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The population of pond smelt Hypomesus olidus has been registered for the first time in the water bodies of Bering Island (Commander Islands). The spawning of this species has been observed in the Sarannoe Lake system, and the maturing breeders have been caught in the freshwater-brackish Gavanskoe Lake system. The spawning grounds, the spawning period, the environment, and the morphology of the breeders have been described. The ratio of Ca and Sr isotopes in the otoliths of the pond smelt inhabiting the Sarannoe Lake system evidenced that this species here was presented by the resident ecotype. The problem of the smelt phylogeny and resettlement in the northern Pacific Ocean is discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied the life histories of the ninespine sticklebacks, Pungitius pungitius and Pungitius tymensis, collected from Japanese freshwater and brackish (sea) water habitats by examining the strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in their otoliths. The Sr:Ca ratios in the otoliths changed with the salinity of the habitat regardless of identification as freshwater or brackish water type based on morphological characteristics. The ninespine sticklebacks living in a freshwater environment showed consistently low Sr:Ca ratios throughout the otolith. These samples were identified as a standard freshwater type. In contrast, all freshwater-type fishes collected from the intertidal zone showed higher otolith Sr:Ca ratios than those in the standard freshwater type, and the ratios fluctuated with the growth phase. All brackish water-type fishes collected in the intertidal zone showed the highest otolith Sr:Ca ratio throughout the otolith. In the present study, besides the two representative life history types of P. pungitius, i.e., freshwater and brackish water life history types, other sticklebacks had an anadromous life history type. These findings clearly indicate that the ninespine stickleback has a flexible migration strategy with a high degree of behavioral plasticity and an ability to utilize the full range of salinity in its life history.  相似文献   

Correcting Misperceptions about the History of Castanea Stands in Satoyama in Japan. Mistaken ideas about the naturalness of past and present landscapes are widespread in diverse cultures and in the scientific literature, and many of these ideas are only now being seriously challenged by current research (e.g., Erickson 2006; Fairhead and Leach 1996; Hall 1998; Ramankutty and Foley 1999; Willis et al. 2004). For example, the chestnut, Castanea crenata, has long been an important tree in Japanese culture, which has been cultivated, among other things, for its much loved edible nut and its valuable timber. Today, the widely-held view in Japan, which also appears in the scholarly and popular literature, is that in the past Castanea stands covered a large area throughout Japan, and these stands only disappeared because of economic development, especially in association with railway construction. Otaru, Hokkaido, is one of the places where people believe Castanea stands covered a large area and were deforested only recently. Local people in Otaru believe that the stand in Temiya Park has existed since the Jomon Period. For a more accurate historical perspective on Japanese forestation, we have performed pollen analysis to clarify the timing of the introduction of the Castanea tree into Otaru region and to reveal the history of this specific Castanea stand in Temiya Park. The results indicate that Castanea was first found in Otaru region 7100 B.P., but that it was not cultivated extensively until recently. Based on our study, and on data from this area dating to the late 19th century, we concluded instead that the Castanea stand we studied in Temiya Park, Otaru, was established after the mid-20th century. We believe the results of this study are applicable to Castanea stands in other parts of Japan as well.  相似文献   

A pea rust fungus, Uromyces viciae-fabae, has been classified into two varieties, var. viciae-fabae and var. orobi, based on differences in urediniospore wall thickness and putative host specificity in Japan. In principal component analyses, morphological features of urediniospores and teliospores of 94 rust specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum did not show definite host-specific morphological groups. In molecular analyses, 23 Uromyces specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum formed a single genetic clade based on D1/D2 and ITS regions. Four isolates of U. viciae-fabae from V. cracca and V. unijuga could infect and sporulate on P. sativum. These results suggest that U. viciae-fabae populations on different host plants are not biologically differentiated into groups that can be recognized as varieties.Contribution no. 184, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   

The amago salmon, Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae, is an endemic subspecies of O. masou in Japan. Owing to the extensive stocking of hatchery fish throughout Japan, indigenous populations of O. m. ishikawae are now on the verge of extinction. We examined the genetic effects of stocking hatchery fish on wild populations in the River Koza, Japan, using microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. For mtDNA, haplotype mt1, which is common in wild populations, was present exclusively in isolated wild populations assumed to be unaffected by previous stocking, while it was never observed in hatchery fish. Genetic diversity was much higher in wild populations in the stocked area, which shared many mtDNA haplotypes with hatchery fish, than in isolated wild populations with haplotype mt1. Pairwise F ST estimates based on microsatellites showed significant differentiation among the isolated populations with many microsatellite loci monomorphic. Significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was observed in wild populations in the area subject to stocking, where a Bayesian-based assignment test showed a high level of introgression with hatchery fish. These results suggest that wild populations with haplotype mt1, which became isolated through anthropogenic environmental change in the 1950–1960s, represent indigenous populations of O. m. ishikawae in the River Koza. They have low genetic diversity, most likely caused by genetic bottlenecks following damming and environmental deterioration, while stocking of hatchery fish over the past 30 years apparently had a large impact on the genetic structure of wild populations in the main channel of the River Koza.  相似文献   

H. Takahashi 《Mycoscience》2003,44(2):0103-0107
 Three new species of Agaricales from eastern Honshu, Japan, are described and illustrated. (1) Clitocybe minutella sp. nov. (section Vernae), having white, very small, clitocyboid basidiomata with white, strigose mycelial tomentum at the base of the stipe and trichodermial elements in the pileipellis, occurs on leaf litter in deciduous oak forests. (2) Crepidotus longicomatus sp.nov. (section Echinospori), forms very small (up to 3.5 mm in diameter), reniform basidiomata densely covered overall with white to pale yellow, erect, thick-walled, long hairs. It has melleous, echinulate basidiospores, and was found on fallen dead branches in lowland oak forests. (3) Crepidotus virgineus sp. nov. (section Crepidotus), forming pure white, reniform basidiomata, has smooth, ellipsoid basidiospores, subfusiform-pedicellate to irregularly cylindrical cheilocystidia, and abundant clamp connections. It occurs on fallen dead branches in lowland oak forests. Received: August 22, 2002 / Accepted: January 8, 2003 Acknowledgments I am grateful to Dr. Yousuke Degawa (KPM) for allowing the specimens cited to be kept in the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History. Correspondence to:H. Takahashi  相似文献   

Three species of Ophiostoma possessing Pesotum anamorphs isolated from bark beetles and their galleries infesting Abies species in Nikko, Japan, are described as new species. Ophiostoma nikkoense is characterized by brush-shaped synnemata producing long septate clavate conidia, perithecia with neck, and allantoid ascospores. Ophiostoma microcarpum has smaller perithecia with hyphoid ostiolar hyphae on the neck, and the ascospores are cylindrical or ossiform in side and face views. Ophiostoma abieticola has perithecia without ostiolar hyphae on the neck and produces orange-section-shaped or reniform ascospores.Contribution no. 187, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba  相似文献   

Asexual seed formation (apomixis) in Hieracium aurantiacum occurs by mitotic embryo sac formation without prior meiosis in ovules (apomeiosis), followed by fertilization-independent embryo and endosperm development. Sexual reproduction begins first in Hieracium ovules with megaspore mother cell (MMC) formation. Apomixis initiates with the enlargement of somatic cells, termed aposporous initial (AI) cells, near sexual cells. AI cells grow towards sexually programmed cells undergoing meiosis, which degrade as the dividing nuclei of AIs obscure and displace them. Following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of an aneuploid Hieracium aurantiacum apomict, a somaclonal mutant designated “loss of apomeiosis 1” (loa1) was recovered, which had significantly lost the ability to form apomictic seed. Maternal apomictic progeny were rare and low levels of germinable seedlings were primarily derived from meiotically derived eggs. Cytological analysis revealed defects in AI formation and function in loa1. Somatic cells enlarged some distance away from sexual cells and unlike AI cells, these expanded away from sexual cells without nuclear division. Surprisingly, many accumulated callose in the walls, a marker associated with meiotically specified cells. These defective AI (DAI) cells only had partial sexual identity as they failed to express a marker reflecting entry to meiosis that was easily detected in MMCs and they ultimately degraded. DAI cell formation did not lead to a compensatory increase in functional sexual embryo sacs, as collapse of meiotic embryo sacs was prevalent in the aneuploid somaclonal mutant. Positional cues that are important for AI cell differentiation, growth and fate may have been disrupted in the loa1 mutant and this is discussed. The authors Takashi Okada, Andrew S. Catanach and Susan D. Johnson made equal contributions to the data.  相似文献   

Summary  A new monotypic bamboo genus Phuphanochloa (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from north-eastern Thailand is described, together with a new species, P. speciosa.  相似文献   

 A new species of Erysiphe sect. Uncinula is described and illustrated from Patagonia, Argentina. Erysiphe patagoniaca sp. nov., found on leaves of Nothofagus × antarctica, is similar to E. nothofagi and E. kenjiana, but differs in its appendages being twisted throughout their length and the number of appendages, asci, and ascospores. The two endemic species of Erysiphe sect. Uncinula, E. magellanica and E. nothofagi, coexisted on the same leaves together with Erysiphe patagoniaca. Received: September 19, 2002 / Accepted: November 28, 2002 Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Ms. Seiko Niinomi for providing the micrographs of ascomata of Erysiphe spp. on Nothofagus. Correspondence to:S. Takamatsu  相似文献   

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