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Abstract: We hypothesized the seed biomass available to migrating waterfowl would be higher in spring- versus fall-flooded wetlands. To test this hypothesis we conducted an experiment using 5 pairs of wetland impoundments in northern Missouri, USA (2000-2002). We strategically assigned one impoundment of each pair to either a fall or spring treatment group. We estimated seed biomass in fall and in spring by clipping seed heads and collecting soil cores at 20 random locations within each impoundment. We placed exclosures near each fall sample site in spring-flooded impoundments to estimate seed loss from granivorous birds and rodents. Despite similar biomass in fall between treatments (P = 0.64), overwinter seed loss was greater in fall-flooded (79%; 1,324 ± 195 kg/ha) than in spring-flooded (31%; 653 6 130 kg/ha) impoundments (P = 0.009). Considering barnyard grass or millet (Echinochloa spp.) only, seed loss was higher in fall-flooded than in spring-flooded impoundments (P = 0.05). Spring biomass estimates were similar inside versus outside exclosures (P = 0.63) indicating loss to granivorous birds and rodents was limited. Our results suggest that fall flooding reduces seed availability for spring migrating waterfowl. We recommend spring flooding be used in areas where impoundment water levels can be manipulated to increase seed availability for spring migrating waterfowl.  相似文献   

Biomass estimates of potential waterfowl foods are fundamental to estimating foraging carrying capacity of waterfowl habitat by conservation planners and managers of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan-Gulf Coast Joint Venture (GCJV). Rice and moist-soil seeds in Gulf Coast rice fields provide principal sources of energy for waterfowl during migration and winter. We investigated spatio-temporal biomass dynamics of these seeds and modeled their variation in production and idled rice fields in southwestern Louisiana, southeastern Texas, and the Texas Mid-Coast, USA, in August and November 2010–2013. We hypothesized that previous estimates of November rice and moist-soil seed biomass from the Mississippi Alluvial Valley were not applicable to the GCJV region because climate and agricultural production practices (e.g., ratooning, crayfish [Procambrus spp.] aquaculture) are primary inter-regional contrasts. Waste-rice biomass was greatest in November in fields with an unharvested second crop of rice from tillers of original plants (i.e., ratoon crop; 837.7 kg[dry]/ha; CV = 16.7%) and least in fields without a ratoon crop (119.3 kg/ha; CV = 18.5%). Moist-soil seed biomass was greatest in idled rice fields in October (477.3 kg/ha; CV = 24.8%), where substrate and rice stubble were disked at the time of sampling, and in idled fields with standing native vegetation in November (304.8 kg/ha; CV = 17.1%). Field-level variation in waste rice in production fields in November was best explained by an interaction between field management (e.g., harvested ratoon) and rice variety. We were unable identify a reliable predictor of field-level variation in moist-soil seed biomass in idled fields for July–August or November (i.e., null model was best or competitive). Substituting existing seasonal moist-soil and rice seed biomass estimates in GCJV planning models with those from our study would result in a seasonally flooded habitat objective 76% (101,974 ha) greater than the current GCJV estimate for 3 rice-growing planning areas. We encourage conservation planners in the GCJV region to use biomass estimates from our study because they are reasonably precise for planning and implementation (i.e., CV ~ 20%) and represent most contemporary patterns of farming practices and food abundance in this region. Further, programs and incentives that promote production of ratoon rice crops and allow growth of naturally occurring vegetation in idled rice fields, followed by shallow flooding during November–February, would significantly enhance food resources for waterfowl and other waterbirds in this important landscape for North American avifauna. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Putative biological and chemical treatments for controlling take-all were used in each of three consecutive years at two locations where winter wheat crops were grown in naturally-infested fields. The chemical treatments more often decreased take-all than the biological treatments, but no treatment consistently and significantly decreased take-all, nor did any cause a significant increase in yield. An isolate of Bacillus cereus var. mycoides and one of B. pumilis, applied as soil drenches in autumn or spring, or in the seed furrows, were usually ineffective. Of the few significant effects on disease, half were associated with increases and half with decreases, and most occurred in April and did not persist to late June. Two strains of Pseudomonas pluorescens applied to the seed were ineffective. The fungicide benomyl, applied as a drench in autumn and spring at 20 kg/ha was ineffective, while nuarimol, applied as a drench in autumn at 2 kg/ha was sometimes effective. Nuarimol incorporated into the seed bed at 2 kg/ha was the most effective treatment. In analyses using a functional relationship model for data from treated and untreated plots 12% of 176 data sets for biological treatments, 38% of 96 data sets for chemical treatments and 81% of 16 data sets for combined treatments showed increasing efficiency of the treatment with increasing disease intensity. These findings also demonstrate an additional advantage of the experimental design, namely that treatments are tested at different disease intensity levels within fields.  相似文献   

Smaller amounts of D–D (6–12 gal/acre) (68–135 1/ha) or ethylene dibromide (9 gal/acre) (100 1/ha) than are customarily used to disinfest field soils killed many root-parasitic nematodes (Trichodorus, Pratylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus and Longidorus attenuatus) when injected 6–8 in (15–20 cm) deep during early autumn in rows 10 in (25 cm) apart in well-drained sandy soils. They also increased the yield of sugar beet grown in fields infested with Trichodorus or Longidorus attenuatus, without affecting sugar percentage or juice purity of the roots, and in some places increased the yield of barley grown after the beet. D–D was much less effective when injected 8–12 in deep during late autumn or winter. Increasing nitrogen dressings to the seedbed from 1·5 to 3 cwt/acre (188 to 376 kg/ha) increased sugar beet yield in one field, decreased it in another and decreased juice purity in both. In two other experiments extra nitrogen did not affect sugar beet yield. Even smaller amounts of the nematicides ‘placed’ in the rows, before or after sowing sugar beet in them, killed many of the nematodes and also increased sugar yield. Phytotoxic nematicides can be placed in the rows during autumn, winter or spring but placement is simpler during spring, when the treated rows are indicated by the position of the marks of the tractor wheels left when the nematicide was applied. When applied during autumn or winter, the rows need to be indicated by drilling wheat or grass.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Waterfowl frequently acquire high-energy agricultural seeds in harvested and unharvested croplands during migration and winter. Estimates of agricultural seed biomass in harvested and unharvested corn, soybean, and grain sorghum fields do not exist or are outdated for the southeastern United States. Therefore, we estimated seed biomass in 105 harvested and 59 unharvested corn, soybean, and grain sorghum fields across 4 climate regions in Tennessee, USA, from September through January 2006 and 2007. We also used estimates of seed biomass to calculate duck-energy days (DEDs) in December and January when migratory waterfowl abundance peaks in the southeastern United States. Mean biomass of corn, soybean, and grain sorghum seed in harvested fields declined 239 kg/ha to 39 kg/ha, 118 kg/ha to 26 kg/ha, and 392 kg/ha to 19 kg/ha, respectively, from postharvest to January. Continuous monthly rates of decline were 64% for corn, 84% for soybean, and 74% for grain sorghum. Agricultural seed biomass in harvested corn and grain sorghum fields dropped below the waterfowl giving-up density (i.e., 50 kg/ha) in 3 months; soybean dropped below this threshold 1 month postharvest. Mean DEDs/ha in harvested corn, soybean, and grain sorghum fields were low (274, 90, and 27, respectively) in January, and DEDs were zero in >85% of fields. In unharvested corn, soybean, and grain sorghum fields, mean DEDs/ha in January were high (69,000, 18,000, and 26,000, respectively), and continuous rates of decline (3%, 7%, and 18%, respectively) were much lower than for harvested crops. Waterfowl biologists in the Southeast should use our estimates of agricultural seed biomass in DED calculations. We also recommend that biologists provide unharvested grain fields and natural wetlands for migrating and wintering waterfowl because seed resources are low in harvested agricultural fields.  相似文献   

Nebraska's Central Platte River Valley (CPRV) is a major spring-staging area for migratory birds. Over 6 million ducks, geese, and sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) stage there en route to tundra, boreal forest, and prairie breeding habitats, storing nutrients for migration and reproduction by consuming primarily corn remaining in fields after harvest (hereafter residual corn). In springs 2005–2007, we measured residual corn density in randomly selected harvested cornfields during early (n = 188) and late migration (n = 143) periods. We estimated the mean density of residual corn for the CPRV and examined the influence of agricultural practices (post-harvest field management) and migration period on residual corn density. During the early migration period, residual corn density was greater in idle harvested fields than any other treatments of fields (42%, 48%, 53%, and 92% more than grazed, grazed and mulched, mulched, and tilled fields, respectively). Depletion of residual corn from early to late migration did not differ among post-harvest treatments but was greatest during the year when overall corn density was lowest (2006). Geometric mean early-migration residual corn density for the CPRV in 2005–2007 (42.4 kg/ha; 95% CI = 35.2–51.5 kg/ha) was markedly lower than previously published estimates, indicating that there has been a decrease in abundance of residual corn available to waterfowl during spring staging. Increases in harvest efficiency have been implicated as a cause for decreasing corn densities since the 1970s. However, our data show that post-harvest management of cornfields also can substantially influence the density of residual corn remaining in fields during spring migration. Thus, managers may be able to influence abundance of high-energy foods for spring-staging migratory birds in the CPRV through programs that influence post-harvest management of cornfields. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Cardamine hirsuta is a European species that was recently introduced into Japan and its wide distribution has been confirmed in the Kanto district. To understand mechanisms of the recent spread of C. hirsuta in Japan, a comparative study of the alien species and its native congeneric species, C. flexuosa, was conducted. Habitat preferences, phenology and seed germination were examined. Cardamine hirsuta and C. flexuosa showed distinctive habitat-preferences; the former was most common in open habitats created by recent man-made constructions, and the latter was common in rice paddy fields and surrounding areas. The results indicate that C. flexuosa is a year-long annual, with a mixed phenology of summer and winter germination and growth. Seed dormancy during summer was relatively weak for C. flexuosa, and some plants that germinated early in summer reproduced during the same summer–autumn period. Plants that germinated in late summer and autumn behaved as winter annuals. In rice paddy fields, C. flexuosa is a winter annual because germination is prevented by submergence during summer. Plants flower during the following spring and complete their life cycle before the fields are flooded for rice cultivation. Cardamine hirsuta showed strong seed dormancy during summer and behaved as a typical winter annual. Seeds of C. hirsuta were intolerant to submergence in water, a condition that breaks seed dormancy of C. flexuosa. The results explain the absence of C. hirsuta from rice paddy fields. It was concluded that the spread of C. hirsuta is attributable to the recent expansion of urban habitats created by human activity and has occurred without direct competition with C. flexuosa. Considering recent urbanization in many areas, it is suggested that C. hirsuta has been spreading rapidly in Japan.  相似文献   

The Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV) is an internationally important migration and wintering region for Nearctic waterfowl. Most of the MAV is a lowland forested floodplain that contains vast stands of red oaks (Quercus spp.). These trees produce acorns and, when forests flood, diverse communities of aquatic invertebrates emerge, providing diverse nutritious foods for wintering ducks. The MAV is within the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture (LMV JV) region of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, but no combined MAV-wide estimates of acorn and invertebrate biomass exist to determine foraging carrying capacity for conservation planning or actions by the LMV JV or other partners in regions containing southern red oaks. We sampled acorns that fell to the ground or were submersed under shallow water deemed accessible to foraging ducks and aquatic invertebrates in the MAV of Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee, USA, during fall-winter 2009–2011. In good and poor masting years, acorn abundance was non-linearly related to the percentage of the forest canopy made up of red oaks and peaked in late autumn or winter when most other waterfowl resources are depleted or decomposed. This finding is novel and represents a deviation from how the LMV JV has traditionally assumed food resources exist for waterfowl in hardwood bottomlands. We used a daily ration model to estimate energy use days (EUDs) from combined acorn and invertebrate biomasses relative to red oak canopy coverage. For good and poor acorn masting years at the mean MAV-wide red oak canopy coverage of 45%, EUD = 2,273.1 days/ha and 161.2 days/ha, respectively. The LMV JV currently uses EUD = 385–502 days/ha for forests with 40–50% red oak canopy coverage. Because acorns and aquatic macro-invertebrates are a food resource that persists through winter and reaches peak abundance later in winter, we contend conservation planners have undervalued the potential of bottomland hardwoods to provide energy for wintering ducks.  相似文献   

Abstract: Managed moist-soil units support early succession herbaceous vegetation that produces seeds, tubers, and other plant parts used by waterfowl in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV), USA. We conducted a stratified multi-stage sample survey on state and federal lands in the MAV of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Missouri during autumns 2002–2004 to generate a contemporary estimate of combined dry mass of seeds and tubers (herein seed abundance) in managed moist-soil units for use by the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture (LMVJV) of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. We also examined variation in mean seed abundance among moist-soil units in 2003 and 2004 in relation to management intensity (active or passive), soil pH and nutrient levels, proportional occurrence of plant life-forms (e.g., grass, flatsedge, and forb; vine; woody plants), and unit area. Estimates of mean seed abundance were similar in 2002 (x̄ = 537.1 kg/ha, SE = 100.1) and 2004 (x̄ = 555.2 kg/ha, SE = 105.2) but 35–40% less in 2003 (x̄ = 396.8 kg/ha, SE = 116.1). Averaged over years, seed abundance was 496.3 kg/ha (SE = 62.0; CV = 12.5%). Multiple regression analysis indicated seed abundance varied among moist-soil units inversely with proportional occurrence of woody vegetation and unit area and was greater in actively than passively managed units (R2adj = 0.37). Species of early succession grasses occurred more frequently in actively than passively managed units (P ≤ 0.09), whereas mid- and late-succession plants occurred more often in passively managed units (P ≤ 0.02). We recommend the LMVJV consider 556 kg/ha as a measure of seed abundance for use in estimating carrying capacity in managed moist-soil units on public lands in the MAV. We recommend active management of moist-soil units to achieve maximum potential seed production and further research to determine recovery rates of seeds of various sizes from core samples and the relationship between seed abundance and unit area. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):707–714; 2008)  相似文献   

Iprodione applied to seed at 250 g a.i./kg controlled white rot in autumn-sown salad onions until July the following year, and reduced losses during the winter caused by Botrytis spp. At 25–150 g a.i./kg seed, iprodione controlled autumn and spring infections but it was less effective later in the summer. Treatment of autumn-sown onions at 50 g a.i./kg seed followed in March by a single stem base spray at 0.031 g a.i./m row (total rate c. 2.4 kg a.i./ha) gave complete control; seed treatment at 25 g a.i./kg followed by a stem base spray at 0.125 g a.i./m row (c. 4.5 kg a.i./ha) was equally effective. Four stem base sprays of iprodione at 0.075 g a.i./m row/spray (9 kg a.i./ha) applied in spring to plants raised from untreated seed, controlled spring and summer infections but yields were low because of losses caused by infection in the previous autumn. A single stem base spray of iprodione at 0.125 g a.i./m row applied in spring to plants raised from thiophanate-methyl treated seed at 125 g a.i./kg gave complete control and high yields.  相似文献   

Waterfowl migrating and overwintering in the Atlantic Flyway depend on adequate availability of wetland plant communities to survive winter and fuel reproduction in the subsequent breeding season. Energetics models are the primary tool employed by conservation planners to estimate energetic carrying capacity based on energy supply and demand in different wetlands to assist with effective habitat conservation. Coastal impoundments have been used to provide a consistent, annual source of energy for migrating and wintering waterfowl. But few studies have attempted to comprehensively assess the relative value of managed coastal impoundments compared with unmanaged tidal salt marshes to wintering waterfowl in the Mid-Atlantic region with further consideration to the effect of sea level rise changing availability. We estimated biomass and energy of preferred foods for 5 dabbling duck species in 7 impoundments and 3 tidal salt marshes over winter by collecting soil core (n = 1,364), nekton (n = 426), and salt marsh snail (Melampus spp.; n = 87) samples in October, January, and April 2011–2013. Food-energy density was greater in freshwater impoundments for nearly all dabbling ducks (range = 183,344–562,089 kcal/ha), and typically greater in brackish impoundments (range = 169,665–357,160 kcal/ha) than most tidal salt marsh communities (range = 55,693–361,429 kcal/ha), whereas mudflat (range = 96,223–137,473 kcal/ha) and subtidal (range = 55,693–136,326 kcal/ha) communities typically contained the least energy. Extrapolating to the state level, we estimated 7.60 × 109–1.14 × 1010 kcal available within a 16-km buffer from the Delaware Bayshore, depending on species. Combining estimates for daily energy expenditure and food energy, we estimated 2.86 × 107–7.06 × 107 duck energy days currently available to dabbling ducks over winter. We estimated that in the next century, dabbling duck carrying capacities are likely to decrease under all but the most conservative sea level rise scenarios because of the gradual replacement of land-cover types that provide high energy density (i.e., low marsh, high marsh communities) with those that provide low energy density (i.e., subtidal, mudflat communities). Coastal impoundments in Delaware, USA, will provide increasingly important habitat for wintering dabbling ducks in the coming decades provided they are properly maintained and retain their current energetic density because they will contain a growing proportion of the available duck energy days on the landscape. Our research will assist managers in meeting target population goals for dabbling ducks in Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic region by highlighting key differences in the function and value of various wetlands. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Scientists, conservation planners, and resource managers who estimate energetic carrying capacity of foraging habitats for wintering waterfowl require accurate data on food availability and use. We estimated seed and tuber abundance in moist-soil wetlands commonly used and foraged in by dabbling ducks (Anas spp.) in and near the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV). To identify foods potentially used by dabbling ducks, we surveyed food-use literature from studies conducted in or near the MAV and compared estimated seed decline rates from core samples to predicted decline rates using published and measured estimates of decomposition. We inferred seed use when observed declines in mass exceeded that predicted by decomposition. In our analyses, we identified 15 taxa of moist-soil seeds apparently used and 6 taxa apparently not used by dabbling ducks. From our analyses and literature review, we identified 25 taxa of moist-soil seeds and tubers commonly consumed and apparently used by dabbling ducks in or near the MAV. Removal of seeds apparently not used by dabbling ducks resulted in a 30.9% (SE = 1.3) reduction in estimates of seed and tuber mass in managed moist-soil wetlands in the MAV. When we retained 3 seed taxa reported by previous studies as consumed by dabbling ducks, but which did not decline faster than predicted in our experimental wetlands, seed and tuber estimates were reduced by 26.8% (SE = 1.3). Inclusion of seeds not consumed by dabbling ducks in models of carrying capacity would result in overestimation of existence energy days by the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture and underestimation of moist-soil habitat requirements in the MAV. We suggest scientists conduct food-use and selection studies by collecting actively foraging ducks in the MAV to confirm our results and increase accuracy of carrying capacity estimates for dabbling ducks in autumn and winter. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

冬季作物种植对双季稻根系酶活性及形态指标的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于湖南长沙7a定位试验,以冬闲为对照,研究了冬种马铃薯、紫云英及油菜为前茬作物对早、晚稻根系酶活性、形态指标及产量的影响.结果表明,与冬闲相比,冬种作物后早、晚稻根系丙二醛(MDA)含量增加,但其根系的活性氧清除能力更强(SOD、POD和CAT活性高),能够在一定程度上缓解膜脂过氧化作用带来的伤害;冬种不同作物对早晚稻根系形态的影响表现不一.冬种马铃薯和紫云英处理在早稻生育后期的根系优势明显,并能在一定程度上促进晚稻根系生长,双季稻总产量较对照分别增加6.29%和7.76%,而冬种油菜抑制了晚稻根系生长,导致晚稻产量及双季稻总产分别降低6.31%和1.96%;相关性分析表明,灌浆期较高的根长、根数、根体积和根表面积是冬种作物改善双季稻产量的主要原因.综合来看,冬种马铃薯和紫云英对于促进双季稻根系生长,提高稻谷产量具有重要作用,而冬种油菜则不利于提高双季稻的稻谷生产力.  相似文献   

Abstract: A bioenergetic approach has been adopted as a planning tool to set habitat management objectives by several United States Fish and Wildlife Service North American Waterfowl Management Plan Joint Ventures. A bioenergetics model can be simplified into 2 major components, energetic demand and energetic supply. Our goal was to estimate habitat-specific food availability, information necessary for estimating energy supply for black ducks (Anas rubripes) wintering on Long Island, New York, USA. We collected both nektonic and benthic samples from 85 wetland sites dispersed among 5 habitat types (salt marsh, mud flat, submersed aquatic vegetation, brackish bay, and freshwater) commonly used by black ducks in proportion to expected use. Biomass varied among habitats (F4,5 > 7.46, P < 0.03) in 2004–2005, but there was only marginal variation in 2005–2006 (F3,4 = 5.75, P = 0.06). Mud flats had the greatest biomass (1,204 kg/ha, SE = 532), followed by submersed aquatic vegetation (61 kg/ha, SE = 18), and salt marsh (34 kg/ha, SE = 6). In the second year of the study, freshwater had the greatest biomass (306 kg/ha, SE = 286), followed by mud flats (85 kg/ha, SE = 63), and salt marsh (35 kg/ha, SE = 4). Our results suggest food density on wintering grounds of black ducks on coastal Long Island is considerably lower than for dabbling ducks using inland freshwater habitats, indicating black duck populations are more likely than other species of dabbling ducks to be limited by winter habitat. We recommend targeting preservation, restoration, and enhancement efforts on salt marsh habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract: During the past 30 years, nonnative mute swan (Cygnus olor) populations have greatly increased, and continue to increase, in the eastern United States and within the lower Great Lakes (LGL) region. As a result, there is much concern regarding impacts of mute swan on native waterfowl, aquatic plants, and marsh habitats. There are presently only limited dietary data for mute swans in North America and none exist for birds in the LGL region. Thus, in 2001, 2002, and 2004 we collected 132 mute swans from LGL coastal marshes in Ontario, Canada, to determine dietary composition and to evaluate 1) seasonal and sex-related variation in adult diets and 2) age-related dietary differences. Adult diets did not differ among years, collection sites, or seasons, but female diets contained more pondweed spp. (Potamogeton spp.) and less slender naiad (Najas flexilis) and common waterweed (Elodea canadensis) than did diets of males. Adult males, adult females, and cygnets had similar diets during summer and autumn. Overall, mute swan diets mainly consisted of above-ground biomass of pondweed spp., muskgrass (Chara vulgaris), coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum), slender naiad, common waterweed, wild celery (Vallisneria americana), and wild rice (Zizania palustris); below-ground parts of wild celery, sago pondweed (Stuckenia pectinatus), and arrowhead spp. (Sagittaria spp.) were eaten infrequently. Comparison of our findings with those of other diet studies suggested considerable dietary overlap between mute swans and several other species of native waterfowl. Thus, we suggest that mute swans have potential to compete with native waterfowl and impact aquatic plants that are important waterfowl foods within LGL coastal marshes. Further, our results can be used to assess which aquatic plant species may be most impacted by foraging activities of mute swans at other important waterfowl stopover and wintering sites in North America. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):726–732; 2008)  相似文献   

Midwinter waterfowl survey data indicates a long-term decline in the number of wintering American black ducks (Anas rubripes), potentially due to habitat limitations. In order for future estimates of carrying capacity to be determined, it is critical that regional food availability is estimated. We collected pairs of habitat core samples (n = 510) from 5 habitat types in southern New Jersey, USA, during October, January, and April 2006–2008 to estimate resource availability and variability. We collected upper gastrointestinal tracts from hunter-killed birds (n = 45) and late season collections (n = 19) to identify food items and limited our estimates of resource availability to only winter food items; thereby reducing the availability of seed foods found in our core samples by 38% and animal foods by 96%. We did not detect differences in years or sampling period, but did between habitat types. Mudflat habitat had the greatest availability of invertebrate and vertebrate food items and appeared to supply the bulk of energy to black ducks wintering in southern New Jersey. We suggest conservation efforts to be focused on restoring or enhancing mudflat habitat as an integral component of an ecologically functioning salt marsh to increase food availability. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The mining industry commonly seeds shrubs and grasses concurrently on coal‐mined lands of northeastern Wyoming, but ecological interactions between seeded shrubs and grasses are not well documented. Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis (Beetle and Young) (Wyoming big sagebrush) is the dominant pre‐mining shrub on many Wyoming mine sites. Despite past failures to establish Wyoming big sagebrush, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Land Quality Division's rules and regulations require establishment of 1 shrub per m2 on 20% of post‐mined land in Wyoming. A study was established at the Belle Ayr Coal Mine south of Gillette, Wyoming to evaluate the effects of sagebrush seeding rates and grass competition on Wyoming big sagebrush seedling density. Three sagebrush seeding rates (1, 2, and 4 kg pure live seed [pls]/ha; 350, 700, and 1,400 pls/m2, respectively) and seven cool‐season perennial grass mixture seeding rates (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 14 kg pls/ha; 0, 187, 374, 561, 750, 935, and 1,309 pls/m2, respectively) were applied during winter 1998–1999. Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) A. Love (western wheatgrass), Elymus lanceolatus (Scribner & J.G. Smith) Gould (thickspike wheatgrass), and Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners (slender wheatgrass) comprised the grass seed mix (equal seed numbers of each species). Sagebrush seedling density differed among sagebrush seeding rates but not among grass seeding rates. On all sampling dates in 1999 and 2000, sagebrush seedling density differed among sagebrush rates and was greatest at the 4 kg pls/ha sagebrush seeding rate. All sagebrush seeding rates provided densities of at least 1 shrub per m2 after two growing seasons. Grass density and production in 2000 suggest that adequate grass production (75 g/m2) was achieved by seeding at 6 to 8 kg pls/ha. Within these grass seeding rates, four or more sagebrush seedlings per m2 were attained when sagebrush was seeded at 2 to 4 kg pls/ha. Use of these seeding rate combinations in mine reclamation can achieve Wyoming big sagebrush standards and reduce reseeding costs.  相似文献   

Figuerola  Jordi  Green  Andy J. 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(1):33-38
The ingestion of seeds by vertebrates usually affects the viability and/or germination rate of seeds. Increases in germination rate following passage through the vertebrate gut have often been assumed to be favourable for seedling survival and plant fitness, but this assumption has never been tested experimentally. Given that numbers of herbivorous waterfowl are higher in winter in Mediterranean wetlands, herbivory pressure there will be higher for early growing plants. In a factorial experiment we investigated the effects of seed ingestion by ducks (shoveler, Anas clypeata) on the survival of wigeongrass Ruppia maritima seedlings in the field in Doñana (south-west Spain), under differing exposures to herbivory by waterfowl and fish. We planted ingested and non-ingested seeds in December, using exclosures to protect half of them from herbivores. When they were protected inside exclosures, there was no difference between ingested and non-ingested seeds in the number of plants that survived until June-July. However, fewer plants survived from ingested seeds when exposed to natural levels of herbivory because they were exposed for longer than plants germinating from non-ingested seeds. In conclusion, increases in germination rate after ingestion are not necessarily beneficial for the plant, and the final outcome depends on complex interactions with other factors such as herbivore abundance.  相似文献   

The potential benefit to be derived from seed inoculation of Phaseolus vulgaris beans with effective strains of Rhizobium phaseoli, was investigated in field experiments over three years on a site low in soil nitrogen and lacking indigenous effective strains of R. phaseoli. Inoculation with R. phaseoli (strain RCR 3644) produced significant increases in nodulation, nitrogenase activity and plant growth in all experiments. In trials in 1978 and 1979, with cv. Seafarer, inoculation, in the absence of nitrogen fertiliser doubled seed yields. In 1978, the seed yields from inoculated beans without nitrogen fertiliser (1–6 t/ha) were not significantly different from those obtained with uninoculated beans receiving the optimum nitrogen fertiliser treatment of 120 kg N/ha (1–75 t/ha). In 1979, with lower rainfall favouring more efficient utilisation of nitrogen fertiliser, inoculation gave seed yields (1–88 t/ha) equivalent to those obtained with 60 kg N/ha (1–70 t/ha) but significantly less than with 120 kg N/ha (2–88 t/ha). More precise estimates from nitrogen response curves showed that inoculation supplied the fertiliser equivalent of 105 and 70 kg N/ha in 1978 and 1979 respectively. In both years, significant benefits were also obtained by the combination of inoculation and nitrogen fertiliser. In a separate experiment in 1979, with four R. phaseoli strains inoculated onto eight bean cultivars, three were highly effective nitrogen fixers on all cultivars. Two strains (RCR 3644 and NVRS 963A) each increased mean yields, in the absence of nitrogen fertiliser, from 1–39 t/ha uninoculated to c. 2–5 t/ha inoculated whilst strain RCR 3622 was outstanding with a mean yield of 3-0 t/ha. An analysis of the nitrogen content of seed showed that gains from nitrogen fixation were 37–57 kg N/ha/growing cycle for the combination RCR 3644 with cv. Seafarer. However, 106 kg N/ha/growing cycle was recorded for the combination RCR 3622 and cv. Aurora.  相似文献   

Swans, geese and some ducks (Anatidae) are obligate herbivores, many are important quarry species and all contribute to a variety of ecosystem services. Population growth and shifting ranges have led to increasing proximity to man and thus increasing conflicts. We review and synthesize the role of these birds as herbivores on agricultural land (cropland, rotational grassland and pasture) and other terrestrial habitats where conflict with human interests may occur. A bibliographic analysis of peer‐reviewed papers (N = 359) shows that publication activity peaked in 1991–2000 in North America and 2000–2010 in Europe, and has decreased since. Taxonomic and geographical biases are obvious in research to date: Snow Goose Chen caerulescens was the most studied species (N = 98), and Canada Branta canadensis, Barnacle B. leucopsis and Brent geese B. bernicla all featured in more than 40 studies; most studies originated in northwest Europe or North America, very few have been carried out in Asia and European Russia. On the basis of nutrient/energy budgets of herbivorous waterfowl, it is evident that dense single‐species crops (such as rotational grassland, early‐growth cereals and root crops) and spilled grain in agricultural landscapes offer elevated energetic and nutritional intake rates of food of higher quality compared to natural or semi‐natural vegetation. Hence, although affected by seasonal nutritional demands, proximity to roost, field size, disturbance levels, access to water, food depletion and snow cover, agricultural landscapes tend to offer superior foraging opportunities over natural habitats, creating potential conflict with agriculture. Herbivorous waterfowl select for high protein, soluble carbohydrate and water content, high digestibility as well as low fibre and phenolic compounds, but intake rates from grazing varied with goose body and bill morphology, creating species‐specific loci for conflict. Crop damage by trampling and puddling has not been demonstrated convincingly, nor do waterfowl faeces deter grazing stock, but where consumption of crops evidently reduces yields this causes conflict with farmers. Studies show that it is difficult and expensive to assess the precise impacts of waterfowl feeding on yield loss because of other sources of variation. However, less damage has been documented from winter grazing compared to spring grazing and yield loss after spring grazing on grassland appears more pronounced than losses on cereal fields. Although yield losses at national scales are trivial, individual farmers in areas of greatest waterfowl feeding concentrations suffer disproportionately, necessitating improved solutions to conflict. Accordingly, we review the efficacy of population management, disturbance, provision of alternative feeding areas, compensation and large‐scale stakeholder involvement and co‐management as options for resolving conflict based on the existing literature and present a framework of management advice for the future. We conclude with an assessment of the research needs for the immediate future to inform policy development, improve management of waterfowl populations and reduce conflict with agriculture.  相似文献   

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