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云南元谋干热河谷植被恢复初探   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
周麟 《西北植物学报》1998,18(3):450-456
根据元谋干热河谷的植被退化、残遗特征,论述了其原生植被类型,并认为呈多顶极分布格局;通过试验表明:元谋干热河谷区只要选择适宜的树种及其正确的造林技术,无论是在砾石层阶地、土石山地和泥岩山地都可以种植乔木成林。  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷人工植被土壤水环境   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
金沙江干热河谷异常干热的气候特点,普遍存在水分亏缺问题,人工植被土壤水环境问题比其它干旱、半干旱地区更加突出.在干热河谷典型地段——元谋的试验观测表明,现有的乔木林明显表现出“土壤干化”的特点,土壤水分持续长时间亏缺,雨季结束之后的11月份。2m土层内的土壤含水量只有15%(相当于田间持水量的35%)左右,之后持续下降,直到5月份达到最低点(9%左右),几乎接近林木的凋萎湿度(元谋表蚀燥红壤的凋萎湿度为9.O%).由此而导致林木生长缓慢.车桑子(Radonaea wiscosa)灌木林同层土壤含水率相对比乔木林高42.68%,自然草坡的土壤水分明显优于乔木和灌木林,分别比乔木林和灌木林高34.36%和22.22%.这种人工乔木林的“土壤干化”问题在干热河谷地区的植被恢复中还没有引起重视,将极大地制约人工植被的可持续发展.  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷山地植被恢复区土壤种子库和地上植被研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
罗辉  王克勤 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2432-2442
土壤种子库在植物种群动态中起着重要作用。土壤种子库可缓解种群的灭绝过程,保存群落中植物种的表现特征,是植被天然更新的物质基础。通过对金沙江干热河谷山地植被恢复区(包括水平阶、自然坡面、沟底)和未恢复区(包括放牧地)的土壤种子库和地上植被的组成、大小及多样性进行比较研究表明,植被恢复区土壤种子库和地上植被的密度、丰富度、多样性及均匀度均大于未恢复区。恢复区地上生物量要远大于未恢复区。水平阶和各类型间的土壤种子库密度与地上植被密度差异显著。土壤种子库中草本植物占很大比例。孔颖草和扭黄茅是土壤种子库和地上植被的两大优势种,两者的个体数量、重要值及生物量最大。土壤种子库和地上植被有较高的相似性,且随着恢复程度的加深,相似性有增高的趋势;土壤种子库密度和地上植被密度之间关系可以用二次和三次曲线拟合。  相似文献   

云南干热河谷植被与环境研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特殊的地理位置和独特的地形地貌特征组合形成了典型的干热气候环境, 在云南省亚热带高原山地河谷下部发育了一类特有的植被类型, 即干热河谷植被。干热河谷植被具有非地带性和稀有性, 以及由土地利用变化为主的人为活动干扰导致的脆弱性。本文回顾了干热河谷植被的研究历史, 分别从干热河谷的植物群落学和植物区系学、干热河谷植被与土地的关系以及干热河谷植被保护与恢复三个方面进行了总结。植物群落与区系研究主要集中于群落分类、植被分类、群落特征、人为干扰影响、区系特征、性质和起源; 植被与土地关系研究侧重于土壤特性、土地利用/覆盖变化、土地退化及水土流失状况; 植被保护与恢复的热点在植被恢复目标、植被恢复功能区划、植被恢复引种及筛选及植被恢复效益评价研究。未来在这些区域应注重自然灾害及预防、水电工程建设对植被的影响及其响应等方面的研究, 深入开展大尺度植被时空格局的监测和动态服务功能分析。  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷草地土壤种子库与植被的相关性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张建利  张文  毕玉芬 《生态学杂志》2008,27(11):1908-1912
2004年对金沙江干热河谷典型退化山地草地进行了封禁,并在2005和2006年对封禁草地土壤种子库、植被群落组成、植被密度及土壤种子库种群密度和植被种群密度的相关性等进行了分析.结果表明:土壤种子库密度与封禁当年植被密度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),回归方程呈二次曲线;土壤种子库单一种群与其植被种群的相关分析表明,扭黄茅、升马唐、丝叶球柱草、两歧飘拂草种群的土壤种子库与植被密度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),双穗雀稗、白顶早熟禾、洱源荩草、酢浆草、鬼针草、叶下珠种群的土壤种子库与植被密度呈极显著负相关(P<0.01).  相似文献   

曹永恒  金振洲   《广西植物》1993,13(2):132-138
应用法瑞地植物学派的理论和方法,将云南潞江坝1300m以下地区干热河谷植被确定为1群目、3群属、6群丛、4亚群丛。通过对植被外貌、结构、区系组成、分布特点的分析,认为本区现存植被主要由河谷季雨林长期破坏所至,目前较典型的干热河谷灌草丛植被类型属于次生性稀树草原或半自然性稀树草原。  相似文献   

云南巧家金沙江干热河谷的植被分类   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
采用法瑞植物社会学学派的排表法对巧家干热河谷的植被进行系统分类,并以数量分类方法(组平均法)进行验证,结果将当地植被划分为一个群目(order)、两个群属(alliance)、四个群丛(association)。本文还详细探讨了当地植被的生境及区系、生态学特征,同时对比了当地植被与元谋干热河谷植被的异同。  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷元谋段残存的锥连栎群落中植物种类组成较为简单,共发现68种植物,隶属于35科60属,其中,禾本科、蝶形花科、菊科、唇形科等科植物占有较大优势;从植物生活型和功能型来看,群落内以草本植物和多年生植物数量居多,分别占所有植物种类的58.8%和63.2%。不同类型群落中,除了扭黄茅始终为各群落中最为重要的优势种之外,同一草本植物在不同群落中的作用和地位存在较大差异;群落物种多样性及相似性程度较为低下,其Shannon-Weiner指数在1.7~2.6之间,且与群落受干扰程度存在较大关联。  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷(元谋段)丛枝菌根真菌多样性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从金沙江干热河谷(元谋段)75种植物的根际土壤中分离鉴定了44种丛枝菌根真菌,分属无梗囊霉属Acaulospora、古孢霉属Archaeospora、内养囊霉属Entrophospora、巨孢囊霉属Gigaspora、球囊霉属Glomus和盾巨孢囊霉属Scutellospora,其中,球囊霉属和无梗囊霉属为金沙江干热河谷中丛枝菌根真菌的优势属。齿状无梗囊霉A.denticulata、刺状无梗囊霉A.spinosa、瘤状无梗囊A.tuberculata,近明球囊霉Glomus claroideum、明球囊霉G.clarum、根内球囊霉G.intraradices、单孢球囊霉Gmonosporum、弯丝球囊霉G.sinuosa是金沙江干热河谷(元谋段)的优势种。金沙江干热河谷土壤中丛枝菌根真菌的孢子密度为5-6400个/100g土壤,平均1504;每个根际土壤中丛枝菌根真菌的物种丰富度1~18种,平均9种。  相似文献   

采用分层收获法,对元谋干热河谷20年生赤桉、新银合欢纯林及其混交林的生物量分配与空间结构进行对比研究.结果表明:混交林林分生物量(82.99t·hm-2)介于赤桉纯林(60.64t·hm-2)与新银合欢纯林(127.79t·hm-2)之间;混交林内赤桉单株平均生物量(44.32kg)较其纯林(29.58kg)提高了49.8%.新银合欢纯林的枝叶生物量分配比例(25.4%)显著高于赤桉纯林(8.9%),且地上部生物量分配比例(78.0%)显著高于赤桉纯林(73.4%).新银合欢纯林及混交林中新银合欢的根系主要分布于0~40cm土层,赤桉纯林及混交林中赤桉的根系则主要分布于0~80cm和0~60cm土层.混交林中新银合欢的侧根(中根、小根和细根)分配比例均高于其纯林,而赤桉则相反.新银合欢的引入在一定程度上可促进赤桉生长,尤其是增加其地上部生物量及表层土壤(0~20cm)中的侧根生物量,对该地区的水土保持具有重要意义.  相似文献   

干热河谷主要植被恢复树种蒸腾作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以金沙江干热河谷区10多种自然生长树种为试材,探讨了不同季节典型晴天里各树种叶片水平的蒸腾速率日动态规律,以揭示极端干热生境条件下供试树种蒸腾作用的动态特征.实验结果表明:在干旱生境(3月份)转向干热生境(5月份)时,大多数供试树种蒸腾速率的日变化峰值有所提前,蒸腾作用受到明显限制,而当干热胁迫解除、湿润生境(10月份)来临时,蒸腾作用受限程度减轻或消失,多数供试树种呈现出比较典型的峰状曲线;在干旱、干热以及湿润季节里,供试树种均可分为高、亚高、亚低和低蒸腾速率树种等4个类别,且随着季节的变化,树种所属类别或蒸腾速率大小排序存在明显变动,体现了树种特性在水分生理反应上的多样性表达;随着干热胁迫的加深,供试树种蒸腾速率的变化可分为增强型、减弱型及稳定型3种;树种蒸腾速率的变化方向与气孔导度的变化方向存在不一致的现象,树种蒸腾速率的季节性增减可能表现为气孔因素为主与非气孔因素为主两种控制形式.  相似文献   

元谋干热河谷地区新银合欢天然更新的初步调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过2005年6和10月对元谋干热河谷地区新银合欢人工林的调查,发现新银合欢林下幼苗数量较多,经过对幼苗刨根后,发现林下的新银合欢幼苗均为种子实生苗,表明新银合欢是通过种子繁殖来完成天然更新。新银合欢单株结实量在602~1513粒,树体高大的结实量多;其林下幼苗生长良好,更新密度最低为368株·m-2,最高达960株·m-2;新银合欢林缘幼苗最远扩散距离为58·3m,幼苗的扩散范围主要集中在距离林缘10m的区域内,种子受风力和流水的影响,可以沿沟谷传播很远。  相似文献   

植被恢复对干热河谷退化土壤改良的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐国勇  高成杰  李昆 《生态学报》2015,35(15):5157-5167
土地退化和土壤恶化是我国干热河谷主要环境问题。树种筛选及树种与土壤关键限制因子间的相互作用是生态恢复的基础和前提。对比研究了干热河谷地区植被恢复22年间不同时期(1991、1997、2005和2013年)5种人工林(新银合欢Leucaena leucocephala,苏门答腊金合欢Albizia kalkora,大叶相思Acacia auriculiformis,印楝Azadirachta indica和赤桉Eucalyptus camaldulensis)和1种自然恢复样地中土壤主要物理、化学和微生物性质。结果表明植被恢复处理和取样时间对土壤性质有显著影响。在22a的植被恢复期内,土壤物理性质提高幅度为3.0%—20.2%,远不及土壤微生物和化学性质。通过自然恢复机制改良的退化土壤,其改良率(63.6%)高于印楝(54.9%)、苏门答腊金合欢(54.3%)和赤桉(53.2%)人工林,但改良率不及新银合欢(68.2%)和大叶相思(67.3%)人工林。研究得出造林树种类型决定干热河谷土壤改良进程。与自然恢复相比,人工植被恢复(如造林)并不一定能加速退化土壤改良。新银合欢和大叶相思适合作为改良干热河谷退化土壤的先锋树种,而生态系统自然恢复也可作为改良干热河谷退化土壤的一种适宜方式。  相似文献   

元江干热河谷植被数量分类及其多样性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘方炎  朱华 《广西植物》2005,25(1):22-25,92
基于43个代表性样地调查资料,用系统聚类方法中的离差平方和法将元江干热河谷的主要植被分为7个群落类型, 并采用Gleason物种丰富度指数、Simpson多样性指数和 Shannon Weiner多样性指数以及Pielou均匀度指数比较了各群落的物种多样性特征。结果表明:不同群落之间的物种多样性存在着明显的差异,这些差异与群落的分布地点、小生境有密切关系。  相似文献   

Hui Luo  Keqin Wang 《生态学报》2006,(8):2432-2442
Soil seed bank plays an important role in the composition of different plant communities, especially in their conservation. Although soil seed bank, aboveground vegetation and their relationship have been the subject of much recent attention, little is known about the size and species composition of the soil seed bank and about the aboveground vegetation in the semiarid hillslope grasslands. There is limited understanding of how these components interact to determine the importance of seed banks in regeneration. In this study, the size and species composition of a soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation have been assessed in an experiment using 36 vegetation quadrats and 108 soil samples in terrace, slope, gully, and grazing land. This land represents a range of habitats within a hillslope grassland in Jinshajing hot-dry river valley of Yunnan, China. Terrace, slope, and gully represent restored sites and grazing land typifies unrestored sites. Twenty-one taxa in the seed bank were identified with a median and median density of 7 species/m2 and 5498 seeds/m2, respectively, whereas in the aboveground vegetation, 19 species were observed with a median and median density of 6 species/m2 and 1088 plants/m2, respectively. Both seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density among grazing land, gully, slope, and terrace differed significantly. There was an absolutely high proportion of herbaceous species in the seed bank and aboveground vegetation. Gramineae predominated over both seed bank and vegetation. The most frequent seeds and plants were Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv that had the highest individual number, importance value, and biomass. In the seed bank, the seeds of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 50.68% and 33.10% of the total seeds, respectively. In the aboveground vegetation, the individual number of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 55.66% and 29.86% of the total, respectively. The biomass of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for more than 70% of the total, reaching 206.71 g/m2 and 147.76 g/m2, respectively. Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv had the highest importance value of 193.01 and 159.99, respectively. Density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and evenness were the highest in terrace land, whereas these were lowest in grazing land. Similarities between the seed bank and the aboveground vegetation were moderately high and not very different among slope, gully, and terrace lands, while for grazing land, they tended to increase when the restorative stage progressed. This result contrasts with some other studies where the seed bank contributes very little to the seedling flora and the vegetative growth clearly overwhelms sexual reproduction. The hypothesis about significant functional correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density is conformed. Correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density can be described in quadratic and cubic curves. The strong similarity between the vegetation and the seed bank is attributed to a large proportion of the species Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv., which are seed profusive and whose seeds have a significant viability in the ground. The high density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and uniformity of the reclaimed site are related to the sufficiency of heat and water supplies for species establishment and growth in the site, which partly reflects the effective efforts for hillslope grassland restoration. It is believed that the efforts for vegetation restoration have altered the microhabitat conditions of the site and have provided a favorable habitat for species to establish and grow.  相似文献   

Luo H  Wang K Q 《农业工程》2006,26(8):2432-2442
Soil seed bank plays an important role in the composition of different plant communities, especially in their conservation. Although soil seed bank, aboveground vegetation and their relationship have been the subject of much recent attention, little is known about the size and species composition of the soil seed bank and about the aboveground vegetation in the semiarid hillslope grasslands. There is limited understanding of how these components interact to determine the importance of seed banks in regeneration. In this study, the size and species composition of a soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation have been assessed in an experiment using 36 vegetation quadrats and 108 soil samples in terrace, slope, gully, and grazing land. This land represents a range of habitats within a hillslope grassland in Jinshajing hot-dry river valley of Yunnan, China. Terrace, slope, and gully represent restored sites and grazing land typifies unrestored sites. Twenty-one taxa in the seed bank were identified with a median and median density of 7 species/m2 and 5498 seeds/m2, respectively, whereas in the aboveground vegetation, 19 species were observed with a median and median density of 6 species/m2 and 1088 plants/m2, respectively. Both seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density among grazing land, gully, slope, and terrace differed significantly. There was an absolutely high proportion of herbaceous species in the seed bank and aboveground vegetation. Gramineae predominated over both seed bank and vegetation. The most frequent seeds and plants were Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv that had the highest individual number, importance value, and biomass. In the seed bank, the seeds of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 50.68% and 33.10% of the total seeds, respectively. In the aboveground vegetation, the individual number of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 55.66% and 29.86% of the total, respectively. The biomass of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for more than 70% of the total, reaching 206.71 g/m2 and 147.76 g/m2, respectively. Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv had the highest importance value of 193.01 and 159.99, respectively. Density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and evenness were the highest in terrace land, whereas these were lowest in grazing land. Similarities between the seed bank and the aboveground vegetation were moderately high and not very different among slope, gully, and terrace lands, while for grazing land, they tended to increase when the restorative stage progressed. This result contrasts with some other studies where the seed bank contributes very little to the seedling flora and the vegetative growth clearly overwhelms sexual reproduction. The hypothesis about significant functional correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density is conformed. Correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density can be described in quadratic and cubic curves. The strong similarity between the vegetation and the seed bank is attributed to a large proportion of the species Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv., which are seed profusive and whose seeds have a significant viability in the ground. The high density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and uniformity of the reclaimed site are related to the sufficiency of heat and water supplies for species establishment and growth in the site, which partly reflects the effective efforts for hillslope grassland restoration. It is believed that the efforts for vegetation restoration have altered the microhabitat conditions of the site and have provided a favorable habitat for species to establish and grow.  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷的资源植物及其生态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金沙江干热河谷是金沙江沿岸具有特殊景观的一类地区,其环境特点是热量高,水份含量低。金沙江干热河谷资源植物多样性及其生态与分布特点的初步研究表明,金沙江干热河谷有记载的资源植物为585种,占全部1004种植物的58.3%。将资源植物分为9类,其中以药用植物的种类最多,达377种,占全部资源植物的64.4%。资源植物的生长型、生活型、叶型等生态成分反映出生态环境的干热特点,也为资源植物的进一步引种提供基础。  相似文献   

干热河谷主要造林树种气体交换特性的坡位效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物光合与水分生理特征是植物逆境适应能力评价的重要参考指标.极端生境下,坡位的选择有时成为造林成败的关键.探讨了元谋金沙江干热河谷9个主要造林树种光合与蒸腾作用在不同坡位间的空间差异及干热季向湿润季转换的时序差异.结果表明,低的坡位有助于树种维持相对高的净光合速率,且树种不同,由坡位引起的光合增益效应亦具有较大差别;低坡位的光合增益效应在干热季更为明显,而在湿润季,干热胁迫解除,低坡位的光合增益效应具有较大程度的降低;在不同坡位间发生的光合限制主要受非气孔因素主导.无论在干热季或湿润季,与净光合速率的变化情形一致,低的坡位均促进了树种的蒸腾速率.水分利用效率受坡位的影响较为复杂,因树种、季节而异.  相似文献   

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