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医务人员艾滋病职业暴露是关系到公众及医务人员身体健康和生命安全的公共卫生问题。保护医务人员免受艾滋病职业暴露的威胁已日益成为艾滋病防治的关键,北京市东城区疾病控制中心率先在北京市医务人员中开展艾滋病执业暴露危险因素及防护现状的调查,旨在了解和掌握医务人员艾滋病职业暴露危险因素及防护现况,为医务人员艾滋病职业暴露防护对策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目的:为提高艾滋病病毒抗体初筛检测实验精度,降低误检或漏检率,提高检测工作质量。方法:我实验室严格按照《艾滋病检测质量管理工作指南》开展艾滋病病毒抗体初筛检测实验。结果:艾滋病病毒抗体初筛检测结果准确性符合标准,工作质量得到提高。结论:必须关注影响艾滋病初筛检测结果准确性的因素,采取有效的实验室室内质量控制措施,从而提高实验室检测水平及工作能力。  相似文献   

中国生物技术发展中心(CNCBD)近日在北京召开了“艾滋病疫苗与药物联合研究中心”可行性研究咨询会,研究讨论如何采取重大举措,加强我国艾滋病疫苗与药物研发工作。为了提高我国艾滋病研究水平,加快艾滋病疫苗和药物的研发速度,生物中心提出吸引海内外华人专家联合开展艾滋病防治研究,  相似文献   

艾滋病是全球流行比较严重的疾病,云南省已经成为艾滋病流行的重灾区,预防艾滋病健康教育应该成为高校健康教育的重要组成部分。同伴教育是大学生预防艾滋病的有效措施,在高校实施艾滋病同伴教育,是一个值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

艾滋病的流行趋势,研究进展及遏制策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾毅 《微生物学通报》2000,27(6):462-463
l世界艾滋病流行形势严峻1981年在美国首次发现艾滋病人后,艾滋病迅速在全球广泛流行,特别是在非洲和亚洲地区流行十分严重。截止1999年底,全球的艾滋病毒感染者和病人已接近5000万,其中已死亡的艾滋病人已达1630万。艾滋病不仅是医学问题,而且是严重的社会问题,给社会、经济、家庭和个人带来了灾难性结果。到2000年估计全世界每年将为艾滋病花费5000亿美元。艾滋病人无法治愈,发病后数年内就将死亡,这无疑地增加了人口的死亡率并降低了人平均期望寿命,在短短几年内非洲国家由于经济发展和计划免疫增加人…  相似文献   

1 世界艾滋病流行形势严峻 1981年在美国首次发现艾滋病人后,艾滋病迅速在全球广泛流行,特别是在非洲和亚洲地区流行十分严重.截止1999年底,全球的艾滋病毒感染者和病人已接近5000万,其中已死亡的艾滋病人已达1630万.艾滋病不仅是医学问题,而且是严重的社会问题,给社会、经济、家庭和个人带来了灾难性结果.到2000年估计全世界每年将为艾滋病花费5000亿美元.艾滋病人无法治愈,发病后数年内就将死亡,这无疑地增加了人口的死亡率并降低了人平均期望寿命,在短短几年内非洲国家由于经济发展和计划免疫增加人平均期望寿命的成就,被艾滋病带来的死亡大大地抵消了.由此看来,艾滋病比任何其它疾病对社会和经济发展及人民健康带来的危害性都大,切不可等闲视之,必须采取迅速有效的措施加以控制,否则后果不堪设想.  相似文献   

艾滋病流行形势日益严峻已成为严重的公共卫生问题,安全有效的疫苗是防治艾滋病最为有效的手段。2009年底,美国和泰国研究人员共同宣布基于有过失败"前科"的两种疫苗(ALVAC和AIDSVAX)的联合使用可以将人体感染艾滋病病毒的风险降低31.2%,这是人类首次获得具有一定免疫保护效果的艾滋病疫苗。本文就两种疫苗单独和联合免疫的临床试验进行综述。  相似文献   

曹传梅 《生命世界》2005,(12):49-49
地坛医院是北京可以治疗艾滋病的为数不多的几家医院之一,为了方便病人的求医问诊,医院在网上开办了"艾滋病咨询信箱"。处理这个信箱中的咨询邮件,就是我和著名的"网络医生"蔡皓东大夫("艾滋病咨询信箱"的创立者)每天除了坐诊之外最繁重的工作了。"医生,您好,快救救我吧,我一定是得了艾滋病。事情是这样的,……,终于我喝醉了,与那位  相似文献   

获得性免疫缺陷症,即艾滋病(AIDS)近十几年来在美国猖獗流行。通过对同性恋、异性恋男性所作的研究已经对艾滋病生活史、临床表现等有了许多了解,在艾滋病的预防方面也取得了巨大的进展。随着日渐增多的妇女患上了艾滋病,对于妇女艾滋病的许多问题却不甚了解,连诊治艾滋病的医生们也认为,在这场广泛 传播的流行病中,妇女是影响男性患病的病源。  相似文献   

<正>过去几年中有多种艾滋病疫苗宣告失败,美国一项最新研究说,其原因可能是此类疫苗会让人体产生一种易被艾滋病病毒攻击的免疫细胞,从而导致接种人群更易感染艾滋病病毒。这项研究可以帮助未来的艾滋病疫苗研制工作找到正确方向。腺病毒作为一种病毒载体已广泛应用于疫苗构建和基因治疗,其中以5型腺病毒为载体的艾滋病疫苗已进入临床效果评价阶段。然而,多次大规模临床研究表明,该疫苗在人群中没有保护性效果;而且,接受该疫苗的人群感染艾滋病的风险会有所增加。美国《国家科学院学报》近日刊登了最新研究成果。研究负责人、美国军方艾滋病研究中心的胡海涛博士告诉新华社记者,人体有一种免疫细  相似文献   

Palynology, which is the study of pollen and spores in an archaeological or geological context, has become a well-established research tool leading to many significant scientific developments. The term palynomorph includes pollen of spermatophytes, spores of fungi, ferns, and bryophytes, as well as other organic-walled microfossils, such as dinoflagellates and acritarches. Advances in plant genomics have had a high impact on the field of forensic botany. Forensic palynology has also been used and applied more recently to criminal investigation in a meaningful way. However, the use of pollen DNA profiling in forensic investigations has yet to be applied. There were earlier uses of dust traces in some forensic analyses that considered pollen as a type of botanical dust debris. Pollen grains can be studied for comparative morphological data, clues to unexpected aspects relating to breeding systems, pollination biology and hybridization. This can provide a better understanding of the entire biology of the group under investigation. Forensic palynology refers to the use of pollen and other spores when it is used as evidence in legal cases to resolve criminal issues by proving or disproving relationships between people and crime scenes. This overview describes the various contributions and the significance of palynology, its applications, different recent approaches and how it could be further employed in solving criminal investigations.  相似文献   

目的:回顾性分析30例病毒性心肌炎的法医病理学特点,为病毒性心肌炎的法医学鉴定提供依据。方法:采用昆明医科大学司法鉴定中心2003年至2014年的30例病毒性心肌炎法医病理鉴定案例进行回顾性分析。结果:30例死亡原因均为病毒性心肌炎致急性心功能障碍死亡,大多为重型病毒性心肌炎,均累及心肌损害,心肌细胞水肿,基质溶解坏死;心肌肌间多量淋巴细胞浸润;局部心肌束排列紊乱,间质纤维组织增生,同时不同程度伴有肺、脑、扁桃体等器官组织的损害。结论:重型病毒性心肌炎起病急,临床症状不典型,进程快,易造成误诊误治,死亡率高,产生医疗纠纷,需要法医学鉴定。病毒性心肌炎法医学鉴定时,以心脏大体所见和组织学观察为主要依据,同时还要特别注意其他机械性损伤,辨别每个死亡原因之间的关系,必要时结合特殊检查,例如对趋化因子MCP-1的检测。  相似文献   

Medicinal plants are a two-edged sword that might be exploited as a treatment specific dosage, and as deadly poisonous substances to commit murder or suicide when administered in high doses. Forensic experts can collect traces and residual materials from these toxic medicinal plants at a crime scene as forensic evidence. Further, more investigations need to be deeply implemented to in the future to understand the significance of medicinal plants in forensic investigations to detect these criminal offenses. Additionally, to provides a deep understanding of chemical substances that can impact human life positively or negatively with different doses as well as identifying the optimal or overdose concentrations for either treatments or poisonous effects using recent biotechnological approaches. This review aims to illustrate different contributions and the significance of medicinal plants in the field and further employment in the context of forensic science, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

朱家颖  李凯  叶恭银  胡萃 《昆虫知识》2005,42(4):463-467
北美法医昆虫学第1,2届年会于2003年8月7~9日和2004年7月21~24日分别在美国内华达州拉斯维加斯和加利福尼亚州戴维斯召开,大会论文涉及到了案例分析、分类鉴定、教学、死后间隔时间推断和死亡原因查找等诸多方面。文章介绍了北美法医昆虫学年会,并对北美法医昆虫学第1,2届年会论文的相关内容进行总结分析。  相似文献   

We evaluated the occurrence of social wasps in the decomposition process in tropical rainforest in central Amazonia (Ducke Reserve, Manaus, Brazil), using cadavers of rats as attractants, exposed in suspended cages. Ten species, in three genera, of social wasps were collected only in the initial stages of decay (fresh and bloated). Five species were collected, mainly in the fresh stage, feeding on flesh: Agelaia angulata, Agelaia constructor, Agelaia fulvofasciata, Agelaia pallipes and Angiopolybia pallens. Five species were collected, mainly in the bloated stage, feeding on flesh and eggs and first instar larvae of dipteran: Agelaia testacea, Angiopolybia obidensis, Apoica arborea, Apoica pallens and Apoica thoracica. Due to the aspect of the injuries caused by the wasps to the carcass, they may be mistaken as skin ulcers, burns or abrasions, which may mislead a forensic investigation.  相似文献   

Human forensic casework requires sensitive quantitation of human nuclear (nDNA), mitochondrial (mtDNA), and male Y-chromosome DNA from complex biomaterials. Although many such systems are commercially available, no system is capable of simultaneously quantifying all three targets in a single reaction. Most available methods either are not multiplex compatible or lack human specificity. Here, we report the development of a comprehensive set of human-specific, target-specific multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for DNA quantitation. Using TaqMan-MGB probes, our duplex qPCR for nDNA/mtDNA had a linear quantitation range of 100 ng to 1 pg, and our triplex qPCR assay for nDNA/mtDNA/male Y DNA had a linear range of 100-0.1 ng. Human specificity was demonstrated by the accurate detection of 0.05 and 5% human DNA from a complex source of starting templates. Target specificity was confirmed by the lack of cross-amplification among targets. A high-throughput alternative for human gender determination was also developed by multiplexing the male Y primer/probe set with an X-chromosome-based system. Background cross-amplification with DNA templates derived from 14 other species was negligible aside from the male Y assay which produced spurious amplifications from other nonhuman primate templates. Mainstream application of these assays will undoubtedly benefit forensic genomics.  相似文献   

随着生物恐怖与生物战威胁的增加,微生物法医学的概念应运而生.微生物法医学的主要任务就是通过微生物学、免疫学、分子生物学和分析化学等各种技术手段,为生物恐怖袭击或自然发生的暴发性疾病追踪微生物的来源,推测微生物间的亲缘关系或为传播途径提供科学证据.近年来,微生物法医学在生物恐怖病原体的法医学鉴定、国家计算机网络的建立及多种鉴定方法的建立和质量控制方面取得较大进展,本文对此进行综述.  相似文献   

The impact of biotechnology on forensic science is reflected in the increasing use of recombinant DNA techniques to identify individuals. Different methods of identification are reviewed and include DNA fingerprinting and antibody fingerprinting.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that exposure to Ni from Ni-Cr alloys can affect the human body through oxidative stress. The present study discusses the effect of nickel from Ni-Cr alloy prostheses on the formation of DNA Adduct 8-Hydroxy-2′-Deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), evaluated based on creatinine and 8-OHdG concentrations in urine, determined with LC-MS/MS, for a Ni-Cr alloy user group and a never-user control group. The mean creatinine and 8-OHdG concentrations were not significantly different between the test groups, although highest levels were observed for the in the Ni-Cr user group. It is suggested that samples with relatively high creatinine and/or 8-OHdG levels are further studied in more detail for stability of concentrations and for the effect of contributing factors.  相似文献   

The discriminatory capacity of the radius in sex determination was investigated in a Dutch skeletal collection of recent origin. Midshaft subperiosteal diameter, maximum length and maximum transverse distal width were measured from roentgenograms. The discriminatory capacity of the radius was found to be of the same order as that reported in the literature for the other long bones. Maximum transverse distal width showed the highest consistency (85%) between estimated and documented sex. This method requires only the presence of the distal fragment of the radius.  相似文献   

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