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准噶尔荒漠3种短命植物气体交换特征的日变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
袁素芬  唐海萍 《生态学报》2009,29(4):1962-1970
采用LI-6400便携式光合测定仪,在晴天条件下对准噶尔荒漠3种典型短命植物东方旱麦草(Eremopyrum orientale)、卷果涩芥(Malcolmia scorpioides)和四齿芥(Tetracme quadricormis)的气体交换特征的日变化规律进行了研究.结果表明:①东方旱麦草和卷果涩芥的净光合速率(简称Pn,后同)的日变化呈"双峰"型,14:00(采用时间均为北京时间,后同)左右存在明显的光合"午休"现象,四齿芥Pn的日变化呈"单峰"型,峰值出现在12:00与前两者的第一峰值出现时刻相同.3种植物蒸腾速率(简称E,后同)的日变化均呈"单峰"型,但不同植物的峰谷值出现时刻不同.水分利用效率(WUE)日变化,四齿芥呈"单峰"型,东方旱麦草和卷果涩芥呈"双峰"型,峰值分别出现在8:00~10:00之间,后两者第二峰值分别出现在16:00和18:00.②根据Pn、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和气孔限制值(Ls)的变化方向,推测3种短命植物的光合"午休",东方旱麦草和卷果涩芥主要受非气孔因素限制,而四齿芥主要受气孔因素限制.③卷果涩芥和四齿芥两种十字花科草本日平均Pn、E 和WUE 均高于禾本科东方旱麦草,尤其卷果涩芥是一种高光合、高蒸腾、高水分利用率的物种.④相关分析结果表明,对Pn影响最显著的环境因子是光合有效辐射(PAR),对E影响最显著的因子3种植物各不相同.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地荒漠区短命植物光合蒸腾特性及影响因素研究   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
李薇  唐海萍 《西北植物学报》2006,26(12):2517-2522
运用LI-6400便携式光合测定系统,研究了准噶尔盆地荒漠区2种典型短命植物———狭果鹤虱(Lappulasemiglabra)和四齿芥(Tetracme quadricornis)的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率特征。结果表明:狭果鹤虱和四齿芥的光合能力分别为44.92、34.57μmol.m-2.s-1;狭果鹤虱和四齿芥的净光合速率日均值分别为29.72、23.0μmol.m-2.s-1,蒸腾速率日均值分别17.23、12.84 mmol.m-2.s-1,狭果鹤虱均高于四齿芥,属于高光合、高蒸腾类型;二者的净光合速率和水分利用效率日变化均呈双峰曲线,而蒸腾速率日变化呈单峰曲线;二者的光合“午休”现象主要是由气孔因素引起的;通过对2种植物光合和蒸腾速率与环境因子的相关分析显示,辐射强度是影响2种植物光合速率最主要的环境因子。  相似文献   

朱乐  赵利清 《西北植物学报》2019,39(8):1506-1508
报道了十字花科(Brassicaceae)四齿芥属(Tetracme Bunge)一中国新记录种——帕米尔四齿芥(Tetracme pamirica Vassilcz.)。标本采自西藏自治区札达县底雅乡,生于干燥的河谷坡地。该种与相近种四齿芥的区别是,角果长10~13 mm,种子长1~2 mm。凭证标本保存在内蒙古大学植物标本馆(HIMC)。  相似文献   

2011~2013年对湖北神农架国家级自然保护区进行了第四次全国中药资源普查,调查过程中发现了湖北十字花科3个新记录属——双果荠属(Megadenia Maximowicz)、念珠芥属(Neotorularia HedgeJ.Léonard)、大蒜芥属(Sisymbrium Linnaeus)以及对应的3个湖北分布新记录种双果荠(Megadenia pygmaea Maximowicz)、蚓果芥(Neotorularia humilis(C.A.Meyer)HedgeJ.Léonard)、全叶大蒜芥(Sisymbrium luteum(Maximowicz)O.E.Schulz)。并对其地理分布进行了分析,为该区域的生物多样性及其植物区系组成研究提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

采用已报道的十字花科植物乙烯受体基因(Ethylene Receptor 1,ETR1)通用引物,以蚓果芥基因组DNA为模板,经PCR分析BhETR1的多态性,进而从分子水平上阐明蚓果芥的进化特征.结果表明:(1)已克隆得到的14条ETR1基因序列,长度为1 644~1 661 bp;经Bioedit软件比对,14条核苷酸序列之间相似性为93%~98%,蛋白氨基酸序列相似度为78%;采用DnaSP v5程序分别统计BhETR1序列多态性,发现14条BhETR1序列形成了14种单倍型.(2)从GenBank数据库下载蚓果芥近缘物种ETR1序列进行进化分析,系统发育分析表明蚓果芥14条ETR1序列形成3大分支;根据分支进化关系,每支中分别选取克隆2(c2)、克隆29(c29)、克隆35(c35)与拟南芥ETR1(AtETR1)和琴叶鼠耳芥ETR1(AlETR1)的序列进行比对,其一致性均为78%,说明BhETR1是一个乙烯受体类似(ETR1-like)基因,而蚓果芥自身14条序列的高度异质性表明蚓果芥的遗传背景相对复杂.  相似文献   

天山山脉是世界拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)及其近缘种的分布中心之一,资源优势明显.在北天山中段浅山地带选择拟南芥分布的典型样地50m×50m,分析了样地物种的结构、组成和土壤理化性质,用Ripley's K(d)函数分析了拟南芥与相邻物种的空间特征和相互关系.发现样地由7科23个物种组成,以新疆绢蒿(Seriphidium kaschgaricum)为建群种,短命植物物种占近70%.拟南芥仅分布于北坡,在3m内聚集强度高于所有分析物种,在5m范围内与新疆绢蒿中株呈显著正关联,与十字花科的涩芥(Malcolmia africana)、藜科的散枝猪毛菜(Salsola brachiata)、木碱蓬(Suaeda dendroides)、角果藜(Ceratocarpus arenarius)呈一定尺度显著负关联.分析认为拟南芥空间分布依赖于新疆绢蒿大株、中株生长塑造的遮阴、保湿和丰富土壤有机质,生态位与藜科物种差异极大,生境特异性高于同属近缘种小鼠耳芥(Arabidopsis pumila),以及涩芥(M. africana)、庭芥(Alyssum desertorum)、四齿芥(Tetracme quadricornis)、丝叶芥(Leptaleum filifolium)、狭果鹤虱(Lappula semiglabra)等短命植物.在干旱胁迫下,拟南芥环境选择强度大于种内作用,密度依赖的种子扩散表现不明显.扩散对策是通过大量生产种子,依靠果实不易开裂控制种子短距离扩散,充分利用原适宜生境来维持种群繁衍.  相似文献   

新疆准噶尔荒漠短命植物群落特征及其水热适应性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
短命植物是一类利用短暂湿季快速生长的特殊植物类群, 包括一年生短命植物和类短命植物。作者在新疆北部准噶尔荒漠的莫索湾地区从2005-2008年进行了连续4年的群落调查研究, 通过25条样线201个样方的调查, 并结合同时段冬春季节的气温、降水资料, 探讨了短命植物对环境水热变化的适应性特征。结果表明: (1) 早春季节, 短命植物在准噶尔荒漠植物群落组成中占据优势地位, 物种数均占调查总物种数的52%左右; (2) 从群落优势种来看, 7种植物标准频度在40%以上, 其中6种是短命植物, 分别是旱麦草(Eremopyrum orientale)、卷果涩芥(Malcolmia scorpioides)、硬萼软紫草(Arnebia decumbens)、狭果鹤虱(Lappula semiglabra)、四齿芥(Tetracme quadricornis)和沙滨藜(Atriplex dimorphostegia); (3) 群落中短命植物萌发的个体数量与前一年冬季温度关系极为密切, 较低的冬季温度更易激发其萌发, 而当年群落外貌特征则更多地依赖于早春季节的降水, 若早春季节温度过低也会影响短命植物的萌发; (4) Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数年际间变化趋势与同期冬春降水总量变化趋势一致。总之, 温度和降水的不同配置是引起短命植物多样性发生年际变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

[目的]对入侵性杂草皱匕果芥在我国的适生区进行预测,为入侵风险评估和损失预测提供数据支撑,同时为控制预案制定提供科学依据。[方法]先用ENMTools和SPSS分别对分布数据和环境变量进行筛选,再调用R程序包Kuenm校准MaxEnt模型确定最优参数设置,然后使用MaxEnt和ArcMap对皱匕果芥在中国的适生区进行预测,并将已公布的进境粮食指定监管场地、进口粮食加工企业地理位置与皱匕果芥在中国的适生区进行匹配分析。[结果]最冷月份最低温度、温度季节变化标准差和最冷季度降水量是对MaxEnt模型拟合重要性排名前3位的环境变量,最冷月份最低温度可能是影响皱匕果芥发生分布的最重要的自然因素;皱匕果芥在中国的中度适生区占中国陆地总面积的15.13%,主要集中在秦岭-淮河以南、龙门山-大凉山以东的亚热带季风气候区域;高度适生区占中国陆地总面积的1.67%,主要形成川渝、湖北-湖南和长三角3个中心。在皱匕果芥的中、高度适生区分布有901个进口粮食加工企业和57个进境粮食指定监管场地。[结论]皱匕果芥的中、高度适生区内存在我国粮棉等作物的重要产区,一旦该杂草大面积发生,将给我国粮棉等作物种植造成非常不利的影响。进口粮食的国际贸易是皱匕果芥入侵中国的主要途径,应当加强对进口粮食接卸、运输、加工等高风险区域和环节的监管力度,并积极实施外来入侵杂草的监测和调查,确保做到早发现、早防除,防止进一步扩散和危害。  相似文献   

生物结皮对5种不同形态的荒漠植物种子萌发的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
生物结皮广泛分布于干旱、半干旱区, 强烈影响着土壤表层理化特性, 进而对种子散布、萌发和定居产生影响。目前关于生物结皮与植物种子萌发关系的研究结论存在争议。该文通过室内人工控制实验, 研究了生物结皮对古尔班通古特沙漠5种具不同种子形态特征的荒漠植物白梭梭(Haloxylon persicum)、蛇麻黄(Ephedra distachya)、角果藜(Ceratocarpus arenaarius)、涩芥(Malcolmia africana)和狭果鹤虱(Lappula semiglabra)的种子萌发的影响。结果表明, 在干燥和湿润两种条件下, 生物结皮对不同形态植物种子萌发均具有不同的作用。在干燥条件下, 生物结皮显著抑制了角果藜和涩芥种子的萌发(p<0.05), 对其它3种植物无显著影响; 而湿润条件下, 生物结皮显著抑制了白梭梭、角果藜和狭果鹤虱种子的萌发(p<0.05), 对蛇麻黄、涩芥则无显著影响。  相似文献   

小陇山锐齿栎林种群空间格局及关联性变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于2008年和2013年对位于秦岭山脉西端、甘肃东南部小陇山林区的林分调查数据,选取树种锐齿栎、膀胱果和青榨槭为研究对象,运用点格局O-ring O(t)函数分析法,探讨5年前后锐齿栎林种群空间分布格局与关联性变化情况(其中,对树种锐齿栎进行分林层讨论,而对于膀胱果和青榨槭则不分层,空间关联性分析均不分层)。结果显示:(1)5年前后,锐齿栎林的空间格局整体上表现为随机分布;林上层锐齿栎分布稳定,主要为随机分布,林间层多均匀分布,林下层聚集分布明显;树种膀胱果和青榨槭因株数较少,在大部分尺度上仍随机分布,但随时间变化在局部尺度上则出现轻微的聚集分布。(2)分析林木空间关联性变化,则膀胱果与锐齿栎在幼树期因相互竞争而大部分尺度上互为负相关,其生长发育到一定阶段相互促生且小部分尺度上相互独立;树种锐齿栎与青榨槭、膀胱果与青榨槭在整体上保持无关联,逐渐发展为小范围内互为相关性。研究表明:不同调查时间锐齿栎林主要树种空间分布格局变化对其尺度依赖性强,林木分布格局的尺度吻合程度较高,林分整体上为随机分布,说明五年前后林分空间分布格局基本没变;就主要树种而言,锐齿栎分布格局变化符合群落中种群发育的规律,膀胱果和青榨槭分布格局变化受株数影响较大;林木种间关联性变化与种群结构及其演替阶段有关;但就群落演替过程而言,5年期限不足以表征整座林分的演替规律,需进一步拓宽研究年限。  相似文献   

 对准噶尔荒漠中胡卢巴属(Trigonella)4种短命植物网脉胡卢巴(T. cancellata )、单花胡卢巴(T. monantha)、直果胡卢巴(T. orthoceras)和弯果胡卢巴(T. arc uata)的物候特征及生物量分配进行了比较研究,结果表明:1)这4种植物的萌发对策多样,具有春 、夏、秋萌现象,但以春、秋季萌发为主。其萌发时间在种间差异不明显,而与温度、降水等环境因子密切相关;2)生长发育快,生活周期短,一次结实,在干热夏季来临前完成生活周期,因此属于典型的避旱型植物;3) 秋、春萌株在早春返青或种子萌发后,经过短暂的营养生长后很快进入生殖生长,通过物候期(尤其是营养生长与生殖生长阶段)的迅速转换来获得高的繁殖力,最后达到较高的繁殖产量;4)繁殖分配比率均较高,分别达62.3%、51.9 %、54.3%和58.3%,且其繁殖输出与植株大小呈正相关;5)萌发时间不同的植株(春、秋萌 株)在大小及繁殖输出上差异显著,但繁殖分配比率差异不显著,说明由萌发时间差异引起的繁殖输出差异归根结底是由植株大小差异引起的。最后探讨了胡卢巴属这4种短命植物的生活史对策以及因萌发时间不同产生的植株在个体大小、生存力和繁殖输出等方面的差异对准噶尔荒漠干旱环境的适应意义。  相似文献   

新疆早春短命植物适应荒漠环境的机理研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
兰海燕 《西北植物学报》2008,28(7):1478-1485
短命植物是生活于极端干旱自然环境,利用冬春雨雪水在春末夏初迅速完成生活周期,并以种子形式渡过不良环境的特殊生态类型,它们具有生长发育快、光合效率高、繁殖率和结实性极强的特点.本文从短命植物种子萌发机制、形态结构适应性、高光效结构特征、结实特性、生活周期的可塑适应性等方面,对新疆早春短命植物的相关研究进行综述,以阐释短命植物适应荒漠环境的特殊机制.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Little is known about morphological (MD) or morphophysiological (MPD) dormancy in cold desert species and in particular those in Liliaceae sensu lato, an important floristic element in the cold deserts of Central Asia with underdeveloped embyos. The primary aim of this study was to determine if seeds of the cold desert liliaceous perennial ephemeral Eremurus anisopterus has MD or MPD, and, if it is MPD, then at what level.


Embryo growth and germination was monitored in seeds subjected to natural and simulated natural temperature regimes and the effects of after-ripening and GA3 on dormancy break were tested. In addition, the temperature requirements for embryo growth and dormancy break were investigated.

Key Results

At the time of seed dispersal in summer, the embryo length:seed length (E:S) ratio was 0·73, but it increased to 0·87 before germination. Fresh seeds did not germinate during 1 month of incubation in either light or darkness over a range of temperatures. Thus, seeds have MPD, and, after >12 weeks incubation at 5/2 °C, both embryo growth and germination occurred, showing that they have a complex level of MPD. Since both after-ripening and GA3 increase the germination percentage, seeds have intermediate complex MPD.


Embryos in after-ripened seeds of E. anisopterus can grow at low temperatures in late autumn, but if the soil is dry in autumn then growth is delayed until snowmelt wets the soil in early spring. The ecological advantage of embryo growth phenology is that seeds can germinate at a time (spring) when sand moisture conditions in the desert are suitable for seedling establishment.  相似文献   

The overwintering conditions of northern plants are expected to change substantially due to global warming. For perennial plants, winter warming may increase the risk of frost damage if the plants start dehardening prematurely. On the other hand, evergreen plants may remain photosynthetically active and thereby benefit from milder winters. The positive and negative effects of mild winters on annual plants remain, however, largely unknown. We postulated that summer annuals may be susceptible to frost damage if the seeds germinate during a mild spell in winter. Winter annuals may utilize a warm period for photosynthesis. These questions were addressed in two consecutive experiments in which pot-grown individuals of Thlaspi arvense that overwintered in the field were exposed to an elevated temperature for 8 days in growth chambers in mid-winter. No premature germination was observed in summer annuals. However, in accordance with our hypothesis, winter annuals started photosynthesising very rapidly upon exposure to elevated temperature. The winter warming treatment affected neither the total number of seeds produced nor the mean seed weight. These seeds, possessing divergent parental overwintering histories, were used as starting material for the second experiment. Seeds originating from both summer and winter annual plants germinated both in the autumn and in the following spring. We observed a major parental effect associated with the winter warming treatment. The warm spell experienced by the mother plant (either as a winter annual rosette or as a summer annual seed) reduced the proportion of autumn germination in the next generation. Only 43% of the seeds of summer annuals possessing a parental warming history germinated before the winter, whereas the germination percentage of seeds with no previous winter warming history was 71%. In the case of seeds collected from winter annual plants, 4% of the seeds germinated in autumn if the mother plants experienced the warming treatment during the previous winter, whereas the corresponding value was 37% if the mother plants did not experience warming. Our results show that summer and winter annual individuals show diverse responses to warm spells in winter. Since the responses are not limited only to the generation that actually experiences the warm spell, but also appear in their offspring, long-term studies consisting of several generations are called for.  相似文献   

荒漠区冻融交替显著改变土壤温度和水分条件,并进一步影响荒漠植物种子萌发。为解析荒漠土壤冻融过程对植物种子萌发的影响,本研究以古尔班通古特沙漠4种典型短命植物[东方旱麦草(Eremopyrum orientale)、卵果鹤虱(Lappula patula)、尖喙牻牛儿苗(Erodium oxyrrhynchum)和条叶庭荠(Alyssum linifollum)]为对象,通过模拟不同温度和土壤水分及冻融循环次数对种子进行处理,对比分析冻融结束后4种植物种子萌发参数(发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、种子活力)。结果表明,温度对4种植物种子萌发参数均无显著影响,而土壤水分和循环次数均有显著影响(水分仅对条叶庭荠无影响),且存在显著交互作用。冻融循环次数增加可促进冻融后的种子活力和种子萌发,尤其是在低水分条件下表现得更为显著。冻融期高土壤水分显著降低东方旱麦草的种子发芽率,对其他物种的影响受冻融次数和白天温度状况的调节。在相同土壤水分条件下,冻融期白天高温可促进种子萌发。总体来看,冻融对荒漠短命植物种子萌发有显著影响并存在一定的种间差异性,这将造成冻融期结束后不同物种的种子萌发和幼苗生长存在差异,进而影响荒漠区植物群落结构。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Most studies on seed position-dependent effects have focused on germination characteristics. Our aim was to determine the effects of seed position in the spikelet on differences in timing of germination and on the ecological life history of the grass Eremopyrum distans in its cold desert habitat.


For seeds in three spikelet positions, morphology, mass and dormancy/germination characteristics were determined in the laboratory, and seeds planted in field plots with and without watering were followed to reproduction to investigate seedling emergence and survival, plant size and seed production.

Key Results

After maturation, of the seeds within the spikelet, basal ones (group 1) are the largest and have the highest proportion with physiological dormancy, while distal ones (group 3) are the smallest and have the highest proportion of non-dormant seeds. A higher percentage of seeds after-ripened in groups 2 and 3 than in group 1. Seeds sown in the field in early summer and watered at short, regular intervals germinated primarily in autumn, while those under natural soil moisture conditions germinated only in spring. Both cohorts completed their life cycle in early summer. Seeds in group 1 had lower percentages of seedling emergence and higher percentages of seedling survival than those in groups 2 and 3. Also, plants from group 1 seeds were larger and produced more seeds per plant than those from groups 2 and 3.


Seed position-dependent mass was associated with quantitative differences in several life history traits of E. distans. The environmentally enforced (low soil moisture) delay of germination from autumn to spring results in a reduction in fitness via reduction in number of seeds produced per plant.  相似文献   

Factors controlling the timing of seed germination were investigated in the small succulent winter annual Sedum pulchellum Michx. (Crassulaceae) in its natural habitat on unshaded limestone outcrops in northcentral Kentucky. At maturity in early July the dormant seeds are not dispersed but are retained in the fruits on the standing dead plants until September and October. Many, but not all, of the seeds afterripen in the fruits during summer, and at the time of dispersal some of them are dormant and some are nondormant. Germination and annual population establishment occur in September and October from seed reserves that have been in the soil for one or more years and from seeds produced in the current year. Germination of nondormant seeds may be prevented in autumn by lack of the appropriate combination of environmental factors including light, temperature and soil moisture in the seed's microsite. The effect of low winter temperatures on ungerminated seeds in the population is to induce nondormant seeds into secondary dormancy and to prevent afterripening of dormant seeds. Thus, in spring all the seeds in the population's seed reserve are dormant. During spring and summer some of these seeds afterripen, and they germinate in autumn when, and if, germination requirements are fulfilled.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Diptychocarpus strictus is an annual ephemeral in the cold desert of northwest China that produces heteromorphic fruits and seeds. The primary aims of this study were to characterize the morphology and anatomy of fruits and seeds of this species and compare the role of fruit and seed hetermorphism in dispersal and germination.


Shape, size, mass and dispersal of siliques and seeds and the thickness of the mucilage layer on seeds were measured, and the anatomy of siliques and seeds, the role of seed mucilage in water absorption/dehydration, germination and adherence of seeds to soil particles, the role of pericarp of lower siliques in seed dormancy and seed after-ripening and germination phenology were studied using standard procedures.

Key Results

Plants produce dehiscent upper siliques with a thin pericarp containing seeds with large wings and a thick mucilage layer and indehiscent lower siliques with a thick pericarp containing nearly wingless seeds with a thin mucilage layer. The dispersal ability of seeds from the upper siliques was much greater than that of intact lower siliques. Mucilage increased the amount of water absorbed by seeds and decreased the rate of dehydration. Seeds with a thick mucilage layer adhered to soil particles much better than those with a thin mucilage layer or those from which mucilage had been removed. Fresh seeds were physiologically dormant and after-ripened during summer. Non-dormant seeds germinated to high percentages in light and in darkness. Germination of seeds from upper siliques is delayed until spring primarily by drought in summer and autumn, whereas the thick, indehiscent pericarp prevents germination for >1 year of seeds retained in lower siliques.


The life cycle of D. strictus is morphologically and physiologically adapted to the cold desert environment in time and space via a combination of characters associated with fruit and seed heteromorphism.  相似文献   

Ahmad K. Hegazy 《Ecography》2001,24(4):403-412
Diplotaxis harra is a common annual species in the desert of Egypt, The investigated population was located in Wadi Hof near Helwan city. Additional water in relatively wet years cause these ephemeral plants to live longer and become perennials. The species has ephemeral, modular and coppiced life‐cycles and may shift from a r‐ to a K‐selected strategy. The germinable seed bank represented 15,6% of the total seed rain, out of which only 0,03% established as adult plants. About 72.7% of the adult plants were ephemeral. 27.0% modular and 0.3% coppiced plants. The highest contribution of the seed rain came from modular plants and the lowest contribution from coppiced plants. The survivorship curve of the coppiced plants exhibited a combination of Deevey type I and III curves. The ephemeral and modular plants showed steep curves. In contrast to ephemeral plants, the coppiced plants attained the highest reproductive value and the lowest reproductive effort, while the modular plants demonstrated intermediate values. The active phonological cycle started earlier in coppiced plants than in the modular and ephemeral plants. The period from the start of vegetative growth lo shoot‐die back extends from mid‐December to early June in coppiced plants, from February to May in modular plants, and from late February to early May in ephemeral plants. The living stumps of the coppiced plants remained dormant during summer and autumn months. Seeds collected from coppiced plants attained high germinability and viability, while those from ephemeral and modular plants attained low values. Seed longevity was higher in the modular plants (> 10 yr) than in seeds of ephemeral and coppiced plants (7–8 yr). The high energy content of the seeds produced from different cohorts over ten years of storage enabled the population to maximize the germinability. viability and longevity of seeds despite the unpredictable environment. The potential annual behaviour of D. harra is mainly attained by the persistence of viable seed bank and root‐shoot stock. The ability to shift from a r‐ to a K‐selected life‐cycle, phenological variations among the different cohorts of the population, variations in seed longevity and energy content strengthen intra‐population interactions.  相似文献   

以百山祖自然保护区5 hm2永久样地150个幼苗监测站木本植物幼苗为研究对象,2008—2011年定期调查样方中幼苗的种类、数量、萌发、死亡等,探究亚热带中山常绿阔叶林幼苗种类组成、数量动态及其与生境的相关性。结果表明:1)百山祖样地在2008年至2011年出现的幼苗属于26科,40属,共53个物种,不同物种萌发时段有异;2)2009年样地幼苗存活比率为7.7%,2010年为-20.8%,2011年则是-0.3%,幼苗存活比率不高,种类和数量呈减少趋势;3)存活幼苗中有明显的优势物种,分别为光亮山矾(Symplocos lucida)、尖连蕊茶(Camellia cuspidata)、浙闽新木姜子(Neolitsea aurata var.undulatula)、尖叶菝葜(Smilax arisanensis)和短尾柯(Lithocarpus brevicaudatus),5个物种之和占幼苗总数比例50%;4)种子的萌发与生境有极显著的相关性,且与生境因子中水分关联最大;5)存活幼苗数与样站坡位、水分、落叶层厚度呈现显著相关性,水和光照是影响幼苗存活的主要因素。  相似文献   

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