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蒋延玲  周广胜  王玉辉  王慧  石耀辉 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4559-4569
收集了1992—2013年关于模拟CO2浓度升高及气候变化(温度升高、降水变化)对内蒙古地带性草原群落的5个建群种针茅植物(贝加尔针茅、本氏针茅、大针茅、克氏针茅、短花针茅)影响的实验研究结果表明,模拟CO2浓度升高、增温和增雨将提高针茅植物的光合作用和株高生长,但CO2处理时间延长会导致光合适应;温度和降雨变化将改变针茅植物的物候进程,但物种之间反应有差异;CO2浓度升高有助于针茅植物生物量增加,增温和干旱则相反,CO2浓度升高对干旱的影响具有补偿作用;干旱和涝渍胁迫将提高针茅植物植株C/N,CO2浓度升高将加剧水分胁迫下针茅植物植株C/N的增加效应,导致牧草品质下降。由于当前在适应性指标、针茅植物对气候变化协同作用的适应机理及其敏感性研究等方面存在的不足,导致目前无法全面比较各针茅植物对CO2和温度、降水变化的响应差异及其敏感性,因而无法预测未来在全球变化背景下,这几种针茅植物的动态变化及其在地理分布上的迁移替代规律。为科学应对气候变化,未来应加强内蒙古地带性针茅植物的适应性指标、针茅植物对多因子协同作用的适应机理及敏感性研究。  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下生物地球化学循环的响应规律和陆地植物适应对策已受到广泛关注.本文在分析气候变暖和降水变化对不同生态系统植物C∶N∶P的影响、CO2浓度升高对不同光合途径物种元素的影响,以及氮沉降对土壤 植物元素影响的短期和长期效应等基础上,从植物生理特性和土壤有效营养元素变化等方面揭示了其可能存在的内在机理,以期为研究C、N、P化学元素在土壤 植物之间传递与调节机制、陆地生态系统结构和功能,以及生物地球化学元素循环对气候变化的响应提供理论依据.最后提出了该领域研究中存在的问题及对今后研究的展望.  相似文献   

植物响应联合胁迫机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭倩倩  周文彬 《植物学报》2019,54(5):662-673
自然界中, 植物通常面对多重联合胁迫。在全球气候变化日益加剧的背景下, 多重联合胁迫对植物生长发育及作物产量形成的不利影响日益显著。阐明植物响应和适应联合胁迫的生理与分子机制, 对人们理解植物对自然环境的适应机理, 及培育耐受联合胁迫的新品种有重要意义。研究表明, 植物响应联合胁迫的机制是特异的, 不能简单地从单一胁迫响应叠加来推断。植物遭受联合胁迫时, 各种生理、代谢和信号途径相互作用, 使得植物响应联合胁迫非常复杂。该文综述了植物响应联合胁迫的生理与分子机理的最新进展, 并阐述了植物响应联合胁迫的研究方法。  相似文献   

郭倩倩  周文彬 《植物学报》1983,54(5):662-673
自然界中, 植物通常面对多重联合胁迫。在全球气候变化日益加剧的背景下, 多重联合胁迫对植物生长发育及作物产量形成的不利影响日益显著。阐明植物响应和适应联合胁迫的生理与分子机制, 对人们理解植物对自然环境的适应机理, 及培育耐受联合胁迫的新品种有重要意义。研究表明, 植物响应联合胁迫的机制是特异的, 不能简单地从单一胁迫响应叠加来推断。植物遭受联合胁迫时, 各种生理、代谢和信号途径相互作用, 使得植物响应联合胁迫非常复杂。该文综述了植物响应联合胁迫的生理与分子机理的最新进展, 并阐述了植物响应联合胁迫的研究方法。  相似文献   

植物根系响应低磷胁迫的机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
磷是植物生长的必需营养元素之一。但大部分土壤中有效磷含量较低,难以满足植物生长的需求。作物磷效率遗传改良是解决土壤磷供应不足的有效途径。根系是植物吸收矿质营养元素的主要器官,其性状决定了植物对土壤磷的吸收利用效率。解析根系对低磷胁迫的响应机制是进行作物磷效率遗传改良的基础。主要介绍了近年来关于植物根系响应低磷胁迫机理的重要研究成果。  相似文献   

高山植物的光合生理特性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高山植物的光合作用受强辐射、低温和干旱环境的影响。近年来,大气CO_2浓度上升和全球气候变暖的趋势日益明显,影响着高山植物的光合生理。本文综述了强辐射、低温和干旱等高山环境因子以及全球气候变化引起的大气CO_2和温度上升对高山植物光合特性的影响,并提出未来高山植物光合生理的研究热点主要是开展不同地域的高山植物光合特性研究,环境因子交互作用对高山植物光合特性的影响研究,不同植物的光合特性对全球气候变化响应的差异,模拟土壤有效养分含量增高对高山植物光合特性的影响,建立数学模型预测全球气候变化对高山植物动态的影响以及通过长期定位研究探索不同生长阶段高山树木的光合特性。  相似文献   

干旱作为限制作物产量和品质的主要非生物胁迫之一,对全球社会、经济和生态造成巨大损失。在全球气候变化背景下,提高植物抗旱性的重要性日益突显。硅能够提高植物的抗旱性:外源硅的施用可以影响气孔导度,改变蒸腾速率,改善植物水分状况;通过调节气孔动力学、合成光合色素,促进光化学反应,从而改善光合作用;此外硅可通过渗透调节以平衡植物对矿质元素的吸收,以及调节抗氧化防御系统,减轻植物在干旱胁迫中的氧化损伤。总结了硅对干旱胁迫下植物水分利用、光合作用、矿质元素吸收、抗氧化系统、植物激素代谢等方面的作用及相关生理机制。建议未来从复合逆境胁迫、低硅积累植物等方面进一步揭示硅提高植物抗旱性的作用机制,从而为农林生态系统合理利用硅素来提高生产效率提供科学依据和理论基础。  相似文献   

磷是植物生长的必需元素,而陆地生态系统普遍存在磷限制,全球变化可能会影响土壤磷循环过程,进一步加剧磷限制,探讨植物磷获取策略对科学预测生态系统生产力如何适应全球变化具有重要意义。该文通过收集和梳理相关文献,从4个方面综述植物的磷获取机制及其对全球变化的响应:1)植物的磷饥饿响应机制;2)植物的磷获取途径和策略;3)土壤微生物对植物磷吸收的影响; 4)植物磷吸收对全球变化(温度升高、氮沉降和降水变化)的响应及其机制。该综述有助于深入理解全球变化背景下植物适应低磷胁迫的机理,也可为养分资源管理实践提供理论依据。  相似文献   

理解生态系统对过去、现在和未来CO_2浓度变化的响应,对于在生态进化的时间尺度上认识和预测全球变化的后果至关重要。过去三十多年来CO_2浓度升高相关的科学问题主要集中在对植物生长和生产力的影响,碳氮周转,生态系统渐进式氮限制(PNL)形成,与其他胁迫因子(O_3污染、氮沉降、升温、干旱)之间的交互作用等方面。尽管生态学家在数据累积、基础理论上取得了一定进展,但是仍然存在较大不确定性和大量未知有待解决。该文探究了近30年来CO_2浓度升高对陆地生态系统影响研究的国际研究进展、重点领域及热点,回顾了CO_2浓度升高对植物影响的模拟实验研究发展,重点论述了CO_2浓度升高对粮食产量及品质、碳固定、水分利用效率、生态系统氮利用和土壤微生物响应等国际前沿动态研究中存在的主要问题与不足,在此基础上展望了未来研究中值得关注的前沿研究方向。  相似文献   

由于全球气候变化,CO_2浓度升高对生态系统产生的影响已成为国际关注的焦点。媒介昆虫传毒引起的植物病毒病是农业生产的一个重要影响因素之一。"CO_2-植物-媒介昆虫-病毒"是一个复杂的系统,围绕CO_2浓度升高对植物的影响、CO_2浓度升高对"植物-媒介昆虫"相互关系以及CO_2浓度升高对媒介昆虫及其传播病毒发生的影响已开展了大量研究。本文主要从CO_2浓度升高对植物、CO_2浓度升高对媒介昆虫和植物以及CO_2浓度升高对媒介昆虫所传病毒发生等方面阐述CO_2浓度升高对媒介昆虫及所传植物病毒发生的影响。研究表明,CO_2浓度升高对于媒介昆虫和病毒本身的直接影响较小,主要影响植物初级和次生代谢过程,主要通过引起植物在基因表达、生理生化、营养水平以及生长等各个层面的变化来影响植物,从而通过级联效应改变"植物-媒介昆虫-病毒"之间的互作关系。  相似文献   

赵广  张扬建 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8493-8503
工业革命以来,大气CO2浓度持续上升,升高的CO2浓度会改变植物光合产物积累、土壤碳库的碳输入和碳输出过程,进而通过影响有机碳组成和周转特征来调控土壤碳库动态变化。土壤碳库是陆地生态系统碳库的重要组成部分,其碳储量的微小变化都会对大气CO2浓度和气候变化产生巨大影响。但目前关于CO2浓度升高对土壤碳库动态和稳定性的影响还不清楚,很大程度上限制了预测陆地生态系统碳循环对气候变化的反馈。系统综述国内外大气CO2浓度升高对植被生产力、植被碳输入和土壤碳库影响的研究进展,旨在揭示土壤碳库物理、化学组成以及周转特征对CO2浓度升高的响应过程和机理,探讨CO2升高情境下土壤微生物特征对土壤碳库稳定性的影响和驱动机制,为深入理解全球变化下的土壤碳循环特征提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Globally, cassava is the second most important root crop after potatoes and the fifth most important crop overall in terms of human caloric intake. In addition to its growing global importance for feed, fuel, and starch, cassava has long been vital to food security in Sub‐Saharan Africa. Climate change is expected to have its most severe impact on crops in food insecure regions, yet little is known about how cassava productivity will respond to climate change. The most important driver of climate change is globally increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]). However, the potential for cassava to enhance food security in an elevated [CO2] world is uncertain as greenhouse and open top chamber (OTC) study reports are ambiguous. Studies have yielded misleading results in the past regarding the effect of elevated [CO2] on crop productivity, particularly in cases where pots restricted sink growth. To resolve these conflicting results, we compare the response of cassava to growth at ambient (ca. 385 ppm) and elevated [CO2] (585 ppm) under field conditions and fully open air [CO2] elevation. After three and half months of growth at elevated [CO2], above ground biomass was 30% greater and cassava root tuber dry mass increased over 100% (fresh weight increased 89%). High photosynthetic rates and photosynthetic stimulation by elevated [CO2], larger canopies, and a large sink capacity all contributed to cassava's growth and yield stimulation. Cassava exhibited photosynthetic acclimation via decreased Rubisco capacity early in the season prior to root tuber initiation when sink capacity was smaller. Importantly, and in contrast to a greenhouse study, we found no evidence of increased leaf N or total cyanide concentration in elevated [CO2]. All of our results are consistent with theoretical expectations; however, the magnitude of the yield increase reported here surpasses all other C3 crops and thus exceeds expectations.  相似文献   

A major frontier in global change research is predicting how multiple agents of global change will alter plant productivity, a critical component of the carbon cycle. Recent research has shown that plant responses to climate change are phylogenetically conserved such that species within some lineages are more productive than those within other lineages in changing environments. However, it remains unclear how phylogenetic patterns in plant responses to changing abiotic conditions may be altered by another agent of global change, the introduction of non-native species. Using a system of 28 native Tasmanian Eucalyptus species belonging to two subgenera, Symphyomyrtus and Eucalyptus, we hypothesized that productivity responses to abiotic agents of global change (elevated CO2 and increased soil N) are unique to lineages, but that novel interactions with a non-native species mediate these responses. We tested this hypothesis by examining productivity of 1) native species monocultures and 2) mixtures of native species with an introduced hardwood plantation species, Eucalyptus nitens, to experimentally manipulated soil N and atmospheric CO2. Consistent with past research, we found that N limits productivity overall, especially in elevated CO2 conditions. However, monocultures of species within the Symphyomyrtus subgenus showed the strongest response to N (gained 127% more total biomass) in elevated CO2 conditions, whereas those within the Eucalyptus subgenus did not respond to N. Root:shoot ratio (an indicator of resource use) was on average greater in species pairs containing Symphyomyrtus species, suggesting that functional traits important for resource uptake are phylogenetically conserved and explaining the phylogenetic pattern in plant response to changing environmental conditions. Yet, native species mixtures with E. nitens exhibited responses to CO2 and N that differed from those of monocultures, supporting our hypothesis and highlighting that both plant evolutionary history and introduced species will shape community productivity in a changing world.  相似文献   

Pyrogeographic models,feedbacks and the future of global fire regimes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conceptual and phenomenological macroecological models of current global fire activity have demonstrated the overwhelming control exerted by primary productivity. Fire activity is very high in savanna regions with intermediate primary productivity, and very low in both densely forested regions with high productivity and arid/cold regions with low productivity. However, predicting future global fire activity using such macroecological models of fire's global ‘niche’ may not be possible because of the feedbacks between fire, climate and vegetation that underpin the fire?productivity relationship. Improving forecasts of global fire activity demands the use of dynamic models to determine how climate, CO2, vegetation (i.e. canopy closure and plant functional types) and primary productivity constrain fire and evaluation of the strength of feedbacks amongst these variables.  相似文献   

Vegetation exerts large control on global biogeochemical cycles through the processes of photosynthesis and transpiration that exchange CO2 and water between the land and the atmosphere. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations exert direct effects on vegetation through enhanced photosynthesis and reduced stomatal conductance, and indirect effects through changes in climatic variables that drive these processes. How these direct and indirect CO2 impacts interact with each other to affect plant productivity and water use has not been explicitly analysed and remains unclear, yet is important to fully understand the response of the global carbon cycle to future climate change. Here, we use a set of factorial modelling experiments to quantify the direct and indirect impacts of atmospheric CO2 and their interaction on yield and water use in bioenergy short rotation coppice poplar, in addition to quantifying the impact of other environmental drivers such as soil type. We use the JULES land‐surface model forced with a ten‐member ensemble of projected climate change for 2100 with atmospheric CO2 concentrations representative of the A1B emissions scenario. We show that the simulated response of plant productivity to future climate change was nonadditive in JULES, however this nonadditivity was not apparent for plant transpiration. The responses of both growth and transpiration under all experimental scenarios were highly variable between sites, highlighting the complexity of interactions between direct physiological CO2 effects and indirect climate effects. As a result, no general pattern explaining the response of bioenergy poplar water use and yield to future climate change could be discerned across sites. This study suggests attempts to infer future climate change impacts on the land biosphere from studies that force with either the direct or indirect CO2 effects in isolation from each other may lead to incorrect conclusions in terms of both the direction and magnitude of plant response to future climate change.  相似文献   

Mineral elements in plants have been strongly affected by increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and nitrogen (N) deposition due to human activities. However, such understanding is largely limited to N and phosphorus in grassland. Using open-top chambers, we examined the concentrations of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) in the leaves and roots of the seedlings of five subtropical tree species in response to elevated CO2 (ca. 700 μmol CO2 mol-1) and N addition (100 kg N ha-1 yr-1) from 2005 to 2009. These mineral elements in the roots responded more strongly to elevated CO2 and N addition than those in the leaves. Elevated CO2 did not consistently decrease the concentrations of plant mineral elements, with increases in K, Al, Cu and Mn in some tree species. N addition decreased K and had no influence on Cu in the five tree species. Given the shifts in plant mineral elements, Schima superba and Castanopsis hystrix were less responsive to elevated CO2 and N addition alone, respectively. Our results indicate that plant stoichiometry would be altered by increasing CO2 and N deposition, and K would likely become a limiting nutrient under increasing N deposition in subtropics.  相似文献   

Adverse climate change attributed to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) and increased temperature components of global warming has been a central issue affecting economic and social development. Climate change, particularly global warming, imposes a severe impact on the terrestrial ecosystem. Elevated CO2, drought, and high temperature have been extensively documented individually; however, relatively little is known about how plants respond to the interaction of these factors. To summarize current knowledge on the response of plants to global change factors, we focus on the interactive effects of CO2 enrichment, warming, and drought on plant growth, carbon allocation, and photosynthesis. Stimulation due to elevated CO2 might be suppressed under other negative climatic/environmental stresses such as drought, high temperature, and their combination. However, elevated CO2 could alleviate deleterious effects of moderate drought via reducing stomatal conductance, altering leaf surface, and regulating gene expression. High CO2 levels and rising temperatures may result in opposite responses in plant water use efficiency. Stimulation of plant growth due to elevated CO2 for C3 species occurs regardless of water conditions, but only under a water deficit for C4 species. The positive effect of elevated CO2 on C4 species is derived mainly from the improved water status. Plant adaptive or maladaptive responses to multivariate environments are interactive; thus, researchers need to explore the ecological underpinnings involved in such responses to the multiple factors involved in climate change.  相似文献   

The physiological response of vegetation to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) modifies productivity and surface energy and water fluxes. Quantifying this response is required for assessments of future climate change. Many global climate models account for this response; however, significant uncertainty remains in model simulations of this vegetation response and its impacts. Data from in situ field experiments provide evidence that previous modeling studies may have overestimated the increase in productivity at elevated [CO2], and the impact on large‐scale water cycling is largely unknown. We parameterized the Agro‐IBIS dynamic global vegetation model with observations from the SoyFACE experiment to simulate the response of soybean and maize to an increase in [CO2] from 375 ppm to 550 ppm. The two key model parameters that were found to vary with [CO2] were the maximum carboxylation rate of photosynthesis and specific leaf area. Tests of the model that used SoyFACE parameter values showed a good fit to site‐level data for all variables except latent heat flux over soybean and sensible heat flux over both crops. Simulations driven with historic climate data over the central USA showed that increased [CO2] resulted in decreased latent heat flux and increased sensible heat flux from both crops when averaged over 30 years. Thirty‐year average soybean yield increased everywhere (ca. 10%); however, there was no increase in maize yield except during dry years. Without accounting for CO2 effects on the maximum carboxylation rate of photosynthesis and specific leaf area, soybean simulations at 550 ppm overestimated leaf area and yield. Our results highlight important model parameter values that, if not modified in other models, could result in biases when projecting future crop–climate–water relationships.  相似文献   

The values of many plant traits are often different even within a species as a result of local adaptation. Here, we studied how multiple climate variables influence trait values in Arabidopsis thaliana grown under common conditions. We examined 9 climate variables and 29 traits related to vegetative growth rate in 44 global A. thaliana accessions grown at ambient or elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and applied a multiple regression analysis. We found that genetic variations in the traits related to growth rates were associated with various climate variables. At ambient [CO2], plant size was positively correlated with precipitation in the original habitat. This may be a result of larger biomass investment in roots at the initial stage in plants adapting to a lower precipitation. Stomatal conductance and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency were negatively correlated with vapor pressure deficit, probably as a result of the trade-off between photosynthetic water- and nitrogen-use efficiency. These results suggest that precipitation and air humidity influence belowground and aboveground traits, respectively. Elevated [CO2] altered climate dependences in some of the studied traits. The CO2 response of relative growth rate was negatively correlated with altitude, indicating that plants inhabiting a higher altitude have less plasticity to changing [CO2]. These results are useful not only for understanding evolutionary process but also to predict the plant species that are favored under future global change.  相似文献   

Xinyou Yin 《Annals of botany》2013,112(3):465-475


Process-based ecophysiological crop models are pivotal in assessing responses of crop productivity and designing strategies of adaptation to climate change. Most existing crop models generally over-estimate the effect of elevated atmospheric [CO2], despite decades of experimental research on crop growth response to [CO2].


A review of the literature indicates that the quantitative relationships for a number of traits, once expressed as a function of internal plant nitrogen status, are altered little by the elevated [CO2]. A model incorporating these nitrogen-based functional relationships and mechanisms simulated photosynthetic acclimation to elevated [CO2], thereby reducing the chance of over-estimating crop response to [CO2]. Robust crop models to have small parameterization requirements and yet generate phenotypic plasticity under changing environmental conditions need to capture the carbon–nitrogen interactions during crop growth.


The performance of the improved models depends little on the type of the experimental facilities used to obtain data for parameterization, and allows accurate projections of the impact of elevated [CO2] and other climatic variables on crop productivity.  相似文献   

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