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富含丝氨酸和精氨酸的SR蛋白(serine/arginine-rich protein)是重要的剪接因子家族,广泛参与RNA加工过程,包括剪接、出核、稳定性及翻译。近年来的研究发现,SR蛋白家族成员大多在肿瘤组织中存在异常表达,有些SR蛋白甚至能够作为原癌基因,通过调控肿瘤相关基因的选择性剪接而参与细胞转化和肿瘤发生。本文综述了SR蛋白的不同成员在肿瘤发生中的作用及其调控肿瘤相关基因的机制,以期为相关肿瘤的研究与诊治提供新思路和新靶点。  相似文献   

SRp38基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SR蛋白在前体mRNA可变剪接调控中发挥重要作用。可变剪接调节因子SRp38作为一种新近发现的具有神经及生殖组织特异性的SR蛋白,有典型的SR蛋白结构特征并能够调控GluR-B、TRK-C以及NCAML1等基因的可变剪接,但与其他SR蛋白不一致的是,SRp38可以在一定条件下(有丝分裂M期,热休克)抑制前体mRNA剪接,从而防止错误剪接的出现。SRp38的RRM结构域可以识别特殊的RNA序列并跟U1snRNP结合,而其RS结构域则参与调控前体mRNA剪接。SRp38的磷酸化状态可以影响其调控功能的发挥,在有丝分裂M期及热休克时,该蛋白质均呈去磷酸化状态。SRp38在爪蟾胚胎神经发育过程中发挥作用并且可以同TLS(translocation liposarcoma)蛋白相互作用,提示其可能通过调节前体mRNA可变剪接在神经系统的发育分化以及在肿瘤的发生中扮演角色。  相似文献   

沈佳  张耀洲 《生命的化学》2007,27(3):221-223
真核生物通过mRNA前体的剪接,包括选择性剪接机制,调控着自身的生长与发育,了解其基本过程和有关参与因子,对进一步探索真核生物基因的表达调控和分子进化都具有极其重要的意义.该文简要综述了mRNA前体剪接的基本过程及有关剪接因子的最新研究进展,介绍了SR蛋白(Ser-Arg rich protein)家族因子、某些新发现的参与形成核不均一核糖核蛋白(heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein,hnRNP)的因子及部分:RNA解旋酶等在mRNA前体剪接过程中的功能和作用.  相似文献   

李娇  郭予琦  崔伟玲  许爱华  田曾元 《遗传》2014,36(7):697-706
基因表达的选择性剪接(Alternative splicing, AS)调控与植物对逆境胁迫应答密切相关, SR蛋白(Serine/ arginine-rich proteins)是其中关键的调节因子。文章对玉米B73参考基因组进行分析显示: 多数SR蛋白家族基因成员启动子区域含有3~8种与发育或胁迫相关的顺式调控元件; 27个基因成员编码碱性蛋白, 其中23个成员的编码蛋白依照其N′端的首个RRM(RNA recognition motif)结构域特征大体上可划分为5个亚组。利用双向分级聚类方法, 对三叶期干旱胁迫下玉米杂交种郑单958及其亲本郑58和昌7-2的SR蛋白基因家族的分析显示, 该基因家族的表达模式具有明显的组织表达特异性和基因型依赖性特征; 其中在干旱胁迫下地下组织以下调表达模式为主, 而地上组织中以上调表达模式为主。在重度干旱胁迫后的3个不同时段复水过程中, 地上和地下组织中SR蛋白基因家族的表达皆以下调表达模式为主。另外, 尽管不同基因成员的表达模式在干旱胁迫及其后的复水过程中存在明显差异, 但普遍存在自身选择性剪接现象。SR蛋白基因家族在玉米干旱胁迫的应答规律, 为从AS-network视角解析玉米的抗逆分子机制提供了新思路。  相似文献   

mRNA选择性剪接的分子机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
章国卫  宋怀东  陈竺 《遗传学报》2004,31(1):102-107
真核细胞mRNA前体经过剪接成为成熟的mRNA,而mRNA前体的选择性剪接极大地增加了蛋白质的多样性和基因表达的复杂程度,剪接位点的识别可以以跨越内含子的机制(内含子限定)或跨越外显子的机制(外显子限定)进行。选择性剪接有多种剪接形式:选择不同的剪接位点,选择不同的剪接末端,外显子的不同组合及内含子的剪接与否等。选择性剪接过程受到许多顺式元件和反式因子的调控,并与基本剪接过程紧密联系,剪接体中的一些剪接因子也参与了对选择性剪接的调控。选择性剪接也是1个伴随转录发生的过程,不同的启动子可调控产生不同的剪接产物。mRNA的选择性剪接机制多种多样,已发现RNA编辑和反式剪接也可参与选择性剪接过程。  相似文献   

同一基因pre-mRNA经可变剪接(alternative splicing, AS)后能够产生不同的转录本,使得编码的蛋白在细胞中的定位、稳定性和翻译后修饰的功能发生改变,进而增强应答发育及环境胁迫的能力,富含丝氨酸-精氨酸蛋白(serine/arginine-rich proteins, SR proteins/SR)是决定可变剪接效率和准确性的一个重要剪接因子家族。该文在简要介绍SR蛋白概念、分类的基础上,首次系统综述了植物特有的SR蛋白亚家族SR-like(SR45/45a)结构特点、成员构成、亚细胞定位和转录调控功能,尤其是对于非生物胁迫应答过程中相关基因可变剪接的调控机制进行了阐述,并展望了未来植物SR-like可能的前景方向和研究内容。  相似文献   

RNA剪接过程受到多种调节因子作用,以保证前体mRNA剪接的准确性。但是大量研究发现,在人类肿瘤中经常发生选择性剪接的异常或者来自特定癌症基因的剪接调控元件的突变。因此,RNA剪接调节剂作为一类新的癌蛋白和肿瘤抑制因子而逐渐受到关注,并有望通过调节参与致癌基因的RNA而达到治疗肿瘤的效果。改变RNA的异常剪接是治疗相关癌症的基础,这也为靶向治疗提供了更加丰富的靶点。本文综述了新发现的和预测的不同的剪接事件导致癌症的相关基因,并且对它们如何促成疾病的发病机制进行讨论。最后,我们总结了最新的针对可变剪接而发展的癌症诊断和治疗方法,包括使用小分子的剪接抑制剂来阻断剪接体或转录因子修饰酶,以调节特异性剪接导致的癌症。  相似文献   

RNA剪接是指从mRNA前体中去除内含子、连接外显子形成成熟mRNA的过程。由于选择不同的剪接位点,可变剪接控制着从单一前体mRNA生成多种成熟mRNA的过程,因此是真核生物中转录后调控基因表达和决定蛋白质多样性的重要层次。SR蛋白家族是参与调控可变剪接的一类重要的剪接因子。SRSF2是SR蛋白家族的一员,具有经典的SR蛋白结构域。SRSF2不仅能够调控可变剪接,还能调控基因的转录过程,在维持胸腺、骨髓等造血系统的正常发育以及维持肝脏代谢稳态中是非常关键的调控因子。大量的研究表明:SRSF2的突变与骨髓增生异常综合征等造血系统疾病密切相关。本文总结了SRSF2最近的研究进展,以期对SRSF2在体内的功能有更全面和深入的理解,并为相关疾病的研究和治疗提供一定的思路。  相似文献   

丝氨酸/精氨酸丰富(SR)蛋白家族是真核生物中的一类剪接因子,在前体mRNA的组成性和选择性剪接中起作用。本文就近十几年来SR蛋白结构和功能及其在植物发育中的作用的研究进展作以介绍。  相似文献   

张翼 《生命科学》2008,20(2):202-206
对非编码RNA功能的认识是后基因组时代的一个研究焦点,本文主要介绍非编码RNA在RNA剪接中的催化和调控功能。在RNA加工过程中,三大类内含子的剪接都是由RNA成员主导。其中Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型内含子能催化自身的切除和外显子连接反应;而核mRNA内含子的剪接则由剪接体里的小核RNA主导。Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型内含子存在于细菌、低等真核细胞和植物的细胞器内;而真核细胞的核编码蛋白质基因内全部是核mRNA内含子,并且其数目随生物体的复杂性而显著升高。一个多内含子前体mRNA通过选择性剪接产生多种,甚至上万种不同的mRNA和蛋白质,对蛋白质组的复杂度和时空表达调控至关重要。选择性剪接调控由剪接调控蛋白特异识别和结合前体mRNA里所富含的顺式RNA调控元件完成的;系统认识这两者之间的对应关系是揭示基因组表达调控网络的一把钥匙。  相似文献   

SR proteins are essential metazoan splicing factors that contain an RNA-binding domain and an arginine/serine-rich domain that functions to promote assembly of the spliceosome. The prevailing model over the past several years suggests that the RS domains function as protein-interaction domains. However, two new papers from Green et al. demonstrate that these RS domains directly contact the pre-mRNA within the functional spliceosome. The sequential character of these contacts suggests that RS domain interactions with RNA promote spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

Shen H  Green MR 《Molecular cell》2004,16(3):363-373
Serine-arginine (SR) proteins are general splicing factors and can function through binding to exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs). SR proteins and several other mammalian splicing factors contain an arginine-serine-rich (RS) domain required to promote splicing. We have recently found that the ESE bound RS domain functions by contacting the branchpoint. Here, we perform RNA-protein crosslinking experiments to show that the branchpoint is sequentially contacted first in complex E by the RS domain of the essential splicing factor U2AF(65) and then in the prespliceosome by the ESE bound RS domain. Although the ESE bound RS domain can promote formation of the prespliceosome, at least one additional SR protein is required for complete spliceosome assembly. We show that the RS domain of this additional SR protein contacts the 5' splice site specifically in the mature spliceosome. We propose that direct contact with splicing signals is a general mechanism by which RS domains promote splicing.  相似文献   

Sexual differentiation in Drosophila is regulated through alternative splicing of doublesex. Female-specific splicing is activated through the activity of splicing enhancer complexes assembled on multiple repeat elements. Each of these repeats serves as a binding platform for the cooperative assembly of a heterotrimeric complex consisting of the SR proteins Tra, Tra2 and 9G8. Using quantitative kinetic analyses, we demonstrate that each component of the enhancer complex is capable of recruiting the spliceosome. Surprisingly, Tra, Tra2 and 9G8 are much stronger splicing activators than other SR protein family members and their activation potential is significantly higher than expected from their serine/arginine content. 9G8 activates splicing not only through its RS domains but also through its RNA-binding domain. The RS domains of Tra and Tra2 are required but not sufficient for efficient complex assembly. Thus, the regulated assembly of the dsx enhancer complexes leads to the generation of an extended activation domain to guarantee the ‘all or none’ splicing switch that is required during Drosophila sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

SR proteins are essential splicing factors whose function is controlled by multi-site phosphorylation of a C-terminal domain rich in arginine-serine repeats (RS domain). The protein kinase SRPK1 has been shown to polyphosphorylate the N-terminal portion of the RS domain (RS1) of the SR protein ASF/SF2, a modification that promotes nuclear entry of this splicing factor and engagement in splicing function. Later, dephosphorylation is required for maturation of the spliceosome and other RNA processing steps. While phosphates are attached to RS1 in a sequential manner by SRPK1, little is known about how they are removed. To investigate factors that control dephosphorylation, we monitored region-specific mapping of phosphorylation sites in ASF/SF2 as a function of the protein phosphatase PP1. We showed that 10 phosphates added to the RS1 segment by SRPK1 are removed in a preferred N-to-C manner, directly opposing the C-to-N phosphorylation by SRPK1. Two N-terminal RNA recognition motifs in ASF/SF2 control access to the RS domain and guide the directional mechanism. Binding of RNA to the RNA recognition motifs protects against dephosphorylation, suggesting that engagement of the SR protein with exonic splicing enhancers can regulate phosphoryl content in the RS domain. In addition to regulation by N-terminal domains, phosphorylation of the C-terminal portion of the RS domain (RS2) by the nuclear protein kinase Clk/Sty inhibits RS1 dephosphorylation and disrupts the directional mechanism. The data indicate that both RNA-protein interactions and phosphorylation in flanking sequences induce conformations of ASF/SF2 that increase the lifetime of phosphates in the RS domain.  相似文献   

Advances in the study of SR protein family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The name of SR proteins is derived from their typical RS domain that is rich in serine (Ser, S) and arginine (Arg, R). They are conserved in evolution. Up to now, 10 members of the SR protein family have been identified in humans. SR proteins contain one or two RNA binding motifs aside from the RS domain, and also possess special biochemical and immunological features. As to the functions of SR proteins, they facilitate the recruitment of the components of splicesome via protein-protein interaction to prompt the assembly of early splicesome; while in alternative splicing, tissue-specifically expressed SR protein along with the relative ratio of SR protein and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) is composed of two main regulative mechanisms for alternative splicing. Almost all of the biochemical functions are regulated by reversible phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Ser/Arg (SR)-rich proteins are important splicing factors in both general and alternative splicing. By binding to specific sequences on pre-mRNA and interacting with other splicing factors via their RS domain they mediate different intraspliceosomal contacts, thereby helping in splice site selection and spliceosome assembly. While characterizing new members of this protein family in Arabidopsis, we have identified two proteins, termed CypRS64 and CypRS92, consisting of an N-terminal peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase domain and a C-terminal domain with many SR/SP dipeptides. Cyclophilins possess a peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase activity and are implicated in protein folding, assembly, and transport. CypRS64 interacts in vivo and in vitro with a subset of Arabidopsis SR proteins, including SRp30 and SRp34/SR1, two homologs of mammalian SF2/ASF, known to be important for 5' splice site recognition. In addition, both cyclophilins interact with U1-70K and U11-35K, which in turn are binding partners of SRp34/SR1. CypRS64 is a nucleoplasmic protein, but in most cells expressing CypRS64-GFP fusion it was also found in one to six round nuclear bodies. However, co-expression of CypRS64 with its binding partners resulted in re-localization of CypRS64 from the nuclear bodies to nuclear speckles, indicating functional interactions. These findings together with the observation that binding of SRp34/SR1 to CypRS64 is phosphorylation-dependent indicate an involvement of CypRS64 in nuclear pre-mRNA splicing, possibly by regulating phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of SR proteins and other spliceosomal components. Alternatively, binding of CypRS64 to proteins important for 5' splice site recognition suggests its involvement in the dynamics of spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

Ghosh G  Adams JA 《The FEBS journal》2011,278(4):587-597
The splicing of mRNA requires a group of essential factors known as SR proteins, which participate in the maturation of the spliceosome. These proteins contain one or two RNA recognition motifs and a C-terminal domain rich in Arg-Ser repeats (RS domain). SR proteins are phosphorylated at numerous serines in the RS domain by the SR-specific protein kinase (SRPK) family of protein kinases. RS domain phosphorylation is necessary for entry of SR proteins into the nucleus, and may also play important roles in alternative splicing, mRNA export, and other processing events. Although SR proteins are polyphosphorylated in vivo, the mechanism underlying this complex reaction has only been recently elucidated. Human alternative splicing factor [serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 (SRSF1)], a prototype for the SR protein family, is regiospecifically phosphorylated by SRPK1, a post-translational modification that controls cytoplasmic-nuclear localization. SRPK1 binds SRSF1 with unusually high affinity, and rapidly modifies about 10-12 serines in the N-terminal region of the RS domain (RS1), using a mechanism that incorporates sequential, C-terminal to N-terminal phosphorylation and several processive steps. SRPK1 employs a highly dynamic feeding mechanism for RS domain phosphorylation in which the N-terminal portion of RS1 is initially bound to a docking groove in the large lobe of the kinase domain. Upon subsequent rounds of phosphorylation, this N-terminal segment translocates into the active site, and a β-strand in RNA recognition motif 2 unfolds and occupies the docking groove. These studies indicate that efficient regiospecific phosphorylation of SRSF1 is the result of a contoured binding cavity in SRPK1, a lengthy Arg-Ser repetitive segment in the RS domain, and a highly directional processing mechanism.  相似文献   

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