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We report on the construction of a comparative chromosome map between the emblematic laboratory rat, Rattus norvegicus (RNO), and Delacour's Marmoset rat, Hapalomys delacouri (HDE), based on cross-species fluorescence in situ hybridization with R. norvegicus painting probes. Sixteen R. norvegicus chromosomes (RNO 3-6, 8, 10-15, 17-20, and X) were retained in their entirety (as a conserved block or as a single chromosome) in the H. delacouri genome. The remaining 5 R. norvegicus chromosomes (RNO 1, 2, 7, 9, and 16) produced 2 signals in the H. delacouri karyotype. Our analysis allowed the detection of an X-autosome translocation between RNO X and 11 that occurred convergently in an unrelated species, Bandicota savilei, and a single B chromosome that accounts for the 2n = 48 karyotype observed in this specimen. In total, the rat chromosome paints revealed 27 segments of conserved synteny in H. delacouri. The analysis showed 7 NOR bearing pairs in H. delacouri (HDE 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 13) and the occurrence of an interstitial telomeric signal at the centromeric regions of 8 H. delacouri chromosomes (HDE 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, and 22). These data, together with published comparative maps, enabled a revision of the previously postulated murine ancestral condition suggesting that it probably comprised a wholly acrocentric karyotype with 2n = 46-50.  相似文献   

Cross-species chromosome painting can directly visualize syntenies between diverged karyotypes and, thus, increase our knowledge on avian genome evolution. DNA libraries of chicken (Gallus gallus, GGA) macrochromosomes 1 to 10 were hybridized to metaphase spreads of 9 different species from 3 different orders (Anseriformes, Gruiformes and Passeriformes). Depending on the analyzed species, GGA1-10 delineated 11 to 13 syntenic chromosome regions, indicating a high degree of synteny conservation. No exchange between the GGA macrochromosome complement and microchromosomes of the analyzed species was observed. GGA1 and GGA4 were distributed on 2 or 3 chromosomes each in some of the analyzed species, indicating rare evolutionary rearrangements between macrochromosomes. In all 6 analyzed species of Passeriformes, GGA1 was diverged on 2 macrochromosomes, representing a synapomorphic marker for this order. GGA4 was split on 2 chromosomes in most karyotypes, but syntenic to a single chromosome in blackcap (Passeriformes). GGA5/10 and also GGA8/9 associations on chromosomes were found to be important cytogenetic features of the Eurasian nuthatch (Passeriformes) karyotype. Fusion of GGA4 and GGA5 segments and of entire GGA6 and GGA7, respectively, was seen in the 2 analyzed species of Gruiformes. Consistent with the literature, our inter-species chromosome painting demonstrates remarkable conservation of macrochromosomal synteny over 100 million years of avian evolution. The low rate of rearrangements between macrochromosomes and the absence of detectable macrochromosome-microchromosome exchanges suggests a predominant role for rearrangements within the gene-dense microchromosome complement in karyotypic diversification.  相似文献   

蹄蝠科的核型进化:比较染色体涂色、G带和C带分析(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mao XG  Wang JH  Su WT  Wang YX  Yang FT  Nie WH 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):453-460
与其姐妹科(菊头蝠科)相比,蹄蝠科的细胞遗传学研究较少。迄今为止,仅少数蹄蝠科几个物种有高分辨率的G带核型报道,且有关该科核型进化的大多数结论都是基于常规Giemsa染色研究而得。该研究利用三叶小蹄蝠的染色体特异探针,通过比较染色体涂色、G和C显带,建立了5种蹄蝠的染色体同源性图谱,并探讨了它们同源染色体间的G和C带异同。结果表明:罗伯逊易位、臂内倒位以及异染色质的扩增可能是蹄蝠科物种核型进化的主要机制。通过对这5种蹄蝠物种及其外群物种之间的同源染色体片段的比较分析,作者推测蹄蝠科的祖先核型并不像先前认为的全由端着丝粒染色体组成,而应该含有中着丝粒染色体。  相似文献   

We describe a karyotypic polymorphism on the zebra finch Z chromosome. This polymorphism was discovered because of a difference in the position of the centromere and because it occurs at varying frequencies in domesticated colonies in the USA and Germany and among two zebra finch subspecies. Using DNA fluorescent in situ hybridization to map specific Z genes and measurements of DNA replication, we show that this polymorphism is the result of a large pericentric inversion involving the majority of the chromosome. We sequenced a likely breakpoint for the inversion and found many repetitive sequences. Around the breakpoint, there are numerous repetitive sequences and several copies of PAK3 (p21-activated kinase 3)-related sequences (PAK3Z) which showed testes-specific expression by RT-PCR. Our findings further suggest that the sequenced genome of the zebra finch may be derived from a male heterozygote for the Z chromosome polymorphism. This finding, in combination with regional differences in the frequency of the polymorphism, has important consequences for future studies using zebra finches.  相似文献   

The identity of the chromosomes involved in the multiple sex system of Alouatta caraya (Aca) and the possible distribution of this system among other Ceboidea were investigated by chromosome painting of mitotic cells from five species and by analysis of meiosis at pachytene in two species. The identity of the autosome #7 (X2) involved in the multiple system of Aca and its breakage points were demonstrated by both meiosis and chromosome painting. These features are identical to those described by Consigliere et al. [1996] in Alouatta seniculus sara (Assa) and Alouatta seniculus arctoidea (Asar). This multiple system was absent in the other four Ceboidea species studied here. However, data from the literature strongly suggest the presence of this multiple in other members of this genus. The presence of this multiple system among several species and subspecies that show high levels of chromosome rearrangements may suggest a special selective value of this multiple. The meiotic features of the sex systems of Aca and Cebus apella paraguayanus (Cap) are strikingly different at pachytene, as the latter system is similar to the sex pair of man and other primates. The relatively large genetic distances between species presently showing this multiple system suggest that its origin is not recent. Other members of the same genus should be investigated at meiosis and by chromosome painting in order to know the extent and distribution of this complex sex-chromosome system.  相似文献   

Recent studies in cancer cells and budding yeast demonstrated that aneuploidy, the state of having abnormal chromosome numbers, correlates with elevated chromosome instability (CIN), i.e. the propensity of gaining and losing chromosomes at a high frequency. Here we have investigated ploidy- and chromosome-specific determinants underlying aneuploidy-induced CIN by observing karyotype dynamics in fully isogenic aneuploid yeast strains with ploidies between 1N and 2N obtained through a random meiotic process. The aneuploid strains exhibited various levels of whole-chromosome instability (i.e. chromosome gains and losses). CIN correlates with cellular ploidy in an unexpected way: cells with a chromosomal content close to the haploid state are significantly more stable than cells displaying an apparent ploidy between 1.5 and 2N. We propose that the capacity for accurate chromosome segregation by the mitotic system does not scale continuously with an increasing number of chromosomes, but may occur via discrete steps each time a full set of chromosomes is added to the genome. On top of such general ploidy-related effect, CIN is also associated with the presence of specific aneuploid chromosomes as well as dosage imbalance between specific chromosome pairs. Our findings potentially help reconcile the divide between gene-centric versus genome-centric theories in cancer evolution.  相似文献   

The order of Carnivora has been very well characterized with over 50 species analyzed by chromosome painting and with painting probe sets made for 9 Carnivora species. Representatives of almost all families have been studied with few exceptions (Otariidae, Odobenidae, Nandiniidae, Prionodontidae). The patterns of chromosome evolution in Carnivora are discussed here. Overall, many Carnivora species retained karyotypes that only slightly differ from the ancestral carnivore karyotype. However, there are at least 3 families in which the ancestral carnivore karyotype has been severely rearranged - Canidae, Ursidae and Mephitidae. Here we report chromosome painting of yet another Carnivora species with a highly rearranged karyotype, Genetta pardina. Recurrent rearrangements make it difficult to define the ancestral chromosomal arrangement in several instances. Only 2 species of pangolins (Pholidota), a sister order of Carnivora, have been studied by chromosome painting. Future use of whole-genome sequencing data is discussed in the context of solving the questions that are beyond resolution of conventional banding techniques and chromosome painting.  相似文献   

We report on the cytogenetics of twin offspring from an interspecies cross in marmosets (Callitrichinae, Platyrrhini), resulting from a pairing between a female Common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus, 2n = 46) and a male Pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea, 2n = 44). We analyzed their karyotypes by multi-directional chromosome painting employing human, Saguinus oedipus and Lagothrix lagothricha chromosome-specific probes. Both hybrid individuals had a karyotype with a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 45. As a complementary tool, interspecies comparative genomic hybridization (iCGH) was performed in order to screen for genomic imbalances between the hybrids and their parental species, and between Callithrix argentata and S. oedipus, respectively. These genomic imbalances were confined to centromeric and telomeric heterochromatin, while euchromatic chromosome regions appeared balanced in all species investigated. When comparing marmosets and tamarins, sequence divergence of centromeric heterochromatin was already clearly noticeable. In the C. argentata and C. pygmaea genomes numerous subtelomeric regions were affected by amplification of different repetitive sequences. Cross-species FISH with a microdissection-derived C. pygmaea repetitive probe revealed species specificity of this repetitive sequence at the molecular cytogenetic level of resolution.  相似文献   

The Ursidae family includes eight species, the karyotype of which diverges somewhat, in both chromosome number and morphology, from that of other families in the order Carnivora. The combination of consensus molecular phylogeny and high-resolution trypsin G-banded karyotype analysis has suggested that ancestral chromosomal fissions and at least two fusion events are associated with the development of the different ursid species. Here, we revisit this hypothesis by hybridizing reciprocal chromosome painting probes derived from the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), domestic cat (Felis catus), and man (Homo sapiens) to representative bear species karyotypes. Comparative analysis of the different chromosome segment homologies allowed reconstruction of the genomic composition of a putative ancestral bear karyotype based upon the recognition of 39 chromosome segments defined by painting as the smallest conserved evolutionary unit segments (pSCEUS) among these species. The different pSCEUS combinations occurring among modern bear species support and extend the postulated sequence of chromosomal rearrangements and provide a framework to propose patterns of genome reorganization among carnivores and other mammal radiations.  相似文献   

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