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本文记述在吉林省长白山,黑龙江省镜泊湖地区采到蝗虫一新种--长白山金色蝗Chrysacris changbaishanensis sp.nov.,并附有特征图。  相似文献   

本文记述了采自东北地区蝗虫的一新属,拟蹦蝗属Sinopodismoidesgen.nov.及三新种,千山拟蹦蝗Sinopodismoidesqianshanensissp.nov.、草绿拟蹦蝗Sinopodismoidesprasinasp.nov.和长白山玛蝗Miramellachangbaishanensissp.nov.。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

本文记述采自四川省会理县网翅蝗科1新种──四川坳蝗Aulacobothrussichuanensis,sp.nov.模式标本保存于山西大学生命科学系。  相似文献   

本文记述采自青海省雏蝗属1新种:宽沟雏蝗Chorthippus latisulcus,sp.nov。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

本文记述了雏蝗属一新种:短角雏蝗(Chorthippusbrevicornissp.nov.,采自甘肃省肃南县宝瓶河牧场。模式标本存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

本文记述采自吉林省长白山蝗虫一新种,黄股直背蝗,新种Euthystiraluteifemorasp.nov.。该新种近似短翅直背蝗Euthystirabrachyptera(Ocsk.)。  相似文献   

南疆束颈蝗属二新种:蝗总科:斑翅蝗科   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述采自新疆南部地区束颈蝗属二新种,叶城束颈蝗Sphingonotusyechengensis sp.nov.及塔克拉玛束颈蝗Sphingonotus takramaensis sp.nov.模式标本保存于陕西范大学动物研究所标本室。  相似文献   

本文记述青海省蝗虫一新种-巴颜喀拉原金蝗Eokingdonella bayanharensis sp.nov.,新种与西藏原金蝗Eokingdonella tibetana(Mistsh.)及昌都原金蝗Eokingdonella changtunica Yin近似。  相似文献   

通过对青脊竹蝗Ceracris niggricornis nigricornis Walk及宽翅曲背蚯 Pararcyptera microptera meridionalis 精子的比较。发它们的精子的线粒体衍生体和中心粒 本的超微形态结构以及精子发生过程中七,八两期精 细胞线粒体衍生体周围微的排数十分相似。  相似文献   

本文通过对丽突鼻蝗RhinotmethispulchrisXietZheng、景泰突颜蝗EotmethisjintaiensisXietZheng、友谊华癞蝗SinotmethisamicusB.-Bienkot和短翅华癞蝗SinotmethisbrachypterusZhengetXi精子的比较研究,发现它们的精子的线粒体衍生体超微形态结构及精子发生过程中第7、8两期精细胞线粒体衍生体周围微管排数十分相似,而在精子的外形长度、中心粒侧体超微形态结构及线粒体衍生体的大小等项特征方面存在着一定差异,这些差异只是在种间精子的鉴别方面有一定的意义,而不具有属级水平的鉴别意义。  相似文献   

1. History of development of the forest flora Since the Cenozoic period, the number of forest tree species has steadily risen. In the course of time, some of the archaic types slowly diminished and perished, and new forms gradually evolved. During the palaeocene, the numher of the gymnosperms (with the exception of conifers) and ferns drastically decreased, and that of conifers, on the contrary, increased significantly, and meantime the broad-leaved tree species also appeared. During the Neocene, the angiosperms expanded rapidly and the vegetation gradually shifted towards the mixed deciduous-evergreen forest. Shortly before the Quaternary, there was a series of world-wide climatic fluctuations, as illustrated by progress and retreat of glaciers, cold-resistant and warm-loving (thermophilic) plants appeared alternately. In the post-glaciation period, the zonal distribution of forest vegetation in Zhejiang Province was essentially similar to that of the present time. Excavations from Homu-tu, Yu-Yao County, reveal a luxuriant subtropical forest which existed 7000 years ago. 2. Characteristics of the flora and vegetation (1) Of ancient origin, with rich relic elements. Archaic gymnosperms such as Ginkgo biloba, Amentotaxus argotaenia, Pseudotaxus chienii, Torreya jackii, T. grandis, Taxus chinensis var. mairei, Podocarpus macrophyllus, P. neriifolia, etc, are all found in the Cretaceous deposits. The occurrence of Ginkgo can be traced hack to the Triassic. Most of the conifers, however, were found in the Jurassic, and they have remained to the present time as the main elements of the needleleaved forests. Among the primitive angiosperms, Magnoliaceae is represented by 19 species of 8 genera; Fagaceae and Lauraceae are the dominant evergreen broad-leaved tree species, the former by 6 genera and 43 species, and the latter by 10 genera and 42 species. Hamamelidaceae is represented by 10 genera and 18 species, while Ulmaceae, Tiliaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, by 21 species of 7 genera, 9 species of 2 genera and 6 species of 2 genera respectively. (2) Rich in species and consisting of diverse geographic elements, but dominated by the tropical ones. Throughout Zhejiang Province, there are over 1300 taxa of woody plants (including varieties and cultivated ones) belonging to 109 families and 423 genera. Among them, 8 families with 25 genera and about 45 species, are gymnosperms, and the rest, 101 families with 398 genera and about 1260 species and varieties, are angiosperms. The major angiospermous families include Mognoliaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Theaceae, Aquifoliaceae and Bambusoideae. Dominant families and genera are the tropical ones, and next in the order, are the East Asiatic, the E. Asia-N. American, then the temperate, the cosmopolitan, endemic and other elements. (3) Rich in endemic species, in monotypic and oligotypic genera. The endemic species include Abies beshanzuensis, Ostrya rehderiana, Carpinus putoensis, Carpinus tientaiensis, Celtis chekiangensis, Calycanthus chinensis, Machilus minutiloba, M. chekiangensis, Semiliquidambar caudata var. cuspidata, Acer aeutum, A. yangjuechi, A. Changhwaense, A. elegantulum, A. pauciflorum, Ilex qinyuanensis, Styrax zhejiangensis, Photinia zhejiangensis, Actinidia zhejiangensis, etc. The monotypic and oligotypic genera are examplified by Ginkgo, Pseudotaxus, Pseudolarix, Fokienia, Cyclocarya, Parakmeria, Pteroceltis, Sargentodoxa, Decaisnea, Aphananthe, Hemiptelea, Zelkova, Fortunearia, Semiliquidambar, Polithyrsis, Ostrya, Heptacodium, Tapiscia, Bretschneidera, Choerospondias, Kalopanax, Halesia, Hovenia, Emmenopterys, Eucommia, Pileostegia, Platycrater, Alniphyllum, etc. The majority of the species mentioned above are rare and precious ones. (4) Introduced species gaining importance Zhejiang Province is mainly situated in the mid-subtropical zone, and from Yukuan District and the Wenzhou Prefecture southwards it belongs to the evergreen broad-leaved south subtropical forest belt. A number of south subtropical species, such as Eucalyptus spp., Casuarina spp., Acacia mearnsii, have been successfully introduced into this region. The introduction of other species, such as Cinnamomum cassia, Grevillea robusta, Michelia alba, Canarium album, Litchi chinensis, Euphoria longan, Kandelia candel, are successful in certain areas. Small plantations of introduced species from S. W. China e.e. Cinnamomum glanduliferum, C. septentrionale have been established. In addition, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Ulmus pumila, several exotic Pinus species, Carya illinoensis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Amorpha fruficosa, etc. are widely planted throughout Zhejiang Province. In recent years, cold-temperate species such as Chamaecyparis obtusa, Thuja standishii, Thuja occidentalis, Abies firma have been introduced and planted in the mountainous areas. The forest flora of the province is thus being further enriched. 3. Geographical analysis of the forest flora (1) The south part of Zhejiang lies in the transitional belt between the East and South China Floristic Regions, its east part being on the north margin of the South China Floristic Region, and its west part on the south margin of the East China Floristic Region. (2) The north part of the province is weakly influenced by the temperate elements, but the influence may extend to the central part of this province as the elevation there is higher. (3) Diverse floristic elements such as those belonging to Japan, Taiwan (China), C. China and S. W. China regions also occur in the province, especially in its western and eastern parts.  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地南部早白垩世地层及其孢粉组合   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文对内蒙古海拉尔盆地南部探井地层中孢粉化石进行了系统研究,自下而上建立了9个孢粉化石组合。根据孢粉化石组合中Gicatricosisporites,Pilosisprites,Impardecispora,Aequitriradites等重要分子的地质时限特性,认为其时代应属早白垩世。这些孢粉化石资料对建立海拉尔盆地地层层序,进而指导盆地油气勘探具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of Aconitum in the Sino-Himalayan subregion is analysed in the present paper on the basis of taxonomy and relationship between the infrageneric taxa. Asaresult, some conclusions may be arrived as follows: 1. The Sino-Himalayan subregion is the frequency centre and the diversity centre of the genus. For analysis, the distribution area of the genus are assigned to three floristic regions, viz. 1) the East-Asian floristic region, consisting of the Sino-Himalayan subregion and SinoJapanese subregion, 2) the Euro-Siberian region and 3) the North-American region (Table 1). In the East-Asian floristic region, the Sino-Himalayan subregion comprises 3 subgenera, about 5 sections, about 13 series and nearly 180 species. However, the Sino-Japanese subregion has only 2 subgenera, 2 sections. 6 series and about 50 species. The Euro-Siberian region has 2 subgenera, 2 sections, about 9 series and nearly 70 species. The North-American region has 2 subgenera (one of the 2 subgenera has only 1 species), 1 section, 1-2 series and about 26 species. Obviously, the Sino-Himalayan subregion is the richest in taxa. 2. The Sino-Himalayan subregion is not only the preservation centre of the primitive groups and species, but also an actively differentiating region. Largely in the Sino-Himalayan subregion occurs primitive or more primitive tava in the genus, such as Sect. Fletcherum, Sect. Alatosperum and Sect. Sinaconitum, Ser. Tangutica and Ser. Brunnea etc.: A fletcherianum, A. novoluridum, A. chrysotricum, A. brevicalcaratum, A. polycarpus, A. nagarum, A. tanguti cum, A. hookeri, A. naviculare, A. violaceum, etc. On the other hand, the Sino-Himalayan subregion also has the most or relatively advanced taxa, represented by the annual monotypic subgenus Gymnaconitum, A. spiripetalum, A. hamatipetalum and A. bulbitiferum ect. About 50 infraspecific taxa occur in the subregion. For example, A. hemsleyanum has 8 varities, A. franchetii has varities and A. nagarum 1 varity and 2 forms, ect. 3. In the region under discussion the genus Aconitum shows remarkable endemism. The endemic taxa include 3 sections (Sect. Fletcherum, Sect. Alatosperum and Sect. Sina conitum), 3 series (Ser. Brevicalcarata, Ser. Crassiflora and Ser. Bullatifolia) and nearly 150 species, among which primitive and advanced ones are both present. 4. The pattern of geographical distribution of the genus Aconitum shows remarkable relationship between latitude and altitude. The majority of species of this genus prefer habi tats with a cool and more or less constantly moist climate. In the Sino-Japanese subregion, with a higher latitude, the genus has an altitude range of 500-1500 m, whereas in the Sino-Hima-layan subregion the range is 2900-5000 m. To sum up, the Sino-Himalayan subregion is the diversity centre, the frequency centre, the differentiation centre, the preservation centre of the primitive taxa and the centre of endemism of the genus Aconitum, and its development in this subregion has probably been accelerated by the lift of the Himalayas and the complicated environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Ectoparasites have been investigated on gills of the ruff, perch, white bream, roach, bream, ide, and European cisco from the Pleshcheevo lake. 13 parasite species were found: Dactylogyrus falcatus, D. distinguendus, D. cornoides, D. cornu, D. sphyrna, D. robustus, D. amphibothrium, Ancyrocephalus paradoxus, Argulus foliaceus, Ergasilus sieboldi, Achtheres percarum, Ancyrocephalus percae, and Rhipidocotyle companula. A reliable negative correlation between the number of monogeneans An. paradoxus and the copepods Ac. percarum on the perch. D. falcatus, the specific monogenean of the bream, was found on the roach. The comparison of the obtained data with those of 1939 has shown the decrease of oxyphilic copepods E. seiboldi, that prove the increasing eutrophication.  相似文献   

植硅体的现代过程研究是利用植硅体这一指标精准恢复区域古植被、古气候的前提和关键环节,探讨表土植硅体组合的空间分布特征及其对环境因子的响应尤为重要。本研究在东北地区沿着年降水量为600 mm等降水线采集54块表土样品,研究单一温度控制下表土植硅体的空间分布规律,以期寻找对温度比较敏感的植硅体类型。结果表明: 54块表土样品中植硅体类型相同,共鉴定出15类,分别是棒型、尖型、块状、扇型、扁平状、帽型、鞍型、哑铃型、齿型、三棱柱型、硅化气孔、导管型、硅质突起、弓型、椎骨状,且主要以棒型、尖型为主,短细胞、块状、扁平状次之,其他类型植硅体的平均百分含量不足1.0%。小兴安岭、松辽平原和辽西低山丘陵3个区域的表土植硅体组合特征存在差异,判别分析结果能够将3个区域样点有效区分开,总的判别正确率为94.4%,其中棒型、尖型、三棱柱型的平均含量在小兴安岭最大,在辽西低山丘陵最小;而鞍型、哑铃型、硅质突起与之相反;块状、扁平状、扇型则主要是在松辽平原最大,且棒型、尖型、三棱柱型、鞍型、哑铃型、硅质突起、块状、扁平状和扇型的百分含量在3个区域之间存在显著差异。棒型、尖型、三棱柱型的百分含量与年均温之间存在显著负相关,块状、扁平状、扇型、哑铃型、硅质突起的百分含量与年均温呈显著正相关,而鞍型、帽型、齿型的百分含量与年均温没有显著相关性。  相似文献   

贵州罗甸纳水剖面是研究宾夕法尼亚亚系牙形刺和各阶界线的良好剖面.经详细研究,从石炭系中间界线至石炭-二叠系界线,一个新的牙形刺序列为Gnathodus bilineatus bollandensis(密西西比亚系顶部),Declinog-nathodus noduliferus, Idiognathoides sulcatus sulcatus, Id. sinuatus, Id. corrugatus-Id. pacificus, Neognatho-dus symmetricus, Idiognathodus primulus-Neognathodus symmetricus, Idiognathodus primulus-Neognathodus bassleri, Idiognathoides sulcatus parva, Streptognathodus expansus, Idiognathoides ouachitensis, Diplognatho-dus coloradoensis, Di. ellesmerensis, Gondolella donbassica-Go, clarki, Idiognathodus podolskensis, Swadelina subexcelsa, Sw. makhlina-Sw, nodocarinata, Idiognathodus sagittalis, Streptognathodus cancellosus, St. graci-lis, St. guizhouensis, Idiognathodus simulator, I. nashuiensis, Streptognathodus firmus, St. tenuialveus, St. wabaunsensis和St. isolatus(二叠系)等带.Declinognathodus noduliferus和Streptognathodus isolatus的首次现分别代表宾夕法尼亚亚系和二叠系之底;Diplognathodus ellesmerensis, Idiognathodus sagittalis和J. simula-tor的首现则可分别代表莫斯科阶(Moscovian),卡西莫夫阶(Kasimovian)和格舍尔阶(Gzhelian)之底界.作者较为详细讨论了巴什基尔阶与莫斯科阶以及卡西莫夫阶与格舍尔阶之界线,并认为以Diplognathodus ellesmerensis的首现作为巴什基尔阶(Bashkirian)与莫斯科阶之界线足目前最合适的标志.Diplognathodus ellesmerensis是一易于识别、分布广泛及层位稳定的牙形刺种,其产出又十分接近巴什基尔阶与莫斯科阶的传统界线,因此是划分此界线的良好标志.作者拟推荐纳水剖面为莫斯科阶底界之候选层型剖面,这一界线详细的工作正在大量采样分析和深入研究中,成果将在以后陆续发表.  相似文献   

本文研究了新疆准噶尔盆地独山子油田原油中分离出的孢子花粉35属51种。基于原油中孢子花粉的研究,追溯了该含油区的油源并讨论了油气运移问题。根据原油中找到的孢子花粉化石来判断,准噶尔盆地西南含油区有两套油源岩系,即下一中侏罗统八道湾一头屯河组和渐新统安集海河组。  相似文献   

林有润 《植物研究》2002,22(3):341-365
棕榈科原省藤亚科因其子房壁及外果皮被倒生、螺旋状排列的鳞片所覆盖,而区别于其他亚科,因而独立分出成一新科--省藤科。作者讨论了棕榈科的祖先种可能在石炭纪时,自原始裸子植物开以顿目在分化、衍生出苏铁目祖先种的进化干上,于白垩纪时分化出的一个分支。在棕榈科的祖先种出现不久后,在其进化的分支上,于白垩纪后期又分化出一旁支,成为棕榈科的姊妹科--省藤科的祖先种。从两祖先种分别再分化、衍生出现今分布地球上该二科的属与种。两科、尤其前者是被子植物、尤其是单子叶植物中最原始的类群之一。作者还提出棕榈科象牙椰亚科与贝叶棕亚科是该科最原始或较原始的两类群;槟榔亚科和腊材榈亚科是较进化的两类群;而水椰亚科祖先种可能源于象牙椰亚科的祖先种,但又演化为该科最进化与特化的类群。省藤科省藤亚科略比鳞果榈亚科原始。作者讨论了两科为泛热带分布的科,指出两科的"现代分布区"在南北两半球热带地区,少数种还延伸分布到两半球暖亚热带、甚至达中亚热带地区,分布区边缘最北达日本中部、中国长江流域及黄河下游的南部,美国加利佛尼亚州与佛罗里达州和地中海北部;最南达智利中部和新西兰南部;而"现代分布中心"在热带与暖亚热带的亚洲,中、南美洲,大洋洲及非洲的东、南、西部;但分布区的"密集中心"则在热带亚洲、热带中及南美洲、南太平洋群岛及非洲东南部。作者还介绍了近50年我国南方引种驯化成功的两科植物近400种(见*图谱),其中少数为耐寒的种类,有的种已引种到长江流域或更北的地区。引种的大部分种都有其重要的经济用途,包括:1. 食用,如淀粉和树液可制"西米"或制糖,酿酒、醋或作饮料;果或种子榨油,供食用或工业用;某些种的嫩芽作蔬菜,甚至种子代咖啡饮用;2. 药用,有消炎、止血、活血、驱虫、抗癌等用;3. 建筑、工艺与日用品,包括不少种的树干供建普通房子、桥梁、小船;少数种可提制工业用蜡;许多种的纤维制高级缆绳和编织品;还制工艺品与日用品等;4. 代表热带景观的园林工程、绿化及美化环境的观赏树和人行道树及建造园林景观生态类型的树种等。  相似文献   

The vegetation of the sandy hills ("lomas") constitutes the main originality of the Peruvian and Chilean desert with a high number of endemics that shapes the vicarious associations. In this work, a phytosociological view of sandy environments of the Peruvian coastal desert is presented. According to the Braun-Blanquet method, we have made up 32 phytosociological inventories and added 138 ones from others authors. In each inventory, we have analyzed its floristic composition and ecological parameters, as altitude, soil and geomorphology. All releves were synthesized in a table to deduce the different associations, higher phytosociological units, and the distribu tion of its flora along the Peruvian coast and the Andean Cordillera. Using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, the diversity of this flora is discussed making a comparison with historical data about the use of the territory with livestock during pre-Inca and Inca cultures, and Spanish invasion. As a result, two associations from Southern Peru -Nolanetum scaposo-spathulatae and Palauetum camanensis-weberbaueri-, two alliances -Nolanion humifusae from central Peru, and Nolanion spathulatae from the Southern Peru- and a new order -Tetragonio crystallinae-Plantaginetalia limensis- are described. In Nolanetum scaposo-spathulatae, Dictyophragnus englerianus, Leptoglossis lomana, Nolana scaposa, N. spathulata, Palaua velutina and Tetragonia vestita are the main characteristics, while in Palauetum camanensis-weberbaueri association N. scaposa and P. velutina are replaced by Palaua camanensis and P. weberbaueri. Nolanion humifusae alliance integrates species as Geranium limae, Hymenocallis amancaes, Nolana humifusa, N. latipes, Palaua rhombifolia or Villanova oppositifolia. Likewise, Cistanthe weberbaueri, Cryptantha parviflora, Hoffmannseggia miranda, Lupinus mollendoensis, Nolana confinis, N. pallidula, N. scaposa, N. spathulata, Palaua camanensis, P. velutina, P. weberbaueri, Tetragonia vestita and Weberbauerella brongniartioides are the characteristic species of Nolanion spathulatae alliance. The Tetragonio crystallinae-Plantaginetalia limensis order presents characteristic plants don't linked with eutrophic soils, as Calandrinia alba, Cryptantha limensis, Dyschoriste repens, Monnina macrostachya, Oxalis lomana, Palaua malvifolia, Pectocarya lateriflora, Plantago limensis or Tetragonia crystallina, with a distribution that claps the geographical area of the new alliances. On the other hand, the vegetation of the desert ravines is discussed in the context of the coastal river plant communities and its disturbance by the dunes. After the application of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index on the synthetic table columns, we can deduce that an increase in Andean and European ruderal species is linked to an intensive livestock activity. The transhumance between the Andes and the coast from pre-Inca times until now, produces the plant dispersion of high Andean plants toward the coast; the Spanish colonization was the origin of the presence of European plants in the "lomas" vegetation of Peru.  相似文献   

华南藤本植物的生态学特性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文从生态学观点出发,概述华南藤本植物的区系分布、生物学生态学特性、生长型及参与森林结构的作用,以供有关方面参考。  相似文献   

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