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管峰  杨利国  艾君涛  刘守仁  石国庆 《遗传》2005,27(4):579-583
四引物ARMS PCR是检测SNP有效、快速、简便的方法.绵羊BMPR-lB基因是控制Booroola绵羊多胎性状的主效基因,此研究目的在于建立一种对BMPR-IB基因四引物ARMS PCR检测方法.根据四引物ARMS PCR技术原理,在绵羊BMPR-IB基因突变位点(A746G)设计一对特异性引物,并在突变点两侧设计一对参照引物,用来扩增含有突变点的DNA片段,可在一步PCR反应中根据电泳图谱准确判断绵羊个体的BMPR-IB基因型,对比PCR-RFLP检测结果表明,所建立的方法简单,操作简便,大大提高了检测效率.  相似文献   

一种SNP检测新方法:四引物扩增受阻突变体系PCR技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
详细介绍四引物扩增受阻突变体系PCR技术的原理和分析方法,并简单介绍其在检测单核苷酸多态性中的应用,为该技术在医学和分子生物学等领域中的推广应用提供理论基础.  相似文献   

为提高单核苷酸多态性检测的通量, 引入多重嵌合引物PCR 和毛细管电泳对四引物扩增受阻突变体系PCR 进行改进. 针对乳腺癌位点rs4784227(C>T), rs1219648(G>A)和rs3803662(T>C)设计特异性嵌合引物, 经一次PCR扩增后, 通过毛细管电泳分析产物长度, 同时确定3 个位点的基因型. 70 份全血和口腔拭子样本, 电泳结果均与测序一致, 实现成功分型. 本方法仅需一次PCR 和一次毛细管电泳即可获得3 个位点的分型结果, 操作简单、快速准确.  相似文献   

目的:探讨apelin基因rs2235306位点多态性与哮喘的相关性。方法:以外周血全血DNA为模板,应用四引物扩增受阻突变体系PCR(Tetra-primer ARMS PCR,T-ARMS-PCR)方法对158例哮喘患者(AS)和79例健康个体(NC)apelin基因rs2235306位点基因型进行分析,同时进行肺功能检查(FEV1、FVC、FEV1/FVC)。结果:AS组和NC组apelin基因rs2235306位点等位基因T和C频率分布具有统计学意义(X2=6.906,P=0.009,OR=1.688,95%CI=1.140-2.497),AS组C等位基因频率显著高于健康对照组;AS组和NC组基因型分布具有统计学意义(X2=14.243,P=0.000,OR=3.894,95%CI=1.861-8.149),其中CC基因型患哮喘的风险较高,为TT+TC基因型的3.894倍。AS轻度组和AS中重度组基因型CC和TT+TC频率及等位基因T和C频率比较均无统计学意义。结论:apelin基因rs2235306位点多态性和哮喘的发病具有一定的相关性,C等位基因可能是哮喘的遗传易感基因,CC基因型携带者哮喘的患病风险可能增加,但与哮喘的严重程度无明显相关性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨结直肠癌患者K-ras基因突变特点,并分析K-ras基因突变与结肠癌临床病理特征的相关性及其临床意义。方法:收集哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院收治的500例结直肠癌患者的手术石蜡标本,采用突变扩增阻滞系统技术(amplification refractory mutation system,ARMS)检测K-ras基因第二外显子第12、13密码子的七种热点突变情况,分析其与结肠癌患者临床病理特征的相关性。结果:ARMS法检出K-ras基因突变213例,突变率为42.6%。K-ras基因突变与患者的年龄、性别、肿瘤发生的部位、肿瘤分化程度及有无淋巴结转移均无相关性(P0.05),而与肿瘤的组织学类型具有相关性(P0.05)。结论:(1)结直肠癌患者K-ras基因突变率较高,其中GLY12ASP位点突变率最高,GLY12ARG为稀有突变位点。(2)K-ras基因突变与结肠癌的组织学类型相关,可能用于结直肠癌患者治疗方案的选择。  相似文献   

任意引物PCR及其应用研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
任意引物PCR技术又称为随机扩增多态性DNA技术,它是在PCR技术基础上发展起来的一项分子检测技术。它具有简便、快速,一套引物可用于多个物种的分析,不需预知分析对象的核酸序列,可以显示差异表达基因等特点,已广泛应用于病原微生物的分型鉴定、物种亲源关系分析、遗传育种研究和特异表达基因的克隆与鉴定等方面。  相似文献   

基于PCR的实验策略在生物工程研究中具有广泛应用,如定点突变(site-directed mutagenesis,SDM),DNA拼接和载体构建。引物设计是这类实验技术中的关键一环,因其直接影响扩增效率和PCR产物的拼合。在嵌合式引物设计方法(一对突变引物在5'端具有互补序列)的基础上,开发了一个在线工具Primer Spanner(PS),可简单高效获得设计定点突变引物。PS可应用于单碱基或连续多碱基替换、插入、敲除等突变形式。通过大量突变实验与测序验证,结果表明该工具设计的引物进行的定点突变效果良好1)。  相似文献   

多重PCR及其在病毒性疾病诊断中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
多重PCR(muhiplex PCR)是在常规PCR基础上改进并发展起来的一种新型PCR技术。该技术可利用多对引物在同一个反应体系中同时扩增多段靶序列,目前广泛应用于科研及临床领域。该文简要介绍多重PCR反应条件的优化及其在病毒感染性疾病诊断中的应用。  相似文献   

目的:利用结合单酶切位点的融合PCR技术对癫痫相关基因SCN1A进行定点突变。方法:首先设计两对引物PF1/PR1和PF2/PR2,PF1和PR2均位于突变位点最近的单酶切位点处,而突变位点设计在第一对反向引物(PR1)和第二对正向引物上(PF2)。通过重叠延伸法两次PCR扩增:第一次用PF1/PR1和PF2/PR2分开扩增,以扩增产物作模板,PF1/PR2作引物进行融合PCR,得到的扩增产物即含有所需要的突变位点,最后将扩增片段克隆入pMD18-T载体,经测序筛选阳性克隆。结果:DNA测序表明SCN1A基因所编码的第946位密码子由精氨酸(Arg)突变为组氨酸(His),再通过酶切和连接反应将重组质粒上的突变片段替换SCN1A表达质粒上的对应片段,成功构建了SCN1A突变载体。结论:与现在常用的长距离PCR定点诱导突变相比较,结合单酶切位点的融合PCR定点突变技术具备扩增距离短的优点,大大降低了自发突变的概率,适合于大肠杆菌中易自发突变的较大载体的定点诱变。  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)作为热带与亚热带起源的作物对低温敏感.对水稻种质进行耐冷性鉴定,能筛选出耐冷性强的种质,发展耐冷基因分子标记,能够有效鉴别种质中耐冷基因的基因型.本研究使用芽期4℃低温处理10d对41份水稻材料进行芽期耐冷鉴定,对品种的芽期耐冷能力进行评价,获得了参试材料中除了'昆明小白谷'之外的芽期耐冷性最强的品种'南特号'.对已克隆的耐冷基因CTB4a开发分子标记,能够辅助选择水稻的耐冷育种.水稻孕穗期耐冷基因CTB4a来源于'昆明小白谷',能够影响水稻抵抗低温的能力.参照公布的CTB4a序列信息,从中挑选出序列中的作用位点SNP(单核苷酸多态性,single nucleotide polymorphism),结合引物扩增受阻突变技术(Penta-primer amplification refractory mutation system,PARMS),用Primer 6.0设计引物,建立CTB4a基因荧光分子标记GM-CTB4a,使用荧光分子标记GM-CTB4a对41份水稻品种进行鉴定,使用酶标仪在'昆明小白谷'中检测到利用标记扩增产物中包含'昆明小白谷'特异SNP、T碱基引物携带的FAM荧光信号,在另外40份品种的扩增产物中检测到包含作用位点的C碱基引物携带的HEX荧光信号.本研究利用设计的分子标记,鉴定了 41份水稻品种的耐冷性和基因型.比对分析耐冷性和基因型鉴定结果,说明我们开发的分子标记GM-CTB4a特异性较强,具有实际应用价值.研究结果为利用水稻孕穗期耐冷基因CTB4a培育强耐冷水稻品种奠定坚实基础.  相似文献   

The tetra-primer amplification refractory mutation system–polymerase chain (ARMS–PCR) reaction is a simple and economical method to genotype single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). It uses four primers in a single PCR and is followed just by gel electrophoresis. However, the optimization step can be very hardworking and time-consuming. Hence, we propose to demonstrate and discuss critical steps for its development, in a way to provide useful information. Two SNPs that provided different amplification conditions were selected. DNA extraction methods, annealing temperatures, PCR cycles protocols, reagents, and primers concentration were also analyzed. The use of tetra-primer ARMS–PCR could be impaired for SNPs in DNA regions rich in cytosine and guanine and for samples with DNA not purified. The melting temperature was considered the factor of greater interference. However, small changes in the reagents concentration significantly affect the PCR, especially MgCl2. Balancing the inner primers band is also a key step. So, in order to balance the inner primers band, intensity is important to observe which one has the weakest band and promote its band by increasing its concentration. The use of tetra-primer ARMS–PCR attends the expectations of modern genomic research and allows the study of SNPs in a fast, reliable, and low-cost way.  相似文献   

Direct Sanger sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified nuclear genes leads to polymorphic sequences when allelic variation is present. To overcome this problem, most researchers subclone the PCR products to separate alleles. An alternative is to directly sequence the separate alleles using allele-specific primers. We tested two methods to enhance the specificity of allele-specific primers for use in direct sequencing: using short primers and amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) technique. By shortening the allele-specific primer to 15-13 nucleotides, the single mismatch in the ultimate base of the primer is enough to hinder the amplification of the nontarget allele in direct sequencing and recover only the targeted allele at high accuracy. The deliberate addition of a second mismatch, as implemented in the ARMS technique, was less successful and seems better suited for allele-specific amplification in regular PCR rather than in direct sequencing.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel double Amplification Refractory Mutation System (double ARMS) using a highly polymorphic region 5' to the human delta-globin gene as a model system. The double ARMS approach involves using two allele-specific ARMS primers simultaneously during DNA amplification by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The resulting system is highly sensitive and more specific than single ARMS. In addition, this approach enables the elucidation of the relationship of polymorphic sites on the same chromosome and thus allows the direct determination of haplotypes. We have also demonstrated that this system can be used in conjunction with inverse PCR, the resulting double ARMS inverse PCR (DARMSI-PCR) may allow haplotype determination on polymorphic sites which are separated further apart than the length limit imposed by PCR. The double ARMS approach has numerous other applications in molecular biology including HLA typing, virology, forensic pathology and the investigation of the phenomenon of chimerism following bone marrow transplantation.  相似文献   

The amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) is a simple, rapid and reliable method for the detection of any mutation involving single base changes or small deletions. We have applied ARMS methodology to the detection of mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Single ARMS tests have been developed for 11 CFTR mutations found in the northwest of England. ARMS reactions for the most common mutations have been multiplexed to give a test which will detect the presence of the delta F508, G551D, G542X, and 621 + 1G----T mutations in a DNA sample. The multiplex test has been validated by the analysis of over 500 previously genotyped samples and has been found to be completely accurate. The rapid detection of the most common mutations has enabled early molecular confirmation of suspected cystic fibrosis in neonates, rapid typing of cystic fibrosis patients and their relatives, and testing of sperm and egg donors.  相似文献   

目的:改进现有的检测表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)基因突变的荧光PCR法并开发出新的试剂盒,将其与直接测序法和ARMS法进行对比,验证该试剂盒用于临床诊断的敏感性、特异性和准确性。方法:收集2013年6月至2015年8月手术确诊的141例非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的石蜡包埋组织标本。采用盲法分别使用直接测序法、ARMS法和新试剂盒检测EGFR突变,比较新试剂盒与其他两种检测方法的差异,结果不一致时采用三种方法分别重复检验一次。结果:三种方法检测成功率均为100%,新试剂盒与直接测序法测得结果完全一致的比率达75.9%(107/141),在直接测序法测得的96例突变阳性中,92例在新试剂盒检测中得到验证(95.8%)。而直接测序法显示突变阴性的45例中,新试剂盒检测发现了23例突变阳性,两种检测方法的结果存在统计学差异(x2=40.745,P0.05)。与直接测序法进行比较,新试剂盒检测EGFR突变的敏感性、特异性分别为95.8%、48.9%,阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为80.0%、84.6%,检测准确度为80.9%。以ARMS检测法为金标准,新试剂盒测得结果完全一致的比率达84.4%(119/141),两者的一致性比较好(K=0.749,P0.05),敏感性、特异性分别为94.1%、86.4%。结论:改进后EGFR基因突变检测的试剂盒在技术上较好地控制了检测结果的假阳性和假阴性,该检测方法较直接测序法具有更好的敏感性和准确性,与现有的ARMS法一致性较高。  相似文献   

Molecular sexing is a key component in the investigation of wild populations. In this study, we developed a fast, accurate and reliable amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) technique for sex determination of red panda based on the exon 4 of the ZFX/ZFY gene. The amplicons were distinguished simply by agarose gel electrophoresis, exhibiting one fragment in females (X: 300 bp) and two in males (X: 300 bp, Y: 166 bp). Robustness of this ARMS system was confirmed by testing both 43 captive red pandas using DNA samples with known-sex and 10 wild red pandas using faecal DNA samples with unknown sex.  相似文献   

During the last century, bearded vulture populations have declined and are threatened by extinction in Europe. Conservation efforts such as captive-bird breeding programs require the knowledge of the sex of individuals. The bearded vulture is difficult to sex morphologically because it is sexually monomorphic. Until now, there were no published genetic methods to sex this species. In our study, we tested different methods based on polymerase chain reaction analysis of the chromobox-helicase-DNA binding protein gene. This gene is located on both sex chromosomes, but the two copies differ in size depending on chromosomal location. Differences can be detected by digestion with restriction enzymes or with the amplification refractory mutation system technique. These methods are quick, accurate, and inexpensive and allow a large scale sex typing of bearded vultures.  相似文献   

We conducted a molecular investigation of the presence of sicklemia in six predynastic Egyptian mummies (about 3200 BC) from the Anthropological and Ethnographic Museum of Turin. Previous studies of these remains showed the presence of severe anemia, while histological preparations of mummified tissues revealed hemolytic disorders. DNA was extracted from dental samples with a silica-gel method specific for ancient DNA. A modification of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), called amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) was then applied. ARMS is based on specific priming of the PCR and it permits diagnosis of single nucleotide mutations. In this method, amplification can occur only in the presence of the specific mutation being studied. The amplified DNA was analyzed by electrophoresis. In samples of three individuals, there was a band at the level of the HbS mutated fragment, indicating that they were affected by sicklemia. On the basis of our results, we discuss the possible uses of new molecular investigation systems in paleopathological diagnoses of genetic diseases and viral, bacterial and fungal infections.  相似文献   

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