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关于睑虎属(Goniurosaurus)物种的研究主要集中在新种描述、分类分布以及系统进化等方面,繁殖生物学资料基本空白。本课题组于2017年9月至2019年8月对海南吊罗山国家级自然保护区内海南睑虎(G.hainanensis)的繁殖生物学特征进行了调查研究。结果发现,海南睑虎的繁殖期为3~10月,共观察到雌性个体147只,雄性个体179只。繁殖高峰期为7~8月,该段时间共观察到雌性96只,其中怀卵个体为51只,怀卵率为53%,怀卵数(1.9±0.5)枚,80%雌性个体的怀卵数为2枚,具有年产多窝卵的特性。卵均重、窝卵重、卵长径、卵短径、相对窝卵重1(窝卵重/产后母体体重)和相对窝卵重2[窝卵重/(产后母体体重+窝卵重)]与雌性体长无显著相关性。卵长径、卵短径和窝卵重与卵均重呈显著相关。孵化温度为22~26℃,孵化相对湿度为80%~95%,孵化周期为65~70 d(n=4),出壳过程持续近2 h(n=4)。吊罗山海南睑虎种群雌雄性比约为1︰1.2,成幼比约为8︰1,雌雄体型大小不存在两性异形。  相似文献   

关于睑虎属Goniurosaurus物种的研究主要集中在新种描述和系统进化等方面,对种群密度量化的研究较少。为研究海南吊罗山国家级自然保护区海南睑虎Goniurosaurus hainanensis种群的资源现状,2019年7-9月,在保护区内选取2个不同海拔梯度的样区(A样区551~688 m和B样区289~448 m),采用标记重捕法对该物种的种群密度进行了调查,并分别采用Schnabel法和Lincoln指数法进行种群密度估算。结果显示:采用Schnabel法估算的种群密度A样区为501只/hm^2,B样区为1999只/hm^2;采用Lincoln指数法估算的种群密度A样区为583只/hm^2,B样区为1403只/hm^2。结果表明:该物种的种群密度随海拔升高呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

为了扩大朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)种群的数量和分布区,于2018年7月从洋县引进20只朱鹮在北戴河建立了朱鹮野化种群。2020年繁殖期,北戴河共有22只朱鹮,其中成年朱鹮17只,雌雄性比为1.1;实际繁殖密度为37.8只/hm2;人工巢的密度为40.0巢/hm2,人工巢筐内径为50 cm。2020年繁殖期,北戴河朱鹮共配对8对,其中6对繁殖成功,营巢成功率为75%;共产卵33枚,平均窝卵数为(4.1±1.8)枚;出壳18只,孵化率54.5%;出飞13只,出飞率72.2%,繁殖成功率为39.4%,繁殖生产力为2.2±1.2。与洋县饲养种群相比,北戴河种群首枚卵的产卵时间晚17 d,与两地温差相吻合。北戴河朱鹮的窝卵数显著高于洋县种群,这可能是由种内巢寄生所致。监控录像表明,北戴河1巢朱鹮的窝卵数高达6枚,超过野生种群平均窝卵数(2或3枚)的2倍,推测发生了种内巢寄生行为。此外,还观察到8号巢朱鹮同时发生了婚外配和种内巢寄生行为,婚外配雌鸟将卵产在该雄鸟的巢中,使得窝卵数高达7枚。此后在该巢中发现3只朱鹮轮流孵卵,以及2只雌性朱鹮并排孵于同一巢中的异常情况。北戴河朱鹮的种内巢寄生行为可能是因网笼内人工巢址密度较高但隐蔽性较低所致,而婚外配行为可能与种群密度和繁殖密度过高有关。本文有关朱鹮异常繁殖行为的研究结果可为野化网笼内人工巢筐的设置和野化种源的选择提供参考,并提示我们进一步关注朱鹮在环境压力下的表型可塑性和生态适应能力。  相似文献   

新疆木垒波斑鸨的繁殖成功率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者于 1998~ 2 0 0 0年 4~ 7月 ,采用野外直接观察、栖息地植被样方调查和无线电跟踪等方法对分布于新疆木垒的波斑鸨 (Chlamydotiundulatamacqueenii)种群的繁殖生态进行了初步观察与研究。考察中共发现45个巢、 84窝幼雏。研究结果表明 ,木垒波斑鸨有两个产卵高峰期 ,表明雌鸟第一次繁殖失败后可能再次产卵。雌鸟营巢成功率平均为 0 5 0 5。波斑鸨的窝卵数在 2~ 6枚之间 ,出现 4枚卵的频率最高。第一产卵期内的平均窝卵数 ( 4 0± 0 8枚 /窝 )大于第二产卵期内的平均窝卵数 ( 3 3± 0 8枚 /窝 )。木垒波斑鸨种群三年间卵孵化率分别为 0 84、 0 80和 1,繁殖成功率为 0 45 6。种群在繁殖期几乎不受人类活动干扰 ,巢卵及幼雏损失主要来自天敌捕食 ,如沙狐、大和棕尾等.  相似文献   

甘肃东大山自然保护区夏季岩羊种群的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年7月和8月,通过样线调查、野外直接跟踪观察和瞬间取样的方法,首次对东大山自然保护区的岩羊种群进行了初步调查。东大山自然保护区夏季岩羊以小群为主,在观察到的720只岩羊中,719只组成了50个群,最大群82只,最小群2只,平均为14.38只,2~10只群占总群数的66%;雌性群占30%,雄性群占26%,混合群占44%,整个东大山的岩羊密度为34.8±19.2只/km2;岩羊的雌雄性比为1∶0.63,成年雌体、亚成体和幼体之比是1∶0.4∶0.24。研究结果表明,东大山近几年的狩猎对岩羊的种群并未造成大的影响。  相似文献   

1987—1989年在太原市南郊区,灰椋鸟(Sturnuscineraceus)种群密度在繁殖前为5.34只/公顷,繁殖后为17.11只/公顷,鸟巢密度为0.7只/公顷。4月中旬产卵,窝卵数4—9枚,孵卵期13—15天,巢内育雏期13—14天,巢外5—7天。  相似文献   

1999年 5~ 7月 ,通过野外直接观测的方法 ,对栗斑腹的繁殖过程进行了调查。结果表明 :在1 0 3 78hm2 样地内共有 4 5个巢 ,种群密度为 0 81只 hm2 。平均窝卵数为 5 0 9枚 ,孵化期为 1 2d,孵化率为 36 3% ,繁殖成功率为 2 7 7% ,繁殖生产力为 0 4 9。  相似文献   

棕色田鼠种群繁殖特征及密度制约调节(英)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1992年~1994年在河南灵宝市郊黄土高源农作区春夏秋逐月捕获并解剖棕色田鼠1757只(雌性961只,雄性796只),总性比为1.2073。全年都有繁殖鼠出现,但怀孕率、胎仔数、性比、繁殖指数有明显的季节变化,年间也有一定的差异。不同年龄组的性比、怀孕率、胎仔数、繁殖指数、睾丸下降率不同。种群密度对繁殖特征有明显的调节作用。高密度年份的棕色田鼠的性比、怀孕率和繁殖指数低于低密度年份。高密度区种群的繁殖强度受到抑制,雌鼠怀孕率、睾丸下降率低于低密度种群。  相似文献   

为了解贵州省石阡鸳鸯湖国家湿地公园越冬鸳鸯Aix galericulata的种群密度、日行为特征及人为干扰对其的影响,于2017年10月—2018年3月,采用直接计数法对鸳鸯数量、性比及人为干扰下的种群密度进行了22次调查。越冬中期,种群数量稳定在755只±17只,性比为1.14∶1,各条河沟的数量之间的差异具有高度统计学意义(X^2=84.041,df=5,P<0.01),即大河、小河与坝坎为鸳鸯分布及活动的主要区域;种群密度与人为干扰次数呈极显著负相关(R=-0.799,n=90,P<0.01),在人为干扰次数为1次±1次的区域,种群密度为42只/hm^2±3只/hm^2~53只/hm^2±14只/hm^2,当人为干扰次数达到7次±3次时,几乎没有鸳鸯活动。同时采用瞬时扫描法对鸳鸯的8种越冬行为进行了34 d(442 h)的观察,共记录各行为136 933次。取食、休息和修整为鸳鸯的主要行为;除了修整,鸳鸯在保育区与非保育区的各行为时间分配差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01);越冬日行为节律极具规律性,取食高峰在07∶00—08∶00、14∶00—15∶00和17∶00—18∶00;休息高峰在13∶00—14∶00和15∶00—16∶00;飞行高峰在06∶00—07∶00(飞回湖区)和18∶00—19∶00(飞往夜栖地);修整在各时间段发生均较为频繁。  相似文献   

1999年5~7月,通过野外直接观测的方法,对栗斑腹鹀的繁殖过程进行了调查.结果表明:在103.78 hm2样地内共有45个巢,种群密度为0.81只/hm2.平均窝卵数为5.09枚,孵化期为12 d,孵化率为36.3%,繁殖成功率为27.7%,繁殖生产力为0.49.  相似文献   

A 3-year live trapping investigation was carried out in a temperate forest in central Tlaxcala, México from 2002 to 2004. During a total of 504 trap nights, 87Silvilagus cunicularius Waterhouse, 1848 individuals were captured and marked, and age-specific survival models using demographic parameters were tested using the JOLLYAGE program. We evaluated population density of this species over a 1-year period. The age structure of the population varied among years, and the proportion of adults was relatively constant among years, whereas the proportion of juvenile showed high fluctuations. The sex ratio of juveniles that were recaptured as adults, did not differ from unity neither did the sex ratio for adults. We found no sex bias among cottontails during all 3 years of the study. When data for both sexes were combined, mean survival probability of juveniles was lower than that of adults. Although our line transect counts showed a mean density of 27 ± 5.4 individuals per km2, the obtained results from trapping suggests that this species is low in abundance at La Malinche. Further studies are needed to evaluate demographical aspects of this species at different protected and unprotected areas to obtain robust information about their status.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the population structure of the snapping shrimp Alpheus brasileiro. We tested the hypotheses that the sex ratio of the population differs from the expected 1:1 and that the growth pattern differs between adults and juveniles and between sexes. Reproductive period, juvenile recruitment and morphological sexual maturity were estimated. Samples were collected in two periods. The first sampling occurred bimonthly from March 2013 to January 2014. The second sampling occurred monthly from April 2015 to March 2016. The population structure was determined based on the size-frequency distribution of different demographic categories. To analyse the relative growth, we measured the second pleuron length, major cheliped propodus length, major cheliped propodus width, major cheliped propodus height, appendix interna length, appendix masculina length. The results showed that the sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 (male:female). Reproduction and juvenile recruitment were continuous throughout the study period. The analysis of relative growth confirmed the hypothesis that males and females, and juveniles and adults, have different growth patterns, indicating distinct strategies of energy allocation. The estimated carapace length at the onset of morphological sexual maturity was 4.9?mm in males and 4.7?mm in females. The results obtained in this study are probably related to the monogamous social behaviour of A. brasileiro. Monogamy can influence demographic parameters such as sex ratio and the size at which males and females reach morphological sexual maturity.  相似文献   

Size distribution, sex ratio and use of burrows of the burrowing toad Rhinella fernandezae were studied in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Two sites separated by approximately 300 m were studied: one was a road next to a swamp, and the other a garden of a country house located further from the swamp. We identified toad burrows, and individuals were sexed, measured and given an individual mark. Burrows were examined in subsequent months after the first sampling to assess the presence of toads. We found significant differences in the size distribution between areas, being the proportion of juveniles greater at the site next to the swamp where the reproduction of the species was observed. This result may suggest that the site located near to the swamp functions as a source habitat of individuals that migrate to the other site, where recruitment would be very scarce. Sex proportion of adults did not differ from 1:1 in neither the total population nor in each site, suggesting that there was not differential mortality by sex. Some toads changed burrows throughout the study period, but there were not differences in the frequency of change between adults and juveniles.  相似文献   

Careful investigations of live coloration and other characters in the eublepharid gecko Goniurosaurus kuroiwae orientalis from Tonakijima Island, the type locality of the subspecies in the Central Ryukyus, Japan, revealed its slight but consistent external differences from the consubspecific Tokashikijima population, whose phylogenetically divergent status against the former had been strongly suggested in a previous molecular study. A new subspecies, Goniurosaurus kuroiwae sengokui subsp. nov., is thus described for the Tokashikijima population. In life, Goniurosaurus k. sengokui subsp. nov. can be discriminated from G. k. orientalis in showing tint of reddish or pinkish, instead of yellowish, coloration in dorsal body pattern, and also usually darker and more or less reddish, instead of yellowish or grayish, iris in both adults and juveniles. Recalculation of sequence data at hand with relevant Gen Bank data confirmed substantial sequence divergences of G. k. sengokui from all other congeneric taxa of the Ryukyus described so far.  相似文献   

川西平原大足鼠的种群生态学Ⅰ.种群动态和个体大小   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
曾宗永  丁维俊 《兽类学报》1996,16(3):202-210
我们利用标志重捕、夹捕解剖和笼养等三种方法于1989年1月至1995年6月对川西平原的大足鼠的种群密度、个体大小、生长和生物量进行了研究。种群密度最高11.3只/ha,最低0.7只/ha,平均3.6只/ha,并显示出与农作物相同的季节变动特征。雌雄性比由幼年组和亚成体组约1:1到成体组1:0.78到老年组1:0.53。雌雄个体的平均质量分别为136g和114g,两性的个体质量和后足长有明显差异,体长和耳长差异不明显。饲养的幼体及亚成体个体质量和尾长均持续增长,并可分别用Logistic和对数方程较好地拟合。生物量则显示出比种群密度和个体质量更稳定的特征。  相似文献   

We studied the population dynamics of endangered mountain nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni between 2003-2005 in the Bale Mountains National Park. Line-transect sampling and total count methods were used to gather data on demographics and movement patterns. The population's age-group composition was 58% adults, 25% sub-adults, 9% juveniles, 5% calves and 3% unidentified with a female-male sex ratio of 2:1. Population density was found to be significantly different between the two sub-populations (Dinsho Sanctuary a...  相似文献   

This study examined the characteristics of a blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus melanopterus population in turbid coastal habitats through a multi‐year fishery‐independent sampling and tag–recapture programme. Results revealed a highly structured population comprised almost entirely of juveniles and adult females with individuals between 850 and 1050 mm total length effectively absent. Mature males were also rarely encountered with adult sex ratio highly biased towards females (female:male = 7:1). Mating scars were observed on adult females between December and April, and parturition was observed from December to March. Regression analysis showed that catch rates were significantly higher during the summer wet season between November and May. Recapture data suggested a highly resident population with a recapture rate of 21% and a mean recapture distance of 0·8 km. In addition, 33% of recaptured animals were captured multiple times, indicating long‐term residency. Most recaptures were, however, of adults with few juveniles recaptured. Widespread sampling at the study site and in adjacent areas suggested that the population was highly localized to a specific bay. The bimodal and sex‐segregated population structure observed here differs from previous reports for this species, and in combination with reproductive observations, suggests population structuring to facilitate reproductive and recruitment success. These data also highlight the potential ecosystem functions performed by coastal habitats in sustaining C. melanopterus populations.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments on adult I. elegans provide correction techniques for the estimation of population parameters based only on capture-recapture data. Thus it is demonstrated that male and female longevities are identical and that their sex ratio is 0.5 (= Male fraction). Longevity, measured at the water, erroneously appears to differ between sexes, and sex ratio is also biased. This bias is a function of population density, which causes a different distribution of males and females, matures and immatures, andro- and heteromorphic females, and is regulated by aggressive, territorial and mating behaviour of individuals. The female maturation period exceeds that of the male. Female polymorphism is an adaptation to population density, high density favouring andromorphs. This polymorphism is determined by single allelic autosomal inheritance with a sex-linked expression. In crowded populations, visual interactions between individuals cause their juvenile hormone titer to rise. This shortens maturation time, the period of morphological colour changes, and life span. This mechanism counteracts crowding, and synchronises maturation and development of sexual behaviour. In the course of their life, individuals undergo a number of colour changes. The development of the colours after eclosion coincides with spermato- and oogenesis. The morphological colour change at sexual maturity is due to neutralisation of waste products of the protein metabolism. The colour changes at old age are partly due to dehydration.  相似文献   

The life history of a species is a result of natural selection and reflects how the species is adapted to its environment. Knowledge of life history is crucial for further ecological studies and conservation management. This paper presents aspects of the life history of the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae), a small mammal native to alpine meadows of the Tibetan Plateau. The mean lifespan of juveniles from first litters was longer than the mean lifespan of juveniles from second litters. The population consisted of more juveniles than adults (over-wintered animals) in August and these juveniles came primarily from the first litter of the year. The sex ratio of juveniles was female-biased even though the sex ratio of adults did not differ from 1:1. The mortality rate of juveniles and adults during the warm season (May–August) was greater than the mortality rate of these groups during the cold season (September–April). Mean juvenile growth rate during the warm season was 1.4 g/d and the growth rate of the first litters was remarkably slower than that of the second litters.  相似文献   

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