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北草蜥主要贮能部位的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了北草蜥越冬时期腹脂肪体、去尾躯干、尾、肝脏等主要能量贮存部位。结果表明 ,尾、肝脏和腹脂肪体能值的组间差异显著 ,入眠组的去尾躯干能值显著高于出眠组和禁食组。尾、腹脂肪体、肝脏能量贮存和动用活跃 ,为该种动物最主要能量的贮存部位。  相似文献   

山地麻蜥主要贮能部位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了成体山地麻蜥越冬时期腹脂肪体、躯干和肝脏等主要贮能部位。结果表明,腹脂肪体、躯干、肝脏能值的组间差异显著,人眠组的腹脂肪体、躯干脂肪能值显著高于出眠组和禁食组。腹脂肪体、躯干、肝脏能量贮存动用活跃,为该种动物最主要的能量贮存部位。  相似文献   

中国石龙子的主要脂肪贮存部位研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
本文研究中国石龙子(Eumeceschinensis)腹脂肪体、肝脏、去尾躯干和尾等主要脂肪贮存部位。育肥、禁食以及越冬后至繁殖期的3月、4月和5月份组个体的脂肪体系数和肝脏系数组间差异显著;去尾躯干、尾和肝脏、脂肪含量组间差异显著。禁食濒死个体的脱脂去尾躯干和尾灰分含量明显大于育肥个体,未经灰分校正能值明显小于育肥个体,经灰分校正能值与育肥个体相近。濒死和育肥个体的脱脂肝脏灰分含量和能值差异相对较小。腹脂肪体和尾部脂肪贮量大,且其中的贮存和动用活跃,为该种动物最主要的脂肪贮存部位。体内贮能的极度消耗是禁食中国石龙子死亡的重要原因。育肥可使动物各脂肪贮存部位迅速积累脂肪。  相似文献   

中国石龙子的主要脂肪存部位研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究中国石龙子腹脂肪体、肝脏、去尾躯干和尾等主要脂肪贮存部位。育肥、禁食以及越冬后至繁殖期的3月、4月和5月份组个体的脂肪体系数的肝脏系数级间差异显著;去尾躯干、尾和肝脏、脂肪含量组间差异显著。禁食濒死个体的脱脂去尾躯干和尾灰分含量明显大于育肥个体,未经灰分校正能值明显小于育肥个体,经灰分校正能值与育肥个体相近。濒死和育肥个体的脱脂肝脏灰分含量和能值差异相对较小。腹脂肪体和尾部与育肥个体相近。  相似文献   

山地麻蜥主要贮能部位水分含量和能值的年变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许雪峰  吴义莲 《动物学报》2003,49(2):191-197
研究了安徽宿州山地麻蜥主要贮能部位水分含量和能值的年变化。蜥蜴分别于2001年9-11月和2002年3—8月逐月捕回,经测量、称重后解剖分离为躯干(包括尾)、肝脏和腹脂肪体三组分。所有样品65℃恒温干燥至恒重,用索氏脂肪提取器测定脂肪含量,微电脑热量计测定能值。本研究结果显示:雄体躯干、肝脏水分含量显著高于雌体,躯干、肝脏水分含量的月间差异显著;雄体躯干、脱脂躯干能值显著高于雌体,躯干、脱脂躯干能值的月间差异显著;雄体肝脏能值、脱脂肝脏能值以及腹脂肪体能值显著低于雌体,肝脏能值、脱脂肝脏能值以及腹脂肪体能值的月间差异显著。上述结果表明,山地麻蜥躯干、肝脏以及腹脂肪体能值的年变化与繁殖和冬眠关系密切,繁殖期雄体适度贮能有利于提高运动的敏捷性;雌体适度贮能有利于增加繁殖输出,提高野外生存和适应性。  相似文献   

北草蜥主要贮能部位水分含量和能值的变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
研究了安徽滁州北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)成体在2000年3~9月份主要贮能部位水分含量和能值的变化:①躯干,肝脏水分含量两种差异显著,尾部水分含量两性差异不显著;躯干、尾、肝脏水分含量月间差异显著。②雄性成体的躯干、脱指躯干、尾和脱脂尾能值显著高于雌性成体,肝脏能值显著低于雌性成体;躯干、尾、肝脏、腹脂肪体能值月间差异显著。结果分析表明,北草蜥躯干、尾、肝脏及腹脂肪体能值的季节变化与繁殖和冬眠密切相关。  相似文献   

杭州北草蜥繁殖期脂肪的利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年在杭州小和山北草蜥繁殖季节的3个时段分别捕得两性成年个体,解剖后鉴定性别,分离躯干、尾、肝脏和腹脂肪体,并测定其重量。按雌体卵的状态(休止卵、卵黄沉积卵和输卵管卵),卵黄沉积始于3月下旬(T1),首窝卵产于5月上旬(T2),部分(37%)终止繁殖于6月中旬(T3)。从T1到T2,雌性腹脂肪体从平均17.3mg至消失,而雄性从6.3mg减至0.8mg,雌性减量是雄性的3倍。两性6月中旬腹脂肪体消失,而躯干、尾和肝脏的脂肪含量在3个时段无显著变化。很可能雌性腹脂肪体的消耗使首窝卵产出时间提前,从而增加单个繁殖季节的窝数和总的繁殖成功率。  相似文献   

孵化温度对火赤链游蛇幼体特征的影响兼评剩余卵黄的功能   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
研究3 个温度中孵出火赤链游蛇( Dinodon rufozonatum) 幼体的特征并评估剩余卵黄的功能。孵化温度显著影响孵化期和孵出幼体的体长和尾长。与其他类似研究结果不同的是, 低温(24℃) 孵出的幼体体长和尾长小于较高温度(28 ℃和30 ℃) 孵出的幼体。在24 ~30℃温度范围内, 孵化温度对孵化成功率、胚胎对卵内物质和能量的利用、幼体的性比和畸形率、孵出幼体总干重及躯干长、剩余卵黄和脂肪体干重无显著影响。孵出的雄性幼体数量显著多于雌性幼体。剩余卵黄的主要功能是用于孵出幼体的早期维持和躯干的生长。新生卵内容物中81-4 % 的干物质、70-0% 的脂肪和79-4 % 的能量在孵化过程中被转移到幼体。  相似文献   

<正> 昆虫体内蕴藏着大量的脂肪体。这些脂肪体从表面上看似乎只是类脂物的贮存,但实际上是昆虫生长、发育、变态和生殖等代谢活动的中心组织。由于脂肪体能贮存营养、解毒及为昆虫生命的周期活动提供各种生物合成的代谢产物,因此,人们将昆虫的脂肪体比拟为脊椎动物的肝脏。昆虫脂肪体的代谢作用是受激素调节控制的,本文介绍这方面研究结果的概况。 1.脂肪体的结构 昆虫的脂肪体有不同的形态,不同目的昆虫脂肪体的结构不同:有纸片状(半翅目)、绳子状(直翅目)、带状(鳞翅目)和球状(鞘翅目)  相似文献   

无蹼壁虎冬眠期的生态及形态生理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文观察研究了无蹼壁虎冬眠期的生态和形态生理状况。冬眠期无蹼壁虎喜在墙缝及岩缝中过冬。冬眠对体长和尾长无影响,而其体重显著减少。冬眠期温度的变化与冬眠活动关系密切。经过冬眠,其肥满度、脂肪体系数、肝系数平均明显减少,变化非常显著,而生殖腺系数的变化不显著。冬眠前雌性组肝脏和脂肪体的均重都大于雄性组。  相似文献   

Abstract Caudal autotomy is an effective defensive strategy used by many lizards to facilitate escape during predatory encounters. However, it has several potentially severe consequences, including a range of energetic costs that are believed to result from the depletion of caudal lipid reserves during tail loss. In this study we examined the possible effect of caudal autotomy on the energetic reserves of a small viviparous skink, Niveoscincus metallicus (O'Shaughnessy 1874). Animals of each sex were collected on three occasions to assess the distribution of lipid stores. In addition, the frequency and position of naturally occurring tail breaks were determined. Both abdominal and caudal lipid stores are present in N. metallicus; however, caudal fat bodies comprise the majority (55–78%) of these fat reserves. Temporal variation in fat body mass, both abdominal and caudal, was evident. There was a significant relationship between the two fat stores, which was distorted in pregnant females, when relatively more fat was stored in the tail. Examination of the distribution of caudal fat in the tail revealed that the majority (90–95%) occurs within the proximal third of the tail. The remainder is located in the middle portion of the tail, with no reserves in the most distal tail section. During late pregnancy, females store relatively more fat closer to the body. The frequency of tail loss in a natural population of N. metallicus was extremely high (78%). Tail breaks were normally distributed along the length of the tail (i.e. most near the middle and fewer distal and proximal breaks). Thus there was a relatively high chance of some lipid depletion as a result of tail loss, but because 76% of breaks occur in the middle and distal thirds of the tail, there is a high probability that tail loss results in only minimal (i.e. <10%) lipid depletion. This is the first instance where both the energetic ‘value’ of the tail and the likelihood of lipid depletion during tail loss have been determined in a lizard. Overall, the combination of the aggregation of caudal fat reserves and position of naturally occurring tail breaks may enable N. metallicus to combine caudal fat storage and tail autotomy with minimal conflict.  相似文献   

Fatty acid analyses of lipids from lizard fat bodies, carcass, and blood serum were performed by GLC. Principal fatty acids from all three tissues were palmitate (16:0), stearate (18:0), oleate (18:1), and linoleate (18:2). Administration of estradiol to vitellogenic or non-vitellogenic lizards increased serum levels of non-esterified fatty acids, but had no effect on the fat body wet weights. Lizards receiving estradiol had a higher proportion of arachidonate and a lower proportion of oleate in their serum non-esterified fatty acids.  相似文献   

Variation in thermal constraints on activity has been hypothesized to be an important ecological source of geographic variation in growth rates of juvenile eastern fence lizards Sceloporus undulatus. However, most of the evidence to support this hypothesis is either inferential or indirect. In this study, I quantitatively compared thermal constraints on activity and their relationship to growth rates of free-ranging juvenile fence lizards from two extremes of the range of variation in growth rate (Nebraska and New Jersey) used in a reciprocal transplant experiment. I also examined energy allocation made to growth and storage by yearling lizards. Reduced growth rates in New Jersey of normally fast-growing hatchlings from Nebraska were associated with a more stringent thermal constraint on activity corresponding to a 2-3-h shorter predicted daily activity period in New Jersey compared to Nebraska. The thermal constraint on activity was particularly strong (24% less time available in New Jersey compared to Nebraska) during the period when hatchling lizards emerge (August-October). An 8% reduction in total activity time available over the course of a single year was associated with a 7% reduction in the total amount of energy accumulated by lizards in New Jersey. Differences in the total amount of energy available for allocation were also accompanied by differences in how energy was allocated. Lizards from New Jersey had an allocatable energy pool of approximately 40.34 kJ (88% to growth, 12% to storage, and 0% to reproduction). Lizards from Nebraska had an allocatable pool of 43.44 kJ (22% to growth, 18% to storage, and 60% to reproduction). This study joins others in advocating and illustrating an integrative approach to determining the causes and consequences of life-history variation by combining experimental, comparative, and phylogenetic methods in a single system.  相似文献   

The ability to store energy is an important life history trait for organisms facing long periods without energy income, and in particular for capital breeders such as temperate zone amphibians, which rely on stored energy during reproduction. However, large scale comparative studies of energy stores in populations with different environmental constraints on energy allocation are scarce. We investigated energy storage patterns in spring (after hibernation and before reproduction) in eight common frog Rana temporaria populations exposed to different environmental conditions along a 1600  km latitudinal gradient across Scandinavia (range of annual activity period is 3–7  months). Analyses of lean body weight (eviscerated body mass), weight of fat bodies, liver weight, and liver fat content, showed that 1) post-hibernation/pre-breeding energy stores increased with increasing latitude in both sexes, 2) males generally had larger energy reserves than females and 3) the difference in energy stores between sexes decreased towards the north. Larger energy reserves towards the north can serve as a buffer against less predictable and/or less benign weather conditions during the short activity period, and may also represent a risk-averse tactic connected with a more pronounced iteroparous life history. In females, the continuous and overlapping vitellogenic activity in the north may also demand more reserves in early spring. The general sexual difference could be a consequence of the fact that, at the time of our sampling, females had already invested their energy into reproduction in the given year (i.e. their eggs were already ovulated), while the males' main reproductive activities (e.g. calling, mate searching, sexual competition) occurred later in the season.  相似文献   

The increasing use of unconventional feedstuffs in chicken’s diets results in the substitution of starch by lipids as the main dietary energy source. To evaluate the responses of genetically fat or lean chickens to these diets, males of two experimental lines divergently selected for abdominal fat content were fed isocaloric, isonitrogenous diets with either high lipid (80 g/kg), high fiber (64 g/kg) contents (HL), or low lipid (20 g/kg), low fiber (21 g/kg) contents (LL) from 22 to 63 days of age. The diet had no effect on growth performance and did not affect body composition evaluated at 63 days of age. Glycolytic and oxidative energy metabolisms in the liver and glycogen storage in liver and Sartorius muscle at 63 days of age were greater in chicken fed LL diet compared with chicken fed HL diet. In Pectoralis major (PM) muscle, energy metabolisms and glycogen content were not different between diets. There were no dietary-associated differences in lipid contents of the liver, muscles and abdominal fat. However, the percentages of saturated (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in tissue lipids were generally higher, whereas percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were lower for diet LL than for diet HL. The fat line had a greater feed intake and average daily gain, but gain to feed ratio was lower in that line compared with the lean line. Fat chickens were heavier than lean chickens at 63 days of age. Their carcass fatness was higher and their muscle yield was lower than those of lean chickens. The oxidative enzyme activities in the liver were lower in the fat line than in the lean line, but line did not affect energy metabolism in muscles. The hepatic glycogen content was not different between lines, whereas glycogen content and glycolytic potential were higher in the PM muscle of fat chickens compared with lean chickens. Lipid contents in the liver, muscles and abdominal fat did not differ between lines, but fat chickens stored less MUFA and more PUFA in abdominal fat and muscles than lean chickens. Except for the fatty acid composition of liver and abdominal fat, no interaction between line and diet was observed. In conclusion, the amount of lipids stored in muscles and fatty tissues by lean or fat chickens did not depend on the dietary energy source.  相似文献   

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