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菜豆叶片叶绿体总脂和被膜膜脂中均含有单半乳糖甘油二脂和双半乳糖甘油二脂,在整个衰老期间两种糖脂的比值变化不大。叶绿体总脂中含有5种磷脂,脂肪酸以不饱和的亚麻酸为主,而被膜膜脂中仅含磷脂酰胆碱和磷脂酰甘油,脂肪酸以饱和的棕榈酸为主,不饱和亚油酸为次。叶片衰老过程中被膜所含两种磷脂比值明显降低,脂肪酸的不饱和指数也因亚麻酸相对含量显著减少、棕榈酸相对含量增加而降低。  相似文献   

低温锻炼对小麦类囊体膜脂膜蛋的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较两种不同抗寒性小麦品种在低温锻炼前后类囊体膜脂及共脂肪酸成分、光系统Ⅱ捕光叶绿素a/b蛋白复合体(LHCⅡ)及类囊体吸收光谱,低温荧光发射光谱,发现经低温锻炼后:(1)抗寒与不抗寒小麦类囊体脂酰甘油(PG)的反式六碳-烯酸含量均明显降低;抗寒品种小麦的单半乳糖基甘油二酯(MGDG)/双半乳糖基甘油二酯(DGDG)比值明显降低,而不抗寒品种变化不明显。(2)抗寒品种小麦类脂/叶绿素比值明显增高。  相似文献   

对生长在添加有不同浓度的葡萄糖、硫代硫酸钠培养基中的蓝细菌Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803中的甘油酯及其脂肪酸组成进行比较.结果表明:硫代硫酸钠能有效地增加膜脂中硫代异鼠李糖二酰基甘油(SQDG)和磷脂酰甘油(PG)的百分含量,培养基中同时添加葡萄糖时能抵消硫代硫酸钠的这一效应.此外,硫代硫酸钠能显著增加单半乳糖甘油二酯(MGDG)、双半乳糖甘油二酯(DGDG)中十六碳酸(C16:0)的百分含量,这一效应也能为葡萄糖消除.硫代硫酸钠不能显著地改变SQDG中C16:0的百分含量,加入葡萄糖时能降低C16:0的百分含量.这些结果说明硫代硫酸钠可能充当一种还原剂使膜脂处于一种低的不饱和状态,同时加入葡萄糖时能降低硫代硫酸钠的还原力.此外,硫代硫酸钠还可作为SQDG合成中的硫供体.  相似文献   

对生长在添加有不同浓度的葡萄糖、硫代硫酸钠培养基中的蓝细菌Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803中的甘油酯及其脂肪酸组成进行比较。结果表明:硫代硫酸钠能有效地增加膜脂中硫代异鼠李糖二酰基甘油(SQDG)和磷脂酰甘油(PG)的百分含量,培养基中同时添加葡萄糖时能抵消硫代硫酸钠的这一效应。此外,硫代硫酸钠能显著增加单半乳糖甘油二酯(MGDG)、双半乳糖甘油二酯(DGDG)中十六碳酸(C16:0)的百分含量,这一效应也能为葡萄糖消除。硫代硫酸钠不能显著地改变SQDG中C16:0的百分含量,加入葡萄糖时能降低C16:0的百分含量。这些结果说明硫代硫酸钠可能充当一种还原剂使膜脂处于一种低的不饱和状态,同时加入葡萄糖时能降低硫代硫酸钠的还原力。此外,硫代硫酸钠还可作为SQDG合成中的硫供体。  相似文献   

干旱胁迫造成两小麦品系类囊体膜上的单半乳糖脂甘油二酯(MGDG)、双半乳糖脂甘油二酯(DGDG)、磷脂酰胆碱(PG)以及叶绿素含量显著下降,甜菜碱预处理能缓解这些组分的下降.干旱胁迫下,抗旱型小麦品系HF9 70 3的硫代异鼠李糖甘油二酯(SQDG)、反式十六碳-烯酸[16:1(3t)]含量显著上升,MGDG中亚麻酸(18:3)相对含量显著下降;而干旱敏感型品系SN215953则表现为SQDG、16:1(3t)含量显著下降,MGDG中脂肪酸变化不明显,这可能是两个小麦品系抗旱性差异的重要原因之一;甜菜碱处理能显著减小干旱处理与对照之间的差异,且对SN215953的作用较HF9703大.另外,干旱胁迫引起类囊体膜上Ca2 -ATPase活性、Hill反应活性及叶片净光合速率下降,外源甜菜碱能缓解其下降趋势.  相似文献   

低温锻炼对小麦类囊体膜脂膜蛋白的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较两种不同抗寒性小麦品种在低温锻炼前后类囊体膜脂及其脂肪酸成分、光系统Ⅱ捕光叶绿素a/b 蛋白复合体(LHCⅡ)及类囊体吸收光谱,低温荧光发射光谱,发现经低温锻炼后:(1)抗寒与不抗寒品种小麦类囊体磷脂酰甘油(PG)的反式十六碳-烯酸含量均明显降低;抗寒品种小麦的单半乳糖基甘油二酯(MGDG)/双半乳糖基甘油二酯(DGDG)比值明显降低,而不抗寒品种变化不明显。(2)抗寒品种小麦类脂/叶绿素比值明显增高。(3)两品种小麦类囊体膜LHCⅡ寡聚体含量均降低,而单体含量均增加。(4)两品种小麦类囊体膜吸收四阶导数光谱A683/A652比值均升高。(5)不抗寒品种小麦低温荧光发射光谱F685/F738比值上升,而抗寒品种没有变化。我们认为,在低温锻炼过程中膜流动性增大可能是植物抗寒性增强的重要原因,此外,MGDG 含量降低对低温下膜双层的稳定性可能起重要作用  相似文献   

概述了中链脂肪酸甘油酯的理化性质和功能性,针对其抗疲劳、增强免疫力、易消化等特点,展望了中链脂肪酸甘油酯在未来军用功能食品中的应用前景。  相似文献   

光合作用在绿色植物所特有的细胞器——叶绿体中进行,存在于叶绿体上的光合膜含有丰富的糖脂(半乳糖甘油酯),而UDP-半乳糖是合成这些糖脂的主要供体。目前有关光合膜上糖脂组装的遗传和生化分析已有研究,但对糖脂合成过程中UDP-半乳糖底物供应来源和产生机制一直不甚清楚。  相似文献   

目的:研究共轭亚油酸甘油酯对高脂饮食大鼠血清脂肪酸组成变化的影响;方法:60 只SD 大鼠随机分为5 组:正常对照 组、高脂对照组,共轭亚油酸甘油酯低(2 g/kg·bw)、中(4 g/kg·bw)、高(6 g/kg·bw)剂量组,除基础对照组外其余各组均喂饲高脂 饲料,建立高脂模型,以灌胃方式给予受试物,6 周后取血清测定其脂肪酸组成。采用一步法直接对血清中脂肪酸进行甲酯化,气 相色谱毛细管柱分离,氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)定性定量分析;结果:共轭亚油酸甘油酯低、中、高剂量组大鼠血清中单不饱和 脂肪酸含量为25.66%,18.74%,17.72%,与高脂对照组相比显著性下降(P<0.01),各剂量组饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸含量分 别为48.08%,48.52%,51.15%和27.03%,29.28%,31.13%,与高脂对照组相比显著性升高(P<0.01)。几种代表性脂肪酸如各剂量 组中的油酸、亚油酸与高脂对照组相比分别增加了26.48%,41.56%,51.26% 和9.18%,8.61%,8.73%,各剂量组中棕榈酸与高脂对 照组相比降低了5.28%, 8.80%, 10.92%。结论:共轭亚油酸甘油酯能够增加大鼠血清中饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸的含量,减 少单不饱和脂肪酸含量,改变血清脂肪酸组成。  相似文献   

本文综述了光合膜膜脂双半乳糖二酰基甘油(DGDG)的生物合成和生理功能的研究进展。DGDG是光合膜中惟一的双半乳糖脂类,在光合膜的不同膜区均有分布。在高等植物叶绿体中,存在着两条不同的DGDG生物合成途径,即原核合成途径和真核合成途径。原核途径只限于在质体内进行,而真核途径还包括一些在内质网内发生的反应。DGDG在维持光系统Ⅱ捕光色素蛋白复合体的寡聚体结构、调控光系统Ⅱ和光系统Ⅱ核心复合物的放氧活性等方面起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Six kinds of glycolipid of monogalactosyl and digalactosyl diglyceride were separated and purified from the wheat and the natural latex of chilling-tolerant and chilling-sensitive variety by two kind solvent systems and twice one-dimensional thin-layer chromatography. Besides, the compositions of fatty acid of hydrophobic side chain of six kinds of glycolipid were compared. The indices of unsaturation of fatty acid of hydrophobic side chains in the glycolipids of wheat flour, in the glycolipids of natural latex of chilling-tolerant, variety and in the digalactosyl diglycerides, are much bigger than those, respectively, in the glycolipids of natural latexes, in the glycolipids of chilling-sensitive variety and in the monogalactosyl diglycerides.  相似文献   

The major glycolipids in the fully developed and young needle tissues of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) were monogalactosyl diglyceride (MGDG) digalactosyl diglyceride (DGDG), and sulphoquinovosyl diglyceride (SQDG). The concentration of these glycolipids was considerably higher in the fully developed needles than in the young needles. The major fatty acid in the MGDG fraction (from both tissues) and DGDG fraction (from fully developed tissues) was linolenic acid. However, palmitic acid was the major fatty acid in the DGDG fraction from the young tissues and the SQDG fraction from both tissues. Treatment of needles with aq. SO2 solutions produced marked changes in the concentration and composition of these glycolipid fractions. At 100 ppm, SO2 produced a considerable drop in the linolenic acid content of all glycolipid fractions, more pronounced in the young needles than in the fully developed ones. SO2 also had an effect on the release of soluble sugars from the needle tissues of both ages.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of the major lipids of the chloroplast membranes, the mono- and digalactosyl diglycerides, can be definably altered with various substituted pyridazinones. Galactolipid fatty acid composition of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) can be altered so that there is a decrease in linolenic acid accompanied by an increase in linoleic acid without a shift in the relative proportion of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids; the fatty acid composition can be shifted toward a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids; or the fatty acid composition of the monogalactosyl diglycerides can be altered in preference to the digalactosyl diglycerides. Also, the light-mediated parallel accumulation of chlorophyll and linolenic acid can be separated with a substituted pyridazinone. The substituted pyridazinones may be useful tools in clarifying the role the galactolipids and their component fatty acids play in the structure and function of chloroplast membranes in higher plants.  相似文献   

Lipids from callus cultures and suspension cultures of higher plants constitute 5 to 8% of the dry tissue's weight.The predominant lipid classes are the sterols, steryl esters, steryl glycosides and esterified steryl glycosides. Considerable amounts of a variety of sterylglycolipids, whose structures are not completely elucidated, are also present. Triglycerides and phospholipids occur in small proportions, whereas monogalactosyl diglycerides, digalactosyl diglycerides and sulfoquinovosyl diglycerides are present only in traces, if at all.β-Sitosterol is the predominant constituent sterol, stigmasterol and campesterol as well as a variety of as yet unidentified sterols occur in smaller proportions. The major constituent fatty acids are palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. Saturated very long-chain fatty acids are found in smaller proportions. Unusual fatty acids, such as epoxy acids, which occur in the seed lipids of certain plants, are not found in tissue cultures derived from these plants. Clucose and traces of galactose are the only sugars obtained by acid hydrolysis of the glycolipids occurring in plant tissue cultures.  相似文献   

Suspensions of isolated pine needle chloroplasts were shown to incorporate galactose from UDP galactose-[14C] into galactolipids. The incorporation of the label among galactolipids was always considerably higher in the monogalactosyl diglycerides than in the digalactosyl diglycerides. The galactosyl incorporation into both galactolipid fractions was optimal at pH 8.0 and was inhibited by sulphydryl reagents (p-chloromercuribenzoate, N-ethyl maleimide and CdCl2). The chloroplast preparations were also able to biosynthesize various phospholipids and galactolipids from palmitoyl-[1-14C]-CoA; the major portion of the label appeared in phosphatidyl choline. The incorporation of palmitic-[1-14C] acid into various lipids was very poor compared to that of palmitoyl-[1-14C]-CoA. However, addition of ATP and CoA markedly stimulated lipid biosynthesis from palmitic-[1-14C] acid, suggesting the presence of activating enzymes. These chloroplast suspensions did not show any de novo fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Synthetic diglycerides which differed in unsaturation of fatty acids gave the same incorporation of [14C]galactose from UDP-[14C]galactose when added to acetone powders of spinach chloroplasts up to about 0·6 mg diglyceride/20 mg acetone powder. Diolein and the endogenous diglyceride isolated from the acetone extract of chloroplasts stimulated galactolipid biosynthesis to a similar extent. With all diglycerides used, monogalactosyl diglyceride was the main product with little accompanying synthesis of digalactosyl diglyceride. The radioactivity in the monogalactosyl diglyceride synthesized from UDP-[14C]galactose by whole chloroplasts was distributed widely among the monogalactosyl diglycerides with different fatty acid composition. It is concluded that the enzyme which catalyses the transfer of galactose from UDP-galactose to diglyceride is not specific for polyunsaturated diglycerides and that the polyunsaturated monogalactosyl diglycerides arise either by desaturation of the fatty acyl residues after monogalactolipid synthesis or by transacylation. Acetone powders of chloroplasts prepared from several Gramineae did not exhibit transferase activity although whole chloroplasts were active.  相似文献   

The lipid of Euglena gracilis, dark-grown in a complete medium, contained 2% galactose. The lipid of Euglena gracilis, light-grown in either a complete or an inorganic medium, contained 13-14% galactose. Pure monogalactosyl and digalactosyl diglyceride fractions, isolated by column plus thin-layer chromatography, contained 50% of the lipid-bound galactose of dark-grown cells, and 80% of that of light-grown cells. Molar ratios of monogalactosyl to digalactosyl compounds ranged from 2 to 3. The results show that galactosyl diglycerides, stored in large amount in light-grown cells, persist in small amount in the dark-grown cells. Fatty acids in both the monogalactosyl and the digalactosyl diglycerides were mainly of the 16- and 18-carbon varieties, with high proportions of trienes. The monogalactosyl diglycerides were rich in hexadecatetraenoic acid. Strictly photobiotic cells had twice as much hexadecadienoic and hexadecatetraenoic acids in their monogalactosyl diglycerides, and three times as much hexadecadienoic and octadecadienoic acids in their digalactosyl diglycerides as did illuminated cells grown in a complete medium. Dark-grown (obligate) heterotrophs contained galactosyl diglycerides with high percentages of monoenes. Great compositional variations in the galactosyl diglycerides are thus induced by light and also by nonlipid exogenous metabolites.  相似文献   

The formation of chloroplasts in dark-grown cells of Euglena gracilis was induced by exposing the cells to constant illumination. Following a lag, the cells accumulated chlorophyll and galactosyl diglycerides simultaneously at almost linear rates. The monogalactosyl diglyceride content rose from approximately 2 micromoles in 100 mg of dark-grown cells to 27 micromoles in fully green cells; the digalactosyl diglyceride content increased from 1 micromole to 11 micromoles. The digalacto compounds increased more rapidly than the monogalacto compounds at first, but their rate of accumulation began to diminish long before greening of the cell was complete. The sole exception was the digalactosyl diglyceride fraction that contained hexadecadienoic (16:2) fatty acid. This fraction increased continuously during greening. As accumulation of the digalacto compounds diminished, that of the monogalacto compounds increased. Towards the end of greening, the major fatty acids were 16:2, 16:3, 16:4, 18:2, and 18:3 in the monogalacto and 16:2 in the digalacto compounds. The results of this study suggest that monogalactosyl and digalactosyl diglycerides that contain particular fatty acid components have a function in the assembly of chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Fatty acid compositions of the lipids isolated from the pinnae of four fern species show that they differ from those of the lipids in leaves of higher plants in having C-20 polyunsaturated acids, mainly arachidonic acid. As in higher plants, the ω-3 polyunsaturated acids are concentrated in the monogalactosyl diglycerides. Variations are found both in the fatty acid compositions and in the monogalactosyl/digalactosyl diglyceride ratio during the growing season.  相似文献   

Lipid and fatty acid composition of chloroplast thylakoid membranes was determined in two varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), the hardy Miranovskaja and the sensitive Penjamo. Plants were grown at room temperature or under frost hardening conditions (1.5°C). Changes in lipid and fatty acid composition of the isolated thylakoids could be related to the temperature dependence of light-stimulated proton uptake. Changes in the thylakoid phospholipids upon hardening of the two varieties did not show any direct relation with low temperature tolerance of light-dependent H+ uptake; neither did changes in phospholipid fatty acid chain lengthening to 20 and 22 C-atoms in combination with increased desaturation up to 6 double bonds. Increased low temperature tolerance of light-induced H+ uptake by hardening was correlated with the following glycolipid changes: maintained glycolipid level, a proportionally increased digalactosyl diglyceride fraction, a decrease in thylakoid monogalactosyl diglyceride, increased sulfolipid fatty acid chain lengthening (20 and 22 C-atoms), and increased sulfolipid desaturation (4-6 double bonds). We suggest that the above mentioned changes in glycolipids have adaptive value for low temperature tolerance of light-dependent proton uptake.  相似文献   

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