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记述毡蚧科1新种,小檗毡蚧Eriococcus berberisi sp.nov.,及中国2新纪录种,委陵菜毡蚧Eriococcus munroi(Boratynski)和欧洲根毡蚧Rhizococcus herbaceus Danzig。模式标本保存在北京林业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

刺毡蚧属Aculeococcus为Lepage氏于1941年所建立,直至目前只知一个属模种,且半世纪来未作形态重描,是一个世界有名的古老疑难属。Lepage当年发表时,未能确定科位,直至Ferris[1]氏在1957年取得一个标本加以研究后,由其第一龄若虫具有像实状体刺而判定应属毡蚧科Eriococcidae,以后Hoy[2](1962:6)和Morrisons[3](1966:3)等均沿其说,然而对其在科内的地位,文献中却从未触及。我们最近整理此科历年所存标本,发现一新种已在我国云南西双版纳地区存在,现将研究资料整理报道如下,模式标本保存于山西农业大学蚧虫标本室。1本届…  相似文献   

记述采自我国山西历山蓝萼香茶菜Isodon glaucocalyx 根部的根毡蚧属1新种,香茶菜根毡蚧Rhizococcus isodoni sp.nov..模式标本保存在北京林业大学昆虫标本室.香茶菜根毡蚧,新种Rhizococcus isodoni sp.nov.(图1~3)雌成虫活体黄褐色,体被白色平滑卵囊.玻片上,雌成虫卵圆形,体长1.23~2.98 mm,宽0.70~2.03 mm.触角6或7节.肛环毛10根.尾瓣内缘光滑无齿,每侧背刺3根,外侧1根长58 ~ 78 μm,宽6~8μm;内侧2根,靠基部的长38~45μm,宽4~5μm;靠端部的长53~ 65 μm,宽3~5μm.尾片存在.喙3节,基、中、端节各有2、1、5对刚毛.足发达,胫节短于跗节,后足基节有大量透明孔.盘腺为五格腺或七格腺,主要分布于体腹面的中区、气门附近和腹部各节.十字孔腺分布于头和前中胸腹面的亚中区和亚缘区.腹杯状管有大小2种,其中小杯状只分布在腹部.背杯状管与腹面大杯状管同大,散布于全背,并在胸、腹部呈横带.微管腺散布于全背和腹面体缘及胸部亚缘区.腹刺圆锥状,在体缘成1纵列.背刺圆锥状,按大小分为3种:大刺长65~75 μm,宽10 ~ 15μm;小刺长25 ~48μm,宽5~9 μm;微刺长6 ~9 μm.其中大、小刺只分布在体缘,成1纵列,腹部Ⅰ~Ⅶ节每节每侧大刺2个,小刺0~2个;微刺散布于全背;腹部第Ⅷ节无肛前刺.新种区别于根毡蚧属其它种类的特征为:1)后足基节有大量透明孔;2)肛环毛10根;3)尾瓣外缘背刺细长.正模♀,山西沁水历山富裕河,海拔1 523m,2012-07-26,南楠采于蓝萼香茶菜根部.副模:6♀♀,同正模;5♀♀,山西沁水历山西峡沟,海拔1 548m,2012-07-23,南楠采于蓝萼香茶菜根部.词源:新种种名源自寄主植物Isodon glaucocalyx的属名.  相似文献   

榆树隐毡蚧Cryptococcus ulmi Tang et Hao是近年来在北京和山西中部发现的一种榆树新害虫。本文首次记述和图示了该虫幼期各虫态和雄成虫的形态特征;简要报道了其生物学特性:一年发生1代,以受精雌成虫在树干裂缝内越冬、卵胎生,每雌产仔23 ̄25头,平均值35.2头。  相似文献   

榆树隐毡蚧 Cryptococcus ulmi Tang et Hao是近年来在北京和山西中部发现的一种榆树新害虫。本文首次详细记述和图示了该虫幼期各虫态和雄成虫的形态特征 ;简要报道了其生物学特性 :一年发生 1代 ,以受精雌成虫在树干裂缝内越冬 ,卵胎生 ,每雌产仔 2 3~ 2 5头 ,平均值 35.2头。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜技术研究了柿白毡蚧Asiacornococcus kaki(Kuwana)泌蜡腺体、蜡泌物的超微结构与蜡壳形成过程.结果发现,蜡壳形成分3个阶段,即泌蜡发生期、泌蜡增长期和蜡囊形成期,由3种腺体分泌的蜡质构成.锥刺是泌蜡的主要器官,其分泌的粗蜡管形成蜡壳的框架.管腺分泌空心细蜡丝,与框架蜡管紧密交织在一起.单孔腺分泌的细小蜡丝散布虫体表面.雄茧扁平,由空心长丝状蜡编织形成.  相似文献   

记述粉蚧科1新属1新种,即拟锯粉蚧属Paraserrolecanium gen.nov.及其模式种箭竹拟锯粉蚧P.fargesii sp.nov.。新种模式标本采自陕西省凤县天台山一种箭竹Fargesia sp.叶鞘下茎上,保存在北京林业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述粉蚧科1新属1新种,即拟囊粉蚧属Paraporisaccus gen.nov.及其模式种贵州拟囊粉蚧P.guizhouensis sp.nov.。新种模式标本采自贵州省绥阳县宽阔水自然保护区1种玉山竹Yushania sp.小杆叶鞘下茎上,模式标本保存于北京林业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述我国蚁粉蚧属一新种:杨凌蚁粉蚧Formicococcus yanglingensis sp.nov.,建立一新组合;天麻蚁粉蚧F.gasteris(Wang,1982)comb.nov.(移自簇粉蚧属Paraputo Liang),并将F.gastrodiae Tang(1992)作为该种的异名处理。此外,还编制了蚁粉蚧属中国种类分种检索表。新种模式标本保存在南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自中国云南的1新记录属:类白蜡蚧属Ericeroides Danzig,1990及1新记录种:越南类白蜡蚧E.zaitzevi Danzig,1990。该新记录属近似于白蜡蚧属Ericerus Guérin-Méneville,二属均有成群气门刺及爪齿;主要区别是:类白蜡蚧属Ericeroides无背面管状腺及肛前孔,而白蜡蚧属Ericerus则有。文中对雌成虫形态特征进行了详细描述和绘图。  相似文献   

砂壳纤毛虫隶属于纤毛门、旋毛纲、环毛亚纲、砂壳目.本文总结了自Kofoid和Campbell(1929)以来的分类学资料,参照Lynn(2008)的分类系统,整理成世界砂壳纤毛虫新名录.厘清砂壳纤毛虫共有15科69属954种,其中海洋种为15科69属925种,淡水种为3科5属29种.在所有属中,以拟铃虫属(Tintinnopsis包含物种最多,为137种,其中海洋种为118种.我国水体共记录有13科36属164种,海洋种13科36属144种,淡水种2科3属20种.除杯形铃壳虫(Codonella cratera)、湖泊领细壳虫(Stenosemella lacustris)、蜉蝣筒壳虫(Tintinnidium ephemeridum)、蝌蚪筒壳虫(Tintinnidium ranunculi)、半缘筒壳虫(Tintinnidium semiciliatum)、纺锤拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis fusiformis)、伊利诺拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis illinoisensis)、卵圆拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis ovalis)、圆柱拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis cylindrata)、这9个种外,其他淡水种在我国都有记录.该名录中,除了已有中文名的159种外,其余的种我们给出了中文译名,并将部分译为似铃虫属(Tintinnopsis)的中文名统一为拟铃虫属,部分译为麻铃虫属(Leprotintinnus)的中文名统一为薄铃虫属,将截短角口虫(Salpingella decurtata)改为截短号角虫,将冰生拟铃壳虫(Codonellopsis glacialis)改为冰生类铃虫.  相似文献   

Tang P  He JH  Chen XX 《ZooKeys》2010,(61):63-68
The genus Arhaconotus Belokobylskij (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Doryctinae) is recorded for the first time from China. A new species of this genus, Arhaconotus hainanensis Tang & Chen, sp. n., is described and illustrated. A key to the species of this genus is updated to include the new species.  相似文献   

记述采自西藏墨脱的树蚁蛉属1新种,命名为墨脱树蚁蛉 Dendroleon motuoensis sp.nov.,提出了1个新异名Dendroleon pERLISTIGMA Wang,2004.syn.nov.,整理出中国树蚁蛉树属物种名录,模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆.墨脱树蚁蛉,新种 Dendroleon motuoensis sp.nov.(图1~6)新种与环纹树蚁蛉 Dendroleon pupillaris(Gerstaecker),1893相似,但区别明显:1)新种前胸背板细长狭窄,明显在1/3处分为两段,前段洋葱形;环纹树蚁蛉前胸背板为梯形,仅在1/3处有不明显的缢缩;2)新种前翅散布更多的小型斑点,位于翅中央近后缘处眼状斑的弧形条纹不连续;环纹树蚁蛉前翅斑点较稀疏,眼状斑的弧形条纹清晰、粗重且连续;3)新种后翅端区C形斑下面的斑较之环纹树蚁蛉大很多.正模♀,西藏墨脱,1995-09,海拔800m,黄浩采.模式标本保存在中国农业大学.词源:新种种名根据采集地而拟.  相似文献   

Zhang C  Zhang F 《ZooKeys》2010,(67):65-72
A new species of the harvestmen Tithaeus calyptratussp. n. (Epedanidae, Opiliones) from Hainan Island (China) is diagnosed, described and illustrated. A key to the two Chinese species of Tithaeus is provided.  相似文献   

对中国海鼓虾科角鼓虾属系统分类进行了研究.角鼓虾全世界共记录34种,其中中国海记录了9种.本文中记录中国海分布的角鼓虾属Athanas 8种,其中对中国海2新纪录种A.polymorphus Kemp和A.squillophilus Hayashi,进行了描记,并提供了中国角鼓虾种检索表.在中国的材料中:A.japonicus、A.ohsimai、A.polymorphus及A.squillophilus 4种的螯足表现了多态性,A.ohsimai和A.squillophilus的螯足多态性也是首次发现和记载.所有研究测量标本均保存在中国科学院海洋研究所.  相似文献   

A new species of Egidemia China, 1927, Egidemia impudica, is described and illustrated from the Department of Magdalena (Colombia). The male genitalia of the new species have a very peculiar, diagnostic feature: the pygofer is considerably reduced and truncate posteriorly, so that part of the aedeagus is exposed. A key to males of all known Egidemia species is provided. Notes comparing Egidemia impudica with the other nine known species of the genus are also given.  相似文献   

A sample of 117 fossil cercopithecids has been collected from the Middle Pleistocene site of Asbole, Afar Region, Ethiopia. A minimum of five species is present. There are two species of Cercopithecini, here recognized as cf. Chlorocebus aff. aethiops, and cf. Chlorocebus cf. patas. There are also two species of Papionini: Papio hamadryas ssp. indet. and Theropithecus oswaldi leakeyi. Finally, there is a single species of colobine present, Colobus sp. indet. The assemblage is chronologically constrained and is derived from sediments dated to approximately 600 ka. Within this sample Colobus sp. is by far the most common species present, outnumbering the other four species combined. The cercopithecid assemblage is most consistent with a woodland habitat, corroborating an earlier interpretation based on the non-primate fauna. Taxonomic, biogeographic, and evolutionary implications of the assemblage are also discussed.  相似文献   

Grossi PC  Grossi EJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(75):21-28
A second species of Amblyodus Westwood, 1878, Amblyodus castroi sp. n., is described from the northern South America based on 12 specimens from Brazil and Peru (Amazonian subregion). The new species is here compared with the type species of the genus, Amblyodus taurus Westwood, 1878 and both species and their male genitalia are illustrated. Diagnostic characters for the genus are discussed, especially the metatibial teeth. A distribution map including the type species and the new species is provided. The genus Amblyodus is recorded for the first time from Peru and from Brazil states of Pará and Rondônia.  相似文献   

描述了采自中国西北地区的维特疣属Vitronura1新种——陕西维特疣,模式标本保存在中国科学院上海生命科学研究院。新种与属内其它种的区别在于上颚具有7齿,上唇有4根毛,头部背面毛的数量明显少于其它种类,An疣上有2根毛,胸部第2~3节的Di疣上分别有3根毛,腹部第1~4节De疣上分别有3根普通毛和1根感觉毛,腹部第5节的Di疣互相分离。文中同时还编制了该属中国种类检索表。  相似文献   

Examination of genetic and ecological relationships within sibling species complexes can provide insights into species diversity and speciation processes. Alpheus angulatus and A. armillatus, two snapping shrimp species with overlapping ranges in the north-western Atlantic, are similar in morphology, exploit similar ecological niches and appear to represent recently diverged sibling species. We examined phylogenetic and ecological relationships between these two species with: (i) sequence data from two mitochondrial genes (16S rRNA and COI); (ii) data on potential differences in microhabitat distribution for A. armillatus and A. angulatus; and (iii) data from laboratory experiments on the level of reproductive isolation between the two species. DNA sequence data suggest A. armillatus and A. angulatus are sister species that diverged subsequent to the close of the Isthmus of Panama, and that haplotype diversity is lower in A. armillatus than in A. angulatus. Both species are distantly related to A. heterochaelis and A. estuariensis, two species with which A. angulatus shares some similarities in coloration. Ecological data on the distribution of A. angulatus and A. armillatus from two locations revealed differences in distribution of the two species between habitat patches, with each patch dominated by one or the other species. However, there was no apparent difference in distribution of the two species within habitat patches with respect to microhabitat location. Ecological data also revealed that heterospecific individuals often occur in close proximity (i.e. within metres or centimetres) where sympatric. Behavioural data indicated that these species are reproductively isolated, which is consistent with speciation in transient allopatry followed by post-divergence secondary contact. Our data further resolve taxonomic confusion between the sibling species, A. armillatus and A. angulatus, and suggest that sympatry in areas of range overlap and exploitation of similar ecological niches by these two recently diverged species have selected for high levels of behavioural incompatibility.  相似文献   

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