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SDSC-TAB和高盐沉淀法提取香蕉枯萎病菌基因组DNA的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以香蕉枯萎病菌菌株为试验材料,采用SDS- CTAB法和高盐沉淀法提纯香蕉枯萎病菌基因组DNA。结果表明:高盐沉淀法是适合于香蕉枯萎病菌基因组DNA提取的方法。该方法提取的DNAOD2 60 2 80值显示产物纯度较高;经琼脂糖凝胶电泳得到一条带型较宽且清晰的DNA谱带,DNA浓度较高,基本无DNA碎带;不用RNase处理,已无RNA的干扰,无需任何纯化处理即可用于PCR扩增和RAPD分析。同时对DNA提取过程中的细节问题进行了探讨与分析。  相似文献   

用0.3M的甘氨酸缓冲液(含0.1M的MgCl_2,pH7.4)对泡桐丛枝病病树的新鲜或冰冻组织进行抽提,用蜗牛酶处理,并差速离心,获得泡桐丛枝病类菌原体;然后用蛋白酶E处理,苯酚和氯仿抽提,酒精沉淀,可有效地制备得泡桐丛枝病类菌原体总核酸。所得总核酸在0.6%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳时呈现出大分子和小分子两种电泳带。DNase I RNase A及专一性降解单链核酸的S.酶等分析结果表明,大分子带为DNA,小分子带为RNA,且DNA具有双链性质,RNA具有单链性质。将上述总核酸用RNase A消化,苯酚和氯仿抽提,乙醇沉淀,可获得单一的泡桐丛枝病类菌原体DNA。电泳测得其DNA分子量约为1.5×10~7道尔顿。目前国内外均未见泡桐丛枝病类菌原体核酸报导。  相似文献   

小麦蓝矮植原体染色体DNA的分离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]分离小麦蓝矮(WBD)植原体染色体DNA,并建立WBD植原体染色体分离纯化体系.[方法]采用差速离心和脉冲电泳(PFGE)方法富集纯化WBD植原体染色体DNA,并通过PCR和Southern blot进行检测验证,实时荧光定量PCR方法对分离纯化效果进行定量检测.[结果]脉冲电泳凝胶中出现一条大小约为650 kb的条带,经PCR检测和Southern blot分析表明该条带为WBD植原体的染色体DNA.实时荧光定量PCR检测结果表明采用差速离心与脉冲电泳结合的方法可以将WBD植原体基因组的相对拷贝数提高436.5倍.[结论]采用差速离心与脉冲电泳法结合可以有效地从感染WBD长春花中分离到纯的WBD植原体染色体DNA,WBD植原体染色体DNA大小约为650 kb.  相似文献   

香蕉枯萎菌基因组DNA提取方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以香蕉枯萎菌菌株为试验材料,在SDS~CTAB法和高盐沉淀法等基础上加以改进,对两种提纯香蕉枯萎菌基因组DNA的方法进行了比较研究。结果表明:高盐沉淀法是适合于香蕉枯萎菌基因组DNA提取的方法。该方法提取的DNA OD260/OD280的比值为1.841,DNA产量为0.81mgDNA/g菌丝体。基因组DNA经琼脂糖凝胶电泳得到一条带型较宽且清晰的DNA谱带,基本无DNA碎带;将提取的DNA直接用于PCR扩增,得到带多而且清晰、整齐、基本无拖尾的RAPD图谱。  相似文献   

香菇基因组高分子量DNA的提取   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了一种简便快速提取香菇基因组DNA的方法,该法是对提取真菌DNA的SDS和CTAB法进行改进而成,经过修改后的SDS-CTAB法可在较短时间内高效地提取香菇基因组总DNA.制备物经琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测到大于20kb的DNA主带,基本无DNA碎带;OD260/280值显示产物纯度高,完全符合AFLP分析的要求。  相似文献   

利用 4 0℃、1 0 0 %RH对菜心种子进行人工加速老化处理获得了不同活力的种子批 ,利用平衡酚_氯仿法直接从人工老化的菜心干种子中提取基因组DNA ,并对提取的基因组DNA进行了RAPD扩增。结果表明 ,所提取的基因组DNA量多 ,而且比较整齐一致。引物S2 0 8扩增所获得的基因组DNA指纹图谱上的DNA带清晰、明亮 ,从而表明利用本方法从人工老化菜心干种子中直接提取的基因组DNA完全可以用于RAPD分析。  相似文献   

反相斑点杂交法对解脲脲原体分型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究以聚合酶链反应为基础的快速检测与鉴定解脲脲原体基因型的方法。方法选择2003年11月至2005年11月在中山大学附属第二医院门诊就诊的有外阴阴道炎症状和体征的患者601例,设为病例组,同期无自觉症状的正常体检人群306例,设为对照组,分别取宫颈分泌物待检测。将解脲脲原体不同基因型的特异探针固定在硝酸纤维素膜上,临床标本按常规方法提取解脲脲原体DNA,采用生物素标记的解脲脲原体特异通用引物PCR扩增DNA,然后分别与解脲脲原体不同基因型特异探针杂交、显色。结果病例组解脲脲原体阳性421例占70.0%,对照组解脲脲原体阳性126例占41.2%。病例组中单型别感染的U.parvum占65.4%,其中1型、3型、6型和14型分别占28.8%、43.3%、26.0%和1.9%,U.urealyticum占18.4%;对照组中单型别感染的U.parvum占79.3%,其中1型、3型、6型和14型分别占63.2%、21.1%、15.7%和0.0%,U.urealyticum占13.8%。18例阳性标本随机DNA测序鉴定,均为相应的解脲脲原体基因型。结论U.parvum群,尤其是其中的1、3、6型别是正常人群携带的可能性较大,U.urealyticum则有可能和1型起协同作用或独自导致疾病。用反相斑点杂交进行解脲脲原体基因分型,方法简单、实用,适用于临床。  相似文献   

手部接触类生物物证是目前案件中的主要生物物证,但关于此类物证在不同载体上DNA的检出量和检验效果、最佳前处理方法以及检材放置不同时间后的检出量和检验效果的变化尚无详细研究报道。通过制备手部接触类生物检材,分别使用直接剪取法、胶带粘取法、两步擦拭法和真空吸取法对检材进行前处理,然后进行DNA提取,用筛选出的最佳前处理方法处理放置不同时间段的检材,均使用常规程序对检材进行DNA提取、定量和复合扩增,并对各项结果进行分析和讨论。实验观察到总体上使用直接剪取法进行前处理的检材提取到的DNA的量大于使用两步擦拭法和真空吸取法进行前处理提取到的DNA的量,且这4种前处理方法在不同载体的检材之间提取到的DNA量有差异;随着时间的推移,在放置360 d内的DNA检出量和检验效果无较大差异。由此得出,不同载体上DNA的检出量和检验效果有差异,针对不同载体,其最佳前处理方法也不同;检材常温干燥放置一年内,其DNA无明显降解。  相似文献   

乔爱民  傅家瑞 《植物学报》1999,16(6):701-704
利用40℃、100%朋对菜心种子进行人工加速老化处理获得了不同活力的种子批,利用平衡酚-氯仿法直接从人工老化的菜心干种子中提取基因组DNA,并对提取的基因组DNA进行了趾PD扩增。结果表明,所提取的基因组DNA量多,而且比较整齐一致。引物S208扩增所获得的基因组DNA指纹图谱上的DNA带清晰、明亮,从而表明利用本方法从人工老化菜心干种子中直接提取的基因组DNA完全可以用于RAPD分析。  相似文献   

胡椒叶片基因组DNA提取方法比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜艳  刘进平 《生物技术》2009,19(6):41-44
目的:研究建立胡椒叶片中提取高质量DNA的方法。方法:采用各种CTAB法和SDS法的改良方法,提取胡椒叶片中的总DNA,并对DNA进行紫外和电泳检测。结果:改良CTAB法4和5提取的DNA经电泳检测,有一条明亮主带,且无拖尾现象,样品槽无荧光出现,说明抽出的DNA纯度较高,一致性好;测定其OD260和OD280值,并计算其比值,OD260/OD280值在1.8-2.0之间,提取率在51.667-60.000μg/g之间,获得的基因组DNA质量高。结论:改良CTAB法4和法5可从胡椒幼叶中提取高质量DNA。  相似文献   

DNA single strand breaks (ssb) have been induced in FLC/C cells in culture. They have been visualized in the electron microscope after decoration with biotin-avidin-ferritin complexes and spreading as monomolecular mixed films. This allowed one to determine the average number of decorated ssbs per unit of DNA length applying straight-forward and simple evaluation methods. This method has been used to investigate the DNA alterations by benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) on FLC/C culture cells. Thus a B[a]P-DNA damage curve can be constructed as a regression with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.97, while its isomer benzo[e]pyrene (B[e]P) known to have only low mutagenicity under the same experimental conditions is virtually without effect. The method has further informational potential regarding damage distribution and repair of DNA.  相似文献   

甲螨是一类重要的土壤动物,体型微小,一般具有较厚的体壁。本研究针对甲螨这一特定类群,探讨了一种无形态特征损伤的DNA提取技术。通过结合试剂盒DNA提取法,并适当改进实验条件,设计出一套行之有效的DNA提取流程。通过对提取DNA之后的标本进行形态学观察,发现其主要的分类学特征均保存完好,可以作为凭证标本长期保存。本研究所提供的DNA提取技术既可以提取出足够的DNA又可以保留凭证标本,因此能有效促进甲螨分子分类学相关研究。  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases and DNA repair   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
DNA topoisomerases are enzymes that can modify, and may regulate, the topological state of DNA through concerted breaking and rejoining of the DNA strands. They have been believed to be directly involved in DNA excision repair, and perhaps to be required for the control of repair as well. The vicissitudes of this hypothesis provide a noteworthy example of the dangers of interpreting cellular phenomena without genetic information and vice versa.  相似文献   

At all stages of male gametogenesis, generative and vegetative pollen nuclei of Nicotiana sylvestris can be distinguished without ambiguity after Feulgen or ethidium bromide staining. They differ by their morphology and their apparent DNA content, always lower in vegetative nuclei. These differences provide a basis for their separation by sedimentation and fluorometry. After elimination of the another somatic cells and after crushing the pollen, vegetative and generative nuclei are separated by two successive Percoll gradients (purity 80–90%). Analysis of the gradient fractions and final purification can be done with a cell sorter. DNAs of both types are isolated by a cetyltrimethylammonium method, followed by a RNase treatment. Yields are lower for vegetative than for generative nuclei, and decrease with the age of pollen. Molecular weights and digestibility by restriction enzymes are compatible with molecular analyses.  相似文献   

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A) is an autosomal-dominant syndrome characterized by medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma and parathyroid hyperplasia. Recent reports have assigned the locus of MEN2A to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 10. Through the 'Groupe d'Etude des Tumeurs à Calcitonine', we have evaluated the ability to predict the carrier state using DNA probes. Our results suggest that the restriction fragment length polymorphism method can be used to identify individuals at risk within MEN2A families. They may then be followed by conventional endocrine methods for the onset of neoplastic changes, limiting the risk of subsequent metastatic disease. The method also permits the exclusion of further screening for family members at very low risk. Extension of the screening program can now be anticipated for other inherited forms of MTC, such as familial MTC without pheochromocytoma or other endocrinological tumor syndromes such as MEN1 for which the locus has also recently been mapped.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that restriction DNA fragments can prime DNA synthesis of a homologous supercoiled plasmid DNA. Using the dideoxyribonucleotide chain terminator method, newly synthesized truncated chains can be detached from the primers by restriction enzyme digestion. Therefore, by choosing DNA fragments flanked by two different restriction enzymes sites, nucleotide sequence information can be simultaneously obtained on both regions of the DNA surrounding the restriction fragment. The advantage of this sequencing approach over current methods is that no prior knowledge of the primary sequence is needed to find the nucleotide sequence of a given DNA fragment. Thus, synthetic primers are not required and internal sequences of a given clone can be easily accessed without the need of fragmenting the original construct. The method has been used with rapid plasmid preparations, thus considerable time and effort can be saved in the gathering of nucleotide sequence information.  相似文献   

One-step isolation of plant DNA suitable for PCR amplification   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report a one-step extraction technique for the isolation of plant DNA, DNA suitable for amplification by PCR can be produced from leaf material smaller than 0.3 mm2 in less than 20 min, with no tube changes. The method was tested on several plant specA00AK020ies. The described method was found to extract DNA that could be amplified without any further purification or treatment. The isolated DNA was amplified using a universal chloroplast primer set. The method was validated by comparing size of PCR products generated by the novel method to PCR products generated using standard DNA isolation techniques.  相似文献   

Plasmid DNA was isolated from Staphylococcus aureus by a rapid method that depends on the precipitation of DNA from cleared lysates by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide at low salt concentrations. The method was validated by its ability to provide DNA for restriction analysis of a highly relaxable plasmid species that is not isolated by more traditional techniques. The DNA can be digested with restriction endonucleases and used for transformation without further purification. The method also provides the basis for analysing staphylococcal plasmids that display a high frequency of deletion after transfer. Simple modifications of the technique allow plasmid DNA to be isolated from other bacteria and the rapid purification of DNA samples before in vitro manipulation.  相似文献   

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