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为分析NO在植物细胞死亡过程中的作用,以蚕豆表皮条和NO体外供体硝普钠(SNP)及NO信号途径抑制剂为材料,采用表皮条生物法,探讨SNP对蚕豆叶面保卫细胞的毒性机理.结果表明:(1)0.5~9 mmol· L-1的SNP可使蚕豆气孔保卫细胞活性降低,部分细胞死亡,且随着SNP浓度的增高细胞死亡率增高.(2)凋亡抑制剂Z-Asp-CH2-DCB或TLCK可显著降低SNP诱发的保卫细胞死亡率.(3)抗坏血酸(AsA)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、Ca2+螯合剂EGTA或Ca2+通道抑制剂LaCl3与SNP共同作用时,细胞死亡率显著降低.(4)NO清除剂c-PTIO、MAPK激酶抑制剂PD98059和鸟苷酸环化酶抑制荆ODQ亦能有效阻止SNP诱发的细胞死亡.研究发现,较高浓度的SNP可诱导蚕豆保卫细胞程序性死亡,SNP诱发植物细胞死亡与胁迫组保卫细胞内NO、ROS和Ca2+水平升高有关,cGMP和MAPK参与了SNP诱发的细胞死亡.  相似文献   

周健  王亚男  马丹炜  黄素  辛文媛  张红 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5713-5721
为了探讨入侵植物土荆芥的化感作用机制,以其入侵地广泛种植的农作物蚕豆叶片下表皮为受试材料,通过对保卫细胞的活性分析,研究了土荆芥挥发油及其两种主要成分α-萜品烯和对伞花素诱导保卫细胞死亡及其信号调节的机制。结果表明:土荆芥挥发油、α-萜品烯、对伞花素具有显著的细胞毒性,随着处理剂量增加,保卫细胞存活率显著下降,细胞核出现了畸形、碎裂和降解等程序性细胞死亡的典型特征;活性氧(Reactive oxygen species,ROS)、一氧化氮合酶(Nitric oxide synthetase,NOS)和Ca~(2+)的组织化学定位显示,在土芥挥发油、α-萜品烯和对伞花素作用下,保卫细胞内ROS、NOS和Ca~(2+)的水平明显高于对照组;活性氧清除剂(AsA)、Ca~(2+)螯合剂(EGTA)和硝酸还原酶抑制剂(NaN——3)均可有效缓解土荆芥挥发油、α-萜品烯和对伞花素的细胞毒性,显著提高了保卫细胞的存活率(P0.05)。上述结果表明,ROS、NO和Ca~(2+)参与了土荆芥挥发油、α-萜品烯和对伞花素诱导蚕豆保卫细胞死亡的信号调节过程。土荆芥挥发油、α-萜品烯和对伞花素诱导的保卫细胞死亡,可能是通过ROS和NO调控保卫细胞内Ca~(2+)水平的变化而引起的。  相似文献   

为研究金属离子诱导下感受态细胞形成的机理及揭示转化发生的机制,分别用Ca~(2+)和Sr~(2+)(0~140mmol/L)制备大肠埃希菌感受态细胞并转化。研究结果表明,不同浓度的Ca~(2+)和Sr~(2+)诱导的感受态细胞的效价不同,两种金属离子对大肠埃希菌细胞内外膜的通透性均有较大影响,但细胞内外膜的改变程度与转化率无直接关系;电镜结果显示,未处理的细胞呈簇聚集发生粘连现象,感受态细胞整体呈分散状态,局部发生聚集,而转化后的细胞独立存在,边缘异常清晰。  相似文献   

以能源植物杂交狼尾草(Pennisetum americanum×P.purpureum)为实验材料,在NaCl胁迫条件下用外源IBA(100 mg/L),CaCl_2(浓度分别为0、1、2、5 mmol/L)处理杂交狼尾草幼苗,处理3周后测定植物的存活率、鲜重、干重、株高、生根数和地上部分、地下部分的离子含量。结果表明,经过IBA溶液预处理的杂交狼尾草幼苗的存活率、鲜重、干重、株高、生根数明显高于未处理的幼苗;在NaCl胁迫下,随着外源Ca~(2+)浓度的升高,杂交狼尾草幼苗的存活率、鲜重、干重、株高、生根数以及Ca~(2+)含量都明显升高并在CaCl_2浓度为2 mmol/L时达到最大值;随着外源Ca~(2+)浓度的升高,Na~+含量、Na~+/K~+降低,当CaCl_2的浓度为2mmol/L时,Na~+含量、Na~+/K~+最低。以上结果表明外源Ca~(2+)和IBA对NaCl胁迫下杂交狼尾草幼苗生长有促进作用,可以缓解NaCl胁迫对杂交狼尾草幼苗生长的抑制作用,提高杂交狼尾草幼苗在NaCl胁迫下的成活率;缓解盐害的最适的Ca~(2+)浓度为2mmol/L。  相似文献   

该实验以烟草悬浮细胞 BY 2 为材料,在烟草悬浮细胞中分别加入0.05、0.10、0.15、0.20 mmol·L-1AlCl3,以等体积去离子水处理的悬浮细胞液为对照,并依据前述实验结果选择0.15 mmol·L-1 AlCl3,分别添加5 mmol·L-1 DMTU(H2O2 抑制剂)、20 μmol·L-1CaCl2、15 μmol·L-1 LaCl3(Ca2+通道抑制剂)和50 μmol·L-1 ATP设计多项处理,分析胞外ATP(eATP)对铝离子(Al3+)胁迫引起的植物细胞死亡及其胞内H2O2、Ca2+的影响,以揭示Al3+胁迫下植物调节细胞死亡的可能机制,进一步扩展对eATP功能的认知。结果显示:(1)随着 AlCl3 胁迫浓度的提高,细胞死亡水平和胞内H2O2水平上升,而胞内Ca2+和eATP水平则逐渐降低。(2)外援施加H2O2抑制剂 DMTU(二甲基硫脲)和Ca2+能够有效缓解AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡水平的上升;而Ca2+通道抑制剂LaCl3(三氯化镧)则加剧了AlCl3胁迫下的细胞死亡。(3)在AlCl3胁迫下对细胞添加外源ATP,能够缓解AlCl3胁迫下胞内H2O2水平上升和Ca2+水平下降的同时,并显著降低AlCl3胁迫导致的细胞死亡。研究表明, Al3+以剂量依赖的模式提升细胞死亡和细胞内H2O2的水平并降低胞内Ca2+和eATP水平,AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡受到H2O2和Ca2+水平变化的调节,eATP可以通过调节H2O2与Ca2+水平缓解AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡。推测Al3+胁迫可能通过抑制钙离子通道而破坏了细胞内H2O2和Ca2+之间的协同关系,外源ATP对Al3+诱导H2O2上升的缓解作用可能是由于其提升了细胞的抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

A549/DDP细胞的抗凋亡特性与其pHi和[Ca2+i变化相关   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以临床用药剂量(30 μmol/L)的顺铂处理敏感的人肺腺癌细胞A549和抗顺铂的A549/DDP细胞,在相同条件下培养.对培养不同时间的两株细胞DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析的结果表明,前者在培养12 h后即呈现DNA梯子,而后者在培养48 h后却未见凋亡特征.用流式细胞计检测其凋亡峰也获得相似的结果.当测定与凋亡相关的生物化学和生物物理变化时发现对顺铂敏感的A549细胞的线粒体膜电势显著降低,胞内更加酸化且胞内钙离子浓度升高;而抗顺铂药物的A549/DDP细胞的线粒体膜电势和pH值却维持在相对较高的水平,而其胞内钙离子浓度随培养时间的延长下降.这些结果表明,抗顺铂的人肺腺癌A549/DDP细胞的抗凋亡特性与其胞内的相对碱化和较高的线粒体膜电势,以及胞内钙离子浓度的降低相关.这些特性可能参与了A549/DDP的顺铂耐药性的调节.  相似文献   

以‘博辣红牛’辣椒为材料,研究外源Ca~(2+)连续喷施不同天数对淹水胁迫下辣椒幼苗农艺性状和生理指标的影响,探讨Ca~(2+)对辣椒淹水胁迫伤害的缓解作用和适宜的喷施处理天数。结果显示:(1)辣椒幼苗生物量、壮苗指数、叶绿素、根系活力、脯氨酸、可溶性糖以及CAT和SOD活性随施Ca~(2+)天数的增加呈先升高后下降的趋势,MDA含量随施Ca~(2+)天数的增加呈先下降后上升的趋势。(2)施Ca~(2+)1d(T1d)处理对辣椒淹水胁迫伤害无明显缓解作用,连续施Ca~(2+)3d(T3d)和6d(T6d)处理的缓解效果不断增强,至连续施Ca~(2+)9d(T9d)时缓解效果达到最佳,随后连续施Ca~(2+)12d(T12d)和20d(T20d)处理的缓解效果又逐渐减弱,但仍显著优于T1d处理。研究表明,外源Ca~(2+)可以诱导增加淹水胁迫下辣椒幼苗渗透调节物质含量,上调抗氧化酶活性,降低叶绿素的降解,大幅提高根系活力,从而缓解淹水胁迫所造成的各种伤害,增强其忍耐淹水胁迫能力,并以连续施钙9d对淹水胁迫的缓解效果最佳。  相似文献   

肺腺癌A549/DDP细胞周期变化及其多药耐药性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用Fura-2/AM标记药物敏感的肺腺癌细胞A549和抗顺铂药物的肺腺癌细胞A549/DDP两种细胞胞内游离Ca2+,用碘化丙锭(PI)标记细胞DNA,检测其胞内Ca2+的变化及两种细胞增殖能力和细胞周期.实验结果表明,抗药性细胞株A549/DDP胞浆内游离Ca2+的浓度仅为药物敏感细胞株A549的1/3左右,同时前者的细胞增殖能力较后者明显增强,而且细胞周期也明显缩短.当用BAPTA-AM和EGTA或A23187和Thapsigargin处理细胞以降低或升高其胞内自由Ca2+浓度时可改变细胞的生长周期,二者也呈现明显差别.这些结果表明,对顺铂产生耐药性的人肺腺癌A549/DDP细胞胞内Ca2+浓度的降低,可能影响细胞的增殖,缩短细胞的生长周期,特别是影响起决定作用的G1期,从而有利于肿瘤细胞多药耐药特性的维持.  相似文献   

NADPH氧化酶可能参与了ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了NADPH氧化酶在ABA(abscisic acid)诱导蚕豆气孔关闭信号转导网络中的作用,荧光光谱实验表明,在嗜中性白血球NADPH氧化酶抑制剂DPI(diphenyleneio-donium)存在的条件下,与对照相比,大大逆转了由ABA引起HPTS(8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid,trisodium salt)的荧光强度下降。表皮生物分析法显示,10^-6mol/L的DPI和10^3unit/mL的过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)在一定程度上也逆转了ABA诱导张开气孔的关闭。因此推测:在ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞过程中,质膜上的NADPH气体酶可能催化形成超氧自由基O^-2,再经歧化反应形成H2O2,而形成的H2O2参与了气孔运动调节。  相似文献   

目的:研究致凋亡的声动力疗法诱导巨噬细胞线粒体钙升高的机制。方法:应用佛波酯(PMA)诱导THP-1单核细胞分化为巨噬细胞进行实验研究。选用5-氨基酮戊酸(ALA)作为声敏剂,进行声动力治疗(SDT)。应用流式细胞术证实SDT显著促进了细胞凋亡;应用Rhod 2/AM实时监测线粒体Ca~(2+)水平;通过蛋白质免疫印迹对全细胞蛋白中的Bax、Cleaved-caspase3、电压依赖性阴离子通道1(VDAC1)和三磷酸肌醇Ⅲ型受体(IP3R-Ⅲ)进行检测;应用VDAC1抗体进行免疫共沉淀,检测VDAC1和IP3R-Ⅲ之间的相互作用;实时监测线粒体Ca~(2+)水平,检测VDAC抑制剂DIDS和IP3Rs抑制剂2-ABP对SDT效果的影响。结果:与对照组相比,仅SDT组出现了显著的细胞凋亡(P0.001)。与对照组相比,ALA对线粒体Ca~(2+)水平无明显影响,超声诱导了线粒体Ca~(2+)水平的明显升高,SDT诱导了线粒体Ca~(2+)水平快速且大幅度的升高,且去除超声后仍维持在较高水平。与对照组相比,超声对Bax、Cleaved-caspase3、VDAC1和IP3R-Ⅲ的表达无明显影响,ALA诱导了VDAC1(P0.01)和IP3R-Ⅲ表达量的增加(P0.05),SDT诱导了Bax(P0.001)、Cleaved-caspase3(P0.001)、VDAC1(P0.01)和IP3R-Ⅲ(P0.05)表达量的增加,VDAC1和IP3R-Ⅲ的增加幅度与ALA组接近;ALA和SDT均诱导了VDAC1和IP3R-Ⅲ之间相互作用的显著增强(P0.05)。DIDS和2-ABP均明显抑制了SDT诱导的线粒体Ca~(2+)增加。结论:在致凋亡的SDT作用于THP-1巨噬细胞的过程中,ALA诱导了线粒体外膜Ca~(2+)转运通道VDAC1和内质网重要Ca~(2+)转运通道IP3R-Ⅲ的表达量增加与二者间相互作用的增强,在内质网和线粒体之间建立了大量的Ca~(2+)转运通道,超声的作用则在于触发这些Ca~(2+)转运通道的开放,进而引发线粒体钙的迅速增加。这是后续线粒体凋亡通路启动的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

Cytochrome bd is a terminal quinol:O2 oxidoreductase of respiratory chains of many bacteria. It contains three hemes, b558, b595, and d. The role of heme b595 remains obscure. A CO photolysis/recombination study of the membranes of Escherichia coli containing either wild type cytochrome bd or inactive E445A mutant was performed using nanosecond absorption spectroscopy. We compared photoinduced changes of heme d-CO complex in one-electron-reduced, two-electron-reduced, and fully reduced states of cytochromes bd. The line shape of spectra of photodissociation of one-electron-reduced and two-electron-reduced enzymes is strikingly different from that of the fully reduced enzyme. The difference demonstrates that in the fully reduced enzyme photolysis of CO from heme d perturbs ferrous heme b595 causing loss of an absorption band centered at 435 nm, thus supporting interactions between heme b595 and heme d in the di-heme oxygen-reducing site, in agreement with previous works. Photolyzed CO recombines with the fully reduced enzyme monoexponentially with τ ∼ 12 μs, whereas recombination of CO with one-electron-reduced cytochrome bd shows three kinetic phases, with τ ∼ 14 ns, 14 μs, and 280 μs. The spectra of the absorption changes associated with these components are different in line shape. The 14 ns phase, absent in the fully reduced enzyme, reflects geminate recombination of CO with part of heme d. The 14-μs component reflects bimolecular recombination of CO with heme d and electron backflow from heme d to hemes b in ∼ 4% of the enzyme population. The final, 280-μs component, reflects return of the electron from hemes b to heme d and bimolecular recombination of CO in that population. The fact that even in the two-electron-reduced enzyme, a nanosecond geminate recombination is observed, suggests that namely the redox state of heme b595, and not that of heme b558, controls the pathway(s) by which CO migrates between heme d and the medium.  相似文献   

Oligochitosan has been proved to trigger plant cell death. To gain some insights into the mechanisms of oligochitosan-induced cell death, the nature of oligochitosan-induced cell death and the role of calcium (Ca2+), nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were studied in tobacco suspension cells. Oligochitosan-induced cell death occurred in cytoplasmic shrinkage, phosphatidylserine externalization, chromatin condensation, TUNEL-positive nuclei, cytochrome c release and induction of programmed cell death (PCD)-related gene hsr203J, suggesting the activation of PCD pathway. Pretreatment cells with cyclosporin A, resulted in reducing oligochitosan-induced cytochrome c release and cell death, indicating oligochitosan-induced PCD was mediated by cytochrome c. In the early stage, cells undergoing PCD showed an immediate burst in free cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) elevation, NO and H2O2 production. Further study showed that these three signals were involved in oligochitosan-induced PCD, while Ca2+ and NO played a negative role in this process by modulating cytochrome c release.  相似文献   

Current MR methods use T2? relaxation time as a surrogate measure of ligament strength. Currently, a multi-echo voxel-wise least squares fit is the gold standard to create T2? maps; however, the post-processing is time-intensive and serves as a stopgap for clinical use. The study objective was to determine if an alternative method could improve post-processing time without sacrificing fidelity of T2? values for eventual translational use in the clinic. Using a 6 echo FLASH sequence, three different methods were used to determine intact posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) median T2? Two of these methods utilized a voxel-wise method to establish T2? maps: (1) a current “gold standard” method using a voxel-wise 6 echo least-squares fit (6LS) and (2) a voxel-wise 2 echo point T2? determination (2MM). The third method used median ligament signal intensity and a single nonlinear least-squares fit (6LSROI) instead of a voxel-wise basis. The resulting median T2? values of the PCL and computational time were compared. The median T2? values were 42% higher using the 2MM compared to the 6LS method (p<0.0001). However, a strong correlation was found for the median T2? values between the 2MM and 6LS methods (R2=0.80). The median T2? values were not significantly different between the 6LS and 6LSROI methods (p=0.519). Using the 2MM (which provides a regional map) and the 6LSROI (which efficiently provides the median T2? value) methods in tandem would take only minutes of post-processing computational time compared to the 6LS method (~540 min), and hence would facilitate clinical application of T2? maps to predict ligament structural properties as a patient outcome measure.  相似文献   

Properties of purified recombinant human polyamine oxidase,PAOh1/SMO   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The discovery of an inducible oxidase whose apparent substrate preference is spermine indicates that polyamine catabolism is more complex than that originally proposed. To facilitate the study of this enzyme, the purification and characterization of the recombinant human PAOh1/SMO polyamine oxidase are reported. Purified PAOh1/SMO oxidizes both spermine (K(m)=1.6 microM) and N(1)-acetylspermine (K(m)=51 microM), but does not oxidize spermidine. The purified human enzyme also does not oxidize eight representative antitumor polyamine analogues; however, specific oligamine analogues were found to be potent inhibitors of the oxidation of spermine by PAOh1/SMO. The results of these studies are consistent with the hypothesis that PAOh1/SMO represents a new addition to the polyamine metabolic pathway that may represent a new target for antineoplastic drug development.  相似文献   

Reaction of [(PPh2C5H4)Cp3Fe4(CO)4] (1) with (CO)4W(CH3CN)2 at ambient temperature affords [(CO)4W(PPh2C5H4)Cp3Fe4(CO)4] (2) as the major product, together with a small amount of [(CO)5W(PPh2C5H4)Cp3Fe4(CO)4] (3). Compound 3 can be obtained in good yield by treating (CO)5W(CH3CN) with equal molar of 1, and reaction of 3 with Me3NO in acetonitrile solvent produces 2 exclusively. The crystal structures of 2 and 3 have been determined by an X-ray diffraction study. Compound 2 contains an interesting μ4, η2-CO ligand, where two electrons donated by the carbon atom are involved to bridge a Fe3 face and two electrons from oxygen are donated to the tungsten(0) atom.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bd is one of the two terminal ubiquinol oxidases in the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli catalyzing reduction of O2 to H2O. The enzyme is expressed under low oxygen tension; due to high affinity for O2 it is isolated mainly as a stable oxygenated complex. Direct measurement of O2 binding to heme d in the one-electron reduced isolated enzyme gives K(d(O2)) of approximately 280 nM. It is possible to photolyse the heme d oxy-complex by illumination of the enzyme for several minutes under microaerobic conditions; the light-induced difference absorption spectrum is virtually identical to the inverted spectrum of O2 binding to heme d.  相似文献   

Mechanism(s) underlying activation of store-operated Ca2+ entry currents, ISOC, remain incompletely understood. F-actin configuration is an important determinant of channel function, although the nature of interaction between the cytoskeleton and ISOC channels is unknown. We examined whether the spectrin membrane skeleton couples Ca2+ store depletion to Ca2+ entry. Thapsigargin activated an endothelial cell ISOC (-45 pA at -80 mV) that reversed at +40 mV, was inwardly rectifying when Ca2+ was the charge carrier, and was inhibited by La3+ (50 microM). Disruption of the spectrin-protein 4.1 interaction at residues A207-V445 of betaSpIISigma1 decreased the thapsigargin-induced global cytosolic Ca2+ response by 50% and selectively abolished the endothelial cell ISOC, without altering activation of a nonselective current through cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. In contrast, disruption of the spectrin-actin interaction at residues A47-K186 of betaSpIISigma1 did not decrease the thapsigargin-induced global cytosolic Ca2+ response or inhibit ISOC. Results indicate that the spectrin-protein 4.1 interaction selectively controls ISOC, indicating that physical coupling between calcium release and calcium entry is reliant upon the spectrin membrane skeleton.  相似文献   

Trm1 catalyzes a two-step reaction, leading to mono- and dimethylation of guanosine at position 26 in most eukaryotic and archaeal tRNAs. We report the crystal structures of Trm1 from Pyrococcus horikoshii liganded with S-adenosyl-l-methionine or S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine. The protein comprises N-terminal and C-terminal domains with class I methyltransferase and novel folds, respectively. The methyl moiety of S-adenosyl-l-methionine points toward the invariant Phe27 and Phe140 within a narrow pocket, where the target G26 might flip in. Mutagenesis of Phe27 or Phe140 to alanine abolished the enzyme activity, indicating their role in methylating G26. Structural analyses revealed that the movements of Phe140 and the loop preceding Phe27 may be involved in dissociation of the monomethylated tRNA•Trm1 complex prior to the second methylation. Moreover, the catalytic residues Asp138, Pro139, and Phe140 are in a different motif from that in DNA 6-methyladenosine methyltransferases, suggesting a different methyl transfer mechanism in the Trm1 family.  相似文献   

The dinickel(II) compound [Ni2(μ-OAc)2(OAc)2(μ-H2O)(asy·dmen)2]·2.5H2O, 1; undergoes facile reaction in a 1:2 molar ratio with benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) in ethanol to give the novel nickel(II) tetranuclear hydroxamate complex [Ni4(μ-OAc)3(μ-BA)3(asy·dmen)3][OTf]2·H2O, 2, in which the bridging acetates, bridging two nickel atoms in 1, undergo a carboxylate shift from the μ211 bridging mode of binding to the μ312 bridging three nickel atoms in the tetramer. The structure of complex 2 was determined by single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The two monodentate acetates, water and two bidentate bridging acetates of two moles of complex 1 are replaced by three monodentate bridging acetates and three benzohydroxamates. Three nickel atoms in the tetramer, Ni(2), Ni(3) and Ni(4) are in a N2O4 octahedral environment, while the fourth nickel atom Ni(1) is in an O(6) octahedral environment. The Ni-Ni separations are Ni(1)-Ni(2) = 3.108 Å, Ni(1)-Ni(3) = 3.104 Å and Ni(1)-Ni(4) = 3.110 Å, which are longer than previously studied in dinuclear urease inhibited models but shorter than in the nickel(II) tetrameric glutarohydroxamate complex [Ni4(μ-OAc)2(μ-gluA2)2(tmen)4][OTf]2, isolated and characterized previously in this laboratory. Magnetic studies of the tetrameric complex show that the four Ni(II) ions are ferromagnetically coupled, leading to a total ground spin state ST = 4. Three analogous tetranuclear nickel hydroxamates were prepared from AHA and BHA and the appropriate dinuclear complex with either sy·dmen or asy·dmen as capping ligands.  相似文献   

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