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绵刺(Potaninia mongolica Maxim.)隶属于蔷薇科绵刺属,只含有绵刺1种。它以花萼3、副萼3、花瓣3、雄蕊3等性状而区别于蔷薇科任何其它属的植物,有“三瓣蔷薇”之美称。其茎多分枝,具宿存、坚硬而成刺状的老叶柄;叶为三出复叶;小叶革质,顶生小叶3全裂,裂片与侧生小叶同形,全缘,两面具长绢毛;叶柄短、坚硬,宿存;托叶膜质,贴生于叶柄。花单生叶腋,花瓣白色或浅粉红色;雄蕊短于花瓣;子房上位,长卵圆形,密生绢毛,花柱基生。瘦果长圆形,淡黄色,为宿存萼筒所包被。绵刺为强旱生小灌木植物,主要生长于具有薄层覆沙的沙砾质荒漠、山前洪积扇和山问谷地,常形成绵刺群落,是沙砾质荒漠的建群种。  相似文献   

<正>中药金樱子是蔷薇科植物金樱子Rosa laevigata Michx.的干燥成熟果实。常绿蔓性灌木,无毛;小枝除有钩状皮刺外,密生细刺。小叶3,少数5,椭圆状卵形或披针状卵形,长2~7厘米,宽1.5~.5厘米;边缘有细锯齿,两面无毛,背面沿中脉有细刺,叶柄、叶轴有小皮刺或细刺;托叶线形,和叶柄分离,早落。花单生侧枝顶端,白色,直径5~9厘米;花柄和萼筒外面密生细刺。蔷薇果近球形或倒卵形,长2~4厘米,有细刺,顶端有长而外反的宿存萼片。花期5月,果期9—10月。具有固精缩尿、涩肠止泻、  相似文献   

木棉(Gossampinus malabarica ),别名红棉、英雄树、攀枝花、烽火树,木棉科落叶大乔木,树高30—40米,胸径可达1米以上;干直,枝轮生、平展;幼年树干和树枝有短而粗的扁圆锥形皮刺;掌状复叶互生,长椭圆形小叶5—7片,长 7—17厘米,全缘。叶柄与叶片等长或稍长;两性花簇生于枝端,花直径可达12厘米;花萼5裂;花瓣5枚,厚肉质,向外面为乳白色,向内面呈鲜红、金黄色;花瓣基部包着绿色的革质花萼;一朵花内有数十枚雄蕊和一枚雌蕊。花期为3—4月,单花花期长,然后整朵脱落;蒴果木质,椭圆形,长10—15厘米,果瓣内有绵毛。果实在6月成熟,成熟时开裂为5个果…  相似文献   

多年生草本,高2—5厘米,密被开展的中着叉状毛。根木质化,直伸,灰褐色。茎极短缩,不明显。奇数羽状复叶,长3—4厘米,具短叶柄,有小叶10—13对;小叶椭圆形,灰绿色,长4—5毫米,两面被开展的毛,下面毛较密;托叶下半部合生,上部披针形,被开展的毛。总状花序具与叶近等长的总梗,密被开展的长毛。有花3—4朵;苞片披针形,有毛;萼筒状,不膨大,长约1厘米,被开展的白色长毛和混生少量的黑毛,萼齿钻状。长为萼筒的1/2;花冠黄色,旗瓣片近提琴形,长约2厘米,近顶部稍狭,顶端微凹,中部缢缩,下部渐狭成瓣柄,翼瓣与旗瓣近等长,瓣片长圆形,下部有耳,较瓣柄短;龙骨瓣短于翼瓣,瓣柄显著长于瓣片;二体雄蕊,子房线形,近于无柄,有毛;荚果未见。花期5——6月。本种与七叶黄耆A.heptapotamtuus  相似文献   

曹瑞 《西北植物学报》2007,27(3):634-634
四合木(Tetraena mongolicaMaxi m.)又称四翅、油柴,隶属于蒺藜科四合木属,仅1种。为落叶小灌木,多分枝。偶数羽状复叶,老枝叶近簇生,当年枝叶对生;小叶2,倒披针形,近无柄,长5~7 mm,宽2~3mm,先端锐尖,两面密被伏生叉状毛。花单生于叶腋;萼片4,卵形;花瓣4,白色或淡黄色;雄蕊8,2轮,外轮较短,花丝近基部有白色膜质附属物,具花盘;子房上位,4裂,被毛。蒴果4瓣裂,果瓣长卵形或新月形,两侧扁,花柱宿存。种子距圆状卵形,表面被小疣状突起,无胚乳。花期5~6月,果期8~9月。四合木为强旱生落叶小灌木,是中国特有的孑遗单种属植物。见于草原化荒漠带,常…  相似文献   

黑皂树资源调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(一) 黑皂树(Jatropha curcas L.)又名小桐子、麻风树、膏桐、木花生等,属大戟科植物。多年生小乔木或灌木,高2~5米。幼枝粗壮,绿色,无毛。叶互生,近圆形至卵圆形,长约8—18厘米,基部心形,不分裂或3—5浅裂,幼时背面脉上被柔毛;叶柄长达16厘米。花单性,雌雄同株;聚伞花序腋生,总花梗长,无毛或稍被白色短柔毛;雄花萼片及花瓣各5枚,花瓣披针状椭圆形,长于萼1倍,雄蕊10,2轮,内轮花丝合生;花盘腺体5,雌花  相似文献   

赵能 《植物研究》1985,5(1):173-175
常绿、高大乔木,高约28米,树干胸径约2.2米;裸芽密被锈褐色小细毛;小枝初被同样的绢毛,后变为近无毛。奇数羽状复叶,长12-20厘米,叶柄和叶轴疏被褐色小绢毛,小叶3-5枚;小叶草质,椭圆形或矩圆椭圆形,先端短渐尖,基部楔形,全缘,长4-10厘米,宽1.5-4.0厘米,腹面绿色,无毛,背面象牙白色或黄绿色,与长0.4-0.6厘米的小叶柄一样均疏被灰色或褐色微柔毛,侧脉6-9对。  相似文献   

曹瑞 《西北植物学报》2007,27(1):214-214
四合木(Tetraena mongolicaMaxi m.)又称四翅、油柴,隶属于蒺藜科四合木属,仅1种.为落叶小灌木,多分枝.偶数羽状复叶,老枝叶近簇生,当年枝叶对生;小叶2,倒披针形,近无柄,长5~7 mm,宽2~3 mm,先端锐尖,两面密被伏生叉状毛.花单生于叶腋;萼片4,卵形;花瓣4,白色或淡黄色;雄蕊8,2轮,外轮较短,花丝近基部有白色膜质附属物,具花盘;子房上位,4裂,被毛.蒴果4瓣裂,果瓣长卵形或新月形,两侧扁,花柱宿存.种子距圆状卵形,表面被小疣状突起,无胚乳.花期5~6月,果期8~9月.四合木为强旱生落叶小灌木,是中国特有的孑遗单种属植物.见于草原化荒漠带,常形成以四…  相似文献   

韩全忠 《植物研究》1980,(3):103-104
落叶小灌木,高10-20厘米。一年生枝灰绿色,具梭,稍被白色毛。奇数羽状复叶,互生,有小叶5-7枚,叶柄长0.5-1.2厘米,被稀疏白伏毛;小叶柄褐色,被白伏毛,小叶片椭圆形、广卵形或近圆形,长0.8-2.5厘米,宽0.6-2厘米,基部圆形,先端钝圆,具短刺尖,全缘,表面绿色,背面淡绿色,两面疏生白色伏毛。腋生总状花序,与叶近等长或短于叶,具3-5花,花白色,长1-1.2厘米,尊杯状,先端不均等5裂;旗瓣与其他花瓣近等长,雄蕊10,成9与1两体,子房线形。花期6-7月。  相似文献   

<正>桃金娘[Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk.]为桃金娘科(Myrtaceae)桃金娘属植物。灌木,高1~2 m。小枝密被灰白色柔毛。叶革质,对生,长圆形至椭圆形,长3~6cm,宽1~4cm,顶端圆或钝,常有小凹口,基部宽楔形或近圆形,叶面初时有毛,后脱落,背面被灰色茸毛;离基3出脉,另有侧脉3~5对,网脉明显。花有明显的梗;花萼筒钟形,被灰色茸毛,花萼片5枚,明显,宿存,被毛;花瓣淡红色、淡紫红色或白色;雄蕊比花瓣短,红色。浆果,卵状壶形,直径1-1.5 cm,熟  相似文献   

Dolichoura has two species, D. spiritusanctensis and D. kollmannii, the latter described here. The genus can be recognized within the tribe Merianieae by 6-or 7-merous flowers, purple petals, stamens with a dorsal, spiraled appendage at the base of the connective, and seeds with narrow, lateral wings. The new species can be recognized by the suffruticose habit, 4-winged branches, coriaceous leaves with very small petioles and bullate adaxial surfaces, and by the 6-merous flowers.  相似文献   

Aims: Viola philippica is a species with a typical chasmogamous-cleistogamous (CH-CL) mixed breeding system. It provides a flower model system to investigate floral organs development under different photoperiods. Morphological changes of intermediate cleistogamous (inCL) flowers have been observed, the trends in variation of changes from CH flowers to CL flowers or from CL flowers to CH flowers have been analyzed, the localized effects of poorly developed stamens and petals in CL and inCL flowers have been identified. This research provided morphology and structural changes with implication for the evolutionary significance of the dimorphic flower formation for further study in dimorphic flower development. Methods: We used methods of anatomy and structural analysis to observe the morphological structures of flowers under different photoperiods. Important findings: Photoperiod played an important role in the development of CH and CL flowers in V. philippica. Under short-day light and intermediate-day light, both CH and inCL flowers developed simultaneously. Most of the floral buds were CH flowers under a photoperiod of short-day light, but most of the floral buds were inCL flowers under mid-day light. Complete CL flowers formed under long-day lights. However, there were a series of transitional types in the number and morphology of stamens and petals among inCL flowers, including five stamens with three petals related to CH flowers and two stamens with one petal related to CL flowers. The former type was dominant under short-day light conditions, and the latter type was dominant under mid-day light. Further more, there were localized effects in stamen and petal development for CL and inCL flowers. The development of ventral lower petal (corresponding to the lower petal with spur of CH flower) and the adjacent two stamens in inCL flowers were best, and the back petal was similar to that of CL flowers, an organ primordium structure. The adjacent stamens with the back petals tended to be poorly developed. In extreme cases, these stamens in inCL flowers had no pollen sac, only a membranous appendage or even a primordium structure. When the plants with CL or CH flowers were placed under short-day light or long-day light, the newly induced flowers all showed a series of inCL flower types, finally the CL flowers transformed into CH flowers, and the CH flowers transformed into CL flowers. This result indicates the gradual effects of different photoperiods on dimorphic flowers development of V. philippica. A long photoperiod could inhibit the development of partial stamens and petals, and a short photoperiod could prevent the suppression of long-day light and promote the development of stamens and petals.  相似文献   

Aims Viola philippica is a species with a typical chasmogamous-cleistogamous (CH-CL) mixed breeding system. It provides a flower model system to investigate floral organs development under different photoperiods. Morphological changes of intermediate cleistogamous (inCL) flowers have been observed, the trends in variation of changes from CH flowers to CL flowers or from CL flowers to CH flowers have been analyzed, the localized effects of poorly developed stamens and petals in CL and inCL flowers have been identified. This research provided morphology and structural changes with implication for the evolutionary significance of the dimorphic flower formation for further study in dimorphic flower development.Methods We used methods of anatomy and structural analysis to observe the morphological structures of flowers under different photoperiods.Important findings Photoperiod played an important role in the development of CH and CL flowers in V. philippica. Under short-day light and intermediate-day light, both CH and inCL flowers developed simultaneously. Most of the floral buds were CH flowers under a photoperiod of short-day light, but most of the floral buds were inCL flowers under mid-day light. Complete CL flowers formed under long-day lights. However, there were a series of transitional types in the number and morphology of stamens and petals among inCL flowers, including five stamens with three petals related to CH flowers and two stamens with one petal related to CL flowers. The former type was dominant under short-day light conditions, and the latter type was dominant under mid-day light. Further more, there were localized effects in stamen and petal development for CL and inCL flowers. The development of ventral lower petal (corresponding to the lower petal with spur of CH flower) and the adjacent two stamens in inCL flowers were best, and the back petal was similar to that of CL flowers, an organ primordium structure. The adjacent stamens with the back petals tended to be poorly developed. In extreme cases, these stamens in inCL flowers had no pollen sac, only a membranous appendage or even a primordium structure. When the plants with CL or CH flowers were placed under short-day light or long-day light, the newly induced flowers all showed a series of inCL flower types, finally the CL flowers transformed into CH flowers, and the CH flowers transformed into CL flowers. This result indicates the gradual effects of different photoperiods on dimorphic flowers development of V. philippica. A long photoperiod could inhibit the development of partial stamens and petals, and a short photoperiod could prevent the suppression of long-day light and promote the development of stamens and petals.  相似文献   

崇左金花茶花朵和叶片类黄酮UPLC-Q-TOF-MS分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以崇左金花茶(Camellia chuangtsoensis)为材料,利用超高效液相色谱-四极杆-飞行时间质谱(UPLC-Q-TOF-MS)联用技术定性定量分析其花朵(花瓣、雄蕊)和叶片(老叶、新叶)中类黄酮成分与含量。结果表明,崇左金花茶中共检测到14种类黄酮成分,木犀草素、木犀草素-7-O-芸香糖苷、槲皮素-3,7-O-二葡萄糖苷、芸香柚皮苷、圣草素和染料木苷为山茶属金花茶组植物中首次发现,其中槲皮素-3,7-O-二葡萄糖苷、芸香柚皮苷、圣草素和染料木苷主要存在于花朵中,木犀草素和木犀草素-7-O-芸香糖苷在花朵中含量高于叶片,雄蕊中高于花瓣;槲皮素-3-O-葡萄糖苷、槲皮素-7-O-葡萄糖苷、槲皮素-3-O-芸香糖苷和山柰酚-3-O-葡萄糖苷为金花茶组植物叶片中首次发现,其叶片中含量远低于花朵,老叶中远低于新叶,雄蕊中远低于花瓣;儿茶素和表儿茶素在花朵中含量高于叶片,雄蕊中高于花瓣;槲皮素和山萘酚在花朵和叶片中含量均较低。崇左金花茶花瓣和雄蕊中含量较高的类黄酮为儿茶素类、木犀草素类和槲皮素类,主要是表儿茶素、木犀草素和槲皮素-3-O-葡萄糖苷;叶片中为儿茶素类和木犀草素类,主要是表儿茶素、木犀草素和木犀草素-7-O-芸香糖苷。崇左金花茶花瓣和雄蕊中儿茶素类、木犀草素类及类黄酮总量均高于叶片,且雄蕊高于花瓣;花瓣和雄蕊中槲皮素类远高于叶片,且花瓣中远高于雄蕊。  相似文献   

Monocots are remarkably homogeneous in sharing a common trimerous pentacyclic floral Bauplan. A major factor affecting monocot evolution is the unique origin of the clade from basal angiosperms. The origin of the floral Bauplan of monocots remains controversial, as no immediate sister groups with similar structure can be identified among basal angiosperms, and there are several possibilities for an ancestral floral structure, including more complex flowers with higher stamen and carpel numbers, or strongly reduced flowers. Additionally, a stable Bauplan is only established beyond the divergence of Alismatales. Here, we observed the floral development of five members of the three ‘petaloid’ Alismatales families Butomaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, and Alismataceae. Outer stamen pairs can be recognized in mature flowers of Alismataceae and Butomaceae. Paired stamens always arise independently, and are either shifted opposite the sepals or close to the petals. The position of stamen pairs is related to the early development of the petals. In Butomaceae, the perianth is not differentiated and the development of the inner tepals is not delayed; the larger inner tepals (petals) only permit the initiation of stamens in antesepalous pairs. Alismataceae has delayed petals and the stamens are shifted close to the petals, leading to an association of stamen pairs with petals in so-called stamen–petal complexes. In the studied Hydrocharitaceae species, which have the monocot floral Bauplan, paired stamens are replaced by larger single stamens and the petals are not delayed. These results indicate that the origin of the floral Bauplan, at least in petaloid Alismatales, is closely linked to the position of stamen pairs and the rate of petal development. Although the petaloid Alismatales are not immediately at the base of monocot divergence, the floral evolution inferred from the results should be a key to elucidate the origin of the floral Bauplan of monocots.  相似文献   

Floral development was compared with scanning electron microscopy in 12 Australian species of Hibbertia representing most of its morphological variation, and in the related Adrastaea (Dilleniaceae). Calyx and corolla arise in quincuncial helices in radially symmetrical species, while the petals initiate unidirectionally from one side in zygomorphic species. Stamen number (3-200+) proliferates by centrifugal addition of individual primordia or by innovations of common primordia and ring meristems. Common primordia arise in single-stamen positions alternately with petals, and each produces one to several stamens centrifugally that remain attached to a shared base and form a stamen fascicle. A ring meristem in Adrastaea initiates a whorl of five stamens, alternate with the first stamens but outside their whorl. In radially symmetrical species of Hibbertia, a first ring of stamens is supplemented centrifugally by additional stamens on a meristem ring. The first stamens in zygomorphic species of Hibbertia initiate as a terminal ridge on the floral apex, with subsequent stamens added centrifugally on one side and two carpels initiated on the opposite side. The carpels arise as a simultaneous ring in radially symmetrical flowers, or as a simultaneous pair in zygomorphic species. Staminodial presence is viewed as of minor significance. Four pollinator syndromes are proposed for Hibbertia, related to differing floral architecture.  相似文献   

Comparative developmental morphology was used to assess structural homology of flowers in Dalea, Marina, and Psorothamnus of the tribe Amorpheae (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae). Dalea, Marina, and some species of Psorothamnus have an unusual petal-stamen synorganization (stemonozone) in which free petals are inserted on a region that is continuous with fused stamen filaments. Developmental studies of these three genera demonstrated similarity during organogenesis. Zonal growth results in several synorganized regions, including the stemonozone of Dalea, Marina, and some Psorothamnus. Psorothamnus species that lack a stemonozone have fused stamens and free petals inserted on the hypanthium, as in most other papilionoid legumes. We concluded that the stemonozone is not strictly homologous to either androecium or receptacle, but that it is the product of a modified androecial developmental program. In the prairie clover daleas, petaloid structures positioned between the stamens have been variously interpreted as petals or as staminodes; we infer that they have an extreme form of the daleoid stemonozone, on which five petals (no staminodes) and five stamens are inserted. Assessing structural homology of these flowers allows us to characterize accurately daleoid morphology for evolutionary studies in the tribe Amorpheae.  相似文献   

Floral scent was collected by headspace methods from intact flowers, petals, and stamens of four species ofPyrolaceae. The scent samples were analyzed by coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The floral scent inPyrola spp. is differentiated into a characteristic petal scent—phenyl propanoids and a characteristic stamen scent—methoxy benzenes. InMoneses the scent is characterized by isoprenoids and benzenoids, with a larger proportion of benzenoids in the stamens compared to the petals. Specific anther scents may promote foraging efficiency in buzz-pollinated species and enhance flower fidelity. Variation in floral scent composition is consistent with the taxonomic relationships among the genera and species examined.  相似文献   

傅书遐 《植物研究》1986,6(4):157-160
Sedum algidum Ledeb.及其变种var.tanguticum Maxim.长期曾为研究我国景天科植物的学家所引用。因为Maximowicz[6]将种分为3个变种,引用标本多所错杂,描写简单,造成后来人鉴定植物的困难。  相似文献   

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