岸带水体中影响光衰减主要因子为水体中的悬浮物和有色可溶性有机物 ,叶绿素 a对 PAR衰减系数的贡献率只占到 1.5 9%~ 14 .2 1%。  相似文献   

目的 :研究 10 64nm和 53 2nm波长激光在激光能量为 14 0mJ/pulse(脉冲 )时对犬心肌切割效率。方法 :用Q开关Nd :YAG 10 64和 53 2nm波长脉冲激光分别照射犬离体和在体心肌组织 ,光学显微镜和偏振光学显微镜行组织学分析 ,观察不同条件下激光切割组织的深度和光热对组织的损伤。结果 :离体和在体实验 ,10 64nm波长激光的切割效率高于 53 2nm(p <0 .0 1)。在体和离体实验显示 10 64nm激光能量和重复率相同时 ,所致的切割效率无明显差异 (p >0 .0 5) ,血液对 10 64nm激光的切割效率影响较小。相反 ,在 53 2nm时血液对其影响较大 ,相同的激光能量和重复率 ,离体实验切割效率高于在体 (p <0 .0 1)。 10 64nm激光所致的光热和机械损伤均轻于 53 2nm激光。结论 :在切割效率方面 ,10 64nm激光比 53 2nm更适用于TMLR。 10 64nmQ开关Nd :YAG激光可通过光导纤维传输 ,是TMLR的一个有潜力的激光源  相似文献   

太湖典型草、藻型湖区紫外辐射的衰减及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年4月通过野外原位观测和实验室测定相结合的方法对东太湖和梅梁湾典型草、藻型湖区紫外辐射光谱衰减及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,320nm(UV-B)、380nm(UV-A)的衰减系数在6.33~19.59m-1、3.41~13.64m-1间变化,对应的1%表面光强穿透深度分别为0.24~0.73m、0.35~1.35m,到达湖面的99%UV-B辐射在0.5m左右表层水就衰减完毕,东太湖和梅梁湾紫外辐射衰减系数存在明显的湖区差异;溶解性有机碳(DOC)的浓度在6.60~17.17mg/L间变化,其均值为(9.99±2.48)mg/L;375nm波长处CDOM吸收系数为1.78~6.25m-1,均值为(3.70±1.10)m-1;在短波部分CDOM吸收与DOC浓度存在显著性相关,相关性大致随波长降低而增加,320nm处的线性关系式:ad320=0.885DOC 2.182;紫外辐射衰减主要受制于水体中的CDOM浓度,衰减系数与DOC浓度、CDOM吸收系数存在显著性相关,340nm处的关系式分别为:Kd340=0.82 1.05DOC、Kd340=1.98 1.49ad340。在太湖紫外辐射衰减还要受悬浮物和叶绿素a浓度的影响,衰减系数与DOC、叶绿素a和悬浮物浓度多元回归的结果明显要高于单独与DOC浓度或CDOM吸收系数的回归结果。  相似文献   

采用Er:YAG激光(波长为2 940 nm,能量密度为:2.5 J/cm2单光斑,扫描次数为4)照射活体小白鼠皮肤,利用光学相干层析成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)技术在活体小鼠上观察其皮肤组织在激光作用之前及作用之后光热损伤修复的整个过程,得到了激光光热作用下引起损伤的皮肤组织在此过程中皮肤光学特性参数的变化情况,发现皮肤修复过程中光学参数有显著差异,并分析了这些差异引起的原因,以揭示激光美容中并发症主要因素。  相似文献   

在相同的叶绿素浓度下,叶绿素缺乏的大麦突变体的叶绿体在450~480nm和600~640nm波长范围的光吸收值比野生型略高,而在400~440nm和700~740nm波长范围的光吸收值明显高于野生型;突变体叶片和叶绿体的低温(77K)荧光发射强度较低,而两个光系低温荧光产量的比值(r685/F735)较高;失去Mg2 后,突变体和野生型的F685/F735和Fv/Fm均降低,但突变体的降低幅度较小;突变体的叶绿体中基粒片层数目较少、长度较短,而间质片层较长。这些结果表明,大麦突变体PSⅡ向PSⅠ的激发能转移较少是其PSⅡ光化学效率较高的重要原因。  相似文献   

Changes in optical attenuation, relevant to cytochrome oxidase, of the rat bone periosteal tissue in explanted culture and human neuronal cells in three-dimensional agarose constructs have been monitored by the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT), with potential applications in tissue engineering and diagnosis. A superluminescent diode (SLD) with a peak emission wavelength (lambda = 820 nm) that is the near-infrared absorption band of the oxidized form of CytOx was employed. The attenuation coefficient was obtained from the depth-resolved reflectance profiles of liquid phantoms (naphthol green B with intralipid), explant culture (periosteum of calvaria from rats) and cells in 3D agarose constructs. The absorption coefficient of naphthol green B can be accurately quantified by the linear relationship between attenuation coefficients and the concentration. The difference in the attenuation coefficient of astrocytoma cells in agarose before and after reduction of CytOx is 0.26 +/- 0.10 mm(-1) ( n = 9), whereas no attenuation is observed with the agarose control. Reduction of the enzyme in periosteal tissue leads to a change in attenuation coefficient of 0.43 +/- 0.24 mm(-1) ( n = 7). For comparison, using a biochemical assay, the absorption coefficient of the oxidized-reduced form of CytOx is measured at approximately 8.3 +/- 1.5x10(-3) mm-1 ( n = 4) and 8.7 +/-2.5x10(-3) mm-1 ( n = 4) at 820 nm for astrocytoma cells and rat periosteum, respectively. The lower value of CytOx concentration using biochemical versus OCT measurements may result from shifts in the scattering profile and the amplifying influences of multiple heme-based oxidases, indicating that conventional OCT is not specific enough to monitor redox changes in cytochrome oxidase. However, qualitative shifts in oxidation state are apparent using the technique. Our results suggest the potential application of OCT in providing high-resolution tomographic imaging of tissues in organ culture and cells grown in three-dimensional constructs in vitro.  相似文献   

Picosecond energy transfer is measured in Anacystis nidulans and Porphyridium cruentum. Fluorescence is sensitized by a 6-ps laser flash, at 530 nm. The time dependence of fluorescence is measured with reference to the laser pulse. Fluorescence is recorded from phycoerythrin (576 nm), R-phycocyanin (640 nm), allophycocyanin (666 nm), Photosystem II chlorophyll (690 nm) and long wave length chlorophyll (715 nm). Energy transfer measurements are made at 37 degrees C, 23 degrees C, and 0 degrees C, and 77 degrees K. It is shown that the rate of energy transfer can be varied with temperature. In both A. nidulans and P. cruentum there is a sequential transfer of excitation energy from phycoerythrin to phycocyanin to allophycocyan to Photosystem II chlorophyll fluorescence. The long wavelength chlorophyll fluorescence at 715 nm, however, does not always follow a sequential transfer of excitation energy. Depending on the temperature, fluorescence at 715 nm can precede fluorescence from phycocyanin.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammation in various organs, such as the brain, implies that different subpopulations of immune cells interact with the cells of the target organ. To monitor this cellular communication both morphologically and functionally, the ability to visualize more than two colors in deep tissue is indispensable. Here, we demonstrate the pronounced power of optical parametric oscillator (OPO)-based two-photon laser scanning microscopy for dynamic intravital imaging in hardly accessible organs of the central nervous and of the immune system, with particular relevance for long-term investigations of pathological mechanisms (e.g., chronic neuroinflammation) necessitating the use of fluorescent proteins. Expanding the wavelength excitation farther to the infrared overcomes the current limitations of standard Titanium:Sapphire laser excitation, leading to 1), simultaneous imaging of fluorophores with largely different excitation and emission spectra (e.g., GFP-derivatives and RFP-derivatives); and 2), higher penetration depths in tissue (up to 80%) at higher resolution and with reduced photobleaching and phototoxicity. This tool opens up new opportunities for deep-tissue imaging and will have a tremendous impact on the choice of protein fluorophores for intravital applications in bioscience and biomedicine, as we demonstrate in this work.  相似文献   

本文采用双积分球测量系统和Inverse Add ing-Doub ling方法,研究了自然和热凝固的人肝组织对532nm的KTP激光和1 064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的光学特性。结果表明:热凝固的人肝组织对532 nm的KTP激光的吸收系数较自然的肝组织的吸收系数增大了23.5%(P<0.05),热凝固的肝组织对1 064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的吸收系数较自然的肝组织的吸收系数减小了34.3%(P<0.05)。热凝固的人肝组织对532 nm的KTP激光的散射系数较自然的肝组织的散射系数增大了4.50倍(P<0.05),热凝固的肝组织对1 064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的散射系数较自然的肝组织的散射系数增大了6.41倍(P<0.05)。热凝固的人肝组织对532 nm的KTP激光的各向异性因子较自然的肝组织的各向异性因子减小了5.47%,热凝固的肝组织对1 064 nm的Nd:YAG激光的各向异性因子较自然的肝组织的各向异性因子减小了1.95%。  相似文献   

The magneto-photo-selection technique implemented in the time-resolved EPR (TR-EPR) experiment is used for studying the characteristics of the optical spectrum of C(60) mono-adducts, in the 410-690 nm wavelength range. The analysis of the shape of the triplet state TR-EPR spectra of the mono-adducts, recorded after laser light pulses having polarization parallel or perpendicular to the magnetic field direction allows to determine the orientation distribution of the excited molecules; whence the direction of transition moments in the molecular frame is inferred. This information provides the assignment of the vibronic states symmetries.  相似文献   

Wavelength dependence of cell cloning efficiency after optical trapping.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A study on clonal growth in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was conducted after exposure to optical trapping wavelengths using Nd:YAG (1064 nm) and tunable titanium-sapphire (700-990 nm) laser microbeam optical traps. The nuclei of cells were exposed to optical trapping forces at various wavelengths, power densities, and durations of exposure. Clonal growth generally decreased as the power density and the duration of laser exposure increased. A wavelength dependence of clonal growth was observed, with maximum clonability at 950-990 nm and least clonability at 740-760 nm and 900 nm. Moreover, the most commonly used trapping wavelength, 1064 nm from the Nd:YAG laser, strongly reduced clonability, depending upon the power density and exposure time. The present study demonstrates that a variety of optical parameters must be considered when applying optical traps to the study of biological problems, especially when survival and viability are important factors. The ability of the optical trap to alter either the structure or biochemistry of the process being probed with the trapping beam must be seriously considered when interpreting experimental results.  相似文献   

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