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我国是食用菌野生种质资源丰富的国家,目前已查明自然分布可栽培野生种类93种,分布于担子菌的33个属。我国人工栽培种类近70种(变种),不同规模栽培有50种,商业规模栽培33种,分布于5目,12科,18属。与绿色植物的自养型光合作用合成有机物质相反,食用菌将植物光合作用合成的有机物分解,以体壁吸收方式摄取营养建造自身。这种生理特点的不同,导致其种质资源评价要求的不同。由于子实体形态相对于绿色植物简单,且易受环境条件的影响,常常导致以形态特征为主要依据进行分类鉴定陷入困境。另一方面,形态相似的多个可栽培近缘种在侧耳(Pleurotus)、木耳(Auricularia)、蜜环菌(Armillaria)等中广泛存在,完全靠形态特征进行分类鉴定就更加困难。因此,在食用菌可栽培种类野生种质评价中,ITS测序等成为获得菌种生物学种的常用鉴定技术。菌种的分离培养中常受到菌落形态相似真菌的污染,RAPD、ISSR或ITS测序等常用来进行菌种符合性鉴定。食用菌孢子传播的特点,使其分布地理区域广泛,地理区域的隔离产生种内的个体或群体间的差异,形成种群的多样性,常用拮抗反应进行营养亲和群(个体、菌株)的鉴定。不同区域气候和生态条件下的个体,长期的进化和对环境条件适应性的形成,导致可栽培利用的特点不同。栽培性状要通过栽培试验进行评价。栽培性状主要包括菌丝长速、温度反应、结实性、丰产性、抗性、商品形态和耐贮运性等。为了充分利用远缘优势,对于具可利用栽培性状的种质还需要与栽培菌株间的遗传距离分析,通常用生物化学和分子生物学方法进行。  相似文献   

对采自内蒙古锡林郭勒草原的野生食用菌蒙古口蘑(Tricholoma mongolicum Imai.)等10个菌种进行了ITS和ISSR分子标记的鉴定,其中蒙古口蘑共计4个不同来源菌种,其它6个菌种为子实体与蒙古口蘑形态相近的常见草原菇类或市售食用菌,鉴定结果用RAPD进行辅助分析验证。从12条ISSR引物中筛选出2条可用引物,扩增总条带数为246条,多态性标记为215个,多态性频率为87.4%。经过NT-SYS软件聚类分析,发现在ISSR分析中结合ITS方法可以有效地将蒙古口蘑与其它菌种区分开,这与RAPD法的分析结果相一致,获得了可靠的野生食用菌分子标记方法。研究表明ISSR分子标记是蒙古口蘑等野生食用菌鉴定的理想手段之一。  相似文献   

优质菌种是食用菌产业持续健康发展的基础。毛木耳野生种质资源丰富,可作为新种质创制和品种选育的重要来源。为丰富毛木耳的育种材料,本研究以采自中国、俄罗斯和赞比亚3个国家的4株野生木耳菌株为材料,进行了基于内转录间隔区序列(ITS)的分子系统发育鉴定、生物学特性分析及出菇品比试验。结果表明:4株野生木耳菌株均为毛木耳;菌丝体最适碳源各不相同,最适氮源为酵母粉或氯化铵,最适pH为7-9,最适温度为25-30 ℃;所有菌株均可驯化出菇,其中赞比亚菌株Ⅲ的发菌速度最快,且第一茬鲜重高于国内栽培菌株(Ⅴ和Ⅵ),俄罗斯菌株Ⅰ最先产生原基。本研究获得的4株野生毛木耳菌株,在营养需求、出菇形态、产量和生育期等农艺性状上均存在差异,为毛木耳育种工作提供了新的资源。  相似文献   

中国栽培白灵菇学名的订正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用形态学方法对采集于新疆野生的阿魏蘑标本进行分类鉴定,结果表明其形态学特征符合刺芹侧耳托里变种Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis的特征范围,它与欧洲已报道的Pleurotus nebrodensis有明显的差异。此外本研究还采用分子生物学方法对从该野生样品分离的菌株CCMSSC 02514进行了rDNA ITS序列分析,结果表明它与我国栽培白灵菇菌种CCMSSC 00973、KH5和AFRL 6022完全相同,以此构建系统发育树,将我国栽培白灵菇种质与意大利的Pleurotus nebrodensis、Pleurotus eryngii var. ferulae以及来自荷兰的Pleurotus eryngii等截然分为两组。因此,形态学和rDNA ITS序列分析结果支持我国栽培的白灵菇与欧洲的Pleurotus nebrodensis为不同种,我国的白灵菇是刺芹侧耳独立进化的一个分支,其名称应该为刺芹侧耳托里变种Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis。  相似文献   

以松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake子实体为外类群,对大白口蘑T. giganteum 野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝进行ITS序列测序,通过DNAStar软件进行比较分析。结果表明大白口蘑ITS序列长度为589bp,松口蘑ITS序列长度为601bp,ITS1和ITS2呈现不同程度的种间多态性;ITS序列测定证实了大白口蘑野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝的同质性,并且ITS区序列在大白口蘑种内不同菌株间的变异程度很小,表明使用通用引物ITS4和ITS5,通过PCR扩增测序即可用于大白口蘑的种质鉴定。  相似文献   

汤洪敏  虞泓  吴刚  崔光芬 《菌物学报》2008,27(2):230-236
以松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake子实体为外类群,对大白口蘑T.giganteum野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝进行ITS序列测序,通过DNAStar软件进行比较分析。结果表明大白口蘑ITS序列长度为589bp,松口蘑ITS序列长度为601bp,ITS1和ITS2呈现不同程度的种间多态性;ITS序列测定证实了大白口蘑野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝的同质性,并且ITS区序列在大白口蘑种内不同菌株间的变异程度很小,表明使用通用引物ITS4和ITS5,通过PCR扩增测序即可用于大白口蘑的种质鉴定。  相似文献   

汤洪敏  虞泓  吴刚  崔光芬 《菌物系统》2008,27(2):230-236
以松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake子实体为外类群,对大白口蘑T.giganteum野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝进行ITS序列测序,通过DNAStar软件进行比较分析。结果表明大白口蘑ITS序列长度为589bp,松口蘑ITS序列长度为601bp,ITS1和ITS2呈现不同程度的种间多态性;ITS序列测定证实了大白口蘑野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝的同质性,并且ITS区序列在大白口蘑种内不同菌株间的变异程度很小,表明使用通用引物ITS4和ITS5,通过PCR扩增测序即可用于大白口蘑的种质鉴定。  相似文献   

目的:太岁是自然界中一种组成及分类尚不明确的生物体。采用分子生物学方法对2种不同来源地的太岁样品进行菌种分离培养和分子鉴定。方法:太岁表面经75%乙醇消毒处理后,用麦芽汁培养基分离可培养菌株,提取太岁及分离菌株基因组DNA,以之为模板,用16SrDNA、18SrDNA和ITS通用引物进行PCR扩增,扩增片段连入pMD18T载体并测序,通过序列比对对太岁菌种组成进行初步鉴定。结果:从太岁l号样品中分离到假丝酵母(Can-dida)和粘质红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa),从太岁2号样品中分离到根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)和粘质红酵母。结论:2种来源不同的太岁样品中均存在可培养的粘质红酵母。  相似文献   

中国菌根食用菌名录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏杰  高巍  黄晨阳 《菌物学报》2021,40(8):1938-1957
菌根食用菌是一个未被合理利用的非木质林产品类群。通过文献和数据调研,本名录共收录532个中国菌根食用菌分类单元,它们隶属于28科62属,包括子囊菌门的39个分类单元以及担子菌门的493个分类单元。其中红菇科和牛肝菌科种类最丰富,红菇属、乳菇属、枝瑚菌属、蜡伞属、乳牛肝菌属、口蘑属、块菌属、牛肝菌属、鹅膏菌属和丝膜菌属是我国菌根食用菌的代表属。本研究揭示了我国菌根食用菌的多样性,并对我国菌根食用菌持续发展给予了初步建议。  相似文献   

在贵州省施秉县云台山国家级自然保护区采集并鉴定了大型真菌55科,132属,261种。其中腐生菌195种,菌根菌59种,虫生菌7种。包括贵州省新记录种22种,食用菌85种,药用菌74种,有毒种类21种。  相似文献   

2002—2009年夏,对云南省普洱市澜沧县、景东县及其周边地区野生食用菌的物种多样性、用途或特性以及濒危等级进行了调查研究,共采集、鉴定标本593份,并对采于该区的214份馆藏标本进行了统计,野生食用菌共计35科61属134种(含变种、变型)。同时对该区市场上出售的野生贸易类群也进行了调查统计,有28科39属95种(含变种、变型)。迄今普洱共计有野生食用菌38科67属155种(含变种、变型),其中多孔菌科(Polyporaceae)所含种数最多,有17种,占总种数的10.97%;红菇科(Russulaceae)和牛肝菌科(Bo-letaceae)皆为16种,共占总种数的20.65%,灵芝菌科(Ganodermataceae)有11种,占总种数7.1%。在这些类群当中,木耳属(Auricularia)、牛肝菌属(Boletus)、乳菇属(Lactarius)、枝瑚菌属(Ramaria)、红菇属(Russula)、蚁巢菌属(Termitomyces)和革菌属(Thelephora)等属的42种真菌为普洱市场上最常见的野生贸易类群,约占云南优势野生贸易真菌总种数的52.5%。近年来,随着人们对野生食用菌消费需求的日益增长,导致其商业化采收规模急剧扩大,造成生存环境的破坏甚至丧失,从而使普洱野生食用菌,尤其是野生贸易类群的产量呈逐年下降趋势。因此,亟待采取行之有效的措施保护和管理这些珍贵的自然资源,以期达到持续利用之目的。  相似文献   

A survey of the biodiversity of wild macrofungi, including edible species yields, was carried out from 1 May to 30 September 2007 at four different forest types (in mainly Miang tea forest). The plots 100 m2, comprised a tea garden with a few planted canopy tree species (37.2% canopy cover), a cultivated sustainable tea forest (80.2% canopy cover), an abandoned sustainable tea forest (89.8% canopy cover), and an abandoned sustainable tea forest that had suffered fire damage (72.9% canopy cover). All visible mushrooms were collected during weekly forays. Macro-characters of the fungi were annotated and photographed by digital camera and the fungi were identified to genera and morphospecies (e.g. Agaricus sp.1, Agaricus sp.2). The fresh weight of wild edible mushrooms produced in the plots was also recorded during this period. The biodiversity of macrofungi in abandoned sustainable tea forest was highest with 115 species in 47 genera, followed by cultivated sustainable tea forest with 85 species in 42 genera and fire damaged abandoned sustainable tea forest with 48 species in 25 genera, while only 19 species belonging to 15 genera were found in the tea garden. Twenty-one species belonging to nine genera with a total of 60.9 kg of edible fungi were collected throughout this study. The fresh weight of edible mushrooms was recorded with the highest fresh weight (25.3 kg) collected from the abandoned sustainable tea forest, followed by 18.2 kg in the cultivated sustainable tea forest, while in the fire damaged sustainable tea forest 16.4 kg were collected and only 1 kg was collected in the tea garden. Abandoned sustainable tea forest contained a greater shade tree biodiversity and higher canopy cover than other plots. This area has a generally higher humidity, a greater ground litter cover, a greater number of microhabitats, a greater number of trees that can form mycorrhizal associations and this probably accounts for the higher diversity of macrofungi and production of edible mushrooms. The fire damaged sustainable tea forest had lower mushroom diversity and edible mushroom production possibly due to the loss of litter and lower tree diversity. The tea garden supported a poor diversity of mushrooms and almost no edible mushrooms. Shade tea forest (Miang tea forest) is a good method to produce tea in a sustainable way as it maintains diversity of mushrooms and other organisms and could be developed as an alternative to shade coffee.  相似文献   

为查明辽宁省浑河源自然保护区大型真菌的资源情况,合理利用和开发当地野生食药用菌资源,本研究经过两年的系统调查和采集,得到大型真菌标本610余份,采用传统的形态学鉴定方法,得到283种食药用菌,隶属于2门6纲20目53科122属,其中食用菌124种,药用菌130种。结果表明,当地的食药用菌资源十分丰富,具有开发利用的潜力,同时也说明当地充足水源和保护完整的森林生态对于大型真菌的生长是有积极作用的,因而在开发和利用野生食药用菌资源时,要重视对生态环境的保护。  相似文献   

云南松林野生食用菌物种多样性及保护对策   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
近年来,随着野生食用菌的商业化采收规模急剧扩大,云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)林下野生食用菌尤其是野生贸易真菌的种类和产量呈逐年下降趋势。作者于2000-2004年夏,对滇中及其邻近地区云南松林下野生食用菌的资源状况进行了调查研究。作者共采集、鉴定标本457号,并对他人采自云南松林下的152号馆藏标本也进行了重新鉴定,共统计野生食用菌27科39属147种(含变种、变型);同时对市场上出售的采自云南松林下的野生食用菌类群也进行了调查统计,共收集、鉴定标本167号,计21科33属97种(含变种、变型)。调查结果显示,目前记录云南松林产野生食用菌共计27科43属211种(含变种、变型),野生贸易真菌有23科35属111种(含变种、变型)。其中红菇科(Russulaceae)的种数最多,包括红菇属(Russula)32种,乳菇属(Lactarius)17种,分别占总种数的15.17%和8.06%;牛肝菌科(Boletaceae)占第二位,有41种,占总种数的19.43%。其次是口蘑科(Tricholomataceae)17种,占总种数的8.06%。丛枝瑚菌科(Ramariaceae)有11种,乳牛肝菌科(Suillaceae)11种,鸡油菌科(Cantharellaceae)9种,三者的种数占总种数的百分比分别为5.21%、5.21%和4.27%。在这些类群当中,红菇属、牛肝菌属(Boletus)、乳菇属、乳牛肝菌属(Suillus)、枝瑚菌属(Ramaria)、口蘑属(Tricholoma)、鸡油菌属(Cantharellus)和革菌属(Thelephora)的30余种真菌为云南市场上最为常见的野生贸易类群,约占云南优势野生贸易真菌种数的47.50%。作者呼吁立即采取行之有效的措施保护和管理这些珍贵的自然资源,并加强研究,以期达到持续利用之目的。  相似文献   

Amanita ponderosa is a specie of wild edible mushrooms growing spontaneously in some Mediterranean microclimates, namely in Alentejo and Andaluzia, in the Iberian Peninsula. The nutritional values of these fungi make them highly exportable. Due to the wide diversity of mushrooms in nature, it is essential to differentiate and to identify the various edible species. RAPD markers have been used as a valuable tool to distinguish the different genotypes, although this method has not yet been used toAmanita ponderosa. Two methods were used to establish different genetic fingerprinting patterns of edible mushrooms. Samples ofAmanita ponderosa were collected in six different regions of the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula and compared by RAPD-PCR and MSP-PCR. Additionally, to compare molecular profiles with others genera of edible mushrooms, three species of Basidiomycetes (Pleurotus ostreatus, Lactarius deliciosus andCoriolus versicolor) and an Ascomycete were used. Results showed that some molecular markers discriminate among an Ascomycete from Basidiomycetes (Amanita ponderosa, Pleurotus ostreatus, Lactarius deliciosus andCoriolus versicolor) and discriminate among the different genera within basidiomycetes, as it is expected. Moreover, OPF-6, OPG-2, OPG3 and M13 primes allowed to unravel a level of genetic polymorphism withinAmanita ponderosa mushrooms collected from different geographic origin.  相似文献   

In this study, 121 wild edible plants used as food in Anatolia were surveyed to determine the plant parts used and their detailed preparation methods. The results of this study show that the plants may be boiled, fried in fat, and eaten raw or as rolled vegetables. They may also be consumed as pickles, fruits, sweets and spices, and drunk as cold and hot drinks. Thirty species (8 genera) were identified as belonging to the Lamiaceae family, 15 species (15 genera) belong to the Asteraceae family, 13 species (5 genera) belong to the Rosaceae family, 8 species (7 genera) belong to the Brassicaceae family, 6 species (3 genera) belong to the Orchidaceae family and 5 species (5 genera) belong to the Apiaceae family. The genera represented by the highest number of species in the study are as follows:Sideritis L. is represented by 13 species, Origanum L. by 7 species,Rubus L. by 5 species,Thymus L. by 4 species andRumex L. by 4 species.  相似文献   

Morphological identification of edible mushrooms can sometimes prove troublesome, because phenotypic variation in fungi can be affected by substrate and environmental factors. One of the most important problems for mushroom breeders is the lack of a systematic consensus tool to distinguish different species, which are sometimes morphologically identical. Basidiomycetes as one of the largest groups of edible mushrooms have become more important in recent times for their medicinal and nutritional properties. Partial rDNA sequences, including the Internal Transcribed Spacer I-5.8SrDNA-Internal Transcribed Spacer II, were used in this study for molecular identification and assessment of phylogenetic relationships between selected edible species of the Basidiomycetes. Phylogenetic trees showed five distinct clades; each clade belonging to a separate family group. The first clade included all the species belonging to the Pleurotaceae (Pleurotus spp.) family; similarly, the second, third, fourth, and fifth clades consist of species from the Agaricaceae (Agaricus sp.), Lyophllaceae (Hypsigygus sp.), Marasmiaceae (Lentinula edodes sp.) and Physalacriaceae (Flammulina velutipes sp.) families, respectively. Moreover, different species of each family were clearly placed in a distinct sub-cluster and a total of 13 species were taken for analysis. Species differentiation was re-confirmed by AMOVA analysis (among the populations: 99.67%; within: 0.33%), nucleotide divergence, haplotyping and P value. Polymorphism occurred throughout the ITS regions due to insertion-deletion and point mutations, and can be clearly differentiated within the families as well as genera. Moreover, this study proves that the sequence of the ITS region is a superior molecular DNA barcode for taxonomic identification of Basidiomycetes.  相似文献   

Developing the production of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) mushrooms in forest has become a challenge. Only a few ECM species are currently cultivable. Controlled mycorrhization practices offer promising advance to produce currently uncultivable ECM mushrooms. The persistence of the production of edible species, either cultivated or wild, depends on both the tree and the ecological environment (fungal communities, climate, soil, tree development). Developing adapted forest management practices appears to be means to improve production of edible ECM mushrooms. This review summarises current knowledge on the development of a science-based mycosilviculture for the production of edible ECM mushrooms.  相似文献   

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