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沙柳木蠹蛾性行为及其性信息素滴度的动态节律   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
沙柳木蠹蛾Holcocerus arenicola是为害沙柳Salix psammophila的主要钻蛀性害虫之一。在进入暗期后的6 h内,对其求偶行为和交配行为进行观察和记录,调查该虫求偶和交配的活动规律。通过触角电位技术(EAG)和毛细管气相色谱(GC)对性腺体内信息素的滴度进行了分析,以揭示性信息素产生的昼夜节律和雌虫日龄对性信息素合成的影响。结果表明:该虫在暗期0.5~1 h内即开始有求偶行为,最大求偶高峰出现在羽化后的第2晚。交配行为主要发生在暗期的1~2 h内。在各日龄的成虫中,1日龄成虫的交配百分率最高。交配平均时间为24.16±2.64 min,随着日龄的增加,交配时间前移。在实验中,未观察到5~6日龄成虫的交配行为。沙柳木蠹蛾性信息素的体内合成早于求偶行为1~2 h,并在暗期的前2 h内达到峰值。性信息素的滴度随着雌虫日龄的增减而减少,最高值为当日羽化雌虫的腺体提取物。林间诱蛾实验中,处女雌蛾和性腺体提取物对雄蛾均有较好的诱捕效果。本研究表明,在沙柳木蠹蛾的性信息素滴度和性活动之间具有同步关系,同时为进一步利用长距离性信息素防治该虫提供了参考。  相似文献   

六星黑点豹蠹蛾Zeuzera leuconotum Butler(Lepidoptera:Cossidae)是一种重要的园林害虫。为研究利用其性信息素防控六星黑点豹蠹蛾,在光周期L∶D=14∶10、温度19—32℃、相对湿度75%—85%条件下,对雌蛾求偶行为进行了观察;采用腺体提取法和瓶内收集法分别制备了不同日龄在同一时辰、同日龄在不同时辰的雌蛾性信息素粗提物,然后测定雄蛾触角对各种性信息素提取物的触角电位反应;以雄蛾对腺体提取物的EAG值表示性信息素的产生量,对瓶内收集物的EAG值表示释放量,检测性信息素产生与释放的时辰节律。结果表明:雌蛾求偶均发生在暗期;雌蛾求偶率与日龄有关,其中2日龄雌蛾求偶率最高,平均为86.7%;不同日龄雌蛾求偶高峰期均在进入暗期4—6h期间;随着虫龄的增加,求偶高峰期前移。雌蛾羽化当晚体内即可产生性信息素,并且向体外释放,但量较少;2日龄雌蛾产生和释放的性信息素量最大;雌蛾腺体中性信息素含量从进入暗期后逐渐增加,在暗期5h含量最高,随后逐渐减少;雌蛾释放性信息素从暗期4h开始,至暗期6h释放量最大。通过林间处女雌蛾诱捕试验证明了六星黑点豹蠹蛾的求偶行为与性信息素产生和释放在时辰节律上具有一致性。  相似文献   

光强度对棉铃虫交配行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】为阐明光强度对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)交配行为的影响。【方法】本实验设置4个光照强度(0,0.5,5.0和50.0 lx),观察记录不同光照强度下棉铃虫雌蛾的求偶行为;分别通过单个腺体性信息素提取法和解剖雌虫受精囊的方式,检测不同光照强度下棉铃虫的雌蛾性信息素滴度和交配率。【结果】在强光(50.0 lx)下,棉铃虫雌蛾求偶起始时间最长,求偶持续时间最短,求偶次数最少,雌蛾性信息素滴度始终处于较低水平,交配率也属于最低。在微光(0.5 lx)下,雌蛾求偶起始时间最短,求偶持续时间最长,求偶次数最多;雌蛾性信息素始终处于较低水平,但暗期后段求偶率高达40%。【结论】强光(50.0 lx)可以抑制棉铃虫雌蛾的求偶行为、性信息素的合成及交配;微光(0.5 lx)可以促进棉铃虫雌蛾的求偶行为;相对黑暗环境(0 lx),微光(0.5 lx)还可以促进棉铃虫快速(1 h)完成交配,微光(0.5 lx)对棉铃虫的交配行为具有重要意义;求偶和性信息素的合成没有必然联系。本研究可为探讨光对夜蛾交配行为的影响提供一定的理论基础,也可为利用物理、化学通讯信息调控夜蛾行为提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

豆野螟成虫行为学特征及性信息素产生与释放节律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
豆野螟Maruca vitrata (Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。本文在(29±1)℃、相对湿度75%~80%、光周期14L∶10D条件下研究了豆野螟成虫的羽化、交尾行为以及雌蛾性信息素的释放节律。结果表明:其羽化行为全天可见,在雌蛾中,86%于暗期羽化; 在雄蛾中,73%于暗期羽化。雌雄蛾羽化行为在暗期第4、5和8 h差异达到显著 (t>4; P<0.05)。交尾活动发生在暗期19:00到5:00之间,交尾持续时间最短约为20 min,最长约为90 min,3日龄进入暗期第5 h具有最高的交尾率。1、6和7日龄成虫具有单个交尾高峰,2到5日龄成虫具有两个交尾高峰。同一日龄成虫交尾在暗期前半段平均花费的时间要明显高于在后半段花费的时间。低龄和高龄的成虫用于交尾的时间明显高于中龄的性成熟成虫。成虫的开始交尾时间随着日龄的增加逐渐前移。雄蛾对进入暗期后第5 h和第9 h处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强,对 3日龄处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强。处女雌蛾田间诱蛾试验表明:23:00-01:00为诱蛾高峰期,3日龄处女雌蛾的诱蛾效果最好。该蛾的羽化、交尾及性信息素产生与释放均存在节律上的一致性。雌蛾的性信息素释放的时间较长,见于整个暗期,然而交尾行为发生时间较短,主要发生于两个交尾高峰之间。  相似文献   

为了解60Co-γ射线辐照对草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda成虫发育与繁殖的影响,本文以草地贪夜蛾6日龄蛹为对象,比较不同辐照剂量下草地贪夜蛾自交种群的羽化率、翅畸形率、寿命、产卵量以及子代卵孵化率的差异。结果表明,草地贪夜蛾成虫羽化率随着辐照剂量的升高而呈现降低的趋势,其中250 Gy、350 Gy、400 Gy以及500 Gy剂量辐照下的羽化率分别降低至72.8%、69.4%、69.4%和50.6%,与对照组(91.7%)相比差异显著;翅畸形率在400 Gy时值最高,为25.6%,但与对照组相比并无显著差异;其雌、雄成虫平均寿命均随辐照剂量的升高而缩短,且辐照后处理组雌、雄成虫寿命均显著低于对照组成虫寿命;雄虫日存活率在100 Gy、200 Gy、300 Gy和500 Gy处理条件下高于雌虫日存活率,而350 Gy和400 Gy处理组,以及对照组雌虫日存活率高于雄虫。草地贪夜蛾种群产卵雌虫数、单雌产卵量、及子代孵化情况与对照组相比差异显著,300~500 Gy的辐照剂量下,亲代没有卵粒产出,而100 Gy至250 Gy的辐照剂量下,产卵量显著降低,且在100 Gy时处理组的卵中有少量孵化。本文对草地贪夜蛾辐照不育剂量进行了初步评价,为今后实现该虫不育技术防治提供科学参考。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究采用低剂量的(60)Co-γ射线辐照梨小食心虫Grapholitamolesta雄蛹,分析辐照对梨小食心虫繁殖的影响,为利用(60)Co-γ射线辐照梨小食心虫Grapholitamolesta雄蛹,分析辐照对梨小食心虫繁殖的影响,为利用(60)Co-γ射线防治梨小食心虫提供理论依据。【方法】设置辐照剂量为0、25、50和75 Gy的(60)Co-γ射线防治梨小食心虫提供理论依据。【方法】设置辐照剂量为0、25、50和75 Gy的(60)Co-γ射线对梨小食心虫羽化前1 d的雄蛹进行辐照处理,分析辐照对其羽化率、繁殖能力及寿命的影响。【结果】不同辐照剂量处理的梨小食心虫羽化率均有下降,但与对照组相比无显著性差异,说明辐照对其羽化率影响较小。辐照组雄蛾与正常雌蛾的交配率与对照组无显著性差异。与对照组相比,经25、50和75 Gy辐照处理羽化的雄蛾与正常雌蛾交配后,其单雌产卵量无显著性差异。随着辐照剂量的升高,梨小食心虫的孵化率逐渐下降。与对照组孵化率74.38%±6.15%相比,75Gy处理组的孵化率明显降低,仅为22.68%±7.20%。与对照组相比,随着辐照剂量的升高,辐照组雄虫的平均寿命均有不同程度的下降。【结论】利用低剂量的(60)Co-γ射线对梨小食心虫羽化前1 d的雄蛹进行辐照处理,分析辐照对其羽化率、繁殖能力及寿命的影响。【结果】不同辐照剂量处理的梨小食心虫羽化率均有下降,但与对照组相比无显著性差异,说明辐照对其羽化率影响较小。辐照组雄蛾与正常雌蛾的交配率与对照组无显著性差异。与对照组相比,经25、50和75 Gy辐照处理羽化的雄蛾与正常雌蛾交配后,其单雌产卵量无显著性差异。随着辐照剂量的升高,梨小食心虫的孵化率逐渐下降。与对照组孵化率74.38%±6.15%相比,75Gy处理组的孵化率明显降低,仅为22.68%±7.20%。与对照组相比,随着辐照剂量的升高,辐照组雄虫的平均寿命均有不同程度的下降。【结论】利用低剂量的(60)Co-γ射线辐照可影响梨小食心虫繁殖,为进一步优化辐照条件和利用(60)Co-γ射线辐照可影响梨小食心虫繁殖,为进一步优化辐照条件和利用(60)Co-γ射线防治梨小食心虫提供理论指导。  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾雌蛾求偶行为及性信息素产生的时间节律(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了甜菜夜蛾雌蛾求偶行为和腺体中性信息素滴度时日变化的规律。结果表明 ,雌蛾求偶行为和性信息素滴度均呈明显的昼夜节律 ,且均在暗期的中后期达到高峰。比较而言 ,雌蛾的求偶活动期较短 ,在暗期中期开始 ,暗期结束后很快停止 ;但峰期较长 ,从中后期达到高峰后一直保持到暗期结束。而腺体内 4种性信息素组份从暗期前 0 .5h到下一个光期 4.5h均有产生 ;但峰期很短 ,暗期 6.5h显著增加达到高峰后 ,在 8.5h又迅速回落。日变化研究表明 ,甜菜夜蛾当日龄即可求偶 ,3日龄起进入求偶盛期 ,至 7日龄末有明显减退。 0~ 3日龄雌蛾的平均初始求偶时间逐日显著提前 ,以后则稳定在暗期 5h左右。不同日龄间性信息素滴度的变化较小  相似文献   

杨小舟蛾是近年来为害较严重的杨树食叶害虫之一.为探明该虫羽化及生殖行为的发生规律,为生态调控技术应用于其防治工作提供参考,本文在光周期L∶D=14∶10、温度(27±1)℃和相对湿度(60±10)%的条件下,研究了杨小舟蛾成虫的羽化、求偶、交配和产卵节律.结果表明:杨小舟蛾雌虫在蛹期7 d,雄虫在蛹期8 d达到羽化高峰;在昼夜24 h间,成虫的羽化主要集中在光期6 h至暗期2 h,雌虫羽化高峰期为光期11 h,雄虫较之晚1 h.雌蛾羽化后,只在暗期进行求偶,高峰期为暗期6~7 h;1~3 d雌蛾求偶率随日龄逐渐增加,3 d达69.8%,之后求偶率逐渐下降.在单对组中,雌、雄虫的交尾行为开始于暗期5 h,至暗期7~8 h达到高峰,而在多对组中,在暗期0.5 h就已出现交尾行为,高峰期较单对组晚1.5 h.1~3 d雌蛾产卵量占其总产卵量的68.4%,之后逐渐减少.  相似文献   

【目的】蛾类昆虫性信息素的合成和释放与求偶行为的发生是一致的,其合成和释放的器官是性信息素腺体。为深入了解竹织叶野螟性信息素的分泌生理,开展了竹织叶野螟求偶行为及其性信息素腺体超微结构的研究。【方法】在光周期14L:10D、温度26±2℃、相对湿度80%±10%的室内条件下,观察研究了竹织叶野螟的求偶行为;依据求偶规律研究结果,选取最活跃日龄雌蛾,在暗期求偶高峰时间段,充分挤压其腹部末端,然后于第8节处横向切下,将切下的腹末标本处理后,借助显微镜和扫描电镜观察性信息素腺体的表面特征及超微结构。【结果】竹织叶野螟雌雄蛾求偶均具一定的程序性,且求偶行为只发生在暗期,暗期前5 h内雌蛾求偶率较低,6 h后求偶率明显升高,并在暗期7-8 h达到求偶高峰;求偶率与雌蛾日龄有密切关系,3日龄雌蛾求偶率最高,持续时间也最长。竹织叶野螟性信息素分泌腺位于腹部第8-9节节间膜上,是一完整的环状结构,显微镜下观察其分泌腺为一乳白色囊状体,扫描电镜下其腹面囊状体迂回褶皱多,大体分为3个褶皱区,除第1褶皱区外,其余褶皱区表面密布乳突、凹陷沟和刺状物,且刺状物顶端有孔;背面囊状体皱褶少,其表面形态与第2和第3褶皱区相似。【结论】研究结果有助于了解竹织叶野螟性信息素合成和释放的时辰节律,也为该虫性信息素的准确提取和鉴定、性信息素的生物合成及利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

蜀柏毒蛾生殖行为及性信息素产生与释放节律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探索蜀柏毒蛾Parocneria orienta Chao性信息素产生和释放规律, 为利用性信息素监测和防治蜀柏毒蛾奠定基础, 本研究在野外及室内温度22±1℃、 相对湿度75%~80%、 光周期14L∶10D条件下观察研究了蜀柏毒蛾成虫的羽化、 求偶、 交尾、 产卵行为, 触角电位反应测定处女雌蛾性信息素产生与释放的时辰节律。结果表明: 蜀柏毒蛾羽化行为全天可见, 主要集中在1:00-5:00, 占总羽化量的44.94%, 7:30-11:00进行婚飞和交尾, 交尾高峰期出现在8:30左右, 交配时间少则2 h, 多则8 h, 求偶、 交配均发生在光期。随着日龄的增加, 召唤时间前移并且延长, 1日龄的处女雌蛾交尾时间较短; 雌蛾羽化当天就可交尾, 2日龄雌蛾交尾率最高, 达36.67%。雌蛾分多处产卵, 雌蛾一生最高产卵量达402粒, 最低产卵量为78粒。羽化当天的雌蛾体内性信息素含量较低, 第2天最高, 以后逐日下降; 2日龄蜀柏毒蛾处女雌蛾性信息素的产生量从7:00起逐渐增加, 8:30-9:30时最高, 9:30后逐渐减小。雄蛾对处女雌蛾腺体提取物的触角电位反应在8:30-9:00最强, 说明8:30-9:00是雌蛾产生和释放性信息素的高峰期。蜀柏毒蛾的羽化、 求偶、 交尾及性信息素的产生与释放存在一定的时辰节律, 野外处女雌蛾诱蛾试验证实了性信息素释放与交配行为在时辰节律上的一致性。  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa assulta are sympatric sibling species, and in the laboratory they can interbreed and produce viable offspring. To assess the contributions of temporal barriers and sexual barriers to premating isolation, we investigated both the temporal rhythms of calling behavior and pheromone titers of H. armigera and H. assulta females and the behavioral responses of males to conspecific and heterospecific calling females in a wind tunnel. Both H. armigera and H. assulta females called throughout the scotophase, and there was more calling during the second half of the scotophase than during the first half. Maximal pheromone titer and maximal calling activity in H. armigera synchronously occurred at the sixth hour into the scotophase, whereas, in H. assulta, the maximal pheromone titer occurred 2 h before the peak of calling. Pheromone blend ratios of the two species were opposite and, within each species, changes in the ratio within the scotophase and at different ages were relatively small. Males of both H. armigera and H. assulta responded strongly to their conspecific calling females in the wind tunnel and completed the whole courtship sequence. In contrast, they did not land and had no copulation attempts in response to heterospecific calling females. These results show that the two species do not have obvious temporal differences in calling behavior and pheromone production, and the specificity of sex pheromone blend emitted by females plays a key role in their premating isolation. In addition, we summarized the potential isolation mechanisms of H. armigera and H. assulta.  相似文献   

烟夜蛾雄蛾性附腺因子对雌蛾性信 息素合成的抑制作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
烟夜蛾Helicoverpa assulta处女蛾在交配后1 h,其性信息素滴度即显著降低,72 h内未见恢复。生测结果表明,烟夜蛾性信息素合成抑制因子主要来源于雄蛾性附腺。不同日龄雄蛾性附腺提取物的抑制活性无显著差异。光暗期对其活性具显著影响,暗期中雄蛾的性附腺物质对雌蛾性信息素合成具有较强抑制作用,而光期中雄蛾的性附腺物质不具抑制活性。在暗期的不同时间处理,对处女蛾性信息素合成的抑制作用无显著差异。雄蛾性附腺提取物对雌蛾性信息素合成的抑制作用与注射剂量有明显的相关性,0.2 ME(雄蛾当量)是产生显著抑制作用的最小剂量。对交配雌蛾注射性信息素生物合成激活神经肽(PBAN)提取物后,其性信息素合成又可恢复,这说明雌蛾交配后,性信息素滴度降低的原因是由于缺少了PBAN的调控。  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrate that virgin female adult Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) moths exhibit calling behaviour and produce sex pheromone in scotophase from the day after emergence, and that mating turns off both of these pre-mating activities. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, a product of the male accessory glands, termed sex peptide (SP), has been identified as being responsible for suppressing female receptivity after transfer to the female genital tract during mating. Juvenile hormone (JH) production is activated in the D. melanogaster corpus allatum (CA) by SP in vitro. We herein demonstrate cross-reactivity of D. melanogaster SP in the H. armigera moth: JH production in photophase virgin female moth CA in vitro is directly activated in a dose-dependent manner by synthetic D. melanogaster SP, and concurrently inhibits pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN)-activated pheromone production by isolated pheromone glands of virgin females. Control peptides (locust adipokinetic hormone, AKH-I, and human corticotropin, ACTH) do not inhibit in vitro pheromone biosynthesis. Moreover, SP injected into virgin H. armigera females, decapitated 24 h after eclosion, or into scotophase virgin females, suppresses pheromone production. In the light of these results, we hypothesize the presumptive existence of a SP-like factor among the peptides transmitted to female H. armigera during copulation, inducing an increased level of JH production and depressing the levels of pheromone produced thereafter.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Calling behaviour, diel periodicity, and effect of age and mating on female sex pheromone titre in Estigmene acrea (Drury) were studied under laboratory conditions. Forty-five per cent of females started calling during the first scotophase, but the highest number of calling females was observed during the second, third and fourth scotophases. Calling behaviour occurred from the third hour after dark until just before the end of the scotophase. However, females exhibited a bimodal pattern of calling with the first peak occurring between 4 and 6 h and a second peak at 10 h after the onset of scotophase. The mean onset of calling time differed significantly with age. Older females showed a tendency to call longer, but there was no significant difference. The amount of (Z,Z)-3,6-cis-9, 10-epoxyheneicosadiene in females was quantified from the first scotophase following emergence, until the fifth scotophase. Glands of 0-day-old females presented a higher content of pheromone compared with that found in glands of 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-day-old females. Pheromone titre was determined at 2-h intervals throughout the third scotophase and photophase. (Z,Z)-3,6-cis-9,10-epoxyheneicosadiene was found in the gland during the scotophase as well as the photophase. However, there was no consistent pattern of pheromone production throughout the scotophase or photophase. Mated females of E. acrea produced significantly less pheromone than virgin females.  相似文献   

Pheromone titer in moths is a product of three processes occurring in or at the surface of the pheromone gland: biosynthesis, release, and intraglandular degradation, of pheromone. Changes in titers of sex pheromone, the fatty acyl pheromone analog (FAPA), and tetradecanoate, a pheromone biosynthetic intermediate, were studied in detail in the lightbrown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker). Although changes in the pheromone titers in a day were relatively small, with the peak titer being 2-3 times greater than that at the trough, pheromone titer did show a distinct diel periodicity. Titer of the FAPA showed a similar, but less variable, diel pattern, but tetradecanoate titer showed little or no diel pattern. The pattern of pheromone titer suggested that females biosynthesize pheromone at two different rates during the photoperiod: a high rate during the latter half of the photophase and most of the scotophase, which is associated with a high pheromone titer, and a low rate throughout the first half of the photophase, which is associated with a low titer. Consistent with data on commencement of copulation, pheromone was released from the second hour of the scotophase through to the eighth hour. Pheromone release rate during this period appeared to be similar to the rate of pheromone biosynthesis. In contrast to the other two processes, pheromone degradation did not appear to have a diel pattern. Females decapitated at different times of the photoperiod showed a similar decline in pheromone titer, consistent with the reaction kinetics being first order in pheromone titer.  相似文献   

Lipids in the sex pheromone gland of females of the Z-strain of Ostrinia nubilalis were analyzed for fatty acyl pheromone analogs (FAPAs) and other potential biosynthetic intermediates. More than 80% of the FAPAs were found in the triacylglycerols (TGs), with smaller amounts found in the phosphatidyl cholines, ethanolamines, and serines. Analysis of the TGs by lipase revealed that the two FAPAs were distributed fairly evenly among all three stereospecific positions. Comparison of changes in titers of key glandular fatty acids with those of pheromone components, with respect to photoperiodic time and age of females, showed that both FAPA and pheromone titers exhibited a cyclical pattern with peaks in the scotophase and valleys in the photophase. However, whereas pheromone titer tended to peak in the first half of the scotophase, FAPA titer peaked at the end of the scotophase. Significantly, the titer of the FAPA of the minor component, (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (3% of pheromone), was always much greater than the titer of the FAPA of the major component, (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (97%), of the pheromone. Titer of myristate, an intermediate in pheromone biosynthesis, was also higher during the scotophase than the photophase. However, myristate titer showed a pronounced dip in the middle of the scotophase. These data suggest two roles for glandular lipids in sex pheromone biosynthesis in O. nubilalis. Firstly, they remove excess FAPA of the minor component so the fatty acid reductase system is not presented with a high ratio of this isomer (which would otherwise result from the reductase's own selectivity), which could cause changes in the final pheromone ratio. Secondly, hydrolysis of the large amounts of stored saturated fatty acids from the TGs may provide substrate for pheromone biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The five components, Z9-16:Ald, 16:Ald, Z11-16:Ald, Z9-16:Ac and Z11-16:Ac, of the sex pheromone in Helicoverpa assulta were mostly detected during the scotophase, with their titer peaking at the 4th hour during the scotophase under a 15L/9D regime. They were not detected during the photophase, but were produced during the photophase when decapitated females were injected with extracts of virgin female (FHE), male heads (MHE), homogenates of the brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex (Br-SOG), or synthetic Hez-PBAN. Production of Z9-16:Ald increased during the first 45min after FHE injection and then declined to a very low level after 2h during the photophase. Synthetic Hez-PBAN stimulated the sex pheromone glands for at least 2h and the effect was more or less proportional to the concentration of the peptide. From the present results, we suggest the following: PBAN is released continuously into the haemolymph to stimulate pheromone biosynthesis at least during the first half of the scotophase, PBAN is synthesized and accumulated independent of photoperiod or sex, and the release starts just prior (about 1h) to the beginning of the scotophase.  相似文献   

Insect males produce accessory gland (MAG) factors that are transferred in the seminal fluid to females during copulation, and elicit changes in the mated female's behavior and physiology. Our previous studies showed that the injection of synthetic Drosophila melanogaster sex-peptide (DrmSP) into virgin females of the moth Helicoverpa armigera causes a significant inhibition of pheromone production. In this and other moth species, pheromone production, correlated with female receptivity, is under neuroendocrine control due to the circadian release of the neuropeptide PBAN. In this study, we show that PBAN, present in the hemolymph during the scotophase in females, is drastically reduced after mating. We also identify 4 DrmSP-like HPLC peaks (Peaks A, S1, S2, and B) in MAGs, with increasing levels of DrmSP immunoreactivity during the scotophase, when compared to their levels observed during the photophase. In H. armigera MAGs, a significant reduction in the pheromonostatic peak (Peak B) was already evident after 15 min of copulation, and depletion of an additional peak (Peak S2) was evident after complete mating. Peak A is also detected in female brains, increasing significantly 1 h after mating, at which time inhibition of pheromone biosynthesis also occurs. However, changes corresponding to the other MAG peaks were not detected in mated female tissues.  相似文献   

【目的】探索大螟Sesamia inferens性信息素顺11-十六碳烯乙酸酯(Z11-16∶Ac)和顺11-十六碳烯醇(Z11-16∶OH)的合成和释放及求偶和交配行为的昼夜节律,及其与田间性信息素诱捕的关系。【方法】通过溶剂浸提和固相微萃取(solid phase microextraction, SPME)分析大螟雌蛾性信息素Z11-16∶Ac和Z11--16∶OH的滴度,结合行为观测和多地田间实时性信息素诱捕数据,调查大螟性信息素的生物合成、释放及求偶和交配行为的昼夜节律。【结果】大螟雌蛾腺体内性信息素Z11-16∶Ac和Z11-16∶OH含量可检测到的时间始于暗期前1 h,暗期后4 h快速增加,暗期8 h为第1次高峰,但光期1h又一次高峰,光期5 h还可以被显著检测到。分泌至腺体外的性信息素化合物可检测到的时间始于暗期后6 h,高峰期在暗期后10 h,光期后1 h性信息素Z11-16∶Ac滴度达到96.9±20.9 ng/雌。采用溶剂浸提法获得的Z11-16∶Ac和Z11-16∶OH的比例在暗期平均为2.8±1.9,在光期平均为2.5±0.9,统计上二者没有显著差异,而SPME法获得的Z11-16∶Ac和Z11-16∶OH的比例在暗期平均为8.5±1.2,在光期平均为5.7±0.6,统计上二者差异显著。产卵器伸出时间发生在暗期6-8 h,产卵器伸出持续时间平均为80.8±4.4 min。大螟的交配发生在暗期4-10 h,交配持续时间平均为83.4±5.0 min。广东、四川、浙江、江苏四省性诱自动计数的田间每日每小时实时计数数据显示,越冬代诱蛾比较集中,之后的世代则比较分散,田间雄蛾的性诱昼夜节律受地理环境、季节和世代等因子的影响。【结论】本研究发现大螟交配和性信息素释放的昼夜节律在时间上不一致,交配时间在暗期较早时段。雌蛾性信息素有效的释放时间范围比雄蛾对性信息素反应的要小。产卵器伸展与雌蛾性信息素化合物的释放速率加快和扩散 范围有关。  相似文献   

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