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The aim of this study was to investigate allelic frequency distribution and forensic genetic parameters of autosomal short tandem repeats (STR) loci of the population samples from 107 Tujia individuals from Chinese Hubei Province. Twenty-one autosomal STR genetic markers (D9S1122, D6S474, D6S1017, D5S2500, D4S2408, D3S4529, D2S441, D2S1776, D22S1045, D20S482, D1S1677, D1S1627, D1GATA113, D19S433, D18S853, D17S1301, D11S4463, D12ATA63, D10S1248, D10S1435 and D14S1434) were simultaneously amplified in a new multiplex polymerase chain reaction system. 155 alleles for all the STR loci from the Tujia population were observed and the corresponding allelic frequencies ranged from 0.005 to 0.589. Expected heterozygosity, polymorphic information content, power of discrimination and power of exclusion of the 21 STR loci in the Tujia population were from 0.579 to 0.824, from 0.525 to 0.802, from 0.773 to 0.945 and from 0.257 to 0.641, respectively. Our results indicate that the autosomal STRs multiplex system provides highly informative STR data and could be useful in forensic individual identification and parentage testing in this region.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixty unrelated subjects who asked for paternity testing at two Bolivian Laboratories in La Paz and Santa Cruz were studied. The loci D3S1358, vWA, FGA, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, TH01, TPOX, and CSF1PO were typed from blood samples, amplifying DNA by polymerase chain reactions and electrophoresis. Allele frequencies were estimated by simple counting and the unbiased heterozygosity was calculated. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was studied and gene frequencies were compared between the two samples. All loci conformed to the Hardy-Weinberg law and allele frequencies were similar in samples from the two cities. The Bolivian gene frequencies estimated were significantly different from those described for Chile and the United States Hispanic-Americans for most of the loci.  相似文献   

A population study of the Balearic (Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Chueta) and Valencia populations was carried out using the short tandem repeat loci HUMTHO1, D4S243, HUMF13A1, D18S535, and D12S391. All the populations sampled were found to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the five markers analyzed. Several statistical analyses showed a clear displacement of the Chueta and Ibiza populations from the other populations sampled. These results are in agreement with those obtained from the analysis of classical markers and mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms, as well as with the history of these populations. A comparative study performed with other European populations using three of the five markers selected for this study (HUMTHO1, HUMF13A1, and D12S391) revealed a clear differentiation only of the Chueta population. We detected a tendency for a west-east clinal distribution in the frequency of the HUMTH01*6 allele in the European and Mediterranean area. This distribution could reflect some of the migratory events that have happened throughout that area's history. The forensic usefulness of these markers can be judged by their highly combined power of discrimination (0.999997).  相似文献   

We have analyzed the extent of genetic variation at nine autosomal short tandem repeat loci (D3S1358, VWA, FGA, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820) among six populations from Croatia: five distributed in the islands of the eastern Adriatic coast and one from the mainland. The purpose is to investigate the usefulness of these loci in detecting regional genetic differentiation in the studied populations. Significant heterogeneity among the island and mainland populations is revealed in the distributions of allele frequencies; however, the absolute magnitude of the coefficient of gene differentiation is small but significant. The summary measures of genetic variation, namely, heterozygosity, number of alleles, and allele size variance, do not indicate reduced genetic variation in the island populations compared to the mainland population. In contrast to the two measures of genetic variation, allele size variance and within-locus heterozygosity, the imbalance index (beta) indicates evidence of recent expansion of population sizes in all islands and in the mainland. High mutation rates of the studied loci together with local drift effects are likely explanations for interisland genetic variation and the observed lack of reduced genetic diversity among the island populations.  相似文献   

The advances of high-throughput sequencing offer an unprecedented opportunity to study genetic variation. This is challenged by the difficulty of resolving variant calls in repetitive DNA regions. We present a Bayesian method to estimate repeat-length variation from paired-end sequence read data. The method makes variant calls based on deviations in sequence fragment sizes, allowing the analysis of repeats at lengths of relevance to a range of phenotypes. We demonstrate the method’s ability to detect and quantify changes in repeat lengths from short read genomic sequence data across genotypes. We use the method to estimate repeat variation among 12 strains of Arabidopsis thaliana and demonstrate experimentally that our method compares favourably against existing methods. Using this method, we have identified all repeats across the genome, which are likely to be polymorphic. In addition, our predicted polymorphic repeats also included the only known repeat expansion in A. thaliana, suggesting an ability to discover potential unstable repeats.  相似文献   

本文首次对北京地区汉族人群的13个CODIS(Combined DNA index system)和26个非CODIS系统STR基因座的遗传多态性进行了研究,建立了北京地区汉族人群39个STR基因座的群体遗传多态性数据库并对其法医学应用价值进行了评价。39个STR基因座的基因型分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡且各基因座之间均不存在连锁现象,个体鉴别力(Power of discrimination, DP)在0.7740~0.9818之间,期望杂合度(Expected heterozygosity, He)在0.6000~0.9350之间,多态性信息含量(Polymorphism information content, PIC)在0.5317~0.9047之间,非父排除率(Power of exclusion, PE)在0.2909~0.8673之间,累积个体鉴别力(Cumulative probability of discrimination, CDP)为0.999999999999999999999999999999999999999964971,累积非父排除率(Cumulative probability of exclusion, CPE)为0.999999999973878。另外,结合已公开报道的国内其他11个群体相应基因座的遗传资料,根据等位基因频率计算遗传距离,构建了系统发生树。本研究可为中国法医DNA数据库和群体遗传学数据库提供重要的基础数据,对北京地区汉族人群开展法医学个体识别、亲权鉴定和遗传学研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Peter Gill  Ian Evett 《Genetica》1995,96(1-2):69-87
To investigate the population genetics of short tandem repeat (STR) polymorphisms in human populations, we have studied the allele frequency distributions of four STR loci (HUMTH01, HUMVWA31, HUMF13A1 and HUMFES) in 16 different population surveys which can be categorised within three broadly defined ethnic groups: Caucasian, Asian (Indian subcontinent), and African (Afro-Caribbean and US black). We have observed that allele frequency distributions of populations within ethnic groups are similar; consequently, genetic distances are an order of magnitude lower than between ethnic groups. Inbreeding coefficients (F-statistics) and calculations of the number of mean heterozygous loci per individual, along with estimates of variance, did not suggest that the populations were substructured. This included a study of an immigrant Asian population known to comprise at least three different sub-groups. Finally, an indication of the discriminating power is given by calculation of likelihood ratios (LR) of each individual tested across all four loci. Approximately 70% of Caucasians give an LR of greater than 10,000; the test is even more discriminating in Afro-Caribbeans-approximately 90% of tests are greater than 10,000.Editor's commentsThe authors present data generated by the move from VNTR to STR loci for human identification. The data they present for samples within major racial groupings address some of the concerns about population substructuring discussed by Balding and Nichols in this volume.  相似文献   

Trimeric and tetrameric short tandem repeats (STRs) represent a rich source of highly polymorphic markers in the human genome that may be studied with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We report the analysis of a multilocus genotype survey of 97-380 chromosomes in U.S. Black, White, Mexican-American, and Asian populations at five STR loci located on chromosomes 1, 4, 11, and X. The heterozygote frequencies of the loci ranged from 0.36 to 0.91 and the number of alleles from 6 to 20 for the 20 population and locus combinations. Relative allele frequencies exhibited differences between populations and unimodal, bimodal, and complex distributions. Although deviations were noted at some locus-population test combinations, genotype data from the loci were consistent overall with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium by three tests. Population subheterogeneity within each ethnic group was not detected by two additional tests. No mutations were detected in a total of 860 meioses for two loci studied in the CEPH kindreds and five loci studied in other families. An indirect estimate of the mutation rates gave values from 2.3 x 10(-5) to 15.9 x 10(-5) for the five loci. Higher mutation rates appear to be associated with greater numbers of tandem repeats in the core motif. The most frequent genotype for all five loci combined appears to have a frequency of 7.59 x 10(-4). Together, these results suggest that trimeric and tetrameric STR loci are useful markers for the study of new mutations and genetic linkage analysis and for application to personal identification in the medical and forensic sciences.  相似文献   

Genotyping of highly polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) markers is widely used for the genetic identification of individuals in forensic DNA analyses and in paternity disputes. The National DNA Profile Databank recently established by the DNA Identification Act in Korea contains the computerized STR DNA profiles of individuals convicted of crimes. For the establishment of a large autosomal STR loci population database, 1805 samples were obtained at random from Korean individuals and 15 autosomal STR markers were analyzed using the AmpFlSTR Identifiler PCR Amplification kit. For the 15 autosomal STR markers, no deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed. The most informative locus in our data set was the D2S1338 with a discrimination power of 0.9699. The combined matching probability was 1.521 × 10−17. This large STR profile dataset including atypical alleles will be important for the establishment of the Korean DNA database and for forensic applications.  相似文献   

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