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10种鸣禽鸣唱复杂性与发声核团体积的聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用捕自野外和人工繁殖的10种雄性成鸟(一年龄以上)作为实验材料。当鸟适应环境后录音,用VS-99语音工作站软件进行声谱分析。鸣唱的复杂性采用语句短语总数、短语的音节数之和、短语的音节种类数之和、每个短语中所含的平均音节数、每个短语中所含的平均音节种类数、每种鸣禽最长短语的音节数和最长短语的音节种类数7项指标表示。然后测定前脑的上纹状体腹侧尾端(HVC)、古纹状体粗核(RA)以及嗅叶的X核(Areax)3个主要鸣唱控制核团的体积。最后分别对10种鸣禽3个发声控制核团体积和鸣唱复杂性的7项指标进行聚类分析。10种鸣禽的7项指标值相差较大,即使同一科也如此。蒙古百灵的3种核团体积比值均最大,其次是金丝雀和黄喉鹉。10种鸣禽鸣唱语句复杂性的7个指标和3种核团体积聚类分析树形图显示的结果各不相同;仅RA和Areax核团体积的树形图显示蒙古百灵远离其他9种鸣禽,与现代分类学和DNA分析得到的进化树一致。  相似文献   

鸣禽鸣唱控制系统的前端脑通路(anterior forebrain pathway, AFP)在鸣唱学习中发挥着重要作用。新纹状体巨细胞核外侧部(lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum, LMAN)是AFP的最后一级输出核团,AFP中的信号通过LMAN传导到弓状皮质栎核(robust nucleus of the arcopallium, RA),与高级发声中枢(high vocal centre,HVC)共同调节RA的活动,从而影响鸣禽的发声行为。LMAN可能通过其与RA的单突触连接来影响鸣唱可塑性。文章对近年来LMAN在鸣唱学习可塑性方面的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

鸣禽鸣唱控制系统的前端脑通路(anterior forebrain pathway,AFP)在呜唱学习中发挥着重要作用.新纹状体巨细胞核外侧部(lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum,LMAN)是AFP的最后一级输出核团,AFP中的信号通过LMAN传导到弓状皮质栎核(robust nucleus of the arcopallium,RA),与高级发声中枢(high vocal centre,HVC)共同调节RA的活动,从而影响鸣禽的发声行为.LMAN可能通过其与RA的单突触连接来影响鸣唱可塑性.文章对近年来LMAN在呜唱学习可塑性方面的研究进行综述.  相似文献   

鸣禽的鸣唱与人类的语言产生相似,是一种复杂的习得性行为.因此,鸣禽可以作为研究人类语言学习与产生的重要模式动物.鸣禽鸣唱受到相互联系的鸣唱控制核团调控.多巴胺作为脑内重要的神经递质,参与调控哺乳动物多种活动.多巴胺及其受体在鸣禽鸣唱相关神经核团大量分布.近期研究表明,多巴胺通过调控鸣唱相关核团,促进鸣禽幼年期鸣曲学习、成年期鸣曲保持以及求偶性鸣唱的产生.本文结合本课题组的研究工作,对近年鸣禽多巴胺系统调控鸣唱相关神经核团及鸣唱行为的研究进展进行了综述,并提出了多巴胺信号调控鸣禽鸣唱学习行为的潜在机制.  相似文献   

用组织学技术和微机处理方法研究了春秋两季雄性成年鸣禽栗鹂前脑鸣啭相关核团体积与性腺体积之间的相关性。结果表明,与鸣啭控制直接相关的核团HVC、RA以及在鸣啭学习中具有重要作用的X区体积均随睾丸体积变化而发生显著的正相关性变化,而与发声无关的对照核团则没有这种相关性。  相似文献   

鸣禽的鸣唱是一种习得性行为,它由脑内离散的神经核团所控制,这些核团相互关联构成鸣唱控制系统.鸣禽体内的性激素可以通过调控鸣唱系统来影响鸣唱行为.研究表明性激素中的雄激素在调节鸣唱稳定性方面发挥关键作用.雄激素可以通过调控细胞增殖、神经元电生理特性、突触传递及相关受体来影响鸣唱控制核团进而导致鸣唱行为改变.本文主要集中在雄激素对鸣禽鸣唱行为调控作用的神经机制研究进展进行论述.  相似文献   

白腰文鸟发声行为的神经发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了 5~ 15 0日龄雄性白腰文鸟 (Lonchurastriataswinhoei)不同年龄段的声谱变化以及这种变化的神经调制机制。结果如下 :(1)HVC、RA和AreaX三个发声核团的神经联系基本接近成年鸟的水平后 ,幼鸟才开始学习鸣叫 (约 45日龄 ) ;(2 )HVC、RA和AreaX达到成年核团体积时 (约 80日龄 ) ,幼鸟才具有成年雄鸟的鸣叫模式 ;(3)发声控制核团的发育与核团间的神经支配有关 ,而基本不受鸣唱行为的影响 ,HVC、RA和AreaX的最快增长时间段各不相同 ,三个核团随年龄增长而呈现体积增长的显著变化 (one wayANOVA ,P <0 0 5 ) ,但各核团在任意两个时间段的体积差异并不都显著。结果提示 :发声行为产生的时间和发展与发声控制核团的发育、核团间的神经联系有关 ,最终的体积发育程度受内在遗传力的作用 ,同时可能还受神经核团建立正常神经联系时间的影响  相似文献   

鸣禽在成年之后表现出广泛的鸣唱行为可塑性变化,其中与季节相关的可塑性变化最为突出.季节可塑性变化与呜禽体内的睾酮水平相关,并伴随鸣唱控制核团的生长或萎缩.研究显示,睾酮的代谢产物与其靶受体结合后,能诱导激素敏感基因表达,其表达产物能促进新生神经元的存活和突触形成,改变鸣唱控制核团的细胞兴奋性和突触传递,从而引起鸣唱行为变化.主要综述性激素对成年鸣禽鸣唱行为以及鸣唱系统可塑性变化的影响以及有关分子细胞机制的研究进展.  相似文献   

鸣禽因其独特的习得性鸣唱行为,成为了研究运动学习的理想模型。现已证实,鸣禽的鸣唱行为受前脑内的鸣唱控制系统直接调控。有证据显示,鸣唱控制系统内有胆碱能递质及其受体分布,其中发声运动核团接受来自基底前脑中枢胆碱能系统的胆碱能神经支配,其可通过胆碱能递质影响发声运动核团的神经活动,进而影响鸣唱行为。在哺乳动物中的研究证实,中枢胆碱能系统参与了对运动行为和运动学习神经过程的调控。了解中枢胆碱能系统对鸣禽鸣唱行为的调控作用,有助于更好地理解鸣禽鸣唱运动控制和鸣唱学习记忆的神经机制,并可从比较生理学的角度,为研究其它动物感觉运动和学习记忆的神经过程,乃至人类语言产生的神经过程提供重要参考。本文对迄今国内外在胆碱能递质对鸣禽发声运动核团作用受体的选择性及其对神经元活动影响的研究进展进行了综述,为揭示中枢胆碱能系统调控鸣禽鸣唱行为的神经机理提供有价值的线索。  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Sun YY  Zuo MX 《生理科学进展》2010,41(3):232-235
成年鸣禽鸣唱语句的形成和维持依赖于听觉反馈。X区是鸣禽前脑回路的一个重要核团,对鸣禽的发声学习和语言结构的稳定有重要作用。X区在解剖结构、电生理学以及神经化学等方面的特性与哺乳类基底神经节极为相似。对鸣禽前脑X区的研究有助于揭示人类语言学习的中枢机制。本文对近年来鸣禽X区的相关研究进展,包括鸣禽X区的结构特征、电生理特性及神经化学特征予以阐述。  相似文献   

Most studies on the relationship between measures of song behavior and the sizes of song control nuclei have focused on one or two oscine species, and often show inconsistent results. To address this issue, we first measured four variables for song complexity, i.e., song repertoire size, syllable repertoire size, the mean number of syllables per phrase (MNS) and the number of syllables in the longest phrase (NSLP), and the sizes of three song control nuclei, i.e., HVC, RA (the robust nucleus of the arcopallium), and Area X in 14 oscine species from eight families. To tackle the problem of statistical non-independence that probably existed among the closely related species, we reconstructed the phylogeny of the species studied using mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequences from GenBank. By using the methods adopted in most previous reports, we tested the relationship between song complexity and the sizes of the song control nuclei. We found that: 1) the absolute sizes of RA and Area X, but not of HVC, were positively correlated to the three measures of song complexity, but that only the residual size of RA in regard to telencephalon size was significantly correlated to the song measures; 2) independent contrasts analysis showed RA and Area X to be significantly associated with NSLP. Our results indicated that the relationship between song behavior and its neural structures varied among song nuclei, suggesting that each song control nucleus may play a different role in song behavior.  相似文献   

Right-side dominance for song control in the zebra finch.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Adult male zebra finches underwent unilateral denervation of the syrinx or unilateral lesion of the forebrain nucleus HVC known to be important for song control. Disruptive effects on song were greater after right-side than after left-side operations. After denervation of the right half of the syrinx, the fundamental frequencies of all syllables within a song converged on a value near 500 Hz, and nearly all syllables were altered in type. In contrast, the syllables produced after denervation of the left side of the syrinx largely maintained their preoperative frequencies, and fewer syllables changed in type. Unlike nerve sections, HVC lesions did not result in strikingly lateralized effects on syllable phonology; however, HVC lesions did affect the temporal patterning of a bird's song, whereas nerve sections did not, and changes in temporal patterning were more marked after right than after left HVC lesions. Right-side dominance for zebra finch song control is the reverse of that described in other songbird species with lateral asymmetry for vocal communication. We suggest that the need for a dominant side is more important than the side of dominance.  相似文献   

Adult male zebra finches underwent unilateral denervation of the syrinx or unilateral lesion of the forebrain nucleus HVC known to be important for song control. Disruptive effects of song were greater after right-side than after left-side operations. After denervation of the right half of the syrinx, the fundamental frequencies of all syllables within a song converged on a value near 500 Hz, and nearly all syllables were altered in type. In contrast, the syllables produced after denervation of the left side of the syrinx largely maintained their preoperative frequencies, and fewer syllables changed in type. Unlike nerve sections, HVC lesions did not result in strikingly lateralized effects on syllable phonology; however, HVC lesions did affect the temporal patterning of a bird's song, whereas nerve sections did not, and changes in temporal patterning were more marked after right than after left HVC lesions. Right-side dominance for zebra finch song control is the reverse of that described in other songbird species with lateral asymmetry for vocal communication. We suggest that the need for a dominant side is more important than the side of dominance. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Learned motor behaviors require descending forebrain control to be coordinated with midbrain and brainstem motor systems. In songbirds, such as the zebra finch, regular breathing is controlled by brainstem centers, but when the adult songbird begins to sing, its breathing becomes tightly coordinated with forebrain-controlled vocalizations. The periods of silence (gaps) between song syllables are typically filled with brief breaths, allowing the bird to sing uninterrupted for many seconds. While substantial progress has been made in identifying the brain areas and pathways involved in vocal and respiratory control, it is not understood how respiratory and vocal control is coordinated by forebrain motor circuits. Here we combine a recently developed technique for localized brain cooling, together with recordings of thoracic air sac pressure, to examine the role of cortical premotor nucleus HVC (proper name) in respiratory-vocal coordination. We found that HVC cooling, in addition to slowing all song timescales as previously reported, also increased the duration of expiratory pulses (EPs) and inspiratory pulses (IPs). Expiratory pulses, like song syllables, were stretched uniformly by HVC cooling, but most inspiratory pulses exhibited non-uniform stretch of pressure waveform such that the majority of stretch occurred late in the IP. Indeed, some IPs appeared to change duration by the earlier or later truncation of an underlying inspiratory event. These findings are consistent with the idea that during singing the temporal structure of EPs is under the direct control of forebrain circuits, whereas that of IPs can be strongly influenced by circuits downstream of HVC, likely in the brainstem. An analysis of the temporal jitter of respiratory and vocal structure suggests that IPs may be initiated by HVC at the end of each syllable and terminated by HVC immediately before the onset of the next syllable.  相似文献   

Peter F.  Jenkins Allan J.  Baker 《Ibis》1984,126(4):510-524
Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs were introduced to New Zealand from Great Britain over 100 years ago, and since then their songs have diverged from British ones in both syllable structure and basic organization of syllable sequences. The New Zealand populations seem to be unique in that their songs have undergone differentiation of trill segments by progressive elaboration of syllable morphology and hp ascending and descending changes of pitch. Published sonagrams of British song types have significantly more trill phrases and significantly fewer syllables in the end phrase than do Yew Zealand ones. Many New Zealand song types have much elaborated end phrases and concomitantly simpler trill segments, with songs quite commonly having only one trill phrase. This reversal of complexity between the trill and end phrase in New Zealand seems to have been derived by progressive reduction of the ultimate trill phrase to one syllable, and by recombination of end phrase syllables from different song types into one compound end phrase. The significance of the increased complexity in the end phrases of many song types may relate to the sound transmission properties of dense pine forests in New Zealand, in which Chaffinches are ubiquitous. Elaborate end phrases degrade much less from reverberation in pine forests because individual syllables have more dispersed temporal patterning.
Recombination of syllables to form new song types is a major mechanism of song differentiation in New Zealand. Although whole song copying is the predominant mode of replication, very few song types in a locality sample are composed of a unique set of syllables. Rather, song types in an area are interconnected by different combinations of shared syllables, suggesting that the incorporation of some local syllables in a bird's repertoire is sufficient to signal its status as a member of a neighbourhood and also allows the evolution of broadcast complexity.  相似文献   

The memorization and production of song in songbirds share important parallels with the process of speech acquisition in humans. In songbirds, these processes are dependent on a group of specialized telencephalic nuclei known as the song system: HVC (used as a proper name), RA (robust nucleus of arcopallium), LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the nidopallium) and striatal Area X. A recent study suggested that the arcopallium of the Sayornis phoebe, a non vocal learner suboscine species, contains a nucleus with some properties similar to those of songbird RA, suggesting that the song system may have been present in the last common ancestor of these groups. Here we report morphological and gene expression evidence that a region with some properties similar to RA is present in another suboscine, the Amazonian endemic Willisornis poecilinotus. Specifically, a discrete domain with a distinct Nissl staining pattern and that expresses the RA marker RGS4 was found in the arcopallium where the oscine RA is localized. Our findings, combined with the previous report on the S. phoebe, suggest that an arcopallial region with some RA-like properties was present in the ancestor of both Suboscines infraorders Tyranni and Furnarii, and is possibly an ancestral feature of Passeriformes.  相似文献   

In songbirds, there is considerable interest in relationships between song structure and the size of the song control system in the forebrain. In male canaries, earlier studies have reported that repertoire size increased with age, and positive correlations were obtained between repertoire size and the volume of song control nuclei such as high vocal center (HVC). Here we investigate whether age has an effect upon both the song structure and the morphology of two song control nuclei [HVC and robustus archistriatalis (RA)] that are important in song production. We recorded songs from an aviary population of 1- and 2-year-old male domesticated canaries. We found that repertoire size, number of sexually attractive (sexy) syllables, and size of song nuclei did not differ between 1- and 2-year-old males. Neither did we find significant correlations between syllable repertoire size and the size of the song control nuclei. However, HVC size was positively correlated with the proportion of sexy syllables in the repertoires of 2-year-old males. Some older males may enhance vocal performance by modifying the control of syllables rather than by increasing repertoire size or neural space.  相似文献   

白腰文鸟发声行为的性别差异及其机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过声谱分析,研究了5-120日龄雌、雄白腰文鸟(Lonchura striata swinhoei)的声谱变化,及该时段3个主要发声控制核团)HVC、RA、Area X)体积、睾丸(睾酮)的相应改变。结果如下:①45日龄以前,雌雄鸟只能发出简单鸣叫(call),鸣声基本不会鸣唱。②雄性HVC,RA,AreaX体积均比雌性大2-6部。3个核团的大小发育不完全一致。各核团的快速生长期与鸣唱学习的主要时段(60-120日龄)不同步,说明核团的个体发育可能不完全受发声行为的影响。③睾丸的充分发育(120日龄后)及血液中具有较高的睾酮水平是雄鸟发出成熟鸣唱语句的重要条件。  相似文献   

The higher vocal center (HVC) of adult male canries undergoes a seasonal change in volume that corresponds to seasonal modifications of vocal behavior: HVC is large when birds produce stereotyped song (spring) and is small when birds produce plastic song and add new song syllables into their vocal repertoires (fall). We reported previously that systemic exposure to testosterone (T) produces an increase in the volume of HVC similar to that observed with long-day photoperiods. T-induced growth of HVC occured regardless of wheter the borders of HVC were defined by Nissl-staining, the distribution of androgen-concentrating cells, or the distribution of projection neurons [separate neuronal populations within HVC project to the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA) and to Area X of the avian striatum (X)]. In the present study we used steroid autoradiography to determine whether T can influence the distribution of HVC cells that bind estrogen, and we combined estrogen autoradiography with retrograde labeling to determine whether HVC neurons that project to RA versus X differ in their ability to accumulate estrogen. Results showed that T increased the volume of Nissl-defined HVC and although HVC contained a low density of estrogen-concentrating cells, T increased the spatial distribution of these cells to match the Nissl borders of HVC. We also identified a region containing a high density of estrogenconcentrating cells located medial to HVC [we call this region paraHVC (pHVC)], and T also increased the volume of pHVC. pHVC also contained numerous X-projecting neurons, but few if any RA-projecting neurons. Double-labeling analysis revealed the RA-projecting neurons did not accumulate estrogen, a small percentage of X-projecting neurons in HVC accumulated estrogen, and the majority of X-projecting neurons in pHVC showed heavy accumulation of estrogen. The data reported here and in our previous article suggest distinct roles for gonadal steroids within the HVC-pHVC complex: estrogens are concentrated by neurons that project to a striatal region that influences vocal production during song learning (X), whereas androgens are concentrated primarily by neurons that project to a motor region that is involved in vocal production during both song learning and the recitation of already-learned song (RA). © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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