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We examined the functional response and foraging behavior of young moose (Alces alces) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) relative to animal size and the size and distribution of browse patches. The animals were offered one, three, or nine stems of dormant red maple (Acer rubrum) in hand-assembled patches spaced 2.33, 7, 14, or 21 m apart along a runway. Moose took larger twig diameters and bites and had greater dry matter and digestible energy intake rates than did deer, but had lower cropping rates. Moose and deer travelled at similar velocities between patches and took similar numbers of bites per stem. We found that a model of intake rate, based on the mechanics of cropping, chewing, and encountering bites, effectively described the intake rate of moose and deer feeding in heterogeneous distributions of browses. As patch size and density declined, the animals walked faster between patches, cropped larger bites, and cropped more bites per stem, and hence, dry matter intake rates remained relatively constant. As is characteristic of many hardwood browse stems, however, potential digestible energy concentration of the red maple stems declined as the size and number of bites removed (i.e., stem diameter at point of clipping) by the animals increased. Therefore, the digestible energy content of the diet declined with decreasing patch size and density. Time spent foraging within a patch increased as patch size increased and as distance between patches increased, which qualitatively supported the marginal-value theorem. However, actual patch residence times for deer and moose exceeded those predicted by the marginal-value theorem (MVT) by approximately 250%. The difference between actual and predicted residence time may have been a result of (1) an unknown or complex gain function, (2) the artificial conditions of the experiments, or (3) assumptions of MVT that do not apply to herbivores.  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory concerns animal behavior in landscapes where food is concentrated in patches. The efficiency of foraging is an effect of both the animal behavior and the geometry of the landscape; furthermore, the landscape is itself affected by the foraging of animals. We investigated the effect of landscape heterogeneity on the efficiency of an optimal forager. The particular aspect of heterogeneity we considered was "clumpiness"– the degree to which food resource patches are clustered together. The starting point for our study was the framework of the Mean Value Theorem (MVT) by Charnov. Since MVT is not spatially explicit, and thus not apt to investigate effects of clumpiness, we built an agent-based (or individual-based) model for animal movement in discrete landscapes extending the MVT. We also constructed a model for generating landscapes where the clumpiness of patches can be easily controlled, or "tuned", by an input parameter. We evaluated the agent based model by comparing the results with what the MTV would give, i.e. if the spatial effects were removed. The MVT matched the simulations best on landscapes with random patch configuration and high food recovery rates. As for our main question about the effects of clumpiness, we found that, when landscapes were highly productive (rapid food replenishment), foraging efficiency was greatest in clumped landscapes. In less productive landscapes, however, foraging efficiency was lowest in landscapes with a clumped patch distribution.  相似文献   

It is well established that social conditions often modify foraging behaviour, but the theoretical interpretation of the changes produced is not straightforward. Changes may be due to alterations of the foraging currency (the mathematical expression that behaviour maximizes) and/or of the available resources. An example of the latter is when both solitary and social foragers maximize rates of gain over time, but competition alters the behaviour required to achieve this, as assumed by ideal free distribution models. Here we examine this problem using captive starlings Sturnus vulgaris. Subjects had access to two depleting patches that replenished whenever the alternative patch was visited. The theoretical rate-maximizing policy was the same across all treatments, and consisted of alternating between patches following a pattern that could be predicted using the marginal value theorem (MVT). There were three treatments that differed in the contents of an aviary adjacent to one of the two patches (called the 'social' patch). In the control treatment, the aviary was empty, in the social condition it contained a group of starlings, and in a non-specific stimulus control it contained a group of zebra finches. In the control condition both patches were used equally and behaviour was well predicted by the MVT. In the social condition, starlings foraged more slowly in the social than in the solitary patch. Further, foraging in the solitary patch was faster and in the social patch slower in the social condition than in the control condition. Although these changes are incompatible with overall rate maximization (gain rate decreased by about 24% by self-imposed changes), if the self-generated gain functions were used the MVT was a good predictor of patch exploitation under all conditions. We discuss the complexities of nesting optimal foraging models in more comprehensive theoretical accounts of behaviour integrating functional and mechanistic perspectives.  相似文献   

The marginal value theorem is an optimal foraging model that predicts how efficient foragers should respond to both their ecological and social environments when foraging in food patches, and it has strongly influenced hypotheses for primate behavior. Nevertheless, experimental tests of the marginal value theorem have been rare in primates and observational studies have provided conflicting support. As a step towards filling this gap, we test whether the foraging decisions of captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) adhere to the assumptions and qualitative predictions of the marginal value theorem. We presented 12 adult chimpanzees with a two-patch foraging environment consisting of both low-quality (i.e., low-food density) and high-quality (i.e., high-food density) patches and examined the effect of patch quality on their search behavior, foraging duration, marginal capture rate, and its proxy measures: giving-up density and giving-up time. Chimpanzees foraged longer in high-quality patches, as predicted. In contrast to predictions, they did not depress high-quality patches as thoroughly as low-quality patches. Furthermore, since chimpanzees searched in a manner that fell between systematic and random, their intake rates did not decline at a steady rate over time, especially in high-quality patches, violating an assumption of the marginal value theorem. Our study provides evidence that chimpanzees are sensitive to their rate of energy intake and that their foraging durations correlate with patch quality, supporting many assumptions underlying primate foraging and social behavior. However, our results question whether the marginal value theorem is a constructive model of chimpanzee foraging behavior, and we suggest a Bayesian foraging framework (i.e., combining past foraging experiences with current patch sampling information) as a potential alternative. More work is needed to build an understanding of the proximate mechanisms underlying primate foraging decisions, especially in more complex socioecological environments.  相似文献   

Food is heterogeneously distributed in nature, and understanding how animals search for and exploit food patches is a fundamental challenge in ecology. The classic marginal value theorem (MVT) formulates optimal patch residence time in response to patch quality. The MVT was generally proved in controlled animal experiments; however, owing to the technical difficulties in recording foraging behaviour in the wild, it has been inadequately examined in natural predator–prey systems, especially those in the three-dimensional marine environment. Using animal-borne accelerometers and video cameras, we collected a rare dataset in which the behaviour of a marine predator (penguin) was recorded simultaneously with the capture timings of mobile, patchily distributed prey (krill). We provide qualitative support for the MVT by showing that (i) krill capture rate diminished with time in each dive, as assumed in the MVT, and (ii) dive duration (or patch residence time, controlled for dive depth) increased with short-term, dive-scale krill capture rate, but decreased with long-term, bout-scale krill capture rate, as predicted from the MVT. Our results demonstrate that a single environmental factor (i.e. patch quality) can have opposite effects on animal behaviour depending on the time scale, emphasizing the importance of multi-scale approaches in understanding complex foraging strategies.  相似文献   

Animals have been assumed to employ an optimal foraging strategy (e.g., rate-maximizing strategy). In patchy food environments, intake rate within patches is positively correlated with patch quality, and declines as patches are depleted through consumption. This causes patch-leaving and determines patch residence time. In group-foraging situations, patch residence times are also affected by patch sharing. Optimal patch models for groups predict that patch residence times decrease as the number of co-feeding animals increases because of accelerated patch depletion. However, group members often depart patches without patch depletion, and their patch residence time deviates from patch models. It has been pointed out that patch residence time is also influenced by maintaining social proximity with others among group-living animals. In this study, the effects of maintaining social cohesion and that of rate-maximizing strategy on patch residence time were examined in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). I hypothesized that foragers give up patches to remain in the proximity of their troop members. On the other hand, foragers may stay for a relatively long period when they do not have to abandon patches to follow the troop. In this study, intake rate and foraging effort (i.e., movement) did not change during patch residency. Macaques maintained their intake rate with only a little foraging effort. Therefore, the patches were assumed to be undepleted during patch residency. Further, patch residence time was affected by patch-leaving to maintain social proximity, but not by the intake rate. Macaques tended to stay in patches for short periods when they needed to give up patches for social proximity, and remained for long periods when they did not need to leave to keep social proximity. Patch-leaving and patch residence time that prioritize the maintenance of social cohesion may be a behavioral pattern in group-living primates.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of seed size on patch use and diet selection for three co-existing Negev Desert granivores: Allenby's gerbil ( Gerbillus allenbyi ), greater Egyptian sand gerbil ( Gerbillus pyramidum ), and crested lark ( Galerida cristata ). We manipulated size and spatial distribution of seeds in experimental food patches and quantified foraging behavior by measuring giving-up densities (GUDs: the amount of food remaining in a resource patch following exploitation by a forager). In one experiment, we presented small (<1.4 mm in diameter cracked wheat), medium (2.0–3.3 mm), and large (>3.4 mm) seeds in separate trays; in a second, we presented small and medium seeds separately and mixed together. Gerbils had a higher handling time efficiency on smaller seeds, but a much higher encounter probability on larger seeds (20 times higher on large than medium seeds, and 2–5 times higher on medium than small seeds). This led gerbils to have significantly lower GUDs on larger seeds than smaller seeds and to harvest a higher proportion of the larger seeds. When presented with rich and poor patches, G. allenbyi tended to equalize GUDs in both patches, indicating a quitting harvest rate rule for patch exploitation. In contrast, larks appeared to use a fixed time rule for patch exploitation. For larks, seed size did not influence encounter probabilities, and they showed no seed-size selectivity. Still, larks had higher handling efficiencies on smaller than larger seeds, and consequently had a significantly lower GUD on small than medium seeds. Despite large differences between the gerbils and larks in their foraging, our results do not support species coexistence via seed-size partitioning: the larks had much higher GUDs than the gerbils on all seed sizes. Nonetheless, seed size, seed abundance, seed distribution and the animal's patch use behavior all played major roles in determining gerbils' and larks' diet selectivities and GUDs.  相似文献   

When central place foragers compete aggressively for patchyresources, subordinates may be preventedfrom collecting fooduntil a dominant has departed with its load. Extensions of centralplace foraging models predict that animals forced to wait ata patch should increase their load sizes and patch times aswellas their tendency to search for and switch to alternative patches.We tested these predictions usingeastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus,hoarding sunflower seeds collected from seed/vermiculite mixturesintrays placed 5-8 m from their burrows. By using her hand toprevent access to the patch, the experimentersubjected animalsto progressively increasing waiting times at two seed densities;another series of trialsat the same seed densities monitoreda similar number of trips without imposed waiting. As predicted,patch times and load sizes were higher in sessions with imposedwaiting than in control sessions. Loadsizes increased with trialnumber in experimental sessions but decreased or remained thesame in controlsessions. Chipmunks spent more of their timesearching for alternative patches during trials with imposedwaiting than during controls. They also started searching foralternative patches at lower levels of imposed waiting whenusing poor than when using rich patches. These results indicatethat the effects of interference on foraging decisions and onspatial overlap between individuals can be predicted by simpleeconomic models. Furthermore, the results suggest how resource-defensetactics can be predicted by the economic effects of interferenceon the foraging efficiency of the opponent.  相似文献   

Spatial context influences patch residence time in foraging hierarchies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding responses of organisms to spatial heterogeneity in resources has emerged as a fundamentally important challenge in contemporary ecology. We examined responses of foraging herbivores to multi-scale heterogeneity in plants. We asked the question, “Is the behavior observed at coarse scales in a patch hierarchy the collective outcome of fine scale behaviors or, alternatively, does the spatial context at coarse scales entrain fine scale behavior?” To address this question we created a nested, two-level patch hierarchy. We examined the effects of the spatial context surrounding a patch on the amount of time herbivores resided in the patch. We developed a set of competing models predicting residence time as a function of the mass of plants contained in a patch and the distance between patches and examined the strength of evidence in our observations for these models. Models that included patch mass and inter-patch distance as independent variables successfully predicted observed residence times (bears: r 2=0.67–0.76 and mule deer: r 2=0.33–0.55). Residence times of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) responded to the spatial context surrounding a patch. Evidence ratios of Akaike weights demonstrated that models containing effects of higher levels in the hierarchy on residence time at lower levels received up to 34 times more support in the data than models that failed to consider the higher level context for grizzly bears and up to 48 times more support for mule deer. We conclude that foraging by large herbivores is influenced by more than one level of heterogeneity in patch hierarchies and that simple empirical models offer a viable alternative to optimal foraging models for the prediction of patch residence times.  相似文献   

We present a model of the survival-maximizing foraging behaviorof an animal searching in patches for hidden prey with a clumpeddistribution. We assume the forager to be Bayesian: it updatesits statistical estimate of prey number in the current patchwhile foraging. When it arrives at the parch, it has an expectationof the patch's quality, which equals the average patch qualityin the environment While foraging, the forager uses its informationabout the time spent searching in the patch and how many preyhas been caught during this time. It can estimate both the instantaneousintake rate and the potential intake rate during the rest ofthe parch visit. When prey distribution is clumped, potentialintake rate may increase with time spent in the parch if preyis caught in the near future. Being optimal, a Bayesian foragershould therefore base its patch-leaving decision on the estimatedpotential patch value, not on the instantaneous parch value.When patch value is measured in survival rate and mortalitymay occur either as starvation or predation, the patch shouldbe abandoned when the forager estimates that its potential survivalrate dining the rest of the patch visit equals the long termsurvival rate in the environment This means that the instantaneousintake rate, when the patch is left, is nor constant but isan increasing function of searching time in the patch. Therefore,the giving-up densities of prey in the patches will also behigher the longer the search times. The giving-up densitiesare therefore expected to be an increasing, but humped, functionof initial prey densities. These are properties of Bayesianforaging behavior not included in previous empirical studiesand model tests.  相似文献   

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