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2001-2005年广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所、水稻研究所参加6个国际水稻遗传评价试验圃(INGER),包括国际褐稻虱圃、稻瘿蚊圃、稻瘟病圃、白叶枯病圃、灌溉稻观察圃和靓粒香稻圃,引进水稻种质资源1778份,经鉴定试验和田间评价试验,评选出一批适合广东的抗病虫或具丰产潜能的优质种质。这些种质资源在我省水稻抗病虫性研究和抗病虫育种中得到广泛应用,2001-2005年用4个INGER材料培育出9个优质丰产抗病虫品种,合计应用面积25万hm^2。这些品种组合控制了广东水稻病虫褐稻虱、稻瘟病、白叶枯病的灾害性发生,具有重要的经济效益和生态效应。目前,广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所和水稻研究所分别保留了200多份和5000多份可进一步利用的水稻种质材料。通过INGER试验引进的水稻种质资源对丰富广东水稻育种的遗传背景,提高广东省水稻抗病虫性研究和抗病虫育种水平以及种质研究利用水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Rice has been grown in Japan for about 3000 years. Although both japonica and indica varieties have been grown in Japan, now japonica rices are grown. Japanese rice breeding has used an ecological breeding approach. While emphasis in rice breeding in the 1940's and 1950's focussed on yield in recent decades quality has been of major importance. Consumer preference and name recognition of high quality varieties, such as Koshihikari, has resulted in slow acceptance of new varieties.Rice germplasm was systematically collected throughout Japan between 1962 and 1963. Subsequent acquisition and collecting, in Japan and other countries, has resulted in 28,000 accessions being conserved in the National Genebank, based at the National institute of Agrobiological Resources (NIAR).Research on genetic diversity of rice using a range of techniques, for example esterase isozymes, has revealed clinal variation in rice radiating from the center of diversity of rice in and around southwest China. Newly found genes in traditional rice germplasm, such as genes for non-elongating mesocotyl, are now routinely identified on the rice genome. Pioneering studies on eco-genetic differentiation of species in the genus Oryza in Japan has revealed much about the complex genepool for which rice evolved.Pest and disease resistance sources, particularly to blast, bacterial blight and brown plant hopper, from many countries have been incorporated into Japanese varieties. Cold tolerance at the booting stage was found in the Indonesian variety Silewah. In the future in characterisation of rice germplasm and interaction between rice germplasm specialists and rice molecular scientists, both in Japan and internationally, will be corner stones to securing rice genetic diversity and rice improvement in the next century.  相似文献   

Ambiguous germplasm identification; difficulty in tracing pedigree information; and lack of integration between genetic resources, characterization, breeding, evaluation, and utilization data are constraints in developing knowledge-intensive crop improvement programs. To address these constraints, the International Crop Information System (www.icis.cgiar.org), a database system for the management and integration of global information on genetic resources and crop improvement for any crop, was developed by genetic resource specialists, crop scientists, and information technicians associated with the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research and collaborative partners. The International Rice Information System (www.iris.irri.org) is the rice (Oryza species) implementation of the International Crop Information System. New components are now being added to the International Rice Information System to handle the diversity of rice functional genomics data including genomic sequence data, molecular genetic data, expression data, and proteomic information. Users access information in the database through stand-alone programs and Web interfaces, which offer specialized applications and customized views to researchers with different interests.  相似文献   

为了进一步扩大我国稻种资源,丰富水稻育种材料,引进了165份国际水稻研究所在非洲进行穿梭育种的水稻新株系,于2011年和2012年在湖北生态条件下进行稻瘟病抗性、白叶枯病抗性和褐飞虱抗性的评价。评价结果表明,在165份新株系中有14份株系在宜昌和恩施2个稻瘟病病圃鉴定均表现抗或中抗稻瘟病,有40份株系同时高抗或抗白叶枯病菌株ZHE173和GD1358,有19份株系抗或中抗褐飞虱,有7份株系同时抗白叶枯病和稻瘟病,有8份株系同时抗白叶枯病和褐飞虱,有1份株系同时中抗稻瘟病、褐飞虱和白叶枯病。部分材料正在作为中间材料用于水稻育种。  相似文献   

The characterization of genetic divergence and relationships of a set of germplasm is essential for its efficient applications in crop breeding and understanding of the origin/evolution of crop varieties from a given geographical region. As the largest rice producing country in Europe, Italy holds rice germplasm with abundant genetic diversity. Although Italian rice varieties and the traditional ones in particular have played important roles in rice production and breeding, knowledge concerning the origin and evolution of Italian traditional varieties is still limited. To solve the puzzle of Italian rice origin, we characterized genetic divergence and relationships of 348 rice varieties from Italy and Asia based on the polymorphisms of microsatellite fingerprints. We also included common wild rice O. rufipogon as a reference in the characterization. Results indicated relatively rich genetic diversity (H e = 0.63-0.65) in Italian rice varieties. Further analyses revealed a close genetic relationship of the Italian traditional varieties with those from northern China, which provides strong genetic evidence for tracing the possible origin of early established rice varieties in Italy. These findings have significant implications for the rice breeding programs, in which appropriate germplasm can be selected from a given region and utilized for transferring unique genetic traits based on its genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity assessment in 11 rice varieties of the Rice Research Institute’ (Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences) and also differentiation and identification of 11 rice varieties were conducted by the analysis of 25 SSR-markers. Based on the allele composition of 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci, genetic formulas of examined varieties were developed. UPGMA cluster analysis, with the use of the genetic distances method, allowed for the calculation of differentiation of rice varieties and showed that the Ukrainian rice varieties are genetically similar. As a whole, the use of the SSR-markers was revealed as an effective tool for the assessment of genetic diversity and genotyping within rice varieties of Ukrainian breeding.  相似文献   

化感水稻种质资源鉴定及基因定位研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稻种资源化感作用的鉴定评价与深入研究是化感水稻品种选育的基础.本文概要介绍了化感水稻种质资源鉴定评价方法、化感作用生理生化机理以及化感特性遗传与基因定位方面的主要研究进展,并进一步讨论了水稻化感作用研究与利用的发展方向.  相似文献   

不同国家水稻品种的遗传多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨世界不同国家水稻品种的遗传多样性,旨在为各国品种资源的有效利用提供理论依据。本研究利用63对引物对36份来源于不同国家的水稻品种进行遗传多样性分析。共检测到269个等位基因,每个位点的等位基因数(Na)平均为4.54个,有效等位基因数(Ne)平均为3.22,基因多样性指数(H)平均为0.64,Shannon’s信息指数(I)平均为1.21,引物RM206、RM257、RM410、RM235、RM266的等位基因数较多在7条以上。所处纬度相近的国家或地区的水稻品种之间的遗传距离较近,被聚为同一类群,而所处纬度较远的国家或地区的水稻品种被分到了不同类群。结果表明,水稻品种之间的遗传差异与纬度和地理距离有很大的关系。  相似文献   

复粒稻种质资源及其遗传育种利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻(Oryza sativa)是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一, 也是单子叶植物发育分子生物学研究的理想模式植物。穗部形态是影响水稻产量的重要因素, 也是当前水稻遗传改良和发育生物学研究的热点之一。复粒稻是发生于水稻穗粒部的一种突变体材料, 在形态上可分为小穗簇生型和颖壳多雌型两种, 有自然突变、杂交变异和理化诱变等多种来源途径。作为一种特异的水稻种质资源, 复粒稻在水稻新材料创建、复粒型新品种选育、改善杂交制种结实性及探讨单子叶植物成花机理等方面具有重要的研究价值, 对创造复粒新型育种材料、提高穗着粒密度及穗粒数、有效缩短穗长度、改良水稻植株性状及提高产量等都具有重要意义。该文综述了复粒稻的资源类型、来源途径、遗传分析、基因定位及其育种利用价值等方面的研究进展, 并提出了今后的研究方向, 以期为水稻遗传育种提供参考。  相似文献   


Key message

Two heterotic groups and four heterotic patterns were identified for IRRI hybrid rice germplasm to develop hybrid rice in the tropics based on SSR molecular data and field trials.


Information on heterotic groups and patterns is a fundamental prerequisite for hybrid crop breeding; however, no such clear information is available for tropical hybrid rice breeding after more than 30 years of hybrid rice commercialization. Based on a study of genetic diversity using molecular markers, 18 parents representing hybrid rice populations historically developed at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) were selected to form diallel crosses of hybrids and were evaluated in tropical environments. Yield, yield heterosis and combining ability were investigated with the main objectives of (1) evaluating the magnitude of yield heterosis among marker-based parental groups, (2) examining the consistency between marker-based group and heterotic performance of hybrids, and (3) identifying foundational hybrid parents in discrete germplasm pools to provide a reference for tropical indica hybrid rice breeding. Significant differences in yield, yield heterosis and combining ability were detected among parents and among hybrids. On average, the hybrids yielded 14.8 % higher than the parents. Results revealed that inter-group hybrids yielded higher, with higher yield heterosis than intra-group hybrids. Four heterotic patterns within two heterotic groups based on current IRRI B- and R-line germplasm were identified. Parents in two marker-based groups were identified with limited breeding value among current IRRI hybrid rice germplasm because of their lowest contribution to heterotic hybrids. Heterotic hybrids are significantly correlated with high-yielding parents. The efficiency of breeding heterotic hybrids could be enhanced using selected parents within identified marker-based heterotic groups. This information is useful for exploiting those widely distributed IRRI hybrid rice parents.  相似文献   

农业生物多样性已成为国际关注的热点领域之一。本文根据郭辉军等中国专家提出的农业生物多样性评价(Agobiodiyersity Assessment,ABA)方法为基础,提出了景观水平农业生物多样性评价相关术语、基本用词的定义,一系列用于搜集PLEC植物物种多样性核心资料的基本原理与实用指南,以及资料分析与报告指南,以指导全球环境基金/联合国环境署/联合国大学PLEC项目计划20多个国家的研究。图表可于实地调查时用于搜集及分析核心资料;这些资料最终将会包括于PLEC物种多样性数据库。正文则提供辅助的咨询解释。  相似文献   

黑龙江省近年审定水稻品种基于SSR标记的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评估黑龙江省水稻品种的遗传基础,利用24个用于水稻DNA指纹图谱构建的SSR标记以及其他均匀分布于水稻12条染色体的38个SSR标记,对黑龙江省近年审定的73个水稻常规稻品种进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,在62个SSR标记位点中,共检测到142个等位基因,平均每个标记2.3个,多态性比率平均为71.0%,多态性频率变幅为0~0.775,平均值为0.246。供试品种间两两遗传相似系数的平均值为0.759,变幅为0.622~0.966,且96.4%的品种间遗传相似系数在0.66~0.86之间,表明供试的73个品种亲缘关系较近。通过SSR标记基因型聚类分析将这些品种划分为6个类群,与系谱分析趋势一致,类群间的差异主要表现在生育期和米质方面。综上所述,黑龙江省近年审定的水稻品种遗传基础狭窄,在育种中需要导入新的种质资源,加强种质资源创新,以期丰富水稻品种的遗传多样性,进一步提高水稻产量和抗性。  相似文献   

野生稻有利基因的发掘和利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
鄂志国  王磊 《遗传》2008,30(11):1397-1405
摘要: 野生稻作为栽培稻的野生亲缘种, 具有许多优良的性状和有利基因, 是栽培稻品种进一步改良的天然遗传种质资源库。其中, 野生稻对病虫害的抗性、对各种逆境的耐受性以及胞质雄性不育等, 已广泛应用于现代栽培稻的育种改良。文章综述了野生稻种质资源的有利性状及相应控制基因的发掘, 探讨了其在今后水稻育种中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.), the major staple food crop of the world, faces a severe threat from widespread drought. The development of drought-tolerant rice varieties is considered a feasible option to counteract drought stress. The screening of rice germplasm under drought and its characterization at the morphological, genetic, and molecular levels revealed the existence of genetic variation for drought tolerance within the rice gene pool. The improvements made in managed drought screening and selection for grain yield under drought have significantly contributed to progress in drought breeding programs. The availability of rice genome sequence information, genome-wide molecular markers, and low-cost genotyping platforms now makes it possible to routinely apply marker-assisted breeding approaches to improve grain yield under drought. Grain yield QTLs with a large and consistent effect under drought have been indentified and successfully pyramided in popular rice mega-varieties. Various rice functional genomics resources, databases, tools, and recent advances in “-omics” are facilitating the characterization of genes and pathways involved in drought tolerance, providing the basis for candidate gene identification and allele mining. The transgenic approach is successful in generating drought tolerance in rice under controlled conditions, but field-level testing is necessary. Genomics-assisted drought breeding approaches hold great promise, but a well-planned integration with standardized phenotyping is highly essential to exploit their full potential.  相似文献   

贵州稻种资源遗传多样性的研究与利用已取得较大进展.主要表现在(1)收集整理了地方稻种5168份并入国家种质库长期保存,系统完成其农艺性状和特性的鉴定与评价,筛选出一批矮秆、大穗、大粒、优质、特种稻、抗病虫、抗衰以及耐冷、抗旱性突出的优异种质;(2)研究表明,品种多样性是环境对品种的选择和品种对环境的适应双向作用的环境同化产物,在贵州高原低温高湿寡照生境下形成禾类和旱稻等种质资源;(3)开展了地方稻种中细胞质雄性不育恢复源、非sd-1基因新矮源、广亲和、双(多)胚等特性有利基因资源的鉴定和筛选;(4)明确了收集品种的类型及其保存途径,建立以基础样品、活动样品和核心样品的分类数据库为基础的资源信息管理系统.对推动研究工作的深入发展等问题展开了讨论.  相似文献   

The cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) has two subspecies, indica and japonica. The japonica rice germplasm has a narrower genetic diversity compared to the indica subspecies. Rice breeders aim to develop new varieties with a higher yield potential, with enhanced resistances to biotic and abiotic stresses, and improved adaptation to environmental changes. In order to face some of these challenges, japonica rice germplasm will have to be diversified and new breeding strategies developed. Indica rice improvement could also profit from more “genepool mingling” for which japonica rice could play an important role. Interesting traits such as low-temperature tolerance, and wider climate adaptation could be introgressed into the indica subspecies. In the past decade, huge developments in rice genomics have expanded our available knowledge on this crop and it is now time to use these technologies for improving and accelerating rice breeding research. With the full sequence of the rice genome, breeders may take advantage of new genes. Also new genes may be discovered from the genepool of wild relatives, or landraces of the genus Oryza, and incorporated into elite japonica cultivars in a kind of “gene revolution” program. Expectedly, new technologies that are currently being optimized, aiming for novel gene discovery or for tracking the regions under selection, will be suggested as new breeding approaches. This paper revisits breeding strategies successfully employed in indica rice, and discusses their application in japonica rice improvement (e.g. ideotype breeding, wide hybridization and hybrid performance).  相似文献   

Soils that contain toxic amounts of minerals or are deficient in essential plant nutrients are widespread globally and seriously constrain rice production. New methods are necessary to incorporate the complex adaptive traits associated with tolerance of these abiotic stresses, while simultaneously retaining the high yield potential of rice varieties when conditions are favorable. Significant progress in the genetic characterization of stress response pathways and recent advances in genomics have provided powerful tools for in-depth dissection of tolerance mechanisms. Additionally, tolerance of most of these abiotic stresses in rice is controlled by a few QTLs with large effects despite the intricacy of the numerous traits involved. Genetic dissection of these QTLs and their incorporation into high-yielding varieties will significantly enhance and stabilize rice productivity in these problem soils. Current efforts at IRRI and in rice breeding programs worldwide are seeking to explore diverse germplasm collections and genetically dissect the causal mechanisms of tolerance to facilitate their use in breeding. This review focuses on salinity and P and Zn deficiency as the major problems encountered in rice soils, and examines current understanding of the mechanisms involved and efforts toward germplasm improvement.  相似文献   

稻种遗传资源多样性的开发利用及保护   总被引:53,自引:3,他引:50  
由于近年来栽培稻众多改良品种的育成和大面积推广,使之在很大程度上取代了地方品种,造成栽培稻基因源的大量基因流失,导致栽培稻品种的遗传基础越来越狭窄以至不能承受新病、虫害和不利环境的袭击。同时,由于人们长期施用杀虫剂、灭菌剂和除草剂等化学农药,严重地恶化了农业生态环境。要改变这种恶性循环的局面,开发和利用稻种的遗传资源,以丰富栽培稻品种的遗传基础是非常必要的。稻种基因源包括了亚洲栽培稻、非洲栽培稻、杂草稻、稻属的野生物种以及稻族内的近缘属种,它们是栽培稻品种进一步改良所不可缺少的遗传资源。但是,由于农业生产模式的改变,社会经济和工业化水平的迅速发展和提高,稻种基因源的多样性受到了严重的影响和威胁。一些野生稻种的居群已经迅速地缩小甚至从原产地消失。因此,对稻种基因源及其多样性进行及时有效的保护,并对其进行合理的开发和利用,是保证栽培稻进一步改良和持久生产的最有效方法。  相似文献   

Rice blast disease is one of the most devastating diseases of rice (Oryza sativa L.) caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (M. oryzae), and neck blast is the most destructive phase of this illness. The underlying molecular mechanisms of rice blast resistance are not well known. Thus, we collected 150 rice varieties from different ecotypes in China and assessed the rice blast resistances under the natural conditions that favoured disease development in Jining, Shandong Province, China in 2017. Results showed that 92 (61.3%) and 58 (38.7%) rice varieties were resistant and susceptible to M. oryzae, respectively. Among the 150 rice varieties screened for the presence of 13 major blast resistance (R) genes against M. oryzae by using functional markers, 147 contained one to eight R genes. The relationship between R genes and disease response was discussed by analysing the phenotype and genotype of functional markers. The results showed that the rice blast resistance gene Pita was significantly correlated with rice blast resistance. Our results provided a basis for the further understanding of the distribution of 13 major R genes of rice blast in the germplasm resources of the tested rice varieties, and were meaningful for rice disease resistance breeding.  相似文献   

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