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南海北部更新世高分辨率孢粉序列与气候变化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
依据南海ODP1144站下段(225.7-501.3m,ca.0.36-1.02Ma)孢粉记录,将1144站下段225.7-501.3m划分19个组合带(11-29),并分别与氧同位素11-29期(MISs11-29)相对应。冰期时,花粉总沉积率增加,孢粉组合以松粉(Pinus),蕨类植物孢子(Fern)含量降低,草木植物花粉(Herb)含量增加为特征。气候干冷;间冰期时,则相反,间冰期孢粉组合特征反映其气候特征与现代相似,约0.82Ma后孢粉组合中的热带山地针叶类分子叶枝杉(Phyllocladus)的出现,以及草本植物禾本科(Gramineae),莎草科(Cyperaceae)取代耐干冷的蒿属(Artemisia),可能与夏季风增强有关,这一现象可与中国第四纪黄土-古土壤记录进行比较。  相似文献   

苏北盆地是我国西部高原至东部海洋之间的过渡地区,该地区的气候演变史对揭示东亚季风的时空变化有着重要的意义。根据气候地层学的原理,用孢粉分析的方法,结合^14C测年数据,再造了兴化地区自倒数第二次冰期以来的古植被与古环境,其演变史能与深海氧同位素记录进行良好的对比,孢粉带Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ分别对应深海氧同位素阶段5、4、3、2、1,且孢粉带Ⅲ细分的5个亚带与MIS 5a-5e也有良好的对应。此外,从该地区末次冰期孢粉记录中检索出6次冷事件,通过与格陵兰冰芯及会宁黄土记录对比,推测这些冷事件可能对应于末次冰期气候变化中的Heinrich事件。  相似文献   

依据南海ODP1144站下段(225.7-501.3m,ca.0.36-1.02Ma)碳屑、孢粉记录,将1144站下段225.7-501.3m划分19个碳屑、孢粉组合带(11-29),并分别与氧同位素11-29期(MIS11-29)相对应。冰期时,草本植物花粉和碳屑总沉积率增加,气候干燥,天然火的强度较大;冰期MIS24,大陆内部及冰期出露的大陆架上的天然火灾强度相对最弱;而冰期MIS12,大陆内部及冰期出露的大陆架上的天然火灾强度相对最强;间冰期气候湿润,草本花粉和碳屑总沉积率降低。一方面由于间冰期海平面上升,大陆架被淹没,导致碳屑来源减少;另一方面亦反应天然火灾强度减低。间冰期MIS17,25和27碳屑沉积率分别较冰期MIS18,24及26略高,推测间冰期MIS17,25和27冬季风强度仍相对较强,大陆内部天然火灾强度亦相对较强。  相似文献   

福建沿岸晚第四纪孢粉,硅藻组合及其古环境意义   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
通过对福建沿岸8个钻孔的孢粉、硅藻的综合分析,发现晚第四纪地层中有8个综合孢粉组合带与7个硅藻阶段。结合古地磁和14C测年资料认为,该地区晚第四纪地层划分为晚更新世中、晚期(早大理冰期、大理亚间冰期、晚大理冰期)和全新世(早期、早中期、晚中期、晚期)。气候变迁序列为冷而干燥→暖而湿→冷而干燥→温暖稍干→暖而湿→热暖潮湿→温暖略干→温暖湿润。据古环境分析认为有七次海侵(或海进),且各次海侵(或海进)的影响范围差异较大  相似文献   

热带地区环境变化对研究全球气候变化显得越来越重要,热带地区的古环境记录,特别是孢粉记录是恢复过去气候的重要方法,东亚热带地区在冰期-间冰期的气候影响下,生态环境主要表现为山地植被带的垂直升降,因此,定量恢复热带地区第四纪植被垂直移动的幅度,以及作为古气候的替代性指标进行数量化转换是热带地区孢粉研究的关键,然而,我国热带地区现代孢粉雨和植被的关系研究程度较低,给热带第四纪孢粉古生态的恢复和对比带来困难,本研究较系统地总结了海南岛从低地平原到五指山1860m的垂直植被带表土的孢粉散布规律,为热带地区孢粉古环境的重建提供了新的基础数据。研究结果表明,孢粉组合的变化与垂直植被带紧密相关,孢粉的多样性随海拔升高而降低,其中针叶类随海拔升高而增加,蕨类孢子则相应减少,在低地和低山丘陵,孢粉组合显示出为干扰的影响,如防风雨的主要树种木麻黄(Casuarina),行道树台湾相思(Acacia richii)和人为砍伐后大面积生长的芒箕(Dicranopteris)群落等在一些孢粉谱中特别高,尽管如此,孢粉组合反映的垂直植被带变化仍然是清楚的,海南岛由下至上可划分出5个表土孢粉组合带-低地人类强烈干扰带(<400m):Mallotus,Casuarina,Pinus,Myrica,Palmae,Poaceaae,Dicranopteris:--低地质陵地带(400-800m):Quercus,Castanopsis,Mallotus,Myrica,Platea,Meliaceae和大量孢子(包括Dicranopteris);--山地下带(800-1200m):Castanopsis,Quercus,Podocarpus,Dacrydium,Cyathea和单缝孢子;--山地上带(1200-1600m):Dacrydium,Pinus,Altingia,Quercus,Castanopsis;--山顶带(>1600m):Pinus,Rhododendron,Dacrydium,Symplocos.  相似文献   

藤则雄 《古生物学报》2003,42(1):138-147
根据日本中部琵琶湖深井钻探资料研究了过去3Ma的古植被、地层及古气候。由湖底取得的200m和1400m样品的孢粉组合可分别划分出19个和37个带,反映了湖区及其周围自晚上新世以来的古植被和古气候演变史。在冰期阶时琵琶湖附近山区的典型植被为亚北极带,低地为冷温带。而在间冰期阶里山区一般为温带或冷温带植被,低地则主要由落叶和常绿树组成的温带和暖温带的植被。在进行过去3Ma古植被、古气候演变对比中,当地古气候史和以下资料显示出明显的一致,例如加勒比海、西太平洋及赤道海洋的氧同位素资料,地中海西部(Mallorca)的沉积旋回,欧洲中部的风成沉积序列,日本关东和新几内亚的海平面变化记录,以及在南美波哥大高地和以色列死海裂谷根据孢粉得出的古气候变化记录。  相似文献   

就南海北部海域17940孔的孢粉资料,利用孢粉生物群区化方法和因子分析方法,对南海北部周边地区4万年以来的植被演替序列进行研究。结果表明:对于深海沉积物,在排除远距离搬运的花粉尤其是松属(Pinus L.)花粉的噪音后,可以利用孢粉生物群区化方法恢复周边大陆古植被演替序列。因子分析表明,湿度和温度的变化是影响南海北部周边大陆植被演化的主要因子。在40500-11100aBP南海北部沿海大陆地区的古植被,主要为常绿阔叶林(WAMF),山地针叶林(MRGF)分布于低山、丘陵、而广泛出露的大陆架上则发育了以蒿属(Artemisia L.)为主的草原(STEP)景观:末次冰期时环境变化的突出特征山地针叶林(MRGF)、常绿阔叶林(WAMF)与草原(STEP)之间的频繁交替,反映了气候冷湿和温干的千年级尺度的迅速变化,可以与Heinrich事件以及Dansggard-Oscherge事件进行对比。其中在7.0m处(12700aBP)所恢复的山地针叶林(MRGF)景观反映了一次气候变冷变湿的事件,可能与新仙女木事件相对应。全新世早期和末期较多出现热带雨林(TRFO0以及热带季雨林(TSFO)景观,而全新世中期以常绿阔叶林(WAMF)为主,缺乏热带雨林(TRFO)以及热带季雨林(TSFO)景观,可能表明在全新世中期尽管温度升高,但湿度有可能降低。  相似文献   

对南海西沙海槽111PC孔沉积物中的硅藻化石研究表明,硅藻以热带、亚热带浮游性种类和近岸性种类为主,可划分出6个硅藻组合带,大体对应于浮游有孔虫氧同位素6个期次。结合有地层对比意义的属种及组合,建立了里斯冰期以来本孔的硅藻生物地层框架。硅藻丰度、属种组合变化指示海区气候经历了冰期-间冰期气候旋回及不稳定性波动。晚玉木冰期硅藻丰度高,冰后期、中玉木冰期次之,里斯冰期至早玉木冰期丰度较低,这与南海西南部不同,与南海东北相似但也不尽相同。里斯冰期至里斯玉木间冰期转换阶段,硅藻属种对气候变暖的反应较快。硅藻属种特征显示中玉木冰期气候为弱暖期,且有早晚两个暖湿阶段。硅藻属种的不连续分布也表明沉积环境在部分时段极不稳定。  相似文献   

云南鹤庆盆地末次盛冰期的孢粉记录与古季风   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过研究相当于末次盛冰期鹤庆古湖泊沉积物4.6-9.0m段的孢粉记录,对该区末次盛冰期阶段的植被与古季风变迁模式进行了恢复。该区末次盛冰期冷湿的气候特点与同时东部干旱的草原植被、青藏、高原的荒漠植被和黄土高原区风尘堆积存在明显差异,而与滇池的气候记录有较好的一致性。冰期内部的气候波动与深海氧同位素记录有较好的可比性。冰期冷锋强度的增加,与北方冬季风的经常入侵和冰期青藏高原的冷源效应有关。  相似文献   

西北太平洋尤其是中国海区末次冰期旋回中浮游有孔虫Pulleniatina obliquiloculata含量变化研究是近年来最重要的古海洋学内容之一.作者综合分析了中国及邻近海区具有可靠测年地层的深海沉积物柱状样中P.obliquiloculata含量变化,探讨其含量低值事件(PME)的生物地层学意义.末次冰期以来P.obliquiloculata含量变化在中国海区呈现两种变化模式:一是以东海及南海北部为代表的冰期含量低、间冰期含量高的特点;另一种则是南海南部的冰期含量高、间冰期含量低的现象.高分辨率地层记录显示,在这种冰期/间冰期总体变化趋势基础上,我国东海、南海和黑潮源区等广泛存在晚全新世~4 300-2 800 cal yr BP P.obliquiloculata含量低值,但以南海北部与东海冲绳海槽最为明显;而南海南部P.obliquiloculata含量还在冰消期(~16.5-15 cal kyr BP)有另一特征的低含量阶段.因而,末次冰期旋回中国海区P.obliquiloculata含量变化可以作为区域性地层划分和对比的标志.尽管如此,由于黑潮分支水团的影响,冲绳海槽中部和北部部分海域,在末次冰期与PME期间,P.obliquiloculata虽然含量相对较低,但仍可保持3%-5%以上,而非多数站位PME事件中的特征性零含量.研究表明PME事件主要由次表层海水的温度降低、温跃层变浅、上部水体温度梯度增加等引起,与表层海水无关,但引起这些海洋环境变化的原因尚不清楚.  相似文献   

Nutricline variations during the last 1560 ka in the southern South China Sea are reconstructed using the relative abundance of the coccolithophore Florisphaera profunda in ODP Site 1143. Nutricline depth shows both long-term large magnitude variation and high frequency glacial–interglacial variation. On the long-term scale, the nutricline experienced four significant changes, which occurred at 900, 480, 250, and 50 ka respectively. According to these changes, five stages could be recognized during the last 1560 ka. From 1560 to 900 ka, the nutricline depth increased gradually. Around 900 ka, the nutricline abruptly shallowed and then remained stable until 480 ka. The nutricline was shallow during the time interval between 480 and 250 ka. At 250 ka, it deepened again and increased gradually until 50 ka. After 50 ka, the nutricline depth decreased gradually to modern values. On the glacial–interglacial scale, the variations in nutricline depth show different patterns before and after 900 ka. Before 900 ka, the nutricline was deep during glacial periods and shallow during interglacials. However, after 900 ka, the nutricline was deep during interglacials and shallow during glacials. Spectral analysis of the relative abundance of F. profunda shows a similar trend. In addition to the eccentricity (113, 76 ka), obliquity (55, 39 ka), and precession (24, 19 ka), we also find a 431 ka cycle. The former three periods reflect glacial–interglacial variations in nutricline, and the period of 431 ka reflects long-term variations in nutricline. We suggested that the variations in nutricline in the southern South China Sea were caused by global and regional climate changes. Glacial–interglacial variations in nutricline are mainly controlled by the East Asian monsoon, and the long-term variations might be related to the global climatic events, such as the mid-Pleistocene Revolution and the mid-Brunhes event.  相似文献   

Meco, J., Muhs, D.R., Fontugne, M., Ramos, A.J.G., Lomoschitz, A. & Patterson, D. 2010: Late Pliocene and Quaternary Eurasian locust infestations in the Canary Archipelago. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 440–454. The Canary Archipelago has long been a sensitive location to record climate changes of the past. Interbedded with its basalt lavas are marine deposits from the principal Pleistocene interglacials, as well as aeolian sands with intercalated palaeosols. The palaeosols contain African dust and innumerable relict egg pods of a temperate‐region locust (cf. Dociostaurus maroccanus Thunberg 1815 ). New ecological and stratigraphical information reveals the geological history of locust plagues (or infestations) and their palaeoclimatic significance. Here, we show that the first arrival of the plagues to the Canary Islands from Africa took place near the end of the Pliocene, ca. 3 Ma, and reappeared with immense strength during the middle Late Pleistocene preceding MIS (marine isotope stage) 11 (ca. 420 ka), MIS 5.5 (ca. 125 ka) and probably during other warm interglacials of the late Middle Pleistocene and the Late Pleistocene. During the Early Holocene, locust plagues may have coincided with a brief cool period in the current interglacial. Climatically, locust plagues on the Canaries are a link in the chain of full‐glacial arid–cold climate (calcareous dunes), early interglacial arid–sub‐humid climate (African dust inputs and locust plagues), peak interglacial warm–humid climate (marine deposits with Senegalese fauna), transitional arid–temperate climate (pedogenic calcretes), and again full‐glacial arid–cold climate (calcareous dunes) oscillations. During the principal interglacials of the Pleistocene, the Canary Islands recorded the migrations of warm Senegalese marine faunas to the north, crossing latitudes in the Euro‐African Atlantic. However, this northward marine faunal migration was preceded in the terrestrial realm by interglacial infestations of locusts. □Locust plagues, Canary Islands, Late Pliocene, Pleistocene, Holocene, palaeoclimatology.  相似文献   

A mineral magnetic study has been conducted on Pleistocene lacustrine sediments from the Xujiayao Paleolithic site within the Nihewan Basin, North China. The magnetic signal is characterized by a dominance of high-coercivity (hematite) minerals that is modulated by low-coercivity magnetite–maghemite assemblages during interglacials. A high-amplitude record of the composition dependent magnetic S− 0.3 T-parameter varies in accord with composite marine oxygen isotope records, suggesting climate modulation of magnetic composition. The Xujiayao site is situated at the northern outskirts of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) and has neither received significant eolian input nor been exposed to pedogenic processes comparable to those acting on CLP. Mineral magnetic analyses suggest that variations in both magnetite and hematite are primarily controlled by detrital fluxes rather than by authigenic production of magnetic minerals. Here we propose that the fluctuations of magnetic signals at Xujiayao are not derived from varying compositions of eolian flux with glacial/interglacial periods or minute eolian influx during interglacials, but is likely dominated by runoff-related processes, by which some weathered/pedogenized loess and soils with stronger magnetic signals have been eroded and transported to the catchment during interglacials resulting in magnetic enhancement. The inferred continuous deposition from the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary to the paleosol S1 (ca. 129 ka) gives the age of ca. 500 ka for the sediments carrying the Xujiayao Paleolithic site, suggesting an allogenic origin of the Paleolithic artifacts and mammalian bones dated by U–Th method to ca. 100 ka.  相似文献   

Palynological data of the marine core M 16415-2 show latitudinal shifts of the northern fringe of the tropical rain forest in north-west Africa during the last 700 ka. Savanna and dry open forest expanded southwards and tropical rain forest expanded northwards during dry and humid periods, respectively. Until 220 ka B.P., the tropical rain forest probably kept its zonal character in West Africa during glacials and interglacials. It is only during the last two glacial periods that the rain forest possibly fragmented into refugia. Throughout the Brunhes chron, pollen and spore transport was mainly by trade winds.  相似文献   

The essential characteristics of the vegetation dynamics of tropical Africa remain only partially known. This study assesses the succession of vegetation-types over Central Africa during the last two glacial/interglacial cycles. Analysis of core KZai 02, which contains pollen from the Zaire River watershed (latitudes 9°N–13°S), allows the investigation of long-term patterns of plant ecosystem development and their climatic causes. Core KZai 02 (18.20 m long) was recovered from 6°24.20′S/9°54.10′E in the uppermost axial edifice of the Zaire deep sea fan. The chronology of this sedimentary archive was established using nannofossils and correlations of pollen and total organic carbon signals with the nearby core GeoB1008. The pollen record indicates that: (i) glacials (MIS 6, 4, 2) are marked by the development of afromontane (Podocarpus) forest at high altitudes when central basin lowlands were occupied by Cyperaceae marshes and savannah; (ii) during interglacials (MIS 1, 5) lowland forests were developed, marked by the successive expansion of pioneer, warm-temperate, rain forests, and mangrove indicating sea-level rise; (iii) glacial-interglacial transitions (MIS 6/5, 2/1) display similar vegetation dynamics. The strong evidence of afromontane forest and the opening of the vegetation during glacials suggest a reduced latitudinal distribution of rainfall by the strengthening of the trade wind system. West African monsoon systems were enhanced during interglacials, allowing the progressive development of lowland forests. The development of rain and pioneer forests during glacial Heinrich stadials suggests an enhancement of water availability in tropical Africa associated with these high-latitude events. However, no augmentation of wind activity described by previous studies is evidenced by our pollen record. Similar vegetation successions during glacial/interglacial transitions suggest the diachronous and stepped intervention of CO2 (emphasizing the influence of temperature on plant ecosystems) and water availability.  相似文献   

In the present study, the chronology of several intraloessic Upper and Middle Palaeolithic sites, located in Moldova, Dobrogea and the eastern Danube Plain, is re-examined and better defined on the basis of new chronological data (IRSL ages on loess, ESR/U-Th ages on teeth) and also biostratigraphic and pedostratigraphic evidence. Middle Palaeolithic occupations have been identified in the MIS 6 loess L2 (interstadial episode), the MIS 7 pedocomplex S2 and the red soils S3 presumably assigned to MIS 9. These results are questioning the chronological extension of the Middle Palaeolithic in Romania which until early 2000 (Păunescu, 1999 a, b; Cârciumaru, 1999) was restricted to the Upper Pleistocene (short chronology: 130–35 ka; MIS 5-MIS 3). Hence, we demonstrate herein that Humans were already present during the Middle Pleistocene at the eastern periphery of the Carpathian Mountains, along the Danube valley and its tributary, the Prut River.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2008,69(3-4):223-235
The changing composition of radiolarian faunas from late Neogene deep-sea sediments has been used in recent years as a proxy for changes in marine paleoproductivity. We examine radiolarian faunas, organic carbon content (TOC), opal and coarse-fraction components over the last 270,000 years in sediments from ODP Hole 1084A, drilled in a high productivity upwelling region within the Benguela Upwelling System off the west coast of Africa. Age control is provided by stable oxygen isotope measurements of benthic foraminifera. Prior research has established that late Pleistocene glacial intervals in this upwelling system generally had higher productivity than interglacials. The radiolarian WADE (water-depth ecology) paleoproductivity index correlates well with TOC and opal in these samples, and all three parameters change in synchrony with the benthic isotope curve over all but the MIS 5e–6 time interval. WADE inferred productivity is significantly higher in glacials than interglacials. We conclude that the WADE index is a useful proxy for paleoproductivity at this location, as are also opal and organic carbon accumulation rates. Carbonate and carbonate based indices such as the accumulation rate of benthic foraminifera (BFAR) by contrast do not correlate well either to productivity indices or to the glacial–interglacial cycle, and are interpreted to primarily reflect carbonate dissolution.  相似文献   

Not all boundaries, whether stratigraphical or geographical, are marked by species-level changes in community composition. For example, paleodata for some sites do not show readily discernible glacial-interglacial contrasts. Rather, the proportional abundances of species can vary subtly between glacials and interglacials. This paper presents a simple quantitative measure of assemblage turnover (assemblage turnover index, ATI) that uses changes in species'' proportional abundances to identify intervals of community change. A second, functionally-related index (conditioned-on-boundary index, CoBI) identifies species contributions to the total assemblage turnover. With these measures we examine benthonic foraminiferal assemblages to assess glacial/interglacial contrasts at abyssal depths. Our results indicate that these measures, ATI and CoBI, have potential as sequence stratigraphic tools in abyssal depth deposits. Many peaks in the set of values of ATI coincide with terminations at the end of glaciations and delineate peak-bounded ATI intervals (PATIs) separated by boundaries that approximate to glacial terminations and to transgressions at neritic depths. These measures, however, can be used to evaluate the assemblage turnover and composition at any defined ecological or paleoecological boundary. The section used is from Ocean Drilling Program (OPD) Hole 994C, drilled on the Blake Ridge, offshore SE USA.  相似文献   

In response to climate changes that have occurred during Pleistocene glacial cycles, taxa associated to steppe vegetation might have followed a pattern of historical evolution in which isolation and fragmentation of populations occurred during the short interglacials and expansion events occurred during the long glacial periods, in contrast to the pattern described for temperate species. Here, we use molecular genetic data to evaluate this idea in a steppe bird with Palaearctic distribution, the little bustard (Tetrax tetrax). Overall, extremely low genetic diversity and differentiation was observed among eight little bustard populations distributed in Spain and France. Mismatch distribution analyses showed that most little bustard populations expanded during cooling periods previous to, and just after, the last interglacial period (127,000-111,000 years before present), when steppe habitats were widespread across Europe. Coalescent-based methods suggested that glacial expansions have resulted in substantial admixture in Western Europe due to the existence of different interglacial refugia. Our results are consistent with a model of evolution and genetic consequences of Pleistocene cycles with low between-population genetic differentiation as a result of short-term isolation periods during interglacials and long-term exchange during glacial periods.  相似文献   

A new division of Middle and Late Pleistocene alluvial sequence in the north piedmont of the Chinese Tian Shan based on geomorphologic, stratigraphic, and chronologic criteria provides a framework for examining their relationship to climate change during glacial–interglacial transitions. Over the past 550 kyr at least four major alluviation episodes occurred within the piedmont. Along the major river valleys in this region, each episode of alluvial fan deposition morphologically correlates with a major river terrace. These correlations create a regionally applicable framework for subdivision of the Quaternary alluvial sequence in the study area, where seven stepped river terraces are defined. Our new chronology of this fluvial sequence suggests that, following intervals of aggradation, three highest river terraces and equivalent alluvial fans were abandoned at ~ 530 ka, ~ 300 ka and ~ 10 ka, respectively. Paleosols at the base of the loess sequences that directly overlie the older terraces and fans suggest that episodes of aggradation occurred late in the glacial cycles. The subsequent incision that caused abandonment/stabilization of these terraces and fans occurred near to glacial–interglacial transitions. A relatively high degree of synchrony in major river incision events across the piedmont, despite disruption by several discrete structure zones with asychronous tectonic activities, supports the dominant control exerted by climatic conditions on alluvial deposition and terrace creation during the Quaternary across the north piedmont of the Chinese Tian Shan.  相似文献   

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