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延迟投饵对史氏鲟仔鱼摄食、存活及生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了解史氏鲟仔鱼阶段的开口摄食习性,为史氏鲟的人工育苗提供基础资料,研究了延迟投饵对史氏鲟仔鱼摄食、存活及生长的影响。结果表明:仔鱼6日龄开口,7日龄史氏鲟仔鱼初次摄食,10日龄卵黄基本吸收完毕,16~17日龄,不能建立外源性营养的仔鱼进入饥饿的不可逆点(PNR)期,故其PNR是16日龄;史氏鲟仔鱼存活率随延迟投饵天数的增加而降低,6日龄后,延迟投饵时间在7d内,仔鱼存活率可达60%以上,延迟投饵时间在8~10d内,仔鱼的成活率下降至40%左右,延迟投饵时间为11d,存活率下降至10%,延迟投饵时间为12d及以后,存活率为0;史氏鲟仔鱼全长和体质量在延迟投饵4d内均增加;延迟投饵超过4d则均下降。延迟投喂时间在8d以内,仔鱼全长和体质量与对照组无显著性差异;延迟投喂超过9d,全长和体质量低于对照组;史氏鲟仔鱼适宜投饵的时间是孵出后9~10d。  相似文献   

饥饿对食蚊鱼仔鱼摄食、生长和形态的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文研究了饥饿胁迫下食蚊鱼仔鱼的摄食、生长和外部形态的变化规律.结果表明,在水温(28.5±1.2)℃时,仔鱼产出2h后鳔完成充气即建立巡游模式并开始觅食,摄食比率迅速达到100%,其混合营养期仅有4h.实验期间,投喂组仔鱼的摄食比率一直保持在100%;饥饿组仔鱼在饥饿0-3d内初次摄食比率同样可达到或接近100%,但第4天开始下降,第6天初次摄食比率降至0,抵达饥饿不可逆点(PNR)时间为产出后第5.5天左右.投喂组初产仔鱼对1-2龄期库蚊幼虫的摄食强度为(2.9±1.4)ind/individual·h,摄食强度随日龄显著增长;饥饿组仔鱼在饥饿0-5d内其初次摄食强度也随日龄及饥饿时间的延长显著增长,但均显著低于相应日龄的投喂组仔鱼,其初次摄食比率与初次摄食强度之间并无显著相关关系.饥饿仔鱼在PNR前约1.5d时其累计死亡率已超半数,达(64.4±18.1)%,抵达PNR后数小时内残存个体全部死亡.实验结束(6d)时投喂组仔鱼5项生长指标呈不等速增长,其中体重增长最为显著,瞬时增长率达0.0275/d,此时腹鳍发育基本完备,进入幼鱼期.而同期饥饿组仔鱼形态发育停滞,多项生长指标出现负增长,其中体高负增长最为明显,其瞬时增长率为-0.0511/d;体重次之,体长负增长则不甚明显.饥饿仔鱼在接近或处在PNR期时腹部萎缩呈弧形,体长/体高>5,而同期投喂组仔鱼体长/体高<4.5,两者差异显著,可作为鉴别饥饿仔鱼和健康仔鱼较理想的形态数量指标.  相似文献   

以人工繁育的俄罗斯鲟仔鱼为对象,采用实验生态学方法,研究了初次摄食时间对生长及存活的影响。结果表明:在水温17.4 ℃下,仔鱼在9~10日龄初次摄食,初次摄食前投喂对俄罗斯鲟仔鱼的生长和存活无显著性影响,延迟2 d以上初次摄食对生长影响明显,存活率在18日龄初次摄食时显著下降,24日龄时饥饿仔鱼全部死亡;23~24日龄时仔鱼如不能建立外源营养即达到饥饿不可逆点(PNR)。人工养殖条件下,俄罗斯鲟仔鱼必须在初次摄食后14 d内建立起主动摄食能力才能保证其仔鱼的正常发育、生长和存活。  相似文献   

哲罗鱼仔鱼饥饿实验及不可逆生长点的确定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在水温10-12℃条件下,研究了哲罗鱼Hucho taimen仔鱼饥饿对其生长、形态和行为的影响,确定其初次摄食饥饿不可逆点(PNR)和最佳初次摄食时间.结果表明:饥饿状况下哲罗鱼仔鱼全长基本维持恒定,但肥满度不断降低,在第24日龄后体重出现负增长,其卵黄囊吸收与生长变化密切相关;饥饿后的仔鱼身体发黑、头大身瘦、后脑部下陷;集群性、初次摄食力与饥饿时间呈负相关;25日龄出现自残现象,30日龄自残率达到最大值14.5%.哲罗鱼仔鱼初次摄食时间在21日龄,当29日龄摄食率达到最高值100%,PNR期为39-40日龄;初次摄食仔鱼最佳投喂时间在25日龄,也就是仔鱼上浮后第4天.  相似文献   

饥饿对唐鱼仔鱼摄食和生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
用初次摄食率测定法测定饥饿胁迫下唐鱼(Tanichthys albonubes)仔鱼耐饥饿能力,观察了饥饿对仔鱼摄食、生长和形态发育的影响。结果表明,水温24.0~28.5℃条件下仔鱼在孵化后第2.5~3d开口摄食,初次摄食率为33.3%,最高初次摄食率为100%并持续4d;混合营养期约2d;第5d卵黄耗尽,并达到最高摄食强度;第8.5d进入不可逆点(PNR),PNR有效积温为222.7d.℃,第10d死亡率超过50%,12d全部死亡。饥饿对仔鱼发育起延迟作用,混合营养期延迟投喂,仔鱼生长发育水平明显低于正常投喂仔鱼,饥饿仔鱼发育停滞且在PNR前后负增长并出现胸角。本文讨论了仔鱼耐饥饿能力与生境、生活史策略的关系。  相似文献   

张怡  曹振东  付世建 《生态学报》2007,27(3):1161-1167
在(22.0±0.5)℃条件下,将人工孵化的南方鲇仔鱼分别于出膜后4、5、6、7天进行首次投喂(其中4d的为对照组),首次投喂前(出膜后4 d)取样测量体长、体重、身体含能量作为初始值,于出膜后7 d(延迟投喂实验)和21 d(继续喂养实验)分别测定体长、体重、身体所含能量和临界游泳速度。结果显示:延迟投喂实验结束时各处理组的体重、身体含能量和体长随首次投喂时间的延迟均呈下降趋势,相对临界游泳速度随首次投喂时间的延迟表现为先提高后降低的趋势,绝对临界游泳速度在延迟投喂2d以内无显著差异;继续喂养实验结束时处理组各指标逐渐接近对照组水平,两种临界游泳速度表现为同步变化趋势;另外,体长特定生长率相对百分比(SGRL%)的变化幅度小于身体含能量特定生长率相对百分比(SGRE%)的变化幅度,而绝对临界游泳速度相对百分比(Ucrit%)的变化又小于体长特定生长率相对百分比的变化。结果表明:早期食物资源的短缺会导致南方鲇仔鱼体重、身体含能量产生明显变化,体长生长速度的变化则相对较小,而短期饥饿不会显著降低南方鲇仔鱼的游泳能力。  相似文献   

太平洋鳕仔鱼饥饿实验及不可逆生长点的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李艳秋  姜志强  孙阳  毛明光  孟祥科 《生态学报》2014,34(14):3873-3878
通过研究饥饿胁迫对太平洋鳕仔鱼生长、形态和行为的影响,确定太平洋鳕仔鱼最佳投饵时间及不可逆点,以期为太平洋鳕人工育苗提供科学参考。实验设饥饿组和摄食组进行研究。结果表明,在水温10.0—11.0℃时,太平洋鳕仔鱼在孵化后第5天开始摄食,此时卵黄囊容量约从初孵时的0.2402mm3降至0.0062mm3,卵黄囊体积随仔鱼生长逐渐变小。从第8日龄开始,饥饿仔鱼的全长、体长、肛前长、体高等指标与摄食组差异极显著(P0.01),多项生长指标出现负增长,饥饿组与摄食组仔鱼开鳔率及鳔体积差异明显,表明饥饿对仔鱼生长发育起延迟作用。太平洋鳕仔鱼初次摄食率为30%,第7天初次摄食率达90%,仅保持1d。太平洋鳕仔鱼的耐饥饿能力较差,PNR为9日龄。最佳投饵时间为5—7日龄。  相似文献   

在室内养殖条件下,研究厚颌鲂仔鱼的摄食、耐饥饿和恢复生长能力.试验结果表明:(1)仔鱼在孵出后2~3 d开口摄食,卵黄囊在之后的2 d耗尽,饥饿仔鱼在12~13日龄达到不可逆点(PNR);(2)饥饿仔鱼的初次摄食率在卵黄囊耗尽时达到最高,保持在80%以上的时间为7 d;(3)仔鱼在PNR后死亡率急剧增加,PNR后第3 d仔鱼全部死亡;(4)经恢复生长试验,延迟3 d投饵对仔鱼的存活率影响不大,延迟3~6 d投饵对仔鱼全长生长影响不大.  相似文献   

张怡  曹振东  付世建 《生态学报》2007,27(3):1161-1167
在(22.0±0.5)℃条件下,将人工孵化的南方鲇仔鱼分别于出膜后4、5、6、7天进行首次投喂(其中4d的为对照组),首次投喂前(出膜后4d)取样测量体长、体重、身体含能量作为初始值,于出膜后7d(延迟投喂实验)和21d(继续喂养实验)分别测定体长、体重、身体所含能量和临界游泳速度。结果显示:延迟投喂实验结束时各处理组的体重、身体含能量和体长随首次投喂时间的延迟均呈下降趋势,相对临界游泳速度随首次投喂时间的延迟表现为先提高后降低的趋势,绝对临界游泳速度在延迟投喂2d以内无显著差异;继续喂养实验结束时处理组各指标逐渐接近对照组水平,两种临界游泳速度表现为同步变化趋势;另外,体长特定生长率相对百分比(SGRL%)的变化幅度小于身体含能量特定生长率相对百分比(SGRE%)的变化幅度,而绝对临界游泳速度相对百分比(Ucrit%)的变化又小于体长特定生长率相对百分比的变化。结果表明:早期食物资源的短缺会导致南方鲇仔鱼体重、身体含能量产生明显变化,体长生长速度的变化则相对较小,而短期饥饿不会显著降低南方鲇仔鱼的游泳能力。  相似文献   

在水温为10.4~14.9℃条件下,研究了延迟初次投喂对太门哲罗鱼仔鱼的生长、存活和个体大小差异的影响.该试验共分5组:S0(饥饿0d,对照)、S1(开口9d后投喂)、S2(开口12 d后投喂)、S3(开口15 d后投喂)、S4(开口18d后投喂).结果表明:经过36 d试验,S1组生长率和初次摄食率高于S0组,试验结束时总体的死亡率低于S0组,两组个体大小和体质量均无显著性差异;S2组生长率和初次摄食率高于S0组,两组个体大小差异不显著,但S2组体质量明显低于S0组,且总死亡率和自残死亡率均高于S0组;S3组初次摄食率高于S0组,总死亡率、自残死亡率和个体大小均高于S0组,虽然生长率接近S0组,但体质量明显低于S0组;S4组生长率和体质量均小于S0组,总死亡率和自残死亡率高于S0组.相同条件下延迟9d投喂太门哲罗鱼仔鱼出现了“完全补偿生长”,可应用于太门哲罗鱼初次摄食期仔鱼的培育.  相似文献   

The selective advantage offered to individuals living within groups may relate to natural enemy defence, but in leaf feeding insects may also relate to overcoming plant defences, especially with respect to feeding establishment. We conducted a series of experiments focusing on neonate larval survival, examining the effect of group size and leaf age on the survival of a eucalypt-feeding beetle, Chrysophtharta agricola , which formed groups of up to 43 larvae on the foliage of Eucalyptus nitens in the field. In the laboratory, in the absence of natural enemies, we found that initial density, leaf age and damage to the leaf margin significantly affected larval survival. Survival of solitary first-instar larvae on young foliage was around 80% whereas on older foliage it was around 11%. Prior damage to the leaf margin significantly increased survival on older leaves to around 61%. Initial larval density also affected survival, although mortality was always significantly higher on older leaves. On older leaves the larval group size above which mortality increased no further was over two-fold that on young leaves. Observations of group feeding behaviour at each instar showed that the majority of larvae (75.7%) were aligned facing away from the feeding site and that only around 7.5%, or just 1–2 larvae per group, fed at any one time. Feeding larvae chewed the leaf edge by straddling the leaf margin. Measurements of leaf margins showed that older leaves had significantly thicker leaf margins and 'thickness' ratios (leaf margin to leaf lamina proper). In the field, approximately 85% of all larvae occurred on the first two expanded leaf pairs, and larval mortality was highest between eclosion and establishment of the first instar. However, beetles apparently did not adjust clutch size according to leaf age.  相似文献   

The effects of the timing of initial feeding (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 days after yolk exhaustion) and temperature (15, 18 and 21° C) on the point‐of‐no‐return (PNR), survival and growth of laboratory‐reared Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae were studied under controlled conditions. The larvae reached PNR on 7·7, 5·2 and 4·2 days‐post‐hatching (dph) at 15, 18 and 21° C, respectively. At each temperature, larval growth did not differ significantly among the delayed initial feedings 1 day before PNR but decreased significantly in larvae first fed after that. In the treatments where initial feeding was equally delayed, larvae grew significantly faster at 18 and 21° C than at 15° C. The larvae survived apparently better at 15 and 18° C than at 21° C when initial feeding was equally delayed. At each temperature, survival of the larvae first fed before PNR did not differ noticeably, while delayed initial feeding after that apparently reduced their survival. These results indicated that there existed a negatively temperature‐dependent PNR in the Japanese flounder larvae. Survival and growth of the larvae strongly depended on temperature as well as the timing of initial feeding. High temperature accelerated the yolk exhaustion and growth of the larvae and thus reduced their starvation tolerance and survival. To avoid potential starvation mortality and obtain good growth, the Japanese flounder larvae must establish successful initial feeding within 2 days after yolk exhaustion at 15° C and within 1 day at both 18 and 21° C.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the timing of first feeding (larvae in F0, F1, F2, F3 and S were first fed on day 3, 4, 5, 6 days after hatching (DAH) and unfed, respectively) on feeding, morphological changes, survival and growth in miiuy croaker larvae at 24°C. The fed larvae initiated feeding on 3 DAH and reached point of no return (PNR) on 6 DAH. Larvae in F0 and F1 groups survived apparently better than F2 group at the end of the experiment on 36 DAH. High larval mortality occurred from 3 to 7 DAH in all feeding groups, accounting for 40% (F0, F1 and F2 groups) to 90% (F3 and S groups) of the total mortality. Larvae in F0 and F1 groups grew better than F2 group throughout the experiment. Eye diameter, body height, head height and mouth gape of the first feeding larvae were more sensitive to starvation than other morphometrics and could be used as indicators for evaluating their nutritional status. Results indicated that delayed first feeding over 1 day after yolk exhaustion could lead to poor larval survival and growth. To avoid starvation and obtain good growth in culturing, larvae feeding should be initiated within 1 day after yolk exhaustion at 24°C.  相似文献   

Since first large-scale attempts to culture sturgeon from the larval stage were carried out in the former U.S.S.R. at the end of the nineteenth century, rearing technology has advanced considerably during the last 20 years and noticeable improvements in incubation and larval rearing techniques have been implemented in normal hatchery procedures. Siberian sturgeon eggs are incubated in MacDonald jars at 13–14° C to prevent fungal infections. Mass hatching takes place 7 days after fertilization and hatching rate can be predicted as a function of the percentage of eggs fertilized. Survival at the end of the endogenous feeding stage is correlated with hatching rate. Egg size has no direct implications for larval growth and survival of Siberian sturgeon. Experimental studies have demonstrated that behavioural observations are useful criteria to assess the quality of larvae and to synchronize the physiological state of fish with the appropriate rearing procedures. Special attention should be given to the transition to exogenous feeding, where cannibalism, difficulties in adaptation to a new diet, overfeeding and resulting bacterial infections dramatically reduces survival to the fingerling stage. Although a commercial artificial diet specifically formulated for larvae of Siberian sturgeon and other acipenserids is still lacking, commercial non-purified rainbow trout diets and starter marine fish diets are currently used and their results are reasonably acceptable in terms of larval growth and survival. Further research must be focused on the determination of egg quality indicators in order to provide the producer with the tools to estimate the viability and performance of theprogeny.  相似文献   

施氏鲟仔鱼的生长发育可分为两个时期:卵黄囊期(或称为自由胚期),即从刚出膜(0日龄,10.17±0.63 mm)到初次开口(9日龄,18.93±0.74 mm);晚期,从开口摄食至器官发育基本完全(38日龄,41.89±5.09 mm).卵黄囊期仔鱼的感觉、摄食、呼吸、游泳等器官快速分化;晚期仔鱼各骨板分化并发育,在形态上逐渐完成向成鱼的转变.对施氏鲟仔鱼异速生长进行的研究表明,仔鱼许多关键器官均存在异速生长现象,如眼径、口宽、尾鳍长、胸鳍长分别在2日龄、8~9日龄、10日龄、11日龄出现生长拐点,拐点之前器官快速生长,拐点之后生长速度减慢甚至近似等速生长.施氏鲟仔鱼各器官呈现出协调和快速发育的特征,随着重要的感觉、摄食、呼吸、游泳等器官的发育和完善,仔鱼快速地具备了躲避敌害和摄食的能力,其生存能力大大提高.  相似文献   

Live food enrichment techniques, using formulated diets and emulsions for improving the nutritional quality of Brachionus and Artemia , were studied as a tool for transferring ascorbic acid (AA) to fish larvae.
Artemia nauplii enriched for 24 h with an experimental emulsion containing 20% HUFA and 0%, 10% and 20% ascorbyl palmitate (AP) were administered to catfish larvae in a 20-day feeding trial. Survival was not affected by the dietary AA, but from day 7 onwards a significantly positive effect of supplemental AA on growth was demonstrated. At the end of the experiment the 20% AP group weighed 30% more than the control (0% AP), i.e. 9.5 and 6.3 mg DW, respectively. Evaluation of the physiological condition was demonstrated by salinity tests. In all three treatments larval growth was relatively low, and it still has to be verified if extra vitamin C in the diet really promotes growth. Seabass larvae fed on AP-enriched rotifers (days 4–12) and Artemia nauplii (days 13–46) showed no significant differences in production characteristics nor in stress resistance, however, for all salinity stress tests the 20% AP group performed better. AA was well incorporated into the predator larvae from the Brachionus feeding onwards.  相似文献   

Digestive secretions of lake sturgeon were analysed for 60 days post-hatch. Three developmental phases were observed. During the yolk-sac stage (days 1–16) the digestive system differentiated and digestive enzyme concentrations were low. Initiation of gastric secretion was concurrent with establishment of active feeding (days 14–18). Peptic and tryptic activities continued to increase thereafter. Amylolytic and lipolytic activities were highest during the larval feeding phase and then declined following metamorphosis of the larvae to juveniles (days 24–30). Changes in the digestive enzyme complement were age related, not dietarily induced, and appeared to correspond with the different feeding habits and, possibly, nutritional requirements of the distinct life history stages.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory studies on the ontogenetic behavior of free embryos (first life interval after hatching) and larvae (first feeding interval) of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon. Migration styles of both species were similar for timing of migration (initiation by embryos on day 0 after hatching and cessation by larvae on days 12–13 at 236–243 cumulative temperature degree units), migration distance (about 13km), life interval when most distance was moved (embryo), and diel behavior of embryos (diurnal). However, the species differed for two behaviors: movement characteristics of embryos (peak movement rate of pallid sturgeon was only one-half the peak rate of shovelnose sturgeon, but pallid sturgeon continued the lower rate for twice as long) and diel behavior of larvae (pallid sturgeon were diurnal and shovelnose sturgeon were nocturnal). Thus, the species used different methods to move the same distance. Migrating as poorly developed embryos suggests a migration style to avoid predation at the spawning site, but moving from spawning habitat to rearing habitat before first feeding could also be important. Migrants of both species preferred bright habitat (high illumination intensity and white substrate), a behavioral preference that may characterize the migrants of many species of sturgeon. Both species were remarkably similar for swimming height above the bottom by age, and day 7 and older migrants may swim far above the bottom and move far downstream. A migration of 12 or 13 days will probably not distribute larvae throughout the population's range, so an older life interval likely initiates a second longer downstream migration (2-step migration). By day 2, individuals of both species were a black-tail phenotype (light grey body with a black-tail that moved conspicuously during swimming). Aggregation behavior suggests that black-tail is a visual signal used for group cohesion.  相似文献   

Marine invertebrate species vary in their ability to delay metamorphosis, and in the degree to which delayed metamorphosis compromises juvenile performance. Abalone (Haliotis iris) larvae were deprived of metamorphosis cues and the effects of delayed metamorphosis on larval competence, and post-larval growth and survival were quantified. Larvae were exposed to a metamorphosis inducer (the coralline alga Phymatolithon repandum (Foslie) Wilks and Woelkerling) on Days 11, 18, 22, 26, 30 and 34 post-fertilisation (temperature 16-17 degrees C). Post-larvae were reared on diatoms (Nitzschia longissima Grunow) for 3-4 weeks post-metamorphosis. Delayed metamorphosis caused progressive negative effects on post-larval performance. Virtually all larvae initiated metamorphosis in response to P. repandum, regardless of larval age. The proportion of post-larvae that developed post-larval shell growth within 2 days of metamorphosis induction dropped only approximately 20% from Day 11 to Day 26 (P>0.05), but was significantly lower by Day 30 and Day 34 (P<0.001). Larvae that metamorphosed on Days 11, 18 and 22 showed high survival (>80%) and growth rates (means of 20-22 μm shell length per day). In contrast, larvae that metamorphosed on Day 26 and Day 30 had poor survival (30-40%) and lower (P<0.05) growth rates (15-16 μm/day). Of the larvae that metamorphosed on Day 34, only 7 (30%) survived their first week post-metamorphosis, and they grew only 2 μm/day on average. Only one of these post-larvae (4%) survived the second week. The visible yolk supply diminished over the life of the larvae and was near zero by Day 34. Nearly all larvae had died by Day 38. H. iris larvae remained competent to metamorphose for at least 3 weeks after they attained competence. Post-larval growth and survival were not reduced if metamorphosis occurred within 3 weeks of fertilisation. This extended period of larval competence implies that H. iris larvae can potentially disperse for up to several weeks before successful metamorphosis.  相似文献   

分别采用水丝蚓(Limnodrilus sp.)、卤虫无节幼体(Artemia nauplii)、枝角类(Moina sp.)和人工饲料饲养西伯利亚鲟仔鱼30 d,研究不同开口饵料对西伯利亚鲟仔鱼生长、存活率和体成分的影响.结果表明:卤虫无节幼体为西伯利亚鲟最适开口饵料,仔鱼的存活率最高(96.67%); 投喂水丝蚓组生长速度最快;而人工饲料组生长速度明显低于其他组,且成活率最低.不同开口饵料组间仔鱼体成分差异显著,人工饲料组水分含量最高,且粗蛋白和粗灰分含量最低.采用卤虫无节幼体为西伯利亚鲟仔鱼开口饵料,然后采用水丝蚓进行强化培育,能获得较好的生长速度和存活率.  相似文献   

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