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利用籼粳回交群体分析水稻粒形性状相关QTLs   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
水稻谷粒的外观性状对稻米外观品质存在重要的影响。该研究利用SSR标记,以回交群体Balilla/NTH∥Balilla为作图群体,构建了水稻12条染色体的连锁图,该遗传图谱包括:108个分子标记,平均图距为11.9cM。以构建的遗传图谱为基础,采用区间作图法对谷粒外观性状,包括粒长、粒宽和粒形进行了数量性状基因(QTL)定位。结果表明,粒长、粒宽和粒形在回交群体中均呈近似的正态分布,表现出典型的数量性状特征。QTL定位结果表明,第12染色体上RM101-RM270区间内存在一个与粒长性状相关的QTL,(qGL-12),加性效应约为0.26mm,贡献率为16.7%。在第2和第3染色体上RM154-RM211和RM257-RM175区问内,分别检测到qGW-2和qGW-3两个位点与粒宽性状有关,加性效应为分别为-0.10mm和-0.12mm,贡献率分别为11.5%和16.6%。对于粒形性状,共检测到3个QTLs,qLW-2、qLW-6和qLW-7,分别位于第2、6和7染色体上。其中qLW-2和qLW-7的加性效应分别约为0.09和0.10,两个QTLs分别可解释表型变异的12.7%和18.3%;而qLW-6的加性效应约为-0.13,可解释粒形变异的11.5%。文中还讨论了粒形和稻米外观品质同时改良的可能性。  相似文献   

水稻外观品质的数量性状基因位点分析   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
利用由98个家系组成的Nipponbare(粳)/Kasalath(秒)∥Nipponbare回交重组自交系(backcross inbred lines,BILs)群体(BC1F9)及其分子连锁图谱,采用复合区间作图的方法,在2个不同年份对粒长、粒宽、粒形、垩白率、垩白大小、垩白度和透明度等7个稻米外观品质性状的数量性状基因位点(Quantiative trait loci,QTL)进行了定位分析。共定位到33个四QTLs,单个性状QTL数目在4-7个之间,以垩白率最多,为7个;粒长和垩白大小次之,为5个;其他性状均为4个,表明该组合外观品质是由多基因控制的数量性状。单个QTL对性状变异解释率粒长为6.2%-15.2%,粒宽为8.3%-32.5%,长宽比为6.8%-19.8%,垩白率为6.4%-28.5%,垩白大小为6.1%-16.9%,垩白度为9.3%-17.2%,透明度为5.6%-25.2%.QTL在染色体上成集中分布的特点,第3染色体C1488-C563、第5染色体R830-R3166和R1436-R2289、第6染色体R2147-R2171均有3个以上的QTLs分布。比较2年的检测结果表明,外观品质性状的QTL定位都受环境影响,但不同性状受影响的程度差异很大。粒长和粒形的QTL定位受环境影响很小,垩白率、垩白大小和垩白度的QTL定位受环境影响很大。  相似文献   

水稻穗部性状的QTL与环境互作分析   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:28  
分别在两年收集珍汕97/明恢63的重组自交系群体的表现数据,运用混合线性模型的QTL定位方法,联合分析穗部5个性状的QTLs7及QTL与环境互作关系。每穗颖花数、每穗实粒数、结实率、穗长和穗着密度分别检测到10、3、6、8和7个QTLs分别解释各性状变异的29.13%、19.2%、29.46%、26.39%和35.76%。对于同一性状,高值亲本和低值亲本中均存在增效和减效QTL。相关性状QTL的位置表现相同或相似,高值亲本和低值亲本中均存在增效和减效QTL。相关性状QTL的位置表现相同或相似,成族分布。1个穗长QTL,2个每穗颖花数QTL3,3个结实率QTLs表现与环境显著互作,QTL与环境互作效应的贡献率比相应的QTL贡献率略大。遗传力稍高的每穗实粒数和穗着粒密度的DQTL与环境不互作。  相似文献   

籼粳分类的形态指数及其相关鉴定性状的遗传分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用通过典型籼粳交F1代加倍所构建的一个DH群体为材料,考察了121个DH株系的程氏指数及其相关的6个鉴定性状,并进行了数量性状座位(QTLs)分析.分别检测到叶毛的2个主效基因、谷粒长宽比的3个QTLs、稃色的1个QTL、稃毛的1个QTL、穗轴1~2节长的2个QTLs及酚反应的1个主效基因和2个QTLs.另外检测到与形态指数有关的4个QTLs,分别在第1,3,4和6染色体上.其中第1,3和6染色体上控制形态指数的3个QTLs分别与鉴定性状的部分QTLs位于同一区间.  相似文献   

基因型与环境的互作(G×E)对数量性状的影响常常掩盖了遗传因子引起的性状变化. 在盐胁迫环境与非胁迫环境下分别调查了水稻(Oriza sativa L.) 5个重要的农艺性状, 总共检测到24个QTL, 分布在除第9, 11号染色体外的各染色体上. 盐胁迫环境中检出了9个QTL: 千粒重1个; 抽穗期2个; 株高1个; 每穗粒数2个; 有效分蘖3个, 占总数的37.5%; 非胁迫环境中则检出了17个QTL: 千粒重5个; 抽穗期6个; 株高3个; 每穗粒数2个; 有效分蘖1个, 占总数的70.8%; 有两个QTL在两种环境中都检测到, 占总数的8.3%, 它们分别是位于第4染色体上控制抽穗期的QTL和位于第6染色体上控制每穗粒数的QTL. 此外, 还检测出3个包含多个QTL的区间, 它们分别位于第1, 4和8染色体上, 其中第1染色体上RG612分子标记附近检出两个QTL, 在盐胁迫环境与非胁迫环境中分别控制有效分蘖和抽穗期这两个重要的农艺性状, 其加性效应均由来源于JX17的等位基因提供; 第4染色体上的C975-RG449区间检测到2个QTL, qrHD-4c在非协迫环境中控制抽穗期, qrGPP-4s则在胁迫环境中控制每穗粒数; 第8染色体上的RG885-GA408区间检测到3个QTL, 在非胁迫环境下分别控制抽穗期、千粒重、株高3个性状, 在胁迫环境下则未能检测到. 通过对水稻在盐胁迫环境与非胁迫环境下的QTL对比研究, 发现水稻第8染色体上几个控制水稻重要农艺性状的QTL明显受盐胁迫的影响.  相似文献   

玉米SSR遗传图谱的构建及产量性状基因定位   总被引:61,自引:3,他引:58  
利用中国农大培育的高产,多抗性玉米杂交组合农大3138的F2:3家系为材料,构建了具有80对SSR标记的玉米遗传图谱,标记间平均距离25.42,覆盖玉米基因组的2033.4cm,采用随机区组田间设计,考察了230个家系的穗长,秃尖长,穗粗,穗行数,千粒重,穗重,单株粒重,利用区间作图法分析了影响各性状的数量性状基因座位(QTL),共检测到30个QTLs,单个性状的QTLs为3-5个,QTLs解释变异量占总变异量的比例变化范围为9.5%-55.3%。  相似文献   

人工合成小麦Am3大穗多粒QTL的发掘与利用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
穗粒数是小麦的重要产量性状之一,本研究以人工合成双二倍体小麦Am3为供体,普通小麦品种莱州953为受体,培育出了高穗粒数BC5F1导入系,以导入系后代75个BC5F1为材料,利用复合区间作图法对其进行穗部性状的QTL定位。共检测到2个控制穗长、4个控制小穗数、2个控制穗粒数的QTL位点,贡献率分别为1%~22%、1%~9%和1%~15%。其中穗长和穗粒数分别有1个QTL能在两年重复检测到。并且在1A染色体上检测到同时控制小穗数和穗粒数的QTL,穗长和小穗数的QTL被定位在4A染色体上同一个区域,表明这2个位点是与穗部性状有关的热点区域。本研究发现的QTL多为来自Am3的新位点,对于小麦改良将具有重要价值。  相似文献   

以小麦品种‘小偃81’和‘西农1376’构建的含236个家系的自交重组系(RIL)群体(F2:7、F2:8代)为研究材料,采用完全随机区组设计,连续2年在陕西杨陵、河南驻马店和山东济南于灌浆期(花后20d)随机取每个株系10株测量旗叶长、宽,并利用172个SSR标记构建了遗传连锁图谱,通过基于完备区间作图法的QTL IciMapping V3.2软件,对控制小麦旗叶长、宽和面积的数量性状位点(QTL)进行了加性效应分析。结果发现:(1)9个旗叶长QTLs位于1A、4A、3B、5D和7D染色体上,单个QTL可解释5.10%~16.44%的表型变异;10个旗叶宽QTLs位于1A、3A、5A、7A、3B和5D染色体上,单个QTL可解释4.63%~14.24%的表型变异;12个旗叶面积QTLs位于1A、4A、3B、2D和5D染色体上,单个QTL可解释4.25%~22.67%的表型变异。(2)控制小麦旗叶长、宽和面积的QTLs存在差异,同一QTL在不同性状中的遗传贡献率也不同。(3)同一性状在同一年份,不同地点和在不同年份,相同地点下检测到的QTLs有的相同,但有的差异明显。(4)有些控制不同性状的QTLs在染色体的同一标记区间,表现一因多效。研究表明:位于1A和5D染色体上的2个加性QTLs都同时控制旗叶长、宽和面积,且前者为主效基因,后者遗传贡献率也较大,可用于标记辅助育种和分子聚合育种。  相似文献   

水稻幼苗活力性状的低温反应数量性状基因座检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以籼粳交“密阳23/吉冷1号”的F2:3代200个家系作为作图群体,在12℃冷水胁迫下,进行苗高、苗鲜重和苗干重等水稻幼苗活力性状的低温反应鉴定,并利用由SSR标记构建的分子连锁图谱为基础,对冷水胁迫下苗高、苗鲜重和苗干重以及它们的低温反应指数进行了数量性状基因座(QTLs)检测。研究结果表明,低温胁迫下上述幼苗活力性状在F3家系群中均表现为接近正态的连续分布,表现为由多基因控制的数量性状;在第1、2、7、8和12染色体上,检测到与幼苗活力性状的低温反应相关的QTL共12个,对表型变异的贡献率范围为5.2%-17.9%,其中位于第2染色体RM262-RM263区间和第12染色体RM270-RM17区间的与低温下苗高相关的qCSH2和qCSH12,以及位于第12染色体RM19-RM270区间和第1染色体RM129-RM9区间的分别控制低温下苗干重及其低温反应指数的qSDW12和qCSDW1对表型变异的贡献率较大,分别为16.6%、17.9%、15.9%和16.2%。其增效等位基因均来自吉冷1号,前两者均表现为加性效应,后两者分别表现为显性和超显性。  相似文献   

水稻粒长QTL定位与主效基因的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究利用短粒普通野生稻矮杆突变体和长粒栽培稻品种KJ01组配杂交组合F_1,构建分离群体F_2;并对该群体粒长进行性状遗传分析,利用平均分布于水稻的12条染色体上的132对多态分子标记对该群体进行QTL定位及主效QTLs遗传分析,为进一步克隆新的主效粒长基因奠定基础,并为水稻粒形育种提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)所构建的水稻杂交组合分离群体F_2的粒长性状为多基因控制的数量性状。(2)对543株F_2分离群体进行QTL连锁分析,构建了控制水稻粒长的连锁遗传图谱,总长为1 713.94 cM,共检测出24个QTLs,只有3个表现为加性遗传效应,其余位点均表现为遗传负效应。(3)检测到的3个主效QTLs分别位于3号染色体的分子标记PSM379~RID24455、RID24455~RM15689和RM571~RM16238之间,且三者对表型的贡献率分别为54.85%、31.02%和7.62%。(4)在标记PSM379~RID24455之间已克隆到的粒长基因为该研究新发现的主效QTL位点。  相似文献   

针对应用防护剂防治储粮害虫时存在的问题,全面分析影响储粮防护剂药效的因素,如害虫对药剂的敏感性、药剂剂型和施药方法、粮食种类和环境条件.并探讨了相关研究结果在储粮害虫防治实践中的意义和储粮防护剂未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

Three principally different mechanisms contribute to the wear-down process of mineral aggregates in sedimentary environments: (1) mechanical abrasion by forces of wind and water and by floating or saltating neighbouring grains, (2) chemical attack and dissolution by fluids, and (3) physical bioerosion and chemical biocorrosion. It is however, difficult to attribute the specific surface changes to specific environments and processes. Quartz sand grains from subaerial and subaquatic environments were analysed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) for traces of natural and experimental aeolian, aquatic and biological wear-down processes. Quantitative topographical parameters of surface alterations were extracted from topography data by non-linear methods derived from digital image analysis. These parameters were examined by multivariate statistic, yielding three well-distinguishable groups. Morphological surface alterations dominated by subaerial, subaquatic and by biological impact could be differentiated. The method may also be used for the detection of aeolian, subaquatic, and biological modification of sedimentary grains and rock surfaces in extraterrestrial environments, and for assessment of environmental damage on monuments and buildings.  相似文献   

大麦胚乳细胞增殖动态及其与粒重的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大麦籽粒胚乳细胞数在花后17 d左右就基本决定,增殖动态可用Richards曲线方程拟合,决定系数0.9900以上,达极显著水平.籽粒胚乳细胞数目、单个细胞重量与粒重均存在极显著正相关,r值分别为0.9019**和0.9409**.籽粒胚乳细胞数对粒重影响最大,单个胚乳细胞重次之,胚乳细胞数的多少是决定粒重的主要原因.  相似文献   

灌溉频次和时期对冬小麦籽粒产量及品质特性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为探讨我国北方地区冬小麦的节水灌溉模式,2006—2008年,在中国科学院栾城农业生态系统试验站,以冬小麦品种科农9204为试验材料,在总灌溉量为120mm的条件下,研究了灌溉次数和灌溉时期对籽粒产量、水分利用效率(WUE)、籽粒蛋白质含量以及相关主要品质特性的影响。结果表明,拔节期、抽穗期和灌浆期一次灌溉分别有利于产量、干物质积累量和千粒重的形成或提高;两次灌溉处理中,以拔节和抽穗期各灌60mm处理籽粒产量最高,籽粒蛋白质产量有随灌溉时期后移而降低的趋势;冬小麦生育期间随灌溉次数增多和灌溉时期后移,湿面筋含量、面团形成时间、面团稳定时间等均显著降低。综合考虑冬小麦的籽粒产量、WUE、营养品质和加工品质,在总灌溉量为120mm的条件下,以拔节和抽穗期各灌溉60mm为宜。  相似文献   

Profiling the Expression of Genes Controlling Rice Grain Quality   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Rice provides a staple source of energy, protein and other nutrients to half of the world population. Over 90 of the rice seeds consists of starch and protein by dry weight. The quantity and property of starch and protein thus play a dominant role in the yield and quality of rice. The amylase content of starch is a determining factor in the eating and cooking quality while the amount and essential amino acids balance of storage proteins affect the nutritional quality of rice. In China, the super-hybrid rice currently under the last phase of development has a 35 yield advantage over the best inbred rice varieties. However, its grain quality needs further improvement. This study reported the expression patterns of 44 genes participating in starch, storage protein, and lysine synthesis in the developing rice grain. Field grown rice cultivar 9311, the paternal line of an elite super-hybrid rice LYP9with its draft genomic sequence released, was used as plant material. Results revealed diverse yet coordinated expression profiles of the genes involved in the three pathways which lead to the final composition and property of starch, protein and lysine that determine the quality of rice, providing useful information for rice quality improvement.  相似文献   

Increasing climate variability, resulting in frequent years of poor rainfall, has recently subjected the traditional subsistence farmers in the Central Clay Plain of the Sudan to longer periods of food shortage. However, excess production in years of good rainfall could bridge the gap of years with poor rainfall if the grain is properly stored. Resource-poor farmers have tried several linings to improve the traditional underground pit (”matmura”) they use for storage of sorghum. In the experimental study described here, pits with two types of lining: (i) a mixture of mud, cow dung and straw and (ii) sorghum chaff, were compared with unlined pits. Six closed pits were used, two for each type, and temperature and moisture content were monitored. It was found that the temperature increased in all pits and at all positions within the pits, with few differences between the linings. Moisture levels also increased everywhere but the sources of moisture were at the sides and bottoms of the pits. The chaff-lined pits were superior to the others because they showed smaller increases in moisture content at all positions and thus maintained a better quality of sorghum. Joint traditional assessments with local farmers after the pits were opened supported these findings. Received: 15 March 2000 / Revised: 4 January 2001 / Accepted: 10 January 2001  相似文献   

A linkage map consisting of 221 markers was constructed based on a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population from the cross between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping was carried out for grain appearance traits such as grain length, grain width and grain shape in rice in 1998 and 1999. Based on interval mapping method at the threshold LOD≥2.4, six, two and two QTLs were detected for grain length, grain width and grain shape, respectively, in 1998; In 1999, three, two and two QTLs were identified for the three traits, respectively. Of them, seven QTLs were simultaneously identified in both of the years. The QTL with large effects located in the interval RG393-C1087 on chromosome 3 not only controlled the grain length, but also influenced the grain shape. It explained 57.5%, 61.4% and 26.7%, 29.9% of phenotypic variation of the grain length and the grain shape in two years, respectively. The QTL with large effects located in the interval RG360-C734B on chromosome 5 affected the grain width and the grain shape. It explained 44.2%, 53.2% and 32.1%, 36.0% of phenotypic variation of the grain width and the shape in two years, respectively. Eight, five and five QTLs were identified for the grain length, width and shape, respectively, based on mixed linear-model composite interval mapping method at P =0.005. Their general contributions were 58.81%, 44.75%, and 57.47%. One QTL for the grain length was found to be significant interaction with environment.  相似文献   

Eating quality is of paramount importance to rice (Oryza sativa L.) consumers and soft rice with low amylose content has become popular in China. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of soft rice grown in the early season (ES) dominated by non-soft rice. Field experiments were conducted in Yongan and Santang, Hunan Province, China from 2016-2018. Results showed that grain amylose content in soft rice cultivars was consistently lower in the ES compared to the late season (LS). The lower grain amylose content in the ES compared to the LS was partly attributed to higher average daily mean temperature during grain filling. No significant relationship was observed between grain yield and seed amylose content in ES rice. Soft rice cultivars produced a similar average grain yield to non-soft rice cultivars in the ES. These results encourage breeders to develop more ES rice cultivars with soft texture to meet the consumer demand for this type of rice.  相似文献   

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