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张永毅  吴仕源 《昆虫知识》1999,36(5):283-285
本文探讨了橘全爪螨高峰发生程度与气象因素及天气过程的关系。结果表明:春季高峰由2次连续的高峰组成,且第二次高峰大于第一次高峰;第一次高峰发生在4月下旬到5月中旬,其发生程度主要受 3月 20日~ 4月 30日气象因子和天气过程的影响,即日均温度≥ 12℃,降雨≤ 2mm、相对湿度(RH)≤85%,持续时间越长发生程度越重;第二高峰发生在5月下旬至6月中旬,主要受5月11日~6月 10日气象因子和天气过程的影响,即日均温度 20~ 30℃、降雨≤ 10mm的持续时间越长该螨的发生程度越严重。说明重庆地区橘全爪螨春季高峰严重发生的主要因素是在相应的时间内降雨少、气温变幅低,积温多和特定气象因子组合的天气持续过程。  相似文献   

在总结对流性天气特征的基础上,针对对流性天气的影响因子进行了分析,其中主要有对流不稳定,水汽条件,垂直抬升运动,500hPa高度槽,切变线,地面锋,地形抬升作用等等,而对流性天气的发生必须满足的一般条件就是:水汽条件,不稳定条件,抬升运动条件。在前人对对流性天气的研究中,都各自用了不用的分析方法(包括合成分析,统计分析,趋势分析),从不同的角度,不同层面解释了对流性天气促发机制。文章描述了对流性天气发生的背景、对流性天气的诊断、雷达资料在对流性天气监测与预报方面的应用及对流性天气预报的发展。  相似文献   

根据中国科学院长白山森林生态系统定位站1982—2001年太阳辐射和云的观测资料对散射辐射及散射比进行了分析,探讨了散射辐射及散射比的日、季节、年际变化特征以及云量、云状、太阳高度角与散射辐射及散射比的关系。结果表明:1)散射辐射日变化特点是,中午最大,早晚较小;季节变化特点是,7月最大,年初和年末较小;年际变化特点是从1982—2001年呈减少趋势;散射比1 d中中午最小,7月达到最大值,年际变化为0.38~0.55;2)散射辐射及散射比均随高云量或低云量增加而呈增加趋势;散射辐射日平均量及散射比与总云量和低云量的日平均值均呈线性正相关关系,且与总云量的关系比与低云量的关系更密切;3)不同云相比较,散射辐射和散射比最大的是高积云(Ac),卷云(Ci)次之,较小为对流性积云(积雨云Cb、积云Cu),碧空时散射辐射及散射比最小;4)散射辐射随太阳高度角增加而增大,呈二次函数关系;散射比随太阳高度角增加而减小且呈二次函数关系。  相似文献   

通过对双角多甲藻有性过程的初步研究,表明在这种间核生物的生活史中存在着典型的育性生殖。在双角多甲藻春季生长高峰的末期(3月底至4月初),有性生殖大量发生。形成的合子经过一系列变化后成为厚垣合子进入休眠期。  相似文献   

【目的】为了解北京多普勒天气雷达上的昆虫回波信息,探索其在迁飞害虫监测预警中的应用。【方法】选取北京南郊观象台新一代天气雷达CINRAD-SA积累的晴空回波数据和风廓线雷达提供的风速风向数据,基于有关软件分析了昆虫回波的特点,讨论了降水等其他因素对昆虫迁飞的影响。【结果】新一代天气雷达可以探测到空中迁飞昆虫引发的后向散射回波,晴空回波日节律符合夜行性昆虫的朦影起飞和日出降落的行为特点,晴空回波出现的时期是3月至11月,中间有2个高峰期;晴空回波数量与风向关系密切,当天气系统合适时,晴空回波会出现成层和共同定向现象;此外,降水会中断昆虫迁飞。【结论】北京多普勒天气雷达可以探测昆虫迁飞,在迁飞性害虫监测预警及其综合防控工作中具有重大的潜在应用价值,今后农业部门在优先建立昆虫雷达网络的同时,应加强与气象部门合作,发挥天气雷达的补充作用,共同提高迁飞性害虫的监测预警水平。  相似文献   

【目的】武陵山区白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horváth)的频繁暴发,给当地的水稻生产造成了极其严重的损失,明确其大发生的机制,对于实现精细化异地预测和综合治理至关重要。【方法】用WRF模拟风温场,用HYSPLIT模拟迁飞轨迹,对武陵山区2007年白背飞虱多个灯诱高峰的虫源分布和降落机制进行不同尺度的模拟分析。【结果】(1)西南低空急流是武陵山区白背飞虱早期种群形成的首要条件,降水、低温屏障、下沉气流和地形阻隔是造成此次洪江早期种群大发生的主要原因。(2)2007年主害期,我国南方的大面积高温干旱天气刺激了白背飞虱的大量外迁,为武陵山区提供了更加充足的虫源;连续多日的降水致使迁入种群大量聚集降落,同时也使得本地外迁种群迁出受阻,从而造成了武陵山区白背飞虱种群的大发生。(3)地形引起的垂直涡旋等小气候变化是造成不同站点间迁入虫量差异的主要原因。【结论】西太平洋副热带高压所带来的西南暖湿气流与北方冷涡南下的冷气团常在武陵山区上空交汇,形成大范围长时间的强对流天气,加之该地区西南低涡的强辐合作用,从而造成了2007年武陵山区白背飞虱种群的大发生。  相似文献   

稻田土表因存在水层厚度变化和干湿交替,导致垂直方向的能量收支状况发生改变。本文采用逐时多元回归方法,分析了水层、叶面积及气象因子对各能量贡献,并选取典型相似天气以规避能量输入差异、按叶面积划分以规避植冠层结构差异,定量研究了稻田水层厚度变化对稻田能量分配的影响。结果表明:白天,随稻田水层厚度增加,水层储热量也增大,导致水面热通量增大,从而降低了稻田潜热通量,这种作用在水稻冠层稀疏时期尤其明显;在冠层密集时,到达水面的净辐射能量被削弱,水层厚度对潜热通量的调节作用降低;由于稻田感热通量总体较低,水层厚度的变化对其影响小,调节作用不明显;双源蒸散模型模拟揭示,水面潜热随水层深度增加而减少是导致总潜热降低的主要原因,且在水稻冠层稀疏时期表现明显。  相似文献   

近50年来中国地面太阳辐射变化及其空间分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
齐月  房世波  周文佐 《生态学报》2014,34(24):7444-7453
基于国内外有关地面太阳辐射研究,并根据中国大气气溶胶的有关研究,综合分析了近50年中国地面太阳辐射变化特征,并分析了我国各个地区、不同城市间地面太阳辐射的变化差异。结果表明:与全球大部分地区类似,中国的地面太阳辐射经历了一个从减少到增多的过程,即所谓的地球由"变暗"到"变亮";中国各个地区发生相同的变化过程,大致以1990年为界,之前以减少趋势为主,之后逐渐增加,不同地区太阳辐射变化幅度有所差异;分析了城市类型和气溶胶厚度对太阳辐射变化的影响,多数大城市和工业城市的太阳辐射下降幅度大于中小型非工业城市,气溶胶光学厚度的分布与太阳辐射下降趋势呈相似分布特征,说明城市工业化及其产生的气溶胶污染对太阳辐射的下降起着重要作用。  相似文献   

苗进  武予清  巩中军  朱昆  段云  蒋月丽  李彤 《生态学杂志》2012,31(11):2855-2858
利用黄色粘虫板调查了田间麦红吸浆虫成虫种群密度在垂直方向上的差异以及性比的变化.结果表明:麦红吸浆虫成虫主要在地面至40 cm左右的麦株间活动,种群密度随高度的升高而逐渐降低;不同羽化时期麦红吸浆虫的性比变化较大,羽化初期,雄虫的比例较高,末期则几乎全部为雌虫;在垂直方向上随着高度的增加雌虫的比例逐渐升高;天气因素对其田间扩散飞行具有重要影响.  相似文献   

香溪河库湾枝角类的种类组成及垂直分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
枝角类在水库生态系统的物质循环和能量流动过程中具有重要的作用, 有关水库枝角类的研究在水库水生生物研究中历来备受重视。枝角类在深水水体中具有垂直分布的特性, 生物和非生物因素影响着包括枝角类在内的浮游动物垂直分布及垂直分布的时空变化。香溪河河口至兴山峡口段在2003 年6 月三峡水库蓄水后被没,形成香溪河库湾。因受干流库区的水体顶托, 库湾水体流速缓, 更新时间长, 容易产生富营养化现象, 香溪河库湾2004 年春季就有藻类异常繁殖现象发生。    相似文献   

Large quantities of African dust are carried into the southeastern United States each summer with concentrations typically in the range of 10 to 100?µg m?3. Because approximately one-third to one-half of the dust mass is in the size range under 2.5?µm diameter, the advection of African dust has implications for the EPA's newly implemented standard for PM2.5 particulate matter and for the assessment of human health effects. It will be difficult to assess the impact of African dust events on air quality because they occur during the summer (maximum in July) when photochemical pollution events are frequent and intense in the eastern United States. Indeed, the presence of dust could affect the evolution of photochemical dust events. In order to assess the role of African dust in air quality in the United States, it will be necessary to develop a set of diagnostic indicators; it appears that dust mineralogy and elemental composition might be useful for this purpose. Various satellite products can be used to characterize the spatial coverage of dust events and, when coupled with meteorological tools, to predict impact regions.  相似文献   

Despite the proximity of the Sahara, very few studies about dust impact on air quality and human health have been conducted in West Africa. The lack of data is a major constraint on our understanding of the impacts on human health in this area. We analyzed PM10 concentrations and horizontal visibility recorded in four West African stations. The pollution levels often exceed the standards defined by many countries/regulatory authorities and have been associated with serious health risks outside Africa. Over the Sahelian stations, 45.6% of the days between November 2006 and March 2007 were likely to impact human health and the studied Sudanian population was exposed to potential health effects every 5 days.  相似文献   

【背景】干旱区露天煤矿开采过程中产生的粉尘颗粒物加剧了土壤生态环境的恶化和矿区空气质量的下降,针对煤矿区土壤和粉尘颗粒物的微生物群落组成的研究鲜有报道。【目的】研究新疆哈密南湖乡露天煤矿土壤、粉尘及大气PM2.5颗粒物中的微生物群落结构和多样性特征,并预测潜在的功能类群。【方法】采用高通量测序技术,对煤矿露天采坑区和电厂粉煤灰堆放区的土壤、粉尘及大气PM2.5颗粒物的微生物真菌及细菌群落组成进行比对分析。【结果】矿区优势真菌类群来自子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和担子菌门(Basidiomycota),优势细菌类群来自变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)。真菌和细菌群落的丰富度及α多样性在整个矿区内无显著性差异,大气PM2.5颗粒物的细菌群落生态位宽度显著大于露天采坑区和粉煤灰区。矿区内的土壤和PM2.5颗粒物样本中均发现了一些丰度差异显著的功能类群,真菌特征功能类群为腐生营养型类群,细菌特征功能类群主要包括甲烷营养型类群、几丁质酶类细菌类群等。【结论】露天煤矿区粉尘可能对区域内土壤和PM2.5颗粒物的微生物群落结构产生重要影响,具有煤组分降解功能的特定微生物类群可能是维持矿区土壤生态安全的重要微生物学机制之一。  相似文献   

佘欣璐  高吉喜  张彪 《生态学报》2020,40(8):2599-2608
绿色空间对大气颗粒物有一定吸收滞留作用,是改善空气环境质量与维护城市生态安全的重要区域。该文基于高分2号卫星影像识别2017年上海市绿色空间,并利用城市绿地滞尘模型,结合上海市降水、风速等气象数据与空气质量监测数据,评估了绿色空间滞留PM_(2.5)功能及其差异。结果表明:2017年上海市绿色空间面积3354 km~2,可滞留PM_(2.5) 3533 t,约合单位面积滞留PM_(2.5) 10.5 kg hm~(-2) a~(-1)。从绿色空间类型来看,林地滞留PM_(2.5)能力最强,可达20.2 kg hm~(-2) a~(-1),远高于草地9.1 kg hm~(-2) a~(-1)和农田8.7 kg hm~(-2) a~(-1)的滞留能力。从季节差异来看,绿色空间夏季滞留PM_(2.5)能力最高,然后依次为秋季、春季和冬季。从植被分布格局来看,林草地和农田吸滞PM_(2.5)的能力随植被盖度的增加而提高。在区域差异上,崇明区绿色空间滞留PM_(2.5)能力最高,其余地区呈现出中心城区低、周边高的趋势。为此建议上海市重点优化中心城区的绿色空间格局,增植立体绿化与高滞尘能力树种。  相似文献   

深圳市大气污染时空分布及其与景观格局的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气溶胶和臭氧是我国大部分地区的两种主要大气污染物,对城市生态环境和人类身体健康影响严重。以深圳市为研究区,利用大气监测站点提供的监测数据和普通kriging空间插值法,从年、季、月尺度上开展近5年(2015-2019)深圳全市PM2.5和臭氧的时空分布研究,通过皮尔逊分析和显著性检验从月尺度上分析土地覆盖类型及其景观格局对大气污染的影响。结果表明:(1)近5年内深圳市PM2.5浓度总体呈现下降趋势,臭氧浓度则先降后升,二者季节性和月度差异显著。(2)PM2.5和臭氧在年、季、月尺度上空间差异明显,全市PM2.5浓度整体为西北高、东南低;臭氧浓度西北、东南较高,其余区域相对较低。(3)植被占比的增多对PM2.5浓度有明显的抑制和调控作用,植被斑块间距离越近,对PM2.5浓度的调控作用越明显;水体占比的增高会导致臭氧浓度增高和变化幅度增大。研究结果可为城市大气污染防治和景观格局规划管理提供参考。  相似文献   

The new annual PM2.5 standard will be the most difficult particulate matter (PM) standard to satisfy. At issue is whether the extant health evidence supports the rationale for this standard being the controlling standard. Indeed the key issue is whether this standard will result in the most cost-effective way to protect public health. This paper examines the health literature and concludes that the evidence for the annual PM2.5 standard is weak. The bulk of the health evidence is related to daily exposures to PM10 and larger particle sizes, and there is no rational way to decide upon the correct level for this standard. It is unclear whether the most restrictive PM2.5 standard will be protective of public health. Clearly research is needed to determine the correct PM metric, averaging time, and level for a standard. To date such research has been limited.  相似文献   

In a study in the USA, latex allergens have beenidentified in airborne particles. Natural rubber(latex) is a product from the plant Heveabrasiliensis and is largely used in the tireindustry. In the vicinity of roads, latex can becomeairborne due to wear-off processes of tires.Sensitisation to latex has been increasing in the lastdecade; an important pathway for the sensitisation ismediated by the airways. It is not known, if thisconcerns mainly laboratory personnel or if this isalso an environmental problem.This study investigated the content of latex inairborne particles in the vicinity of a road withmoderate traffic, in comparison to a control site.Latex was determined in a competitive ELISA based onpolyclonal IgE antibodies. During spring and summer,collected airborne dust was analysed for the contentof protein and latex. Latex concentrations inPM10 in the city were higher than at the controlsite. At both sites, latex levels were significantlylower in PM2.5 than in PM10.  相似文献   

The air PM2.5 concentration and its heavy metal content (Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, As) were measured in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, Méxicoin Mexico, an area that is characterized by both very active and diverse industrial activity and intense highway traffic and industrial activity. The 24-h PM2.5 samples were collected in two different zones during a 1-year-long measurement program (February 2008–February 2009). The year PM2.5 average was above 15 μg/m3 exceeding Mexican and international standards. The difference of PM2.5 in each zone was not statistically significant. The greatest metal content was for iron, followed by lead, manganese, nickel and arsenic. The difference in metal content for Pb, Mn, and As was statistically significant.  相似文献   

The indoor air quality (IAQ) in classrooms highly affects the health and productivity of students. This article aims to clarify seasonal variation in indoor environment and sick building syndromes (SBS) symptoms in an Eastern Mediterranean climate. A series of field measurements were conducted during the fall and winter seasons from October 2011 to March 2012 in 12 naturally ventilated schools located in the Gaza Strip. Data on environmental perception and health symptoms were obtained from 724 students by using a validated questionnaire. The results showed that indoor PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were 426.3 ± 187.6 μg/m3 and 126.6 ± 94.8 μg/m3, respectively. The CO2 concentrations and ventilation rate widely exceeded their reference values during the winter season. The prevalence rates of general symptoms were relatively high at baseline assessment in the fall season and increased significantly during follow-up in the winter season. Significant increases in disease symptoms such as mucosal irritation and pre-existing asthma symptoms among students could be related to poor indoor air quality. Five distinct groups of SBS symptoms from factor analysis of students’ related symptoms were significantly correlated with PM10 and PM2.5, CO2, ventilation rate, and indoor temperature. As vulnerable children, this situation negatively affects their school performance and health.  相似文献   

Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is estimated to be a significant contributor to in-vehicle human exposure to fine particulate matter of 2.5 μm or smaller (PM2.5). A critical assessment was conducted of a mass balance model for estimating PM2.5 concentration with smoking in a motor vehicle. Recommendations for the range of inputs to the mass-balance model are given based on literature review. Sensitivity analysis was used to determine which inputs should be prioritized for data collection. Air exchange rate (ACH) and the deposition rate have wider relative ranges of variation than other inputs, representing inter-individual variability in operations, and inter-vehicle variability in performance, respectively. Cigarette smoking and emission rates and vehicle interior volume are also key inputs. The in-vehicle ETS mass balance model was incorporated into the Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation for Particulate Matter (SHEDS-PM) model to quantify the potential magnitude and variability of in-vehicle exposures to ETS. The in-vehicle exposure also takes into account near-road incremental PM2.5 concentration from on-road emissions. Results of probabilistic study indicate that ETS is a key contributor to the in-vehicle average and high-end exposure. Factors that mitigate in-vehicle ambient PM2.5 exposure lead to higher in-vehicle ETS exposure, and vice versa.  相似文献   

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