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This study describes the distribution, proteoglycan properties and protease activity of mast cells from 15 different dog organs. In beagles and mixed breed dogs, staining with Alcian Blue-Safranin O revealed mast cells in all the organs examined. However, their numbers varied and they demonstrated unique localization patterns within some of these organs. Berberine sulphate fluorescence-positive mast cells were observed in the submucosa, muscularis and serosa of the intestines, as well as the tongue and liver (within the connective tissue). Mast cells within the intestinal mucosa were negative for, or demonstrated weak, berberine sulphate staining. Heterogeneity of mast cells in terms of the proteoglycans contained within their granules was further confirmed by determination of critical electrolyte concentrations (CECs). The CECs of mast cells within the connective tissue of several organs, including the intestines (submucosal and muscularis-serosal layers) were all greater than 1.0 M. The results from CEC experiments together with berberine staining indicate that heparin was contained within their granules. Relative to the CECs of mast cells in other organs, mast cells in the intestinal mucosa exhibited lower CECs, suggesting that the proteoglycans within their granules were of lower charge density and/or molecular weight. Although mast cells were classified into two groups by proteoglycans within the granules, enzyme histochemical analysis in beagles revealed three subtypes of mast cells: chymase (MC(C)), tryptase (MC(T)) and dual positive (MC(TC)) cells. There was no correlation between the proteoglycan content and enzyme properties of the mast cell granules.  相似文献   

Mast cells from 15 different cat organs were examined in terms of distribution and protease activity. The number of mast cells in each site was found to vary when visualised by metachromatic staining using Alcian Blue. Enzyme histochemical analysis revealed the existence of two subtypes of mast cells. These were categorised based on protease content, i.e. whether the mast cells contained chymase or tryptase. Tryptase-positive mast cells were clearly identifiable in every organ examined, whereas chymase-containing mast cells were predominantly observed in the ear (skin), tongue, spleen, and submucosa of the stomach and rectum. The chymase-reactive cells were not detected in the heart, or in the muscularis or serosa of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum or rectum. In addition, we suggest the existence of another subtype of mast cell containing both chymase and tryptase and localised within the ear (skin), tongue, spleen and submucosa of the rectum.  相似文献   

鸡中枢淋巴器官肥大细胞的组织化学与形态学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对哺乳动物的,特别是啮齿动物和人类肥大细胞已有了比较深入的研究, 但关于家禽肥大细胞的研究很少.本研究旨在阐明鸡中枢淋巴器官中肥大细胞的组织化学与形态学特征.本研究证实Carnoy 氏液是鸡肥大细胞的优良的固定液,而中性缓冲福尔马林(NBF) 却阻断了大多数肥大细胞的着染力.甲苯胺蓝和阿尔新蓝是鸡肥大细胞的良好的染料,但阿尔新蓝能使更多的肥大细胞着染,虽然其也可使杯状细胞着染.作者的一种新的染色法, 长时间阿尔新蓝染色(LAB-S)可用于NBF固定的组织中肥大细胞的染色,因为其着染的细胞数与Carnoy 氏液固定甲苯胺蓝染色的细胞数无显著差异(P<0.001).在胸腺髓质中见有大量的肥大细胞,而胸腺皮质仅可见个别肥大细胞位于血管周围及小叶间结缔组织中.腔上囊的皮质与髓质中很少见有肥大细胞.肥大细胞有血管周围分布的倾向,但一个有趣的发现是血管内偶尔也有个别肥大细胞.电镜下可见肥大细胞的胞浆颗粒内充满无定形的颗粒状基质,但其电子密度有的较高,有的较低.少数胞浆颗粒内有旋涡状及网状亚微结构.但未见有人类肥大细胞胞浆颗粒内特征性的晶格状和卷轴状的亚微结构,也未见到在绵羊肥大细胞中描述过的特殊亚微结构.  相似文献   

Proteases present in mast cell granules have been harnessed to demonstrate mast cells in human tissues. A number of substrate mixtures were tested. D-Val-Leu-Arg-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide (MNA) plus Fast Blue B was the best for identifying human mast cells, yielding the most specific and complete staining. The procedure is simple and the results are permanent. Cryostat sections of aldehyde-fixed routine preparations or paraffin sections of Carnoy-fixed tissues give the most satisfactory results. Mast cells are stained a strong red color that stands out distinctly from the surrounding tissues, so that they can be easily identified by simple microscopy. A double-staining technique, first for protease and subsequently using Alcian Blue, showed that as progressive protease staining occurs, the alcianophilia of mast cells is lost. This procedure demonstrated that mast cells in the mucosa of human gut generally required longer incubations to develop protease staining than in other connective tissue sites. In post-mortem tissues, mast cells retain their protease activity well and so can be demonstrated in cryostat sections of aldehyde-fixed material, giving a more complete picture than with Alcian Blue. The synthetic substrate D-Val-Leu-Arg-MNA can be recommended for routine identification of mast cells in human tissues.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics of the tongue were studied in adult rhea (Rhea americana). The lingual surface and the surface of epithelium-connective tissue interface of rhea tongue were examined macroscopically and by light and scanning electron microscopy. The rhea tongue revealed a triangular aspect, without adjustment of the inferior bill formation, occupying approximately ? of the length of the oral cavity. Lingual papilla-like structures were not observed over the lingual surface. The tongue mucosa was composed of a thick non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium in the dorsal and ventral part, supported by a connective tissue core. The submucosa contained numerous glands with cytoplasmic granules, and luminal secretion was positive for histochemical reaction to Alcian Blue in pH 2.5 and PAS, and negative to Alcian Blue in pH 0.5. Despite the rudimentary characteristic of the tongue in rhea, our results suggest an important role of tongue secretions in food lubrication and humidification during the swallowing process, based on the enormous quantity of lingual glands in the submucosa and the histochemical characteristics of their secretions.  相似文献   

Summary The phenotypic expression of the proteoglycan of human mast cells in the nasal mucosa and normal skin was analysed using histochemical techniques. Nasal mucosa was obtained from normal subjects, from patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis before and during the pollen season and from patients with nasal polyps. In the latter groups, specimens were taken from both polyp tissue and adjacent nasal mucosa. Formaldehyde treatment blocked the cationic dye binding in 75–84% of the mast cells located in the nasal mucosa, as compared to the optimum fixation with IFAA (iso-osmotic formaldehyde-acetic acid). A significantly lower degree of blocking of dye binding was obtained in the human skin where 45% of the mast cells were susceptible to formaldehyde treatment (P<0.01). The mast cells of the polyp tissue also showed a relatively low degree of blocking (54%), which was significantly lower than the blocking of mast cells of the nasal mucosa taken from the same individuals (P<0.05). Staining of serial tissue sections in Alcian Blue containing graded concentrations of MgCl2 was used to determine the critical electrolyte concentration (CEC) of the dye binding, defined as the salt concentration at which the staining of 50% of the mast cells is extinguished. The CEC of the skin mast cells was 0.64m MgCl2 which is significantly higher than that of the mast cells of the nasal mucosa of normal subjects [0.49m (P<0.05)], allergic subjects [0.52m (P<0.01)], patients with polyp disease [0.52m (P<0.01)] and the polyp tissue proper [0.57m (P<0.05)]. This implies that mast cells of the nasal mucosa contain glycosaminoglycans of a relatively lower charge density and/or molecular size than the connective tissue mast cells found in the human skin. A similar difference has been observed between rat mucosal mast cells, containing a chondroitin suphate proteoglycan, and rat connective tissue mast cells which contain a heparin proteoglycan. However, unlike the rat mucosal cells, the mast cells of the human nasal mucosa showed a weakly fluorescent Berberine binding and, like the rat connective tissue mast cells, entirely lost the ability to bind Toluidine Blue after treatment with nitrous acid. Such treatment results in a deaminative cleavage of heparin and heparan sulphate, but does not degrade chondroitin sulphate. These results provide further evidence of the existence of a distinctive mucosal mast cell phenotype also in man. It is suggested that the lower CEC of the mucosal mast cells is an expression of a content of haparan sulphate, while the relatively higher CEC of the skin mast cells is compatible with a content of heparin.  相似文献   

Summary Mucosal mast cells (MMC) and connective tissue mast cells (CTMC) of the rat contain different proteoglycans, which can be distinguished using histochemical methods. The chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan of the MMC, unlike the heparin of the CTMC, does not show fluorescent berberine binding, is susceptible to aldehyde fixatives and stains preferentially with Alcian Blue in a staining sequence with Safranin. The majority of the dermal mast cells are typical CTMC and are located in the deep part of the dermis. Subepidermal mast cells are comparatively few in normal rats but numerous in athymic rats and mice. These cells differ from other dermal mast cells in that they stain preferentially with Alcian Blue and they appear to contain little histamine. We examined some of the histochemical properties of the skin mast cells of female PVG-rnu/rnu rats and their heterozygous littermates aged from 5 to 29 weeks. The thiazine dye-binding of the subepidermal mast cells was partially blocked by formaldehyde fixation and only about half of them showed a weakly fluorescent berberine binding. The critical electrolyte concentration of the Alcian Blue staining of the subepidermal mast cells was between that of CTMC and MMC. Deaminative cleavage with nitrous acid abolished the staining of all skin mast cells, while that of the MMC was unaffected. There were no statistically significant differences in the staining patterns of the dermal mast cells between different ages or groups of rat. These results indicate that the subepidermal mast cells contain a heparin proteoglycan which is, however, different from that of the typical CTMC of other sites. They thus appear to represent a second example of a mast cell within a defined anatomical location exhibiting a distinct proteoglycan expression.  相似文献   

Mast cell heterogeneity has been described on the basis of differential staining reactions, light microscopic morphology, anatomic location, degranulation after polyamines, biochemical contents, growth requirements, and reactions to lymphokines. We have demonstrated typical "connective-tissue mast cells" by using anatomic criteria, histological staining reactions, electron microscopy, and reaction to compound 48/80 in the guinea pig conjunctiva, eyelid skin, and ileum. A second, much larger population of cells in the ileal mucosa and the conjunctiva, and rarely in the eyelid skin stained reddish-blue with acid toluidine blue in tissue fixed in ethanol-acetate-lead subacetate (BLA) and with alkaline Giemsa in formaldehyde-fixed tissue, did not stain with ethanolic or acid toluidine blue in formaldehyde-fixed tissue or with alkaline Giemsa in BLA-fixed tissue, and did not degranulate after 48/80 treatment. These are features of the rat intestinal "mucosal mast cells"; however, ultrastructural and light microscopic studies with the orcein Giemsa stain demonstrated these cells in the guinea pig to be eosinophils. Tissue culture, biochemical, and immunological studies indicate the existence of a second type of mast cell (bone-marrow-derived mast cell), ultrastructurally almost indistinguishable from the connective tissue mast cell. Our studies demonstrate only one mast cell type in the guinea pig and support the contention that other forms of mast cells are immature forms or variants of the connective-tissue mast cell.  相似文献   

新生大鼠雌激素注射后睾丸肥大细胞的变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
新生大鼠注射雌二醇后,睾丸肥大细胞于第30天可见到,细胞数量随年龄增长而增多,生后4-6个月,睾丸网附近仍可见大量肥大细胞。睾丸内的肥大细胞比皮肤内的结缔组织肥大细胞(CTMC)小而与小肠粘膜的粘膜肥大细胞(MMC)相近,AB-S染色后基本着蓝色,硫酸小檗碱荧光染色后呈现中等强度黄色荧光,结果提示,新生大鼠雌激素注射后睾丸内肥大细胞的增多可能与免疫过程有关,睾丸内肥大细胞与CTMC和MMC皆有所不同。  相似文献   

Summary Rat mast cells fixed in Carnoy's fluid were stained with iron alum-Alcian Blue-Safranin solution after pre-treatment with strong electrolyte solutions including acids, neutral salts and alkalis. Although both red and blue mast cells were observed without pre-treatment, most mast cells were stained blue and a few red when they were stained after the pre-treatment. Mast cell granules contain salt complexes formed between basic proteins and acidic polysaccharides through ionic linkages between protein basic groups and polysaccharide sulphate and carboxylic acid groups. It is suggested that when sections are treated with strong electrolyte solutions, complexes are broken by disruption of ionic linkages and sulphate and carboxylic acid groups of polysaccharides masked by basic proteins become available for binding Alcian Blue. This was confirmed by model experiments performed with smears of a heparin-lysozyme complex.When mast cells were fixed in aldehyde-containing fixatives, no effects of strong electrolyte solutions on the staining properties of mast cell granules were revealed.  相似文献   

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