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凤眼莲净化燕山石油化工废水的研究Ⅰ.动态模拟试验   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
两级串联凤眼莲塘净化燕山石化废水的动态模拟试验表睨:在温暖季节,凤眼莲塘对该废水有很强的净化能力,其净化效率明显高于普通氧化塘。总停留时间为8天的两级串联的凤眼莲塘可使出水达到规定要求。塘Ⅰ塘Ⅱ的去除率常数分别为0.376和0.151,表面净化率分别为9.51和2.38gCOD/m^2d,凤眼莲(湿重)增长量分别为226和210g/m^2d。当日平均气温在10—24℃的范围内,COD去除率(R)在日平均气温(T)的影响下以对数函数下降R87.70 JnT-200.15。根据试验,提出了动态凤眼莲塘净化燕山石化废水的定量计算方法和有关参数。  相似文献   

鸭儿湖污染治理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸭儿湖污染是通过氧化塘系统控制的。氧化塘系统,由四个串联氧化塘组成,总面积为2800亩,塘深3米,当废水量为7万吨/天时停留时间为80天。并利用净化后的废水培育鱼种(鱼种塘),通过菌—藻—浮游动物—鱼的相互作用,以鱼种形式回收部分营养元素。以解决在氧化塘沿岸的东西排灌渠12.8公里两岸人民的灌溉水和饮用水的污染问题。从1976年底氧化塘初步建成,四年运转结果表明:COD、有机磷、对硝基酚、对硫磷、马拉硫磷、乐果和六六六处理效果分别为77.3、82.5、99.3、98.7、98.4、92.9和86.2%。每天实际废水负荷为8万吨。1977年以来水生态系逐渐得到恢复,至1979年鱼的畸型率下降到0.1%。鱼体内(背肌)六六六残留从15—30毫克/公斤下降到0.155毫克/公斤,农作物中六六六的残留1979年比氧化塘建立之前降低了2.7—9.4倍。    相似文献   

严家湖氧化塘位于湖北鄂城县庙岭公社,是一个长期被农药厂排放废水污染严重的水体。本文系氧化塘建成的1978和1979两年的浮游生物工作的总结,说明氧化塘的净化效能和浮游生物在氧化塘这个特异生态环境中群落结构,种类组成和数量等方面的演变情况。  相似文献   

汉沽污水库是一个以储存化工废水为主兼具生物自然净化作用的氧化塘。入库废水具很强的毒性,白鲢鱼、鲤鱼和鲫鱼的24小时半数致死浓度(24TLM)分别为3%、30%和58%;经自然净化作用后,在库区网箱放养的鲫鱼存活率达100%,性腺发育正常生长良好,表明氧化塘具明显的净化效果。为进一步了解已净化的废水对鱼类生理功能的影响,对试验鱼的肝组织结构与生化指标进行了探讨。 1981年、1982年(6—9月份)进行了两次试验,选用体长13.7±1.9厘米,体重28.7±13.7克来源于养殖场的鲫鱼。置于1厘米孔径,容积为1立方米的尼龙网箱,设在出水口附近,水深1.8米左右的库区。四个网箱共放鲫鱼120尾,试验52天后取出20尾移入盲肠水库养殖场净水养殖,观察其恢复情况。在试验过程  相似文献   

无土栽培美人蕉等植物处理生活废水的研究   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:46  
采用无土栽培美人蕉、蕹菜、水稻、野生稻处理生活废水 .结果表明 ,静态试验中 COD、T- N、T- P等污染物的平均去除率 ,4种植物处理比对照分别高出 8.7~1 9.8%、2 0 .3~ 66.6%、2 3.5~ 61 .7% .4种植物对污染物的去除能力为美人蕉、蕹菜 >水稻 >野生稻 .3级植物塘系统中污染物去除率分别为 BOD2 79.7%、COD 71 .1 %、T- N66.5%、T- P 60 .7% ,而人工土快滤与植物塘的复合系统中则为 BOD583.9%、COD79.3%、T- N64.8%、T- P40 .9% .  相似文献   

凤眼莲净化燕山石油化工废水的研究Ⅱ.静态净化试验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文讨论了凤眼莲净化塘中COD、BOD_5、酚、氨氮、芳烃、油和硫化物含量下降趋势及pH、电导率和溶解氧的变化过程。COD/BOD_5比值的峰形曲线指示出废水的净化速率的变化。在试验条件下,COD下降过程基本上符合指数函数的数学模型:COD=A·e~(-B·D),COD表面净化率P_s值为9.1g/m~2·d。凤眼莲塘特定的理化和生物环境有利于石油化工废水的净化。净化塘中各类微生物、尤其是根部微生物,也起了相当重要的作用。  相似文献   

 本文报道了凤眼莲对无锡电影胶片厂含银废水的净化生产性应用试验结果:(1)污水停留时间为49h时,氧化沟出水中的银净化率为98.0%到100%(未检出);(2)COD的去除率为54.58%;(3)混浊度的去除率为68.9%;(4)NH4+–N和PO43–的去除率分别为45.55%和34.3%。该法已被该厂采纳应用,并取代了原来的活性炭吸附和O3氧化三级处理,年节约运转费用12.5万元。  相似文献   

伴随着采矿业而产生的酸性矿山废水具有污染面广、污染持续时间长、危害程度严重等特点。硫铁矿生物氧化是产生酸性矿山废水的主要原因。探究硫铁矿生物氧化细节对揭示自然状态下酸性矿山废水的产生规律具有重要意义。本研究采用摇瓶实验,探究了环境温度10~30℃与硫铁矿矿浆浓度0.67%~2%对硫铁矿生物氧化的影响。结果表明,当环境温度为30℃,矿浆浓度为2%时,1 g硫铁矿生物氧化18 d释放的H~+、总Fe、SO_4~(2-)量分别为0.6 mmol、64.53 mg与151.0 mg。与矿浆浓度2%相比较,当矿浆浓度降低至0.67%时,硫铁矿生物氧化释放H~+与总Fe的量降低了13.3%与18.2%。与环境温度30℃相比较,当温度降低至10℃,硫铁矿生物氧化释放H~+与总Fe的量降低了80.0%与82.6%。高矿浆浓度(1%~2%)与高温(20~30℃)条件下,硫铁矿生物体系SO_4~(2-)呈现明显的增加趋势,低矿浆浓度(0.67%)与低温(10℃)条件下,体系SO_4~(2-)增加量并不明显。不同处理硫铁矿生物氧化后,根据氧化程度,硫铁矿表面呈现出疏密不同的侵蚀坑,在环境温度30℃的处理体系,生物氧化后,硫铁矿表面观察到次生铁矿物。本研究结果为进一步揭示自然界酸性矿山废水的形成机理提供必要的数据支撑。  相似文献   

用PFU原生动物群落进行生物监测的研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
应用PFU法收集微型生物群落,监测鸭儿湖的农药污染。原生动物对五个氧化塘内农药废水的毒性反应,可用群集过程来表示,无论室内或是野外试验,结果基本一致。其中微型生物群落的结构参数有原生动物种类组成和种数、叶绿素a含量、水细菌数量;功能参数有反映原生动物群集过程中的Scq、G、t90%和微型生物的呼吸速度。功能和结构的参数均能较准确地反映出氧化塘系统的净化过程。PFU法可应用于预报污染物的生物效应浓度,初认为是一种经济、快速、正确的生物学监测方法。  相似文献   

用PFU原生动物群落进行生物监测的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
应用PFU法收集微型生物群落,监测鸭儿湖的农药污染。原生动物对五个氧化塘内农药废水的毒性反应,可用群集过程来表示,无论室内或是野外试验,结果基本一致。其中微型生物群落的结构参数有原生动物种类组成和种数、叶绿素a含量、水细菌数量;功能参数有反映原生动物群集过程中的S_(eq)、G、t_(90%)和微型生物的呼吸速度。功能和结构的参数均能较准确地反映出氧化塘系统的净化过程。PFU法可应用于预报污染物的生物效应浓度,初认为是一种经济、快速、正确的生物学监测方法。  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of cadmium was investigated in waste stabilization ponds designed for three-step sewage treatment processes. The overall mean concentration of cadmium in water and sludge was reduced by 30% and 33%, respectively, from the inlet of the anaerobic pond to the final outlet of the maturation pond. The level of cadmium in water hyacinth, plankton and fish remained higher in all the samples collected from the anaerobic or facultative pond compared to the last maturation pond. It may be reasonable to conclude that three-step ecological treatments accompanied by physical, chemical and biological processes of the waste stabilization ponds were effective in reducing the load of cadmium from sewage effluents.  相似文献   

综合养鱼高产池塘的溶氧变化周期   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
根据1979—1984年对主养鲢、鳙、非鲫,主养青、草鱼,主养青鱼3种养殖结构类型高产鱼池溶氧变化周期的系统研究,揭示了高产养鱼池塘溶氧的昼夜、垂直、水平变化及季节变化周期,分析了光合作用、呼吸作用、扩散作用在高产养鱼池塘溶氧动力学上的地位和作用。对高产养鱼池塘的溶氧收入、支出及平衡情况进行了定量研究,在主要饲养季节,测得晴到多云天、晴天的溶氧来源分别为:浮游植物光合产氧占86.0和95.3%,大气扩散溶入占14.0和4.7%;氧的消耗分别为:“水呼吸”消耗氧占72.0和72.0%,鱼类呼吸消耗氧占22.0和13.1%,淤泥中生物呼吸消耗氧占2.9、5.5%,扩散逸出占3.1、8.8%。文中还对溶氧变化周期与养鱼池塘管理的环境控制、结构控制之间的关系进行了分析。    相似文献   

Vermicomposts as a biofertilizer can be a great option for pond manuring as they never cause any long term harm to the soil like chemical fertilizer. In this study vegetable and horticulture waste was used as an important media for vermiculture. Three separate cemented tanks (6 m(3) each) were used in the system as control tank, vermicompost fertilized tank and inorganic fertilizer manured tank. Monoculture of fish was carried out with cat fish, Clarias batrachus. The produced earthworms were used as fish feed. Regular monitoring of water parameter was conducted in three different ponds. Specifically, the algal biomass variation was quite helpful in analyzing the behavior of the ponds. NPK value of soil samples were analyzed intermittently to know the eutrophication level. Despite the hot summer temperature in northern part of India, which is not ideal for fish growth, we have recorded an encouraging growth performance in organic manured pond along with inorganic fertilizer treated and control pond. Among eutrophicated pond, the fish biomass from vermicompost fed pond showed an increasing trend compared to inorganic fertilizer treated pond. Water retention capacity of vermicompost pond soil was better in comparison to other ponds. Result shows that the low cost model by integrating two production system vermiculture and pisciculture could be a commercially and environmentally viable option.  相似文献   

The incidence pattern of cadmium tolerance and antibiotics resistance by Escherichia coli was examined periodically from the samples of water, sludge and intestine of fish raised in waste stabilization ponds in a sewage treatment plant. Samples of water and sludge were collected from all the selected ponds and were monitored for total counts of fecal coliform (FC), total coliform (TC) and the population of Escherichia coli, which was also obtained from the intestine of fishes. Total counts of both FC and TC as well as counts of E. coli were markedly reduced from the facultative pond to the last maturation pond. Tolerance limit to cadmium by E. coli tended to decline as the distance of the sewage effluent from the source increased; the effective lethal concentration of cadmium ranged from 0.1 mM in split chamber to 0.05 mM in first maturation pond. E. coli isolated from water, sludge and fish gut were sensitive to seven out of ten antibiotics tested. It appears that holistic functions mediated through the mutualistic growth of micro algae and heterotrophic bacteria in the waste stabilization ponds were responsible for the promotion of water quality and significant reduction of coliform along the sewage effluent gradient.  相似文献   

为探索池塘混养模式下生态基对鱼类生长的影响, 在6个土池中进行了一个饲养试验, 将土池分为2组, 一组为不放生态基的对照组, 另一组为放置生态基的生态基组, 每组3个重复。将尾均重为(310±11) g鲤3867尾、尾均重(810±15) g鲢及鳙370尾平均分别分为2组, 平均放养于6个土池中。对池塘鲤每天饲喂颗粒饲料3次, 饲养周期62d。在饲养期内, 每隔10天左右采集水样与底泥样品, 检测其中的浮游生物与微生物群落。在饲养结束后, 将试验鱼捕出并称重, 计算鲤的饲料效率。结果表明, 生态基组鲤鱼的增重率与饲料效率显著高于对照组; 生态基组的鲢、鳙末重显著低于对照组; 生态基组水体透明度与微生物群落多样性显著高于对照组; 生态基组浮游生物浓度低于对照组。结果表明, 在混养模式下土池中生态基的应用有利用促进鲤的生长, 然而池塘生态基的应用对于滤食性鲢、鳙的生长并无促进作用。  相似文献   



Fish-borne zoonotic trematodes (FZT) are a food safety and health concern in Vietnam. Humans and other final hosts acquire these parasites from eating raw or under-cooked fish with FZT metacercariae. Fish raised in ponds are exposed to cercariae shed by snail hosts that are common in fish farm ponds. Previous risk assessment on FZT transmission in the Red River Delta of Vietnam identified carp nursery ponds as major sites of transmission. In this study, we analyzed the association between snail population density and heterophyid trematode infection in snails with the rate of FZT transmission to juvenile fish raised in carp nurseries.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Snail population density and prevalence of trematode (Heterophyidae) infections were determined in 48 carp nurseries producing Rohu juveniles, (Labeo rohita) in the Red River Delta area. Fish samples were examined at 3, 6 and 9 weeks after the juvenile fish were introduced into the ponds. There was a significant positive correlation between prevalence of FZT metacercariae in juvenile fish and density of infected snails. Thus, the odds of infection in juvenile fish were 4.36 and 11.32 times higher for ponds with medium and high density of snails, respectively, compared to ponds where no infected snails were found. Further, the intensity of fish FZT infections increased with the density of infected snails. Interestingly, however, some ponds with no or few infected snails were collected also had high prevalence and intensity of FZT in juvenile fish. This may be due to immigration of cercariae into the pond from external water sources.


The total number and density of potential host snails and density of host snails infected with heterophyid trematodes in the aquaculture pond is a useful predictor for infections in juvenile fish, although infection levels in juvenile fish can occur despite low density or absence infected snails. This suggests that intervention programs to control FZT infection of fish should include not only intra-pond snail control, but also include water sources of allochthonous cercariae, i.e. canals supplying water to ponds as well as snail habitats outside the pond such as rice fields and surrounding ponds.  相似文献   

An experimental approach of the phosphate exchange across the water–sediment interface in fish ponds of the Deroua farm (Béni-Mellal, Morocco) is needed to understand the phosphate dynamics in these ponds in relation to their water quality. During this study, we conducted experiments to determine the P-fractions of the different pond sediments and to estimate the release from these sediments of phosphate available for algal uptake. We also determined the amount of phosphate needed to saturate the sediments of two different fish ponds under anoxic and oxic conditions. Phosphate release from sediments comes mainly from Fe(OOH)P and is more important in ponds lined with sheets. The accumulation of organic matter in sediments favours the installation of anoxic conditions and enhances the phosphate release from CaCO3P, labile in these pond sediments. Under experimental conditions, org-P plays a minor role in the P-release. Oxic conditions, to the contrary, have an inhibitory effect on the P-release from sediments. About 80–98% of the P-adsorbed onto different pond sediments was recovered in the inorg-P-fractions. Aeration induces the oxidation of FeS to Fe(OOH) which can adsorb phosphate from solution. Besides, the presence of bacteria in pond sediments was essential to promote phosphate release under anoxic conditions by controlling the oxidation state of iron and the mineralization of the organic matter. Sheet-lined ponds, when insufficiently dried, accumulate a large quantity of organic matter in their sediments. After a decrease in pH, P is released from CaCO3P and enhances the phytoplankton productivity responsible for renewed accumulation of organic matter. Org-C concentrations in sediments over 20 mg g–1 d.w. favour the formation of toxic factors (Fe2+, Mn2+, NO2 and H2S) harmful for carp growth. An extended period of drying efficiently enhances the mineralization of organic matter.  相似文献   

Nutrient-rich water bodies are usually expected to host low species richness at the local scale (water body). Nevertheless, they can support a diverse and sometimes unique biodiversity when diversity is considered at a regional scale. This discrepancy between the two scales is well documented for natural water bodies, but little is known about biodiversity of artificial water bodies, like fish ponds. We hypothesise that nutrient-rich water bodies can collectively host high species richness at the regional scale. Thus, these are important ecosystems for the regional conservation of biodiversity. We investigated 84 fish ponds in the Dombes region, France, with five taxonomic groups: macrophytes, phytoplankton, macroinvertebrates, dragonflies, and amphibians. Species richness patterns were determined for α- (single pond), β- (between ponds), and γ- (regional pond network) levels. For most studied species groups, richness per fish pond and at the regional level proved to be relatively high in comparison with natural ponds in other landscapes. Contribution of α-diversity to regional diversity was highest for dragonflies with 41 %, and lowest for amphibians and macrophytes with 16 and 18 %, respectively. For macroinvertebrate families and phytoplankton genera it was intermediate. Contribution of β-diversity to regional diversity was similar for all species groups with 22–25 %. Furthermore, some ponds hosted a large number of less frequent species and some endangered species, indicating that the conservation of biodiversity of fish ponds must be established at a regional scale.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT An assessment on the biological control potential with the fish muddy loaches (Misgurnus mizolepis) was conducted against naturally bred Culex pipiens pollens larvae in four ponds (A, B, C and D) in Busan from July through September, 2001. Predation of the fish at 3 different release rates of 4,5, and 6 fish/m2 resulted in mostly over 90% mosquito control from the first week after treatment through the end of the survey period for 11 weeks. There were no significant difference among the release rates of fish at the 5% level of probability. However, substantial controls of 43.0% and 25.9% were obtained from pond C during the 3rd and 7th weeks after the fish introduction, respectively. The results of those two weeks showed a lower biological control by the introduced larvivorous fishes. This might be due to the presence of heavy organic matters including aquatic weeds and/or severely polluted water from sewage in pond C. The aquatic weeds covered the pond's water surface which may have affected the deterioration of mosquito preying in favor of aquatic weeds. Also, the fishes were observed to avoid severely contaminated sewage water in some parts of ponds A and C where more mosquito larvae were found.  相似文献   

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