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应用半薄切片法、高效液相色谱法(HPLC)和荧光显微镜研究了6种芦荟叶的结构、芦荟素的含量和储藏芦荟素的组织.结果表明,6种芦荟叶均由表皮、光合组织、储水组织和维管束组成,都表现出明显的旱生植物肉质叶的结构特征,表皮由一层扁平的细胞组成,其外壁加厚,并覆盖着厚的角质膜,气孔器凹陷,储水组织发达.6 种芦荟叶的结构存在显著差异.木立芦荟(Aloe arborescens Mill.)和易变芦荟(A. mutabilis Pillans)的光合组织细胞呈长柱状,类似栅栏薄壁组织.中华芦荟(A. vera L. var. chinensis Berg.)、库拉索芦荟(A. vera L.)、皂叶芦荟(A. saponaria Hawer)和绿芦荟(A. greenii Bak.)则为等直径薄壁细胞.木立芦荟、中华芦荟、易变芦荟和库拉索芦荟的维管束中有大型薄壁细胞,皂叶芦荟和绿芦荟的维管束中无大型薄壁细胞.木立芦荟、易变芦荟和库拉索芦荟在光合组织和储水组织之间有一层不含叶绿体的小型薄壁细胞,包围着储水薄壁组织,称之为储水组织鞘.中华芦荟、皂叶芦荟和绿芦荟则没有储水组织鞘.HPLC测量结果表明,木立芦荟叶芦荟素含量最高,库拉索芦荟和易变芦荟次之,中华芦荟、皂叶芦荟和绿芦荟含量最低.荧光显微镜观察结果表明,在紫外光和蓝光下,黄色和黄绿色小球体仅存在于维管束的大型薄壁细胞、维管束鞘和储水组织鞘中,而光合组织和储水组织中没有黄色和黄绿色小球体.因此,维管束中大型薄壁细胞、维管束鞘和储水组织鞘是芦荟素等蒽醌类物质的储藏场所.综上所述,芦荟素含量与维管束的大型薄壁细胞、维管束鞘和储水组织鞘的情况密切相关.  相似文献   

六种芦荟叶的解剖结构及其与芦荟素含量的相关性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用半薄切片法、高效液相色谱法(HPLC)和荧光显微镜研究了6种芦荟叶的结构、芦荟素的含量和储藏芦荟素的组织。结果表明,6种芦荟叶均由表皮、光合组织、储水组织和维管束组成,都表现出明显的旱生植物肉质叶的结构特征,表皮由一层扁平的细胞组成,其外壁加厚,并覆盖着厚的角质膜,气孔器凹陷,储水组织发达。6种芦荟叶的结构存在显著差异。木立芦荟(Aloe arborescens Mill.)和易变芦荟(A.mutabilis Pillans)的光合组织细胞呈长柱状,类似栅栏薄壁组织。中华芦荟(A.vera L.var.chinensis Berg.)、库拉索芦荟(A.vera L.)、皂叶芦荟(A.saponaria Hawer)和绿芦荟(A.greenii Bak.)则为等直径薄壁细胞。木立芦荟、中华芦荟、易变芦荟和库拉索芦荟的维管束中有大型薄壁细胞,皂叶芦荟和绿芦荟的维管束中无大型薄壁细胞。木立芦荟、易变芦荟和库拉索芦荟在光合组织和储水组织之间有一层不含叶绿体的小型薄壁细胞,包围着储水薄壁组织,称之为储水组织鞘。中华芦荟、皂叶芦荟和绿芦荟则没有储水组织鞘。HPLC测量结果表明,木立芦荟叶芦荟素含量最高,库拉索芦荟和易变芦荟次之,中华芦荟、皂叶芦荟和绿芦荟含量最低。荧光显微镜观察结果表明,在紫外光和蓝光下,黄色和黄绿色小球体仅存在于维管束的大型薄壁细胞、维管束鞘和储水组织鞘中,而光合组织和储水组织中没有黄色和黄绿色小球体。因此,维管束中大型薄壁细胞、维管束鞘和储水组织鞘是芦荟素等蒽醌类物质的储藏场所。综上所述,芦荟素含量与维管束的大型薄壁细胞、维管束鞘和储水组织鞘的情况密切相关。  相似文献   

4种药用芦荟叶的形态解剖学研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
通过植物形态解剖学方法研究4种药用芦蔡的叶的结构,结果表明:它们都具有早生多浆植物中的结构特征。表皮及角质层厚,气孔下陷,气孔下陷,孔下室大。叶肉分为二部分,由同化薄壁组织和储水组织组成。同化薄组织由多层细胞组成,细胞形态相似,不分化为栅栏组织和海绵组织。储水组织占据叶的体积一半以上,细胞大、不规则、壁薄、富含粘液。维管束具鞘,呈环状分布。紧靠同化组织的维管束赶忙皮薄壁组织发达,具有合成和储存芦荟  相似文献   

李金亭  胡正海  高鹏 《西北植物学报》2007,27(11):2202-2209
应用植物解剖学、组织化学、荧光显微观察与植物化学技术相结合,研究了木立芦荟不同叶龄叶的解剖结构、叶绿素和类胡萝卜的含量、芦荟素的含量及其合成和贮藏结构的特点。结果表明:芦荟素由同化薄壁组织产生,叶绿体的基质为其合成场所。芦荟素细胞可能是芦荟素早期贮存的场所,随着芦荟素细胞的逐渐萎缩老化,维管束鞘细胞成为贮藏芦荟素的代替场所。同一植株的叶随着叶龄的增长,维管束的密度降低,芦荟素细胞占维管束横切面的百分比减小,同化薄壁组织细胞中的叶绿体逐步衰老、解体,芦荟素含量逐渐降低,但不同叶龄叶中叶绿体色素的含量与芦荟素含量间没有明显的相关性。  相似文献   

木立芦荟叶的发育解剖学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用植物解剖学方法研究了木立芦荟(Aloe arborescens Mill.)叶的发育过程。研究结果表明,叶原基在发育早期其形态是不对称的,内部为同形细胞组成,但很快分化成原表皮,原形成层束和基本分生组织。以后,原表皮发育成表皮,位于原表皮下的2-5层基本分生组织细胞发民同化薄壁组织,而位于中央的基本分生组织细胞则发育成储水薄壁组织,原形成层束发育成维管束。维管束由维管束鞘、木质部、韧皮部和大型薄壁细胞组成。大型薄壁细胞起源于原形成层束,位于韧皮部内,其发育迟于筛管、伴胞,为芦荟属植物叶的结构特征。  相似文献   

9种芦荟属植物叶的结构和芦荟素含量的比较研究   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
沈宗根  Yitzchak  GUTTERMAN 《西北植物学报》2001,21(2):278-286,T001
9种芦荟属植物叶的比较解剖研究结果表明,它们都具有明显的旱生叶的结构特征,其维管束的韧皮部内都有大型薄壁细胞,但其表皮角质膜的厚度,表面纹饰,气孔上,下腔的形状和大小,同化组织 导 ,细胞分化情况,维管束的大小,分布密度和其大型薄壁细胞占维管束的比例,中央贮水组织占叶横切面的比例等特征,在各种间存在差异,且性状稳定,可以作为该属内种间分类的解剖学指标,植物化学分析结果表明,9种植物叶内蒽醌类物质的主要种类和含量不同,其含量高,低与叶内维管束密度,大型薄壁细胞占维管束的比例以及同化组织的厚度密度切相关,从而为芦荟属植物选育商业用良种提供了植物解剖学依据。  相似文献   

芦荟维管束的结构与芦荟素积累的相关性   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
应用半薄切片、组织化学、荧光显微镜观察和薄层层析 (TLC)相结合的方法研究了中华芦荟 (Aloeve-ra L.var.chinensis)、木立芦荟 (Aloe arborescens)叶和茎内维管束的结构及其与芦荟素积累的关系。结果表明 ,木立芦荟叶内维管束和中华芦荟叶内外轮的维管束中有大型韧皮薄壁细胞 ,而木立芦荟茎和中华芦荟叶中内轮维管束无大型韧皮薄壁细胞。组织化学结果表明 ,用醋酸铅处理过的上述材料 ,大型韧皮薄壁细胞内出现沉淀物 ;在荧光显微镜下经蓝光激发 ,大型韧皮薄壁细胞发出桔黄色荧光 ,都显示出芦荟素反应。薄层层析(TLC)结果证明 ,木立芦荟和中华芦荟叶含有大型韧皮薄壁细胞的维管束都含芦荟素 ,而木立芦荟茎及中华芦荟叶中内轮维管束都不含芦荟素。为此 ,维管束中的大型韧皮薄壁细胞与芦荟素的积累密切相关 ,维管束中是否有大型韧皮薄壁细胞可作为判断是否含有芦荟素的解剖学指标。  相似文献   

以库拉索芦荟、木立芦荟和皂质芦荟为材料,用扫描电镜观察其叶表皮气孔和角质膜的结构,用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定了3种芦荟属植物叶中芦荟素的含量。扫描电镜观察结果表明,3种芦荟叶表皮都覆盖有厚的角质膜,气孔下陷,表现出典型的旱生植物特征。但角质膜的纹饰和厚度在不同芦荟间有显着差异。木立芦荟角质膜表面呈瘤状突起,角质膜厚度为5~6μm,库拉索芦荟和皂质芦荟的角质膜表面较平,库拉索芦荟的角质膜厚度为3~4μm,皂质芦荟的角质膜厚度为8~10μm。高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定结果表明,木立芦荟叶含芦荟素最高,库拉索芦荟叶含量较低,而皂质芦荟叶含量最低。此外,本文还初步探讨了芦荟属植物叶表皮结构与芦荟素含量的关系。  相似文献   

用植物化学技术研究了3种芦荟属植物不同叶龄和不同部位叶中蒽醌类物质的含量及其变化。结果表明,被研究的芦荟属3种植物叶中主含的蒽醌类物质有:芦荟素或高那特芦荟素,芦荟宁和芦荟苦素。其中,中华芦荟和木立芦荟主含芦荟素;海莱芦荟主含高那特芦荟素。叶各部位详细分析的结果表明,蒽醌类物质在植株上部的嫩叶中的含量要高于下部老叶;同一叶中,叶尖高于叶中部,叶基含量最低;而叶缘含量高于叶的中央部分。在同一叶的横切面上,蒽醌类物质的含量在维管柬区最高,同化薄壁组织部分次之,储水组织部分最低。芦荟属植物在同一个植物体不同的叶之间,以及同一叶不同的位置间有规律的累积蒽醌类物质有重要的生物学意义。它是保证芦荟属植物在原产地的干旱和半干旱生活环境中得以良好生存的适应反应和化学防御机制。  相似文献   

对江西产酸模属(Rumex L.)7种植物进行了叶形态结构的显微观察.结果表明:(1)叶片上表皮均有气孔器分布,表皮上普遍具有腺体和异细胞,叶肉中均含有晶体细胞,晶体类型为簇晶;(2)下表皮细胞特征及气孔类型、叶肉细胞的分化及排列方式、中脉维管束数目等特征具有明显的种间差异,可以作为属下种级鉴定指标;(3)小酸模在气孔类型、栅栏组织和海绵组织排列紧密程度、中脉形状及维管束数量等特征上与同属其它种类具有显著的差异,形态解剖学证据支持小酸模亚属(Subgen.Acetosella(Meisn.)Rech.)的成立;(4)根据酸模属植物气孔器类型的演化阶段,并结合孢粉学、形态学等证据,认为酸模属处于蓼科植物系统演化的较低或中等地位.通过对酸模属植物叶形态结构的比较观察,为探讨该属的系统演化关系及属下分类提供叶解剖学证据.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach—anatomy, histochemistry and phytochemistry—was used to investigate the leaf structure, the content and the storage location of barbaloin in the leaves of Aloe vera L. var. chinensis (Haw.) Berg. Xeromorphic characteristics including secondary thickened epidermal cell walls, thicker cuticle, ambiguous differentiation of spongy and palisade tissues in the chlorenchyma, and well-developed aquiferous tissue could be seen in the leaves. Several large parenchymatous cells were observed at the phloem pole of the first ring of vascular bundles. The secondary ring of vascular bundles in the leaf base and the stomata, which are surrounded by five cells, have some classification significance in this species. The density of vascular bundles, the content of barbaloin and the intensity of histochemical reaction differed among leaf numbers L1 (annual leaf), L2 (biennial leaf), L3 (triennial leaf) and L4 (quadrennial leaf), and in different parts of the leaf. These three factors were highest in the youngest leaf, L1, and top parts of all the leaves and lowest in the basal parts and the oldest leaf, L4. The density of vascular bundles had a positive correlation to the content of barbaloin. The histochemical results revealed that the small sheath cells that surrounded the bundles might be the location of barbaloin synthesis and the large parenchymatous cells beneath the sheath might be the storage places of this metabolite.  相似文献   

Large, intermediate, and small bundles and contiguous tissues of the leaf blade of Hordeum tvulgare L. ‘Morex’ were examined with the transmission electron microscope to determine their cellular composition and the distribution and frequency of the plasmodesmata between the various cell combinations. Plasmodesmata are abundant at the mesophyll/parenchymatous bundle sheath, parenchymatous bundle sheath/mestome sheath, and mestome sheath/vascular parenchyma cell interfaces. Within the bundles, plasmodesmata are also abundant between vascular parenchyma cells, which occupy most of the interface between the sieve tube-companion cell complexes and the mestome sheath. Other vascular parenchyma cells commonly separate the thick-walled sieve tubes from the sieve tube-companion cell complexes. Plasmodesmatal frequencies between all remaining cell combinations of the vascular tissues are very low, even between the thin-walled sieve tubes and their associated companion cells. Both the sieve tube-companion cell complexes and the thick-walled sieve tubes, which lack companion cells, are virtually isolated symplastically from the rest of the leaf. Data on plamodesmatal frequency between protophloem sieve tubes and other cell types in intermediate and large bundles indicate that they (and their associated companion cells, when present) are also isolated symplastically from the rest of the leaf. Collectively, these data indicate that both phloem loading and unloading in the barley leaf involve apoplastic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Eight leaves from four different plants of Aloe hereroensis and 18 leaf parts of each leaf were tested by anatomic, fluorescence microscopy and TLC methods. Four phenolic secondary metabolites, homonataloin and three isomers of aloeresin, were found in the leaves. The highest content of these metabolites was found in the top third of a leaf and along the leaf margins. In the margins, the content of the four secondary metabolites in the adaxial was higher than in the abaxial direction. In the centre parts of the leaves, the metabolic content of the abaxial parts was higher than in the adaxial parts. The results indicate that homonataloin mainly accumulates in the inner bundle sheath cells (IBSC). The three isomers of aloeresin appear in the outer bundle sheath and in the boundary cells between the chlorenchyma and water-storage tissues. The density of the vascular bundles, the area ratio of the chlorenchyma to the tested counterpart, and the area ratio of the IBSC to a whole bundle are important structural factors to determine the differences in the content of these four secondary metabolites in all the leaf parts. The distribution according to the rosette leaf arrangement and the existence of the 'cocktail' of four phenolic secondary metabolites indicate a peripheral defence strategy of this plant. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 138 , 107–116.  相似文献   

Mature field- and growth-chamber-grown leaves of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. were examined with light and scanning electron microscopes to determine their vasculature and the spatial relationships of the various orders of vascular bundles to the mesophyll. Three leaf traces, one median and two lateral, enter the petiole at the node. Progressing acropetally in the petiole these bundles are rearranged and gradually form as many as 13 tiers of vascular tissue in the petiole at the base of the lamina. (Most leaves contained seven vertically stacked tiers.) During their course through the midrib the tiers “unstack” and portions diverge outward and continue as secondary veins toward the margin on either side of the lamina. As the midvein approaches the leaf tip it is represented by a single vascular bundle which is a continuation of the original median bundle. Tertiary veins arise from the secondary veins or the midvein, and minor veins commonly arise from all orders of veins. All major veins–primaries, secondaries, intersecondaries, and tertiaries–are associated with rib tissue, while minor veins are completely surrounded by a parenchymatous bundle sheath. The bundle sheaths of tertiary, quaternary, and portions of quinternary veins are associated with bundle-sheath extensions. Minor veins are closely associated spatially with both ad- and abaxial palisade parenchyma of the isolateral leaf and also with one or two layers of paraveinal mesophyll that extend horizontally between the veins. The leaves of growth-chamber-grown plants had thinner blades, a higher proportion of air space, and greater interveinal distances than those of field-grown plants.  相似文献   

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