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几种新型生物芯片的研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着生物芯片技术的迅速发展,一些新型生物芯片,如生物电子芯片、凝胶元件微阵列芯片、药物控释芯片、毛细管电泳或层析芯片、PCR芯片及生物传感芯片等应运而生,这些芯片不同于常规的分子微阵列芯片,而是以各种结构微阵列为基础,用于分子杂交与扩增,以检测突变、分析多态性及测序,通过电泳及层析分离生物样品,控制药物释放以治疗疾病,作为生物传感器检测分子行为等,具有分析速度快、效率高、样品消耗少等特点,将成为生命科学与医学领域的新工具.  相似文献   

生物芯片、生物传感器和生物信息学   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
近年来,在生物技术和医学研究领域涌现出了许多新技术平台,其中就包括生物芯片技术和生物传感器技术。生物芯片和生物传感器的构建都必须以生物信息学为基础,而两种技术平台应用所得出的数据和结果又反过来大大丰富和充实了生物信息学本身。本分析概述了生物芯片和生物传感器两种技术平台以及生物信息学,对三之间的相互关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

简要概述了生物电化学的研究领域,包括生物体系和生物界面模拟、生物分子的电化学、生物电催化、光合作用模拟和活组织电化学;总结了生物电化学传感器、生物芯片和生物电化学反应器在环境监测中的应用现状,并提出了其发展趋势,即不断向商品化方向发展,实现环境污染物的在线检测;利用基因技术,创造出检测能力更强的生物传感器和生物芯片;与其他精密分析仪器相结合,向多功能、集成化、智能化、微型化方向发展。  相似文献   

纳米生物复合探针具有多功能复合、多检测路径、易于信号放大、制备简便等多种优越性。基于其优越的光学性质,人们可以利用常规光学设备实现生物检测,甚至可以实现目视检测。现就本实验室在光学纳米生物探针制备和应用的研究进展作一简要综述,所述纳米生物探针类型主要有:基于表面等离子体效应的纳米生物探针、基于量子效应的纳米生物探针和基于比表面效应的纳米生物探针,并介绍如何应用这些探针进行生物传感和生物芯片的构建。  相似文献   

以萤火虫发光为例,简述什么是生物传感器;生物传感器的特点和应用效益;生物传感产品在医学诊断、食品、饮料生产企业的卫生检测、环境污染监测等诸多领域中的应用;并对生物传感产品的现有和未来潜在市场作了分析和评价。  相似文献   

荧光纳米生物传感器检测物质具有灵敏度高、响应迅速、抗干扰性强、无需参比电极等特点而被广泛地运用于生物传感技术领域。本文综述了荧光纳米生物传感器种类和特点,介绍了国内外近期在荧光纳米生物传感器及在生物检测方面的一些研究成果及进展,并作了分析比较。着重讨论了纳米粒子荧光生物传感器和光纤纳米荧光生物传感器的特性及其在生物分析中的应用。  相似文献   

生物芯片是用于检测生物样品中生物分子及生化指标的微小装置,根据其检测靶标不同分为基因芯片、蛋白芯片、细胞芯片、组织芯片及生化芯片;根据其结构和工作原理不同分为阵列型芯片、液体芯片和微流体芯片。由于具有微量化、并行性、快速、高通量和自动化检测的特点,生物芯片被广泛地应用于生物学研究领域。本文重点论述生物芯片在微生物学研究中的应用。  相似文献   

近年来纳米材料的不断引入,为生物传感技术提供了新的研究途径,大大提高了生物传感器的性能。其中,二硫化钼(MoS2)纳米材料由于比表面积大、带隙可调、电子迁移率高等独特性质,在生物传感器中被广泛应用。本文首先介绍了基于MoS2纳米材料的电化学、场效应晶体管、表面增强拉曼散射、比色、双模式生物传感器的基本原理、研究进展及性能对比,重点分析了MoS2纳米复合材料的结构、组分等对传感器灵敏度、检测范围、检测限、特异性等性能的影响,总结了MoS2生物传感器的优势并对其未来发展趋势进行了展望,为MoS2生物传感器在生物检测领域的进一步应用以及未来研究方向提供了思路。  相似文献   

五种SPR传感芯片的再生制备及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于表面等离子体共振技术(surface plasmon resonance, SPR)的生物传感器,能够实时监测生物分子间的相互作用,且无需标记,已被广泛应用于蛋白质组学、药物研发、临床诊断、食品安全和环境监测等领域,并且显示出广阔的应用前景。传感芯片是Biacore系列仪器的核心部件,目前芯片只能从Biacore公司购买,价格昂贵,导致很多仪器利用率低下,资源处于闲置状态。阐述了用于Biacore系列仪器的五种传感芯片(J1,C1,CM5,SA和NTA芯片)的再生制备方法,并列举了应用实例,制备方法操作简单,成本低廉。通过多年的改进与优化,制备的芯片能够达到Biacore芯片同等品质。此方法的推广,将有助于推动表面等离子共振技术在各个领域的广泛应用。  相似文献   

许文涛 《生物技术进展》2019,(6):I0001-I0001
从20世纪60年代Clark和Lyon提出生物传感器的设想开始,生物传感器的发展距今已有几十年的历史了。生物传感器与生物信息学、生物芯片、生物控制论、仿生学、生物计算机等学科共同处在生命科学和信息科学的交叉领域,又因其具有选择性好、灵敏度高、分析速度快、成本低、在复杂体系中能连续监测的特点,在近几十年获得了蓬勃而迅速的发展。  相似文献   

The review discusses the diagnostic application of biosensors as point-of-care devices in the COVID-19 pandemic. Biosensors are important analytical tools that can be used for the robust and effective detection of infectious diseases in real-time. In this current scenario, the utilization of smart, efficient biosensors for COVID-19 detection is increasing and we have included a few smart biosensors such as smart and intelligent based biosensors, plasmonic biosensors, field effect transistor (FET) biosensors, smart optical biosensors, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) biosensor, screen printed electrode (SPE)-based biosensor, molecular imprinted polymer (MIP)-based biosensor, MXene-based biosensor and metal–organic frame smart sensor. Their significance as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each kind of smart sensor are mentioned in depth. Furthermore, we have compiled a list of various biosensors which have been developed across the globe for COVID-19 and have shown promise as commercial detection devices. Significant challenges in the development of effective diagnostic methods are discussed and recommendations have been made for better diagnostic outcomes to manage the ongoing pandemic effectively.  相似文献   

合成生物学细胞传感技术为快速、现场检测食品污染物提供了一种新型替代方法。由于细胞内环境相对稳定,合成生物学细胞传感器有较强的抗干扰能力;由于细胞能够通过自我复制而实现增殖,细胞传感器在生产上具有简单、廉价、快速的特点,因此在食品安全快速检测中具有良好的应用前景。本文综述了合成生物学细胞传感器核心元件的组成、构建方法和类型,介绍了多功能细胞传感器的合成生物学基因回路,列举了细胞传感器在食品安全快速检测中的商业化应用前景,并阐述了细胞传感器在食品安全快速检测中的挑战和发展趋势。  相似文献   

This work presents a novel, miniature optical biosensor by immobilizing horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or the HRP/glucose oxidase (GOx) coupled enzyme pair on a CMOS photosensing chip with a detection area of 0.5 mm × 0.5 mm. A highly transparent TEOS/PDMS Ormosil is used to encapsulate and immobilize enzymes on the surface of the photosensor. Interestingly, HRP-catalyzed luminol luminescence can be detected in real time on optical H2O2 and glucose biosensors. The minimum reaction volume of the developed optical biosensors is 10 μL. Both optical H2O2 and glucose biosensors have an optimal operation temperature and pH of 20–25 °C and pH 8.4, respectively. The linear dynamic range of optical H2O2 and glucose biosensors is 0.05–20 mM H2O2 and 0.5–20 mM glucose, respectively. The miniature optical glucose biosensor also exhibits good reproducibility with a relative standard deviation of 4.3%. Additionally, ascorbic acid and uric acid, two major interfering substances in the serum during electrochemical analysis, cause only slight interference with the fabricated optical glucose biosensor. In conclusion, the CMOS-photodiode-based optical biosensors proposed herein have many advantages, such as a short detection time, a small sample volume requirement, high reproducibility and wide dynamic range.  相似文献   

A new method of preparing fiber-optic DNA biosensor and its array for the simultaneous detection of multiple genes is described. The optical fibers were first treated with poly-l-lysine, and then were made into fiber-optic DNA biosensors by adsorbing and immobilizing the oligonucleotide probe on its end. By assembling the fiber-optic DNA biosensors in a bundle in which each fiber carried a different DNA probe, the fiber-optic DNA biosensor array was well prepared. Hybridization of fluorescent- labeled cDNA of p53 gene, N-ras gene and Rb1 gene to the DNA array was monitored by CCD camera. A good result was achieved.  相似文献   

A new method of preparing fiber-optic DNA biosensor and its array for the simultaneous detection of multiple genes is described. The optical fibers were first treated with poly-1-lysine, and then were made into fiber-optic DNA biosensors by adsorbing and immobilizing the oligonucleotide probe on its end. By assembling the fiber-optic DNA biosensors in a bundle in which each fiber carried a different DNA probe, the fiber-optic DNA biosensor array was well prepared. Hybridization of fluorescent- labeled cDNA ofp53 gene,N-ras gene andRb1 gene to the DNA array was monitored by CCD camera. A good result was achieved.  相似文献   

近年来,CRISPR/Cas系统已经成为转录调控和基因组编辑的重要工具。除了在基因编辑领域的贡献,CRISPR/Cas系统独特的靶核酸顺式切割和非特异性单链核酸反式切割能力,在开发核酸检测的新型生物传感器方面展现出巨大潜力。构建基于CRISPR/Cas系统高灵敏度生物传感器的关键通常依赖其与不同信号扩增策略,诸如核酸扩增技术或特定信号转导方法的结合。基于此,本文旨在通过介绍不同类型的CRISPR/Cas系统,全面概述基于该系统的核酸检测生物传感器的研究进展,并重点对结合核酸扩增技术(PCR、LAMP、RCA、RPA和EXPAR)、灵敏的信号转导方法(电化学和表面增强拉曼光谱)和特殊结构设计生物传感的三大类型信号放大策略的CRISPR/Cas生物传感器进行总结和评论。最后,本文对目前的挑战以及未来的前景进行展望。  相似文献   

Although biosensors detecting a great variety of toxicants have been developed during the last decades, the simultaneous detection and identification of several targets by one biosensor is not possible in the majority of the biosensor systems. In our study we proved the concept of the detection and identification of two different volatile toxic compounds with a non-selective biochip-based algal biosensor. For that purpose we produced array plate biochips to utilise three membrane-immobilised algal strains of genus Klebsormidium and Chlorella in one biosensor system. A novel IMAGING-PAM chlorophyll fluorometer was applied to measure the impact of volatile organic compounds (VOC) on photosynthesis of chip-immobilized algae in terms of quantum efficiency of electron transport (DeltaF/F'm). Formaldehyde (FA) vapour was detectable with statistical significance in concentrations relevant to human health from 10 ppb to 10 ppm. The biosensor response recorded within minutes was concentration-dependent and reversible. Moreover, vapours of formaldehyde (0.05-1 ppm) and methanol (MeOH) (200-1000 ppm) were significantly identified by the compound-specific response rate as a quotient of the biosensor responses of the respective algal strains. Using the IMAGING-PAM chlorophyll fluorometer, data sampling proved to be highly efficient. Based on our results we conclude that the principle of the algal sensor chip (ASC) suggests further research on the detection and identification of VOCs and other toxic substances in gaseous environment with that biochip system.  相似文献   

The immobilization efficiency of molecular detectors is of great importance with regard to the performances of biosensors such as the sensitivity, stability, and reproducibility. This paper presents a biomimetic olfactory receptor-based biosensor with better performances by improving the immobilization efficiency of molecular detectors for odorant sensing. A mixed self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) functionalized with specific olfactory receptors (ODR-10) was constructed on the sensitive area of surface acoustic wave (SAW) chip. The immobilization of ODR-10 was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The responses of this biosensor to various odorants were recorded by monitoring the resonance frequency shifts of SAW, which is correlated to the mass loading on its sensitive area. All the results demonstrate this biosensor can specifically respond to the natural ligand of ODR-10, diacetyl, with high sensitivity and stability. The sensitivity is 4 kHz/ng, which is 2× higher than that of previous work. The detection limit is 1.2×10(-11) mM. The major advances on immobilization efficiency of molecular detectors presented in this work could substantially promote and accelerate the researches and applications of olfactory receptor-based biosensors with different transducers, such as quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), surface plasma resonance (SPR), and field effect transistors (FET).  相似文献   

Xu G  Ye X  Qin L  Xu Y  Li Y  Li R  Wang P 《Biosensors & bioelectronics》2005,20(9):1757-1763
Cell-based biosensors incorporate cells as sensing elements that convert changes in immediate environment to signals for processing. This paper reports an investigation on light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) to be used as a possible cell-base biosensor that will enable us to monitor extracellular action potential of single living cell under stimulant. In order to modify chip surface and immobilize cells, we coat a layer of poly-L-ornithine and laminin on surface of LAPS chip on which rat cortical cells are grown well. When 10 microg/ml acetylcholine solution is administrated, the light pointer is focused on a single neuronal cell and the extracellular action potential of the targeted cell is recorded with cell-based biosensor based on LAPS. The results demonstrate that this kind of biosensor has potential to monitor electrophysiology of living cell non-invasive for a long term, and to evaluate drugs primarily.  相似文献   

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