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为研究齐云山国家级自然保护区蝴蝶群落多样性, 2016年4月至2018年10月, 作者在江西齐云山国家级自然保护区不同生境选取5条长2,000 m的固定样线进行了每年6次、累计18次的蝶类多样性调查。共记录到蝴蝶6,946只, 隶属5科106属189种, 其中东洋界种类是优势类群(183种, 占总种数的96.8%)。蛱蝶科的种类最多(81种, 占42.9%), 其物种丰富度指数(R = 8.42)、多样性指数(H′= 3.21)和优势度指数(D = 0.60)较高, 属于优势类群。齐云山国家级自然保护区蝴蝶个体数从4月开始逐渐增加, 到6-7月基本稳定并维持到10月;物种数在4-10月基本稳定, 具有较高的多样性指数。保护区内不同生境观测样线的蝴蝶种类和数目有较大的差异: 针阔混交林的桐江样线蝴蝶种类(126种, 占66.7%)及数目(1,945只, 占28.2%)最多, 其物种丰富度指数(R = 16.51)最高; 常绿阔叶林的上十八垒样线蝴蝶数目相对较少(905只, 占13.0%), 但是蝴蝶种类相对较多(103种, 占54.5%), 所以多样性指数(H′= 3.93)和优势度指数(D = 0.85)较高; 农田和果园生境的三角潭样线由于生境简单且人为干扰强度较大, 蝴蝶物种数相对较少(97种, 占51.3%)。研究表明: 江西省齐云山国家级自然保护区的蝴蝶区系组成以东洋区为绝对主导的分布类型, 蝴蝶群落多样性与生境类型有明显的相关性, 季节性的农耕活动、除草剂农药的大量使用、寄主植物的大量砍伐等人类活动威胁到蝴蝶的多样性及蝶类群落结构的稳定性。  相似文献   

2019年4-10月,在鸡公山自然保护区的核心区和实验区内不同生境、不同人为干扰程度的区域选取6条样线,对蝶类群落进行了观测研究.共记录蝴蝶3431头,隶属于10科79属127种;其中蛱蝶科Nymphalidae的种类数最多,共23属36种;粉蝶科Pieridae和灰蝶科Lycaenidae为保护区优势科,菜粉蝶Pieris rapae(Linnaeus)、蓝灰蝶Everes argiades (Pallas)和苎麻珍蝶Acraea issoria (Hübner)为保护区优势种.保护区内蝶类群落的种-多度曲线呈正态分布模式,表明区内生态环境整体情况较好.不同样线中蝶类群落的种类、数量及多样性指标存在明显差异,无人类活动的样线Ⅴ和Ⅵ中蝶类群落的各项多样性指数均优于另外4条样线;适度人为干扰的样线Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅳ中蝶类群落的各项指数均大于旅游景区样线Ⅲ的,且样线Ⅲ的优势度指数明显大于其他样线.各样线蝶类群落的种类数、个体数以及多样性指数的变化趋势与温度相一致,呈显著正相关关系;而与降雨量无显著相关性.由此可见,鸡公山保护区现有的旅游规模、森林经理和项目建设对蝶类群落产生了负面影响,但是适度的人类活动能在一定程度上延缓蝶类多样性的降低.  相似文献   

本研究利用2013至2016年湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区巡护监测数据,评估壶瓶山保护区两栖爬行动物多样性水平。壶瓶山保护区在8个监测站点布设了25条两栖爬行动物调查样线,进行常规监测,其中,日间样线14条,夜间样线11条,日间样线平均长度4 km,夜间样线平均长度0.75 km。每个月,每条样线平均调查3次。4年共调查到62种两栖爬行动物,占湖南省两栖爬行动物总种数的38.04%。逐月计算各监测站点的alpha多样性指数和整个保护区的beta多样性指数,按季节比较不同站点间物种组成的Hellinger距离。结果显示,保护区不同位置间、不同的监测站点间以及年际间的两栖爬行动物多样性没有显著差异,提示保护区环境具有相对稳定性。但是,个别位于实验区或邻近实验区的站点,物种组成有着剧烈的波动,表明人为活动影响了两栖爬行动物的分布。另外,保护区两栖爬行动物的物种组成与多样性有着显著的季节差异,这与两栖爬行动物的生物学特性有关。以上结果说明,壶瓶山保护区两栖爬行动物的多样性结构具有稳定性和敏感性的特点,可以考虑用作保护区生物多样性水平的监测指标。  相似文献   

宁夏贺兰山自然保护区蝴蝶群落多样性及其与环境因素的关系,2017年5-9月采用样线法对贺兰山东麓6类生境和不同干扰类型10条样线的蝴蝶群落结构及其多样性季节动态进行调查。共记录蝴蝶5科36属45种,蛱蝶科Nymphalidae的属和物种数最多,为17属19种;凤蝶科Papilionidae最少,仅1属1种。菜粉蝶Pieris rapae、云粉蝶Pontia daplidice、斑缘豆粉蝶Colias erate和小檗绢粉蝶Aporia hippia是该地区的优势种,个体数量分别占总个体数的11.76%、11.63%、11.21%和10.17%。不同生境样线优势类群和常见类群不同。蝴蝶的栖息地偏好与寄主植物有关,蝴蝶的生境分布类型可分为生境广布型、湿润平原型、荒漠半荒漠草原型和山地森林型。蝴蝶群落Shannon-Wiener多样性和丰富度指数以灰榆疏林草地生境最高,优势度最低。各物种在生境内的季节变化趋势与不同生境植被生长季节相关,高峰期为7-8月。不同调查时间蝴蝶的优势种和常见种不同。物种数以7月份调查最多,有33种,占全年调查总物种数的73.33%;5月份调查最少,有20种。蝴蝶群落Shannon-Wiener多样性和丰富度指数以8月份最大,5月份最小。蝴蝶成虫发生类型分为全年发生型、春季型、夏季型和夏秋季型。不同生境和季节发生的优势种可以作为对生境状况进行评估的指示类群。采用CCA分析物种分布与微环境因子的关系,海拔对蝴蝶物种多样性分布格局有显著影响。蝴蝶丰富度与海拔、温度、风速显著正相关。适度干扰有利于蝶类多样性增加,较强的人为干扰会影响蝶类栖息环境,降低蝶类多样性。因此,生境差异性和干扰与蝴蝶群落的物种多样性密切相关,维持贺兰山垂直植被带的生境异质性和保持适度干扰是保护蝴蝶多样性的关键。  相似文献   

为明确甘肃兴隆山国家级自然保护区内的蝴蝶种类, 以及不同生境的蝴蝶群落结构与种-多度分布的变化情况, 在全部5个林场选取6条样线, 于2015-2018年连续4年采用样线法对保护区的蝴蝶进行调查和采集, 并分析了其多样性指数及种-多度分布。4年共采集蝴蝶标本5,719号, 经鉴定隶属8科69属120种。眼蝶科(3,093号)是保护区的优势类群, 喙蝶科仅采集到1号标本(朴喙蝶, Libythea lepita), 为保护区的稀有种类。其中, 各样线的种数、个体数、多样性指数以及物种丰富度表现为: 样线I最高, 样线IV次之, 说明其生境结构稳定, 环境良好, 适合蝶类生存; 样线III蜜源植物丰富, 各项指数较高; 样线V海拔较高, 各项指数较低; 样线II植物群落结构单一, 各项指数最低。相似性系数分析结果表明: 样线I和VI、III和IV、III和VI均为中等相似; 其余各样线间为中等不相似。区系分析结果表明: 古北种有63种, 占总种数的52.5%; 东洋种2种, 占总种数的1.7%; 广布种55种, 占总种数的45.8%。说明古北种占绝对优势, 且明显高于东洋种, 具有很强的地区代表性。种-多度分布分析结果表明: 样线I和IV呈现出对数正态分布, 模型拟合效果较好; 样线II和VI为非典型的对数级数模型, 符合生态位优先占领假说。说明不同生境以及人为干扰因素与蝶类多样性关系密切, 表现出单一生态系统蝴蝶群落的多样性指数较低, 复杂生态系统其多样性指数较高的特点。  相似文献   

蝴蝶是地球生物多样性的重要指示物种之一, 其种群动态及群落结构变化能够揭示环境改变对生态系统的影响。六盘山国家级自然保护区生境优越, 植物区系多样, 孕育了丰富的蝶类资源。为了有效利用环境和保护蝶类资源, 2016-2018年, 作者采用样线调查法, 对宁夏六盘山国家级自然保护区人工植被、针阔混交林、阔叶林、灌木林4种生境中眼蝶亚科昆虫进行了调查, 分析了眼蝶在空间及时间上的动态变化。共记录眼蝶亚科13属19种4,363只, 其中阿芬眼蝶(Aphantopus hyperanthus, 961只)、亚洲白眼蝶(Melanargia asiatica, 637只)、爱珍眼蝶(Coenonympha oedippus, 594只)分别占总数的22%、15%和13%, 为保护区优势种; 蟾眼蝶(Triphysa phryne, 17只)仅占总数的0.39%, 为保护区的稀有种。在空间分布上, 4类生境中针阔混交林眼蝶物种丰富度和优势度低, 多样性指数最高, 不同生境眼蝶群落物种丰富度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数存在明显差异(P < 0.05), 优势度指数差异不显著。在时间动态上, 2016-2018年眼蝶个体数量呈下降趋势, 物种个体数量高峰期主要发生在8月, 优势种变化明显。因此, 保护宁夏六盘山国家级自然保护区蝴蝶种类多样性刻不容缓。  相似文献   

2008年6月至2010年9月采用路线法对湖南乌云界国家级自然保护区蝴蝶物种多样性进行了调查,针对4条调查路线31个样线段的植被物种丰富度、海拔高度、离水源距离和人为干扰程度等影响蝴蝶物种丰富度的主要因子,开展多元回归分析比较,同时对试验区、缓冲区和核心区3个规划区域进行蝴蝶群落多样性分析和相似度比较.共采集记录到蝴蝶147种,隶属于10科94属,其中国家保护种4种;多元回归分析表明,植被物种丰富度、海拔高度和人为干扰程度是影响蝴蝶分布最主要的3个因子,其中植被物种丰富度与蝴蝶物种丰富度存在极显著正相关(P<0.01),海拔高度和人为干扰程度与蝴蝶物种丰富度存在显著负相关(P<0.05);核心区的蝴蝶物种丰富度、多样性指数均高于缓冲区和试验区,试验区的优势度指数较高;缓冲区与核心区的相似度系数较高,达到0.526.该自然保护区蝴蝶物种多样性的保护重点在于保护植物群落多样性,保持林相之间的自然演替,适当减少人为干扰,以及加强特殊蝴蝶生境的维护.  相似文献   

为探究人为干扰对栲树群落的影响,采用典型样地法研究不同程度人为干扰对碧峰峡栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)次生林群落的物种多样性和土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明,碧峰峡栲树群落共有维管植物148种,隶属60科106属。乔木层和草本层物种多样性指数随干扰强度的加强先增加后减小,灌木层物种多样性水平最高。乔木层优势种以栲树、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)等为主,灌木层物种丰富,优势种较多,草本层优势种数量为中度干扰轻度干扰重度干扰。土壤有机碳、钾含量和含水量与群落物种多样性水平显著相关(P0.05)。中度干扰在一定程度上能够促进碧峰峡栲树群落物种多样性并改善土壤性质,土壤有机碳、钾含量和含水量对物种多样性有显著影响。  相似文献   

为了解湖南高望界国家级自然保护区蝶类多样性本底及其影响因素, 2016年5月至2018年10月, 我们采用样线法对保护区内外的6种生境(保护区内4种, 区外2种)开展了20次蝶类多样性调查。共记录蝴蝶个体13,956只, 依照五科分类系统, 隶属5科113属239种, 其中湖南省蝶类新记录17种。区系成分以东洋种为主(139种, 占58.1%), 广布种次之(97种, 占40.6%), 古北种最少(3种, 占1.3%)。对不同生境的蝶类群落多样性指数进行分析后发现, 人为干扰程度和生境异质性共同影响蝶类多样性。不同生境相似性分析结果表明, 蝶类群落的相似度与人为干扰程度和植被类型差异密切相关。3年间, 蝶类多样性指数月度变化基本一致, 蝶类物种数、多样性指数与月均温间呈显著正相关, 与月降水量无相关性。综上, 蝶类多样性受到人为干扰程度和气象因子的影响。为保护蝶类资源, 建议保护好蝶类栖息地, 减少人为干扰。  相似文献   

对不同程度人为干扰条件下(地区建设)香港大屿山林木群落结构(胸围大于0.3m)进行比较研究.结果显示,随干扰强度梯度的增加林木群落的物种多样性减少,即自然生长植被中的林木群落(山坡)多样性>轻度人为干扰的林木群落(昂坪)多样性>重度人为干扰的林木群落(东涌)多样性.物种组成和优势度等群落结构因子也因人为干扰程度的不同而有所不同.人类活动有意识地给林木群落引进了外来物种成分,并由这些物种组成新的群落,这些外来树种所带来的影响应该从多方面进行考虑研究.  相似文献   

We monitored nine butterfly communities with varying degrees of human disturbance by conducting a census twice a month during 1980 by the line transect method in and around Tsukuba City, central Japan. We analyzed the biodiversity and community structures using the generalist/specialist concept. The site (community) order based on decreasing human disturbance was positively correlated with butterfly species diversity (H′), species richness (the total number of species), and the number of specialist species in a community, but not with the number of generalist species. The number of generalist species was rather constant, irrespective of the degree of human disturbance. Thus, both the butterfly species diversity and species richness were more dependent on the specialists than the generalists. Our analyses also showed that the generalist species were distributed widely over the communities, and they maintained high population densities, resulting in high rank status in abundance in a community, with more spatial variation in density per species. Specialist species showed the opposite trends. These results demonstrate that the generalist/specialist concept is a powerful tool applicable to analyse the biodiversity and structure of natural communities.  相似文献   

新疆吉木萨尔县蝴蝶群落多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蝴蝶作为指示生物, 被广泛地应用于生物多样性监测及环境质量评估。探究新疆吉木萨尔县蝴蝶群落多样性, 可为当地蝴蝶多样性的保护及环境监测提供基础数据。本研究采用样线法在新疆吉木萨尔县选取山前荒漠、农田、山地草原、山地森林、亚高山草甸5种不同的生境类型, 对蝴蝶种类和群落多样性进行调查。共记录蝴蝶4,401号, 隶属于7科26属38种。其中蛱蝶科有9属12种, 为优势科; 粉蝶科的个体数最多, 占比55.01%; 绢蝶科、凤蝶科和弄蝶科的种类数和个体数最少, 均为单科种, 是该地区的稀有类群。对不同生境蝴蝶群落多样性和相似度分析比较的结果显示: 5种生境中多样性指数从高到低依次为亚高山草甸、山地森林、山地草原、农田及山前荒漠, 其中山地森林和亚高山草甸的相似性系数较高, 达到0.77, 山前荒漠和山地草原的相似性系数最低, 为0.37。蝴蝶物种数及多样性指数随海拔的增加呈上升趋势。蝴蝶群落随月份发生变化, 蝴蝶种类和数量在5月发生、7月达到峰值。蝶类个体数在3年内呈下降趋势。研究结果表明, 蝴蝶物种的组成和多样性与生境类型具有密切联系, 保护生态环境, 维持该地区植物群落的多样性、降低人为干扰程度是保护蝶类多样性的关键。  相似文献   

Despite enormous diversity, abundance, and role in ecosystem processes, little is known about how butterflies differ across altitudinal gradients. For this, butterfly communities were investigated along an altitudinal gradient of 2700–3200 m a.s.l, along the Gulmarg region of Jammu & Kashmir, India. We aimed to determine how the altitudinal gradient and environmental factors affect the butterfly diversity and abundance. Our findings indicate that species richness and diversity are mainly affected by the synergism between climate and vegetation. Alpha diversity indices showed that butterfly communities were more diverse at lower elevations and declined significantly with increase in elevation. Overall, butterfly abundance and diversity is stronger at lower elevations and gradually keep dropping towards higher elevations because floristic diversity decreased on which butterflies rely for survival and propagation. A total of 2023 individuals of butterflies were recorded belonging to 40 species, represented by 27 genera and 05 families. Six survey sites (S I- S VI) were assessed for butterfly diversity from 2018 to 2020 in the Gulmarg region of Jammu & Kashmir. Across the survey, Nymphalidae was the most dominant family represented by 16 genera and 23 species, while Papilionidae and Hesperiidae were least dominant represented by 01 genera and 01 species each. Among the six collection sites selected, Site I was most dominant, represented by 16 genera and 21 species, while Site VI was least dominant, represented by 04 genera and 04 species.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that butterfly richness is affected by climate and human factors (e.g. habitat disturbance and degradation) at different spatial scales, the drivers behind these changes vary greatly according to the geographical region and the ecology of the species concerned. It is essential that this variation be understood if trends in diversity are to be predicted with any degree of confidence under a scenario of global change. Here we examine patterns of butterfly species richness among groups differing in degree of habitat specialization, diet breadth and mobility in the north‐west Mediterranean Basin, a European hotspot for this taxon. We analyze a large number of butterfly communities and take into consideration the main potential drivers, that include climatic, geographic and resource variables, landscape structure and human environmental impact at different spatial scales. Our study shows that both climatic and anthropogenic factors play an important role in determining butterfly species richness in the north‐west Mediterranean Basin, but that their relative impact differs between specialist and generalist groups. At lower altitudes, water availability, a product of the interplay between temperature and rainfall, and negative effects of temperature appear as the most determinant factors. Maximum diversity was observed at mid‐altitudes, which reveals the importance from a conservation point of view of Mediterranean mountain ranges. The results suggest serious population declines in specialist species restricted to mountain areas as a result of climate warming in combination with habitat loss caused by the abandonment of grazing and mowing. They also suggest negative trends for generalist species due to an increase in aridity in combination with an increase in intensification of human land use in lowland areas. Such synergies are expected to lead to rapid declines in Mediterranean butterfly populations in the coming years, thereby posing a severe threat for the conservation of European biodiversity.  相似文献   

Butterflies, like most forest dependent animals are good ecological indicators of the health of the forests they dwell. For example, butterfly species richness decreases after a forest disturbance and fragmentation but a few species may subsequently invade the forest fragment and boost the species richness. Studies were conducted to determine the effects of human activity and seasonal changes on butterfly species in the affected new habitats. Results showed that both seasonal and habitat changes significantly affect the butterfly abundance (P = 0.0001). Similarly, there was significant correlation between plant diversity and butterfly diversity in wet season (r = 0.854) and dry season (r = 0.855). The significance of these studies as a useful tool for sustainable forest use and conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

2006年对湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区的蝶类资源进行了专题调查,共采集到蝴蝶标本1050号,初步鉴定出134种,结合文献资料记载,共记录了153种,隶属于10科85属。蛱蝶科为优势科,计30属(占35.29%)61种(39.87%)。区系成分以东洋界种类为主,计79种(51.63%),广布种60种(39.22%),而古北界种类仅14种(9.15%)。蝶类呈4个垂直带分布,但主要(88.01%)分布于海拔1100 m以下的常绿阔叶林带。多数蝴蝶适应范围比较窄,仅分布于某一垂直带内。在科级水平上,粉蝶科、眼蝶科和蛱蝶科中具多带种较多,是当地广布类群。  相似文献   

Species diversity within communities and genetic diversity within species are two fundamental levels of biodiversity. Positive relationships between species richness and within-species genetic diversity have recently been documented across natural and semi-natural habitat islands, leading Vellend to suggest a novel macro-ecological pattern termed the species-genetic diversity correlation. We tested whether this prediction holds for areas affected by recent habitat disturbance using butterfly communities in east Kalimantan, Indonesia. Here, we show that both strong spatial and temporal correlations exist between species and allelic richness across rainforest habitats affected by El Niño Southern Oscillation-induced disturbance. Coupled with evidence that changes in species richness are a direct result of local extirpation and lower recruitment, these data suggest that forces governing variation at the two levels operate over parallel and short timescales, with implications for biodiversity recovery following disturbance. Remnant communities may be doubly affected, with reductions in species richness being associated with reductions in genetic diversity within remnant species.  相似文献   

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