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采用ELISA法对366份临床拟诊为病毒性心肌炎患者的血清标本进行了柯萨奇B组病毒IgG抗体的测定,结果为186份标本为阳性,检出率为508%,其中B1~B6型交叉阳性率为699%(130人次),单一型阳性率为301%(56人次)。在508%的交叉感染阳性标本中以B4型(96人次),B3型(86人次)占多数分别为228%和205%,其次为B2型、B5型和B6型;B1型较少见,占102%,这对病毒性心肌炎的鉴别诊断和流行病学调查具有重要意义。  相似文献   

应用PCR-SSO基因分型技术,对我国云南西部地区3代内无血缘关系的76个彝族健康个体进行了LA-DQB1位点的基因分型。结果显示,在DQB1的38个等位基因中,观察到13个等位基因,云南西彝族表现为DQB1*0301(36.18%-36.84%)最常见。其他频率大于5%的等位基因还有DQB1*0502(10.53%-11.18%)、DQB1*0401(9.21%)、DQB1*0302(8.55%-9.21%)、DQB1*0601(7.89%)DQB1*05031(6.58%)、DQB1*03032(5.92%-6.58%)。和其他13个华人群体DQB1等位基因的频率比较分析表明,总体上,云南西彝族和其他各华人群体间都存在很大的差异。显示其HLA等位基因频率分布的民族独特性。  相似文献   

应用ELISA和PCR法检测502例乙肝病人血清,401例HBsAg阳性血清中,有114例(28.4%)抗-HCV和HCVRNA双项阳性,25例(6.2%)HCVRNA单项阳性;21例(5.2%)抗-HCV单项阳性。将HBsAg乙肝病人分成HBVDNA,HBeAg阳性组和HBVDNA,HBeAg阴性组。前者抗-HCV阳性率为11.6%~20.5%,HCVRNA阳性率为16.2%~20.5%。后者抗-HCV阳性率为20.2%~55.6%,HCVRNA阳性率为23%~60.3%。结果说明长期携带HBV者和慢性乙肝病人均可重叠HCV感染。HBVDNA阳性组抗-HCV和HCVRNA阳性率明显高于HBVDNA阳性组  相似文献   

依据河北省卢龙县闫深港4.6m厚的冲积物剖百,揭示了较高时间分辨率的孢粉分析,参照现代冲积物孢粉与植被的对应关系,探讨了距今11000年以来饮马河流域植被的时空变化。11000~9000aBP的森林覆盖率约10%,9000~7000aBP约30%~40%,7000~4000aBP约20%~40%,3000~2500aBP约10%~20%。在9000aBP左右出现了云杉、冷杉花粉的高峰值,表明饮马河  相似文献   

以玉米根微粒体为材料进行的微量放射配体结合(MRLB)实验表明玉米根微粒体膜上存在着ABA结合位点,ABA与ABA结合蛋白(ABA-BP)结合的最适pH为6.5,结合反应对温度(0℃和25℃)不太敏感,ABA与ABA-BP的结合反应是一个动态平衡过程,5min即可达最大结合(Bmax)的50%,30min达到最大结合,1h内基本保持不变。胰蛋白酶处理表明此结合位点为蛋白质,冻融实验则表明此蛋白与ABA的结合不仅要求其自身具有特定构象而且需要有一定的膜脂环境,DTT处理实验结果显示ABA-BP中可能存在着二硫键。逆境处理可以提高玉米根微粒体膜对ABA的结合活性,盐胁迫、渗透胁迫、干旱胁迫和热冲激处理分别使结合活性上升34.9%、17.8%、23.1%和13.3%。  相似文献   

用套式多聚酶链反应(Nested-PCR)技术对169对HBsAg及HBsAg/HBeAg阳性孕妇及其新生儿外周血清进行了HBV-DNA检测,103对HBsAg阳性孕妇及其新生儿外周务中HBV-DNA阳性率分别为72.8%和33.0%;66对HBsAg和HBeAg双阳性的孕妇及其新生儿外周血清中HBV-DNA阳性率分别为86.4%和43.9%,对55例HBsAg及HBsAg/HBeAg阳性产妇产后  相似文献   

病毒性肝炎HAV,HBV,HCV,HDV和HEV重叠感染的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用ELISA法检测了108例乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染者血清中的五种肝炎病毒──甲型(HAV)、乙型(HBV)、丙型(HCV)、丁型(HDV)和成型(HEV)肝炎病毒的标志物,并采用PCR技术检测了患者血清HBVDNA、HCVRNA及HDVRNA。结果五种肝炎病毒重叠感染者35例(32.4%),单纯HBV感染者73例(67.6%)。HBV、HAVM重感染率为4.6%,HBV、HCV二重感染率为9.2%,HBV、HDVM重感染率为14.8%,HBV、HEV二重感染率为1.9%,HBV、HCV和HDV三重感  相似文献   

用套式多聚酶链反应(Nested-PCR)技术对169对HBsAg及HBsAg/HBeAg阳性孕妇及其新生儿外周血清进行了HBV-DNA检测。103对HBsAg阳性孕妇及其新生儿外周血清中HBV-DNA阳性率分别为72.8%和33.0%;66对HBsAg和HBeAg双阳性的孕妇及其新生儿外周血清中HBV-DNA阳性率分别为86.4%和43.9%。对55例HBsAg及HBsAg/HBeAg阳性产妇产后的初乳进行了HBV-DNA检测,结果HBV-DNA阳性率为36.4%。结果表明HBsAg和HBeAg双阳性的孕妇及其新生儿外周血清HBV-DNA检出率较HBsAg单阳性的孕妇及其新生儿要高,其初乳中HBV-DNA的检出率也高。还对105例注射了乙肝疫苗及高价乙肝特异性免疫球蛋白的6月龄婴儿的外周血清进行了HBV-DNA检测,结果有23例阳性。  相似文献   

用单克隆抗体LCA,UCHL1,MT1,MB1,MB2,LN1和LN2对65例非何杰金氏淋巴瘤常规福尔马林固定石蜡包埋组织切片作免疫表型研究。证实B细胞性淋巴瘤50例(77%)。T细胞性淋巴瘤11例(17%)(4例染色不良,未能分型)。根据国际工作分类,本组T细胞淋巴瘤所占比例分别是11%,27%和13%。全部病例中LCA阳性率97%。T细胞抗体UCHL;阳性率(91%)明显高于MT1(73%),且与B淋巴细胞无交叉反应。4种B细胞抗体阳性率分别为LN。(96%),MB2(94%),LN1(86%),MB1(84%)。LN2和LN1对源于滤泡中心细胞淋巴瘤有更强的反应。研究结果表明上述单克隆抗体可有效用于非何杰金氏淋巴瘤石蜡切片的免疫组织化学标记,合理选用单克隆抗体有助于进行免疫学分型。  相似文献   

蚕豆叶片下表皮ABA结合蛋白提取及分离条件的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以蚕豆(ViciafabaL.)叶片下表皮为材料,比较TritonX100、冷丙酮和(NH4)2SO4对ABA结合蛋白(简称ABABP)的提取效果。结果表明:0.5%(W/V)TritonX100去垢剂提取的ABABP与ABA特异结合活性较高(0.487nmol/gprotein),维持结合活性的时间较长(4℃下反应40h保持最大结合的60%);而冷丙酮法提取的ABABP特异结合活性只有0.325nmol/gprotein,且容易失活,10h仅保持最大结合的30%左右。实验比较了各种盐离子对ABABP的影响,高盐(>300mmol/LNaCl)不利于ABABP的结合反应,低浓度KCl对ABABP活性略有促进。ABABP的结合活性需要介质中有一定量的Ca2+和Mg2+,用EDTA螯合介质中Mg2+、Ca2+后,ABABP活性大大降低,分别为最大结合的75%和60%。ABABP与ABA反应的最适pH在6.5,这些条件为亲和层析纯化ABABP提供了依据。  相似文献   

Summary A simple method was devised for the establishment of continuous lymphoblastoid, cell lines (LCL). Unfractionated mononuclear cells collected from healthy donors were infected in vitro by Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) (strain B95-8) under specific, conditions: an immunosuppressive drug, Cyclosporin-A (CS-A, Sandoz), associated with the use of a feeder layer (MRC-5) led to 100% efficiency of LCL establishment. A bank of 400 LCL was set up for completion of genetic studies. Regression and kinetics of virus-induced transformation were monitored and related to donors' EBV immune status. Mean time of LCL establishment and probability of regression among seropositive donors were not linked to any given value titer of antibodies against Viral Capsid Antigen (VCA) or against Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen (EBNA). However, when the anti-VCA:anti-EBNA ratio was considered, this parameter, seemed to be linked to the kinetics of transformation but not to the probability of regression. Once LCL are established, large quantities of human cells can be produced. The complete cellular DNA is available so that any part of it can be scrutinized. Moreover, some of the phenotypic characteristics of these B cells be used for a wide range of investigations. The work was supported by Fondation de la Recherche Medicale (France) for Professor J. Dausset (Paris) and by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (Lyon).  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) against autologous EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) were induced in vitro by culturing peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of healthy donors together with mitomycin C-treated autologous LCL for 6 days. The cytotoxic cells developed only from the E-rosette-positive fraction but not from the negative fraction of PBL. These CTL killed autologous LCL but not PWM-stimulated autologous PBL. In addition, the CTL killed allogeneic LCL when at least 1 of the HLA-A antigens was identical with that of the LCL of CTL donor. However, identity of HLA-B and HLA-C antigens was not enough for a significant killing of allogeneic LCL. The specificity of the CTL was also confirmed by a cold target inhibition test. These results indicated that the CTL induced specifically recognized EBV-transformed cells with HLA restriction.  相似文献   

An in vitro culture and assay system was used to determine whether cytotoxic lymphocytes are generated in humans after rickettsial infection. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained from six individuals with serologic evidence of prior infection with typhus group rickettsiae and from six nonimmune individuals. After PBMC from immune individuals were stimulated in vitro for 7 days with rickettsial antigen, they were capable of lysing typhus group rickettsia-infected, autologous phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-induced blasts, but not uninfected PHA-blasts. No cytotoxic effector cells were generated when either PBMC from immune individuals were placed in culture for 7 days without antigenic stimulation, or when PBMC from nonimmune individuals were stimulated in vitro with antigen for 7 days. Freshly isolated PBMC from immune donors were also unable to lyse typhus group rickettsia-infected autologous PHA-blasts or an autologous rickettsia-infected lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL). Neither supernatants from antigen-stimulated cultures of PBMC from immune donors nor recombinant human interferon-gamma were capable of significantly lysing typhus group rickettsia-infected PHA blasts by this assay. Populations of cytotoxic effector cells depleted of OKT3, OKT4, or OKT8-positive cells by treatment with the respective monoclonal antibodies and complement were assayed for their cytotoxic capacity. The results suggest that the cytotoxic effector cell population is predominantly OKT3 and OKT8-positive, but OKT4-negative. Positive selection with the use of a fluorescence-activated cell sorter also suggested that most of the cytotoxic effector cells are OKT8-positive. PBMC from immune donors after in vitro stimulation with rickettsial antigen were capable of significantly lysing infected autologous LCL or infected HLA-mismatched LCL as compared with the respective uninfected controls. In addition, PBMC from either immune donors or nonimmune donors after stimulation in vitro for 7 days with media containing purified lymphokines were capable of significantly lysing autologous infected LCL as compared with the uninfected autologous control. We conclude that lysis of cells infected with typhus group rickettsiae is mediated by a lymphokine-activated killer.  相似文献   

A human autoreactive T cell line named Bur-1 has been obtained from a woman 4 mo after an allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from one of her HLA-identical brothers. The phenotype of the cell line is 100% T11+ and over 90% T4+, and the karyotype confirms its donor (male) origin. These donor T cells proliferate specifically in the presence of donor's peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) but not recipient's cells, and they kill specifically donor's but not recipient's Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL). PBM from another HLA-identical brother and from several unrelated donors also stimulate Bur-1 cells, and EBV-induced LCL from the same donors are killed in cytotoxicity assays. All of these donors share HLA-DR5 or HLA-DRw11 (the major split of HLA-DR5) with Bur-1 cells. However, some but not all of the PBM sharing HLA-DR5 with Bur-1 cells are recognized. Therefore, in contrast with the previously described autoreactive T cells, Bur-1 cells are not directed against self-MHC antigens but rather recognize autologous minor histocompatibility (mH) antigens in the context of autologous HLA class II molecules. Because both male and female cells can be recognized, the reacting minor antigen could not be the male-specific HY antigen. It is suggested that autoreactivity against mH antigens can be observed in bone marrow-grafted patients due to the education of bone marrow donor precursors in the recipient thymus not allowing tolerance to autologous (donor) mH antigens not shared by the recipient.  相似文献   

The allogenic transplantation of hemopoietic stem cell from bone marrow and peripheral blood is limited due to the necessity to identify HLA matched donor within the family or in bone marrow donor registries. Although, more than 10 million donors are available worldwide, completely HLA matched donors could be found only for 75% of the patients. It is well known that transplantations of hematopoietic stem cell from cord blood are characterized with a lower risk of GvHD and therefore do not require so strict criteria for HLA matching, and less time for search of matched donor is needed. The necessity to establish a National cord blood bank in Bulgaria is emphasized further by the heterogeneity of HLA allele and haplotype distribution in the Bulgarian population. That could be explained by the ethnic diversity of the population. As a result some alleles are more frequent in Bulgarians compared to other populations. The organization, accreditation, and development of a strategy for a National cord blood bank will be discussed.  相似文献   

建立EB病毒(EBV)转化的B淋巴母细胞系(LCL),应用此细胞系作为抗原递呈细胞筛选抗原特异性的T细胞克隆。收集人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染者外周血20份,分离外周血单个核细胞(PBMC),利用Pan T细胞试剂盒去除PBMC中的T细胞,获得non-T淋巴细胞,EBV病毒转化non-T淋巴细胞。应用转化的LCL细胞作为抗原递呈细胞,ELISPOT筛选可能的HPV抗原特异性的T细胞克隆。成功建立18个LCLs,建株成功率为90%。转化成功的LCL细胞体积增大,聚集成团状或簇状。建株失败的两份标本,用于转化的non-T淋巴细胞数少于2×106。应用LCL细胞作为抗原递呈细胞筛选出64个HPV抗原特异性的T细胞克隆。成功建立LCLs,此细胞系细胞可作为体外研究HPV特异性免疫反应的刺激细胞。  相似文献   

Management of patient care and interpretation of research data require evaluation of laboratory results in the context of reference data from populations with known health status to adequately diagnose disease or make a physiological assessment. Few studies have addressed the diversity of lymphocyte subsets in rural and urban Ugandan populations. Here, 663 healthy blood bank donors from semi-urban centers of Kampala consented to participate in a study to define lymphocyte reference ranges. Whole blood immunophenotyping was performed to determine the frequency and absolute counts of T, B, and NK cells using clinical flow cytometry. Results from blood bank donors were compared to a rural cohort from the district of Kayunga and more urban clinical trial participants from the capital city, Kampala. Relationships between hematological and lymphocyte parameters were also explored. In the semi-urban blood donors, females were significantly different from males in all parameters except the frequency of CD8 T and B cells. Females had higher absolute counts of CD4 T, CD8 T and B cells, whereas males had higher NK cell counts. NK cell frequency and counts were significantly higher in semi-urban blood donors, regardless of sex, compared to more urban study participants. CD8 T cell frequency and counts were significantly higher in the blood donors compared to the rural participants, irrespective of sex. Interestingly, basophil counts were positively associated with overall T cell counts. These findings suggest that both sex and level of cohort urbanicity may influence lymphocyte subset distributions in Ugandans.  相似文献   

CMV status is an important risk factor in immune compromised patients. In hematopoeitic cell transplantations (HCT), both donor and recipient are tested routinely for CMV status by serological assays; however, one might argue that it might also be of relevance to examine CMV status by cellular (i.e., T lymphocyte) assays. Here, we have analyzed the CMV status of 100 healthy blood bank donors using both serology and cellular assays. About half (56%) were found to be CMV seropositive, and they all mounted strong CD8+ and/or moderate CD4+ T cell responses ex vivo against the immunodominant CMV protein, pp65. Of the 44 seronegative donors, only five (11%) mounted ex vivo T cell responses; surprisingly, 33 (75%) mounted strong CD4+ T cell responses after a brief in vitro peptide stimulation culture. This may have significant implications for the analysis and selection of HCT donors.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-specific T-cell lines generated by repeated stimulation with EBV-immortalized lymphoblastoid B-cell lines (LCL) have been successfully used to treat EBV-associated posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. However, PTLD in solid-organ transplant recipients and other EBV-associated malignancies respond less efficiently to this adoptive T-cell therapy. LCL-stimulated T-cell preparations are polyclonal and contain CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, but the composition varies greatly between lines. Because T-cell lines with higher CD4(+) T-cell proportions show improved clinical efficacy, we assessed which factors might compromise the expansion of this T-cell population. Here we show that spontaneous virus production by LCL and, hence, the presentation of viral antigens varies intra- and interindividually and is further impaired by acyclovir treatment of LCL. Moreover, the stimulation of T cells with LCL grown in medium supplemented with fetal calf serum (FCS) caused the expansion of FCS-reactive CD4(+) T cells, whereas human serum from EBV-seropositive donors diminished viral antigen presentation. To overcome these limitations, we used peripheral blood mononuclear cells pulsed with nontransforming virus-like particles as antigen-presenting cells. This strategy facilitated the specific and rapid expansion of EBV-specific CD4(+) T cells and, thus, might contribute to the development of standardized protocols for the generation of T-cell lines with improved clinical efficacy.  相似文献   

EBV-carrying lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) can stimulate lymphocytes of the autologous donor [autologous stimulation (AS) assay] to blast transformation and generation of killer cells of broad-range cytotoxicity. We have tested the possibility of developing an EBV-specific AS assay for use in the demonstration of EBV-specific memory cells in the peripheral blood of normal donors. For this purpose, the stimulating lines were treated by heat and protein synthesis inhibitors to prevent the release of possible nonspecifically mitogeneic factors. Moreover, an extensive purification of the effector cells was achieved in the hope of removing a possible cellular contributor to the observed nonspecific cytotoxicity. None of these approaches was able to narrow down this nonspecific cytotoxicity to an EBV-specific response. We have shown that AS reaction (1) is not related to the release of lymphocyte mitogeneic factors by stimulating LCL, (2) is mediated by Fc receptor-negative T cells, and (3) does not require macrophage nor any other non-T helper cells.  相似文献   

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