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酶分子在长期进化过程中形成一系列氨基酸残基组成的活性架构,参与底物的识别、结合与催化过程,而活性架构中相应氨基酸残基是如何影响酶分子结合底物的能力,进而影响酶分子的催化效率,一直是酶分子理性改造研究的热点.利用亲和电泳技术,可以快速展示内切纤维素酶Tr Cel12A和木聚糖酶Tl Xyn A活性架构中不同突变体的催化活性及其迁移率的变化,进而通过在不同底物浓度凝胶中蛋白质相对迁移率变化程度的定量回归分析,发现由氨基酸单点突变导致蛋白质迁移率的相对变化,可以定量表征酶分子突变前后结合底物能力的变化.亲和电泳测定的有效阻滞常数Kb值与等温滴定量热法和荧光光谱法测定的相关参数比较具有明显相关性.由于亲和电泳技术在测定酶分子与底物的结合能力时具有简便、快速、灵敏的特点,因而可作为常规生化实验室常规普筛技术来检测突变文库中系列突变体导致结合力的变化.  相似文献   

色氨酸残基在内切葡聚糖酶分子中的作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
内切葡聚糖酶的化学修饰研究表明:色氨酸残基可能位于活性位点,与底物结合有关.荧光光谱测定指出该酶的荧光几乎都来自色氨酸残基,酶分子中色氨酸微环境对pH变化非常敏感,降低pH导致了酶分子构象发生了较大变化,配基结合使酶分子色氨酸微环境产生了改变,引发了与pH诱导不同的构象变化.  相似文献   

通过易错PCR方法建立了一个鼠肺不同长度的nGLP-1R(从第21个氨基酸开始到第145个氨基酸)的噬菌体随机突变展示肽库,通过噬菌体表面展示技术检测胰高血糖素样肽1受体N端片段(nGLP-1R)在缺失一段或两段基因后是否还具有结合Exendin-4的活性.经ELISA分析发现了一株无结合活性的突变株,命名为EP16.经测序比对,发现EP16缺失了前20个和后10个氨基酸,且第52位色氨酸突变为精氨酸.为确定EP16与Exendin-4无结合活性的原因,重新构建了无前20个和后10个氨基酸的EP16野生型及第52位色氨酸变为精氨酸的全长nGLP-1Rw52R与EP16进行对比分析.结果表明,EP16的活性丧失是由保守的第52位色氨酸突变为精氨酸引起的,缺失的前20个和后10个氨基酸没有影响其生物学活性.关键位点单个氨基酸残基的突变可以改变胰高血糖素样肽1受体N端片段整个蛋白质的生物学活性.  相似文献   

为了解析胆盐水解酶催化中心中关键氨基酸位点与其底物特异性的关系,以大肠杆菌pET-20b(+)表达系统为分子改造平台,采用理性设计,结合氨基酸定点突变的方法,成功构建了唾液乳杆菌Lactobacillus salivarius胆盐水解酶BSH1的7种突变体。通过对比L.salivarius BSH1及其突变体对6种结合胆盐的底物特异性表明,7种突变体对不同的结合胆盐的水解活性有所改变。结果说明,Cys2和Thr264分别是BSH1催化TCA和GCA的关键残基,且对酶的催化活性的保持具有关键作用。其中,高保守性的氨基酸位点Cys2不是BSH1唯一的活性位点,而其他突变的氨基酸位点可能作为BSH1的结合位点参与了底物的结合,也可能影响了底物进入BSH1活性中心的通道或底物结合口袋的体积与形状,进而影响了BSH1对不同结合胆盐的水解活性。  相似文献   

王静  彭灿  张延 《生命科学》2011,(7):619-629
多肽:N-乙酰氨基半乳糖转移酶(ppGalNAc-T) 是催化N-乙酰氨基半乳糖(GalNAc)结合到蛋白质Ser或Thr上的糖基转移酶,是黏蛋白型O-糖基化修饰的起始糖基转移酶。ppGalNAc-T是一个酶家族,表达产物均为Ⅱ型膜蛋白。虽然氨基酸序列高度同源,但各成员具有独特的底物特异性和动力学特征。因此,ppGalNAc-T的底物作用机制是O-糖基化研究领域中的关键课题。近年来,通过利用定点突变及晶体结构解析技术,ppGalNAc-T中与底物相互作用的重要氨基酸残基以及由这些残基所形成的对底物结合起关键作用的空间构象逐渐被揭示,为了解ppGalNAc-T酶家族的底物作用机制及其蛋白结构与催化活性间的关系提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

JadH是羟化脱水双功能酶,参与杰多霉素生物合成中的聚酮后修饰反应,将2,3-dehydro-UWM6催化为dehydrorabelomycin。为了分析杰多霉素生物合成途径中后修饰氧化酶JadH结合、催化底物的关键氨基酸,构建了JadH与底物复合物的三维结构模型。利用该模型并结合JadH同源蛋白氨基酸序列比对分析,推测出JadH活性中心中可能参与底物结合或催化的关键氨基酸(R50、G51、L52、G53、F100、R221、I223、P295和G298)。通过定点突变及体外酶学实验对这些位点的突变体的催化活性进行评价,结果显示这些突变株活性均显著低于野生型,表明这9个氨基酸是JadH参与底物结合或催化的关键氨基酸。  相似文献   

酸性木聚糖酶XynⅡ活性中心关键氨基酸残基的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:鉴定来源于宇佐美曲霉(Aspergillus usamii)E001的酸性木聚糖酶XynⅡ活性中心关键氨基酸残基。方法:对XynⅡ进行SWISS-MODEL同源建模和BLAST序列比较,分析XynⅡ中所有可能作为催化残基的保守氨基酸,采用定点突变手段对其进行鉴定研究。结果:只有Glu-79和Glu-170位于酶与底物作用的活性中心,它们分别位于β折叠股B6和B4上,推测Glu-79和Glu-170为XynⅡ活性中心关键氨基酸残基。将Glu-79和Glu-170突变为酸性的Gln,突变酶E79Q,E170Q在大肠杆菌和毕赤酵母中表达后,活性均丧失。结论:79位、170位Glu是木聚糖酶XynⅡ活性中心的关键氨基酸残基,为该酶进一步的结构与功能研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

为了研究嗜甲基菌(Methylophilus)DM11菌株二氯甲烷脱卤素酶的不同氨基酸残基在底物结合、谷胱甘肽(GSH)亲和以及催化活力中的作用,对编码该酶的基因进行了定点诱变研究。将保守的103位色氨酸(W)分别用苯丙氨酸(F)、缬氨酸(V)或天冬酞胺(N)替换,109位精氨酸(R)用亮氨酸(L)替换,117位色氨酸用酪氨酸(Y)或苯丙氨酸替换,得到6种突变酶。其中3种突变酶具有较低的活力,另外3种突变酶没有活力。突变酶W117Y的性质与野生型酶明显不同。  相似文献   

甲烷菌与甲烷八叠球菌是仅有的两种已知利用乙酸盐进行甲烷生成的菌属。稻田以及厌氧的废物分解物是甲烷生物生成的主要来源。甲烷菌在自然界广泛分布,相比甲烷八叠球菌,在低乙酸盐的环境中对乙酸盐仍有高亲和力。在甲烷生成第一步即将乙酸盐转化为乙酰辅酶A的过程中,与甲烷八叠球菌利用乙酸激酶与磷酸转乙酰酶激活途径不同,甲烷菌通过腺嘌呤形成乙酰辅酶A合成酶进行催化。在甲烷菌一属(Methanosaeta concilii)中,共发现5个乙酰辅酶A合成酶的编码基因,其中3种乙酰辅酶A合成酶的生化及酶活特性已被确定。该3种乙酰辅酶A合成酶均以乙酸盐为其最优底物。尽管在短链乙酰辅酶A合成酶家族中,发现酰基底物结合位点高度保守,但乙酰辅酶A合成酶家族的酰基底物范围极为广泛。本研究对甲烷菌中不同种乙酰辅酶A合成酶的酰基底物结合位点的关键氨基酸进行识别与比较,从而对乙酰辅酶A合成酶家族的酶活特性有更全面深入的了解。首先,我们对甲烷菌一属中乙酰辅酶A合成酶4进行生化性质测定。结果表明,该酶无催化一系列酰基底物为酰基辅酶A或其中间产物酰基腺苷酸的活性。通过序列对比发现,嗜热自养甲烷杆菌的乙酰辅酶A合成酶1中高度保守的416位色氨酸残基在甲烷菌一属的乙酰辅酶A合成酶4中被替换成528位苯丙氨酸残基。将甲烷菌一属的乙酰辅酶A合成酶4中的528位苯丙氨酸残基点突变为色氨酸残基后,进行酶学性质测定,未检测到该突变体具有乙酰辅酶A/乙酰腺苷酸合成活性。我们进一步对嗜热自养甲烷杆菌的乙酰辅酶A合成酶1中的416位色氨酸残基点突变为苯丙氨酸残基,酶活性质结果显示,突变酶对于乙酸盐以及丙酸盐作为底物时的活性未有明显差异。然而,以丙酸盐为底物时,释放丙酰腺苷酸中间产物。该结果表明,热自养甲烷杆菌的乙酰辅酶A合成酶1对于底物乙酸盐或丙酸盐的催化作用不甚相同,苯丙氨酸中的苯甲酰环降低该酶保留中间产物丙酰腺苷酸,从而转化为丙酰辅酶A的能力。  相似文献   

甲烷菌与甲烷八叠球菌是仅有的两种已知利用乙酸盐进行甲烷生成的菌属。稻田以及厌氧的废物分解物是甲烷生物生成的主要来源。甲烷菌在自然界广泛分布,相比甲烷八叠球菌,在低乙酸盐的环境中对乙酸盐仍有高亲和力。在甲烷生成第一步即将乙酸盐转化为乙酰辅酶A的过程中,与甲烷八叠球菌利用乙酸激酶与磷酸转乙酰酶激活途径不同,甲烷菌通过腺嘌呤形成乙酰辅酶A合成酶进行催化。在甲烷菌一属(Methanosaeta concilii)中,共发现5个乙酰辅酶A合成酶的编码基因,其中3种乙酰辅酶A合成酶的生化及酶活特性已被确定。该3种乙酰辅酶A合成酶均以乙酸盐为其最优底物。尽管在短链乙酰辅酶A合成酶家族中,发现酰基底物结合位点高度保守,但乙酰辅酶A合成酶家族的酰基底物范围极为广泛。本研究对甲烷菌中不同种乙酰辅酶A合成酶的酰基底物结合位点的关键氨基酸进行识别与比较,从而对乙酰辅酶A合成酶家族的酶活特性有更全面深入的了解。首先,我们对甲烷菌一属中乙酰辅酶A合成酶4进行生化性质测定。结果表明,该酶无催化一系列酰基底物为酰基辅酶A或其中间产物酰基腺苷酸的活性。通过序列对比发现,嗜热自养甲烷杆菌的乙酰辅酶A合成酶1中高度保守的416位色氨酸残基在甲烷菌一属的乙酰辅酶A合成酶4中被替换成528位苯丙氨酸残基。将甲烷菌一属的乙酰辅酶A合成酶4中的528位苯丙氨酸残基点突变为色氨酸残基后,进行酶学性质测定,未检测到该突变体具有乙酰辅酶A/乙酰腺苷酸合成活性。我们进一步对嗜热自养甲烷杆菌的乙酰辅酶A合成酶1中的416位色氨酸残基点突变为苯丙氨酸残基,酶活性质结果显示,突变酶对于乙酸盐以及丙酸盐作为底物时的活性未有明显差异。然而,以丙酸盐为底物时,释放丙酰腺苷酸中间产物。该结果表明,热自养甲烷杆菌的乙酰辅酶A合成酶1对于底物乙酸盐或丙酸盐的催化作用不甚相同,苯丙氨酸中的苯甲酰环降低该酶保留中间产物丙酰腺苷酸,从而转化为丙酰辅酶A的能力。  相似文献   

There is a high level of conservation of tryptophans within the active site architecture of the cellulase family, whereas the function of the four tryptophans in the catalytic domain of Cel7A is unclear. By mutating four tryptophan residues in the catalytic domain of Cel7A from Penicillium piceum (PpCel7A), the binding affinity between PpCel7A and p-nitrophenol-d -cellobioside (pNPC) was reduced as determined by Michaelis–Menten constants, molecular dynamics simulations, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Furthermore, PpCel7A variants showed a reduced level of cellobiohydrolase (CBH) activity against cellulose analogs or natural cellulose. Therefore, it could be concluded four tryptophan residues in Cel7A played a critical role in substrate binding. Mutagenesis results indicated that the W390 stacking interactions at the −2 site played an essential role in facilitating substrate distortion to the −1 site. As soon as the function was altered, the mutation would inevitably affect the catalytic activity against the natural substrate. Interestingly, no clear relationship was found between the CBH activity of PpCel7A variants against pNPC and Avicel. p-Nitrophenol contains many electrophilic groups that may result in overestimation of the binding constant between tryptophan residues and pNPC in comparison with the natural substrate. Consequently, screening improved cellulase using cellulose analogs would divert attention from the target direction for lignocellulose biorefinery. Clarifying mechanism of catalytic diversity on the natural cellulose or cellulose analogs may give better insight into cellulase screening and selecting strategy.  相似文献   

The tryptophan residues of the cellulase (EC; 1,4-beta-D-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase) from Schizophyllum commune were oxidized by N-bromosuccinimide in both the presence and absence of substrates and inhibitors of the enzyme. In the absence of protective ligands, eight of the twelve tryptophan residues in the cellulase were susceptible to modification with concomitant inactivation of the enzyme. The binding of the substrates, CM-cellulose, methyl cellulose, cellohexaose or lichenan and the competitive inhibitor, cellobiose, protected one tryptophan residue from oxidation but did not prevent the inactivation. Characterization of the oxidized enzyme derivatives by ultraviolet difference absorption and by fluorescence spectroscopy indicated that two tryptophan residues are essential in the mechanism of cellulase catalysis. One residue appears to be directly involved in the binding of substrate, while the second residue is proposed to constitute an integral part of a catalytically sound active centre.  相似文献   

Pectobacterium chrysanthemi PY35 secretes the endoglucanase Cel5Z, an enzyme of the glycoside hydrolase family 5. Cel5Z is a 426 amino acid, signal peptide (SP)-containing protein composed of two domains: a large N-terminal catalytic domain (CD; 291 amino acids) and a small C-terminal cellulose binding domain (CBD; 62 amino acids). These two domains are separated by a 30 amino acid linker region (LR). A truncated cel5Z gene was constructed with the addition of a nonsense mutation that removes the C-terminal region of the protein. A truncated Cel5Z protein, consisting of 280 amino acid residues, functioned as a mature enzyme despite the absence of the SP, 11 amino acid CD, LR, and CBD region. In fact, this truncated Cel5Z protein showed an enzymatic activity 80% higher than that of full-length Cel5Z. However, cellulase activity was undetectable in mature Cel5Z proteins truncated to less than 280 amino acids.  相似文献   

Barr BK  Holewinski RJ 《Biochemistry》2002,41(13):4447-4452
The kinetics of cellulose binding and hydrolysis by cellulases is not well understood except at steady-state conditions. For use in studies of cellulase pre-steady-state and steady-state kinetics, we have prepared 4-methyl-7-thioumbelliferyl-beta-D-cellobioside (MUS-CB), a ground-state nonhydrolyzable analogue of the fluorescent cellulase substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-cellobioside (MU-CB). MUS-CB is not hydrolyzed by the catalytic domain of cellulase E1 from Acidothermus cellulolyticus under conditions where this enzyme rapidly degrades MU-CB. Thermodynamic parameters describing the steady-state binding of MUS-CB to Thermobifida fusca cellulase Cel6A are similar to those for MU-CB, indicating that MUS-CB can be used in place of MU-CB to study binding events in the Cel6A active-site cleft. In the pre-steady-state, MUS-CB binds to Cel6A by a simple, one-step bimolecular association reaction. It is anticipated that similar thio-containing 4-methylumbelliferyl compounds will have applications in studies of other enzyme systems.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) are specialized proteins that bind to polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. Caldanaerobius polysaccharolyticus Man5ACBM16-1/CBM16-2 bind to glucose-, mannose-, and glucose/mannose-configured substrates. The crystal structures of the two proteins represent the only examples in CBM family 16, and studies that evaluate the roles of amino acid residues in ligand binding in this family are lacking. In this study, we probed the roles of amino acids (selected based on CBM16-1/ligand co-crystal structures) on substrate binding. Two tryptophan (Trp-20 and Trp-125) and two glutamine (Gln-81 and Gln-93) residues are shown to be critical in ligand binding. Additionally, several polar residues that flank the critical residues also contribute to ligand binding. The CBM16-1 Q121E mutation increased affinity for all substrates tested, whereas the Q21G and N97R mutants exhibited decreased substrate affinity. We solved CBM/substrate co-crystal structures to elucidate the molecular basis of the increased substrate binding by CBM16-1 Q121E. The Gln-121, Gln-21, and Asn-97 residues can be manipulated to fine-tune ligand binding by the Man5A CBMs. Surprisingly, none of the eight residues investigated was absolutely conserved in CBM family 16. Thus, the critical residues in the Man5A CBMs are either not essential for substrate binding in the other members of this family or the two CBMs are evolutionarily distinct from the members available in the current protein database. Man5A is dependent on its CBMs for robust activity, and insights from this study should serve to enhance our understanding of the interdependence of its catalytic and substrate binding modules.  相似文献   

Understanding the depolymerization mechanisms of cellulosic substrates by cellulase cocktails is a critical step towards optimizing the production of monosaccharides from biomass. The Spezyme CP cellulase cocktail combined with the Novo 188 β‐glucosidase blend was used to depolymerize bacterial microcrystalline cellulose (BMCC), which was immobilized on a glass surface. The enzyme mixture was supplemented with a small fraction of fluorescently labeled Trichoderma reseii Cel7A, which served as a reporter to track cellulase binding onto the physical structure of the cellulosic substrate. Both micro‐scale imaging and bulk experiments were conducted. All reported experiments were conducted at 50°C, the optimal temperature for maximum hydrolytic activity of the enzyme cocktail. BMCC structure was observed throughout degradation by labeling it with a fluorescent dye. This method allowed us to measure the binding of cellulases in situ and follow the temporal morphological changes of cellulose during its depolymerization by a commercial cellulase mixture. Three kinetic models were developed and fitted to fluorescence intensity data obtained through confocal microscopy: irreversible and reversible binding models, and an instantaneous binding model. The models were successfully used to predict the soluble sugar concentrations that were liberated from BMCC in bulk experiments. Comparing binding and kinetic parameters from models with different assumptions to previously reported constants in the literature led us to conclude that exposing new binding sites is an important rate‐limiting step in the hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 108–117. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One prominent feature of Trichoderma reesei (Tr) endoglucanases catalyzed cellulose hydrolysis is that the reaction slows down quickly after it starts (within minutes). But the mechanism of the slowdown is not well understood. A structural model of Tr- Cel7B catalytic domain bound to cellulose was built computationally and the potentially important binding residues were identified and tested experimentally. The 13 tested mutants show different binding properties in the adsorption to phosphoric acid swollen cellulose and filter paper. Though the partitioning parameter to filter paper is about 10 times smaller than that to phosphoric acid swollen cellulose, a positive correlation is shown for two substrates. The kinetic studies show that the reactions slow down quickly for both substrates. This slowdown is not correlated to the binding constant but anticorrelated to the enzyme initial activity. The amount of reducing sugars released after 24 h by Cel7B in phosphoric acid swollen cellulose, Avicel and filter paper cellulose hydrolysis is correlated with the enzyme activity against a soluble substrate p-nitrophenyl lactoside. Six of the 13 tested mutants, including N47A, N52D, S99A, N323D, S324A, and S346A, yield ∼15–35% more reducing sugars than the wild type (WT) Cel7B in phosphoric acid swollen cellulose and filter paper hydrolysis. This study reveals that the slowdown of the reaction is not due to the binding of the enzyme to cellulose. The activity of Tr- Cel7B against the insoluble substrate cellulose is determined by the enzyme’s capability in hydrolyzing the soluble substrate.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based protein modeling and substrate docking experiments as well as structural and sequence comparisons were performed to identify potential active-site residues in chitinase, a molting enzyme from the tobacco hornworm, Munduca sexta. We report here the identification of an active-site amino acid residue, W145. Several mutated forms of the gene encoding this protein were generated by site-directed mutagenesis, expressed in a baculovirus-insect cell-line system, and the corresponding mutant proteins were purified and characterized for their catalytic and substrate-binding properties. W145, which is present in the presumptive catalytic site, was selected for mutation to phenylalanine (F) and glycine (G), and the resulting mutant enzymes were characterized to evaluate the mechanistic role of this residue. The wild-type and W145F mutant proteins exhibited similar hydrolytic activities towards a tri-GlcNAc oligosaccharide substrate, but the former was approximately twofold more active towards a polymeric chitin-modified substrate. The W145G mutant protein was inactive towards both substrates, although it still retained its ability to bind chitin. Therefore, W145 is required for optimal catalytic activity but is not essential for binding to chitin. Measurement of kinetic constants of the wild-type and mutant proteins suggests that W145 increases the affinity of the enzyme for the polymeric substrate and also extends the alkaline pH range in which the enzyme is active.  相似文献   

The quantitative effect of a second mutation on a mutant enzyme may be antagonistic, absent, partially additive, additive, or synergistic with respect to the first mutation. Depending on which kinetic or thermodynamic parameter of an enzyme is measured, the same two mutations can interact differently in the double mutant. Additive effects of two mutations on an equilibrium constant, such as the dissociation constant of the enzyme-substrate complex (KS), occur when noninteracting residues which facilitate the same step (substrate binding) are mutated. Partially additive effects result from the cooperative interaction with the substrate of the two residues mutated, and synergistic effects result from the anticooperative interaction with the substrate of the two residues mutated. An alternative explanation for synergy is extensive unfolding of the enzyme. Antagonistic effects on an equilibrium constant such as KS result from opposing structural effects of the two mutations on substrate binding. No additional effect of the second mutation in the double mutant represents a limiting case of either partial additivity or antagonism [corrected]. The interactions of the effects of two mutations on a rate constant such as kcat have the same explanations as those given above for equilibrium constants since the binding of a rate-limiting transition state is occurring. However, due to kinetic complexity, the following exceptions and additions exist. Additive effects of two mutations on kcat occur when noninteracting residues which facilitate the same step are mutated, provided this step is rate limiting. If the affected step is not rate limiting then synergistic effects of the two mutations are observed as each mutation causes the step to become progressively more rate limiting. Additive effects on kcat also occur when the two mutations affect consecutive steps, provided one of them is rate limiting. Partially additive effects on kcat also occur when noninteracting residues facilitating consecutive, non-rate-limiting steps are mutated. These concepts, when applied to published data on double mutants of delta 5-3-ketosteroid isomerase, staphylococcal nuclease, tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, glutathione reductase, and subtilisin, provide deeper insights into the independent, cooperative, anticooperative, or antagonistic interactions of amino acid residues in the binding of substrates, activators, and inhibitors and in promoting catalysis.  相似文献   

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