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中国跳蚜亚科分类学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
中国跳蚜亚科Saltusaphida(Homoptera,Aphididae)已知5属,依跳蚜属Iziphya Nevsky新纪录,聂跳蚜属Nevskyella Ossiannilsson,跳蚜属Saltusaphis Theobald新纪录,亚跳蚜属Subsaltusaphis Quednau,蓟马蚜属Thripsaphis Gillete;11种或亚种,蟾依跳蚜Iziphya bufo Walker新纪录,蘑茹聂跳蚜Nevskyella fungifera (Ossiannilsson)新纪录,拟蘑菇聂跳蚜N.similifungifera Qiao and Zhang,华聂跳蚜,N,sinensis (Zhang,Zhang and Zhong),瘤聂跳蚜N,tuberculata Zhang and Zhang,灯心草跳蚜Saltusaphis scirpus Theobald新纪录,饰亚跳蚜Subsaltusaphis ornata(Theobald),新纪录,灯心草跳蚜Saltusaphis scirpus Theobald新纪录,饰亚跳蚜Subsaltusaphis ornata(Theobald)新纪录,泊蓟马蚜Thripsaphis ballii(Gillette),居薹蓟马蚜Th.caricicola(Mordvilko),雾灵山蓟马蚜Th.cyperi wulingshanensis Zhang,Zhang,Zhong and Tian,河北蓟马蚜Th.ossiannissoni hebeiensis Zhang,Zhang,Zhong,and Tian,河北蓟马蚜Th.ossian nilssoni hebeiensis Zhang,Zhang,Zhongand Tian,提供了分属,分种或亚种检索表,各属提供了鉴别特征,所有分类单元具有文献引证,寄主植物,地理分布和检视标本的记录,每个新纪录种有简要的形态记述和特征图,所有研究标本存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

中国粗腿蚜属一新种(同翊目:斑蚜科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张万玉  田士波 《昆虫学报》1995,38(2):214-216
中国粗腿蚜属一新种(同翅目:斑蚜科)张万玉,张广学,田士波(中国科学院动物研究所北京100080)粗腿蚜属MacropodaphisRemaudl6reetDavatchl,1958隶卞斑蚜科Drepanosi-Phidae中的跳蚜亚科Saltusa...  相似文献   

中国长角斑蚜族Calaphidini已知10属,桦斑蚜属Betacallis Matsumura,桦蚜属Betulaphis Glendennig,长角斑蚜属Calaphis Walsh,带斑蚜属Callipterinella van der Goot,刻斑蚜属Clethrobius Mordvilko,绵斑蚜属Eu-ceraphis Walker,单斑蚜属Monaphis Walker,新桦斑蚜属Neobetulaphis Basu,毛斑蚜属Symydobius Mordvilko,陶斑蚜属Taoia Quednau;2亚属,拟毛斑蚜亚属Symydobius(Antisymydobius),毛斑蚜亚属(指名亚属)Symydobius (s.str.);25种,桤木桦斑蚜Betacallis alnicolens Matsumura,光皮桦斑蚜B.luminiferus Zhang,四川桦斑蚜B.prunicola Basu,Ghosh et Raychaudhuri,栎桦斑蚜B.querciphaga Basu,Ghosh et Raychaudhuri,四瘤桦蚜Betu-laphis quadrituberculata (Kaltenbach)中国新纪录,光腹桦蚜B.pelei Hille Ris Lambers中国新纪录,居桦长角斑蚜Calaphis betulicola (Kaltenbaeh),相似长角斑蚜C.similis Quednau,带斑蚜Callipterinella calliptera (Hartig)中国新纪录,瘤带斑蚜Callipterinella tuberculata(von Heyden),毛刻斑蚜Clethrobius comes(Walker),赤杨刻斑蚜C.dryobius Chakrabarti et Raychaudhuri),短绵斑蚜Euceraphis betulae(Koch),桦绵斑蚜E.punctipennis (Zetterst-edt),触角单斑蚜Monaphis antennata (Kaltenbach),白新桦斑蚜Nebetulaphis alba Higuchi,河北新桦斑蚜N.hebeiensis(Zhang,Zhang et Zhong),裸新桦斑蚜N.pusilla Basu,缺带毛斑蚜Symydobius carefasciatus Qiao et Zhang,黑桦毛斑蚜S.kabae(Matsumura),少圈毛斑蚜S.paucisensorius Zhang,Zhang et Zhong,短毛毛斑蚜S.brevicapillus Qiao et Zhang,昙毛毛斑蚜S.fumus Qiao et Zhang,川西陶斑蚜Taoia chuansiensis(Tao),桤木陶斑蚜T.indica (Ghosh et Raychaudhuri)。提供了分属、分亚属及分种检索表,各属提供了鉴别特征,所有分类单元具有文献引证、寄主植物、地理分布和检视标本的记录。新纪录种有具体的形态记述和特征图。所有研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

乔格侠  张广学 《昆虫学报》2004,47(6):815-820
记述了聂跳蚜属Nevskyella Ossiannilsson 世界全部已知和新发现种类共5种: 蘑菇聂跳蚜N. fungifera (Ossiannilsson), 华聂跳蚜N. sinensis (Zhang, Zhang and Zhong, 1995)(新组合), 瘤聂跳蚜N. tuberculata Zhang and Zhang,拟蘑菇聂跳蚜N. similifungifera sp. Nov.和法国聂跳蚜N. meridionalis HilleRis Lambers and vanden Bosch,其中前4种在中国有分布。文中提供了分种检索表、形态学描述、寄主植物、地理分布和生物学资料。基于前、中足股节扩展,胫节基部加粗,头部侧缘无毛以及后足胫节外侧缘毛正常,提出了新组合华聂跳蚜N. sinensis (Zhang, Zhang and Zhong, 1995) 。蘑菇聂跳蚜以往报道的中国分布记录部分属误定,被定为新种拟蘑菇聂跳蚜N. similifungifera sp. nov.。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所(IZAS)和英国自然历史博物馆昆虫部(BMNH)。  相似文献   

本文根据大蚜科20个代表属的26个形态学及生态学特征对大蚜科系统发育及与寄主植物演变关系进行了研究。确认了传统的长足大蚜亚科及长跗蚜亚科为单系群,传统的大蚜亚科为多系群。建议保留传统的三个亚科,即长足大蚜亚科、长跗蚜亚科和大蚜亚科。在长足大蚜亚科中重新进行了族的划分,即长足大蚜亚科包括长足大蚜族、细长大蚜族和钝喙大蚜族。另外,推测大蚜科祖先共同的原始寄主植物为阔叶林,而非针叶林或其它类植物。  相似文献   

基于世界斑蚜科13亚科90属200种的资料,描述了胚胎毛序的基本类型和多样性。斑蚜科毛序的基本类型可分为3类,即胚胎和一龄若蚜所具有的原毛序,第2龄若蚜和部分第3龄若蚜具有的中毛序,以及部分第3龄若蚜、第4龄若蚜和成蚜所具有的后毛序。结合成蚜及不同龄期若蚜的毛序,系统分析了斑蚜科各亚科毛序演变的规律,认为大部分亚科的成蚜毛序基本保留原毛序的状态,个别类群具有典型的中毛序或后毛序;而且部分类群成蚜的原毛序在胚胎毛序的基础上,腹部背片Ⅲ、Ⅴ、Ⅶ的中毛发生侧向位移。  相似文献   

【目的】蓟马科是一类重要的经济昆虫,目前一些种类的传统形态系统分类还存在争议,本研究采用分子标记对蓟马科的系统发育进行探讨。【方法】对蓟马科9属27种蓟马的mtDNA-COⅠ基因的变异进行分析,采用邻接法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建系统发育树。【结果】研究表明在比对的432 bp的序列中,有207个保守位点,222个变异位点,3个缺失位点,序列A+T含量为68.3%,具有A、T偏倚性;蓟马种间的序列分歧度变化在15.6~40.0之间。【结论】系统进化树支持针蓟马亚科为蓟马科最为原始的类群;棍蓟马亚科与绢蓟马亚科、蓟马亚科形成姐妹群;绢蓟马亚科与蓟马亚科有较近的亲缘关系,支持Mound四亚科的分类系统。  相似文献   

记述了中国蚜科Aphididae蚜亚科Aphidinae蚜族Aphidini蚜亚族Aphidina蚜属Aphis1新纪录亚属,囊蚜亚属Aphis(Bursaphis)Baker,1934;及2新纪录种,柳叶菜蚜Aphis(Aphis)praeterita Walker,1849和茶藨子囊蚜Aphis(Bursaphis)grossulariae Kaltenbach,1843。提供了中国蚜属分亚属检索表、地理分布与寄主植物信息,绘制了形态特征图。研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆。  相似文献   

中国菌蚊科属的系统发育关系分析(双翅目:眼菌蚊总科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用Hennig 86程序,以柄菌蚊科和喙菌蚊科代表种为外群,选取48个特征,使用mhen-nig^*和bb^*指令在586微机上运算,首次对菌蚊科中5亚科28属的28种进行支序分析,探讨各分类单元系统发育关系。结果表明:菌蚊亚科与滑菌蚊亚科的亲缘关系较近,二者互为姐妹群,粘菌蚊亚科属于原始类群;菌蚊亚科为5个亚科中的进化类群;邻菌蚊亚科可能为并系群;真菌蚊亚科是介于邻菌蚊亚科与菌蚊亚科之间的类群。  相似文献   

中国蚜科一新记录属斯维蚜属及一新种 (同翅目:蚜总科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丽坤  张广学 《昆虫学报》2000,43(3):305-308
描述了在甘肃省榆中县兴隆山的刚竹属上采集的蚜亚科蚜亚族一中国新记录属斯维蚜属Swirskiaphis Hille Ris Lambers及其一新种竹斯维蚜S.bambuciepula Gx Zhang et Zhang,sp.nov.。模式标本存放在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

Abstract Phylogenetic analysis of Saltusaphidinae (Homoptera: Aphidoidea: Drepanosiphidae) was made by using 10 generic, 17 adult and 2 embryo characters. The results suggest alternative hypotheses: (1) Allaphis should be a subgenus of Thripsaphis; (2) Peltaphis should be an independent genus; (3) Stenaphis should be a subgenus of Subsaltusaphis; (4) monophyly of Sminthuraphis; and (5) phylogenetic relationships of Neveskyella, Subsaltusaphis, Saltusaphis and Iziphya. In order to resolve the argued position of Macropodaphis Remaudiere and Davatchi, 1958, Phyllaphidinae, Saltusaphidinae and Macropodaphis were taken as in-group members, 6 morphological characters and host-plant character were used. The result shows that Macropodaphis should be in a new subfamily Macropodaphidinae, and Macropodaphidinae and Saltusaphidinae should be sister groups.  相似文献   

首次在青藏高原地区发现了粗腿蚜属 MacropodaphisRemaudière et Davatchi.高山粗腿蚜 Macropodaphis dzhungaricaKadyrbekov为中国1新纪录种,文中对其形态特征进行了详细的描述,并提供了形态特征图及照片.重新编制了中国该属的分种检索表.  相似文献   

苔草属复序苔草亚属十四种植物叶片的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择中国复序苔草亚属6组4亚组的代表植物14种,进行了叶片解剖学研究,观察了其横切面 和表皮特征,证明上述特征在各类群之间存在差异,具有一定的系统学意义。这14种植物叶片的横切 面和表皮都具有一些原始的性状,表明复序苔草亚属中的植物可能在苔草属中是较原始的。在所观察 的植物中,Sect.Polystachyae植物叶片解剖学特征比较一致,说明此组的建立比较合理;而Sect.Indicae 组已有明显分化,尤其是Carex scaposa C.B.Clarke和C.densifimbriata Tang et S.Y.Liang 与其它植物明显不同,而且其外部形态特征在复序苔草亚属中也比较独特,因此赞成将它们及其近缘类群做为一个组而非亚组。  相似文献   

Among the subgenera of the genus Carex, the subgenus Indocarex has been seldom studied in any respects, Its systematic position and its subdivision are still disputable. Leaf anatomy of 14 species in the subgenus lndocarex from China was studied. The anatomical characters are proved to be systematically valuable. (1) Characters of lamina transverse section: All leaves of these 14 species are dorsiventral. The outline mostly V-shaped, occasionally flat or nearly flat, with adaxial lateral rib in each half of lamina and some of them flanged. The cells of adaxial surface larger than those of abaxial surface, and the epidermal cells over veins usually smaller than others. Air-cavities between vascular bundles are well developed, and bulliform cells also well developed in most taxa. The vascular bundles are collaterai, bundle sheaths double-layered, and the outer sheath parenchymatous and the inner sheath fibrous. (2) Characters of lamina epidermis: The shape of the cell on both surfaces is generally rectangular, and the anticlinal wall of epidermal cell sinuous; stomata is paracytic, elliptic to oblong, rarely sub-circular; prickles occur on adaxial surfaces of certain species; papillae are only obvious on abaxial surface of C. moupinensis Franch. The characters of transverse section and epidermis of leaf blades of these 14 species differ from each other to certain degree, and closely related species are similar in anatomical characters. The anatomical characters of lamina are of value for classification at specific and sectional level of the subgenus Indocarex. Despite of the variation of these characters among species, a certain num ber of characters appears to be shared by the members of the subgenus, and some of the common characters are primitive. In addition, some gross morphological characters are common and primitive also. Therefore, the subgenus Indocarex may be primitive in the genus Carex. The anatomical and morphological characters of C. scaposa C. B. Clakre and C. densifimbriata Tang et Wang ex S. Y. Liang are distinct. The two species and their allies should be treated as section instead of subsection. The three species in the sectionPolystachyae share some anatomical characters and comprise a coherent group.  相似文献   

A cladistic study of Anllastrum, Angophora and Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae). Transformed cladistic; character compatibility; branch and bound, and Farris-Wagner methods gave similar solutions in a cladistic study of Arillastrum, Angophora and Eucalyptus. These analyses, based on morphological characters, indicate that Eucalyptus is a monophyletic group and that its sister taxon is Angophora.
Within Eucalyptus , subgenera Blakella and Corymbia are sister taxa to all other groups; subgenera Monocalyptus, Idiogenes and Gaubaea form a monophyletic group with subgenus Monocalyptus sister to subgenera Idiogenes and Gaubaea ; subgenera Symphyomyrtus and Telocalyptus together also form a monophyletic group and, with Eucalyptus similis (subgenus Eudesmia group 4), are sister to the Monocalyptus group. Eucalyptus subgenus Telocalyptus (4 species), Eucalyptus subgenus Idiogenes (1 species) and Eucalyptus subgenus Gaubaea (2 species) should not be recognized as subgenera and some individual species need further examination. Eucalyptus subgenus Eudesmia is a paraphyletic group.
Some characters are identified as parallelisms, e.g. axillary inflorescences, sepaline operculum, bristle glands, and clustered anthers. A more congruent interpretation of the single operculum of Eucalyptus subgenus Monocalyptus as at least partly petaline rather than solely sepaline in origin is suggested.
The area relationships for the taxa are concordant with those derived from geological and climatological information. New Caledonia is sister area to Australia, and within Australia southwestern Australia is sister area to south-eastern and north-eastern Australia.  相似文献   

中鲤亚属的分支系统学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于外部形态特征和内部骨骼特征对鲤科鲤属中鲤亚属进行了分支系统学分析,内群包括中鲤亚属的全部5种和鲤亚属的2种鱼类,外群采用乌原鲤。在鲤属鱼类和外群间共有48个性状存在变化。系统发育分析采用PAUP^*软件的Parsimony和Bootstrap两种方式的Branch-and-Bound算法,排除不能极化的特征和特有离征之后,还有28个特征可用,由这28个特征可得到唯一的系统树,树长69,一致性系数0.7246,排除无用特征的一致性系数0.6122,保留系数0.6346。由5种中鲤组成的中鲤亚属明显不构成一个单系群。结果表明:中鲤亚属是一个复系群,该类元应该被撤销。  相似文献   

A hypothesis of the evolutionary relationships of thirty-fourspecies of Fundulus and their closer relatives is presented.The study is restricted to morphological characters which couldbe determined to be primitive or derived using the methods ofphylogenetic systematics. Following Parenti, a family Fundulidaeis recognized. It is composed of four genera of North Americankillifishes. (Cyprinodontidae as usually constitutedis polyphyletic.)No convincing characters demonstrate that Fundulus is a naturalgroup (a monophyletic group). However, all species of Fundulusshare four derived characters with Lucania. The sister group(closest genealogical relative) of Fundulus plus Lucania isa group composed of the genera Adinia and Leptolucania. Fourmonophyletic groups of Fundulus can be recognized based on sharedderived characters: (1) subgenus Fundulus (seven species excludingthree species placed in Fontinus); (2) subgenus Fonlinus (sixspecies); (3) subgenus Xensima (five species); and (4) subgenusZygonectes (thirteen species). Three species, F. (Plancterus)zebrinus, F. lima, and F. parvipinnis are of uncertain affinitieswithin the Lucania-Fundulus clade  相似文献   

Cuticle micromorphology of the unusual Vietnamese pine, Pinus krempfii Lecomte, and three additional endemic southeast Asian species of Pinus L. (Pinaceae) is characterized for the first time. Taxa studied include (1) P. krempfii, typically placed in its own subgenus Ducampopinus (Chevalier) Ferré ex Little & Critchfield; (2) the endemic Vietnamese species Pinus dalatensis Ferré and (3) the southeast Asian species Pinus kwantungensis Chun ex Tsiang, both of subgenus Strobus; and (4) the widespread Asian species Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon of subgenus Pinus. The current and previous studies demonstrate that the genus Pinus and its subgenera are delimited by unique combinations of cuticular characters, although some of these characters may occur individually in other conifers. Cuticular micromorphology supports taxonomic assignment of P. krempfii to subgenus Strobus rather than to its own subgenus, a result that is also indicated by other anatomical studies and recent molecular studies. Sectional affinities of P. krempfii are usually with Parrya, subsection Krempfianae. An alternative classification of P. krempfii with subsection Gerardianae can be supported by micromorphological characters including broad cuticular bridges between stomata, details of the intercellular flanges of the epidermal cells, and usually an amphistomatic stomatal distribution. Features of other Asian species studied are consistent with their taxonomic assignments. The study demonstrates the utility of cuticle micromorphology to taxonomic delimitation within the family Pinaceae.  相似文献   

The Pittidae of the subgenus Cervinipitta are practically uniform in the colour pattern of their plumage, but the African forms differ from the remaining (namely, Asian and Australasian) forms of the subgenus in the structure and pigmentation of their green (Tyndall-coloured) feathers.
In these feathers, the Africans appear to show certain ancestral characters: small numbers of medullary cells, some of which may contain small, fluctuating amounts of dark-pigmented granules.
These characters coexist there with specialized features, which may intensify the colour effect: absence of the granules from most medullary cells and aggregation of such granules in lateral portions of the cortex.
In the Eastern forms of the subgenus, the number of medullary cells appears to be secondarily increased, and the amount of granules enlarged and concentrated in axial cells of the medulla–again serving the intensification of the colour.
In this way the African and the Eastern branches of the subgenus have undergone divergent specialization in histological details, but show practically identical colour effects. However, the African branch appears to have retained some primitive characters and shows incompletely stabilized conditions.  相似文献   

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