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烟粉虱天敌日本刀角瓢虫的捕食行为   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究了日本刀角瓢虫雌成虫和幼虫捕食粉虱时的各种行为时间分配.结果表明,日本刀角瓢虫成虫的捕食行为可分为爬行、取食、清洁、静息、整翅和排泄6个部分.饥饿后的日本刀角瓢虫幼虫捕食烟粉虱卵时,幼虫各龄期间的取食和爬行时间无显著差异,对烟粉虱卵的处置时间随瓢虫幼虫虫龄的增大而缩短.日本刀角瓢虫雌成虫捕食烟粉虱卵时,饥饿后的雌成虫用于取食的时间显著长于非饥饿的雌成虫,而用于清洁、静息和爬行的时间显著短于非饥饿的雌成虫;饥饿后的瓢虫雌成虫对卵的处置时间显著长于非饥饿的雌成虫.饥饿后的日本刀角瓢虫雌成虫捕食烟粉虱若虫时,瓢虫雌成虫的取食时间随烟粉虱若虫虫龄的增大而增加,清洁和静息时间随烟粉虱若虫虫龄的增大而缩短,对若虫的处置时间随烟粉虱若虫虫龄的增大而增加.  相似文献   

为明确用于防治稻飞虱的“秕谷草-伪褐飞虱-中华淡翅盲蝽”载体植物系统的可行性,本文开展了靶标作物水稻、载体植物秕谷草和靶标害虫褐飞虱、替代猎物伪褐飞虱组合对中华淡翅盲蝽成虫形态、种群增长参数、产卵选择性和取食选择性的影响研究.结果表明: 中华淡翅盲蝽水稻种群(取食褐飞虱卵)的雌雄成虫个体均显著大于秕谷草种群(取食伪褐飞虱卵).取食褐飞虱卵的中华淡翅盲蝽种群增长参数单雌产卵量、净增长率、内禀增长率、周限增长率明显高于取食伪褐飞虱卵的种群,但取食伪褐飞虱卵也有较高的种群增长能力,足以扩繁种群.对于靶标作物水稻和载体植物秕谷草,无论是水稻种群还是秕谷草种群均偏好在水稻上产卵.同时,2个种群的雌虫、雄虫和若虫对褐飞虱卵和伪褐飞虱卵捕食量没有显著性差异.在上述研究基础上,讨论了在田间建立“秕谷草-伪褐飞虱-中华淡翅盲蝽”载体植物系统的可行性.  相似文献   

吴丰年  梁广文  岑伊静  高娃 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):1085-1093
亚洲柑桔木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama为黄龙病的媒介昆虫。本文研究了其雌雄成虫在刚羽化、羽化后3 h、交配盛期和产卵盛期的腹部和前翅颜色变化规律,明确了每个时期的主要体色,同时探讨了不同季节、虫口密度和寄主条件对体色变化的影响。结果表明,雌雄木虱羽化后前翅颜色均由白色→黑色→红褐色渐变,木虱雌成虫腹部颜色随时间推移由黄绿色→灰白色→蓝色→橙色渐变,雄虫由黄绿色→灰黑色→橙色渐变。季节、寄主和虫口密度的变化对雌虫腹部颜色构成有一定的影响,但对雄虫基本上没有影响。不同条件下雌虫腹部的主要颜色为蓝色或橙色,雄虫均以橙色为主,其次为灰黑色,表明木虱成虫多处于交配期或产卵期。木虱5龄若虫的体色变化也较大。多数条件下木虱的性比接近于1∶1,仅春秋季雌性比例略低于雄性。通过观察木虱的体色变化规律可以初步判断其羽化情况和性别,估计羽化期、交配期和产卵盛期,作为木虱生物学特性研究和预测预报的参考。  相似文献   

通过高温处理及交配产卵实验,探讨了高温对稻褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)发育与生殖的影响。研究了不同高温条件对褐飞虱若虫发育历期、产卵量、产卵前期、寿命等生物学特性的影响。34℃以上高温导致褐飞虱若虫发育历期延长。高温处理4龄若虫使羽化后的雌成虫产卵量减少。高温处理不同日龄雌成虫也致使其产卵量减少,其中以1日龄短翅型、3日龄长翅型的产卵量影响最大。高温处理后褐飞虱寿命缩短。高温恒温处理,对短翅型雌成虫的产卵前期影响不大,但能延长长翅型雌成虫的产卵前期;而高温变温处理致使短、长翅型雌成虫的产卵前期均延长。高温变温对褐飞虱生殖的影响程度大于高温恒温。高温处理组雌、雄成虫与对照组相应的成虫交配试验表明,高温对雌性的影响大于雄性。实验初步确定34℃为对褐飞虱发育与生殖产生影响的临界温度。  相似文献   

【目的】桃红颈天牛Aromia bungii是一种钻蛀性害虫,主要以蔷薇科果树和观赏树木为寄主。本研究旨在搞清楚桃红颈天牛成虫的交配产卵行为及其对不同寄主植物的栖落和产卵选择性。【方法】选择苹果Malus pumila、山樱花Prunus serrulata var. spontanea、桃Prunus persica、西府海棠Malus micromalus、毛樱桃Prunus tomentosa、秋子梨Pyrus ussuriensis、杏Prunus armeniaca和红叶李Prunus cerasifera var. atropurea 8种寄主植物木段,构建为成虫的活动场所,观察桃红颈天牛成虫的交配和产卵行为,并测定桃红颈天牛成虫在不同寄主木段上的栖落数量和产卵量。【结果】桃红颈天牛成虫的交配行为分为避让、打斗和交配3种行为。交配过程可分为相遇抱对、插入输精、交配后陪护3个阶段。桃红颈天牛雌虫产卵时无刻槽行为,喜欢将卵产于较为狭窄的缝隙中。雌虫偏好在桃树木段上栖落,雄虫则偏好在毛樱桃木段上栖落。李亚科李属的桃是桃红颈天牛最喜欢的产卵寄主木段,而雌虫在苹果亚科的苹果、海棠和秋子梨木段上产卵极少。相关性分析结果表明雌虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量与产卵量占比间存在正相关性,雄虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量与雌虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量之间也存在正相关性。【结论】桃红颈天牛雌成虫最喜欢桃树木段,雄虫对寄主植物的选择性与雌虫并不完全相同。  相似文献   

<正> 桔绿绵蜡蚧Chloropulvinaria aurantii(Cockerell)又名黄绿絮介壳虫,在上海发生普遍,是海桐重要害虫,亦为害夹竹桃、柿、杜仲、山茶、桂花等。成虫和若虫群集在枝条和叶片上为害。严重时可使枝叶枯死,并诱生煤烟病。 此虫在上海一年发生2代,以若虫在枝条上越冬。4月变为成虫,雄虫交配后死亡,5月雌虫从腹后分泌出一个蜡质卵囊,产卵于囊中,每头雌成虫产卵数百粒至2千余粒,产卵后干缩死去。5月下旬孵化为若虫,先群集在枝条上为害,后迁至叶片上,在叶片上沿主脉寄生。8月出现第2代成虫,8月下旬产卵,9月孵化为  相似文献   

为了阐明栎旋木柄天牛Aphrodisium sauteri Matsushita生殖行为的方式和特点,寻找有效的防治手段,本试验观察了栎旋木柄天牛的生殖行为,并在林间尝试了成虫诱集。结果表明:雌雄成虫之间表现出较强的吸引作用,近距离时雌雄虫可相互吸引,而远距离时雌虫引诱力更强。室内试验中求偶时间会随着成虫的衰弱而增加。成虫交配主要发生于白天。羽化出孔后1~14日龄雌虫和2~13日龄雄虫均可多次交配。成虫一次完整交配平均需时70.12min,交配后保护平均仅用时3.86min。一次完整交配过程中,不同日龄成虫的交配历时、交配间隔历时及交配次数都存在差异,各日龄成虫的交配间隔历时均大于交配历时。交配或产卵经历对雄虫交配行为的影响明显大于雌虫。雌虫产卵前期平均为30.71h。雌虫每产1粒卵平均需时99.58s,并随日龄增长显著加长。每头雌虫平均每日产卵量和总产卵量分别为7.89和26.20粒。雌虫多在白天产卵,用产卵器触探树皮表面寻找合适的产卵部位。卵主要产于树皮裂缝和枝条疤痕内,一般每次产卵1粒,卵表面无覆盖物。  相似文献   

在室内对孟氏隐唇瓢虫成虫自残幼虫的行为以及雌虫取食幼虫后的生殖力进行了研究,结果表明,雌成虫在48h内残杀幼虫造成的死亡率为60%,显著高于雄成虫;与其他部位相比幼虫的腹部遭受更多地攻击,幼虫体表覆盖的蜡丝在一定程度上抵御了成虫的攻击。与取食粉蚧的雌虫相比,取食瓢虫幼虫的雌虫产卵率和平均产卵量均显著降低。  相似文献   

亓东明  郑发科 《四川动物》2007,26(3):632-634
通过以洋槐蚜Aphis robiniae Macchiati为食物对龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica(Thunberg)进行室内饲养和观察,记述了龟纹瓢虫幼虫的孵化、蜕皮行为,成虫的羽化、捕食、交配、产卵行为,并对幼虫成虫的自残行为进行了初步观察。结果表明幼虫孵化、蜕皮,成虫羽化后均有取食自己蜕皮时产生的残皮的行为;龟纹瓢虫成虫捕食行为分为搜寻、捕捉、清洁、静止排泄4个步骤;交配一般由雄虫发起,雌虫背负成虫进行交配。龟纹瓢虫每产一粒卵平均耗时3.75秒,两粒卵之间产卵时间间隔约31.75秒,每次产卵量平均12枚;龟纹瓢虫存在自残行为,成虫在食物不足时会取食幼虫和虫卵,高龄幼虫在饥饿的状态下也取食低龄幼虫和卵,且同龄幼虫之间也会出现相互咬食的现象。  相似文献   

高文呈 《昆虫学报》1987,(3):271-276
黑叉胸花蝽Dufouriella ater(Dufour)在文登地区一年发生4代, 以成虫越冬, 世代重叠现象明显.成虫和若虫均可捕食日本松干蚧, 对松干蚧种群数量起着控制作用.成虫羽化后即行交配, 未经交配的雌虫不能产卵.若虫中84.6%为5龄, 仅少数为4龄虫.米蛾卵和大蜡螟卵是饲养繁殖黑叉胸花蝽成虫和若虫的良好饲料.  相似文献   

研究了柑橘园中具瘤神蕊螨(Agistemus exsertus)与其主要猎物柑橘皱叶刺瘿螨(Phyllocoptruta oleivora)、柑橘全爪螨(Panonychus citri)、柑橘粉虱(D ialeurodes citri)、黑刺粉虱(Aleurocanthus spiniferus)的生态位宽度、重叠和比例相似性。具瘤神蕊螨与其主要猎物相比,其时间和空间生态位宽度均最大,而其猎物中则以柑橘皱叶刺瘿螨的时间和空间生态位宽度最大,这表明具瘤神蕊螨和柑橘皱叶刺瘿螨的发生期较长,空间分布较广。具瘤神蕊螨与其猎物的生态位重叠在空间上与柑橘全爪螨的重叠值最大,在时间上与柑橘粉虱的重叠值最大。与其猎物相比,具瘤神蕊螨的时—空二维生态位宽度最大,在时空上占有明显的优势。  相似文献   

Coconut scale, Aspidiotus destructor Signoret (Homoptera: Diaspididae), is a quarantine pest of banana (Musa spp.) and many tropical crops. Irradiation was examined as a potential phytosanitary treatment to control coconut scale. Dose-response tests were conducted with second-stage nymphs, adult females without eggs, and adult females with eggs at a series of irradiation doses between 60 and 200 Gy to determine the most tolerant stage. The adult female with eggs was the most tolerant stage. In large-scale validation tests and dose-response tests, a total of 32,716 adult female scales with eggs irradiated with doses between 100 and 150 Gy produced no F1 adults with eggs. Irradiation treatment with a minimum absorbed dose of 150 Gy should provide quarantine security for coconut scale on exported commodities.  相似文献   

The convergent lady beetle, Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is an important predator of soft-bodied insect pests in many regions of the United States, but generally uncommon in Florida citrus. Certain citrus producers in Florida recently initiated releases of commercially available H. convergens from California against the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, vector of Huanglongbing or citrus greening disease. However, there is little information on potential efficacy of this predator against the psyllid or other pests of citrus. Preference, development, and reproduction by H. convergens was evaluated on freshly collected nymphs of D. citri, brown citrus aphid Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy, green citrus aphid Aphis spiraecola Patch, and frozen eggs of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella Zeller. Larvae preferred D. citri over T. citricida in two-way choice tests and consumed more D. citri or A. spiraecola than T. citricida in no-choice tests. Adults consumed equal numbers of all three species in both tests. Development times of larvae at 25.5±0.05°C on A. spiraecola were longer than on the other three diets. Larval survival and pupation times did not differ among diets. Females lived longer than males irrespective of diet, and longevity of both genders was greatly increased on E. kuehniella compared with D. citri and A. spiraecola. Life table analysis indicated that H. convergens should increase on all three species, with a greater potential on psyllids than aphids. Further studies are warranted to assess establishment and persistence of this potential biological control agent in the Florida citrus environment.  相似文献   

Development and reproduction of Iphiseiodes quadripilis (Banks) were evaluated on single food diets of pollen (Malephora crocea Jacquin [ice plant] or Quercus sp. [oak]), spider mites, [Eutetranychus banksi (McGregor) or Panonychus citri (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae)], or the citrus rust mite Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead) (Acari: Eriophyidae). Experiments were conducted in an environmental chamber at 28 degrees +/- 1 degrees C, 14:10 (L:D) daylength, and 45% RH. I. quadripilis completed development and laid viable eggs that subsequently hatched on diets of either ice plant or oak pollen or eggs and motile stages of E. banksi. P. citri was acceptable as prey, but survival of larvae to adults was only 36%, whereas survival on E. banksi, ice plant pollen, and oak pollen was 48, 60, and 68%, respectively. The webbing produced by P. citri seemed to inhibit foraging behavior of I. quadripilis larvae and nymphs. Larvae of I. quadripilis developed only to the second nymphal instar on a diet of P. oleivora alone or water alone. Starved I. quadripilis females and deutonymphs were observed preying on the pink citrus rust mite, Aculops pelekassi (Keifer) (Eriophyidae). During 4-min observation trials, two series of I. quadripilis fed on 1.8 +/- 0.47 and 3.5 +/- 0.45 A. pelekassi motile stages after being starved for 6 and 24 h, respectively. I. quadripilis females did not prey on P. oleivora in arenas containing both rust mite species.  相似文献   

韦德卫  于永浩  曾涛 《昆虫知识》2008,45(2):269-271
在27℃条件下,以粗脚粉螨Acarus siro L.为饲料饲养观察南非盲走螨Typhlodromus(Anthoseius) transvaalensis(Nesbitt)的生长发育和繁殖情况,组建实验种群生命表。结果表明,南非盲走螨行孤雌生殖,卵、幼螨、前若螨、后若螨、成螨产卵前期各阶段发育历期分别为2.00,0.72,1.96,1.53,1.77d,完成1个世代发育需7.98d,雌成螨平均寿命14.82d、平均产卵量25.75粒,各种群生命参数分别为:净增殖率R0=25.01,世代平均周期T=13.71,内禀增长率rm=0.23,周限增长率λ=1.26,种群倍增所需日数t=2.95。采用小空间湿度控制法,测定不同湿度对南非盲走螨卵的孵化和成螨产卵的影响。结果表明,卵发育和孵化的最适湿度为75.0%~85.0%,96.0%的相对高湿度对成螨的产卵和存活均有不利影响。以橘全爪螨Panonychus citri McGregor不同螨态为猎物时,南非盲走螨对橘全爪螨幼螨的捕食量最大,日平均捕食量为5.40头,而对橘全爪螨雌成螨则几乎不取食。  相似文献   

The biology and life table parameters of Agistemus industani Gonzalez, A. cyprius Gonzalez, and A. floridanus Gonzalez (Acari: Stigmaeidae) were studied under laboratory conditions using two food sources: Panonychus citri (McGregor) eggs or ice plant, Malephora crocea (Jacquin) Schwantes pollen at 25 degrees C. The larval, protonymph, deutonymph, and adult stages of A. industani fed on citrus red mite eggs. All active stages of A. industani, except the larva, fed on all P. citri stages and the larval stage could not feed on P. citri adults. All immature stages of A. industani fed on M. crocea pollen. Agistemus cyprius larvae fed on P. citri eggs and larvae or ice plant pollen. The nymphal stages fed on P. citri eggs, larvae, and protonymphs but not deutonymphs or adults while A. cyprius deutonymphs and adults fed on all P. citri stages. Adult and nymphal stages of A. cyprius fed on ice plant pollen and successfully completed their development while A. floridanus did not. Agistemus floridanus larvae fed only on P. citri eggs, while the other stages fed on P. citri eggs, larvae, and protonymphs. The developmental times from egg to adult for A. industani and A. cyprius when fed M. crocea pollen were 11.3 and 13.4 days, respectively. Agistemus floridanus was unable to complete its life cycle on a diet of only M. crocea pollen. Agistemus industani, A. cyprius, and A. floridanus completed development from egg to adult in 11.7, 13.8, and 10.8 days, respectively, when fed P. citri eggs. The intrinsic rate of increase (r(m)) values for A. cyprius and A. industani were 0.0311 and 0.1201 per day on the pollen diet. The net reproductive rate (Ro) was 3.58 for A. cyprius and 10.07 for A. industani with generation times (T) of 45.2 and 35.1 days, respectively, on the ice plant pollen diet. The r(m) values for A. cyprius, A. floridanus, and A. industani on the P. citri egg only diet were: 0.0562, 0.1001, and 0.1031 per day, respectively. The Ro values for each species fed P. citri eggs only were: 6.36, 7.90, and 18.70 for A. cyprius, A. floridanus, and A. industani and the generation times (T) for each of the three species were: 35.2, 29.9 and 37.8 days, respectively.  相似文献   

This study was carried out on the ability of predatory thrips Scolothrips longicornis Priesner to feed on 2 phytoseiid species and vice versa. Also the effect of predation of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) on Typhlodromus bagdasarjani Wainstein and Arutunjan and vice versa was evaluated. The larvae, prepupae, and pupae of thrips and the eggs, larvae, and protonymphs of phytoseiids were selected as intraguild prey. The intraguild predation (IGP) among S. longicornis and 2 phytoseiid species was unidirectional and in favor of phytoseiids, i.e., S. longicornis was not able to feed on larval stages of 2 phytoseiids. However, N. californicus and T. bagdasarjani fed on the 1st instar larvae (1.39 and 0.80 per day), 2nd instar larvae (0.87 and 0.55 per day), prepupae (0.51 and 0.48 per day), and pupae of thrips (0.51 and 0.49 per day, respectively). Both phytoseiids fed on eggs, larvae, and protonymphal stages of each other. Females of N. californicus consumed more phytoseiid larvae (2.49 per day) than T. bagdasarjani, which consumed 1.08 N. californicus larvae per day. When Tetranychus urticae was presented as an extraguild prey, intensity of IGP between 2 species of phytoseiids and on larval stages of S. longicornis reduced significantly. Therefore, it is concluded that (i) IGP existed among the 3 examined species and lack of feeding of S. longicornis on 2 phytoseiid species can be justified by its feeding type (monophagy), (ii) N. californicus was much more prone to IGP than was T. bagdasarjani.  相似文献   

Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus is a fastidious, phloem-inhabiting, gram-negative bacterium transmitted by Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). The bacterium is the presumed causal agent of huanglongbing (HLB), one of the most destructive and economically important diseases of citrus. We investigated whether Las is transmitted between infected and uninfected D. citri adults during courtship. Our results indicate that Las was sexually transmitted from Las-infected male D. citri to uninfected females at a low rate (<4%) during mating. Sexual transmission was not observed following mating of infected females and uninfected males or among adult pairs of the same sex. Las was detected in genitalia of both sexes and also in eggs of infected females. A latent period of 7 days or more was required to detect the bacterium in recipient females. Rod shaped as well as spherical structures resembling Las were observed in ovaries of Las-infected females with transmission electron microscopy, but were absent in ovaries from uninfected D. citri females. The size of the rod shaped structures varied from 0.39 to 0.67 μm in length and 0.19 to 0.39 μm in width. The spherical structures measured from 0.61 to 0.80 μm in diameter. This investigation provides convincing evidence that a plant pathogenic bacterium is sexually transmitted from male to female insects during courtship and established evidence that bacteria persist in reproductive organs. Moreover, these findings provide an alternative sexually horizontal mechanism for the spread of Las within populations of D. citri, even in the absence of infected host trees.  相似文献   

Differences in responsiveness to potential prey and pollen were tested in the facultative predator,Euseius tularensis Congdon. Following isolation without food for 16 h, adult female mites were observed with one of the following potential foods: pollen ofMalephora crocea (Jacquin) Schwantes,Scirtothrips citri (Moulton) 2nd instar larvae,Tetranychus pacificus McGregor nymphs and ♂,Panonychus citri (McGregor) nymphs and ♂,E. hibisci (Chant) larvae, andE. tularensis larvae. Responses were compared using the proportion of encounters that resulted in consumption. This proportion was highest when pollen was encountered, followed byS. citri andT. pacificus. Consumption was much lower in response toP. citri and congeneric larvae. WhenS. citri larvae were encountered a 2nd time, 1 to 2 h after the initial capture and consumption, responsiveness increased to a level equal to the response observed with pollen. These results suggest thatE. tularensis is a more effective biological control agent of citrus thrips (S. citri) than of citrus red mite (P. citri).  相似文献   

Abstract The population of the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri (McGregor), does not increase on pear from spring to mid-summer but thereafter increases abruptly. To elucidate this phenomenon, we compared the performance of the mites on pear leaves with that on citrus leaves, at different time throughout the pear-growing season. No significant difference was detected between the oviposition rate on pear and that on citrus throughout the season. However, the survival rate of ovipositing females that had fed on pear and the hatch rate of eggs laid by those females were significantly lower than those for females that had fed on citrus, until August. However, no significant difference was observed thereafter. The results showed that the decline of the population of citrus red mite before autumn is due to the high mortality of adult females that had fed on pear leaves and the low hatch rate of the eggs produced by those females.  相似文献   

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