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西双版纳桑寄生植物的繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桑寄生植物的种子无休眠期,在果实内可以发芽。月平均温度15—26℃,相对湿度78—88%时,种子在多种死、活物体上均能发芽,总平均发芽率87.3%;极大多数种子在室温18—32℃时、2—8天发芽,发芽率97.3%;冰箱内温度4—5℃时,10—31天发芽,发芽率78%,但发芽种子移室温下不再继续生长。去果肉的种子发芽时间短,发芽率比带果肉的种子高。室内弱光照下的种子发芽率比不见光的高。桑寄生的幼苗只能在其寄主树上生长成株,完成生命周期。人工栽培必须用新鲜果实内的种子,在适宜的温湿度和光照下,播种在其寄主树的小枝上。从播种至开花结果约需1.5—3年。  相似文献   

以青藏高原野豌豆属窄叶野碗豆(Vicia angustifolia)种子为材料,就其休眠类型、发芽对温度与水分的响应以及休眠破除方法进行了研究。结果显示:(1)窄叶野碗豆新鲜种子具有复合休眠特性,而贮藏种子仅具有物理休眠特性。(2)与贮藏种子相比,新鲜种子的发芽温度范围变窄,高温显著抑制其种子的发芽,在25℃条件下新鲜种子的发芽率仅为4%,而贮藏种子可达90%以上。(3)新鲜种子发芽对水分的要求较高,在-0.4 MPa以及10℃、15℃、20℃条件下,新鲜种子的发芽率分别为85%、55%、8%,而贮藏种子的发芽率分别为95%、91%、89%。(4)氟啶酮(FL)和赤霉素(GA3)对贮藏种子的发芽与发芽速率均无明显作用,但可显著提高新鲜种子的发芽速率;与贮藏种子相比,新鲜种子的发芽对脱落酸(ABA)的抑制作用更为敏感;除高浓度多效唑(PA)显著抑制新鲜种子的发芽外,其他浓度的PA对新鲜种子与贮藏种子均无显著影响。研究表明,脱落酸可能是引致窄叶野豌豆种子生理休眠的主要原因;硫酸及切破种皮处理均可破除贮藏种的物理休眠,其中硫酸处理20min效果最好。  相似文献   

羊草种群种子生产的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 本文报道了国产优良牧草——羊草,在不同人为干扰的环境条件下,种群种子生产数量性状变化的若干规律。种群密度是成穗率的限制因素之一,在平均为604.7株/m2中等密度的数年割草场上,成穗率随密度增加呈幂函数y=dx-b形式下降,而在平均为1604.9株/m2高密度的长期连续割草场上,成穗率随密度增加呈直线y=a-bx形式下降。种子发芽率与千粒重呈显著正相关(r=0.9768**)。放牧对成穗有不良影响,但对籽粒的干物质积累过程有一定的促进作用。长期连续割草对种群生殖生长的整个过程均不利,停刈后,自然恢复的速度缓慢。  相似文献   

一、引言马铃薯的休眠期是一种良好的生物学特性,是适应外界环境条件而进化的结果。马铃薯休眠期的长短因品种,贮藏条件的不同而异。休眠期一般在2—3个月的范围之内,但有的品种休眠期极短,而某些野生种则几乎没有休眠期。马铃薯休眠期也是生产实践上一种有利的特性,谁都知道休眠期中的马铃薯塊茎极容易貯藏。然而,生产实践上的具体要求往往是不同的,所以又常常需要调节马铃薯的休眠期。例如:二季栽培时,应该消除春播夏收塊茎的休眠期以促其迅速萌芽;而夏播时,又必须延长马铃薯塊茎的休眠期使在翌年夏播之前不至於萌芽过早。  相似文献   

白豆杉的核型和性染色体的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
管启良  俞仲辂 《遗传学报》1993,20(2):155-158
白豆杉pseudotaxus chienii(Cheng)Cheng是我国裸子植物特有属之一,雌雄异常,根尖 细胞染色体分析表明:雌株有一对异形性染色体,异配性别,属ZW型;雄株是同配性别,属ZZ型,雌株的型为2n=2x=24=22m(2SAT ZW) 2T,雄株的核型为2n=2x=24=22m(2SAT ZZ) 2T。Giemsa C-带,显示,Z染色体长短臂均具端带,W染色体不显带。  相似文献   

太行山草地建群种远东羊茅地上生物量动态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 远东羊茅地上生物量在10.80—979.30gFW/m2或5.00—351.33gDW/m2之间变动,峰期值在902.87—1092.15gFW/m2或331.45—370.53gDW/m2之间变动。地上生物量的季节生长曲线呈单峰型,峰值期出现在7月份。地上生物量的增长与生长高度的增长和投影盖度的扩大呈正直线相关(R=0.8929和R=0.9066)。地上生物量和生长高度的最高生长速率出现于同期,而两者的相对生长速率最高值则出现在生物量峰值期之前。在生长季节期间,降雨量的多少是影响地上生物量变化的主要生态因子,两者的直线回归方程为y=6.2596+1.4089x(R=0.9250)。  相似文献   

徐长卿种子生活力检测及发芽生物学特性观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对徐长卿[Cynanchum paniculatum(Bge.)Kitag.]种子生活力与发芽生物学特性进行了观察。结果表明:秋收徐长卿种子贮藏至次年3和4月,生活力分别为87%和80%;种子表面用1%H2O2除菌预处理,有利于正常发芽,发芽率达82%,发芽时间提前1d,第3日出现发芽高峰。温度从15℃至30℃,发芽率逐渐升高;25℃时,种子第2天即开始发芽,出现最短发芽持续时间(5d)和最高发芽势(75%),因此,25℃是徐长卿种子发芽的最适温度。  相似文献   

不同温度下四川金川县岷江柏种子的发芽特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
岷江柏(Capressus chenggiana S.Y.Hu)是我国川甘地区特有的濒危乔木。通过对不同温度下岷江柏种子的发芽特征研究,分析了种子的发芽周期和最适发芽温度,以及温度对种子发芽的影响,并讨论了岷江柏的发芽特征与环境温度的关系,从而为岷江柏的人工繁育和物种保护提供了理论依据。结果表明:种子发芽周期为20d,其中0~5d为萌动期,5~15d为高峰期。种子发芽温度为5℃~30℃,适宜发芽温度为10℃~25℃,5℃和30℃不利于种子发芽。在贮藏过程中,贮藏开始阶段10℃不利于种子发芽,贮藏4~10个月后10℃~25℃种子发芽的差别不明显。种子最适发芽温度在2003年1月、4月、7月和10月分别为:20℃、15℃、20℃、25℃。在贮藏过程.不同温度下种子的发芽率、发芽势和T50都有显著影响。岷江柏种子的发芽周期和最适发芽温度.以及贮藏过程中的发芽特征与环境温度有着密切的关系.这是植物对自然环境的一种适应。  相似文献   

菜用大豆种子活力与激素关系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菜用大豆(Glycine max)品种“六月拔”种子在不同条件下贮藏6个月后分别成为高活力种子(4℃,硅胶干燥贮藏)、中活力种子(自然干燥种子,聚乙烯袋密封贮藏)、低活力种子(自然条件下布袋贮藏)及无活力种子(30℃,90%RH),发芽率分别为90%、50%、30%以上及0。发芽试验方法:取30粒种子置于铺有2层滤纸的15cm培养皿中,在25℃暗中进行发芽,重复3次,2 d计算发芽势,3 d计算发芽率。外  相似文献   

合理的密度是玉米构建良好群体结构、优化群体光合生理功能的基础,适宜的氮肥施用量是玉米进行光合生产的营养物质保障.运用作物群体生理学的方法,采用二次饱和D试验设计,研究了关中灌区夏玉米密度与氮肥耦合和群体光合生理指标的关系及其效应,明确了在关中灌区夏播条件下,在45000~75000株/hm2的密度范围内,密度与玉米籽粒产量、总干物质积累量(DMA)、吐丝期叶面积指数(MLAI)、总光合势(LAD)、平均作物生长率(CGR)为正相关,在45000~60000株/hm2的密度范围内,密度与玉米叶片平均净同化率(NAR)为正相关,而在60000~75000株/hm2的密度范围内,密度与玉米NAR为负相关;在氮素施用量≤600.0 kg/hm2的范围内,氮素施用量与玉米籽粒产量、DMA、CGR为正相关,在氮素施用量≤260.55 kg/hm2的范围内,氮素施用量与玉米MLAI、LAD为正相关,与玉米NAR为负相关,而在氮素施用量260.55~600.0kg/hm2的范围内,氮素施用量与玉米MLAI、LAD为负相关,与玉米NAR为正相关.密度对其影响较大的指标为:籽粒产量、DMA、LAD、CGR和MLAI , 影响较小的指标为:NAR;氮肥对其影响较大的指标为:DMA、CGR、籽粒产量、NAR,影响较小的指标为:LAD和MLAI .对籽粒产量和群体生理指标的综合影响效应,密度显著大于氮肥,玉米生产中,尤其要重视合理密植.通过对回归模型的解析,筛选确定了陕单8806玉米在关中灌区夏播中,实现高产的密度与氮肥耦合优化技术方案:合理密度为61713~66177株/hm2,适宜纯氮施用量为309.88~569.02kg/hm2.  相似文献   

The germination ecology of Sideritis serrata was investigated in order to improve ex‐situ propagation techniques and management of their habitat. Specifically, we analysed: (i) influence of temperature, light conditions and seed age on germination patterns; (ii) phenology of germination; (iii) germinative response of buried seeds to seasonal temperature changes; (iv) temperature requirements for induction and breaking of secondary dormancy; (v) ability to form persistent soil seed banks; and (vi) seed bank dynamics. Freshly matured seeds showed conditional physiological dormancy, germinating at low and cool temperatures but not at high ones (28/14 and 32/18 °C). Germination ability increased with time of dry storage, suggesting the existence of non‐deep physiological dormancy. Under unheated shade‐house conditions, germination was concentrated in the first autumn. S. serrata seeds buried and exposed to natural seasonal temperature variations in the shade‐house, exhibited an annual conditional dormancy/non‐dormancy cycle, coming out of conditional dormancy in summer and re‐entering it in winter. Non‐dormant seeds were clearly induced into dormancy when stratified at 5 or 15/4 °C for 8 weeks. Dormant seeds, stratified at 28/14 or 32/18 °C for 16 weeks, became non‐dormant if they were subsequently incubated over a temperature range from 15/4 to 32/18 °C. S. serrata is able to form small persistent soil seed banks. The maximum seed life span in the soil was 4 years, decreasing with burial depth. This is the second report of an annual conditional dormancy/non‐dormancy cycle in seeds of shrub species.  相似文献   

Temperature and humidity are the main factors influencing seed viability, dormancy and longevity of buried seeds. Unfortunately, very little is known about such processes in species of tropical regions, where temperature does not show major seasonal variations. The extent to which germination capacity, phytohormones and vitamin E levels were altered after burial of seeds of Xyris bialata and X. peregrina (Xyridaceae), two species endemic to rupestrian fields of Brazil, was examined. After 2 months of burial, seed germination capacity remained constant, which is associated with decreases in ABA and IAA content in both species. During this period, zeatin levels also decreased in X. bialata, but not in X. peregrina, the latter showing much lower levels of ABA. During the summer (rainy season), seeds of both species experienced a progressive, but severe, decrease in germination capacity, which reversed at the end of the winter (dry season), thus suggesting secondary dormancy. This dormancy appeared to be caused by drastic decreases in GAs, rather than increases in ABA. Levels of GA(4) decreased to non-detectable values during dormancy in both species. Furthermore, zeatin levels decreased in X. bialata but not in X.peregrina during this period. Both species accumulated γ-tocopherol as the major vitamin E form, and levels of this antioxidant remained constant or even increased during seed burial; however, X. bialata seeds showed a significant decrease in α-tocopherol during seed burial and dormancy. It is concluded that in X. peregrina and X. bialata, (i) burial causes significant changes in the phytohormone levels of seeds; (ii) secondary dormancy is induced in seeds; (iii) a GA(4) decrease, rather than an ABA increase, seems to be involved in the induction of secondary dormancy; and (iv) reductions in α-tocopherol in buried seeds are not necessarily indicative of reduced germination capacity.  相似文献   

  • Cycling of sensitivity to physical dormancy (PY) break has been documented in herbaceous species. However, it has not been reported in tree seeds, nor has the effect of seed size on sensitivity to PY‐breaking been evaluated in any species. Thus, the aims of this study were to investigate how PY is broken in seeds of the tropical legume tree Senna multijuga, if seeds exhibit sensitivity cycling and if seed size affects induction into sensitivity.
  • Dormancy and germination were evaluated in intact and scarified seeds from two collections of S. multijuga. The effects of temperature, moisture and seed size on induction of sensitivity to dormancy‐breaking were assessed, and seasonal changes in germination and persistence of buried seeds were determined. Reversal of sensitivity was also investigated.
  • Fresh seeds were insensitive to dormancy break at wet–high temperatures, and an increase in sensitivity occurred in buried seeds after they experienced low temperatures during winter (dry season). Temperatures ≤20 °C increased sensitivity, whereas temperatures ≥30 °C decreased it regardless of moisture conditions. Dormancy was broken in sensitive seeds by incubating them at 35 °C. Sensitivity could be reversed, and large seeds were more sensitive than small seeds to sensitivity induction.
  • Seeds of S. multijuga exhibit sensitivity cycling to PY‐breaking. Seeds become sensitive during winter and can germinate with the onset of the spring–summer rainy season in Brazil. Small seeds are slower to become sensitive than large ones, and this may be a mechanism by which germination is spread over time. Sensitive seeds that fail to germinate become insensitive during exposure to drought during summer. This is the first report of sensitivity cycling in a tree species.

Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) was one of 19 herbaceous weedy species used by Beal in his buried viable seed experiment started in 1879. No seeds germinated during the first 35 years of the experiment when germination tests were performed in late spring, summer or early autumn. Germination did occur in seeds buried for 40 years when seeds were exhumed and tested for germination in early spring. Data obtained in more recent research provide the probable explanation for these results. Seeds of common ragweed that do not germinate in spring enter secondary dormancy by mid to late spring and will not germinate until dormancy is broken the following late autumn and winter. Thus, during the first 35 years of the experiment seeds were dormant when tested for germination, whereas seeds buried for 40 years were nondormant. Seeds buried 50 years or longer did not germinate when tested in spring, probably because they had lost viability and/or seeds germinated during burial and seedlings died.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The formation of zonal communities may be attributed to differences in germination across the community and to timing of germination of seeds present in the seed bank. Our goals were two-fold: (1) to assess the annual germination pattern of Spergularia marina; and (2) to determine whether germination of S. marina differed across zonal communities. METHODS: Fresh seeds were buried in an experimental garden in polyester bags. Bags were harvested monthly for 1 year and exposed to differing 12 h/12 h temperature regimes (5/15 degrees C, 5/25 degrees C, 15/25 degrees C and 20/35 degrees C) with a 12 h dark/12 h light photoperiod. Replicate seeds were exposed to 24 h dark. Seeds were also placed in different zonal communities to assess germinability in the field. KEY RESULTS: Spergularia marina has a primary physiological dormancy. Conditional dormancy occurs from December to May and non-dormancy from June to November. Field germination initiates in the spring when temperatures are cool and salinity is low due to flooding, and ceases in the summer when temperatures exceed germination requirements. Spergularia marina has a light requirement for germination. CONCLUSIONS: If seeds become buried in the field or are light inhibited by Phragmites australis, they will remain dormant until they receive an adequate amount of light for germination. Since S. marina can germinate across all zones in a salt-marsh community, the formation of zonal communities is not determined at the germination stage, but at some later stage of development.  相似文献   

Abstract Fresh dormant redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) seeds were buried 5 cm deep in the field at Stoneville, MS in November 1981. Potassium nitrate (200 kg ha 1) or nothing was applied to the soil in the fall of 1981 and the late winter of 1982. Seeds were recovered at intervals under darkness during the following 2 years and tested for responses to ethylene, temperature, light and carbon dioxide. During the first overwintering, nitrate enhanced loss of primary dormancy and increases seed sensitivity to temperature, light and ethylene. The loss of dormancy reached a maximum at 25 to 30 weeks (early summer) after burial. Examination of the recovered seeds indicated that about 80% of the non-treated seeds and 98% of the nitrate-treated seeds germinated in situ during the period of maximum loss of dormancy. Thus, after one overwintering period, about 20% of the original buried seed population remained dormant in nontreted soil and 2% remained dormant in the nitratetreated soil. After the second overwintering, the percentages of dormant seeds remaining in nontreated or treated soil were both only 1–2%. Nitrate reduced dormancy and enhanced germination in early summer following the first overwintering. Regardless of treatment, the remaining 1 2% of seeds in soil after the second year were of low sensitivity to the germination stimuli (ethylene, temperature, light) and constituted the long-lived portion of the original seed population.  相似文献   

喀什霸王(Zygophyllum kaschgaricum)是生长于中国新疆南部荒漠环境的稀有种及二级保护植物。当前, 该物种在自然种群中呈分散式及片段化分布, 且种群密度低, 种群老龄化较严重。因此, 为了了解该物种种子萌发特性及其对荒漠环境的响应, 该文采用室内控制实验方法, 对该物种的自然坐果率、结籽率、种子吸水特性、种子休眠和萌发特性及对干旱胁迫的响应进行了比较研究。结果表明: 喀什霸王在自然种群中的坐果率及结籽率较低, 且种子的败育率较高。不同干藏时间种子的吸水速率间存在显著差异; 随着干藏时间的延长, 种子的吸水率逐步增强。刚成熟的种子在不同温度及光周期下均可萌发; 其中高温(10/20 ℃, 20/30 ℃)及黑暗条件下的萌发率比低温(10/5 ℃, 5/2 ℃)及光照条件下的萌发率高。不同干藏时间的种子在不同浓度赤霉素(GA3)下的萌发率均较高; 但低温储藏时间对该物种种子的打破休眠及萌发率没有促进作用。以上结果说明该物种存在非深度生理休眠; 而干藏时间、高温且黑暗及高浓度(50 mmoloL -1) GA3是打破休眠及促进种子萌发的最合适条件。高温条件下的干旱胁迫对喀什霸王种子萌发具有抑制作用; 春季和秋季降水量决定种子的萌发率。总之, 喀什霸王种子在物候上表现出的春秋季萌动及非深度生理休眠以提高幼苗存活力及保障种群稳定性, 是一种对新疆南部干旱及高温胁迫荒漠环境的适应策略。  相似文献   

种子的萌发特性是植物在长期进化过程中形成的一种适应环境变化的固有属性。对种子萌发特性的研究有助于我们理解物种的种群更新和种子育苗。本文旨在阐明我国重要资源植物苦槠(Castanopsis sclerophylla)的种子休眠类型和萌发特性。研究结果发现:①苦槠种子在其果实中占比非常高;②苦槠的果皮限制了种子对水分的吸收;③苦槠果皮阻碍了种子的萌发,除去果皮以后种子能够在较大温度范围内萌发;④除去果皮以后,苦槠种子在低温(15/5 ℃、20/10 ℃)下萌发困难,在25/15 ℃、30/20 ℃和35/25 ℃这3个温度梯度下均能迅速萌发。结果表明,苦槠的传播体(果实)具有物理休眠的特性。因此,壳斗科(Fagaceae)是具有物理休眠和脱水敏感性的一个新纪录科。结合壳斗科的系统发育位置,本研究支持物理休眠是一种较为进化的性状这一假说。  相似文献   

休眠是种子植物在长期进化过程中产生的适应性性状, 通过抑制种子在不适宜的环境中萌发进而保证植物能够在逆境中生存。此外, 休眠有助于种子的长距离运输和扩散, 因此休眠对种子延续和物种保存具有重要意义。种子由休眠向萌发的发育转变不仅关系到物种的繁衍, 而且对保证农业生产中作物的产量和品质也具有重要作用。种子的休眠和萌发受到内源激素和外源光信号的共同调控。其中, 外源光信号主要通过调控内源ABA和GA的生物合成及信号转导进而调控种子休眠和萌发。该文系统综述了外源光信号和内源激素调控种子休眠和萌发的作用通路以及两类信号通路之间的交互作用, 旨在为农业生产中利用光和激素调控种子休眠与萌发提供参考。  相似文献   

皂荚天然群体间种实表型特性及种子萌发的差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对位于湖北京山、湖南城步、贵州兴义、重庆秀山、四川成都、广西桂林、山东费县和甘肃天水的8个皂荚(Gleditsia sinensis Lam.)天然群体间果实和种子表型特性及种子萌发率的差异进行了研究,在此基础上,对种子特性与萌发率的相关性进行了分析。结果表明:不同皂荚群体间荚果的长度、宽度、厚度和质量以及种子长度、宽度、厚度和百粒质量均存在极显著差异(P〈O.01);在低纬度、高降雨量和干扰程度相对大的区域产生的荚果及种子均较大。在不同温度(昼/夜温度35℃/20℃、30℃/15℃、25℃/10oC和15℃/5℃)条件下,8个皂荚群体间种子萌发率无显著差异,平均萌发率为7.70%;种皮经人为损伤后种子萌发率总体上有所提高且在不同温度条件下差异显著,其中在昼/夜温度15℃/5℃的条件下种子萌发率低于其他处理温度。在不同温度条件下,种子的长度、宽度、厚度和百粒质量与萌发率均呈正相关,但总体上相关性不显著。研究结果说明:不同皂荚群体的荚果和种子特性变异较大,且在降雨量高的地区其果实和种子较大;低温对皂荚种子的萌发有一定抑制作用;种皮损伤处理可解除皂荚种子的物理性休眠,但皂荚种子还可能存在生理休眠现象;一定程度的种子复合休眠可能是皂荚群体适应不同生境的重要生存策略之一。  相似文献   

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