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魏博源  朱文 《人类学学报》1994,13(2):134-137
本研究对广西崇左冲塘新石器时代的4个个体作了组织学切片的年龄鉴定。根据股骨、胫骨骨干的骨单位和骨间板数量的增龄变化证实M02、S09和S10的年龄分别是32岁、17岁、35负(±6岁),通过牙齿牙骨质生长线的观察证实S08是51岁左右。  相似文献   

本文对218例1—94岁中国汉族人胫骨中段横断面的矢状径、横径、髓腔矢、横径及骨密质前、内、外缘,内、外、后面厚度等10项指标进行了测量分析。结果表明,胫骨中段矢状径、横径及骨密质相对厚度在1—30岁年龄阶段与年龄具有高度正相关性。髓腔平均直径在1—25岁年龄阶段亦呈规律性变化。  相似文献   

股骨上部骨松质的X线测量及其年龄判定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘丰春  孟晔 《人类学学报》1998,17(2):147-157
为积累国人资料,本文对167例10-83岁正常人的股骨上部和36套已知性别2与年龄的股骨标本进行了摄片测量。经统计学分析,得出股骨上部骨松质长度、指数与年龄的回归方程4个。结果表明,股骨上部骨松质的长度和指数均与年龄呈高度负相关,对年龄的判定准确、可靠。  相似文献   

对肋骨进行组织形态测量推断年龄   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
席焕久  任甫 《人类学学报》2002,21(2):126-133
本文的目的在于研究人类密质骨的年龄变化规律 ,为法医学、人类学利用骨骼推断年龄提供新方法。本研究收集了 86例中国北方汉族男性右侧第六肋骨的中 1 3段 ,制作脱钙骨切片 ,在计算机图像分析仪上测量 9项组织形态学参数 ,并进行多元逐步回归分析 ,结果得到一个推断年龄的多元回归方程 :^Y =33 545 +0 938X2 +2 4 9 1 4 4X4+0 676X7- 769 784X8- 0 0 0 4X9,复相关系数和标准误分别是 0 954和 4 1 4。经 30例已知年龄的标本检验 ,预测年龄的误差在± 5岁以内的可达 77% ,误差在±8岁以内的可达 1 0 0 %。  相似文献   

厚颌鲂年龄材料的比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对长江上游特有鱼类厚颌鲂的鳞片和骨组织中的耳石、鳃盖骨、匙骨、基枕骨五种材料的形态结构及年轮特征进行了研究,对用不同材料鉴定年龄的优缺点和鉴定结果进行了比较,认为鳞片、耳石和基枕骨是鉴定厚颌鲂年龄的较理想材料,用鳞片和基枕骨鉴定年龄结果的相符率为95.5%;鳞径和骨径均与体长呈线性关系,并以鳞片和基枕骨为材料进行了生长退算,以骨径进行生长退算更接近于实测值,能更好地反映实际情况。  相似文献   

本文从1480个颅骨中发现顶骨凹陷变薄的有16例。对其性别、年龄、颅形以及凹陷的形状、深度和骨质厚度作了观测,利用骨磨片和X线摄片对凹陷部分骨质进行了研究。结果表明此种凹陷均见于老年人,多数为双侧性。凹陷是由外板内凹而成,不涉及周围组织。X线侧位片显示凹陷处有宽带状低密度阴影。骨组织磨片显示在骨改建过程中,出现未满围骨单位增多,骨陷窝闭塞,造成局部的骨萎缩。  相似文献   

本文采用胸鳍第二支鳍骨为研究东江尖头塘鳢的年龄鉴定材料。胸鳍第二支鳍骨(远侧部)长的骨(R)与体长(L)的关系L=10.6565 54.3848R。用von Bertalanffy生长方程可表达体长、体重与年龄的关系:L=298.6(1-e~(-0.2313(t 0.3028))];W_t=577.4(1-e~(-0.2313(t 0.3028))]~3。根据r-选择和K-选择的典型特征以及渐近体长(L_∞)、渐近体重(W_∞)、生长系数(K)、瞬时自然死亡率(M)、初次生殖年龄(T_m)、最大年龄(T_(max))和性腺指数(GI)等7个生态学参数值,可以判断尖头塘鳢偏向r-选择。应用平衡产量模式计算改变瞬时捕捞死亡率(F)和渔业补充年龄(t_c)时的产量变化,同样证实尖头塘鳢生活史偏向r-选择。作为渔业管理对策,尖头塘鳢的捕捞年龄可定为2—3龄,以2龄为主,这样既能保护资源,又能获得较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

鱼类的年龄鉴定及其最佳骨质材料的选择,是鱼类年龄研究的必要前提,也是鱼类基础生物学和生态学研究的基础。利用2012年4月于黄山九龙峰采集的132尾尖头鱥标本,研究了其鳞片、鳃盖骨、脊椎骨和耳石等骨质材料的年轮特征,并以根据全长分布频率确定的"真实年龄"为参照,比较了鳃盖骨、脊椎骨和微耳石在年龄判读中的精确度和准确度。尖头鱥体侧部和尾柄部的鳞片均无任何年轮标志,星耳石磨片上暗带和明带排列无明显规律,但鳃盖骨、脊椎骨和微耳石上存在明显年轮。鳃盖骨、脊椎骨和微耳石3种骨质材料的年龄判读精确度或准确度差异视不同年龄组有所不同。总体上,脊椎骨年龄判读的精确度最高,鳃盖骨次之,微耳石最低;但年龄判读的准确度正好相反,即微耳石最高、脊椎骨最低。因此,微耳石是尖头鱥年龄鉴定的最佳骨质材料,而其较低的年龄鉴定精确度及其对准确度的潜在影响可通过提高磨片质量和优化判读方法来改善。  相似文献   

转换分析是一种基于贝叶斯统计的人骨年龄鉴定新方法,具有综合多种年龄标志物、不受参考样本影响、适用于老年个体等优势。本文将其用于陕西洛川月家庄墓地人骨年龄鉴定并与传统方法进行对比。结果表明,两种方法构建出的人群死亡年龄结构、生存过程有显著差异:转换分析得到的最高寿命、平均死亡年龄明显高于传统方法,更多个体可存活至中老年。两种方法鉴定出的年龄差值受样本保存状况、年龄阶段的影响,存在结构性差别。转换分析是人骨年龄鉴定方法的重大创新,使鉴定过程标准化、鉴定误差定量化。未来需使用一些年龄已知的个体开展更多验证研究,以评估该方法对我国人骨样本的适用性及不同软件间的差异。  相似文献   

目的:探讨隐匿性冠心病(或无症状心肌缺血SMI)患者围术期的心血管功能异常及与年龄的相关性,探讨围术期心律失常的临床治疗和转归。方法:180例择期手术的无症状心肌缺血患者,年龄≥51岁者130例,按年龄将其分为51~60岁组、61~70岁组和71~80岁组,其余50例年龄≤50岁者为对照组。动态心电图连续记录患术前24h、术后24h、术后48h心电图信息,专业医师分析统计s11段下移及弓背样抬高的幅度、时间,各型心律失常、各时间段心律失常发生率等,同时记录临床治疗、效果及转归。结果:随年龄增加,ST段改变幅度及持续时间增大(P〈0.05,P〈0.01);71~80岁组ST段弓背样抬高发生率大于对照组(P〈0.05);61~70岁组ST段下移时间、71~80岁组ST段下移时间及弓背样抬高幅度大于51~60岁组(P〈0.05)。61~70岁组的加速性室性自主心率(A巩)发生率和71。80岁组的窦性的心动过缓(SB)、室性早搏(VPB)、室性心动过速(vT)发生率大于对照组(P〈0.05,P〈0.01);61~70岁组的房颤(AF)发生率和71~80岁组的VP、VT及AF发生率大于51-60岁组(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。各组术后24h心律失常发生率大于术后48h及术前24h(P〈0.01);随年龄增加,排除诱因后可逆转的心律失常明显减少,需药物逆转和电学逆转者明显增加(P〈0.05)。结论:高龄SMI患者围术期心肌缺血及心律失常高发,且随着年龄的增加而增加,术后24h是心功能异常高发时段。  相似文献   

Data from patients in Japan was analyzed to examine the age distribution and differences by age in the clinical manifestations of influenza-associated encephalopathy. Between 1998 and 2002, 472 cases of influenza-associated encephalopathy in patients aged 15 years or younger were reported to the Collaborative Study Group on Influenza-Associated Encephalopathy. These cases were divided into two groups by age: 0–5 and 6–15 years. The differences between the groups were estimated based on the data for those aged 0–5 years, and the odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals calculated. Distribution was inversely correlated with age, with a peak at 1–2 years old. In comparison with patients aged 0–5, those aged 6–15 years had a significantly greater incidence of type B infection, lower frequency of convulsions, higher frequency of loss of consciousness and altered consciousness as the initial neurological symptom, lower serum transaminase levels, lower frequency of low-density area for brain CT upon admission, and lower incidence of sequelae. Our analysis indicates that the clinical course, laboratory data, and brain imaging findings of influenza-associated encephalopathy exhibits patterns that vary with age.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between measures of skeletal and dental development and socioeconomic factors in a 20th century documented skeletal sample of children from Portugal. The skeletons are of known sex and chronological age, and include other biographic data, such as cause of death. Growth in the length of the long bone is used as a measure of skeletal growth, and schedules of tooth formation are used as a measure of dental development. These two measures of physiological age were compared to chronological age, to assess growth and developmental status. Socioeconomic indicators were obtained from the supporting documentation, and include the occupation of the father and the place of residence, which were used to build a socioeconomic classification based on two groups, one of low and the other of high socioeconomic status. Growth and development status was then compared in these two groups. Results show that socioeconomic differences are much more pronounced in skeletal growth than in dental development. This largely supports the assertion that dental development is buffered against environmental factors relative to skeletal development. However, in this study, skeletal maturation could not be assessed, and findings indicate that dental development can show significant delays at the lower end of the socioeconomic gradient.  相似文献   

The methods utilised in anthropology for foetal age assessment are generally rather old, based on small samples and have never been tested on other samples than the one they were established on. In this study, we establish a formula on 344 foetuses of known age, and compare it with other age determination methods found in the scientific literature. Except our formula, the tested other methods do not give the limits of the prediction's confidence interval, and therefore do not take into account the total variability. Therefore, we demonstrate the necessity to establish formulas based on large samples and on a validated methodology.  相似文献   

Paleodemographic analyses based on estimates of skeletal age at death consistently report high levels of young adult mortality with few individuals living in excess of 50 years. Critics assert these data indicate systematic underaging of adults and justifiably remark that criteria for estimating skeletal age at death may be unreliable, age determinations are too frequently based on one or two criteria alone, and adult paleodemographic age profiles often mimic the age distribution of the modern population from which an age indicator's standards were originally derived. This study reports a series of tests based on well-documented biological aging phenomena that can be used to investigate potential effects of systematic underaging in adults, assuming the skeletal population is of sufficient size to permit such tests. These include patterns of third decade sternal clavicular epiphyseal fusion, multiple age and sex criteria associated with cortical bone dynamics, and fractures known to occur throughout the entire adult ages range. These phenomena are examined here for the Libben site skeletal population where adult age at death was determined by the multifactorial summary age technique. None of the biological criteria reported here were used in the Libben summary age analysis and thus serve as an independent test of accuracy in age determination. In addition, the summary age method has recently been applied to a series of modern skeletons of known age (Todd samples 1 and 2). Age standards for criteria employed with Libben and Todd 1 were identical. Since Todd 1 displayed underaging in older adults, a second Libben age distribution adjusted for Todd 1 bias was generated for comparison. A third Libben adult survivorship profile based on a Coale and Demeny West level 3 mortality experience, considered by some to be a more realistic model for skeletal populations, was produced for comparison. For all criteria examined, original Libben summary ages provided superior concordance with known patterns of biological aging in human populations. While Libben ages adjusted for Todd 1 bias were slightly better in the third decade, both Todd 1 adjusted and Coale and Demeny West level 3 age distributions produced unrealistic patterns of biological aging for individuals greater than 35 years. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

1. There may be bias associated with mark–recapture experiments used to estimate age and growth of freshwater mussels. Using subsets of a mark–recapture dataset for Quadrula pustulosa, I examined how age and growth parameter estimates are affected by (i) the range and skew of the data and (ii) growth reduction due to handling. I compared predictions from von Bertalanffy growth models based on mark–recapture data with direct observation of mussel age and growth inferred from validated shell rings. 2. Growth models based on a dataset that included observations from a wide range of length classes (spanning ≥ the upper 50% of the population length range) produced only slightly biased age estimates for small and medium‐sized individuals (overestimated by 1–2 years relative to estimates from validated shell rings) but estimates became increasingly biased for larger individuals. Growth models using data that included only observations of larger animals (< the upper 50% of length range) overestimated age for all length classes, and estimated maximum age was two to six times greater than the maximum age observed in the population (47 years). Similarly, growth models using a left‐skewed dataset overestimated age. 3. Reductions of growth due to repeated handling also resulted in overestimates of age. The estimated age of mussels that were handled in two consecutive years was as much as twice that of mussels that were handled only once over the same period. Assuming a constant reduction in the annual rate of growth, handling an individual for five consecutive years could result in an estimated age that is five times too high. 4. These findings show that mark–recapture methods have serious limitations for estimating mussel age and growth. A previous paper (Freshwater Biology, 46, 2001, 1349) presented longevity estimates for three mussel species that were an order of magnitude higher than estimates inferred from shell rings. Because those estimates of extreme longevity were based on mark–recapture methods and subject to multiple, additive sources of bias, they cannot be considered accurate representations of life span and cannot be used to conclude that traditional methods of bivalve ageing by interpretation of shell rings are flawed.  相似文献   

Life-history strategies of animals are governed by fitness-related trait trade-offs. In particular, the age at which either one of the two sexes copulate has been shown to affect insect reproductive output and longevity. This suggests that trade-offs between longevity and reproduction might drive the choice of a mating partner based on their age and ultimately such choices might select for different life-histories. Although several studies indicate that female age at mating dictates subsequent insect longevity, fecundity, and egg hatch rate, it is unclear how male age at copulation affects these life-history traits. In this study, we simultaneously investigated the effects of female and male age on female fecundity, eggs hatch rate, and adult longevity in Ophraella communa LeSage (Coleoptera: Chrysomellidae), the primary biological control agent of the invasive common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. We found that young mature females lived significantly longer when they were mated with older males. Maximum female fecundity and subsequent egg hatch rate occurred when young females mated with 3-day-old males. On the other hand, females lived longer when mating with an older male. These findings are in accordance with the cost-of-reproduction concept.  相似文献   

Comparison of different adult age estimation methods on the same skeletal sample with unknown ages could forward paleodemographic inference, while researchers sort out various controversies. The original aging method for the auricular surface (Lovejoy et al., 1985a) assigned an age estimation based on several separate characteristics. Researchers have found this original method hard to apply. It is usually forgotten that before assigning an age, there was a seriation, an ordering of all available individuals from youngest to oldest. Thus, age estimation reflected the place of an individual within its sample. A recent article (Buckberry and Chamberlain, 2002) proposed a revised method that scores theses various characteristics into age stages, which can then be used with a Bayesian method to estimate an adult age distribution for the sample. Both methods were applied to the adult auricular surfaces of a Pre-Columbian Maya skeletal population from Copan, Honduras and resulted in age distributions with significant numbers of older adults. However, contrary to the usual paleodemographic distribution, one Bayesian estimation based on uniform prior probabilities yielded a population with 57% of the ages at death over 65, while another based on a high mortality life table still had 12% of the individuals aged over 75 years. The seriation method yielded an age distribution more similar to that known from preindustrial historical situations, without excessive longevity of adults. Paleodemography must still wrestle with its elusive goal of accurate adult age estimation from skeletons, a necessary base for demographic study of past populations.  相似文献   

This study further tests the general assumption that skeletal development is more sensitive to socioeconomic factors than dental development in a sample of modern immature Portuguese skeletons (N = 41) of known sex, age, and socioeconomic background. Skeletal development was assessed from skeletal maturation of the knee and dental development was assessed from schedules of tooth formation. Discrepancies between physiological age (skeletal and dental age) and chronological age were used as a measure of developmental status. A positive score indicates that physiological age is in advance of chronological age, whereas a negative score indicates the reverse. Two socioeconomic groups, one of low and the other of high socioeconomic status, were created based on the occupation of the father and on the place of residence, and developmental status was compared between the two socioeconomic groups. Results confirm previous studies by showing that dental development is less affected by environmental insults than skeletal maturation. While socioeconomic differences in skeletal maturation range from 1.20 to 1.22 years (15-18% of chronological age), socioeconomic differences in dental maturation range from 0.51 to 0.53 years (4-9% of chronological age). Compared to a previous study, results also suggest that skeletal maturation is more affected than skeletal growth. Additionally, an adaptation of the radiographic atlas of skeletal development of the knee is proposed for use with dry skeletal material.  相似文献   

Studies based on conventional office blood pressure (BP) measurements concluded that both maternal age and parity have significant effects on BP during pregnancy. Previous results have also indicated predictable trends of BP variability with gestational age. Accordingly, we have evaluated possible differences in the circadian pattern of ambulatory BP as a function of parity, maternal age, and stage of gestation in normotensive women who were systematically studied by ambulatory BP monitoring during their pregnancies. We analyzed 1408 BP profiles obtained from 126 nulliparous and 109 multiparous pregnant women sampled for 48 consecutive h every 4 weeks from the first obstetric visit (usually within the first trimester of pregnancy) until delivery. Data were divided for comparative analysis according to parity (nulliparous versus multiparous), age (≤25, 26–30, 31–35, and ≥36 yrs), and trimester of gestation. Circadian BP parameters established by population multiple‐components analysis were compared between groups using a nonparametric test. A highly statistically significant circadian pattern described by a model that includes components with periods of 24 and 12 h is demonstrated for systolic and diastolic BP for all groups of pregnant women in all trimesters (always p<0.001). There was no significant difference in the 24 h mean among groups divided by parity at any age or stage of pregnancy. A trend of increasing BP with age was found for diastolic but not for systolic BP. Although statistically significant, differences in the 24 h mean of diastolic BP among groups divided by age were always less than 2 mm Hg. Data obtained from systematic ambulatory monitoring in normotensive pregnant women indicate the lack of differences in BP according to parity. The small, although significant, increase in diastolic BP with age may have scarce influence in the proper identification of women with gestational hypertension. Reference thresholds for BP to be used in the early identification of hypertensive complications in pregnancy could thus be developed as a function of the rest‐activity cycle and gestational age only, and independently of parity or maternal age.  相似文献   

仙湖苏铁种群年龄判断及年龄结构特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据苏铁类植株体残存的营养叶叶基数、开花痕数以及生长单元发生率等茎干特征, 建立了仙湖苏铁种群年龄判断方法,计算出该种群年龄. 进一步采用年龄结构图、年龄分布 曲线和曲线估计等方法,从基株和无性系水平探讨了仙湖苏铁种群的年龄结构特征.年龄结构 图显示,仙湖苏铁无性系种群为稳定种群,基株种群为衰退种群;年龄分布曲线和曲线估计结 果则表明仙湖苏铁无性系和基株种群均为衰退种群. 综合3种方法的分析结果,仙湖苏铁 种群为衰退种群,必须采取一定措施予以保护.  相似文献   

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