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考察了小分子伴侣在游离和固定化两种情况下,对重组人γ-干扰素(rhIFN-γ)体外重折叠复性的作用.实验结果表明,小分子伴侣GroEL191~345的加入有效地促进了rhIFN-γ的复性,在初始蛋白质浓度为100 mg/L时,rhIFN-γ复性后蛋白质回收率提高了2.2倍,总活性提高了近3倍;将小分子伴侣固定化在NHS-activated Sepharose Fast Flow凝胶后,不但能重复利用,而且进一步提高了rhIFN-γ复性效率,在初始蛋白质浓度为400 mg/L 时,仍使蛋白质回收率达到46.29%和比活达到1.95×107 U/mg.  相似文献   

盐酸胍浓度对变性溶菌酶复性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了复性液中盐酸胍浓度对变性溶菌酶复性的影响。变性酶的复性收率与复性液中盐酸胍度浓度紧密相关,获得高复性收率所需的盐酸胍浓度随酶浓度提高而增大。当酶浓度较低时(0.06-0.21g/L),0.7mol/L的盐酸胍即可溶菌酶完全复性;当酶浓度较高时(0.6-1.05g/L),提高盐酸胍浓度至1.0-1.5mol/L才可使复性收率达到95%以上。另外,酶的复性速率随盐酸胍浓度增大而下降。因此,根据酶浓度选择最佳盐酸胍浓度是提高蛋白质复性收率的关键。  相似文献   

人源溶菌酶(Human lysozyme,HLZ)是一种糖苷水解酶,具有抗菌消炎的作用,其作为抗生素的替代品,已经被广泛应用于食品业、畜牧业和医疗等领域。如何获得高产量、高活性、高纯度的人源溶菌酶一直是亟待解决的技术问题。优化人源溶菌酶编码基因密码子,提高其在大肠杆菌中的适应度和表达量;将优化的基因克隆至大肠杆菌表达质粒pET21a,并将其在大肠杆菌表达菌株BL21(DE3)中诱导表达;利用8 mol/L尿素溶液对包涵体进行溶解变性后,探究一步透析、梯度透析和梯度稀释3种复性方式以及复性液中谷胱甘肽氧化还原对(GSSG/GSH)、精氨酸、甘油等复性物的浓度对重组人源溶菌酶复性的效果,获得最佳的复性方案。研究结果表明:37℃诱导温度下,利用0.5 mmol/L IPTG成功诱导了分子量约为14.7 kD的重组人源溶菌酶的表达,包涵体表达量约为380 mg/L(湿重)。包涵体经一步透析、梯度透析和梯度稀释3种复性方式复性后,测得比活力值分别为147 U/mg、335 U/mg、176 U/mg,表明最佳复性方法为梯度透析复性法。进一步探索了复性液中GSSG/GSH比值、精氨酸浓度、甘油浓度对人源溶菌酶复性效果的影响,表明当复性液中同时添加浓度比为1∶2的GSSG/GSH、4 mmol/L精氨酸和6%甘油时,复性后人源溶菌酶的最佳比活力值为1170 U/mg,显著高于3种复性物均不加时溶菌酶335 U/mg的比活力值,但低于溶菌酶标准品1732 U/mg的比活力值。成功地将人源溶菌酶基因在大肠杆菌中表达,并通过包涵体复性体系成功获得高活性重组人源溶菌酶。  相似文献   

通过环氧树脂作为载体对经(NH4)2SO4盐析处理后的L-谷氨酸氧化酶(LGOX)进行固定化,优化固定化工艺条件,并利用固定化LGOX转化产α-酮戊二酸(α-KG)。结果表明:饱和度45%的(NH4)2SO4为最佳盐析浓度;当选用环氧树脂ES-105作为固定化载体、树脂加量为20 m L酶液(14 U/m L)加入3.5 g载体、固定化K3PO4缓冲液浓度为0.2 mol/L(p H 7.0)、固定化温度25℃、固定化时间24 h时,固定化LGOX酶活力最高,其酶活回收率为85.9%,比酶活55.7 U/g。利用该固定化酶转化L-谷氨酸产α-KG,当谷氨酸钠质量浓度为100 g/L,反应20 h,产物收率达98.2%。固定化酶重复使用14批次后,产物收率仍有90%以上;重复使用20批,收率有83.2%。因此,该固定化酶具有具良好的操作稳定性。  相似文献   

利用固定化菌半连续生产微生物絮凝剂的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用多孔聚酯泡沫为载体,进行了微生物絮凝剂产生菌的固定化条件优化和半连续生产絮凝剂的研究。研究发现,利用多孔聚酯可吸附固定XN1菌丝细胞,且能够较长时间保持高的活性。选择载体颗粒0.5cm×0.5 cm×0.5 cm,固液比为6 g/L,接种量105个孢子/mL培养基可达到较好的固定化和产絮凝剂效果。利用最佳固定化条件进行絮凝剂的摇瓶半连续生产实验发现,在最佳条件下,固定化XN1菌产絮凝剂可连续达12批次,且絮凝活性均在90%以上,说明利用多孔聚酯泡沫颗粒作为固定化载体,连续生产絮凝剂的方法是可行的。且和游离菌生产絮凝剂相比,生产效率可提高77.78%。  相似文献   

在含有生物素(50μg/L)的培养基中培养的黄色短杆菌(Brevibacterium flavum),经溶菌酶处理后制得其原生质体,再固定在琼脂—乙酰纤维素基质的滤器中。该固定化原生质体可用于葡萄糖、尿素为原料的间歇系统中生产L—谷氨酸。在最佳条件下,其L—谷氨酸的生产能力高于固定化细胞的2.5倍,最大生产能力开始可达到1.5mg/ml。该固定化原生质体能够重复使用六次,其生产能力还能保持初始生产能力的70%左右。  相似文献   

利用响应面法对假丝酵母脂肪酶喷雾干燥工艺条件进行优化,考察进口温度、雾化速度、保护剂含量对脂肪酶活力收率的影响。确定了最佳喷雾条件:保护剂为10~15 g/L的阿拉伯胶,进口温度115~120℃,雾化速度0.4 L/h,可得到收率最高为60.5%的脂肪酶酶粉。制得的固定化酶用于手性拆分(R,S)-1-苯乙醇,光学产率最高可达到53.6%;用于催化合成生物柴油,转化率最高可达到90.2%。在4、30℃下密封保存,半衰期可分别达到15个月、3个月。  相似文献   

分子伴侣GroE系统能量传递机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用SwissPDBViewer软件对分子伴侣GroE系统与底物的相互作用进行了模拟 ,结果表明 :GroEL顶端结构域在GroES和靶蛋白结合之后发生了明显的变化 ;GroEL的cis环上有与三磷酸腺苷ATP相结合的位点 ,ATP水解之后形成的ADP与活性中心的残基相结合 ,而这种结合除导致残基Thr30的构型发生了变化之外 ,其它残基的空间位置和构型基本保持不变 ,暗示其它残基在能量传递过程中形成了刚性骨架 ,而与ADP分子磷酸键结合的残基Thr30则是能量传递的力点。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种利用大孔离子交换树脂精制羧甲基半胱氨酸的方法。在现有的合成工艺中,改变精制方法,选择最佳的实验条件,以制造药品级羧甲基半胱氨酸为标准,以提高收率为主要研究对象,进行方法性的对比实验。从而确定最佳的精制方法。利用此法制备的羧甲基半胱氨酸收率从原收率103%提高到125%含量可达到99.7%以上,其它指标完全符合中国药典标准。现已投入批量化生产。  相似文献   

以重组人tPA蛋白为材料研究了精氨酸、精氨酸盐酸盐、半胱氨酸、胱氨酸对蛋白质复性效果的影响,重组tPA蛋白包涵体经尿素变性溶解后,在精氨酸、精氨酸盐酸盐、半胱氨酸、胱氨酸存在的条件下进行复性,结果表明,碱性的精氨酸在质量分数0.2%时可减少蛋白质凝聚,显著提高复性效果,tPA复性后的活性可提高50%以上,半胱氨酸单独使用具有类似β-巯基乙醇的作用,精氨酸盐酸盐和胱氨酸单独使用对复性无影响,而半胱氨酸和胱氨酸联合使用,有类似氧化-还原系统作用。可提高活性20%。  相似文献   

Lysozyme reactivation using immobilized molecular chaperonin GroEL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The molecular chaperonin, GroEL, was immobilized to a porous matrix and used to reactivate denatured lysozyme. The maximum reactivation yield was obtained at 37°C and pH 6–8 and about 90% activity of the denatured lysozyme was restored under the conditions. The coupling density of GroEL had little effect on the chaperoning activity of GroEL up to 48 mg g–1 gel. The immobilized GroEL was reusable, indicating the possibility of using it on a large scale for the refolding of proteins.  相似文献   

Citrate synthase (CS), which has been denatured in either guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) or urea can be assisted in its renaturation in a variety of ways. The addition of each of the assistants--bovine serum albumin (BSA), oxaloacetate (OAA), and glycerol--promotes renaturation. In combination, the effect of these substances is additive with respect to the yield of folded CS. The report of Buchner et al. (Buchner, J., Schmidt, M., Fuchs, M., Jaenicke, R., Rudolph, R., Schmid, F.X., & Kiefhaber, T., 1991, Biochemistry 30, 1586-1591) that refolding of CS is facilitated by the GroE system (an Escherichia coli chaperonin [cpn] that is composed of GroEL [cpn60] and GroES [cpn10]) has been confirmed. However, we observed substantially higher yield of reactivated CS, 82%, and almost no reactivation in the absence of GroES, < 5%, whereas Buchner et al. reported 28% and 16%, respectively. In addition, we find that GroE-assisted refolding is more efficient for CS denatured in GdnHCl than for CS denatured in urea. This result is discussed in light of the known difference in the denatured states generated in GdnHCl and urea. Because GroEL inhibits the BSA/glycerol/OAA-assisted refolding, this system will be useful in future studies on the mechanism of GroE-facilitated refolding.  相似文献   

The chaperone mini-GroEL is a soluble recombinant fragment containing the 191-345 amino acid sequence of GroEL with a 6xHis tag. The refolding protocol assisted with mini-GroEL was studied for the activity recovery of rhIFN-gamma inclusion bodies. In a suspended system, mini-GroEL showed significant enhancement of the activity recovery of rhIFN-gamma, applyed with a 1-5:1 stoichiometry of mini-GroEL to rhIFN-gamma at 25 degrees C. Moreover, 1 M urea in the renaturation buffer had a synergistic effect on suppressing the aggregation and improving the activity recovery. Finally, a novel chromatographic column, containing 1 cm height of Sephadex G 200 at the top of column and packed with immobilized mini-GroEL to promote refolding, was devised. The total activity recovered per milligram of denatured rhIFN-gamma was up to 3.93 x 10(6) IU with the immobilized mini-GroEL column, which was reused four times without evident loss of renaturation ability. A convenient technique with the integrated process of chaperon preparation and rhIFN-gamma folding in vitro was developed.  相似文献   

Kinetic model of lysozyme renaturation with the molecular chaperone GroEL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From the renaturation kinetics of denatured/reduced lysozyme assisted by the molecular chaperone GroEL, a simplified kinetic model was established based on the competition between protein folding and aggregation. In the presence of GroEL and ATP, the aggregate formation was a second order reaction. With 2 mM ATP, a renaturation yield of 90% at a high renaturation rate was obtained when the molar ratio of GroEL to lysozyme was 1:1.  相似文献   

The recovery of proteins following denaturation is optimal at low protein concentrations. The decrease in yield at high concentrations has been explained by the kinetic competition of folding and "wrong aggregation". In the present study, the renaturation-reoxidation of hen and turkey egg white lysozyme was used as a model system to analyze the committed step in aggregate formation. The yield of renatured protein for both enzymes decreased with increasing concentration in the folding process. In addition, the yield decreased with increasing concentrations of the enzyme in the denatured state (i.e., prior to its dilution in the renaturation buffer). The kinetics of renaturation of turkey lysozyme were shown to be very similar to those of hen lysozyme, with a half-time of about 4.5 min at 20 degrees C. The rate of formation of molecular species that lead to formation of aggregates (and therefore fail to renature) was shown to be rapid. Most of the reaction occurred in less than 5 s after the transfer to renaturation buffer, and after 1 min, the reaction was essentially completed. Yet, by observing the effects of the delayed addition of denatured hen lysozyme to refolding turkey lysozyme, it was shown that folding intermediates become resistant to aggregation only much more slowly, with kinetics indistinguishable from those observed for the appearance of native molecules. The interactions leading to the formation of aggregates were nonspecific and do not involve disulfide bonds. These observations are discussed in terms of possible kinetic and structural aspects of the folding pathway.  相似文献   

The room-temperature liquid salt, ethylammonium nitrate (EAN), has been used to enhance the recovery of denatured-reduced hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL). Our results show that EAN has the ability to prevent aggregation of the denatured protein. The use of EAN as a refolding additive is advantageous because the renaturation is a one-step process. When HEWL was denatured reduced using routine procedures and renatured using EAN as an additive, HEWL was found to regain 75% of its activity. When HEWL was denatured and reduced in neat EAN, dilution resulted in over 90% recovery of active protein. An important aspect of this process is that renaturation of HEWL occurs at concentrations of 1.6 mg/mL, whereas other renaturation processes occur at significantly lower protein concentrations. Additionally, the refolded-active protein can be separated from the molten salt by simple desalting methods. Although the use of a low-temperature molten salt in protein renaturation is unconventional, the power of this approach lies in its simplicity and utility.  相似文献   

DsbA (disulfide bond formation protein A) located in the periplasm of Escherichia coli is a disulfide isomerase, which is vital to disulfide bonds formation directly affecting the nascent peptides folding to the correct conformation. In this paper, recombinant DsbA was firstly immobilized onto NHS-activated Sepharose Fast Flow gel. Then Sephadex G-100 gel was sequentially packed on the top of recDsbA Sepharose Fast Flow, and a so-called conjoint chromatography column composed of SEC and immobilized recombinant DsbA was constructed. Denatured lysozyme was applied on the conjoint column. The effect of SEC volume, flow rate, loading amount and volume, pre-equilibrium mode and KCl concentration in the buffer on lysozyme refolding were investigated in detail and the stability of DsbA immobilization was evaluated. Finally the reusability of the conjoint refolding column was also tested. When loading 2.4 mg denatured lysozyme in 0.5 ml solution, the activity recovery reached 92.7% at optimized experimental conditions, and the conjoint column renaturation capacity decreased only 7.7% after six run reuse due to the use of SEC section in the chromatographic refolding process. The conjoint chromatography offers an efficient strategy to refold proteins in vitro with high productivity and column reusability.  相似文献   

Expression of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli often leads to formation of inclusion bodies (IB). If a recombinant protein contains one or more disulfide bonds, protein refolding and thiol oxidation reactions are required to recover its biological activity. Previous studies have demonstrated that molecular chaperones and foldases assist with the in vitro protein refolding. However, their use has been limited by the stoichiometric amount required for the refolding reaction. In search of alternatives to facilitate the use of these folding biocatalysts in this study, DsbA, DsbC, and the apical domain of GroEL (AD) were fused to the carbohydrate-binding module CBDCex of Cellulomonas fimi. The recombinant proteins were purified and immobilized in cellulose and used to assist the oxidative refolding of denatured and reduced lysozyme. The assisted refolding yields obtained with immobilized folding biocatalysts were at least twice of those obtained in the spontaneous refolding, suggesting that the AD, DsbA, and DsbC immobilized in cellulose might be useful for the oxidative refolding of recombinant proteins that are expressed as inclusion bodies. In addition, the spontaneous or assisted refolding kinetics data fitted well (r2 > 0.9) to a previously reported lysozyme refolding model. The estimated refolding (k N) and aggregation (k A) constants were consistent with the hypothesis that foldases assisted the oxidative refolding of lysozyme by decreasing protein aggregation rather than increasing the refolding rate.  相似文献   

DsbA (disulfide bond formation protein A) is essential for disulfide bond formation directly affecting the nascent peptides folding to the correct conformation in vivo. In this paper, recombinant DsbA protein was employed to catalyze denatured lysozyme refolding and inhibit the aggregation of folding intermediates in vitro. Statistical methods, i.e., Plackett–Burman design and small central composite design, were adopted to screen out important factors affecting the refolding process and correlating these parameters with the refolding efficiency including both protein recovery and specific activity of refolded lysozyme. Four important parameters: initial lysozyme concentration, urea concentration, KCl concentration and GSSG (glutathione disulfide) concentration were picked out and operating conditions were optimized by introducing the effectiveness coefficient method and transforming the multiple objective programming into an ordinary constrained optimization issue. Finally, 99.7% protein recovery and 25,600 U/mg specific activity of lysozyme were achieved when 281.35 μg/mL denatured lysozyme refolding was catalyzed by an equivalent molar of DsbA at the optimal settings. The results indicated that recombinant DsbA protein could effectively catalyze the oxidized formation and reduced isomerization of intramolecular disulfide bonds in the refolding of lysozyme in vitro.  相似文献   

The main function of the chaperone GroEL is to prevent nonspecific association of nonnative protein chains and provide their correct folding. In the present work, the renaturation kinetics of three globular proteins (human alpha-lactalbumin, bovine carbonic anhydrase, and yeast phosphoglycerate kinase) in the presence of different molar excess of GroEL (up to 10-fold) was studied. It was shown that the formation of the native structure during the refolding of these proteins is retarded with an increase in GroEL molar excess due to the interaction of kinetic protein intermediates with the chaperone. Mg(2+)-ATP and Mg(2+)-ADP weaken this interaction and decrease the retarding effect of GroEL on the protein refolding kinetics. The theoretical modeling of protein folding in the presence of GroEL showed that the experimentally observed linear increase in the protein refolding half-time with increasing molar excess of GroEL must occur only when the protein adopts its native structure outside of GroEL (i.e. in the free state), while the refolding of the protein in the complex with GroEL is inhibited. The dissociation constants of GroEL complexed with the kinetic intermediates of the proteins studied were evaluated, and a simple mechanism of the functioning of GroEL as a molecular chaperone was proposed.  相似文献   

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