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特种稻种质资源研究进展与展望   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
我国从20世纪80年代开始广泛关注特种稻种质资源研究.至今以丰富的特种稻种质资源为基础,积极开展特种稻特殊性状遗传分析的同时,将常规育种与生物技术相结合,创新黑米、红米、软米、巨胚米、甜米等一系列特种稻新种质,并在水稻育种和生产上提供应用,为增加稻农收入做出了积极贡献.广泛开展特种稻资源的特殊性状鉴定和评价,筛选具有独特特性的优异种质资源,并进行基因型检测与遗传多样性分析和核心种质构建;将多个特殊性状相聚合,创新赖氨酸、微量元素、维生素等含量较高,黄酮、花青3-葡萄糖苷、生物碱等生理活性物质含量较高的水稻种质是今后我国特种稻资源研究的重要内容.  相似文献   

云南稻种资源多样性的生态地理分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用GIS、BioDiversity等技术,基于云南丰富的气候类型、特异的民族生境和多样的稻种资源条件,分析与观察了6081份云南地方稻种资源多样性在不同气候类型和各类稻区中的表现,结果表明:①不同气候环境对稻种资源的资源量和多样性的形成有显著作用。②稻种多样性从北热带→南亚热带→中亚热带→北亚热带→南温带→中温带→北温带逐渐减小。反之增大,结合各气候带的海拔和温度变化规律看,随海拔升高、温度降低而减小,反之亦然。籼粳亚种的多样性与稻种多样性呈现同样趋势。早、中、晚稻多样性在南温带、北热带和中亚热带相对较大;水、陆稻多样性在北热带、南亚热带和北亚热带相对较大;而与饮食文化相关的粘糯、特种稻多样性富聚区主要集中在北热带地区。③根据稻种多样性在各气候带中的分布可分为:低富聚气候带(指中温带和北温带)和富聚气候带(指北热带、南亚热带、中亚热带、北亚热带和南温带)。④稻种多样性在各类稻区中呈现:水、陆稻区〉单、双季籼稻区〉一季粳、籼稻区〉一季粳稻区。  相似文献   

云南野生百合资源分布现状及保护利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对云南省内11个区系野生百合资源的调查和分析,明确了云南11个区系中有9个区系分布有野生百合资源,云南野生百合的地理分布特点和种群数量,以及资源现状,并提出保护和开发利用云南野生百合资源的建议。  相似文献   

云南野生贸易真菌资源调查及研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
野生贸易真菌即市场上出售的野生真菌,云南的野生贸易真菌资源十分丰富且长期以来受到关注。但以往对于这一资源的全面调查和研究较为缺乏。本项目通过市场调查、标本采集和鉴定,自1997-2001年连续4年对云南野生贸易真菌从种类、地理分布、季节变化、基于贸易量的优势度评价和经济价值5方面进行研究。云南野生贸易真菌已知共64属207种(含变种、变型),以担子菌中的牛肝菌属(Boletus)、口蘑属(Tricholoma)、鸡Chong菌属(Termitomyces)、革菌属(Thelephora)、红菇属(Russula)、乳菇属(Lactarius)、丛枝瑚属(Ramaria)为主,表现出较高的多样性和较强的地区特有性。尽管具有人为选择的因素,但云南野生贸易真菌仍表现出较强的地理分布特异性:滇南地区包含较多的热带种类,具有较强的热带性质,而滇西北则具有较强的温带高山、亚高山性质,滇中、滇西南等地表现出亚热带和温带的过渡特征。以上各地区既有各自的代表种类,又通过某些过渡类群存在一定的联系。根据各个种贸易量的相对大小即优势度将贸易真菌分为4个等级,其中的优势Ⅰ级和优势Ⅱ级为主导种类。云南贸易真菌中约近90%的种类为食用菌,5%为药用菌,另有约7%为有毒种类。对每一种贸易真菌的经济价值给予了评价。  相似文献   

云南板栗的种质资源   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对云南省14个地区(州)72个县板栗产区的调查与种质收集,观察和测定,基本摸清了全省板栗的分布和种质资源,发现云南省板栗种质多样性十分丰富,坚果总体品质优良,并从生物学和生态地理学上分析该省板栗多样性形成的基础,认为云南省板栗品质兼有暖温带地区板栗的甜糯、美观的色泽以及亚热带地区板栗含水量较高的特点,是我国亚热带板栗分布区的一个独特产区,在调查分析基础上初选出了30个优良单株。  相似文献   

云南铁壳麦研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铁壳麦是云南省独有的小麦种质资源,是中国特有的3个普通小麦亚种之一.本文对云南铁壳麦在形态特征、遗传特性以及与其他亚种的比较等方面所作的研究进行综述,并结合云南小麦育种及生产现状,对其今后的研究方向提出一些建议,旨在为云南铁壳麦的合理利用及保护提供参考.  相似文献   

云南省的越橘属植物资源遗传多样性十分丰富,具有较好的利用价值。通过野外调查以及标本和查阅文献,越橘属在云南省有45种,12变种,其中9种和7变种系云南特有,主要分布在海拔400~4300 m范围内。本文较为系统地总结了其地理分布、植物学特征和遗传多样性,并且介绍了其中8个具有药用价值和育种潜力的种,同时对越橘属植物的收集、保存及利用情况进行了初步的探讨,提出目前存在的问题和建议。本文旨在为深入越橘属种质资源的研究和开发提供基础数据和信息。  相似文献   

云南省双团棘胸蛙的地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈明勇  叶辉 《动物学研究》2009,30(6):662-670
对云南省84个县(市)双团棘胸蛙(Paa yunnanensis)地理分布进行了全面调查。基于历史记录与本次调查结果,采用地理信息系统,制作了云南双团棘胸蛙地理分布图。结果表明,双团棘胸蛙在云南广泛分布于迪庆州以外的15个州(市)71个县(市),分布海拔为1 400~2 600 m,年平均气温为11.54~18.50℃。根据双团棘胸蛙分布受海拔和年平均气温限制的特点,采用DIVA-GIS 5.2软件,得到云南省双团棘胸蛙可能分布区图。该图可以预测双团棘胸蛙在云南的潜在地理分布,为在云南对该物种的深入研究和有效保护提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

云南紫金牛属植物资源调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对云南东南部、南部、西南部至西北部分布的紫金牛属植物资源的野外调查和资料整理,以及资源分布地过去的资源量、分布状况、用途、利用方法及其利用历史等走访调查。归纳概述了19种云南紫金牛属植物的地理分布、形态特征、药用价值、观赏性状及其资源状况,为紫金牛属植物的种质资源保护和持续合理开发利用提出切实可行的建议和措施。  相似文献   

云南悬钩子种质资源考察   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
1996 ̄1997年进行了云南省悬钩子资源考察。野外调查发现1个新种、5个新种、新分布6种5变种。结合前人采集记载,云南省悬钩子植物种类为中107种45变种,其中云南特有种30种16变种,西南4省特有种28种10变种,合计特有种共58种26变种顺滇南、滇东南、滇中、滇西和滇东并5个调查地区中,悬钩子属植物最集中分布在滇西和滇东南。阐述了物种分布特点及变异的多样性。介绍了栽秧泡(Rubus ellp  相似文献   

研究了二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)对优质香稻鄂香1号和武香988及优质常规中稻鄂中5号的田间为害特性。结果显示,1代二化螟危害造成的枯心苗数优质香稻略低于优质常规中稻。2代二化螟危害造成的枯孕穗和白穗优质香稻鄂香1号低于常规中稻,平均每15丛7.91株。田间剥查发现优质香稻中4~5龄2代二化螟所占百分比高于常规中稻,武香988中2代二化螟蛹所占比例高于常规中稻,达46.51%。3代二化螟量优质香稻低于常规中稻。结果说明香稻受二化螟的危害集中在2代,因而香稻二化螟的防治应注意消灭1代老熟幼虫和2代幼虫。  相似文献   

研究褐飞虱NilaparvatalugensStl在香稻上的危害与产卵特征,结果表明香稻田中褐飞虱的自然种群密度基数远高于非香型稻。从7月22日至8月31日香稻田中褐飞虱的自然种群密度一直增长,在武香988和鄂香1号田间的若虫分别从7月22日的7头丛和3头丛上升至8月31日的126头丛和73头丛。香型稻田间的褐飞虱的自然种群密度增长慢于非香型稻田间。香稻与非香稻田间褐飞虱成虫出现的高峰日相差不大。香稻田中褐飞虱产卵株率高于非香型稻田,其中最高的为鄂香1号,达到74.27%。香稻田间株平均产卵块数几乎为非香型稻上的2倍,但是香稻上的卵死亡率(鄂香1号为39.24%)显著高于非香型稻上的(鄂中5号为27.58%,两优培九为27.21%),且产卵部位有一定差异。鄂香1号第Ⅲ叶鞘上卵块最多,占总数的60.98%,武香988的第Ⅱ和第Ⅳ叶鞘上产卵较多,第Ⅰ叶鞘上没有稻飞虱产卵。非香型稻鄂中5号上产卵最多的是第Ⅳ叶鞘,第Ⅰ和第Ⅱ叶鞘上没有褐飞虱产卵。两优培九除第Ⅰ和第Ⅴ叶鞘上没有褐飞虱产卵外,第Ⅱ、第Ⅲ和第Ⅳ叶鞘上均有褐飞虱产卵,而且卵量差异不大。  相似文献   

亚热带东部丘陵山地粮经作物气候生态适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary The inheritance and biochemical basis of scent in rice was studied in the F2 population along with the F1 and its two parents, scented and non-scented Pokura rice strains. The F1 plants were found to be nonscented while the F2 plants seggregated into a 31 ratio (non-scented: scented). In scented F2 seggregants and in the scented parental strain, a fast moving esterase isozyme, Rf 0.9, is missing whereas it is present in all nonscented F2 seggregants, F1s, and in the non-scented parent. This suggests that the absence of a specific esterase isozyme is associated with the scent character in rice.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among Indian aromatic and quality rice (Oryza sativa) germplasm were assessed using 30 fluorescently labeled rice microsatellite markers. The 69 rice genotypes used in this study included 52 Basmati and other scented/quality rice varieties from different parts of India and 17 indica and japonica varieties that served as controls. A total of 235 alleles were detected at the 30 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci, 62 (26.4%) of which were present only in Basmati and other scented/quality rice germplasm accessions. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 22, with an average of 7.8, polymorphism information content (PIC) values ranged from 0.2 to 0.9, with an average of 0.6, and the size range between the smallest and the largest allele for a given microsatellite locus varied between 3 bp and 68 bp. Of the 30 SSR markers, 20 could distinguish traditional Basmati rice varieties, and a single panel of eight markers could be used to differentiate the premium traditional Basmati, cross-bred Basmati, and non-Basmati rice varieties having different commercial value in the marketplace. When estimates of inferred ancestry or similarity coefficients were used to cluster varieties, the high-quality Indian aromatic and quality rice genotypes could be distinguished from both indica and japonica cultivars, and crossbred varieties could be distinguished from traditional Basmati rices. The results indicate that Indian aromatic and quality germplasm is genetically distinct from other groups within O. sativa and is the product of a long, independent pattern of evolution. The data also suggest that there is scope for exploiting the genetic diversity of aromatic/quality rice germplasm available in India for national Basmati rice breeding programs.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .  相似文献   

谢远玉  黄淑娥  田俊  王钰  叶清 《生态学杂志》2016,27(9):2950-2958
热量资源的时空特征是影响双季稻种植布局的主要气候因素.为了分析近52年长江中下游主要双季稻区热量资源的变化特征及其对双季稻种植的影响,本研究选取湖南、江西和湖北3省作为双季稻代表性研究区域,根据3省240个气象站1961—2012年的地面气象观测资料,利用气候倾向率及突变分析等方法,分析研究区双季稻温度生长期的热量资源和双季稻的安全生长期的演变规律,在此基础上分析研究时段内不同水稻品种搭配布局及种植北界的变迁.结果表明: 近52年双季稻温度生长期及安全生长期的热量资源均呈明显增多趋势,其中,双季稻生长期及安全生长期的热量资源由寡至多的突变点均出现在2000年;双季早稻安全播种期提前3~7 d、双季晚稻安全齐穗期延后2 d,双季稻安全生长期平均延长7 d;双季稻种植北界明显北移了200 km左右,至33° N附近;同时,双季稻品种搭配由“早熟早稻+中熟晚稻”和“中熟早稻+中熟晚稻”向“中熟早稻+晚熟晚稻”转变.长江中下游双季稻区热量资源的增加为双季稻种植北界北移、中晚熟品种替代早中熟品种提供了可能.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe timing of the biannual WHO influenza vaccine composition selection and production cycle has been historically directed to the influenza seasonality patterns in the temperate regions of the northern and southern hemispheres. Influenza activity, however, is poorly understood in the tropics with multiple peaks and identifiable year-round activity. The evidence-base needed to take informed decisions on vaccination timing and vaccine formulation is often lacking for the tropics and subtropics. This paper aims to assess influenza seasonality in the tropics and subtropics. It explores geographical grouping of countries into vaccination zones based on optimal timing of influenza vaccination.MethodsInfluenza seasonality was assessed by different analytic approaches (weekly proportion of positive cases, time series analysis, etc.) using FluNet and national surveillance data. In case of discordance in the seasonality assessment, consensus was built through discussions with in-country experts. Countries with similar onset periods of their primary influenza season were grouped into geographical zones.ResultsThe number and period of peak activity was ascertained for 70 of the 138 countries in the tropics and subtropics. Thirty-seven countries had one and seventeen countries had two distinct peaks. Countries near the equator had secondary peaks or even identifiable year-round activity. The main influenza season in most of South America and Asia started between April and June. The start of the main season varied widely in Africa (October and December in northern Africa, April and June in Southern Africa and a mixed pattern in tropical Africa). Eight “influenza vaccination zones” (two each in America and Asia, and four in Africa and Middle East) were defined with recommendations for vaccination timing and vaccine formulation. The main limitation of our study is that FluNet and national surveillance data may lack the granularity to detect sub-national variability in seasonality patterns.ConclusionDistinct influenza seasonality patterns, though complex, could be ascertained for most countries in the tropics and subtropics using national surveillance data. It may be possible to group countries into zones based on similar recommendations for vaccine timing and formulation.  相似文献   

小弧斑姬蛙在河南的发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了采自河南商城的一种姬蛙标本,与河南已知的合征姬蛙(Microhyla mixtura)和饰纹姬蛙(M.ornata)差异明显,鉴定为小弧斑姬蛙(M.heymonsi)。商城应是该物种已知分布区的北界,其分布区已北伸至北亚热带。  相似文献   

Land use intensification in forests is a main driver of global biodiversity loss. Although historical state of land use differs between subtropical and temperate zones, gradients of land-use intensities similarly range from unmanaged to very intensively managed forests. Irrespective of similar land use forces in both climate zones, comparative studies on land use effects are still rare. Such studies are, however, promising in discovering more general impacts and geographical specifics of land use intensification. We studied litter-dwelling invertebrates along a gradient of increasing land use intensity in subtropical forests in Southern Brazil and temperate forests in Central Europe using similar sampling designs. Effects of land use intensity on the entire community were analyzed on the level of orders and feeding guilds. In both climate zones a similar number of individuals were caught when standardizes to 100 pitfall trap days, but taxa richness was higher in the subtropics. Moreover, community composition differed between both climate zones. In both regions, land use intensity did not affect taxa richness, but invertebrate abundance was affected in opposite ways; while increasing land use intensity resulted in a decrease of invertebrate abundance in the subtropics, an increase was observed in the temperate zone and this was mostly consistent regarding different feeding guilds. Management practices should take into account that the effect of land use intensity on biodiversity can differ drastically among climatic regions.  相似文献   

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